HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-10-27, Page 3;_ 11 7 { >+ - r - - - r - • - _ - ' 1. , - i. :. _ _ ; K - - - _ t.F - • • ii _ - _ - - - Y - - _ . .. _ --. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ ^. .. e^ i" _ r : _z._, a .r, L'.-.. - - ', -. .. ,, - .. _ _ _ .-:.. — £ - - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ - •:� - - - _ r- ..mss r A_.xvxs-x^4c_ .'4 .v_.away d. ..... .r+tes.-.t.-. _'H _ _ a -�, v+Fs-.ee. : - "_ _ - - _ . F. _... • .. '+-�. t"r- .fan a, v _ - .". .X_.. " s."a+�cMti v . . Wr s roan..v._.-+.w.----��.m..ot:Hv.�ryM.,_i.. -► -.. ._"`.a-5 •+•x—.v-i+i•r.�._. .seas=:. zr. ._..,_ ... :� -." .—.ra._.d.- _ - .... f - _-J-cr-'c_..v-`z+»cn>c .. — zssea ..:.f:+.",+._ba-m� _ _ _ - _ _ - -' c-.Yi _ ._-+-�-sY• a" -n__ -.s:. Hca . vssv seem- "'n -- _ __. _ x.. � - _ _+c: -fAza-sr _ter -e _ aa -a- .J—•Rn..-. tea. � . . 1. . cs • - - - _ - _ _ .. 4_1 _ - ' - _t I ­ - . __i--: I . I I. NGS' EMBER C t .. . , I - : ; . 1. . UM OF FASHION - 1.� X- MSER 3,. 187-8,_._ THE. - .UI OL1 EXPO ITOR - �-- - - . D BEST A5 0� � S cX o 1 I - BSM>Ig FOIE' R`H$ BYTC to ,, . tbpm, and still ion the` life -of them The more prudent, aware that a cough = BAPTISMF I R E they can't help .taking each other's hands or„ cold should :never be trifled with O , ,d'_ - have lobster same with salmon, eve a « • ;, ° r- - [CY GOODS# MILL 14 E Y Always ry five minutes. = The' brides nearly all promptlyuse $cyan a Pulmonio Waere = �, D And -put mint sauce`your roasted lamb wear new watch chains.' which have been,juefore the public for 20' ~ O - _ • U6 BEATTY ' & Co. ' I AWLSs HATS SND OAh$ on. ---The achoal tax of .the village of years, They_pre;ilways efficacious, and - s Haliburton,county of Peterboroag_ h,is 41. exert a most beneficial influence on all o - ; i i D' HOS Veal cutlets dip in egg and bread crumb, cents on the dollar, the bronchial and pulmonary organs. Z P rY B , Have been ore of the heaviest sufferers b the recent lire, they still live. They t to inform Fry till you see a brownish red come. -A party of miners from ,the United Sold b all dru v - their old friends and the Imblio that theyyh�ave . y ggtat4 and country dealers ... p ,_ I am determined. to Sell for Case:. at Rook States who are engaged in minim for at 25' cents a box. y O O C3 courselves, and tell your neighbors that Bottom Grate Gruyere cheese on mac Caroni ; ,g • ; old on Lot 20 Con. 4 Townshi of Kala- ' _� .l - stake the top crisp, but not too ban p � MOVED THE' BA LAN CE -O F THEIR Ei R STO G K, . P . y' or are reported, to be meeting with food - ' , . ��' In venison gravy, currant jelly, success..; Mix with old port -see Flcsttcatelli, —Hon, Mr. Crooke, Minister of Edu. THE HURON FOUNDRYy JOHNSON BROTHER$. sAy�D FROM THE SIRE, �" , cation, addressed a very large audience - � � I I RBS {;O0D' In dressing salad mind this law, comprised, to a large extent, of school @ a at b Into the Store next door South of Mr. Morrison's :(;rroeery, Which they Purpose Selling Ott at a tlreat , • With two hard yolks use one that's raw. teachers from the North and West Rid- SEAFQRTH. ► a -• Bargain:. Ina few days they will receive 1 7 e . F i ings of Middlesex, -at Strathroy,,on Sat / U A -. y y a '� } ' I� Diagonal 1)ress`(lOoda; necv shades, Roast veal with rich stock av serve • _ fi; gr Y urday last. The honorable gentleman 1J. m :n �' .A� FRESH ST O C T.� O D R`X" GOODS C3� I3 S F- French Nereus, i4avy Blue, And pickled mushrooms, too, observe. entered very fully into a discussion of O 1 w ry Z , r French Merino in Plum, � 1. P. € Breach hEerino in ScarIeE �t po rk Bans a le sauce est daabt the various questions at present liromi- �7�� �' a r —I -= French Memo in Seal Brawn.:. T WHICH WILL. BE SOLD AT LOWPoo'R!C'ES. li ml ' e P ' 1?- nent.in educational circles and his ad- A1�DREVY Y>L HTTELAW f• �[; ,a a• 0 Is a et with the rinse left out ? dress, ocou in over two ;�ioure in deliv- Q ; �1 a �' • �- � � � a oft III �� $ m +r a The invite all their old friends and others to give them a call, CI :SHAWLS & iv�ATLES Yaar mutton chops with paper cover, cry, was listened to with very evident 4- Q. , y f tD , ' AS plesenre !n announcing t`o the public that y � All parties having accounts running will Please call and settle early, se money is mach needed is a And make them amber brown all over. interest. H o i4 N 5 the resent crisis. Z M.In every Style and Price, . his New Foundry in Sesforth ie now 0 - p 3 � ` In :Shawls from rfi cents to s40 each . - --It is our painful duty to chronicle M mantles from $1 s0 to X80 each $roil lightly your beefsteak --to fry it the death of a well known citizen of St. � * ,. �n w 26' I,. BEAT` Y & Ca., Seaforth. 1 O` HOSEER�' Argues contempt of Christian diet. Thomas, 'ytr. C, .Mitchell, druggist, IN FULL WORKING ORDER, s '• U1 a '� CD which took lace last Saturday. He was a . a----��-�^�+ i . X. p Kidneys a fine flavor sin P Y• _ _ Q e , g affable in manners, and was unexampled . a, o T T E, Kidneys Hosiery, 75 different linea WOOLEN MILLS ��.fa ' Ohildren'3 I10rvi@ry, so different lines, ley atewina in good Champaign, in business tact, and was admired by all end that he le prepared to do - r«a a A LOT OF, DYE STUFFS • f 1.who knew him. He was Prostrated with m :: . a Cents' Hosiery,: 40 diffezont linea. y ( �, Of very sngeriopgnalitT justreeeivedatWANTED -�..1 guy stall -fed pigeons ; when you ve got typhoid fever, auid.after an'finless of two 3�Z rs WOO'L S1.AtI{ L'ISTRES them, weeks succumbed thediseaee. The day REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. g a r - _�� Black Lustre 10 conte per yard, be to to cook them is to pot them. following=his death iiia remains were in• LV. m :: �' C To Card, Shin, ,�fanufactu,re, err' int 44 ��� �-- ROBERTS' Exc1jange.,for Roo" Goods. . CO Black. Lustre' 12i cents Per yarn,. tarred in the cemetery. •The cortege ex. ly E M � m J S � E• .. Wood grouse are dry when grumps have (%' w a W a Z t Black Llaatrci, 15 cents per yard, , tended a mile, represented by at least 0 L�-," y Black Liiatre, cents per yard, ivarrQd em ; 2000 le. . �, o (T7 T RE- CUSTOM- T 0 M T 0 L E -C A R Q 1 H C r! ,i r Black Lustre, 86 dente per yard, Before you roast 1m always lard 'em. lip MILL AC H I N E RY RUGS O '4 -' Black Lustre, cents per yard, -The gayly decorated fans now in M C p , -; Z;lack Lustre, $5 cents. per yard, W , @ Black Lustre, 40 canto per yard, To roast spring chickens is to spoil 'em, common use amon us, are made in is r A1wa adosre to take home the came dap. € C consisting in part of the following: , Black Lustre, 4 cents per yard, P p. 0 „k t Just 8 lit em down the back and broil Ja anew homes, all the members of Black Lustre, 5 cents per yard, 'em, _ families wor-.king on` them. "The picture$ ENGINES, BOILERS, A O SPINNING, WEAVING, COLORING€, uY Z MADDER, CLOTH FULLING, DRESSING, " :leaf Braun Lustre, 20 cents per yard, are drawn On thin paper, pasted on a o e I , A ,s.• _ , IN A. �:.isrnne Ln tre 42o cuts yer yard, It gives true epicuresthe-vapors slab of wood, and then en raved, -=a -se ar- r ►• o ex , -1;= ` cents per yard, see boiled g P And PARMI11 G IMPLEMENTS :. om H a �i 0 MADDED COMPOUND, And every other branch of the business woII dose , To mutton minus capers. ate block being used for 'printing each m o N R e on short notice• ' f� s .. COCHINEAL, i- STlhLE GiQQQB, color. Children do the splitting of the '� „ - Boiled turkey, gourmands know, of bamboo and the pastinf; `of the paper. Of every kind repaired romptly and satisfaa- } �„� s CREAM TARTAR NZ O Goodincoys, 10 cents per yard,. F 1;: course, « TWEEDS: FUL. CLOTH53 In Japan that kind , of fan is used by torp• as d b y a FUSTIC, ' it X� Good iYineeys, 1:2i cents per yard, the hand- O 2 • a b = 0 ALUM, BLANKETS, SHEETING, , €IT Gcod W nceys, 15 cents per yaxdL Is exquisite with celery sauce. women, an the men carry M Good �'4ineeys, 20 cents per yard ' some folding article. It is customary ,Straw Cutters, Root Cutters, Horse- � 4 � LJ A � IrTDIGO, r y .. Good 1i terproofa, 6 Ceuta, the cook deserves a some cuffing there to exchange fans, as we do photo. 0 t ' eS a Flannel Stocking Yarn, &C, ', c i -1. Good aterpraofs, 8, cents �S'ho serves roast fowls with ,tasteless g P power8, and Drab -Bowe on hand at all I b Good SVateiproofe, i?0 cents: r stuffing. ;. graphs, and to insoxjbe them with auto- times. Cd v a a O INDIGO COMPOUND, t' graphs and sentiments. ANDREW WHITELA`V. r 0 W Alt of our own` manmiacture, and made out of �` Smelts require a sand biscuit powder- -At a Gaelic concert recently held in a °; � Z AL80'A LOT OF HAN DY PACK• good wool, cheap for oa8h or wool, 1 „; Sm eel eggs'and Y I F'' �, Vl m ADE DYE8, 1� and Bauble Faced, compare Don't put fat port in your clam chowder. Oban, Professor Blackie, who occupied j THE SEAF'OftTH 0 Q � W WHO`LE8ALE AND R`ETAIt.- =, i* ether m the market. . n - is the elixir s oke in laadator terms of t+ « — Egg sauce, few make it right, alas 1 the merits of Gaelic poetry, and strongly INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. o w SUCH AS YELLOW SLATE, SCARLET, y f Goods made to t `: s An kind o R''oolen ,4- o, Scal and'. Cloth ;f antles, from $15 to. $25 Ia ood with bluefish or with bass. y p y O e ` BLUE, GREEN and ROSE, • . ori• out of- out• own wool. -_ - - ° g expressed his lack of s m nth with a o TT�� b T. each as would fain wish the Gaelic fan- ALONZO STRONG �, V1 _ y 1. �61 EWhCAS�IOH�O�E sNAD rice oyster sauce gives zest to cod- _ e numbered with the thin s of the r z w end in feat nearly all colors, which are glaaraII- , Es•' A fish, when fresh, to feast a .god. 9U B S AGENT for Several First-Olaas Stook, Fire • ti e past. The lAtnguage he said suffered 1 ^� teed to produce beantifnl and fast colors if TERMS -Cash, or 20 per cent. extra. , and Life Insurance Companies, and. is prspar• t+ .0N A „ J t tr —7 ions are faithfully followed. f�( i?EPi4l:tfiiVi'EN_:T Shad stuffed" baked ie moat deli- must from those who might naturally be ed to take risks on � e 0 rn A. G. VAI�IEGM4ND. cions I expected to do their utmost to suppport) 7`IiE MOST FAVORAELE TEP. MS. CO E z a J. S. ROBERTS, l - • a .1 ' it viz -Hi hlanders themselves. Ignor. I ► o � - $eatorth,lSisy 25, 2878 l 1 ity far Style,. Quality, and Prices. Twould have electrified Apicue. g Also Agent for several of the best Loan Socie- C Opposite Powell s Temperance House Seafortii. , ant Englishmen, he remarked, were quite ( ties. r - , • _ p g f the Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm W X � a €3 I Y ° H I� 2 m gI DD'S HARD WARE. i f Roasted in paste, a haunch of mutton excisable for their des era event o and' Property. as e�� R �.Vl E ►� _ c � R Might make ascetics play the glutton. Gaelic language, because they knew ' no Z = - E T �' R e thin better ; but snobbish Higlilan' ars ' , .'. d C I'll p 1 E A DUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS 1M- o a m Now is Yolar Chance •toCiet But one might rhyme for weeks this way, whogdes despised and neglected lected their na eve + Q P g PROVED FARMS FOReSALE. o �, x o 1 And still have lots of tb nga to say, tongu a would not even condescen to V - a C �' RECEIVED ,tA I p- native , $650,OeU to lhana t<t $Per trent, CHEAP H A R 'NESS. A - And so I'll close for,- reader'mine I iaccreat. - a b m (� h -- - prong Farley,l This is about the hour I dine, '-Both ewe and lamb recognize ash11 b G it _ . others voices, and, amid the most eat. OFFICB—Over 31. Morrisons Store, Maiwst „ e ,. �, OH A DIRECT FROM MA TUFACTURE ening sounds, run to meet one anot er. Seaforth. 9 �' H a' " r .. 1, ,i ted Mock of CHDIGR FAIIL C4ROCFRIES Varietie8, There are few things more amusingg an , a' SEAF01EtTH AMERICAN CUT NAILS, Very Small Advance on Coat for Cash, A' grasshopper was recently caught at acheep-shearing. We put the Sock into , SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, W A A I.4; IV Z v - p tl at old set out all the lambs to the ill, t. C AS on hand a large quantity oi-HarnEse both - ; _ Omaha with a paper on�its neck date the f SASH DOOR AND-AtND, FACTORY. _ H 3 ,, - e Heavy and Light, which wars alightly tar- SPADES SHOVELS FOi;KS SDS GOOD •RlL''E FOR $! Custer Cit thin five days before. The and then send the ewes to them as hey > e S distance it had hopped was five hundred are shorn. The moment -that the 1¢mb ° THE anbeeriberbegs leave to thank his numerous Q a 't she at the Brueaels Fire, and which, sitIwvgh , 38 GOOD C✓U'RRANTS FOR $'1• miles, or over fourteen miles a day. hears its dam's voice it rushes from i the � customereior.theliberalpstronage eztendedto nearly as good as ever, will be sold off at Q k I him since commencing busipesa in Seaforth, and HOES AND RAKES A crowd to meet hens, but instead{ of find-.; trusts that he maybe favored with &-continuance REMARKABLY LOW PRICES: } � t � GOOD RAISINS MR S:I. —The man Weir, or Ward, the Tor- y . JOHNSON BROTHERS. 1 onto burglar, who entered the American ins the rough, well -clad¢ comfortable of the same. . anima which it left an hour, or few 1- _.PArtiesintendin tobuildwonlddo well to give �T GLASS PAINTS, OILS, &c. 1 is GOOD SSUGAR FOR St. i Express Office, at Brantford; and open- m I him a�ail,as he will aontanne,to keep on hand a S T lv G L E H A R N E S S h has hours ago, it meets a poor, naked, sh vbr- 1 fir -stock of allkinde e1 t�-2 ed the safe, on October 16t a g .gyp f its per paused; and I can ;give you an A been sentenced to four years' imprison- ins --a moat deplorable -looking Brea re.: DRY PINE LUMBER, From upwards. FEN>IfilG VMIRS . It wheels about, and uttering ' a 1 ud, $ PA �4.1 y 3 aCCOS as law as. 30 cents. per pound, a>l d _ meat." . e A U , '5 Pounds. GOOD PRUNES for s1. -tV, J. Gerald, of the inland revenue tremulous bleat of •perfect despair, flies 1 � � � c O Z T� �, � � AMID BUILDING HAl1DWAR � 3 ' I service, and far a na'mber of ears ata- from the frightful vision. The mot er's t DOORS, -BLINDS, MOULDINGS, r, ,, f been Y promoted voice arrests its flight -it returns—flies, SHINGLE$, LATH, ETC. H ! �iif� From $1 upwards, of Every Description Cheap, 3 # I ries; also Split Peas, Pot Barley, Oatmeal' tinned in Windsor, has b pr and returns a sin generally from ten . Hefeelaeonfidentofgivingsatisfaotiontothove N � X/ tel Chea . ,IN )aclenwara Stoneware,. to the chief clerksh of the Toronto of g who mayfavourhim with theirpatronage, fie Wont CO) Q •^,;;, • �, r And other (foods Propottona y p EAVE 3ROUGHS AND COITDI7CT• ; s w , �a rthanware, and P - lice and will leave for his new quarters or a dozen times before the recogni4ion is but first-chwoworkmensreem Toyed, �� . t pp ------ IiYG PIPE , inafew days• perfect, ia'Particalarattentionpaicl'tocustomPlaninQ :, J%��!!�,., CALL SOON BEFORE TRESE } —Messrs. (xeo. Randall Co., of Wa- —From the Brantford Ficy�ositor zve 201 J UHN H. BROADFOOT. , _, ;a put tip on the Shortest Notice and Warrantgd. ..r I'` D D/ 4IL..Y' - terloo, who'havo begin awarded a bald. take the following, concerning -gentle- - 1� �� ! CU/iDS ARE ALL CIUNC,, - --' : medal for their exhibition of paresp rite man of the Indian Nation : Mr. Isaac -EMPORIUM.S_ecial Inducements to {�aet + x T iveyrompt attention, and their Goods Delivered spirits GOOD WORK ON H�AN'D 11 at the Centennial Exhibition; Philadel Bai afoot, who has been connected with .i EGG I,romt Paint' Oustorner8. goods.. phia, are sending specimen Shipments of the New England Institute for upwards I The subscriber hereby thanks bib numerous j !lay the Highest Market Price. of 19 years. as a teacher, savored his can• castomers(merahaxta and others) for their liberal 1 And Made to Order ne usual. South side, spirits to Australia in the Government JOBiN gII?D'. ship, nection with that Company recently, for ,patronage daring the past seven yoara, and hopes, r D•� __On �Vedneaday, Oct. 11th, while the purpose of pursuing his studies in the j by strict integrity and close attention to business, ,[� FOOD STOCK OF VAIjISEe, #,�R1 D1 SON. to merit their confidence and trod® in theilatnre. bZrs, Dr. Stewart, of Port Dever, was at- Hellmuth Collage; Landon where be in- f ( SAW LOGS WAiNTED. - --.- - tending to some. domeatic duties around tends to graduate in divinity in due time. ; Having greatly enlarged his premises, daring I TR U N i�sr WHIP I Y r love her clothes caught fire and Mr, Barefoot, who is a member of the Stu 1 the winter, he is now prepared to pay the f LATE COZY L�iG d7'I01V, the stove, g HIGHEST CASH- FRIOE ,41111 - _ she was badly burned. On Friday after- Nation Indians, is a envleman of culture I _ AND P UR N I S H I G' S, 14fessrs. COLEMAi'�T & GOUINLOCI� ` ;= noon she died from the effects. She and refinement, and his departure is felt i For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered H Ww pay the Iiighest-Cash Price for leaves three young children. keenly by the Company wboso faithful ; at the l m -' JOHN WARD. -The Elgin ranchers ASso;iation met and efficaent tesicher he has for so many ; EGG EMPORIUM, 8AW LOQS Of ALL KIN1Q8. 4- occupied by airs. blarke two doors north of the as on Friday last to expatiate g Main Street, $eaforth. y= 4�"..i'n St Thom y , P years been, His Calle a Course, we IIn- Wanted by the enbacriber 25 tons of good pry R M 0 �% , T Also a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for t#w oaite the C`ammerc al iatel, 3 senile to their vocation derstand will not require eo long a time na err , clean WHEAT $TIiw1V. pnanufaatnre of hoops. €' ,„', uu questlo p g X I , ' of teaching. The deliberations were as with ordinary sta3ents, he being set I i�. W iLSON, roaage bestos•,'ed upon him in: the past, et b the im- for a s ee�al work, that of mission- ' Caatsm Aewing attended `to giomptiy, ' . . frau'iht v_rith unusual inters y apart p — � I HURON PLAIID MILL �' �btus given by Hon. Adam Ciook$, Min• dry to the Indians. T'Ve may add that . and as at othernilL, tt�� Lumber of evilly description, i+ eo Shingle�t, ULD SOLI'C'IT A n • , I BRUSSELS DRAW KILN. i Lath and always on hand, a�datthe very ester of Education- he is well u in literary branches and ` -There is abu-nda>it exercise for the has already written and published on _ d THE nndorsignbd hereby inform their many Qwest market Prices, 51 SA30'' E3'A:TR011IJy" �aE head an his heart ; theological subjects, o e of his tracts pQ TT7� elastomers and the public generally these- farimer s hands, his , d gi I TOWN & B V RROWS, v moval of their Factory and Lumber Yerd to new. anti the rent variety of living objects having been re -printed' and widely rend - and more conrmodions premises on 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE, _ K g P g . PROPRIETORS. ►-+ SM COLEMAN & GOUINI.00K, Evan ever before to gi�a Satisfaction to all. finder bis care -must render his labor the in En land. We relict for this yuan tore -was, undergoing alterations ho has Ieislarely' most satisfactory. Ina word, agricul- gentleman a brilliant and successful fu- 1 NORTH MAIN .STRE`ET, - n Seafortb ., :Re Public General tl at all that money, coupled: tare tends harmoniously to develop the Lure. I HE. Snbseribers take this opportunity to return `J O z Where, with increased facilities and some new 417 .11 f ..do,h a els - and sa s : "The 1 thanks to their numerous customers for the t4 he beat make the will continue ) -- a bcEn done to cull from the various 3lark whole man, physically intellectually, a -The Montreal liritne8 {1.11-11 the Deters in the windows of i patronage extended to them daring the past sea- � � machinery of t y F'IR'E 1 FIRE: I F I R`E + ' morally, - Other night p i I eon, and bcpe by strict attention to baseness, and H-] > I to manufacture and filk all orders for h .. .D 00°aD y - . -On Thursday evening o€ last week, the Wjt9ieBk office, giving latest war te,e- by supplying a good srtiae, to merit a continu- ��^^ Mr. Hanning,:..who h:as been acting as Grams, attracted the attention of a con- ance of the same. VJ � r- Sas1�e8, Doors, I3lincl8, Mouldings, gAVING SAVED ONE THOUSAND ral Attraetivenesg,,stands unrivalled in Seafortb - station master at Paisley, but who is LIME BURNED DAILY. DOLLARS WORTH OF E�, ardine was siderable number of aur citizens o€ all I o !� � ` a And an kinds of or 1,riceR- Suffscc it. to esy that he hopes to see about been removed to Kine , , _ _. _ g shades of politica and nationalities and A good article guaranteed• Price 14 cents per W s is new Oace of Bn8fness, when he will prove the - I P L A N E D :.:% 'M 8 E R BOt�TB ANiD S "IOES van an o titer silppar as a mark of the some amusing conversations were enter- vAahol, at the kiln; 1s cents, onears. t� W �, Y t - -� esteem in which he is held by his friends ed into as to the merits of the war. T e , TEb1P�S STRICTLY CASH. b r Z o � From the late Fire I offer the snug stock served E=t;Fl e the Place. The fie : is vo Coni mous— amd ace nairitanccs of Paisley. His dough- however was generally all an the e I At Prices to Snit the Times. to the public at a - .Brussels, May 2,18716. 439 . G _ Z= `tl e I:cst and Cheapest eat DGooda Ilesectfully. ter, 141iss Clara Hanning, was made the 81dei of'the Turks, and the stand old. Eng- a l' Dry , recipient of a handsome gold locket and Jand has taken. One veteran; `an ala ;ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. �+ R ® `� Farm Gales, Hay Pac�„s, G'heese LESS THAN DOST PR1C:E. i GEORGE .DENT. chain. }� Connaught P►anger,' of the war of 1354, 1l; Boxes, GC"G, (live wo a Chu, you will And it to your advan- -•`VI friends, said a returned was very excited ; he read the poster o y Cage. 1r request an early Fettiement o4 all aa- _, ._ m ssionar' at an an'hiversary meeting, with eat interest, and one could see by I S EAFORTH BRANCH. C 0 � counts due me in order to help me to build again. 1 - ,,,lety Tha hen of his mouth = R q4 M , M M A Large Stock of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. 'Residence—Old Block, Goderich street, near ( as avoid sectarian bitterness. his eyes and the twits g I + Edward cash's. - , FO TH inhabitants of Hindustan, where I have that he had not forgotten the Russian t 24 p LATH AND 8H1NC#LEB. g.1g $AMLEL STARK. even vent DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., g -o c } been laboring for many years, have �a gear of the Crimea. He v' B g 'ti ' . ~ - though you bathe a dog's g SEAFORTH. --•I . u - i i k._ L I. r1? Gh. AND �rIl`r ( 1A' proverb that g Y g to his feelings in the followin strain : c ® jig l3ns'in sod (n,,co.m Ftaniin will i SES p _ WHERE YOU CAN FIND DIM tail in oil and bind it in splints, yet you `Bedad, but England has got theusai- �--( Seceire Prompt a untion. l i iii 1T and will BOOII make prntt„ on New �i'ork Payable at any cannot get the crook out of it, Nowa ens by the ear again, United States, �T you Bank in the { The subscribers hereby thank their numerous man's sectarian bias is simply the crook her Muscovy boys run.• How d y Ba �/1 [Tj o ;customers for the liberal patronage extended to V1/iLLlA11 OtRASSf t tLe Lowest Posf ible Rates in the fallowing first , . in the dogs tail, which cannot be eradi- knoll, ?' asked an on -looker. Ho do I glut,. of Exchnn a on London payable � g•+• - � � them during the past, and hope, by strict exit a 1 that ever one should it? Sure, didn't we do it in t ap Chief Cities of the rity and close attention to business, to meats AS again commenced business after the Sre . r f i4`c1ntrenl • Plm.nit of London En • Provin• sated ; and I holt Y know, to continuance and increase of the same, v® in the premises formerly occupied by Monroe I. al CAL'adinrr of Montreal,. , ' g�' . be allowed to wag his own peculiarity in 'r4 at:the Alma.Inkerman and Balaclava, ! � m � � i To all those whose accounts are overdue we gi �� ' < r ca ; Gare IJi trio, of Celt; Hastings Mutual, - peace." and didn't ould St. Armand of the cinch• INTEREST PAID ON DDPUSI TS. bj y a cordial invitation to PAT UP- � Hogan,, on -Nei er east aside your friends if by say that we were the only soldiers M. P. HAYES, I C?.RAY & BCOTT. NORTH MAIC'; -ST., 15EAFORTH, €lc're, of Hartford; Toronto Life an -d Tontine any possibility you can retain them. We beat the Russians ; yes, ance any, other . 411 biexaaaa f•. j � ' r j ?. s.—pians dna Specificationsfor Buildings ? i 424 Where be will be glad to meet with as many of r� party, of Toronto. are the weakest of a endthrif is if we let of .. kij fnrniehed on application. d i ends and crostomexa as can make it sen- $.E L;i,cr�, whieb cannot be heathy ani- utbcr Fold P soldiers either, for •that ?' The o1�3 fel- tI I .'. cn. Money to .cjen at reasonable rates .af our friends drop off through inattention, low was here reinforced by a couple — his of ri E, r one door fie 's E Em• one ush away another, or if we mrades all eagerly talking over the LUMBER, LU3IBER. 0 ; HIP COMPLY. venient to canonhim. lath (if v. D. Wilson's es or fat p y his co DOMINION EAMS '� I W. •torch. hold aloof from one for etty' jealousy prospects of a hrush, and apparently as _ �' CC - N` WA i 140N' sen or heedless slight or,, roup news. Would ready for the fray aS they were in 1854. ` BLACKSMITIIINC & WACON MAKING THE C RAN B R OO K MILLS Rl y y E$$i�Ls $su W . kly tronY Quebec for Liver- . _.._.- you throw away a diamond because it yh,, On -looker kept silent after the rein- V pool, calling sit Belfast. Through Tickets rick_ecl you ? One good friend is not to forcemeat arrived. An old retired officer �-R �"Y _ �„ issued from $eaforthtoLiverPOal,; in all clrsparnentscarrissl on us formerly FT� I ""� E FIRE. G P et i Steerage, Seaforih to Liverpool. , .. , E32 __ be ice shed against the jewels of all the of the 33ritish army was so eager to K I n earth. If there is coolness orilnkindneae ,the latest news, that wben his evening HE UNDERSIGNED would be+ lleahveei= c 1 B '� _ � Cabin, Seaforth to L� a ����.�� S Bei �, P�. �y �ttQn . Cheaper Than Ever. willingly T the attention of the public ge � ' - _ . betty ee'n us, let us come face to face and Wittaes8 came to h nd. be willio 1 gave , have it 'out. Quick, before the love = u .his dinner to satisfy his war appetite. Stock of Lumber of all kinds, cud Shingles o �i i b few thousand dollars too loan on improved 40 - CR S ,F r �uconp friends and customers that she has p she beat quality, and at the very Lowest Prices. ' a shiest amp time, z. ,.ia Tinware rev's cold ! Life is too Pshort to quarrel =_ If any soldiers are wanted, there is no 0 , � pmpei y,�princithl p y �l�cc rverrtl u ; €rtainir to th in any sums to.snit the borrowers' convenience, GOOD-NEWS.1. .t;11, ir.• arc aIvra� h on hand and for sale cheap- In or to carry black thoughts of f riends, doubt that any number of them can ba SIZED HE fLOCg AL�PAYS ON HAhD, r -h O $bme very nice BnDcling Lotr for sale in peafor, 1I j 0T KET. It is easy to rose ,a friend, but a new one had in Canada for the British arn►Y, no From. 10 feet, lap. I .; Q ! and Egmandville. Cal and see plan, and get Far I HAVE some to the conelm[sfan brat Z :►iu sett IL IN THE ZAR _ - g mattpsr what the o inions of ontsiders Machines atFsewry will not come for Callen ,nor maks up p e �. , tienlare. those Two D4?.eii $cueing ; d tc, Urdu r. Call and ace What she can do be` All orders sent b mail or otherwise prompt f A. Aii1iITA{iE, nlR . E. W7ElIThEv, E eaforth, for the old one when he comes. may be as to the termination of t e con y ,o p _- 4s8 prices. fie nbw ii you want tomakea - - - -Of all the .people who live at the est. Our old veterans of India aiid the ly attended to;at armed on 8accounts�t anulus � � j A `BIG B A R O A � '' ___ECLfASE OATAIEA .MALLS Centennial hotels I think the newly- Crimea, who are eagerly followin,_ the cleave o tinoney Coma soon, fie th an over 8 months. Make enquiries sa to quality and a P, BRINE, Lieenced Auctioneer for the a married couples -Philadelphia is full of course of events, are of the unanimous) pies before pnrehssirigelsewher'e-- count ; of Huron,. Salva attended in all m r i gains out iasb�and raalu County :• them b the wa -are the and ones o inion emphatically pronounced, that NOW IN F7LLJPRATIC3itiI. t arta of the county. All orders leftat theE Y , Y P r� X77 MARRIAGE LICEIIICES a A . I :: i 3 Y:S ' W/ 5 err ram tl attended to - who are thoroughly contented and in ease of a brush, the boys of the good 7 i%AItiTTFJI� Z sten hold the Agency, ioi ffralaaa• ax Office will be p p s g __ _. _..1..___ _ _ _-,.__.� _ �.. ___ e_--_. _ ha y It makes no difference to 'them old Red will win, as they have ever done On C E B T I)s i tt A T � ®, 0fzt meal, � ,Pt�i �oL Bcvrley, F'°"�•-id'���a���f„ � ` Ac�MMERCIAL LIVERY, Seaforth,Ont- T. A. PP s are orate the 2 Q00 TUBS _ _ . . TUo lr o'coz�xtr f SHARP, Proprietor- Camortableandelegant. whether rile potatoes ry before. t, . '�� 8tota. > p altrsys he sou thin ; and they ht Tbit+d.dbc,r south of tbel"ost Office, ldain st _ : , rxiages, and 9xst-elatss reIfable horses meats dry, or p iO�d4r tl�eipew Aab,).fs•aedst#he Aad Alt sf hili Feed tooatantiy otx H41Dt[' `" whether, le talk to BE WISE. -Too often a cold or slight ��� T��(� seep. argeq moderate. Oftiee and stables on _ don't care a lII P tri FEL E VAJ� B v " •"Eli'• Of Main P rl .le. considered a very oxdinary, tri - street,. second door east in a Ittld w0 4 cou " _ f G"` O ' • �• •, a,' Y t o As it �xposl oa oFF�r , ..s ► OI�TN dose spa eAVd say t. v; trend. them or not, The Lve g}.; . , ,4erg: tett at any, of the hotels promptly of siltion --but fl -$air, just As well - lef tog e , fit. °?i' ` I tu. si of their ol�n, need no convey stematicaUy neglected NICNEB' PRiC IN OASN;PATO. fflr olds: $ dense south aids of 'Goderieh street, fust doff their own, and have no thought but for came and hence a Bar p N. ; h, ' le, curable" -affection is con- Under authority of the Neaten mtdlavernar'of Pia sad le . P etsbyteriaa 0iinzc each other: They. aJl" try° to act as until a eunp A. G. McDOUGALL k Co. On"crio. , 41S LiTSBIS Qc THUM80. -� _4 ....., __�� 7 ,•,4., ., .Prinvs pulmonary disease. y