HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-10-20, Page 6Y BER G OF DY DWARD BAND. Over the tele raph wires The wild Inds sweep to -day, And I catch musical humming As of harp rs at their play, As of distant bells slow ringing At the dyi g of tlie day. Along endtr line, , And it seems as if every message Must have eft some voiae behind, Must have s t the bells to swinging That I hea in silvery chime. Tidings of d th Are they sending? So hushed he sad refrain Now it quickens, merrily quickens, And it peals a blither strain ! Of its joy some heart is telling ; Ring, 0 bells, glad bells, again Here by the track I am asking— These varying sounds so blend, Whether God, who wills for his children All events toward good shall tend, , May not hear our joys and sorrows In like harmony ascend. Ovei the marsh by the railroad The wild Winds sweep to.day, And they touch the telegraph wires And a strange, weird tune they play, Till the air is sweet with harping ' And with church -bells far away. —Boston Journal. Gaieties. "Come home, John, a rolling stone a setting hen ever grows fat." —"Plase su ,what's the fare from Dub- lin to Glasgo ?" inquired a son of the Emerald isle one day at the clerk of a shipping offi e. "Eighteen shillings," replied the ther. "An' what d'ye a pig, and 3s. or a cow." "Well," re- -A "bump ious" traveller, overtaking an old Presby erian minister whose nag was much fati ed, quizzed the old gen- - tleman upon is "turn out." "A nice horse yours d ctor, very—valuable beast that—but wh t makes him wag hia tail so, doctor ?" "Why, as You have asked me I will tell ou. It is, for the same reason that yo r tongue wags so—a sort of natnral wee ness." Tommy is f rid of sugar, and asks his naother for smite to eat with his straw- berries. She !refuses. He appears re- signed, but adds gravely ; "You know, mamma, what happened round the cor- ner ? There was a little boy, and his mother would not give him any sugar on "And next da be fell into a well." —They wer walking arm -in -arm on the sidewalk. iThe moon was shining brightly on the water, and he said ; "How beautifelly the silver moonbeams touch the da,neing wavelets tbeir motion throwing off the beams in a flood of tre- mulous light. How sublime the effect, "and only just see how ridiculous that slim woman lo ks in a pull-back dress." Henry groaned, AN IRISH P LACE. —A railway con- tractor overhe rd one of his party lamen- ting his bards ips since coming out to Canada, drawl g for contrast a bright "Oh," said the complainer, with a 'sigh, "av I was only back again to my fatIter's responded a fel ow -workman, with a jolly squint of his, e e at the distressed noble scion." "Shu e, an av ye wor there, ye might stand on the groun and reach yer hand down the chimbley an' open the door av it." [From th Ban Francisco Call.j Fohi, in the sours() of his wanderings. coming to a villdge, knocked at the door of a rich woman and begged permission to enter. "What !" said she, "do you think I receive into my house every rov- ing vagabond ? No, indeed ; it would be unbefitting a respectable woman ! Go your way !" Then he went to the cottage of a poor woman, who Ei,,p once kindly begged him -to enter. She set before him the only food. she had, a little goat's milk, broke a piece -Of bread into it, and said, "May Fohi bless it, that we may both have She then prepared for him a couch of straw ; and, whein he fell asleep, perceiv- ing that he had no shirt, she sat up all night and made him one out of some linen she had made by her own hard labor. In the morning she brought it to him, beg- ging he would not despise her poor gift. little way, and at parting Fohi said After breakfast, she accompanied him a, 6 'May the first work you undertake last until evening 1" 1Vhen she got home,, she began to mea - re her linen, to see how much was left; d she went on measuring, and did not me to the encl of it until evening, when r house and yard were full ollinen ; in ort, she did not know what to do with r wealth. Her rich neighbor, seeing is, was sorely vexed, and resolved that ch good fortune should not escape her su an CO he sh he th BU again. After some months the traveller eame once more to the village ; she went to meet hina,pressed him to go to her house, treated him with the best food she had, and in the morning brought ' him a shirt of fine linen, which she had had made some time before ; but all night she kept a candle burning in her room, that the stranger, if he awoke, might suppose she was making his shirt. After break- fast she accompanied him out of the vil- lage, and when they parted he said, "May the first work you undertake last till evening 1" She went her wav home, thinking the whole time of her linen, and anticipat- ing its wonderful increase ; but just then her cows began to low. "Before I Mea- sure my linen," said she "I will quickly fetch the cows some wat'er." But when she poured the water into the trough, her pail never emptied ; she went on pouring, the stream increased, and soon her house and yard were all un- der water ; the neighbors complained that everything was ruined ; the cattle were drowned, and with diffioulty she cseaavsed her own life, for the water never ed flowing until the setting of the • Peasant Life in Servia. A correspondent writing from Servia, says :—Bodovinca is an excellent speci- men of a Servian village. It is about a mile and a half long, besides a consider- able cross road or street, yet it contains only about 150 houses, and 500 or 600 inhabitants, The long street, wider AN*4MINO .11M1,711 4•111111 11M11.41iMMR. WOOLEN MIL,L S. thSii George Street, Edinburgh, is a suc- cession of well -fenced enclosures, in the middle of which, and extending back - garden, hiS Offices,- 'and perhaps some fields. The house is a subatantial, white- washed cottage of several rooms, well furnished with carpets and cushions, and with a general air of .solid comfort. ,But what tare thew highirked wooden blif64401* tAlithaeS rooni, s ue around the principal mule only intended fei are the houses occupied by the younger members of the family when they They all eat together in. the fami y house, the younger women waiting, the elder women eating apartrand on -Satur- day night they are assembled for prayer, which is conducted either by the head of the fatally or the youngest'. At the same time the head of the family distri- butes to each member his bask of work for the next week. He and the Warms of the house receive ready obedience. Families rarely break up. They keep together for generations, though there isino restriction ow the transference of their property. The eldest man and his wife or the eldest man and woman are generally the heads, but not always. They are well off. Poverty is almost unknown. In one family where I was, the chief men were two brothers. The elder was the heed, but the younger being more active and clever managing everything. I was assured it' was pleas - tint to see the relation between them. The elder would not do anything eicept on the judgment of the younger, but the younger always took the instructions of the elder with the greatest deference. This family is not very large, though there are elexen young children. They have 200 vokes of land—unfortunately I do not kiiew exactly how much that is —four draught horses, one saddle horse, twelve draught oxen, and twelve cows. Many families have twice as much. The peasants, while they cluster in villages, have their land also outside, Each householder is a member of the commun- ity. They choose a headman, and meet in assembly, and decide how the land is to be culfivated in the whole parish, if on -e may use the word, so that one side of a village you will find this year all maize, on another side, perhaps all wheat. The prosperity of the peasantry, AS many of your readers may know, is not of very old date. Till about 50 years ago the land was occupied by Turkish overlords, as Bosnia where the population is generally of th'e same race and language as Servia now is. The peasants paid tithes of all they possessed, d were subject to other exactions. Kara George, the first deliverer Of Servia, then wrung from the Turks certain rights and privileges. But it was reserved for Milosch, originally a peasant, the found- er of the present reigning family of Obrenovitch, to drive out the Turkish Lords, and establish the present system of peasant proprietorship in 1836. The fortresses still remained in the hands of the Turks, and the deliverance of the country was completed by Milosch's suc- cessor, Michael. CARD OF THANKS. T BEG most respectfully to thank my numerous -L. customers for their kind patronage for the last eleven years which I have been doing business among them, and solicit a oentinuanceeot their favors in the` future. I have reoeivedlii Large Stock of Boote and Shoes, Dry Goods, Grooeries, Provisions, Crockery, Glassware Hardware, Coal oil, Paint Oils and Patent Medietines of all des- criptions. . Farm Produce taken in [exchange. I would also most respeetfully intimate to those who have not paid up their accounts, due Jan. 2, 1876, to call and do so at once, either by cash or note, as I 22311fft have a settlement. Please call without any farther notice. MONEY TO LOAN. If yon want to borrow money on Real Estate you would do well to oall on me before going else- where, as I am valuator for the best Loan Bode - ties in the Dominion. Terms Blurb LIFE INSURANCE. If you want yonr fife insured give me a eall, as am Agent for the Sun Mattel Life Insnranee Conipany, of Montreal, one of the beet and most ion and conducted on the most economioal Give Me a Call. Call at Pattison's if you Went Baeon,- lemobed Hams, Gem Jars Nally Gimes, Harvest Gloves, Sugar, Tea, &o., ;oil very 'heap for cis& et the Poet Office *tore. 484 R. HifilefifiON, Pot Moe Store THE SEAFORTH DRAY AND STAGE BUSINESS, To The People ef ffeaterth. _TOHN CAMPBELL begs to retean thanks to the Merchants and Business men of Beaforth for the liberal patronage awarded him duos he 88HUM- ed control of the Draying Business of Seafox-th. He would also state that he is now better prepar- ed than ever to attend to the wants of his custom- ers having placed another team id the Daryl/le. Goods by rail delivered promptly. Home Enna - tire removed carefully and on reasonable terms. Gardens plowed, and all other chores in this attended to on the shortest notice. Promptitude, Civility, and modenste chines are the cardinal prineiples which he observes in his business. To the Traveling Public. The old Royal Mail Stage still alive and flour- ishing. Parties requiring to travel between Sea - forth and Brussels will find the Mini Suez the safest and most comfortable. The drivers are careful and sober, the horses fast and reliable and the coaches warm and comfortable. JOHN CAMP- BELL, Proprietor. 441 BRUSSELS DRAW KILN. TOWN & BURROWS, THE Subscribers take this opportunity to retuna -1- thanks to their numerous onetomers for the patronage extended to them during the past sea- son, and bope by etriet attention to business and by supplying a good *tide, to merit a continu- ance of the same. LIME BURNED DAILY. A good article guaranteed. Price 14 cents; per bnehel, at the kiln; 15 Dents, on ears. TEMRS STRICTLY CASH; • Bruesels, May 2;1876. 489 KINBURN. CARD OF THANKS. T WOULD beg leave to return thanks to my numeron s oustemers for their liberal patron- age in the past, and would solicit a continuance of the same. Ihave reteived a large and well seleeted Stock of Dry Goods, Groctries Glass and Crock.. cry Ware. I Hare also a Well ',lasted STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES From one of the Beet Roams in the •tride. Hardware, Coal Oil, Paint Oils, Patent Medi- cine e, Ito, always on hand. I would say to those running yearly aceonnte I will allow a discount of one per cent per month to those who.will iettle up their accounts in ad - 467 JAMES STAilLET. OCTOBER 20„ 1878. 1876. KAU. IMPORTATIONS- 1879: WOOL WANTED ARRIVING AT To Cand, Spin,, Ma/nta- faeftvre, or in Exchange for Woolen Goode. 1:t00 -M8 SELA_FORMI-1., SEAPORT/I PLANING MILL, -sAscjHupt-mio BuNtrActoity of tile imam Peetiesintending to build vonl&do veil to gin s wham he will coistinue to keen en Ilene DAT .PINE LUMBER, 15008, BLINDS, MOIJLDINGS, SHXNGLES, LATH, ETC. CUSTOM TOLE CARDING Always dope la tekdeteiektlie floe day. DREas _GOODS, N, ALL THE NEW SHADESp- BLACK SILKS, • BLACK LUSTRES, SPINNING, WEAVING, COLORING, ''CLOTH FULLING, DRESSING, , And every other Wench of the bneinees well done on Went notice. BROWN S1LKS,s BLUE SILKS, DRAB SILKS, BROWN LUSTRES, BLUE LUSTRES, DRAB LUSTRES, TWEEDS, FULL CLOTHS, BLANKETS, SHEETING, Flannel, Stocking Yarn, &c. All of our own manufacture, and made out of good wool, cheap for cash or wool. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SEAL BROWN VICTORIA SUITING, NAVY BLUE VICTORIA SUITING, STYLISH X. 'f 'La 1.v) ‘.Nr LE CLOTHS, AERICAN PRINTS, CERA? COTTONS, ENGLISH PRINTS, CHEAP COTTONS, Any Mira of Woolen Goode mad,e to order out of yowl. own wool. OUR STOCK—OF FELT HATS AND GENTS' FUR.• NISHINGS IS ELEGANT. whoenteyfevouiltim with theirpatronage, -as but neeteilaes workmen are employed. garlearticalarat tendon paid to CustomPlawei 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. EGG EMPORIUM The subscriber hereby thanks hie numerate enstomers(raerchaats and otherse for their liberal patronage during the past seven pars, and hove, by strict integrity andelose ettention to bustheise to merit their confidence and trede in thefuture, Having greatiy enlarged his premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the H IGH ESTt CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fee& eggs, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seeforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 toes ef goodpre clean WHEAT STRAW. TERMS—Cash, or 20 per cent. extra. A. G. VANEGMOND. Seaforth, May 25, 1876. 442 CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. HURON PLANING MILL. THE undersigned hereby inform their many oustomers and the pnblicegenerally of the Re- moval of their Faetory and Lnm'ber Yard tie new and more commodious premiees on NORTH MAIN STREET, Where, with increased facilities and some new machinery of the best make, they will centinne to manufacture and fill all orders for WILLIAM ALLEN - HAS JUST OPENED OUT A VERY CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF Grockery, Glassware, Fruit Jars, ec.c.„ NO OLD BANK RUPT STOCK, But New Goods, New Patterns, Close Prices, to which he invites the attention of the public. D. D. WILSoN ECLIPSE OATMEAL POLLS. NOW IN FlJLL OPERATION. Oat Meal, Split Peas Pot Barley, Corn Meal dopped, And A11511113 of Mill Feed Constantly on Hand Chopping done Tuesdays and Fridley& Oatm.eal axe hange4 ior Oats: Highest peice paid for Oats, Peas and Barley. • And all kinds of PLANED LUMBER At Prices to Snit the Times. Farm Gates, Hay Racks, Cheese BOX687 &C. A Large Stock of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. LATH AND SHINGLES; Jig Sawing and Custom Planing will Receive Prompt Attention. The subscribers hereby thank their numerous onetomere for the liberal Patronage extended to teem daring the past, and hope, by otrict integ- rity and close attention to business, to merit a continuanoe and increase of the same. To all those whose accounts are overdue we give a cordial invitation to pay np. GRAY lk SCOTT. P. S.—Plans and Specifications for Bnileings furnished on application. 424 A LOT OF DYE STUFFS Teas, Prunes, Sauces, Canned Goods, Oatmeal, FREE DELIVERY. Fruits, Hams, Bacon, Of very enperior quality just received at DRUG STORE; Consisting in part of the following : MADDER, _ MADDER COMPOUND, ' COCHINEAL, CREAM TARTAR, ALUM, INDIGO COMPOUND, ALSO A LOT OF HANDY PACK. MBE BYO., SUCH AS YELLOW SLATE; SCARLET, BLUE, GREEN and ROSE, and in faot nearly all colors, whieh are gnarene teed to produce beautiful and fe,st colon if direct- ions are faithfully followed. Dried Apples, Spices, Flour, PLANING MILL And Sash and Door Factoly .SEAFOB,TH, ONTARIO. -Lee- connection with their Lumber Yard a Plan- ing MW andeSash slid Doer Facet', are prepared to -execute work`in this line in. a satisfsetory jmanner. Planing end Lumber Dressing of -every description done to order. Doors, Saehes, Feames, &e.enlways -en hand or made to order in the best manner and ef good Lumber of all kinds on hand and for sale es Estimates furnisted for buildinge ef all kinds. Cormneal, Mill Feed, &c. WILLIAM ALLEN. BAPTISM OF FIRE. Have been one of the heaviest seleerere by the re ce nt fire, but they still live. They beg to inform their old friends and the public that they have MOVED THE BALANCE. OF THEIR STOOK, SAVED FROM THE FIRE, Into the Store next door Sonth of Mr . Morrison's Grocery, which they purpose Selling Off at a Great Bargain. In a few days they will receive A FRESH STOCK oF DRY GOODS, WH ICH WILL BE SOLD AT LOW PRICES. They invite all their old friends and others to give them a call. All parties having so -senate running will penults call and settle early, as money is much needed in the present crisis, ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION' BLOCK, MAIN -ST" Drafts on New York Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bills of Exchange on London payable at Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. IATTEREST PAID OE DEPOSIT& M. P. HAYES, 411 Maarten LUMBER. LUMBER. THE CRANBROOK MILLS TEE UNDERSIGNED would beg leave to call -1- the attention of the public to their Large Stock of Lumber of all 'kinds, and Shingles ahe best quality, and at the very Lowest Prices. SIZED Htadiocs ALWAYS ON HAND, From 10 feet, up. All orders sent by mail or otherwise prompt- ly attended to; A discount of 8 per cent on large order& Interest charged on accounts rurreng over 8 months. Make enquiries as to gnat -rand prime before purchasing elsewhere. THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- ERN TIMES. H 0 LLO WAY 'S PILLS & OINTMENT MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL. Now is the Time to Adorn Your Homes with Beautiful New Furniture at Extraordinary Low Prices. The Pills Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable rem- edy for bad Legs, Old Wormds, Sores end Ulcers, of however long standing. For Bronebitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, -Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. i 3> 1 deem it my Alutyto state that CC CC maznYnPujilafeetandured°ninotnir soelladtianreannyeiestherrt of the United States. Each Pet and Box bears the British Govern - 3> -ea thelabel is the address .588, Ox - i'''''' ,..., " Holloway's Pills and Ointment, London," engrayed thereon. On spurious imitetions of "Hollwey's ment Stamp, with the words ford Street, London. 'Tile end rri ;.,,, ncfPaole011.1317:ursDrugsTecaduagirrnOsdantinsg:otmoftiotti,d"oarrtlie eillusmAnn; g, ,7"..ewassyumorekd,,,..„ 1 r.i., .,.... In Canada. the mark thus prinoiple Whole - obtain them at very low pheee, from J. F. Henry, Curran & Co., of New York, rued this trash le BIIpplied tO unprincipeled Befell Vendors. who sell the Seine as my genuine Pals and Ointment, which are manufactured onlyse Co., Montreal. Messrs. Avery. Brown & Co.,11111- fax, N. S. Messrs T. B. Barker & Sons, St John, pert them _direct from here, THOMAS HOLLO- WAY 588, Oxford Street, W. C. 454 JOHNS 8L, ROWOLIFFE Opposite Powell's Temperance House Seaforth. KIDD'S HARDWARE. Will give the Best Bargains in Furniture that may be offered before the next Centennial. We have DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. FENCING WI R E AND BUILDING HARDWARE' Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special Inclucements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers, "JOHN KIDD. OUR STOCK OVER KIDD'S HARDWAR E STORE At present, but expect soon, very soon, to have it SC ATTERED FAR AND WIDE AMONGST OUR MANY CUSTOMERS. FIRST OOME, FIRST SERVED. En tranee between Roberts' Drug Store and Kidd's Hardware Store. If you can not find the way sing out and we will throw you a rope, Yours respectfully, THE LADY RUSSELL WATCH, A little gem, 18k cases, full jewelled, and warranted for five years. A large stock of English and Genuine Silver Watches on hand, also a full stock of the El,gin Watch—no bogus Swiss imitaions kept. Buy your Watches -from a reliable practical hand and you will know what you are gettine Just Received, at M. R. COUNTER'S, a good assortment of Electro Silver Plate direct from -the celebrated manufactory of Rogers, Smith & Co., such as Ice Pitchers, Cake 13askets, Butter Coolers, Pickle Castors, Syrup Cups, Spoon Holders, Goblets, Mngs, Fish Knife and Fork, Cruet Stands, Napkin Rings, 'Vases, Card Receivers, Table, Des- sert, Tea, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Table, Destert, Fruit and Butter Maine, Ta- ble, Dessert, Pickle and Pie Forks, Waiters' Trays, /cc. Remember the above goods are bought direct from the manufacturers, and will be sold at Toronto Wholesale Prioes. Also a complete stock of Jewelry, Clocks, Spectacles, Combs, Brushes, Pipes, Violins, Violin Strings from 50c per bundle of 30 strings to 40e per sixtgle strips. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds R_epoured by practical hands. Satisfaction guaranteed or no c e. Cub for Old Gold and Silver. S" 4 of the Tree of Silverware in window. . R. COUNTER, Maeoniellill Block :Worth. A full Stock of E tons at Mill American and OANAC American awl of Canton A fine lot LOW Priced. A Magnificent both Fancy and ks, Cheap. A Full range 'Blankets. A la BROW A Great Lim Cents per yard A Great Lim Batts ad DR. WILLIAmMEDGIRciALS. SPECIFIC commas) (led as eurrnfon- bag cure for Seminal Weakness Spermatorr- hes, Impotency, and an a sequenee of Self abnse, as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain m the Beek, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other 'diseases that leads to Insanity or Clonsuraption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rale are and over once- The Speciffc Medicine le firet eausediubLrating from the Peth of nat ure the re of a study and many years of en - by all Druggists at $1. per package, or 6 plc/agar for $5, er will be sent by mail onteceipt of the motley, by addressing WILLIAM &RAI it CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Beaforth by z. Hickson * Co., 7. S.Boberts, B. Isunioden snd All druggist