HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-10-27, Page 4I - , I - , L, -a. I ,; - . jl , . - !13 -7.1 Z . - I - . . , it ! I I . . j I . k ­­­.­­­ ­­­­--­ ­ - , ­­-­---­­­ - - - .----­­­­­- --.-- ­ - - - - - - - ­­ - -, ­ I I - ­ - -- I . . I -­ ­ . -- I I . -I I -- -Z--------— ­­-.----­­ ­- ­­— - ­­ ­ " . . . - . - ­ - I ­ I—- Tr ­ - - — - . ­ - - I ­­­­---­ - ---- - -- ­.- -- ­ -- -- . ­- - -, - . -- - . I I . . I .- I . . I . . I'll, I I - - . ! I I I . I I . . . I . I I . ­ I ; - . . . . . . I I . - . I I I'll, - . . .1 - , . . . - . I I .1 . - . I I . I I - . I . - I . I . I I I - - I I - - -- . - . I 11 1 I . . I . - - I . . I - - . I , , I - I - I . . I ! . - - - - . I . . . I - - . I . . I . . . I -1 . 11 I I . I I . I I - - . - . I - . . ­ - , I I - . . - - . .. . .. . -, , . . - ­ - - . - I -. I I I . I . . r & I . , . . I . . I I I . , - -1 , I . - - I - I " I . . , , . , . . . 1 - -- - 1. ,- , -. - I . . . ., .- . .. I I . I - - .. I . I . . - t . .. . ­! I . I - . I I I - .- - N I - I . - I - 7 . I - — I - . I - - I I . . 1 I I . I . ­ I - I - - I . . . — . - — - ­ - — - . I . . I , - . - I .. I -.---,-- ­ , . I r . . r I -, 1- --- I -­-- - I - i , . I I - -- I ,Z- - z r --W,=­.. - . - -, :7- ==ft.:= 't;:- I - - I I - I -- , J1 0 . ­ I . I , , - I I . - —7- -- — ---- - I I - , - , , . -- , - , ­ -- ­ - - — , - . , . ­ - -- — ? — . , - . , .1 - —­­ .? - ­— 1. I - - . . . ­ -.1. -t - ­­­ — ­ - I 4 - I -- - . 1. , ,., --- , --1 . I - - I - - 1. I I . . - . . - -- . ; I. . . - -- ; , I I s . - I , .1 '. - - , I I — . - - . . . - ,- I I ; . I . - - . . I . I , - . s . 7 , - I- - - - . I . I I I . . I I - . I . . -I? . I I . . I . - I - . . . . I . - . . . I i * , '. t I . . . - - - -- 11 . - I I . , - . , -, I I . t , I . I - .. I- . . I " . . i . . .. I - . .. I I . . I - - ? -- " . I - - . - - I - . . - . ­ . - - . - - I I n . I - , : — - I MM XY . - I OCTOBER 2 1 . A , -.­ ­ - I . . . . q, 1:J . i k! 0 N K XUP" 0 S I T 0 R. OcTomp. 27, 187 — I . I . -1 ,k.!E UR - 6, 4 ­ — - I - . s I -- .. . I i, I , I ­ . . , 1. -- --- I - l . -- — - — I . , I " . ­ . . ­ . NBW ADVERTISEMENtd. taliate where they oan, The Federal Mr, DeLery would also, had he been to the north -opt in- an immense ice pack, in connection with the fishory,,aud, a duction, of which We expr'esft& L - -AUCV1,01 I . " ­ I - Acme - . - - , . d jr , , h i*nt troops to ieAore eleoto&' The 4ucoft's-of either which closed,thera in for ,around. cooper -and carpenter went up. with Mr. complimentary. though -oncerning(;&n. - - Nov- 4, - .1 "ment ad Logi Wanted-4xray, Youag & Spa)rling6' , 4 w . fu4st, be Miles- ta c . r& . I . ­ " I - . -11 .J - - I 1. I— - ­ I Saw I . - - and maintain "order. The masters of the abandoned Are,t4c Boot Robertson to place that branch.of the es. ads, said, -to us , with pee L IL Rat I . uliar 10014, #41 I TL ' kwV14 Photographing--n-Andrew Caldene, . , regarded with satisfaction by the sup- A; , = . I - ' L . .. . express uncertainty as to, - theritimbor of tablishmaxit in complete workirigarder ; don't believe yamw. 1- I .410 - - - J P. D" ill. Aare to f y au& I AW I pfop" Ls . . New ashionable, Go6do--Waddell & Co. The following extracts from a private ,p rters of the Government, when it a re- men who stayed by the -ships orrq g! . . . # - - ' *1 ' . mooclays Oct- 301: 1 iii - membered that last year at the election to them after bepinniu$ the ho,mew Stoo Teacher Wantpd-Rector Reid. . - I letter Irom, Florida to a gentleman . turnod, also a large quAntitk of goods suitable for thin s when you get home, " W -*A ,we . I Millinery Show Rooms -,-bliss Leach. - I ' . Ara with the Indians. The maiaufac- have said them; and we - 4,#y,, Farm - k -.a . Now Tbrk, show that State to be in as for the Loc trip, but, - . tr Would Act have - . I . Farm for Sale--46hn S. Porter., &I Legislatare,--the Conserva. -so far as can be ascert4njed, it tu oolachan oil is destined to become said them t1wre if -we had notbeeu re - I --proprietor. Rogers. , bad A 09qition AlMos4 as-, South Caro. ti oqems probable thAt fifty or sixty -were an important branch of industry in Brit- to mpeat them here. L ,ady . 'Vaneso I - 4 it and F"hion-R. P., I - I ,onee % _ ve candidate was, elected, a large -. -,U , r. ­ I . - I . t L : ' f * " ; I a , ( - `? -. - has - been deplar-' - - -- -1 - If I -cheap lothing­rWilliamilill. , lina .,. * t , , , left bohind, many of Whom were Kans ish, Qolumbia, an the oil - ----------- - Tuesday? Oct# 31; 1 4 , ., ,majority'. The Opposition organs will. km, . I - I I - i I Music Teaching-Mrb,'C. M. Dunlop. f Or , O 11, I - . ed by the - medical faculty to 6 superior A VERY VALUABLE BOOR, - 4 'The 11. . nuett, Firm Sto he election In November will be hardly be able to make it appear that the LAJIGH CARo Fop.' Gi w.-The to cod liver o terin L 0 ehold FU I - -1 it for medical purposes, and lustrated History of - the Con ial I ruitu. I . Hats and Cape -Logan & Jamidson. hotly contested in this State. The Re. great "Conservative reaction," they have Allan ir li hip Glenfinart sailed a demand has been created for it where- hibiti 11 witb L. a full dL * t' FIX. I I I How - . . i on, ... - tor - J, P. B .. I I w on Thursday of ever it has been tried, We, hope, Mr. Great Build escr1P 'On Of the - Me 'i SatUD 14moval-Miss Quiinlan. I , Vr?r*j1 ;-`ar1 . Shoemaker Wanted-1anies, Stanley. ublicaus have the majority of voters, but been shouting so lustily about, has made from Bo"o _ ings, and $ U the objects -of iri on c ? n ofrGriasgo ' It . . the Democracy are using eve last week, with'the,lv - . ­ ua Cotten"A. G. McDougall & Co. ry means to ' success. terest in them by James D. McCabe* I I . revent the colored"people from standing much headway in , gest cargo of grain Robertson's enterprise will be * I - I At Herman, Val I I that section of the ever taken by a sailing vessel -from that I I . Farm forA'ale- -,Tohnllowse­ I author of "The Centennial. His ' I johni & Roweliffe I . Ey. the . arty, Tromnes an(I intimidation Province of Quebec.. ' I L port, covAistin * tory of Br. : , , I - I . ;, ' g of 60,000 bushels of corn, ' Manitoba Notos. the United States," &a.-Embellighed I Me, AUedonee'r, L i&6 free, y dad(t, and It is kn6wn that the , . hed I i . I - — - N and 3,000 barrels of. #our, all of which [F1!0311THE MEE PR389.] - . with over 200 .fine engravings of bui weatiesday" Nov- - : Iff . # . Democrats are fully 'armed with Win. --! - was shipped by Messrs. Crockett Broth- . and scenes in the Great inge - st -,Line %3st, Col : - News of the Week. Exhibition.- . , .1 . ester rifles, shot guns and revolvers, Buffalo have been very close and plexi. There is a universal dern . and Implen ! I ere of Boston. She also had 6,000 bush. S 0 E it to 14 Qf X, P-001tor c, . and for & wo E M . w d # and t ey openlydeclare thotif theydo not Yg Low Frmzm-Yellow fever inter- els'of wheat from Canada and Iroog bar. tiful. . I rk . -I I . . .' , which iliall embody a complete and care. glome-ry, I I I . f - I I . . win e victory at the polls t6y will have ments at Savannahon October 23rd rels of applep. I The oldest inhabitant says the Xorth fully written account of the Great -iioneer, pro"tor 5 1" Cen. . SaskatchewAu river Was, never -so low as te I - I I , it at allabassee by force, and that they - were only two, GRANT AS A SABBATARiAw. -At a regu. . SEAFORTH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 rinial Exhibition, sketchingits 3forlday" -oat., .30, ,; . 0 I ­ 7p1876 are prepared for it. I Surely unless, the ARRIVAL OF SOLDIFuts.-Two steamers lar meeting of Methodift,minis - this s'easo'n. wonder. L I , - . I I , - - haL . , I . ters in , I fal and vat4eA features, and lborrief Farm Sto ,'I' presenting ri , . — General'Government, interferes to'save ve Arrived at Havana, Cuba 'from New York, last Monday morning, Rev. -The -Mennonites are teaming wagon ; I i -ford pi , I to the reader not a dry list of articles ex. John , ,Xt&h JP I I 11, The War in the East.- * us., the Republicans of this State will 8 each bringing 1,000 soldiers'. Mr. Dickiliso , of I loads .of flour from Emerson to their hibited, but a brilliant d graphic de. 'juctioneer. t ` l n Jew, Y7ork, moved a . In - PtIBITIONOrENED.—Tbe Prince of v' O'te of cen'siire on President Grant for L soon be numbered among the men. that E Pembina Mount4in settlements. MARI . - I an . I laq --The war panic of last week has" in were but are not, I do not wish to alarm Wales formally . scription Of the most 'ficent display mouday, - O-et- .30, ' - - 1: 7 1 L I opened the Industrial having visited ihe Philadelphia Exposi- ' Thirty pound cabbages and tuinilis , - I . ­ . some measure subsided; The dire Calam. you, but wish to prepare you for what ult`5 Ofluman, skill and indo 5-ulla 0 1. i . - is 'Exhibition at Thurso, in Scotland, tion on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Tiffany, three poiq'nd pots" and -Br6b& " of the res try t 'Farm Sto 1 1 -,,; . . Of- . * 9* ever gathered -together, Suchaw&litthe, ffousoliold Furnitu 1- . ipyof a general European conflickisfar likely to happen, It is the old secession -CHINESE PLANT.7--The Paris Jardin Chicago,, Mended the President, an nagian vegetables getierally, are I , L,j I Ia. , d 80 Nailinal Publishing Companybave Imp. Tro 4,etor, - Tolin Pi JP "L h h 11 7 I . , feeliniz embittered by the opposition to des Plantes has recen tly received a Chi- said Grant was a strict observer- of the- c0m plied in this supe day . less threatening' Mon about Winnipea, that the mar. ' 'i 0 - . - A peaceful soliltion 01 Nortliern men.as office holders, and 1d) nese plant hitherto unknown in Europe, Sabbath, and would neit . vellous show of them -W "-p only -surprising - rb volume. 1-t is fr( ,]6 I I , j"V. ' 1. . I present difficulties may yet 'be arrived solute con - .her use his hor- - .1 the pen of Jrames D. McCabe, a well. - Mal -Road, Tuckei t . . tempt for the Stars and Stripes It chapges color three, times daily, and ses nor allow his servants to work on to atrangers. I . . known author. The book in a I and. -Implements. L lil's at, Of course . . . -The lost cattle b6longine to Ahe I -corn- I ' ul , Russia, it,is-reported, and Federal authority, We are -none of naturalists have named it.Hvbts,,,u8 mida. that day. No action,Was taken by the 3lete , f body in the matter. Government have been heard from " - and vivid description of the great Wx'eb'i, - I . J. P, f W L Or' bition. The author'has Written from Oct. 2S "- 1-1. ter dark. Assassination hai been threat. * WHisKey S+iLL' RiFE.-The distilla- Red Deer River, where they ere seat- "; I his . itTti0er1-r;1' i I - ,; 1; will not accede to the six months' ar. us in this city sure of-pers6hal safety af- bilia. - . : "I 11 III- - Mistice proposed by. Turkey, but insists -- - -- CIVILIzkTION 0,F IN,DiANs..-The Soci. own personal knowled h& in I I Farm. -Stwli -- . 'gel, . vm ,e ­-, . Hayp I - Z I . Is -1 - & . Daid0l Proprle r11 ened, and individuals have been named tion of whiskey in Scotland does not ety of Friends in the United States has tered up into small herds with tfie Buf. through every part of the great 'N -ogr1od' - Er"61 4 4 on an armistice of 'six. weeks., - England, as marked victims, and I have reason to s6em to be much effected by the prevail- under its charge 26,000. The seventh falO. Mr. James McKay's lose by the I Fair,note book in hand, recording the . . 31 r, - . 1, 11 it is understood, has aacepted the six fear that my,name is on the same roll of ing depression of trade generally,- Dur- annual report of their Executive Commit. stampede is said to be 185 head. He bad he auctioneer- 21-; 11 I honor." . I L, . . vast and varied information contained in I I cLesday, Nov. 7, III, - the put mouth upwards of 10,000 tee states that at Roseville, Kansas, the contracted to herd them up -to the time A months'. armistice, but will not.oppose , - I T, , I I - . I . . log . this work. He received the const&rIt and .&rl, 0, MeAlill; f bushels of barley-ivere shipped from Pottawattomies have 06 farms, a board of killing. LL &I t", !-; g - one for six weeks ; while Germa is be., p ,,,e - Irnplemen-t'g. J,OS L - UY sympathetic assistance of the Centennial I _ _. e - j,;, I , cent ProDosal to Amalgamate -Greenock for the Campbelltow distiller- ing school, and a school farm, The Kic. -The residence of M . - i ,1 n r. Andretv,Mc. . A` f . yed peculia I I r ad. - ; IT, F. Brine, I j . he latterov the Grand Trunk -and Great ies. kapoos, in Kansas, have also a boarding Dermott, Postoffice street, Winnipeg, vanta - -ts I tor l . a% . gee in Preparation. The author- Wednesday, Nov V-1 " though not opposed to the former. It" Western Railways. A STRIKE IN THE Tums OFFicE.-A school and a school farm. Many of the re- i I - H I - narrowly eseAped destruction by fire L I is announced also that I - - I .*, takes us through the Exhibition Grou ,',lrey, Well -bre , number of compositors in the'New York children are advanced in arithm cently. The games 'were extinguished * ads . 11.1 4 . I I m I'l I Turkey. accepts ',-,'A corr'eisp'obdence in which is discussed ' 11, . etic, I and makes us familiat with every o.bjwt , and Ora& 'Cat ; the six weeks armir nmes office struck thb other 'night by grammar and history. The Modo'es have by a couple of fire extinguishers from the We are then taken -L I breit - I 4' i -T itice, suggesting, how- the recent proposal a ig t me of interest in them, -i to ma amate he -Johnston, proprieti 04 I - order of the Typographical Union No. e. 200 acres inclosed, have log houses built engine house, before the- fir'e had made into the Main Building, and are ,carried - - I - ri zi I ever, a further prolongation of six weelp, - leading railways, has been lately pnblish- The trouble grows out of a dispute as to by themselves, and are well disposed atifficient headway to require the services auctioneer, ; 7,;-i I I ; I - 161 . succe"ivelythroughit,and through,ever . A if at the conclusion of the firob six, nego- the price of composition. The columns The F " nds are confident that the 1)2. of the steamer, which was ready for the building large and small,in the LgMUUU ed. The Grand Trunk. Board in a . y 'L i'l i" T L . P let- . ` Of the Pima show no sign of the strike. emergency. I 1, - THE X --i., a - udon ter dated on the 15th of September last, gert-be both Chrictianized and civ. We are told the story of the construction M IvA Lo ! , -1 tiations are incomplete, The dians J J - I i -i !,i Time8 says it is evident that we need * 'WAITING iOR A PUBLISHER. -A vain. ilized. , -Several gentlemen are in the neigh- a:u,l - fg . ­ . arrangements , , , 1r, . Ot after referring to matters relating to able book by an English scholar, Mr, borhood of Totogan on a prospectiri g tour, li ,of" each of these edi. I M I POSITION$ OF TuE GREAT PoNVERS.- fice e, and the rare, beautiful and wonder. , if,-- despair of seeing the-, crisis pass aws, competitive traffic, goes on' and express - , il... - I . i­ Rawdon Brown, illustrating the social Despatches of 22ad October neces themselves well pleased w , -TAUWhost.. ... I ; y to urge upon sitate 'th ful'collections, which they cont re - vheat,rerbusW 1 ­ i . life of England at the timie of Shake- a serious modification olf previon s, views the country. They further assure us of - . sia, a ' . '­ i without an outbreak of hostilities be- the Great Western the re-consideratiou I graphically described. The book is in. -orbusl &­ ....... j'. f f ­ I ,V,Ltsp o ft . ; speare s death, has been waiting twenty in regard to the Eastern juestion, . By a considerable immigration from the ihel ... - ­-i; , , tween Russia and Turkey, Despatches' of a proposal formerly made for the amal. valuable to those who contemplate 218" I ; : r .- ., - vorbuf ­.., ;, yea 77 ­ . L I !F : Ation of the two lines. The cor- not a guide ­- X-Arlay -per bKow. *...- from ,Vienna also state t1fat the most gam , _ - Eastern Provinces ,ia the comin visit. - ra for some publisher bold enough to the confession of the Tivie# Vienna .yi.Ig %rM91 I g t ing the Exhibition. Theie is Rz . letter pu it in type. One . of the publishing respondent, he was mistaken, and we feel justified in I -Buff'or"No. 1,1,00"­. 'I, . . ab6ut the at a book in print which gives *ne-tenth- of . Eggs, 4­­- -­*­ .. . I I I I toriching harmon'y reigns again .aniong dellores the bad effects, on the. interests societies has now undertaken the'ri'sk. Powers which had declar4 their acc efit- , hearty welcome will be tendered to them the information contained in this work. , lour,p I I f . 11- " T , or bwwl­ .4­1 z tbb powers. CONSPIRAcy,-A despatch 6 Reuter &nee of the six by all here. . - F4 . I of both companies, resulting from the f armistice, 1UT44, v ­.....'..-I... t L I months' - "I , I To those who have -visited the Exhibition i ro Constantinople announces that the Neither Austria, France nor Italy- had -The lake fisheries are reported to be it will Wdft .... ........ .- - . --. I. L - IL I L A, . There has been severe fighting in Ser- -keen competition necessarily existing be- in be a. pleasing souvenir of their Sheep w3d"4. .... - .. ­ -, -, , - Government has discovered,& consipiras notified the Porte of their adhesion to doing extremely well, and several fisher- visit, and will enable them to irmall the I - : . Wmat il V I . " - y . . ,! I via, in the deighbOrhood of 'Alexivatz. tween. the two lines so long as they are to murder the Grand I Salt ttetall) pet b . - -1 . ­­ L Vizier and Midhat that propour,'though none had o men hxve recently left for the fishing magnificent scenes -they have Wituened. - 1 I ­ I On Thnrsday,Fiiday and b ected . salt (wholessloverbAn . . , I . I :,, Saturday of not underone management, Feeling confi- Pa ha, and has arrested two Ulemabs of ) the FrO ndi. Travel dur#ig f6 a rotgtoe,g,per, bushd.­ . 18 to iL England, therefore' to6k; 8t week To those who cannot .- ­` t -1 " last week, make the - pf - continuous attacks were made dent that the pr 'cut. formal action in its favor. The effect of "as Deen chiefly confined to t?1e frei ostmeol V btl,....;- .. ...,- '. - , ss of Can4da would fa. high rank and Ramiz Pasha, the' ght- - - ;. ' . urn 28 a -neceM W00a.*.­..­ ­.........., i , e prits jo ey , itv. I,iv,e L F n 1 . ti I 9 . : , . for it will enable them to '" ,H por -100 1b... I *1 -en- - , I I ­ th Servia p9si on by the Turks, vor, and the Government and Legislature Other arrests are expected. remain in a position to urge the Porte to the Totogan district having been remind- joy the delights . - on - * ' have been exiled to various islands, this is that till the Powers of Et land erg; the farmers and other settlers about ; ,. - :4 who claim to have gained ' such decisive would grant any fair and equitable meas- EGYPTIAN DONKEYS, -Sir. Geo' concede the Russian 'demands. On the edbythe late cold snap that the ' of a L thorough acquaint- I r f : victories as will iesultr i . . rge r`e is ance with the sreat Worldla Fair'in the - I - I :- - . n their having ures that might be required by the com- Elliot is 'Interesting himself in raising other hand, it seems certain that F.,ussia such a thing as winter in Manitoba uj&OU I : p , eir own homes, - The work - r aa an donkeys on his estate in Gla- has not the a ort of either Germany" have concluded to stay at home fo st perbohel , - possession of the Morava valley. panies, in rendering their respective ro 4[ llkypti, r I simingw,ho IF L entire . . fLuietude of th -Fill V3261tt, Lpe'r I t Z ,,, 1 , morganshire, Wales, and it is expected or Austria in a is comprised in one large and handsome . -0stsl, pot bushel....... . ' ZZ f Russian volunteers continue to pour into more re'muneiative, the drand Ueepr c6ntemplatea movement few days aud,'fix up a bit for the cold octavo volume . . Ssrley , -.porlbuzbef., ....... I , of 682 pages,and is ,sup :1 L , I 1;. . ! ITrank that these animals, which are very tract- against Bulgaria.. . months, The running of the Totogan ly illust -orb. _a V' - Servia. .The - once . . re" P0 bashel..w...-A , . , , rated, The price is low And vith. I - ess 9f Ahe Turks *.ill Board submitted the following roposi. able as well as pretty to the eye, will ffow E H RA V. 8 , ,9 mills is anxi6usly awaited by the farmers in the reach of all. I ' p I TH E L 13 Elf ATION ORI- ­Butt;r.­....,..­,*-..-.. 7 0 1 . : . I 'The book is sold by -- T,dtatwfi­ -­ ; i most likely hasten Rfissia's action, either tions : ':'-' , soon be in great request in the - fashion- GINATkl). The story that the British around, , -Iftg,g. ----.1 -11 I ' I I : - . i for ` I able w( subscription only, , - ...... 41 -IR 1 1 peace or War. . aglind for ladies' saddle Cabin - 0 ' . and'Mr. Samuel Col. ----- I i ' 1 . I - L The tw6undertakings to be placed )rid of '-E I et at its meeting on hursday the -The c - ntract for section 15 of the bick, who in the only authorized agent for W*-V1roVt0,UJ..*...­­L - 4 - . at the earli . 08t date posible under one use and for use in pony carriages. 19th inst., decided to occupy Constanti. Pacific Railway has been awarded to this see . ; L I The conspiracy ' I , tio . I to assassinate the au- . I) -1 i : t thority. Dom PEDRO'S TRAVELS.—The Emperor hople with 50,000 troops, - supported by Charlton, Bydder, 'Iffdwley & Co.., for . It, is now canvassing for it. xzw Yoj , Grand Vizier and Midbat Pasha, two of I - , . I - ; 2. The united companies,to be govern I of Brazil is about to publish an account a heavy fleet, the instant that Russia $1,560,000. This work embraces the ­ G61d is .quoiW in I ' L e fo 11 . . r ,of his travels, in the Old and New invadesTurkish terk-itork, and that if construction of about 36 miles of railway --Mr. Daniel Allen -of Galthas rec46,v,. : ; . - I the -Turkish Minisiers, is indicative of ed by a joint commift; rmed out o' . I 1091to 110" - . 7 . danger to the inte'r'esito of peice. For both Boards. f 'Worlds. The first volume, des ribing Germany, Austria, or France should ifi the rocky section west from Rat - e d. from England, 2 pairPile Games,on I I - - L . P I Port- . e - hit; travels in the United States, it; com- oppose this ste aged and one pair of chickens ; two . .. k the Sultan,' though., desirous of coming 3. The net ripyenue of the two under. p it would be the policy age on Lake of the Woods to Cross Lake, pair , STRATF01 , L I one _ lone _ I . - . , pletedin manuscript, and is to be printed ol Great Britain. to becupy E93Ttf Was . which latter lake is about 7,6 miles east of Black Red Game chickens and one _ . - Fall wheat, $1 to. , I I - . aves of go vided in proportion to be in Paris. It is in Portugese ; but trans. set dfloat here by a Bohemian who un. from Winnipeg. sa Bant&ms. These birds lare I into accord with th6 representat . takin ' to be di" ' I - The Me contractor's . from -tO$I 0-8; barley, '60 I determined by arbitration confirmed if lationg in Freirch, German, and English successfully offered it for sale at two .allasting and track laying on fowls prize t king birds, the old Pile - L ; the other Powers, may, be deterred by needful by the Canadian Legislature. " to i We ; o ato, 37e to . i have the b rmiroouls : 7 the fanaticism of the Saftas and. Vle -- are ready, and it will appQ&r in, the four guineas to all the newspapers and news section 14. - having taken first prize at the gre4t . . - I . . -1o. , And should the Porte no men in. the United Kingdom - Birmingham Show. The breeder says .. I I - in". The arbitrators to be two eminent public languages towards the end- of the present agents, and stated that be received it -The party under Mr.' Halvorsen, blood 'in L . . . t come into bar. . , one to be year. . TORP'N, named by each C L' . from Lord J61in Manners. " The befit who went out prospectin "They are the beat Pile . , - - mony with the Powers, both regarding - . ompany, and an umpi re NEwtVNrVERSITY.-The Bristol Uni. evide g for coal atthe: d.)) the Fall wh 1. 10 , to be nominated by the arbitrators before . . ce that En land does not look to I Pembina Mountain in- the be Vining of worl . I - ext" S L . versity College was opened on October 10. hostil ties is fourill in the farther proro- I . f ed to i -spring, $1 .07 to I the armistice and the "Autonomy" to be entering on their duties, or Mr. Leeman It it; designed to supply persons of both gation of Parliament.. September have return -e I . ti .iLnuipe -The Hamilton cricketers hav -de. - . . granted to the "insurrection" to be invited to act as I A depth of 56 fe cided to give a grand -caliep ball in aid -of peas We - ,oats 380 ary states, I . L 0 ; - I .19 - I -- umpire. et 10 inches was boreg, the fandsof the ,perpound ; eggs, I-& -in all pro.babil- od upon which the facts of was reached, and the tools in L Cah ,$ 1 1 - her refusal or failare Will 4. The p6i sexes with the means of continuing their THE TRANSVAAL WAR. -Accounts of , when rock club, on Friday Nov. I - , - - Co - I which the arbitration shall be based to be studies in science, languages, history, the attack on Secocoeni's mountain have employed not being equal to the eMer- L17. No one unless costume INIGNMO, A . ity he followed by armed intervention on the IS months from let January, 1875, to and literature, and more particularly to been received. It is evident that the gency, the work was, for the time, aban- will be allowed -to attend, and from the , ' - , - cheese Intl 11 . , I I the -part of Russia, The situation, 30th June, 1876. L afford appropriate instructions in those main body of the burghers has been de- doned. Mr. Halvorsen, who bas had' influential committee appointed, andthe - ' At the c, ' though apparently not so cri 5. The capital accounts o I brailches of applied science, which are ficient in courage, but their failure can- 'considerable exp i enthusiastic Wa the matter was taken -,regiiiterea 6160 bo . tical as a -f the two I I erience in coal , * I .1 I .0 I Moot L ber =d­04Aober Md few days ago, is nevertheless far from re. companies to remain separate for thb pres- employed in the arts and m;anufac. not be called a defeat, and matters are cations are 13 lmngs up, there is h'ttfe doubt but -that it win . . ' . , en- . - ent. tares. " no be a great success, L - Wa -a- -the b*IL4t ' . . . t as bad as they looked at first sieht. couraging, and he has no do It has been s t. _ PTIC assuring. Pe may be made, ubt but that ed that the calico dresses US" ace pr war ' NEW' ENGINE. -A new tramway There is, however, a report that 'o-ety. extensive ooalbeds exist in the locality. wom on the ice- . ' . . - . .. may break out in a day. - - ry, Mr. Halvorsen will fiend ocal charities. 1L. 1. I GODMI At'the balf-yearly,meeting of the Great 'engine, manufactured by Messrs. Mer waYo will attack the Transvaal, which, an exhau'stive casion be donated to I I ' I n i Western Railway Company, held in Loin- weather & Son, of London, E ng. is now of course. would greatly increase its dif. report t(; the Govern -On. Friday, Oct. 13th, Messrs. Rush Fall wheat Vto i . runnin y P . ment. L I I don qn the 12th day of the present month g upon the Vale of Clyd'e tramway ticulties. Till now the presence of a body and Jewell threshed for Mr. Thos. -cook- to $1, :03,.- ,barley, V . The War of Races in the South. f . -The circumstances which resulted'u burn, Con, 5, Blenheim 1 . el -1 line. The engine is attached to'an ordin. of British troops on the northern, frontier a shot being fired at the steamer Mani- oats n a shels of 1- -ests, 87 ; W--ook 26 ' .A the proposal to amalgamate, after being ary car, and works the regular traffic in of Natal has contributed to keep him in being at the rate of 2J 15C ; cheese, 10a 1 . I - ­- It would seem quite probable that a fully discusse toba on a recent trip. are i one ho r ., 1-52 bu . very large part of, the Colored citizens in in IL I . 1: . d, Was rejected by a vote of Its turn with the horse cars. It is en- check. It is reported that Cet wayo, A quantity of wood ' as follow"; : bushels per m atei Mr. Rush is a very Zoe to 00c'. , . 8 y was purchased from tall man, and the fa I . . ixty-three to six. In view of this ad. % tirely enclosed, and presents the appear- King of the Zulus, is entering into an al- rmers of the souti- i I L the Southern States,will'be deb*arred from er . n an Indian near the Roseau, and paid for . n the present election for Pr i v f Blenheim have come to BVFA - " , bt, a ce of a diminutive car in 'front of the liance with the Amazwazies, and that a The Indian, h-6wever, was the eon L ble of ; - L voting i se vote, it is n I )able- that any t the time. L L westernpart o I -t es" f rther movernerit- poitning" other car. The company have lately both will join Secocoeni in the war againt not the owner of the wood, and beinly L elusion that he is also receipts I den . III . I I to the fu * pa Tho in - a doir g some very tall tl . The ma- 1,0M.- shipments"I T e violence and intimidation u I sion obtained Parliamentary powers for work- the Transvaal. Secocoeni is said to be rover (who happened to be on hancr at- iresZg cs L $ - . chine used was manufact of the roads, will be entertained for some ing their lines by mechanical power, and marching on Leydenburg, where he I ured by Mr. . ears 'Yorkem at* I - reso rted to,by the Whites would -seem to, the right moment), immediately ab. Whitelaw, forme 'I , I - render certain this undesirable result. time. ,The'share-holders of fhe;res - intend shortly to adopt this means of threatens to put to death every man, squatulated. Therightful owner after- s forth. _r1V of Paris', now of $6, few heavy At i -! pec- I . .. - - ... The' i Blacks have the right of citizenship, tive lines! might possibly favor such a I locomotion, I I woman, and child he will find. He 'has wards demanded payment, but was - me ea - lears unsold; mostl I HURRICANE IN CUBA. -A fearful hurri- requested the English to keep out of the' with the statement 't -J". MeCrea was tried recentlyin the L scheme in the hope that larger dividends' pre hat the wood bad c and it is nothing short of the most fl&. cane vailed in Cuba on the night of way. The demandfor British intervention ady b,e paid for, and which is ourt of Assizes at Belleville for killing I LONI - grant injustice, and the most abominable might be realized. Bat to thegeneral pub- the 1.9th inst. Telegraphic communica. and sovereignty incre ' "'re 13 a ' n . %borne Joseph Murphy in the townsh'L f Mon. I ing whes :% hroughout the whole island is in- yaal. ' er's I , - . 'tyranny to deprive,them of this right by '(In - the return trip,of the boat, had met in & 5th of April. Tle*p'arties 41, to iO5 lie, amalgamation is ilie 'T - ages in the Trans. n e amination of the steam , spri t $1 I z ivalentof laige. tiOn t out 8 0 x I e - book n teagle, on the . = - ' the terrorism which ly increased rates for terrupted. The lines connecting with FAILURE OF CROPS AT BOMBAY. the shot was fired at it. $1 -- . peas, I , seems fir iight, and possibly -A Cal - tavern at Doyle's Corners; $1 09 to 81 12; 'corl to be increased passenger rat ,the,cable are down, but will be repaired cutta despatch to the I ndon'Timdg state' -- and -both being under the, influence of - I es as well. And ,i' ' a - $1 1715 U, $2 -00 -, t! . so generally inaugurated ' by lawless mmediatbly, if the weather allows. The that the prospect for crops in Bo liquor,engaged in a sculfle in which the I , 15 . whites. . in notwithstanding tha mbaybe- Henry W-ard Beecher's OPinion I . red wint6r, 81 66 I . South Carolina, the . t both companies barometer is still very low, and there are comes daily more gloomy. The districts of Canada. I prisoner was the aggressor. Prisoner bit changed. . . .,candidates for the Governorship of the by no means improbabl uence,,At is signs of another hurricane. None of the of Khandeish, Nassiek Ahmend, Nug- - .11 wield a powerful political infl 0 deceabed on the thumb, and erysipelss - . uch.0-pro. American vessels in the harbor have gur, Povnah, Sh 13efore this autumn. we, had. some setting in Murphy died some three keeks I I Ton I t in- - e that s ff olapore, Kaladji and knowledge of Canada, but it was small. later. A verdict of acquittal was render.. . State are Chamberlain, the presen ' jec suffered'thus far. In that city several Dharmar, containing a population of N During the jast -4 1 - Wade Hampton -the Ve had run on errands to Montreal; we ed. I . cumbent, and Gen t would be defeated in the Le i tare. buildings have been damaged, and many nearly 6,000,000, L 19 li . . 041 are threatened with se- - the Toronto CAW, - L . - latter the Democratic, and the former the Railway monopolies are just as danger. trees in the public park are down. One vere diErtress. The Local Government had visited, for curiosity, Quebec ; but -A London township farmer hasbeen. UP to about liow ` . ' . ' i Republican candidate. A few days . ous to national interest's "monopolies of of th, walls and roof of the new theatre estimates that over 200,000 persons mile we had never come in close contact with enjoying a good sell h etrated on mere taken V - I . ago, r t t. e perp _y -de , 11 - . At a Political meeting, Gen. Carey a any other kind. I of Payret, now constructing L sta the people. We have come back from he sportsmen who raidedhis farm. He 11 -- - I A sample - 6' ,Iur American neigh. , were de- be elieved in three districts alone. I I *A1. W , stro ed. - . It i's our bnef vi'Jit -it included Montreal, procured two or three q rreis, took 4' .0 wontre - I - - . e supp 16-0 ? bore have, to some extent, found this y ted that the monsoon crops have e'n- Ottawa, Toronto and London ' iL The del of admiration for the country and stuffed. lie then took them.Whis w L c aims - New tirely failed and the absence of rami pre- feeling with a them to a taxidermist, ui ,,ed bi th .r . Democratic oratoe advocating the *I TWEFD's ADVEbaURES.—The y " I I of Hampton, 8 out, and it becomes us a _ a d had them - aid in his. speech : not to sh't our York Herald publishes an account of vents the sowing of the rubbe and win- lovefo , Do& . . - i r the warm hearted and h spita- and nailed them fast to the limbs of as meats offerea: by' A 9 South Carolina is A White man's eyes on, .their ,- Twee&s sojourn. in Cuba, from which it ter crops. The collector of Poonate re- 0 of firstwclass eon State, and in spite of nigger majorities I - - — - appear that he, together with his com. ports that not ' . ble people. There isnot a fairer land on many trees, in such a Way that they I I ITUCIALL a sin le blade of grass is Ahese are well,enq - - AUTHORITY L. -of what ame in. L . the Democrats are go By 0 i panioti, Hunt, landed on the coast near vis-ible for miles, We tanks and * which the sun shines than that part of could be easily discovered by the hun- -C to rule it. This the- date rivers Canada . we swear to you byte Santiago, on June Ilth ; that they went -are drying, up and the; cattle all dying a fa L through which we travelled. As ters. How much powder and leaA had -._ tra prime are w I aven and in the for the meeting of the forthcoming ses- to Santiago where Tw' . ful.rming country-i,t is simply wonder. been wasted bring $4 50 'to $4 . face of God.." eed was detained from starvation. The collector at Shola- I on those squirrels it is im- - And again, at a meetingin ion of the Ontario Legistature has been until July 25th by the Spanish authori- pore giyes a still worse report. The Gov- All along the banks of the St. Law. possible to tell, but many a good marks- j. -1, xid 3 t - , L rence, from Toronto to the western 25 -third-$ -- < a town named fixed t some time shortly after the ties investigating his passport' under ent has opened relief works and is part man has wondered why he could not bag ,of sheep J is abdute( . 4 ( Aiken, he is reported to have said : Christmas holidays. Hitherto it - name of John Secor, Which was dated'in employing the L of the Dominion, it is one vast success. the ! I ,and , Of feringii at -0 4 I - . - gun policy, won in the State Convention, enz. has April, four months after his escape from and making roads. .' ion, of admirable grounds for farming, - The new Reformed Mennonite . A . - clus bring ft SM I . . - ery largely cultured and improved. L C hurch, built .at Bright Station dunne I -third S3 to t3 50- - , that is the shot be 'ustOmarY to call the Local House the Ludlow street jail, - The report then SITTING BULL WANTS PEACE. -The fol. v I I . " The Edgefield policy People ia-excavating tank game. ... 11 I I . and will mpaig - togc er at nearly the same time of the details his ese While in London we attended the agri. the present summer was opened for pub- . ,of lambs wh m - - : Was in pro- p on.Sabbath, Oct. 22nd. 'Ser- ! -, , ich c es ,1. for buyers' - I season, generally abou there, and says that 1111Dt'S real name is than Bureau, Washington: "Fort -Peck, . L That olicy is to plainly tell the negron ,t the . will in'the present ca ape to Vigo and his arrest lowing telegram was received -at the In. cultural exhibition, which he worshi .$3 75 ' I thAt tte whites are again in co Maginnis and that he is Tweed's son -in- :-Monta a . gr6so there, and it heightened our im- '1111 P, Second_ L ' mmand of middle of November, and adjourn during law. n , Oct. -13th-To the Comm . is L' mono in German. were preached in the 1. c f is- pressions of th great farming count L . " iiiW.`c,1;;; $2 to $ . . . - the State, We Democrats do not want the holidays. For some reason as yet sioner o Indian Affairs, Washington- north of Us. ry morning, and in English in the e . W& I - I ; el Megs! gers from, Sitting Bull's camp re ro I ath e L . . erg that 'the tall poppies will fall fi unexplained, a different coarse has been accident has happene r at ' IR used to think that it p I I cLus -STP their votes, but the -wiil vote against us DEER.—A' lamentabl We thank God for the There is a Sabb school in connection are offering, bult at their peril. We "must warn the lead. d in 'the deer -park po the whole hostile camp hag sP,erity of our neighbors u there. with this Church, every Sabbath com- .- :, - .,4;1 First- ' I are I rS6 to $9 an- I I - I -1 . - have the two nations, and given to pupils in English and German, rat., adopted this season, and the opening has at Coombe Abbey, 'Warwickshire, the crossed the Yellowstone at the mouth of worth while to was hardly mencing at 9 o'clock Instructions I for one would shoot first Chamberlain, been prolonged until after New Year's. I seat of the Earl of Craven. A number the Big Horn, enroute for this place. I Diessed, 1 398 were I . I ' . I . L . Elliott , and such carpet of gentlemen and servants were engaged They claim to want peace. that Canada had better merge with us. - This will prove an excellentopportunity . . to -day at $6 50 to urge We think so no longer, More good will, for the youth of that locality acquiring & I I . . q in catching deer of both sexes for tran- shall I pursue toward them? (Signed.) be done by havilig that English-speaking knowledge of the German, language, as I . -ST.-GA- gers; second, the miserable white native What co . bag- This has given rise to uite a discussion, )$ 1 scalawags, and lastl , the bl d does not appear to meet with the sportation. into Scotland. The mo&8 Thomas T. LMi he Indian nationon the north built u I generally. 3) I y . lack leaders an - te 14 Ag6nt. - . .. approval of either political parties. operandi was to drive the anim ls -into a After consultation with Gen. Sherman i T. It is a well as religious instruction. . I .- - There were twi I I Gen. - - net which had been placed around the instructions were telegraphed to Mitch. I i5p . - 4 , It - -, i -two of MiXI-A c axt of his spee+ - In another p ' P Dominion which; although t erg from Carey said :' . . woods, and a boy, thirteen yeari of -age, a -us in names and terms, is substantially I . inixea one 01 .-'L The Election in Beauce. named William Monger, Brinklow, neat i ell as f6liOws: "Inform Sitting Bull th t like us at the root. The have a Work- . 'BIRTHS. L "Go armed to the ballot box a the only condition of peace i' y I rid meet Rugby, was attempting ,to sto a his surrefid. which is Peculiarly their own in opening Loot. I'S I'll Montreal LiVe force with force., If anyone tries a fine I er when he wil a 0 besides two or t - The recent electoral contest in the L , I be tre ted as a prisoner the wilderness through to 'the Pacific STEELE.—In Seaforth,on the held. o ". to pre-' County of Beauce, Province of Quebec, buck, when it ju ' mped at him ans pierced i of war. Issue no rations, except after Ocean, and on -which thay are now en- wife of Mr. Robt. Steele, of a: - daugh- I - V­er-frDm1As- d . w ,eattle wer,e not I y satisfie. gaged. We. hail their indi TYLBR.-At the Methodist Parsonage? -wee but the qiil rsons - into the brain. -The bo 'was removed that the Indians can be held at the Agen- their natio . 9 e person or pe ,nder, and when fall vent you from carrying the State for -Til- - one of its antlers through his temples I such surre ter. den and Hampton th for the representati-- y who so try must be removed o - viduality and I qual distinctness; we rejo' ' L p- I . ut of the ency in the House Of Commons, bas re- to a cottage close by, in a dying state. cy. Make every preparation, and defend I ice in - Kippen, on Oct. 17, the wife of Rev— aet Thursday H 17! way by the use of sufficient force, and if sulted in the return of M Severalo'ther accidents of a rough char. the, Agency, stores and p . their prospects ; we rejoice es R. J. Tyler, of a son. ­ Wei- hi little c r. Bolduc, a pecially in 0 L 20 lug a . it becomes necessary to 13hoot them in Liberal of- the most radic . acter happened daring the day. milita ill roperty. The the apparent growth and strength of the I . order to remove them, then we Must be at' type. The , rY W1 c0*0 ff O'Grad - -perate as far as possible. Christian principle that,lexistc' MARRIED. 12 t , y -at I - -t p L ­ I . WHALING DISASTER,. -The whaling (Signed.) T. 0. Galpin,, Acting Commis- exhibited in the different de 8, and is I ,was the-1khes, prepared to shoot rather than be- pre- vacancy was occasioned by the late re. barque Florence arrived at San Francis. 1! sioner. " nomina ii - back lo - a ' - t vented from redeeming 11 ,the State from presentative, Mr. Poser, being' co on Saturday last from the A in their midst. tion - KIN`SAiAN­THo3rPsox.­At the residence- I so larA . Radical rale, " elevated to rctic ' A Ny,wBRANCH OF I-ND-USTRy. If they continue to. be of the bride'o father, by Rev. R. J- - Were : -The prospered, there is scarcely any limit to Mt. IS .. none ,sold b . 1 $4 50 -per 1-00' I the Senate, in room of Mr. DeLery, who, Ocean with 190 men on board, being part Standard, a Tyler, on Oct. 17, aw Kim- I f I I L 0 .. P . The result of such advice - , ish their growth, The land that is ULnpox I Man' Wingham, to Miss Elizabeth I I -sold -by the doll'aw bov e, is that L as that'given haViDg're of the crews of the Arctic whaling fleet, columbi Mr. I. J. Robertson,an se8sed is enough to make half a d6zen' Th n, of Stanley. %. Kobald sold I ia sa 8 : presented Lauzon district since twelve of which she reports lost in the old and Well nown Cariboo miner, left nations R. ' ompso ippe . and will it be * I .1 at $5 60 , , - a black men are threatened, Confederation, resigned. ' M r. L Bolduc ice with a portion of the crews. The by the Grappler a few days ago, for Na" if they maintain xnity, and Per I , remain W ,h d, mutilated and shot. Others.are was opposed by Mr. DeLery,- Jr., and ing survivors have'gone to Hono- River, where he has purchased a fi - And atill more gr are but one DEATHSo also bought f-rlom - forced to leave their home I I I 8hiag nation. They will be our brethrea,'La GUR-D.-At Clinton, ou:Oct- 17th, a ,e I . the 0 . X lulu on the barque Three Brothers. The stationi and will eater o . . ft r - I o and seek safe- - the latter gentleman, although auriounc, a a large s.cale great brother coun ry, and we shall need aM'e P,nee ; L e - while white i- vessels lost ha&on board altogether 1, 000 into the manufacture of oolacb 27 weeks? illness, Mary Loul"', Gar,40 V in th 'T oods and o,wamps I _ t . . P ng himself as a supporter of the Govern- barrels of I an oil, for no wall of defeuce on our northern bor. for any years the I I to Xasteaaau At 1 H. M. mix Zola 11 an -11VO , - . I ti&"cindi&'te. Mi, . I I . I L I =ge, Price' . . ­ oil, besides a large amount of which first clus;facilities exist at his der. Would that We had 04 our -south. faithful servj)u't -of Mi 'J. Davys,Of - I men, ' well Mounted, and armed, ride ment, was claimed. by the Conservative whalebone and i'vory. It is the undivid. station. Mr. aged 53 years ' - . through the' country by day and by nighk -organs as the Oppiod - ' ed Wion of every m Robertson will &ISO make er border, in Mexico, or in the Rep . . ter t4t no hope arrangements to on ply the ub Clinton. . - L were in all 36 'Shoot and terrify the blacks wherever Bolduc Will undoubtedly support'tb -b obtained of the resene of the ships these delicio SE'l markets with lies Of 4outh Ameri4*,.au)J,Jn'ng that Saturdayt homtjme, f ` L , ' . .. . 01- M19 - , by all a# roached-the' admirible neig born that Oct. 14th, Andrew Campbell, idailt I ee p L 1 b e or those who remained on board them. connoisseurs to be uns ied as a deli. we have aGed A ' an . they find thei can us fi considered CALDxR-­; In Egmondville, on - n. The black . s don tles I a re. present Government, as in all probability All are, undoubtedly lost----c&rried away eacy. A cooperage urpas on the north. On'e- of the farm. twin son of Mr. Andrew Calder, Sea - horses, wTi- I ved A ia - - , . . ; . . I . will be established erg, who had heard a lecture in the intro. forth, aged 13 months and 15 days. ' llwseek. t -1 . ; - - WX11ts" I I h th T I I I - ' ­ I , ' - ­ , , , , - I I I - 11 - r- - 0 1 I . I - , I- L - 4- w I I -1 , 1i , I W d -,i- 'cal th _ Ias )t _ I - a . I . I . - . i . . . . ` I - i - - - I -1 ­ '. ! . . I - - . . . I - . - *- i - I - I I - L I . . I - - - - - . . . I .11 .- L- 4 . I L -, - I - L ­­ I I . - . I ­- i . . - I . . " . - I . - .- Z-M­ ­ . , - - I - I I . i I . . . - - 4- ­­ I I ­ ­ . I . . ­ - I I . - - ---. ­ ­ I . ; -1 . . . I I - I I I i -- - . . . I . i . i . - I I - - I 1 .0 I ­ , -- ­ -- 1- ­ -1 - ­ -----­­­ -- I ­ - - ­ -­ ­­ - - - ­ . - ­­ ­ --- - - I .. - -- -1 - ­ -----1-1-- ­- --------- ­ -11111 ­ ­­­ I - I—_ ­ ­­­ .­­----­ -­-­ — . - 1- ­­ - -- -1 ­ . - 11 , I—— ­ -­ ­­ ­ — ­­­­­­­ - - — -- - --