HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-11-10, Page 4I
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. 4 1 1 . I THE HURON EXPOSITORN - - - . NOVEMBER 1 0 -
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J . - - . 1� ! . - * . t . � .1 Ii I - I I- � � I , th
� I . erial Parliament, declared that the e coaLtumptive's grave. era -was left on a stamp near Mr. I . - Stile trouble witla .- i
I ..- I .1 . an� brandy in the -fashionable restaur- usually light-, and although'stocks ar' sufferer fins -a , v '
.. , I I - e a is far, the xboQ6 ,S*ay th -cal
. 0 � - -ants. Medical men are loud in their still large, the rat of importatio reasoning be correct, and we Brady's house, where it was found the - -1 eir orston
. I . I i. affairsof Turkey were n9t likely to af- . . . I
. I I . D � - a f - following morning. I � � r -zate, order) oi
I �- � 'Stecial - Bargains-A.i - G. Me ougal . . denunciations of the secret iudulgenc�, less than the estimated requirement think it is, a previnti,Ke is, within the . � . . _ bf &:dro+ 'XI
L - .
I SFill Alive -Thomas Kidd. . I' feet Germany either directly or indirect results, il� ,� reach of every person, and,it is our'duty -At Wingham, on Nov. lat , _ and industrious.
-. ana. its deplorable � the country, and a- considerable dim T L , Dr. L&W, �
L -1 � built a large store-liioi
%V � Special Lines-Dancan & Duncan. - ly. And that the policy of : the Im- EXTENSION oir TimE.-Though -,the tion r6ported from Liverpool attests the to use"it. Therefore, let every. one make ler, coroner, held an inquest on the body �
I . I .. i
L ' - '
Hats -'-Logan & Jamieaon. � perial Government was that Germany Cen6ennial Exhibition qloses on Friday, inroad made into stock." all the fun he can,hav6 all the exeraNe he of a boy inamed Malcolm McLand wh" . -the nvtr, and are .'
. - - L 9 0 � . I
. Overepalts-Win. Campbell. tbe l0th inst., the Cekennial Corlamis- CARDINAL AwTONELLI "DEAD. -Car- - can for both body and'lungs. Let,hinA was killed on the day befor � - . I n also Mr. Rutle
- . should always remain a ,firm. bulwark of . e at Fisherig I ' 9M I proal
Teacher Wanted -John Richmond. . r" sion Lin Executive on Thursday, pass�d a dinal Antonelli, an eminent Romaif that can't sing about, and him that can mills. The jury returned � verdict to the I lng,rket, and La .-
I -
I peace. 1he late Emperor of the French, , . I I �&ctedfoi the villag,
Choppers Wanted -Thos. Dennison. I re olution continuing the usual fee of Catholic prelate of Rome, is dead. - The;' sing, sing and sing and sing on; and when effect that the deceased caine to his death- I
. . . . I
. � , md, used to de"- i -- . -11 1)
� -
, .
L � . Teacher Wanted. -John Spotton. ' � in the hey -day of " his fa 50 cents for admission until Saturday, London Pivie8 of. the 7th ins 'he wears a crown of hoary hairs, go aing- by being caught -in a shaft in the n14 . �*11.
. - I I I �
- . i ANTi-Pnysic. and that his death was purely accidental. I I
Farm For Sale -Thos. Mills. cilre "the Empire is eace ; " Yet, very the 18th inst. President Grant has con- Cardinal'Antonelli was transacting busi-. ing to his grave. -Mr. S. Pike haa'�
' p . . I - I '
. . I -formerly Carl
I E S -R � 11 I few, if any, believed him and it would - . - on Sunday, when he STANLEY, Nov. 6,1876. . . I Clinton, 1 1
1 Estray Calve obt. Suiherland. ; sented to be present, and will discharge . ness with the Pope - I - -Mr. J; A. Creighton, who has acted I -
� Estray Ram -Wm. Rinn.' - I I J . in his offic* 1 it the duty of finally was seized with ja severe attack of gout , , . OMMETN"EMM - as station -master a�t Bluevale since the 11 ]Ross� �
I appear that, in this respect, Bismarck -1
. .
I Dissolution -J. & R. Clark. , la ca`F(a�' Y th directors Rol
. And formally c osing e International in the chest. He was immediately car- ' Provincial- Plowing Match. opening of the road, has been removed -The
I �- . - Extended Premises -J. Brownell. follows the role of Louis Napoleon-. Exhibition of 1876. � ried to his � apzirtment. - He refused to The Provincial' Plowing Match, un- to Mildmay to take charge of thd station � -Stock Agricultural Ai
. d . � I - I I I
Estray Steer -Timothy Nolan'. with equal unbelief on the part of his RIDING MATc-H.7?--An, interesting rid- believe that'Acith was approaching. At . . there. Previous to hi� departure he was ' . clatred a di,yidend in f
. Overcoat� and PeaJackets-W. Hill. . rs. I . ing match took place recently inGlasgow, last he ,consented to receive the sacra- der the of the Agricultural and entertadned at a complimentary supper boldens of 20 per cent
a . - -- M i H Arts Aa= of Ontario, was held on - rtunatoi �
Dress Goods -W. Hill. - be'tween the 'Mexican rider on three ment, but was unable to swallow. e - by the business men of Bluevale, with any ilad fo a
. - Insolvency Notice -J. S. Porter. . . � � mustan a and a jockey named Saw . era, expired. at )7:15 on Monday morni Wednesday, Nov. Ist, on the farms of hom he was a universalf vo-rite, � - '-V -kr. J. -11 Hol�xe
, The,Queen'.s CounzY Election— . 9 I lug, Messrs. N.- Y. Anderson, and D. S. W la . I I � � .
Mortgage Sale -C. R. Cooper. ' , . - on thrae Scotch thoroughbreds, the dis- -shortly after isending a message to the . -Mr. W. T. Hunter picked UP a i� . �Wbo had. his hom ant
i . Prince Edward Island., Robertson, which are situated about two , e - � - -
Tweiiity Dollars Reward -John Darwin. , tahce being 15 miles, for 9100. After an Pope, asking Ifor his blessing, and I'm- ; . piece of stone on Market str et, Brus. - .,four weeks since, has.
. I miles from the vill a of Wyo lig. A I �
. . New Fancy Store ' The vacanc in ,the representation of ag I � -
. Miss Wright. y e�piting race ihe Scotch thoroughbreds. ploring pardon for all - the faults he iT�,l from sels, which proves to be a cur-lous geolo. - here he f
. I � I . - . 2, 000 peo e, . � 1.al
. - � - McIntosh. - - the above-named constituency, is. Qoise- w�n by about 300 yards the time being large number, about � , gical specimen. Two shells, one about ,Sion Of z
, . . Estray Steer -W in. ) might have committed during his admin- ' the thief. t
I .' .� all parts of Ontario, were in att . 'wiA
I I Estray Steer -John Robson. . I . 36 minutes 58 seconds. Puring the race istration. endance, an inch in diameter and the other- about -A lecture. I i be
I � . . quent upon Mr.- Laird's acceptance of . - � and the weather &ing all that could bb . . .
� ; . —i , the g -Vernorship, the Northw6st Ter- L :on was thrown by a mustang'�nd I . . . desired., the match, -both as regards ,the Olie-quarter of an inch, are imbedd,ed. in _M-ethodist0hurch, BI
; I o of
I 11 I
. : . I ' considerably'lamed, but -he mounted and The Presidential Election. e of the stone. and both are beau. -
I ` two candidates' in fir ished the race., I . tifully marked. Mr. Hunter intends " ect, . "I
I o2iff # tior ritories. , There . . number of entries and all other details, * the fac .evening, Nov, 14th, It
. : A roved an u nqualified success. The num- -rbilip- - SUV3,
I - INDIAN W'11131i.T FOR� EN G LA -N D. -, T h e . The ve latest returns, before .going to varnish the stone a. P it as, a - �Great Centennial;" 131
241trou txfool .: # the field . W . NV61*sh and Mr. J. C. ry er of competitors were somewhat in ad- . ; nd kee ' :
. . Qt; , . ,-. - -it still doubtful whether E .� I
. 7- — - - Pope. The former is a reliable Liberal, London Times says :-The Calcutta to press, 16ave ance of former years, there being -but curiosity. . refreshments to he E
� � . . I - .
4 . . , wheat trade hiis had 'a wonderful rise Tilden or Hayes i� to be the next-Presi- v .. -At a recent meeting Of the Moles. .course of the evening.
I Ir SUFORTH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1876 and a vigorous supporter of the declared lat- dent! of tlie� United States. We give be- 49 in 1875J. against 56 this year. The icultural Club held At Dunlop,g - . - .
. . - . ely. In 1870"tbe -quantity .exported - worth Agr . . mences at 7 o'clock
. the list as �. following are the prLze takers an4, the
- - policy of th.6 present (Rovernment of tht w4s 2,000 tons ,. in 1873, 10,000 tons, low � correctly as it can be de hotel, the following committee and -Mr. James Thof
— - I entries -in 'the various classes �`First
i ' termined'from thelvery conflicting re- ' r Clas -
. oaj� . . -idea' -3 -20 entries.-Ist, A. MeDia-rmid I �
. I - � y .ar rose to 50,000� tons. This year al- turns- - From this it appears that Ti . . 9 , I ':��telon,, -ou. the 9th
The New L - ,' � Dominion; while the'latter, being the w�ich fell in 1874. to 8, 000 tons, and last officers were appointed to act for the I ,lias purchased the fat
. I ' ' . leader of. the Conservative party in r n . - Howard, Ridgetown; McDiarmid plow, current year ,-President, Jas. Scott I I
� Recent information per cable telegram . . . re id' 120, 000 tons have been exported is perfectly cc tai of 184 votes, 18.5 be Secretary,,JoVu Minzies ; Treasurer G ich township. It if
- . . . Jr. Prince Edward Island,,is,.of course, an y . ing -necessary to secure the election, $50 ; .2nd Douglas Fraser, Turnberry,. ) . � I
,., . from London'- �niiounces the IaW'-that - f rom. Calcutta . alone. This wheat is Yeandle plow, $40 ; 3rd Albert Duncan, �Brown. Committee -W -m. Warnock .-acres, nearly all clean
, . , out and out Oppositio *' Mr. Welsh' grown chiefly in the Puujab,and is muc w9ile ffayes is'ouly certain of 163. We � as. Brown, John Howe, Win. Brown, I -be' $3, 000.
� � ' , n t. I I h � ' ., $ J, J 1112
. I ni ' Is r . Sarnia. Township, Peterson pI 30- I
I the Finance Mi ster, Mr. Cartwright. I-* have plassed South Carolina, Florida 3 . Ow .
. i ' . - � i,p his speeches and address to the elee- , valued in the English market, mainly on . .Louisiana and Nevada as doubtf , " 4th John 8till, Hariwich, McDiarmid and John Set)tt.' After - defraying the, . L�3onie boys wtre?c
has just effeated a new Canadian loan of ul for
I --- . I . . tors, takes the ground that it 'would be ac ount of its great dryness. the simple reason that they are claimed Plow,. $20;' -5th Joseph Duncan Sarnia expenses of the year, the aer has , ,at the back of Mr.
- � - about $15,000,000 in the t,ondon money . . � SxYE FisHERIES.-Not for many years Township, Lowrie plow, $15 - G�'h Dou- still remaining in his haftds' th�, nice I - Iwer Wingham,-on
. I
� 1. market. The necessity 1-6 -" ! . unwise and impolitic on tbe.,Part. of bave t,he Isle of Skye men been so un.' Positively for both parties, and' we have . I , y little sum of $23. : - I �. 11 ,week. when not more:
� I r this loan Prince Edwaidjsland to urge thb.re- fortul nate'at the East coast- herring fish- ho means.6f deciding between them. The uld Ma�,'"Ekfhd, McKerrach plow, $10 ; . -A little girl, three years old, daugh.' - i � low -the surface they d
arises, first,�, from the fa -el t that a'large . � � many * chances seem still to be, on the wholo, in 7bh Jis..�]�!arburn, H-11obert Yeandle I
cognitionof her elaims, under threat of in o, as during the past season. In . . ter of Mr. Caleb W,hiting, 11th C ' �skull
. .
amount of old indebt . favor of Tilden. In South Carolina the plow.' Secon& Class. ---25 eniribs.-lst . One - .; A gentleman i
I edn6ss,' annuall in'Ptances they have returned, not . only Grey, met with a serious accident 'one time, and on seei!ng I
. I i Y, opposition to the Govern ment ; and that r W- . -
' I
� . . maturing, requires renewal ; and, see- w'�thout having secured anythihg, but Deniocrats �have a large majority in the Jno.,Wood,Ral*eigh,MeDia midplow, ' day last week. She climbed on the top work insearch 4 the;
- the'morc* effective way would be tof urge . - greater part of the State, but it seems 2ndWm- Keath, Dover East, McDiar- � � -
ac, ually in debt to the curers for money of a fence to view some newly purchased 4he frame, anuccee
ond) the large outlay necessitated. by -the . . � doubtful whether Charleston and vicin. mid plow, S050; 3rd Donald- Alexander, .
. .1 . .. to!takethem home. From Skye alone I g' - --of the rib', par of I
these claims upon their own merits. Mr. i sheep belongin to her father, when the s ts
, I
. � progress of public works- now going on. Pope, on . the other' � haad, declares "be oX,er seven hundred. went to -the herrin ity will give enuugh of a Republi-an in&. Moore, Lowrie. plow, $25; 4th James pole upon which she rested gave way I � lffq took the bones t
. . I � 9 , Welsh, Warwick, Heddle plow, $20; .
I On these liabilities a certa'an rate of in- , I . . .. b vest. A moderate estimate places. jority to counteract it. There Was been and she fell headlong to the earth, strik.. . I? ; ined them, and I
� - . I *11 - Ot support any administration ir trouble about one precinct in - 5th Win. Jackson Moore, Peterson plow, . . � . -exam
- - tere'st 'a rgeable. I t 0,r Louis- I �.
, 1 , cha7 14. I (Z-artwright �71 ii � average earnings at ;C8 each in or- $15; 6th John Crone, Warwick, Me- ing her breast on a portion. of the -fence . ,parts of theskeletoa`�c-
. � which will refuse to Prince Edward Is. dinary years, and thus the- island mayi iana, the vote of which will. it is said,
,able to effect , . � �
has, we understand, been ,1 - . hot be counted, which may give Hayes Sherry plow, $10; 7th Jas. 'Campbell, lying below. She was taken up insonsi- it 6 supposed they ha
. . larid a voice in the- Councils of - the coun- be� said ' to be. Z6,000 poorer this year , ble, and - it was full' - two -'hours before 11 ,� �
. the loan at a rate lower than that now the State. Nevada is simply claime'd by East Williams, Jackson plow, $5. Boys y , I Ir- Or 20 years, an�d ju
. � try." And n, he goes on ,to say fr6m that souroealone. � , � . Cla` .-Il entries.-Ist John Dunn,Gore I she showed any signs of recovery. �v' - -12 in number., all soul
. ,. paid on these liabilities by '2 per'cent,, I c I . I . i Russr-uN PmmrER. -Prince Gortscha- both parties, and anything like a precise ss On Halloweeu night a young man
. . � .- Laird and his a . of Downie, Yeandle, plow, $25 ; 2d Robt. I - -ably worn, the person
that ' when Mr ssociates k6ff, the Ru'ssian premier, is noted 'for � got on the top of the house of a eitizen in �
. data for forming" iia opinion are outside �
P I- thereby effecting a saving of some . I � about 40 years of ag
� "agreed to support Mr. Mackenzie, it his abstemious habits, - State so distant and Duncan, Moore tovfnship, Peterson plow, -
. . � . He never drinks. the question in a , Wingharn for the purpose of putting a . - W.60(1 found near thi
- I
I i $300,000 -no inconsiderable item. . CIC wwas on the distinct understanding that wine and never Amo,kes. 'He drinks a sparsely settled.. the most specific ac- $20; 3rd John Macaulay,'Moore town- board on the- chimney. When on the . . that the remains werAe
� I . �. i*z' .cup of coffee in bed befor rising, and eats' ,count from Florida, as well as the latest; shipj. Lowrie plow, $15 ; 4th Alex. Cbal- . .,
- . i
. The Bothwell Election.. ., � C(P ce Edward Island should have a the Democratic majority at 2,550 m6rs, Sarnia township- Peterson plo,w, roof he, was discovered by the grood miku * - ground like a dog� w
I . � I 'ri bix t two -meals a day. Retiring very Puts 9. I I 61 the house who removed the ][adder and -
� ' I "seati in the Cabinet. That seat has ally ascer- $10; 5th Gilbert Crosby, Sarnia towi�ahip, ' and hurriedly covered
Mr. Mills, the -recently appointed Miw- J . early in the evening, he sleeps ten or this result being based on actu left the young scamp -on the roof without .
� -
I '
I ister of the -Interior, has, as a matter of "been &en to Ontario, and this'; Pro. twelve.hours. His regular habits bave tained results in some counties, And on Pe'terson plow, 85. The following are the rn�ans of descent. He kept him -
--,--- . - cc . � ondi- the returns of 1874 in others. It is wor. the names of the gentlemen who Officiat- . I - . . Staul
- ' kept his fame in such excellent c to cry I
. vince is now deprived 'of it. In this � there until the cold forced him
. . . course, presented himself to his donstitu- I , . ti , n th�.t be does not feel the infirmities tky of remark that while any one of -these ed as judges, v1z.: In the First and Third FAP.m SOLD. -Mr. I
� 1 , I - . I for mercy, when he wis taken down on
cuts fo re-election. "bur �ople have! been most'- 11116's.irly - States suffices to elect Tilden, it will re- Classes -Messrs. George Hyde, Shake-
. . r - It would have been - , P � 1. d a e at all. He was born in 1798, promising not to attempt such pranks ' . . -sold his. fafm of 48 �w
. ',
. - .. "treated." Now all this though'very of 0 r 9 . quire the whole of them -t4 elect Ha speare D. McVicar Chatham, and J. L. .� . .
I ) I en!te'ed npon his diplomatic career under . yes. * I - Wa--ner's corners for �
a graceful -act on thd part of the Couser- . I . again. . - C� I I
- � I ie' (i I It aeomf pos'siblp, and,even, probable, Courtice,Goderich. In the Second Class I chaser is a gentleman �
. vatives, had they, ,in accordance with I absurd,' is disingenuous and mischi V'Ous, ount. Nesselrode, and became the -A few days ago, saystbe Fort Elgin, � I .
. t Messrs, John Morgan, Kerwood, and .
I I - . . F ',reigii Minister of Russia at the close, that be result cannot be certainly known � i I
- as well. What right has Prince Edward Flk� Press, a stranger bailing from below' ' of Listowel. I
. ' . Wm. Carrick, Oban. I .
1�ritiah precedent, allowed the'_ new Mi . ;
, I � . . I �t in- ; Island to demand that a representative of1the Crimeku campaign. until t4e' official count haa ,bee,n reported: - . � Bayfield,- by the name of Joseph Drake,
- ; --
r ister to be returned without Oppositiom of bers shall have a perpetual seat -in th - EXPLOSION IN A POWDER MILL. -Two REPuBLu ,,-,�N. -Colorado', 3; Illinois, 06derich. who appears tobave been traiding-with -About two -thous
Indeed, o e, if not both, of th' . . � e large buildings of the Mia .
. . e opposition I I mi powder 21; Iowar, 11; Kansas, 5; Maine, 7; Mass- the Indians at French Bay was found on * Toronto and -Hamilton
-ek� of mills, located fourteen miles west of achusetts, -163; Michigan, 11 ; Minness- [ITROX THE'SIGNAL.] I I - .
organs at the seat of Government were I - � I . . . .e
i Cabinet ? She has 1�ad - her aha� ,� I the roa& by som - Indians, 'insensible, the Centennial.
. I . . , I Springfield, Ohio, blew up :ith terrific ota, 5 ; Nebraska, 3; 19ew Hampshire, MEAT STOLEN. -While Mr.'W.'Martch, -nd wagon at some distan * . -Mr. John Camev
I 1avors, and may have them again't but - and his horse a I
y ce
11 .understood to give favorable expressions I violence on the afternoon f Nov. Ist. 5; Ohio; 22; Penns'ylvbnia, 29 ; Rhode of Holmesville, was at.charch -the other from him, with a number of articles in township .of East Will
to this view. It has, however be e- fher people have certainly more wisdom. Michael Dinear was blown to atoms, and Island, 4 ; . Vermont, 5 ; California' 6 - night, some hungry individual entere the wagon, appa-rentiv' untouched. He by. the tumbling rod d,
I I . I . . I Y . d -
. cided, at aU hazards, to oppose Mr.. Mills. - than to be misled by the false issues - several other persons severely injured. Wisconsin, 10 ; Oregon, - 3 ;-Total 163. his kitchen, and appropriated about 20 was. taken to Buckley's hotel, and medi- -chine a -few -days sin
� ,
. I I -�� - raised by Mr. Pope who is simply play- The coneus3ion-was "so great that win- � pounds of meat. . -
, :, o and in pursuance of, this object, at ar ' y . DEMOCRATIC.—NeW York, 35; Con- i cal aid called in, but after -all "exertions . hurt. The men at wo
.I- � ing the demagogue when he thus tries to dows were broken at - miles distance. necticut, 6; New Jersey, 9 ; Virginia, GOOD SROT. —A few days ago Mr. to put life into his body, apparently para. I . -to cut his'clothes iri s.
- : meeti of the so-called Liberal Conser., � Antioch Colleme atiYellow S i gs, was 8 J .
- � ng I - prin' cott, of the Hnrou.road shot a deer as in saw
. � . - I . � I persuade "our People',' that they "have I I; West Virginia, 4 ; Georgia, I I; lyzed from below the Oh-oulders, he died I .knivesi. order to
. . vative Association , held last Friday, at been most Unfairly tre I Ated. " � considerably Uniaged, and the - shock Alabama, 10 ; Mississippi, 8 ; Tennes- it- was making for the river, the bullet next moirning. An inquest was held, . I ing death. He is now
- , was felt with great force at Springfield, passing through the animal's )ieart., ly and a verdict returned "died from natut. . -
.Bothwell, Mr. James' Dawson, of som- I � i " 0 see, 12 ; Texas, 8 ; Kentucky,' 12 ; Ar. -Notice is given tl
. . I Xenia, Londont and other points. The kansas, 6; Missouri' 15; Indiaba, 15 ; weighed, when dressedl 80 pouifts. ' - al causes. 0 . -council of the to*n of I
- -- .
-- bra, was formally chosen as the. opposi- ' . , I . � I
-Z � I News of the Week. . damage is estimated at -$15,000. Maryland, 8 ; Pelaware, 3 ; North Caro. HORSE, S SHIPYED. -Mr C. K. � Eddy, of A bachelor residing in a certain . ig County of Bruce, und I
11 I
- . �
-1 I n the town- lina: 10 ;-Total, 184. . - I -no, *ill apply to the I
' ,
- I - , tiou candidate. . Mr. Daw§on can scarce. . ImPE.Ri"IL TRAVELS.—The Emperor of PROFITS -FRobt FLAx. -I' � East Saginaw, purchused'in this vicinity � oft i 6Znty, happened into one our -
i p
-. . Y ly,be considered as a genuine Conserva- lBrazil's first book of travels is in press. land of Drumhirk, -Scotland, between DOUBTFUL, — South Carolina, 7- and shipped them by the Benton on Mon- t . - D - ' of Canada, at
.. I . I ommion
� . . ' er day, - ,
I .
t I ! tive, for,.in 1871, he was returned b It is written in Port se, but transla- 4 Florida, 4; Louisiana, 8; Nevada, 3 , day morning, thirteen horsesi ' They where he meta single lady for whom he I f or* an. act to ona-ble thet
Baugor Ind Newtonards, a farmer,was lead Eng dry -goods stores the otb '
.... I y IU � able to ; sell 'this' weak ninety-seven h -
Y .. I- Reform votes to the Legislature of On- tions in Englis4,- Freas and German are . - - -Total 22. * � were splendid animals, bringing big 69' has a warm affection. He was making lect harbor dues at th6l
�. . . . a imultuneoual i to appear'in Paris. stones of flax, at 9s 3d per stone -all I ures; and'are being taken to the Michi- . . the said town -of Kinct
-�. � f k 1 y � , Riga barrel which - - gan lumber woods. I mself agreeable to her, when his atten- I - -
,:-- tario.. Since that time however, he liki the produce of one hi such dues and charggs.
V FuNERA.—The funeral -of William � tion was drawn to an article -'which
; - lfi � ow brought or I . -1 i
.1 1. . changed sides, and he is n 4 - Foley, one of the ose " e nit a' cost f2. The profit realized for �he bar- , Consumption. I RETURNED.—On Monday, NTov. 6th, sion may require; And,
, 1 , aped X . n prison- rel, excepting rent, seed, and labor, was To the, Editor' Messrs. McPherson, Murray, McKay and fashion at present prescribes as indispen- - � - �
-P ward by his present alli�s for the_ pnr- ers, who died of heart disease, engender- of the Huron Expo8itor. sable to a lady's wardrobe. With the such control Athereover i
L , � - � J
k � .
U 11 I pose, it is said, of securing the Catholic ed in the privations and hardships he ft l7s 3d. In the same neighborhood SIR: -That consumption has beeu of McLeod returned with their boats and in - nocence of bmhelorsbi�j, our friend rj-� - - as may be necossal
.1 � � . .. another farmer grew one hundred st I . fishing tackle ifrom Gargantu'a-,- Lake �
� thereto. I
� - 'ORe8 late on the increase in- this township is . -
-1 [ rve ; but the'rea- Grip last,week h
. had upolergone while in prison, took from one barrel, and for eachl stone be fact that all must, obse a marked of them, "what,'tremend,oug sun.
- -_- � vote, and. ithus, if possible., defeat'41r. - . : Superior, where they have been engaged
- -
ii- . . . - place in. New York last Sunday, and was obtained9s, .or;E45, from which, how- in fishin since July last. This is a new boianets !" and was proceeaing th dilate , - I
- -
P-, I ulty be- on the extravagance of fashion, wh�a � artooi� on I 'Grit Sport.
, � - a feat, the accomplishment Of attended by a host of Irish'societies.-:? ever, seed, laboring expenpes, and rent . , and we are glad to say has been I
� Mills '" son of'such increase seems a diffic 9 -1c
� r. ""I I I - which, there is I not even the remotest - TnE BRITisfi NAvy.-The' Bri- yondthe comprehension of themassive the lady blushed deeply and hastily de- - P -,Scene represents a ga
� �
� ��, �
b-, '
;. . � i . tish have to be deducted. All .the: farmers very successful, the take amounting -,to
, -
JM4 .- - . -crosse, quoits, horsew
� .
probability. We, therefore, minds of our M. Ds. A pigmy mind way 200,000 pounds of cured fish. parted with her ha-adkercb . .
R - , . . _ anticipate . navy number 349 steim vessels of every in the Ards district are not successful in . - The fish ief to her - ,other sports 'in progre
I I -he new Minister by a tri ' ax speculations. " These are ex. have its thoughts, and therefore we may mouth. The clerk explained to the be-
"N�,T - ,. I the return of t . descriptio�, many 9f them the beat ves- their fl caught were salmon trout -and whitefish �
. 1 1 1 ,ground is an "Aunt S
- I offer the following considerations if per- It
"" '� � . sels on ,the seas laud nineteen sailing ceptional cases. � wildered bachelor that the article was a .
F1 . � to I- I and all were cured on the- spot. The Rykert, with a pipe 11
i- " �: umphdht majority.' The nomination A � I - . I .
. .Vessels. 1;1�e mount some of the UNPOMOUNATE,—One of adventure theymaybeof anyavail-in ;weatherwa8very favorable and none of bustle, and.not a sun -bonnet. I led "Lincoln." Neelo
U - the lady I . I .
.11 place on Wednesday . . circumacribi'ng the ravages of this fearful � -Mr. T. Clark, Ethel - has been .
Rig . last, the election heaviest I
1�k 11 I � . ,I guns in the world. They teachers in the public schools in Milwau- the. giiies which visited this section were en- I
ill: i takes place on next Wednesday. are manndd by 62,000 s6amen, And- the ke-e recently punished a little boy for I malady. Some years past, consumption . gaged7-in threshing for 'farmers dail� I I at -Sally," which 1
1. � . � - i experienced there. . . I near; ane, striking t]
11�. � was scarcely heard of in this neighborhood isince, the 12th of August, through Grev -
, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . � - I
� I . discipline throughout the navy is said to some misdemeanor by inflicting two or HALLOWE'EN. -This old time festive oc I -
1, I . - cansing Zally's �
� Affairg in" be excellent. - . three light blows upon his hand with -the only sufferers presented to*our mind casio � n was c&#brated b� the rude youths and ]Ama and he,rep, of the �rops �s . and n
4 I the Rast. I -a y orts �
�, -
I . - ' macdougall and, cam,
I - being one family whose sickness caused follows : Fall. wheat, best retn
N J he was -sent to of the town in the modern fas
I C.RBISTIiNCONYENTION AT C11ICAG,0.: small rattan, after which � rn=D. -'
- --�i �. - Now that the armistice question is no bion, and looks of �alarni. He
��i . -The 6ity -pastors have U*nited with his seat. As he sat down'be leaned his treat anxiety in the minds of the neigh- - Collins, 5th concession Elma, about ID I
%'. - I - many unpleasant pranks were plAyed be- � I
I , � longer ungettled, the proposal for a con , Ors ; but now such cases are so -numerous . -
--�, - bushel ,stands behina Neeloli
11 . 'Moody an 8 ' I . I
i� - . )d Sankey in calling for'a Chris- head on the desk, and one of the- other sides much mischief. Gates were remov. , per acre, treadwell - spring
. fl " .
. � ticks ready for use,
! 11 I - tian-coavention in connection with the chilldren said he had fain6d. He was W
� ives of the six � 1. . Ritchie, Trow- .
1- ference of the representat � that they are beginning to be regarded as ed,. sign boards hiddeh, fences broken, heat, best return, J61in - ' ,of s
- something unavoidable, something that I kenzie and IvIowat ar
f'. - : bridge 10 bushels per acre,, I I
'R �!,. .. Great Powers is next in order. ' Engi -.3/ revival to be held on November 22d and immediately raised up by the teacher, doors battered, &c. The .smokestack of I 3 ed chaff I ' �
I . -
. : :
I It- - . an'l '23d. must be. 'People being more exposed to couragitig )nm ,on, '
i:1 The object of the convention is to . O ats, best crop of the season, and the - .
1-1 " I i I when'i't was found he was dead. No Mr. John McKenzi ' . I - I au(
V, lfi�nderstood to hav6 made the proposal - the seyere winds that . 11 e's salt block was I
. . � - � . discuss -the topics most vital to the pro-- blame i6 attached to the teacher, how- visit this part since I beat as to quality, Robert ljamil�on, l0th I ing the result 4
�i - � thrown down and a wagon beic
I I - I I the woods were cut o1own, is thought by mging to : , - grouping -is goodl 9
! . � y- Arrangements ever, as the punishment was very light, r. Louis White wa's run do I concession .
. 1 F. I that the conference s4uld be held at gress of Christianit I , 1VT wn the bank. : Elma, 60 bushels p�r acre, .
�.,.x some to be the cause. Others a ain think; on the fates of the ,ch.,
.1 , Z and railroads and could not have injured him bodily ; . . 9 . white oats; barley, ( best return, Mr. - I
V 7 ; donstanfinople, and 1hat it -should be are being made with hotels. near the jail and smashed. The per -
IV � . . .
: since in cellent. -
��4- ; for reduction to d6legates. , - the foliage of the woodsotakes i Pe- Rozell, 15th concessioii Elina, 35 bushels .
. ' but it is supposed that the child, had
I - -
=1 � ff * trators of such trickg,should be severely � -
M ! i e . : I
, . �
I summoned upon th - balais of the integrity . I . carbonic id gas, which i ' th)rown o per acre; peas, Mr. Mills, Trowbridge, -
yi � � � Ac a
,.� I . I DISTRESS ix BOLGARfIA. 'Lady Strang, Some f 1113ctional derangement, which the -
. .
. -
P �: ; and inoldpendence of the Ottom'ar. Em- fo, . from. the lungs in breathing, and-'--. gives punished. � - . - I Auction�
i -I., - . . 6d ft6m Philippop6lis excit6ment of the punishmet . � .
��, , rd has telekra�p' i t fatally - 200 bushels common white from 5 acres. I �
I . out oxygen necessary to,.our exi�tence,, .
It"' Pire. It is fartheras.serted that the pro- that - while � the number of deaths in hastened. 1k � a Huron Notes. Mr. Clark says that the crops are better Wednesday,- NoV4 I
�,, - lde-
C- - thereby purifyin the air, that the I
, 114 -gramme to. be followed - in the pr6posed 0 1 in Elma than Grey, an J considers a fall ' 11, Grey, Well-bred. I
� ��, Bulgaria has been greatly; exaggerated, TirE WAY THEY Do THINGS. -A New a a . -
I -
� -. . conference, will be th 0 York dispatch says that during the days struction of the woods is the cause. But The 'law firm of Seager, Wade and average yield would only. be about one- bred and Grade Cattli
i i. a - ' th� amount f distress is far beyond . f . I -
t already fore- enough for the thoughts of others. : Let Moiton'. 0 Godericb, have established a half ,Of the above best returns. Johnston, proprietor
�,- I t I what is estimated. Her, lad 'ship thinks of t�e' P�esidental election, the pool. ' .
. - .
- 8 s for peaTe, sub- y I-. -ry -. �
't �� hadowed in the proposal us give our own. Exercise is .necessa: brauch law office in Winghaw. - I
t 4 1 1 f,25,000 wil� scarcely sluffikee to feed and rooms were crowded with spectators -On the 24th of October last, an in- � � auciiioneer,
, A - , .
� �!. . mitted by Lord Derby. to the health and strength of onr mus- -The Trustees of School Section No. terest' I
I � . Russia, theough clothe-.- the �eople thr he winter anxious to. wager some money on the re- Ing case was tried before a bench of Saturday. Nov. 2k
i:�: . , . �
. . . f cles. Exercise is necessary to the health. 5, Usborne, have re-engaged Mr. H. magis ' osh. John Mar- of a mile 'north of �
� � . � her,representative, �rilnce G tso'hakoff,' which bas already begun. sult of the, election. At Morrisey's a trates in Wawan , I
17 -; . 1
��-. . e- or next year, at I I
I V . ;, and vigor of our mental organs. For ex. Cole Brown, as teach r f
- it is also reported,. lias asseutTd DEATH FRom FLOGGINfL�Captain large number of pools were sold ; on- gen- woed, of lot 30, con. 7, East Wawanosh, Stanley. Farm StOCL-
. 11 I -IL - . to Eng- ample, let us be removed from all educa- a salary of $500 per year. . 7
�i. I � �Jfosiah &. Grindle, late master, of the eral result, Tilden to be President, the in 1875 failed to send his three children, Gee. Eiwin, propriet,
- I
,- �
Ill' land's proposal that a conference should ish. St. Mark, was - last week in New beitting was Tilden $1,000 against Hayes ting influences,' and participate in no -Seyniour Young, second mat e� on spectively 12, 10 and 8 years, to tioneer, I
.", I � ip - aged re .
�. 11, I
air (.
. I be held at ConstailtinopId. . physical exercioei-or but as little as pos- I the steamer Kincardine, burst a blood school for four months of the year as the � I Alonday, I\Tov. it, A
Y 1, it ,would York convicted of. cruiel,,�and unusu,al $8-00 ; on* Tilden carrying the State of 7
1� -�
1-1.�L� . � sible, and we will become enfeebled in vessel on Saturday while on a trip from I prescribes. He further refused to mtlKillop, Farm Sto
� ;- appear that the more moderate and less -Pftnis�ment, in flogging a sailor 6 known Ne4 York, $1,000 to 840(). The - - I aw
�r, - � -
.- 1, both body and mind. In like manner if Totonto to Oswego and died. . Robt. French
!;�; - -French pools were, that Tilden carries "
� . -rev as Long Tom, from which flogging the � ay the Ine *hich the- trustees are em- , b ral
U1. olutionary counsel of England in , - P
.. ', � I : P ; we do not give our lungs proper exercise -Exeter pays $1,550 per a in I -
�-� -1 I . ' � man died. One of- the jurors said that thei State of New York bLy 20,000 ma, allum * ' powered to, impose, and which -was in auctioneer. I .:I
fF':� reference to the basis of negotiation, ha , . . � me weak and unable salaries to their school teachers, and . .i
W �i I ` they could not convict under the law, ty, $65 ; that he does not, $50 ; that . this instanl6e fixed at 40 cents �er month
- 1
I - _; q .� I . prevailed. More recent despatches, how- but they did not want'the public t * Jort , to withstand the effects of bad colds, and $125 to a care -taker. Brussels pays e. T e trustees of Union ---
f ,�l . Robinsonbeats Morgan by 15,000 ma. of absenc " h 11
ki . . - I 116i - 0 . ultimately consumption is the result..� $1,510 in salaries to,their teachers. The Scho . I . I
- 0 ever, state that negotiations are -under- nk they held Captain Grindle blame- jority, $100 to $25. 1 ol Section No. 7, thereupon cited
- �
.- " 1 . - I . . .� ' Now some may say " what has all this two amounts are very nearly alike. . SCOTT. -In Wroxetel
t- I I stood to be going on betwee' less. . SPIRITUALIS:iNi. -Mrs. Hantoon, ? . him before the ma trates, and having .
[ � I . - I n Tarkey - a ais, to do with the A�forenamed disease?" -The people of W-ingham ought to be -I .1 the Wffel
. . 1.
I and Russla,� which, if completed, 1k Well, I have prosperous and happy. They have four 'ease of the youngeA child, Mr. � Harwood - of a SOIL .. 7
- ill CHAD IN LAxE ONTARIO.—When Seth ter of the Eddy Brothers, was,.detected a shown the necessity of ex. consented to cancelsing the fine in the I 3rd inst
. � Green, the fish oil Iturist, a few years ago; few nights Ago. while personating spirits eroising the lungs, and it only remains to lawyers, two newspapers, th I HOLLINI�Gtr----rin .
ebViate the necessity for'calling together put some. shad fry into a ,river flowing At Webster, M' n � tee dispen- was ordered to pay the. 80 cents fine. The , I-
I I � . the wife of Xr. if
. aEt ass. She hadbeen-i vh�: be shown that this i's not ' done sers of marriage licenses and an almost due and costs amounted to $3.80, This "
I - xrnpeap�.conference. � into Lake Ontario, he advertised that he ed to hold,forth aty.the house of John now to Ahe ' 'same exient a's Ila innumerable number of money lenders. . .
� � son.
With rafere" would pay,$25 for the first one taken Flint. A circle was' ' T . should prove a warning to parents who I �
I ' nce -tothe 1 line of demar- from the lake weighing not less than two were formed, the lights former times. a the first place -We regret very much to learn that refuse to send their children to school. His-to'P.-In Grev. o
- - - n the Turkish and Servian. and -one- 'half -- ds. A lucky fisher- drawniaside, a' lowi bending figure ap- 8 . , ase, 9, . d � wife of M . Ai;dre,
cation betwee turned low, the curtain was every man had hi'L yoke of oxen, and Andrew Muir, of Bra I . a'24 -The( Blytb correspondent of th6 r
. , poun
I . armies, it wa� reported at4irst that Tur. man 1 living at Sodus Point, N.. Y., caught "whoa haw -gee Bright"was heard from hours' visit to Goderich, jail ttls - week, Brussels PoEt says,: "Death has been ter. -- rey,
I . - ear.ed,' hands were outstretched, and Goshen -to Browason, from Brownson to for havina for the second time violated busy in Blyth and neighborhood during
� I WALX-Rii.-In G
I keyj supported by other Powers, was in. a shad in the lake a few (lays ago -weigh- Pfinally it was announced that - the spirit Sauble, and from the Town Line, to the - the 11
[ I I I . the liquor law by aelling with' wife Of ,N -1r. '
!i clined to fix the line with refere g four poun tto � : I . Out A li- th -last two or three 'weeks. A- X1r.
, R .. I � . n4e -to -the D ds, and has for*arded i of 34ra. Flint's mother desired to cOm- Bayfield river, except when Berry was oena-b. 0 daughter. �
j, 1�i " , , . .. r. Green Wong with. the proper affid4- mune with her daiighter. The woman. used instead of Bright. Such I -A I few Patterson, a late resident of Morris ,Oas - , ;
� I . actual posati on off - th I
1], . . e odntending forces, y1tq. " . was good 'z nights - since 'Alr. Win. -
I 0 y . OnAl-,
i F�' � � 0,
!�! Z - . ering exercise for the lungs of the male portion Whitlock, o the 2nd con. of Hayp h d and also the wife of Mr. David Rogerson, - I
Y ; on tho'arFistioo. was agreed to. But VAND &11i. -A land slip, oocurrod on hand 'of the. spirit made ,dboultorT at... of tho community, and no consuM 4 quantit�bf potatoes stolon from a piti "00L -V1.\ --A-,-, , I
1, I i Wh drew near.9the ourtain and the flutt f interred here latply,while a Mrs. T ' 14 "AR
. ..
. ,
ntz. 'a " �� -) 1N 1.
, 4 ER
,ik I , ption - ,R.�(,
J -
w . . from later genoe, we Jearn that he North British Rdifivay line, ,noar tempts to g'rasp the dau0t�r land. w were both consigned tq th6ir long homo . b�� % tho 11ov. HUI
.14 * Dunfermlime., 'About S,000 tons �of sand '$Is this my dear mother?' . I I
I 1� � . . aafouuoltroublingthom. "Hall'says About the -saino tinie'a nninbor of within Vic last three dr - 0
- . � - - vin, to ,,Niss E`1
, I - . Turkey has �iclded -to the deffiands of 64YOMP 1 am one is what oxeroise bad tho fews 08
� I ,
�ij and r )1 M - p I pigeons were stolen from their .roos 1
01, ock gave way at a cutting about 40 yo,urt mother. rs. Flint ficized the -its in the case Of the formorlunialo, doath re-
� 1; . . sp r, they suroly did not drivo oxen Ill Veiy the barn, , I �, 'Of 131-ulovale.
, , � Russia, and has agrood to �ive up the feet deep, and Povorod the I for about is hajids arA held them, A lawyer . sulted from oancerdus affusion - which it y
rA 91 ine � I
it M
-.;;, - - ' M 1-TN'T08)1,—NR)v80:%
- , n t 40 yards to a depth of about'fif teen feet. turned on tho gas and Mrs. Huntoon was Cined in. the following nianner, In th000 a ijerios of I weeks ap system. Tho V
i . I positions captured and hold ail cc the 31s, . . true, but even that diffloulty may be ex. -Duiing the palit tivo or throo pents perinoato(l the
"I I of Octobor, And at tho sa 0 tim a .t at A a o ial ' ( i revival M60tiftgo have boan . at Sa &-a-hotell N�V,
i . in h f ays horns were no 'f, I
aac? o .cattle train ran into the hoaFf rovoalod struggling in the arrna Of the doath of the'lattor rosultod f rout puerper,
T ou t used to (3all the Wir. hold in Ethel by the MotQiat Church al fovol, whio ; 4ord) JAinel
i these POft0o rlegotlationfl aro gotrig on I rteen wagons wel,o f4mashod. to c-purneo a lady. Tho'Now York 211,11- . _11 hot hi filiortly after 40, �
. I
- . � .
-t. . - " P100011P whilo tho onginc was thrown 151t,jje, , " li rolatoo this kory, nolds dy plo.wboy home to dinnor, but, instowl, �of (jana(la. A largo utialbor havo pi,o. 0040110mollt. 80arooly tWonty YCArs of ' . -A�U9,,5Nf,.WfJoMo. a
. - - I# P .Wllio porohod upon tho wood pile, might be folood oolivorsion anol, the, uaootingl - - . WAT.140N- - .'.Nh1(%'R�Rf-,i)
Russia is sai(I to bo preparing for all noross, tbo oppo,dito ling of rails.' Tho thAt 11 I- I . Agol'aud marrioa only about a yeg, the ��� . (lea fAl
eventuftlitios." And furthor, that ltus.. -engino drivor an"d fireman wore inj4od. 00MI havo boon oontinuod 'ith uvabr*tod ill. ORNO i1i 0ort,%illly a I ' "MON) . . . -t1
. I . . . I itilaliltm is fakit b000ining tho soon tho fitately (131no, or t1io bl W . . 1101alloholy Ono i of � to'bri
E I I damsel, whoso I'lloo hool" rat tj lig torest
t - �. attipi7ont hunibug. of th -0 0011tilry. I
- 10, I . I ' 11BGRUAT SHIP OANAL, Drif I MA11100TH IN ,%t1TATN.-Tho tho foro8b, an(I foll 110 iron , A fow I . 011POOially tie tho d000md froi'�i hdr Mir- - - Nov., by tho Rev
3 .. - I I - agoo 1&- 8taoblor of ' � urbano qattlitics litid I d
;. G 0 to T
i . Sian offloora who woro wont to deny.,tho . ' 0"4'"N swootost nlolo( I Ill Noll tho goo Watson, ouly'son
.. � � I rogreas Of a -11Y, warlike preparations oil "Tho groht maritimn onnal, connoct- Mark Lanci 1h.,pren, of the -0th inst. 0 in oil the oar of tho litingry till croditon, I at - BlaublhArd, to 1
: 1p , I or of tho kJOY - (lay (1, from tho stati I q1 of evel'y 011ie who . kiiow - oil -
� ing the oi�y of Amaterdain with the its weekly review of tho I 0 W1 her. Tho I
13ritish aorn And thlig tho lungs of tho fair 8ex bad. that P1 ce,fthip o wagon -loads of ohaeAo drionmed was sistbr of �vlr. Ti%,N�inj jawn , I .1
-,�. . - the part of Aussiaf are now openly A t W ive . of A r. John WoU
'I'N fts- 00�an, was opened on Nov. lat � trade, says : "Tbo cold btit -seasonable daily exeraia6. That people are more sub. -20,000 Poutids, It was purohased by � 11
I .k i � I I I Axmip $it,�=
-1 �
A sertiog that the whole army of that �'i'trhml'nli'posing oaremoni's, at which th6 weather of the past week has been favor. J'eot to this disease on arriving at man. , Mr.' Robin'son of Seaforth, for .104 cents. ohaut tailor of Blyth. Nov, in , iarich
!4:. 1 01-
4�1'-,; power has been put on a 9. . King of Holland, members of the Cabin. able for field labor. A la . - A Bayfield carreapondatit to a 001111, � )
- Iwar footih , I � . . rge quantity hood or womanhood thikii. i man. I per pound. Mr. Staebler nivinufac. - Rb 1�. J.
, I r � i t,, gn represen contemporary writes thus : "This .
- -- . --v -and forei tatives ",were of wheat -was sown under satisfactory hood or in after year i
The situation in Servii would seem to � . � so is "In'80'thlyer diffi- 1 turod about 40,000 pounds this season. Iry - tyalfoord* " to Ali
� V 11 eme present. The canaf is sixteen miles conditons. Tho� Potato disease has not culty which may be explained like the -Some evenings since, some evi . village is still improving ;' thanks to our I . -f
; I be disastrous in the extr -the army long, and has at the sea end a harbor 'I dis- city -fathers,'we have now some now - ) both. of the to-wal,
. '
- . ( � . ,disorganized. so that & can hardly be covering 260 acres, which, however assumed alarming proportions, though former difficulties. The - first part of posed person broke a pitne of glass in the sidewalks, the surface water taken awayp - � - F1LG=—Tr,A,QU`1&I1?...
- . . I . . , is certain localities have snffered seriously. nearly every pers6ns manhood is spent in window of Mr. Brad 'a bedroom) Town and the drainage of. the place looked the residenc
f ,� . i � . eof t
r . . *� ,not quite completed. ' - y .
said to, el, ist ; the ground covered with � .. Irish advices are less gloomy.. At the romping about, merry -making, bawling, Plot, Turnberry, and stole therefrom a after in a . eld is . Rev. H. Camerol:
� � ' .
DRINKING AmoNG W09EN -The p'rincipal provincial markets, holders of squalling and laughing from morning to large feather bolster. Mr. and Mrs. ,decidedly one .of the most moral, -and � ; � I -
- , proper manner. Bayfi
t L -. snow, winter having set in; -fugitives ' . I Miss Han-mah. Tri
� Z . !
1. Freeman's Journal Dublin ayi;-it is wheat strenuousl resisted any decline. night. Bat as soon as they assume the Brady were in Wingham and returned best regulated places in Ontario, we have . i .
-1 V. I I -Y . . . -- sinith..
-` -
% and soldiers dying. As indicating the common to see respectable -looking and ,In London a' slight concession * duties of life a quieting down takes place; home about ei lit 'clock, when, finding. only two or three drunkards in the
I Was I
. � licy ,of Germany, the chief of the well-dressed youngwomen dropping in necessary to effeat sales. �1 's .L --- DEA
- po � Foreign wheat a graveness pervades all their " actions ; the state of af=o, looked around and. whole towriabip of Stanley ; and it is � I
m and 6ut of the- drinking saloons in the - was not so firm, 'and part of tbeadvance� they cease from former stentorian hilar.. found footprints in the, snow, which surprising to most of us, why th6 leading . ! CRANT.—In
I Foreign Oftice, Von Bulow, in a speech- �
-, . . middle of the day; and still more com- produced by political influences has been ity, and in a few years diseme sets into Fere easily tracked. - A fe � I Grey, I
., -on the Eastern Question, in the German _ w evenings -1 teetotalers of Stanley do not visit these 3rd., Elizabeffi-.
. Mon is the ladies' demand for sherry lost. The imports last week were un- these weakened organs, and 000n the M terwards the bolster-raiijug the fe&tli. I poor people in their houses, and take a J61111 -
� I .1 . .
I . : I -1 Grant --A,
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I 9 I 11 : . I . - Q . , I raouths, : I
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