HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-10-20, Page 7ES. OF ration N OCTo]E SEAroag}zo�f S SHMOR ANO BLINIYFACT soloribert,egs customers for the liberal pato etapg Res dime commencing busiuees i e_ Swarth, rch, ` 2dtOthat he may ba favored with n b, of tke same. parties intending to build world do well to give eall,a8 he will Stook o alliiiztds ett ne to 'keep on s$ DRY. PINE LUMBER, sAtfgEts, D& R S, BLINDS, MOULIiING% SHINGLES, LATH, ETO Hefeelaconfident of giving satisfaction testhess brit Cult -4;1w orinrcentareemployh eed whomayfavonr him age, as nozi `. articnfarattentfon paid to CustomPI*ni 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT.�� EGG EN PO 111 Pet The subscriber hereby thanks hie n ilro castomers(merchants and others) for the` r patronage Turing the past seven oma, by strict integrity and close attention sto busand ing to merit their confidence and trade in the future. Havin the winter, he is naw prepared ted hia o ray th during pay HIGHEST, CASH PRICE Ft orthe an any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered EGG E'IPORIUM, ain:Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons eo fseafop STRAW. WHEAT STRW. good pry D. D. W ILSaN ECLIPSE - OATMEAL.- MILLS; NOW IN FULL OPERATION, Oat 1 `eat, Spit _Peas, Pot .Birley, Corn lfeal Clwoppecl, And All Kinds of Mill Feed Constantly on Su¢d' Chopping done Tuesdays and Fridays. Oatmeal exchanged for Oats. Highest price paid for Oats, Peas and Barley. 412 CURBIE & THOPLIS N.. AMBER & J1 e DOKALD'8 PLANING MILL And Sash and Door Factory SFAFORTH, ONTARIO. lABEE & McD0NALD having established in connection with their Lumber Yard a Plan. ing Mill andSash and Door Facto; t, are prepared to execute work in this line in a satisfactory -manner. Planing and Lumber Dressing of every description done to order. Doors, Sashes, Frames,. &c., niways on hand or made to order fn the best manner and of good. material. Lumbar of all kinds on hand and for sale as usual.. Estimates insulated for buildings of all kinder. 449 MABEE & McDONALD. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK.. • SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. Drafts on New York Payable at any Bank in the United states. Sill* of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the `United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIT4. M. -P. HAYES, 411 Mane= 'fors 1. LUMBER. LUMBER. Gres. THE.CRANBROOK MILLS ,THE UNDERSIGNED would beg leave to ea _ the attention of the public to their Large Stock of Lumber of all kinds, and Shingles o ahe best quality, and at the very Lowest Prices. SIZED HEMLOCK ALWAYS ON RAID, From 10 feet, up. AU orders sent by manor otherwise prompt- ly attended to A. discount of 8 per cent on large orders. Intorest charged on aoeounts running - over 8 months. Make enquidee as to quality and prioea before purchasing elsewhere.. THE € REATEST WONDER OF MOD. ERN TIMES. The Pills Purify thel3lood, correct all.disorder% of the Liver,: Stomach, Kidneys and. Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable rem- edy for bad Lege, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcera, U of however lang standing. For Bronchitis, DIP" htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases- it has rad equal. I deem it my duty to state that my Pills and Ointment axe neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the United States. Each Pot and Box bears the British 00,8113 - Ment Stamp, withthe words Holloway's Pills and Ointment, London," engraved thereon: • On thelabol is the address, X38, 03`. ford Street, London. File and spurious imitations of "Hallway's Pills and Ointment." are ruaag• lectured and sold under the name of " Holloway's de Co.," by J. F. Henry, Curran, & Co., Druggists, of New York, with au asstmedtradh Mark thus — In Canada. 'the prineiplo Whole- sale' Dealers in theae Cou:nterfeite ` are LyrW, Clare & Co., Northrup &: Lyman and Lyman Brothers &: Ce., who obtain them, at very low pries from J. F. kl:enry, Curran & Co., of New York, an this trash is supplied to unprincipaled Retail Vendors. who sell the same as my genuine Pili! day and Ointment, which are manufactured O21lyat 683, Oxford Street, London, and maybe obtained from the following Firms, viz:—Evans, Mercer 043., Montreal. Messrs. Avery, Brown & Co., ` fax, N. S. Messrs T. 13. Barker &. Sons, St John, N. 13, Messrs. Elliot && Co.. Toronto: Wlio 1271- port them direct from here. s 1.`tiOMAS HOLLO- WAY 588, Oxford Street, W. 0. ' 464 DR, WILLIAM GRAY'S ,SI� EtC O MEDICINE, The Great English Remedy is especially re- commended as anunfail- lug cure for Seminal Weakness Spermato2-r- hea, Impotency, and all Before-, diseases that follow as A f t et. a sequenee of Self abuse, as Loss of MesnorY, Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other chseaaea that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave all of which as a rule are - first caaaed by deviating from: the Path of nat urn and over indulgence- The Speciffe Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience -Wit treating these special diseases. Pant phlet fresby mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by ail Druggists at $ 1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will be sent bymail on receipt of the money, by addressing ILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold In Seaforthby E. Hickson 61t , C`a., S S. Roberta, Il LumsdeA tend all drugg st menta, 46142 ive 1013 a Id, ler (E�1 Lw e CTOBER 20, 1876. THE HURON EXPOSITOR; :Tholdost IktOotids too_ 1896, MESSRS. DUNOAN DUNCAN ave a Stock so Large and so A /frachre Heat no Cusiomer shall have any /rouble in finding ire it every//zing that they require. ALL SORTS OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS ARE CONSIDERABLY CHEAPER THIS FALL. STAPLE DEPARTMENT. A full line of American Grey Cottons. A full Stock of English and American White Cot- tons at Mill Prices. A Lot of the Newest American and English Prints. CANADIAN FLANNELS. American and English Flannels. A large lot of Canton Flannels, Bleached and Brown, cheap. LINENS. A fine lot of Tab1Q Linens, Extra Heavy and Low Priced. 0 TOWELS: A Magnificent Stock of Towels and Towelings, both Fancy and Plain. 0 DAMASKS. A Fine Stock of Turkey Red. Table Dam- asks, Cheap. BLANKETS. A Full range of White Blankets and Colored Blankets. A large lot of Horse Blankets and Covers. BROWN HOLLANDS. A Great Line of Brown Hollands, from 122 Cents per yard up. p V A Great Line in American Check Flannels. Batts, Wadding, and Yarns, White and Col- ored. Carpet Warp, White and Colored. m r m z 0 0 0 0 0) 2 0 v 0) m z C!) m > .T1 0 DRESS COODS. The Finest Dress Goods Stock in Seaforth, and .the Best to Choose from. Special Lines L In Damasse Cloths, Navy Brown, and Seal Brown Brocades. A magnificent Stock of Matellaise Plaids. oG /lb 44, Mantles In All the New Styles, Presidents, Matellaise Cloth and Petersham and Seal. SHAWLS in Long Wool, ,,Square, and Paisley. Special Lines In Scrolls and Stripes, in Navy Brown and Seal Brown, Self Scrolls, Stripes, Mohair, Fancy Figures and Stripe Matting. Black Lustres. Our celebrated Paris Brand of Black Lustres, Double Warp Reversible, from 124 to 15 cents, Black French Merinoes, Black Paramat- tas, Silk Warp Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths , and Cobourgs. tbi5) MILLINERY: This Department is under the Management of a First - Class Milliner, and we are prepared to furnish all the Newest. Styles and Shapes. Having purchased all our Stock for Cash, the Goods are Marked 'Very Low. Cus- tomers can depend on getting a first-class article at moderate prices and in good style. -1 m r m v z 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0. HOUSE FU8N ISH 1 NGSi Union- and Wool Carpus, New Hemp Car- pets, Tapestry Carpets, Nem Hemp and Wool Printed Druggets, Stair Carpets. COVERS. Piano, Table and Bureau. 0 LACE AND DAMASK CURTAINS. QUILTS—Honey Coin)) and Marseilles. HEARTH RUGS. In various qualities and styles. WOOLENS. All the New Coatings, Trowserings and Suit ings, Overcoats and Cloaktngs, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Broad Cloths, Doeskins, and Rubber Coats. HABERDASHERY. C Buttons, Wool and Silk Fringes, Ladies' Belts, U) m Dress Trimming, Braids, Hair Nets, Fancy Ties and Bows, &c. 0--- WINCEYS. Excellent Value in Winceys, Striped and Plain Winceys, Checked Winceys. CLOVES. AND HOSIERY. Gents' and Ladies' Kid Gloves of Every Make Quality and Price, Men's Cloth Gloves, Wo- men's Cloth Gloves, Ladies' and Gents' Kids, Ladies' Lined Kid. Gloves, Mitts and Fur Top- ped Gloves. —0 Furs and Buffalo Robes, 1 While thanking our numerous Customers for all past favors and patronage, we would say that our Stock of all Lines of Goods inEvery Department Were Never Fuller nor cheaper than the Present Scason, Having purchased the Stock with as much care as possible, and at a time when the Market was Low, we can confidently recommend it to all Customers. THE USUAL LINE OF GIOOEBIES, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., IS VERY PULL NOW. DUNCAN & DIJNCAN, Seaforth. SEAFORTH, October 13th, 1876. 1