HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-10-20, Page 9YERS OCTOBER 20, 187 REAL ItSTATE FOR m A RARE CHANCE. --For Sale Cheap -a-3. desirable blinding lots, facinCene HICKS N & Co. Square, Seaforth. For partial:tiers 'FARMS FOR SA.LE.-Easthalf Leele00 A: M MeK1110P; also South eares o,f Lotgi Cpn. 10, Morris, adjoining the ;Village or ForpartionlarsagatO MeCAUG y ntioutt. STED, Barristers, &c., Seaforth. • 42‘ VARM FOR SALE. -North half of Lot no 12- 13, McKillop, containing 75 acres, 40 , n,.""al• balance well timbered; with good buil U!1 diega. sale cheap and oeasy terms of payment 4. ; teir 1 to Me0AUGHEY lt HOLMESTED, aeateen, PP Y ene 441 IDROPERTY FOR SALE.--Thet valuable , Je erty on Goderieh Street occupied by the 1 ich Manufacturing Company as a lifacItiniageen 1 ' Aleo dwellinghouseand lot adjoining. Theeig: lars apply to GRA.Y & SCOTT. property will be sold on easy terras. For peees‘ •489 , DARK LOTS FOR SALE. -Containing 5 aete. ea,ch, adjoining the Town of Seaforth. ! mnst desirable situation for private nesid ' ,i Terms reasonable, with immediate pos I Apply OIL W. C. MEYER, Banister, 4V ! r or to L.ALueenER,Ileapurhey. • * T_TOUSE AND LOT FO -R SA.LE IN HAJaptgg ! 1 -•- ITEOZ.-For sale that excellent dwell,. house and lot., late in the oecupatiou of ale eq. i i Snowden, Bracher, there ion pump &c., and well stocked with choice ire* s the Iot a goodbare, trees. For terms which are very liberalapply to jOliN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 4584 VARM FOR SALE IN TUCKARSMITHenner -A: Sale, West Hall „Lot 7, Coin 6, Tuekersude, containing 50 acres - 4 miles 1 , acres cleared and under cultivation, the rest le good hardwood bush ; there is a good well with L pump on the premises. For further partieeeal . apply to A. SPROAT, Tuckerstaitia. 4604 • IlallUILDING LOTS IN SEAkORTH FOR SALt -La -Dr. COLEMAN, having laid out the ground! recently occupieO as a Driving Park into Bnid, lug Lots, is prepared to dispose of lots ouressonle, I able terms to any who may desire thera. Partiey 1 desiring to purchase should make iramediate p• I plication. , LIAAT I pROPERTY FOR SALE. -Two lots, Iriee mei - -a story frame hone and barn, situated on the Market Square, Seaforth. The premises have I been used as an egg packing establishment, eel i are well adapted for any public business. For , particulars apply to the proprietress, Airs. HAL I COM, Seaforth, or to 1). GORDON, G ; Ontario. i fok ro SeatortJa; gt (D Li VOR SALE OR TO T,ET-"Rona Vista "farm, -1-` containing 474 acres, 32 cleared, rest well wood. ed e on Lake Huron, near Dr. Woodsa landrieh clay loam; good frame house and baniegoodorele rut of over 100 trees bearing; a well and stream, both of which contained plenty of water all steife , mar, terms easy, possession given at New Y . 8 acres in fall wheat looking well. WI 1 PLUNKETT, Teacher, Bayfield. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE NEAR TRE RAILU'AY STATION. -Lots 50, 51, 52,50, hil I 64 and 55, in Jarvis' survey, Seaforth. Theselots I from their close vicinity to the railway static are specially aaapted for manufacturing purposes. I Term-One-eourth cash, balance in three equal annual instalments with interest at seven per cent,. Title perfect. GARROW & BADEN- HURST, SolicitOree, Goderich. 456 VARal FOli SALE. -For Sale, Lot 13, COrt. 18, To nship of Hallett, Containing 100 sores of good land; 70 acres cleared and in a good EAU of cultivation; balance well timbered a a nice ; young orchard, good frame barn, log house and stables and a never -failing well, with pump in 4, • 10 acres of fall wheat sown. Is situated about /V nailes from Seaforth and 10 from Clinton. Appli o the proprietor on the premises or to Mirka _ * P.a. WM. MURPHY. 461 44i 1 TTOUSE AND LOT FOE. SALE -For Sale a - -a--i- large two storey Concrete cottage, near the Tmarket in Seaforth, also the lot on which the ' house stands with the privilege of purchasing the adjoining lot. The house contains kitchen, din- ing room, sitting room and bed room den satire . With four bedrooms and a closet tip stairs; The L rooms are large an 1 well apportioned. There is a well and woociehed convenient. 1'000040n inn ' mediate. Apply to A. ARMITAGE or -to JOHN - SOMERSET. 458 f VIFTY ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -East half -A- Lot 10, Con. 8,. Hallett; there are 40 scree cleared, improved and underdrained, the remain- ing 10 is well timbered with hardwood; there are fair buildings on the premises;,a good orchard Of bearing trees, alga a number of young apple treee, and a good well and punne ; is situate4 abdat 8 miles from Seaforth and Clinton, and 11 miles from Kialnern, on a good gravel rood. For fur. they particulars apply to GEORGE MANN, Cow stance P. O. OUSE AND FOUR LOTS OR SALE.-Thab elegant two-story brick dwellinghease on the ' Huron Road, Seaforth, with four lots adjoining; - there are S bedrooms, parlor, drawing room, dta- lug room and ki' tchen with Soft and hard water' moet convenient; there is an excellent garden attached, also stables and outbuildings; this ig a handsome homestead, and a rare chance is f offered to intending purchasers'; it will he sold on 1 favorable terms.. For further partieularsapplyt0 THOMAS STEPHEN S, Seaforth. 46% - - VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, on reasonatle -a- terms, Lot 4, Con., Stanley, containing 100 ; Acres, 70 of which are cleared, well fenced, In first-class cultivation and free from stumps, the balance timbered with the best wood; building comfortable; a good yonng orchard of fruit trees; t also well watered, within 1 miles from Kippen I and 4 miles (Ann Braceheld stations, and 10 miles ! tram Seatorth, Clinton and Exeter, with gravel reeds ,leading to each place. This is a clietc.e farm and ig deserving the attention of purchased, 1 BLAIR, Jr. Apply on the premises or to Kipper]. P. 0. WIC -• FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, North half of Lot, 11 and East & of Lot 12, Con. 12, containing 100 acres, 85 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation and. well underdrain- ed, balance is well timbered ; a large frame barn Iand frarL3 stable; good log house and other build-- , alga ; good barring orchard; a never.failing I Stream running through the farm, also a good. f well; about a acres of fall wheat sown. Is sang- : ed about 11 miles from Clinton and 12 miles frora Seaforth. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises or to Harlook P.O. M * ANGUS CAMPBELL. O FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale Lot No Kand part of Lot No. 4, Concession 12, Tneker. smith, containing 130 acres, 100 of wheab ara cleared, well fenced and in a good sate of culti- vation, the balance well timbered with hardwood, good frame barn, driving shed and sheep houses also a log barn and stable, and a good log hotted; a bearing orchard of fruit trees. The farm well watered. le 4 miles from Hensell station,. and 9; miles from either Exeter or Seaforth, ivnith gravel roads leading to each place, and conveea' cut to sehoole and churches. Apply on the pram' isee or to Chigellairst P. 0., t- DONALD R013- ° INSON. _.....----• VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. -Being COM' •Post d of Lot No. 7, Bayfield concessioa, too: ehie ef Goderich, consisting of 84 aeros, t9 01 whieh are cleared and in a good state of cultivtia- tion, anal nearly all of it seeded to grate, le ' remaining 54 ace a of bush are beech and utaplut uucullea and very valuable, being of fusarate. finality ; a large quantity of cedar; there ie&loe! frame house and some other useful buildi fl aleo a ,eis:L cl yen ng beeline orchard containing • trees, a good well and a riever- failing Greek; the farm is ebout 2 miles from the rising village °I Bayfield, County of Huron. For further partlee" litrA al I ly to the proprietor on the premigese iv 457'7 JOHN EAGLESON'. 1E0.11. SALE Olt TO LET. ROOMS TO RENT. -To rent in Mooed bleak, Seaforth, over Johnson's hardware store, LI , number of comfortable rooms. Apply to C. MEYER, Barrister, or to L. MEYER' Tel- parhey. OR SALE, -$3,000 Debentnies of the Town of Seaforth, bearing interest at 7 per cent. 'Pare able annually. Address WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Clink, Seaforth. 459 _ TO LET. -A. brick house situated on Lot 1, Con. 17, Grey, and known as the IL P. Manse, Wid* ton The 1. 1comfortable and well . - au se is large, A neighed, and has a stable and .20 acres of land adjoining, which 'it b let either aretelY eer SoP together, as might be desired. Apply to Dieveie MOOR, Walton P. 0., or ANDREW LEES Brag' L irk eels Pe O. I nee CI:aMMERCIAL LIVERY Seafor, th Ont. sot SHARP, Proprietor. Comfortable and eleg carriages, and first-class reliable horses alWaYs' -: ready. Chargea moderate. Office and stables oflo Huron street, second door east of laleixi st„,„,Areat" I Orders left at any of the hotels promptin ed to. acTOBER 20 187 wagemeolliaa A Maine Miser. game time in August last, a man nam ea John Humphrey died here, age it a is stantly under inspeetion. Their games •about 83 years. He was universall knoll as a very miserly man, and sa supposed he had more or less hal- money secreted about the premises of h homestead' This supposition was founded on I the L years ago Cyrus Silin- aacut!,,fliaitlate of 3 f 15tockland, a carpenter while building a house -for Mr. Humph rep found about $600 in hard mone secreted among some lumber stored afr. Humphrey's barn preparatory t wilding his house; and this money wa claimed by, and no doubt belonged to ifumphrey. This fact being gen erally known, the supposition that mor money was somewhere secreted was ver reasonable. Mr. Humphrey was former ly a hatter,- and in all probability accu- mulated quite a prdperty, to which he afterwards made considerable additions by the gradual gains of precincts sold from his farm. Some Som years since he contacted withSamuel eight muel Ripley to take his farm and provide a support for himself and wife during their, lives. Mr. Ripley, feeling satisfied that there must be money some- where secreted, immediately after the death of the old gentleman began a vig- orous search for the supposed treasures, and was liberally rewarded for his search by finding secreted in an old desk two sacks filled with double eagles of gold ($20 each) to the amount of $1,300 in each sack. There.vvas also found in an old sink, laid away in an old unoccupied closet, other parcels filled with silver coins, many of them of ancient date, and mostly' foreign Coin, among . them many five franc pieces (an old French coin), and also Mexican dollars and Span- ishwcoeiein. arnecl from good authority that Mr. Humphrey !denied himself- and wife even the comforts of life, in order to gratify his miserly disposition to hoard up his earnings and i -savings. We also learned, as related by Mr. Humphrey, that he first saw his wife in a store try- ing to drive a very sharp trade with the merchant, and, discovering such a sharp, shrewd, business tact, that he said to himself, "That is the girl 'for me," and immediately began cultivating an inti- macy with her that resulted in a mar- riage union of their efforts to get and hoard their earnings; and no doubt in her daya of consciousness she knew where these treasures were secreted. Itis said that in their marriage con- tract many stipulations were made and agreed to, on both sides, one of which was "never to boil any meat that could be fried." -Camden (Me.) Derald. I saheb larger, more numerous nd bed W ' ,^ THE HURON -EXPoSITOR; , er & Yoram have just received curtains, or covered with carpets which 'ever offered in Seaforth, at prices that will stir- • ventilated. Theis are not hung with- the finest stock Of China, Crockery and Glassware can scarcely be. kept free from dust. Then, too, boys ha -ye another advantage over girls in the liberty they enjoy dur- ing their play hour's. They are not con - of cricket cricket and foot -ball are adniirable tonics after a morning of hard work. The healthy glow of exercise --sends a fresh eurrent through the tired brain and completely changes the course of in. Y their thoughts. But of this invigorating sensation the -properly brought up school- s girl knows nothing. She is not allowed to warm her feet by a good run, or her hands by a boxing -match. The nearest approach she ever gets to healthy exer- tion is the weekly dancing lesson. -Lone Y don Saturday Review. r, Conquered by Kindness. The celebrated mimic, G-riffen, was asked to imitate the person, manner, and singularly awkward delivery of Dr. Woodward, the genlogist and physician, in the character of Dr. Fossil, in a farce then preparing, under the title of' "Three Hours after Marriage." The mimic dressed himself up as country- man, and went to the doctor to ask his advice about a complication of diseases with which, be pretended, his poor wife was afflicted. All this he did to justify and prolong the interview, that he might have sufficient time to stalely the doctor's manner. This accomplished, he offered him the fee of a guinea, which the doc- tor declined, saying: "Keep your money, poor man keep your money ! You have need of all your cash, and all •ydur patience, too, with such a load of dis- eases at home." The actor, on his re- turn to the farce writer, related this conversation, and concluded by declar- ing that he would sooner die than pros- titute his talents by making a public laughing -stock of Dr. Woodward, who, receiving him as a poor man, had shown tender humanity and compassionate sym- pathy at the narration of his assumed calamities. Education of Boys and Girls in England! Take the _case of a girl of fifteen, con- scientious and anxious to improve her- self. She rises long before it is light in the morning, before perhaps even the early hour appointed. She struggles with a feeling of oppression and languor occasioned by sleeping in the same room with several other girls, and breathing all night a vitiated atmosphere. The gas in the room does not improve the state of the air, and there are no ventil- ators ; perhaps even the register of the grate is shut. In all probability there are not adequate tubbing arrangements ; certainly no hot water is allowed. The poor victim breaks the ice on her jug, and, uses as small a quantity as possible of the hard water. It is not improbable she has inflanied chilblains which have kept her awake half the night. Hungry, Sleepy and languid, Sh e begins her piano practice in a room without a fire. At. the end of an hour she is stupid with cold, and. has a violent headache. There is no use complaining, for several of her companions are in a similar condition, and they sit down to breakfaat shivering in the dreary gray dawn. After break- fast comes the monotonous half-hour's walk, which is supposed to be good for the health, but seems only to have the result of fatiguing the ChilOen before their day's work was well begun.. Then Comes a long morning, in which class succeeds class with scarcely any inter- mission. Latin, French, German, music, drawing,have all to be squeezed in, as Well as the other lessons which belong tea good English education. These of ,ttlaheemwshelosiees-t-ismvoeu.ld be enough to up After an early Aner, if the day is fine, there is another dreary stroll ; .but Telh'ereyelaosnseesrejoiees if the weather is wet, for the there. is little time for play. begin again in the afternoon and last until teatime; perhaps even after that the preparation for 'the next day must be got through. • If there is no hour before bedtime in which relaxation 18 insisted on, the industrious ;girls will Work up to the last moment,'and then dream half the 9ight of unprepared lessons or problems they cannot solve. Their feverish restlessness is the natural result of overstraining young brains,, and not giving the muscles vigorous, healthy exercise. Not that Much is accomplish- ed after all in the 'vvay.of learning; far aeveretaught how to learn. The time -given to lessons is too long to be advan- frtaugaleoliistly; and, worst of all, they are employed. It is impossible that it can be good for either the mind, or body of a growing girl to spend nine ;Dr !,en hours a day in head -work, partici).- !MY when the greater part of the time Passed in an overcrowded, stuffy school- . room. ,._130578 have a great advantage over girls ' this respect Their class -rooms are • Samathy's Elopement. "Yes," said the old lady, as she wiped her eyes and proceeded to tell sympathiz- ing neighbors about the elopement of her daughter.' "Yes, Mrs. Blobbs, you may well say it are a dreadful stroke. I ain't had such another shock since that last spell o' rheumatiz. To think that darter of mine would do such a disgraceful thing after all the care an' O,ffection me an' her father lavished on her from her infancy up. I couldn't bear up undir the affliction nohow." "Did you not suspicion that they were contemplating such a move ?" asked the neighbor. "No. we never suspicioned nary con- templation. After I'd run the conceited upstart off the premises With the mop, I did'nt think he'd have insurance to speak to Samathy agin. An' she appeared so consigned that I never respected her of having any underhand contentions. But all the time -so I've heerd sence- they used to meet clandestinely, when I thought Samathy was at meetin', an' de- coct their plan to run off an"lope. Well, Samathy hes made her bed. an' she'll have to lie, on it. I wash my hands of tvihietho.iLg7teful girl from this time forth - "Did rt:)u make any effort to intercept them?" "No; you see, we didint know. it or else we'd a intercepted 'ern within an inch of their lives." "I mean did you try to have them stopped When you found they were gone ?" "Yes, indeed. Father telescoped to five or six towns, an' gave their prescrip- tion -cost him a lot 'o money too; but he said lie wouldn't mind spendin' the price of a cow to get Samathy back; but we never heerd nothin from them, an' I told father to let them alone, and they'd come home after a while with five or six children behind 'em. But I tell you Mrs. Blobbs, they shan't set a foot in this house except over the dead body of my defunct corpse., You just remember that." Inquisitiveness Reproved. Some inquisitiv ladies, who were "taking notes" of everything they saw in the Centennial, were greatly attracted the other day by a case of beautiful dia- monds, emeralds, and rubies displayed by a Genoa house. They button -holed the exhibitor, and asked numerous questions, the answers to which !were carefully recorded. Finally, one of them exclaimed; "Say, what does the whole case cost ?" The attendant was silent for a mo- ment, and then replied: "Madame, sometime a lady ask me what shall be the price for one neck- lace, or one ring, or one pin, and I can give one, answer, but such a very great admiration like yours I have not yet found. It is too great, madame, and I cannot reply." Then the gentleman from Genoa turn- ed on his heel. • Nothing Like Trust. Rev. Mr. Spurgeon says; "There is nothing in the world that impresses a man so much as trust. Some years ago I was mastered by a dog in that way. I own, in fact, that I was beaten hollow, and he was conqueror over me. He came_ into my garden, and he had no business there. Thinking that he would not improve my flower -bed, I walked along quietly and threw my stick at him, and thus advised him to go somewhere else. What did that dog do? He stop- ped, picked up the stick, wagged his tail, and came running to me with it, and laid the stick down at my feet. I felt ashamed.of having thrown my stick, and the dog was told he might come round the garden when he liked. How could I do otherwise? I A Broken Hearted Canary Bird. A lady of West Trey before her de- parture from the city for the summer ; gave her pet canary to the charge of a • neighbor. The warbler, very highly valued, was a sweet and constant singer. It seemed to miss the attention of its mistress, and though every attention was paid to it, it refused to sing. It pined continually and remained silent. Finally the lady' returned. On reaching her home the bird manifested much pleasure, and tried, but vainly, to sing. It seem- ed to be very feeble, and in a day or two died. The lady firmly believes that her canary was the victim of a broken heart. —As a party were one evening amus- ing themselves with a small musical box, a young lady essayed to place it in vari- ous positions, but could not succeed in making it sound loud enough. Her beau, a somewhat dandified customer, told her The best way was to place it upon some- thing empty. "Guess you are right," said the lady, instantly planting it upon his own head. Tiefssi -Tidies are ping out of fashion it is reported, and if it be true -if we are to sink into a rocking chair after this without tearing a lace dog from the back of it, or settle down on a sofa and not feel a yellew worsted farm house . hump- ing up against the end of our spinal column, then an evening's tcte a tete will seem as odd as a man with his moustache shaved off. e LOOK OUT for Cheap Bargains in Tea at WILSON it 'YOUNG'S -81 Tea for 80e. 459 DYE STUFFS, DYE STUFFS. -Madder, Magenta, Logwood, Cochineal, Indigo, &c., all of the finest quality, producing rich colors, at R. Lnmsden's Corner Drug Store. 455 I SPINNING WHEELS. —A Large -Stock of Spinning -Wheels, Reels, Baby Carriages, and the Cheapest Furniture in the County, at PORTER'S - Matt. Robertson's old stand, Main Street, Sea - forth. 443 S. LOUNSBURY & Co., having purchas- ed my mill, without the hunber on hand, the whole of the present st lc' comprising 250,000 feet of well sorted Heinle k, of all sizes and lengths, and 50,000 feet f inch cull hemlock, usual price $2 50, but wort $5 per M. Must be old by the lath of November, the day the above firm take possession. This is a chance lin a thousand for farmers and others to purchase at reduced prices. TaltEs I. CARTER. prise you. 459 ALLEN'S. GROCERY is the place, come wit)aa smiling face and the money in your pocket, and be convinced that he gives the best value in Sugars, Teas, Rice, -Raisins, Smoked Hams, Ba - Crockery and Glassware, Tea Sets, Fruit 452 con, Jars, NOTICE TO DEBTORS.- wish 'hereby to give notice that as I require all available funds to meet expenses of building my large brick block in place of the one destroyed by the late fire, partici indebted tonaeley note or book accothit must pay up, otherwise I- must put their cases into court. W. Ceefreeee. • 461 LAST CHANCE. -The Sale of Crockery and Glassware at E. Heeresoiv & Co.'s has been unprecedented, and the stock found on the prem- ises has even amazed tha proprietors. We have yet a lot to sell, and only a short time to sell in, so come along quick and get served. Plenty of Plates, Toilet Sets, Tea Sets, Brown Tea Pots, Catsup Bottles, Wine Glasses, and a host of other goods to be sold yet. 46.9 - MESSRS. BROADFOOT & Box, Seaforth, have now got their large new furniture ware -room, on the market square, completed. They have also a large stock of furniture of every description on hand, Which they will dispose of either wholesale or retail at prices as reasonable as a good article can be got anywhere. Their furniture is manu- factured by themselves, under the snipe/vision of the practical member of the firm, and they can consequently recommend all they offer for sale, as being of the best quality. Parties desiring to purchase would certainly find it to their Raven- tage to call and inspect their stock. Every article in the furniture line kept constantly in stook. 468 • SPECIAL NOTICES. EPPS'S COCOA. -Grateful and comforting -" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fine properties -of well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicate- ly flavoured beverage,which may save us many heavy doctors' bills: It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every ten- dency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floatingaround us ready to attack wherever -there is a weak point. We may escape Many a fatal ehaft bya keeping ourselves -well fortified with pure' blood, and a preperly nourished frame." Cm/ Service Gazette. Sold only in pack- ets labelled- "James Epps & Co., Ho- mceopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Staand 170, Piccadilly, London." .421-52 CONFESSIONS OF A VICTIM. -Published as a warning and for the benefit of young men and others who suffer from Nervone Debility,Loss of Manhood, &c., giving his rules of Self -Cure, after undergoing much suffering and expense, and mailed free on receiving a post-paid directed en- velope. Address NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, P. 0. Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. 404-26 THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. -Job Moses' -L Periodical Pills -This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To narnriedladies, it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe - aloft with regularity. These pills should not be taken- by Females during ' the first three months f Rregrancy, as they are sure to bring on Mis- arriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and, although a powerful, remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fall eelirections in the pamphlet arohndeach package, which ehould be carefully preeerved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 .99 and 1.2a cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents, for the Dominibn, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, and IV.Lumsden. • 197 aARROW & RADENHURST, Barrfiters, At. torneys, Solicitors in Chancery, &e. Ofeccin • rn McLean's new block, corner Market Square lied am, Hamilton Street, Goderich. J. T. GARROW. 456 G. A. RADE:U:1-MT. 2:0 JOHNSON 'BROTHERS. A S a brain and nerve invigorator, Phosphates 0 -Leh' are the only physiological agent a known,as '-••• they are elements of the nervous system, and fur- nish the source of nerve power. Dn. WHEELER'S , Compound Elixer of Phosphates and Calisaya 0 speedily restores the system prostrate from mental and physical exertion, brain worry, intemperance, ItcC vicious hebits, and that train of evils known as a fast life, by its action as a chemical food in nour- ishing brain and nerve. By exciting the functions of nutrition in aiding the digestion assimilation of nutrition of nourish- ing food for the formation of pure vitalizing blood, Dr. Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya affords the only really radical rem- edy for the treatment of Consumption. By its use the patient soonrecovers weight and strength, resumes a healhtier aspect, and experiences sen- sations of returning vigor and comfort. The great number of cases of this disease benefiitted by the Elixir is something remarkable. CC IrEDMIATISM CURED WITHIN TWELVE 141 HOURS -Brunton's Rheumatic Absorbent will relieve acute pain in 4 hours, and all pain nee within 12 hours, it is certain and permanent. Branton's Digestive Fluid -Nearly all diseases arise from the stomach, occasioned by free acid. The Digestive Fluid neutralises the acid, conse- quently it must cause Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, and all Blood Poisonings, the effect is immediate. Sold by Druggists, Price 50c. Sole Wholesale -Agents, Reny, Watson & Co., Montreal, or ad- dress W. Y. BRUNTON, London, Ont. 462-28 ELECTRICITY! THOMAS' EXCELSIOR ECZECTRIC OIL -WORTH TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. -Pain cannot stand where it is used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle has cured bron- chitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured an old stand- ing cough. It positively cures catarzh, asthma, and croup. Fifty cents' worth has cured crick in. the back,and the same quantity lame back of eight - years' Standing. The following are extracts from a few of the many lettere that have been received from different parte of Canada, which, we think, should sufficiently satisfy the most skeptical: J. Collard, of Sparta, Out., writes, "Send me 6 dozen Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil; have sold all I had front you. and want more now; , its cures are truly won- derful." Wm;McGuire, of Franklin, 'writes "I have sold all the agent left, it acts like a charm - it was slow at first, but takes splendidly now." H. Cole, of Iona,, writes, "Please forward 6 dozen Thomas' Ecleetric Oil, I am nearly out, nothing equals it. It is highly recommended by those who have used it." J. Bedford, Thomasville, writes, "Send me at once a further supply of Eclectric Oil, I have only one bottle left. 1 never saw any- thing sell so well and give such general satisfac- tion." J. Thompson, Woodward, writes, "Send me some more Eclectric Oil, I have sold entirely out. Nothing takes like it." Miller & Reid, Ul- verton, P. Q., write, " The Eclectic 011 is getting a great reputation here, and it; daily called for. Send us a further supply without delay." Lemoyne, Gibb & Co., Buckingham, P. Q., write, 'Send us one gross of Eclectrie Oil. We find it to take well." Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 Cents. S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N.Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., 0 oleAgents for the Dominion. NOTE.-Eelectrie , -Selected and Electrized . Sold in Seaforth by " E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberta, and R. Lums- den. 453-8. MI -1M 0-01_,1:0EJ 1\1- 0. •:t 0 0 LOGAN & JAMIESON Have much pleasure in Worming the public generally that they have purchased the entire Stock of Cloths, Gents' Furnishings and Ready- made Clothing of Mr. G. Mitchell, Paris, and will be prepared to show the same at their shop, in Seaforth, on Tuesday, the Tenth of October. They have also secwred for their Tailoring Department the services of Mr. Mitchell, who. is considered one of the Best Tailors in Western Canada. On- and after Monday, October Ninth, Mr. Mitchell will be found at the Golden Lion, and parties favoring him with their Orders for all kinds of Clothing will be guaranteed satisfaction. We also show this week a Splendid Stock of Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towellings, Towels, &c, Also the Best Value we have ever show?, in Brown Hollands. An Early Call is Solicited. We wish it to be thoroughly understood that the business will be carried on the same in the future as it has been in the past, with the addition of Readymade Clothing and a T eller of our own on the premises WM. N. WATSON, SEAFORTH, GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AND SEWING MA- CHINE AGENT. I ns n rances on all kinds of property effected at the Lowest Possible Rates in thefollowing first- cl ass Companies: STOC K..-Stadn cora, of Quebec; National, of Montreal; Phcenix, of London, Eng.; Provin- ci al, of Toitntee Britieh America, of Toronto; Royal Canadian, of Montreal. IVI UT UA L.•••••Ningara District, of St. Catharines; Gore District, of of Belleville; Beaver Mutual, of Toronto. . LU F. stoves we have 0 - a: Better Finished em, Neater in Style As a Parlor or Dining Boom Stove Call and See Them. 0 .5 14 Id fr 0 inramano itr.ta.tuj. oiddy a et, Dealers -with the New rtAateeIRON & McFADDEN, Barristers and 'al Solicitors in Chancery, Goderich. 848 M. C. CAMERON. W. EL MCEADZEN, vn,,LT Am- SMALL, Conveyancer cuad 'Commis- 'Vsioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer aled. Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on 'seasonable terms. 8C8 B. L. DOYLE, Barrister,Chancery, &c., Goderich and Seafortla. Of- fice, over. Jordan's Drug Stare, Goderich, and Kidd's Store, Seaforth. 354 SQUIER & McCOLL, Barristete, Attorneys -at - Law, Solicitors in Chanceiyallotaries Public, &c., Goderich and Bruseels R SQtIEIi,G a ench ; A. J. lacCo_ne, Brussels. • 415 -D3'AlIALC031SON & WATSON', Banisters, Atter- > neys, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Clinton, Ont. Office -First door east of the new -Royal Canadian Bank building. Money to loan on farm property. 404 0. A. 'WATSON. S. MALCOMSON. 0 P1 P1 0 rn BENSON & MEYER, Banisters and Attorneys St Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Sea - forth and Brussels. $23,000 of Private 'Funds to invest, at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. 58 JAS. H. BENSON. • H C. MEYER. AireCAUG LaY & HOLMESTED,Barristere, At. --'-'-- torneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Solicitors for the R. C. Bank. Seaforth. Agentsfor the Canada :a.ife Assurance Company, N. B. -S30,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms Houses and Lots for sale. 58 111iDh4JAL. - - - jG. SCOTT, M. D. &c.. Physician, Surgeon and • Atconcheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Godmich Street, first door east of Presbyterian Church. 342 T_T L. -VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur- geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Htiron. Office and Residence,' corner of Market and High streets, next to the Planing Mill. TIES. CAMPBELL & BURGESS, Physicians, Surgeons, and Accoucheurs. OFFICE -Main Street, Seaforth, near the Station. Jona Ceerre PELL, M. D., Coroner for Huron; Joule A. Bra - GESS, M. D. 424 T B. PHELAN', M.D., C. M., (late of the firm " • of Shaver & Phelan, Stratford) Graduate of McGill University, Phyeician, Surgeon and An- ocuchear, Seaforth, Ontario. Office -Rooms in Meyer's Block, formerly occupied by the late Dr. King. Residence -Commercial Hotel. Will at- tend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. 893 0 JOHNSON BROTHERS. SIGN OF THE •Or G. BULL, L. 'D. S., 'Sargeon " • Dentist,&e.,Seaforth, Ontario Plate work, lateet styles, neatly executed. All suegleal operations performedwithcare and promptitude. Fees as low as can be obtained elsewhere. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms over Mr. A. G. Mc- Dougall's Store, Main-st. 270 - - DMeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradn- • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Out. Office and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls prompt]) attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medicines on hand. Charges reasonable. Horses examined RHO 'sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 TAMES W. ELDER, V. $., Graduate of the " Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examined as to soundness and certificates given. Horses bought and sold: on commiesion. 424 _ . A M. CAMPBELL, V. S., Licentiate and Prize - man of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., and Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, has settled permanently in Varna , wherehe he found ready and willing to attentlto all kinds of diseases, in all kinds of animals (man excepted), in all kinds of weather, and at all hours. Resi- dence and office two doors east of Cook's Tem- perance Hall. 1319 'DRESSMAKING. 02 TIRESSMAKING. - MISS QUINLAN, Dress Pa• -le' Maker, Seaforth. Dressmaking done in all its branches in the rooms over Thos. Kidd's store. A good fit and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Ap- • prentices Wanted immediately. 443 rn 0 Gait; Hastings Mutual, (C.f.")) LI FE.e-Livcrpool, London and Globe; Travelers, of Hartford; Toronto Life and Tontine also Agent for the Canada Live Stock Insurance Company, of Toronto. Mr. WATSON is agent for the following Sewing Machines, which cannot be beat by any other sold n in the country : Howe, Osborne, and Wheeler & Wilson. Money to Loan at reasonable rates of c, interest. OFFICE -Rear of Lumsden's Drug Store, or one door south of D. D. Wilson's Egg Em- s.• porium. W. N. WATSON, Sent -oral. CALL AND SEE. FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE AND TEAM - HARNESS• At. G. E. _HENDERSON'S. First -Class Plow Harness at G. E. HENDERSON'S. All COLLARS Warranted at G. E. HENDERSON'S. Tip-top TRUNKS and VALISES on hand at G-. E. HENDERSON'S. All articles pertaining to the business always on hand at LOWEST RATES. Slot of the Large Trask. GEORGE E. HENDERSON, Seatorth. CD CD Lae. `s1)U!.7 112) Jo .ncrvtii cnn'1I V DJ I [W t's whether you want to buy ono or not. 0 0 co TILL IN TOWN. -Straw and Felt Hats Cleaned, Dyed and Turned in the latest styles, and to snitcustomere, at MRS. GRIEVES', near the Methodist Church, Goderich Street, Sea - forth. 459*4 11111 Pat'olEILLA NEOITS. NT(YTICE,-The young man who took a Water- ." proof Coat from the front of store on Tuesday lasrhad better return it to WILLIAM WHITNEY, Seaforth, and Save trouble. 459 JP. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the En- v", POSITOR Office will be proniptly attended to. 3:6 MARRIAGE LICENCES OR CERTIFICATES, Milder the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH Under authority of the Ideutenaut4overuor of Onigrio. -eare TOEWARD.--The above reward will be t;P.W 1-11 given for the recovery of a Set of Mink Furs -long boa and muff -saved from the late fire, but lost to the owner. MISS ELIZABETH CARMICITAEL. 459 N- oTicE.--I hereby admit having stated that Michael 'Regan bad made away with Mar- ge ret Fluff and now acknowledge that the said Ta nguagc was a wilful and malicious libel and wi th out any foundation whatever, MICHAEL NICHOLS. 458*7 0AR D OF THANKS. -The undersigned desires to tender his sincere that ks to the people of Sea -forth, who £0 kindly assisted in saving a por- tion of his property at the late fire. He would also ac knowledge with pleasure the many oozes - ' elms of sympathy and regret at the disaster which has overtaken him. ROBERT CARMI- CHAEL, 459 T ADIES TARE NOTICE. -Miss. Beam baying J-4 been driven from her old standby the lath fire has started business again and is prepared to do all kinds of Fashionable Dress Making on the shortest notice. All work warranted to give sat- isfaction,charges moderate, remember the place, over Mr. Lee's store near the Post Mee. Ap- prentices wanted. MISS BEAM. 401.*4 DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMFY. VESSELS Sail Weekly from Quebec for Liver- ' pool, calling at Belfast. Through Tickets issued from Seaforth to Liverpool.: Steerage, Seaforth to .. $12 Cabin, Seaforth to 68 A. ARMITAGE, Agent, A few thousand dollars to loan on improved farm property, principal payable at any time, and in any sums to suit the borrowers' convenience. Some very nice Building Lots for sale in Seaforth and Egmondville. Call and gee plan, and get par ticulars, 455 A. ARMITAGE. SAW LOGS WANTED„ Messrs. COLEMAN & GOITINLOCK Will pay the Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Also a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the manufacture of Hoops. Custom fassvging attended to promptly, and as cheap as at any other mill. Lumber of every description, also Shingles, L atb. and Pickets always on hand, and. at the very o west market prices. 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK, 417 &Worth _ •