HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-10-27, Page 6-, - -1 - -."--,-�-,-�--7,-"�=.-.-.--"--,�� --,--- -..,---.-.-- - - - ;�,W�- -
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I I . -it is*ell known I
'I I Edinburg]
. *.. 11 �. I . . . .. I 11 : : .
Centennial Cattle Show. good , will is � often preferable,toth . e . bras- . �: �; . ''. - " ft . . , I . ` TEAS. TE.E'S. T5-'-" :1 � '
The Con' - ' . , , :P11 -&1T08 OHEAP'.CLOTHING'a . ,A I. - Xv,A ftom
I .- . . I 1. _ � � I. I milesi?
. . quo, forbidding -manner whi h e,Zls and . �, - , : 43 - I
r -
.� �z . . . I --1
- .1 A lit have been expected from the chills, even it a at mtum, of rough onesty . I , - I ,
- , tedious suO
11 nii, I I . ..-. -
- dissatisfaction which; has been, expressed and kindness underlies it. But decep- - - - .. .. . )on of twt
- I
I - I - further notice we are offering the Cele- � - - �
-� I on account of the. arrangement of the tion is, not necessarily an accompaniment UNTIL . . I - - FROM THIS DATE UNTIL I �'. � the Firths .
- .. brated I I . -a I � 10 which i
. . � Live Stock Departments at the Centen- of agreement. "A man may smile and .1 - . . - J--USrJP O:P:E31q-Hj:D .&r.r V. U7 -- IIII-il-j'Sw *M.� i is Be
nisi Exhibition, a very poor show was smile, and be a villain," but smiles are . . � . thtep miles across,
- . % � I
- I � made. Poor as to quantity, but` not as not necessarily a mask for villainy. The MATHUSHEK, FISCHER AND LA- - . .i�, I . �f W&-"nductedstage
. 14 - �' - ' ,
. to quality, for what cattle were on'exhi- �sunuy beaminig of the frank, op6n 'coun- . BELLE PIANOS AT - ��!� ,- , � . . -NOVEMBER FIR,S�T� 1 . ' - r-oad ; but, from
.�� -thic
. . - J
� - . - . - ading at
I bitiou were some of the best from -the tenants -which diffuses balm, and healing 1 3 CASES OF NEW TW,--EEDS I - ". . jug Ana tinlo I
� I � _: - I , -
best herds in the country.It was an to the weak and ,desponding, is quite a . <. . i I I ,ot �njyzoiisiderabh
, I 0
I . exhibition chiefly samples by the pro- different thing from its villainous counter. LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICESM �L - - so rather 1�i
. .■. 11 . I WILL SETZ TBAS,I-N last but al's -
'1y of&A.-were. c -, � . I � - and li
minent dealers in stock who ,were feit. But, given me to choose � - I ,Aamagp a
; ,I - . risk of I
i . make sale's-, rather tha. THIRTY PER CENT. BELOW VALUE. . it
on the alert to in 11 between two evils -unpolished, rough , . PER -1 . on one oemion I -
. a collection of representative animals. frankness, and smiling, good tempered � - � ,e � 'ces 'a .
SQUARE GRAND . . ,Ojanion chances
The extra charge of twenty-five cents for bypocrisy-I should, for mine own com- , � I 5 OR 10 POUND LOTS, I � - .1 � -s intej
" ,6f a traveller'
admission, which was made'in violation fort's sake, give the preference to the lot- . The Cheapest Goods in Beafqrth. . ,'oj
, - j#)jied- jna mysteri
.- I
. . - - � . ing meaner --as the jc
,of former announcements or engagements, ter. � - gb�, 100 GOINGFoR $275 1 ..
was a pretty meanness which had for its �p I � �, A T PRICES r'sf[jr,e,Wi11 show, I
excuse, probably, the fact that the;, -op- . Selling a Wife. I I I . � I
exet . . gentleman In ,
- The
. I I
- portunity will not occur again,for a ce'n- At Warrington,
Lancashire, England, � ,ant of Clothinq will Save Money by Purchasing at HILL'S. , . � . side -passenge-r-a vO,
tury, when the trick will have been for-- a young man recently sold his wife, a Parties in u . - I- the W101
want .� . . . i �111 WSA so much ,
I : .
- gotten. i I good-looking7 young woman of six and SQUARE PIANOP � TO SUIT THE TIMES, .A I A —. , it A
11 . . . I . I . I - 1�.14 ` . :
1"r �-
There were only twenty-three 'short. twenty summers, for -the small sum of . whole bas Ons).8,
, I Seven Octaves, Roae�oo-d,'Serpontlne Mouldings, I I . . - - i
horns from the United §t4tes, including the price of half a gallon of, beer. He Carved Lop, � 6 .1 . I .t,runk, oln - e of inediu.
11 -
. six heifers and a bull recently imported had lived apart from his wife for about � . . I ,markable in appftr
. . I remarkable -
I -
. - � . from Queen Victoria's herd and d.e-acend- two years; and a I aborer who lodged with . I � A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED* PRICES WILL RANGE FROM -itis Edinburgh. this t.),
I - smitten with . I 11
I ed from her premium cow C6.ldcream. her mother, havin$ become - $350 GOING $190 . . posed Of In the -boot X
I These are, the property of Mr.- George her charms, conceived � the idea. that if I � I . o I . - b -variety of off';
.a great variety.
I -
. �
I -
- �
. Grant, of Victoria, Kansas, and'go to re- her husband sold her to him'there would - —� WILLIAM HILL, . I .slid carpet bags, belt
�4 inforce his already large herd on the be no lawful impediment to, her becoming . - - . 25 r.ro 65.03mwTs � the passengers, :
. I . Plains. Six - head of sTiort-horA's from his wife. Accordingly the ' proceed- PRINCE ORGANS . . - Opposite die- Commercial. Hotel, Seaforth . . X . Having arrived at=
q England, 'belonging to Benjamin St. ed to a public house -and the husband I � . . � � I� . gage W" brought for
11 . . . � .
. .
John Ackers, of Gloucestershire, -were was sent for. The other told him that : . gmn!!�f diVosed upon
I . - - I _
J .
� exhibited and for sale. There were also he would buy his wife if he would sell i AT HALF= PRICE. A . and
it ght be iaken
, -
I'll : I -M C 0 W 0 Z& -Y .A, Z%T 3D :F..A. S 1-1 I 0 IT. � � -which was to -
,, .
4 twenty-eight animals from Canada of her. The husband replied that he could I - � . � . - � -1 � boat -
- . . - �
this with some of other breeds, have her for. "now -t," " if h -liked; but , . I �
.1 0 1 . just-asthe barrow 5P
� . .
------- - :
4 none of which were of more ordin. the -other man did not want to obtain her Buy of us and save $100 to $SM. Every In- I . I -said-
Ill COME AND GET YOUR tall gentleman -
;1 . . Five Years. Bond for tall I
. � � �
14 ary. merit. Of Hereforda there �were so cheaply, and requested - the husband strnment Warranted - . - . 44,
14 - I I � . i I have
777771, price Hot. . Guard-* ha you
. . (
;1 forty-five head, the best of which-w6re to name the price. He was told that he I . - if Al, sir," 1) - .
i 5c, valued at 36c, at Rogers; ' I yes r, - an
li Seal Brown Lu8tres for 2 5
'I . . STOCK AND SAVE MONEY, ty be sure Ws 1
4 1 .
from Marylaud, and the property of. Mr. could have her for half a gallon .of beer, - NORRIS & SOPER, � . I � . � fou ml .
11 � I ' I - ." of $
k John Merryman. This herd is one of which was at once sent for and drank, � I I 'N o tureof tb4
i 'Wool Sateens, in the New - Shades, at Born'; - I
i Twenty-qeven and the -transaction, was sealed; to the - I
li the oldest in America. . 4a&4 8, Adelaide Street. East, To -route. French T- By Buying in lots at -fleman ; jr 4whereabon,
.1 - -
f 1; � very ordinary Devons only were s6wn, apparent satisfaction of all parties. The � I - I . . I The guard poked it
�, the largest herd being the property of he was- a goo %, - in. ,vain amoi
I ' d wench to .. Dama4se Cloths, bedu * I shade8j at Rogers'; Win- -
,, .1 � purchaseusaid-s' tifu I 1.looked :in , J. B. Longenecker, of Union Deposit' him, and he.loved her. He would like WOTICM� I . . - I
� - . . - - ; articles -for the trunk,
i 4, -f Penn. Th� Jerseys were the cream of to marry her, he said, and asked the I . I . :F1-&11E?.iT-jM"Y"7S
if . cep -the most 8k tical have to admit that Money is I he had raoozled about
I . . .
- t the exhibition. Prominent amen these husband if he would "hurt'? .her. The - � t .. I Minutes through -all
. I . I . - ;
IT I and the best of them were specimens of answer wan-- - CHEAP , corners of the Alass I
I . ling - Shawls, Mantles, Clouds,
.1, if NEW SHOE SHOP. made b� buy' at Rogers',• ik - . ..: . . �
-1 i the herd of Mr. William- Crozier, of � "No, theaw can marry her as soon as . . - � out his head, h]
I ,!:-- , ' I drew I
I .
I- I .
, Northport, Long Island, N. Y. A pair theaw lloikes, to-neet if theaw's a moind. f �earthing -a 4?adger, An
., *
1, � �
- -
�v I iV bis Cossack and a I won't hurt either of you. . and .Scarfs,. neat and nobby, at Rogers'; Ladies' Lamb'8 - CA Y. I ssed. -
1' I �'ji of .
; I'll- I I moap u
. I
IN I . i i I
1 I - P cow; Josephine -could hardly be excel- undersigned begs to notify the inhabitants I
Z ,; THE ding eountry that be 4tWhy, liege it is
. -1 �.� . The husband returned to his work, of Senforth and surround .�
4 f I led anywhere. Other choice jeri,eys Wool Unde�clothing at Rogers'; Tlw Celebrated Comm -
and the wife left the house with her pur- has commenced buslne06 . z1aimed. the passenger:
il" . .
I ,i
it ..- were shown by S. J. & Charles L. Sharp I 11 .�
.7 ,h� - . - chaser, . - I— - tom: where it - might �
r� . . . . . for :- L - I I I
uless, of Philadelphia, and some other sie Hosiery. equal to knitted, at Rogers'; Over- - ' . � "I . -
' I
j-'- M- exhibitors from Pennsylvania, New .IN SRAFORTHy - � =
I 't -_ _ No Savoy Sue: , I I - � e 'i
I - yard in
J coach y - Edi
-, . � -coo , � I
-1 . . -- The I
J." - York, and Connecticut. Among these I " - � I o
4 : V . About noon one day Sansome street re- . I coats, Clothing, Hats and Caps, at the u�ual easy prices, -- guard made -ar., �
!; were numerous cows which are credited In the Shop next door to rillman's Carriage I � Paid in CASH * pat the- trunk
L I jEf sounded to the echoes of a policeman's ge F80- I . - nin
I 4 -4 -
,q with having made or making fourteen tory, where he intends to carry on - -
Iq Li - whistle in the hands of a miserable, miser. . I . I at Rogers". Shirts, Draw full range at Rogers'. � . . .away we all went t v.
1, I ��- , to seventeen poand8 ;f butter weekly. - M, I . Wothing f
V1. .1 � � � - , . I - urther =
417i � ly looking old Chinaman, standing on th6 - �
;Li I IVA .1, There .were forty-six Ayr8hires, of which . - � 5 0 0 3B -LT S T-3: 1E ij S, - all statiaing beside *M
- -
. . � corner of that street and Washington. A The Custom Shoe Business " Noted " for Popular Prices. Call and inspect Goods. - I
F it , many were beautiful animals, showing, v - �
I jZ2,11 - �cur, •reaAy to prVce'ed
if . 'however, a considerable tendency in policeman hurried to the scene, and found' . . I f - . � pail
I terraqueous' part
U., that the celestial wanted a citizen arrest. . OF GOOD - . I
jj �i their breeding to fineness of bone, and . I
,-f ." . - . I � . 11 -ihrough Fife, I
i 11 ed who owed him some money and refus. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. -
-i. I
11 I form rather than heavy milking, for � I I
ed to pay it. It was in vain that the of- . . - � � Everything -zeemed -1
,w which this breed is to chiefly con- - y L -ed into the coach nuc
!. ir .
- ", . ficer tried to. point out with the legal I AW
sidered. In these again Mr. Crozier's 1Z. .3P. 1:Z0C3-3H3nS 9 sm&3pomrrim I POTATOES .
1-11 � I I el : . I � W taken !W
r. ila . - - - "' , "
- , contribution was very prominent'for its acumen acquired .by - contact with the The 18tock having been carefully selected, and j . I
! tl�j, I � -- - -on
I V Counselor Clarke, that. the China- none but � . - I �
, � ., beauty and excellence. Some very fine gift"I C011 .1 . . . . I � . I . Delivered at the -
,It: F11 11 I - . - tatiuu:'��,e, V=1
rj-.7tii I draught.cattle, of which Herefords and man's remedy was at civil law-thitt he - . - . -6
.:! j.. 11
1 1, jl;,
I- --- - should sue the refractory debtor, N GLA ' - -4
', Devonswe,rethe best,.Were shown, wd o, he FIRST -PLASS WORKMEN . D .SSWAREN . - -11n the boot, sir,"
I I . -
1,1- . . 41you, may de-pend,4pov
[jar" iij
I ,,, some fat monstrosities called "fat = wanted criminal process. 0HEAP CASH GROCERY, m
4x- - � I -
ii, I . have not se*a i
tjrt, EMPLOYED , . 9
t 11! I , cattle." . On the' whole, the exhibition "Me no savey 'sue;' savey, he got my � - . -
di - I the passenger, "and I
�'1:fjfjwas interesting to the comparatively few money; savey me want it bxc-k." . . �I I --there." - I And'by strict attention to buffineezi the public - '.
. - L I . .
I 11-H . Who paid the extra quarter for admis. I 10h, come,- get out of -,this," said the can rely on getting good value for their money. )31
E-- I V . - . . I 440b, sir, 'he
I � . aid ,
sion, but as i� -"Centennial" affair it w guardian -of the public peace, gently shoe- I
UP as � - 1here tori sue
- t", L - - - -- � irewed,.X
- I . . .
., r . Bow."'
- -!�- 11 .a* very poor one, and not comparable iDg him away from bis'd4to�-who walk- L ut the, trunk �' w."':
, ,4L . .. , 'i
� who -walk- I L Abo -no
; I
- - ;
, 1. L.- with an average State fair and many ed quietly off. � I�T , HAS JUST OPENED OUT A VERY CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF I
.t- T : - 4, . -' There ! I &eclare-i
�i� ordinary county fairs. Next week the L k REPAIRING done with Neatness L . I . J. FAIRLEY, Seaforth. - . - -
f7 - � L
"What you shove me for? -1 Get me . - � -ownp of the missing
- , .-
'i I I - — owner
I - . - sheep alld swine will be on exhibition. and Dispatch. .
Tiq - ,
back me money. Chinama h
-�Ijl . trunk is :still Wing 61
� , white man money he go to prison; white 458 J. J. SCOTT. . - Grockery, Glassware, Fruit Jars, &e., DOMINION BLOC, . the sands. Den!lt y�
iJ I . - A K���Us�efor�Parrots- - . . . I
-� i�l pay Chinaman he walk off. just
!-� tj � - I man he no - sea, I declare, is j .11
1, . � . .. I . � '
11fl'i I
I . That type of precocious de- You-,sAy-'sued, sue.' Me no savey 'sue. - What -a careless set of 5
,!� - . . I I
!4, - - I - . .. I tress
FORTH, f! ty, the gamin le Parts, says the Sauey you allep salne fool." , OPENED OUT AGAIN. STACK 4 � SEAFORTH.. - -test I never,was jw ti
U . . I - nay before." - I
I oD Globe, has again been distin- Here the officer made a grab for John, - . I . 4 -- . 1
1t; - toanvdi _ I .
. . I . which t .
. gnishing himself by a brilliant invention, who effected: his escape amid roars of But New Goods New Patterns, Close Prices, to ich he invites the attention . instars
I il I , P . The trunk was instan
i�� - . b
. I of the public. eta -somewhat perilous A
., � � V . which seems to have been a grand sue- ' laughter. —8mb Francisco Post; THOMAS LEE'S '- , 1. .
ji,tt I . . �, I
I' � cess � . J. BROWNELL 4having at lenjA been I
I I ,ss until detected the other day and ex- - . I . .
1W . posed at the Police Court. The profes.!' A Woman's Lonely Ride. I . . went :our way to Cu
- �
. -
q11 T ser of the new sciduce-began- by provid. . I
� . coach .
, . -
- A .
FLOUR AND FEED - U.&S � � Here tl3e'--co -stops;
� -
i I!, The Augusta -(Me.) Banner says : I . - .
L=f �, which .
i r ii . - � .11 I M 2-s.,-ge
T.' iDg himself with a -tame palpt, w . the inn and them '
At, . . I
' I ..
was trained, like a-falc'on in the age of Mrs. --E. W. Neal,. wife of Dr. Neal . GROCERIES6 -- I -discharge 4, passenger
A., . . : . � .
� . fl- the Insane Asylum- of Augusta, took - - : . .
. 11:: .. - chivalry, to return to the fist of his , STORE 0 111:s -61 .
. . . - - I I I . on he present.
I, - ti � I 'Pat,'thefamily horse the buggy, q� JUST RECEIVED �
i lt'� I owner in. obedience to a particular word � � 11 . . - 'her
" '- Teas, Sugars, Dried Apples, ,leave the,coach,'t te I
i I some �weekg'ago and with no other com. . I
- fcommand. Accompanied by ally, I 9 I �
� !; 0 . I - '
F , ', - hin panion but her little boy, four years of Happened to be one of the unfortunate ones that . composure of the lugg
I J- in a small cage, the urchin I got burned out at the late fire. He has opened I I � � trunks bundles- wet
` . . .i- � safely housed . ANOTHER LOT OF nks And
.. r, I
age Journeyed down through Belfast and Prunes, - I Fruits, Pickles, I -
would go into a grocer's shop, as if -;.for 9 - out again in -. � - . � departing oil the backi
. .
; 1, . Ellsworth to Pembroke, a distance , . - -
he 011
I , � - , -
M , . the purpose of making a purchase. I After t gentlemen:
k. . I -- �
I �. s of A78 miles from Augusta, to Visit Sauces, I - Spices, A . * -
I . Z
I .
U I Hardly had he entered the shop, how. . . . P .jF1:Z3H3S11 THi � belonged. Affto,r, -all
: - '
.1 T �� VIC , ever, when the prisoDer este her aged parents and other rel � HIS NEW.STOREN � -, . . - - . . � I been again put to righl
�: ,ed, to the relatives and
, (T r After remaining there four � � I � I I . . �
-g �. - - .
7i Mz ��
, . 1. . intense apparent a-larm of the poor Canned.Goods, Hams Bacon, Flour, . man made his wonted i
,,q ( - friends. Aft 1�%
, 11 1i ,'I . I
, W :1
. � , . � . .
�, , Z,� over nearly WARRANTED To GM , I
I . weeks she returned ov irly the same OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL I
J , �il I owner. Of course the sympathy of an � . I lis trunk; ;
I -1 �4� 1� - . I � I
7 H - 1� road, in the same way, biinging her, I . . I , ..
I . 5 1 - .� W� - . ti Sir,,
I - i� present was instantly aroused, and every - Cornmeal, J Mill Feed, &c.
. V� . Oatmeal, The trunk, Sal
. I � v I ;
- mother and little boy with her. One - - � I
� ,ek pettishly, I
I., . one—shopman, assistants, and chance . , Where he hopes to be able to supply his many ibly *11is in -file,
1 . V evening, getting belated in reaching the I SATISFACTIONC 0 :
I � I ))
H - customers —rushed about in pursuit of e,enir - .
F. -71r ous ers with ; I I -Not a -bit of it,
; -
- - AM ALLEN. . I 'lid in the meantime '
I ( place where she designed to remain � -.. ��& . I FREE'DELIVERY. I . WILLIAM
i I the lost birds` While the chase was at 1. 1� � ,w
i I . .
. .. .% ,�, -- its hei lit the adroit outh would be through the night, and not knowing in -- -1L %
P-21, 47-1—
0 1; the dark which of two roads to take, she CROCERIES 'CHEAPER THAIC EVER. . - - - I --- - VULP. -j-jier4e 1j) Jjeffj
11 -
Ellin his pockets with all the most CASH PAID FOR ffU.TTE-R inn, I
costly delicacies within his reach, and as got out of the carriage and lighted a I - ' . The guard now bega
80011 as a suffic . ient quantity had been match, by the ray of which she could Call and See for -ToUrSeIV68 � . i. CALL AND SEE - THE AffD EGGS. - '
I I- collected. would recall the bird to bim read the guide -board, and so was able to this trunk was 'some
0 1 proceed on her way to the . I . And .possessed a� � w�
, ,
pretend to catch him, and having return- ,, place of her -, I . . � other eartlilly trunc.. �
ed lifin to his cage, march off with him destinatlon.. We think, considering the � J. BROWNELL',- - 0
, 1 — . i ; pr staying behind nee -01
great num,,�er of tramps now patrolling My Ternis for the Future nre Strictly, GRAN A N D DISPLAY S P L A Y OF GOODS - - I — ;
�,�- and with the booty. The trick was . I I
I.' . Cnisli or Produce. -- good pleasure..
ruined by its own �success, a. too frequent the country, and the fact 'that much of - 7
- use of it having excited the indignation the road is through woods,. Mrs. Neal has -- I . . I . AT IT AGAIN. "'The Lord have a I
. - -cried the astonished
. of the tradesmen, and brought about an demonstrated that she is not only smart, Don't forgot the Plaoe-Taee Doors North of . —A—WID -- � I �
- '
. application to the. Police, w�o have now, but brave."- . the Post Office. : � . . - . , gage, who, to do him 3
. been down on two offenders caught in --. ' exceedingly sober and!
the -very act. in How He Lost His Teeth. � THOMAS LEE. - WILLIAMCAMPBELL, 4 tThe� Lc �-Mhav,e a -care.
. - . — ,. .
4 The following story is told by the Au- - --- RUSH OF CUSTOMERS Z t mnk'A no canny. I
- . - - 'I'Va canny �enou li.,
i . Rough Diamonds. gusta,.('Me.) Journal; "An elderly and TRY, TRY AGAIN. . -g -gr
, . . . - MERCHANT TAILOR gentleman, sharply � '41
respected gentleman from,, city re- . . 1, - I I
" I roper .attention to
He means well, though he's rather , I I I . I I . payp
"is the apology often; turned home from the Centennial minus -A�- rE 1. . -
rough .in manner, I I his teeth. Sitting down on a sofa at his undenigned would respectfully inform his I I the fact wm, that -6
offere(� for some particularly rude fedi- i THE AND CLOTHIER,
. old friends and patrons and the world at large � takeii-out �ef the ce&W
. �
. vidual. - But, disguise the fact as I boarding place, seeking for rest and re- that he his going to try Wo luck agf.;n. Now in lobbyinor-der toallol-M �
. I ., you ! freshinent,' he took out his set of artificial the store Ir tely occupied by Mrs, Rumle y, one . . .r . - 4
may, these unpolished jewels are among I teeth, laid them. upon the sofa, leaned door south of Alegarey's new bakery, and oppo S' NEW STORE * SEAFORTE. articles being -got at *.
. .
the most disagreeable of mortals, and in- site the Farmers' Store, where he will, as in the I It was --now once more I
. 0- I back, and indulged in sweet sleep. The.. -
flict an immeasurable a -mount of 'unnec- , past, endeavor to the very best of his ability to . I I I . "we set -forward upon tb
, keeper of the boarding house came along, give &U who may favoy him with their patronage .
essary suffering. There is, indeed, a" - FTER havlug passed through the Fiery, far- ,of the journg, hop -ing:
roughness born of ignorance, or lack of ! saw the situation, placed the teeth in the very best value for their money in FOUR DOORS SOUTH OF THE POST OFFICE, APace is again at business -purified and X0901ker- , - be n * ;
the pocket of an overcoat near by, which . . sled. Through the kindness of Messrs. X1110M I 0 more distarbanc(
cul tiva-tion which may be counter balanc. - - ,. & Ryan he b" been permittcd to take-up --lent member �.of the
D genuine good qualities and thorough he supposed belonged to the sleeper, and - AND SHOES � . member I'M. j
ed by - nu � kindly covered that individual with the ' BOOTS . � trunks. All wag - * ght
.. t-iildneoses of heart. But no one has a I In the Store Lately Pecupied by O. C. Willson the lonely- inn of --St. N
. ight to make himself rough And forbid- : overcoat to prevent him from taking cold. He has a very Large Stock of New Work tha I . TEMPORARY QUARTERS , �fide
- .r - ' owning will be sold at prices to suit the time. Also,a ' . ., . roadtarned off to
. 'di�ig, from the notion that his savage ne. I -o large quantity of old stock that must bo sold for . I I'll ��� 'Where it happened that
I Soon thereafter the gentleman
Klett of the "small, sweet courtesies of 1 the overcoat came that way, the what •It will bring. I . . In one side of their largo .and commodious brick �, -to leave no to walk -to i
overcoat and wore it away, and with Jt - . I rge an - -
. life," so essential to its proper ei3joyment, � went the teeth. Our toothless friend . AS A 11 USIC STORE. store, -where he will be glad to seeand servo lag' � 1D9, a servant having I
will be mistaken for honesty. Who has I . old friends and customers. He has yet ;a
,carry his baggage. I
not writhed und�-r their savage thrusts, awoke and was 'down in the mouth' when Parties leaving their Orders recently wW pleas , - � . � . .
I he discos covered the true situation of affairs. call again, as he has I . -11 . - � The tall gentlemaul -
I -
. - or recoiled, as from an unexpected. blow, . . -AbGut the boot - I
at some sharp, sudden sally ? For they ` Not being able to grapple longer with the � HOFFMAN Superb Stock of Cloths, . , project
' 40,19 Slender ^
. never iniss an opportunity of speaking I tough beefstake at Philadelphia boarding- LOST HIS MEASURE BOOK . body tb
'I houses, he returned home to have his jaw , I , -- - � � VrinAow, in order, I
, I
their minds, and, having strange ideas of , repaired. � . Containing thei� Measures. -- . OF ALL KINDS, 'the fairy tale, to see V
- - I
right and wrong, the opportunitie3 occur i ANINNEMEN -
� .
, I
- pretty frequently. Go to tbeva for com-
fort I All patties having long standing accounts un- I . I I . .1), � 7
1 And is daily receive more. so that he is hell - ��� Rolle s fellowo ,crie.
in affliction, and, ten -chances to one, I SPECIAL NOTICES. . paid will please I r - � "Valit followi 1
. . p epared as ever to give satisfaction. I I - - ng the iZenl
the response will be, "It is all your own I * - . . Remember his location and call and see bftL 8t. ,Andrew"s ,road t 1:
fault -your . carelessness. heedlessness, or Epps's CoCOA. -Grateful and comforting CALL AND SETTLE THEM - . . -
I . / . I trunk ? Conie back, i
. . want of common sense !" "Yon hadn't I _,. Bye a thorough knowledge of the i AT ONCE, �. �. let me ins ". 1) I I
orter do as you do," natural laws which govern the operations Now is Time to Adorn Your Homes with Beautiful WM. CAMPBELL . Peat A, )
I "Why don't you of digestion and nutrition, and by a care. As he cannot wait for his money as in the past. . "The trnnk Jair,.
do as you'd orter?" It is astonishing . I guard . I I
. I how na�bural itis for such folks -to want I ful application of the fine properties of New Furniture at Extraordinary Low Pri'ces. 0 A E;Zr:D ! ' - 7 11 iu wsententious.
Trusting his old friends will not forget I 'geniman,ts trunk, .
Well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro. . - 1. "k, and
to regulate other people'a; affairs, and him in his misfortune, and with thanks for the - . �4 in -the Uot." ;
n . , -
� - .
r vided our breakfast tables with a delicate- past and hope for .the future, he will .try, try I — I 4%
.. how ready they are with their judgment ly flavoured beverage,which may save us again. I I . MR. E# B. HOLLISt, - - W,ell maks sure of
' - I
of cases, while -entirely ignorant of the man - - t L comic Character vocam, - 1, I - it you please. Conie.�
- circumstances. You may Muck up suf. I y heavy doctors bills. It is by the I - low
judicious use of such articles of diet,that THOMAS COVENTRY I � AVING taken uphis xesidence In tile vicidby , and, let ,me iK'ee thi
fiGient spirit to resent -tfie insult -for JOHNS & ROWOLIFFE Hof &&forth, regVecanny informspartles got- jDt,,W- -
" ith you ))
L a constitution may gradually b�ilt up . I Lta that 30 - . . .
such it is, or, if nervously sensitive, and 485 1 SEAFORTH. I ting vp Concerts and Entertainments, �
tired out with physical ailments, it may until strong enough to resist every ten- � will be at liberty to accept engagements to Xbg The -trunk was .ac<
Will give the Best Bargains in Furniture that may be offered befq-r.e the next Centennial. We have ba,Lk, I -
"the dency to disease. Hundreds of subtle I at the mama, either in town or oountrn during I _ And,, -to the tonfu
be the last feather which breaks the XAJL .
I . . BUTTER TUBS. deeresent winter season. The Toronto . Who had- -t N
Che very brutalitv of the i aladiis are floating around us rea4y to, though
- - 11 Mr. E. B. Runis Iff powerful in faclal ez- Alible for this ' t
camel's back. T rn I OUR STOCK- KIDD'S HAkDWARFE STORE- yL lib I
- attack invests it with unmerited import-. attack wherever there isa weak point. : - . - L pressions, and as a istage comic Ainwr is eqaA140 man! t s time,
�p ance; . We. may escape many a fatal shaft by . ' I any land superior to most." For germs, &Oqsd- I ,,,,.S Property, as el
you came beneath the blow, and, SAUMEL TROTT & - At present, but expect soon, very soon, to have it dress Mr. E. B. HOLLIR, Comie'VD0111A SW , -
. � . . t. .
I for a long time, find it hard to recover keeping ourselves well fortified with pure AS now on hand at the Seaforth Tub Factory lofth, Ont. 4W4 could -,raae i -
I `-T - , ow,
i )I - I .. -_h,e.A�;.uk, U I
- ------ t ink -bot I
your self-esteem.. It is hard to forgive a I blood, and a properly nourished frame. H a number -6f his well and favorably ftowla SCATTERED FAR AND WIDE AMONGST OUR MANY CUSTOMMIS. I ,Mf- 7 talk -both
regard with Civil Gazette. Sold only in pack- � I . •
coarse attack of this sort, or r Machine Turned Butiff kages. . . � CA.1W;OF THAWLS.-We ike-agdergigned
tryto - I inel
. 11 eta labelled- James Epps & Co., Ho- I I Pac . ferers by the late fire at Seaforth,A441444wers L(I:y laid he Wa
1. I
I its ., ey"a �
cordiality the party attacking, even if L . - ' te our U got to - - ,
mmopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle These Packages an the best in use, and will I for the amounts severaNy plaood o a L J40ru '
his or,her intentions are good,.- The ad- give satiductim 7 . It �. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVEDE - names with the Gore DiatrictKutual I d, I - 4, gfted:that maj�ifes
. - I . - -,
. I St.,and 170i Piccadilly-, London." 421-52 . . unisk iw&re: I , . - - it,
van:tage'§ of a genial manner a;id 'winning . 11 . 06 -
I � �, 1 1,1 I - once mpany; beg t6 -our I - I . -011,ldiju--
- . . 11 - . I , r. dispWition -'
. I
. . - - . . 7 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO Entrance between Roberts' Dmg Store and Kidd's Hardware atore. If you can not find_the W1. Al L I ,- I - Aral 7 " - I to
. address can hardly be eatiwated.' Polite- _the WS -V f0jr 40 very �prom - as J In
-M& ,-LARGE, XURCRAgERS. I , _ p*and . 11 -11 - , Yled, 1but yet -every,
DY -E STup,Fs. DYF, STUFFS. ,dAer, . slug out and we will ,throw you a rope, Yours � 14- . . . '.,W 'ur cUlms ha "' - I W
ness always pays . there is hardly any- � � I - �, I I . ': - . )MCb--9 , *e,.be I MS�def-L
M .
. I magenta - 44, --a, . jL . -.- - : � .. I � -
9:Logwpod, Cochin 1, Indigoi4e., on of- Mr. Trott expects in a sho�t time to commence . . tW*
- 1, . - - - 900�, Wp., rut,@tji _ _ �� I - - P11
- thing which costs so little and goes so the flnest quallty, producing rich colors, at R. the manufacture of Wash Tubs on a large-seale- . ) I
I I "000; Julius Dar, 14- ��: ;' W.
- -
. semblance . .7 . -OHNS & RQ 'C -1 L
far, The mere semblan of a ready L: LumsdWis Corner Drug Store. 455 L 3, &IMMUML TROTT Seafoe% J It $218. I I . I
. I p ;
- I �. I
. . V, . .
11 .
I.. . . . . .. . -
- -
. I I - -
,;� . I ..
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