HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-10-20, Page 5- CTOBRR 20, 1576, = io ---�- i ■ OCTOBER 20, 157 6. - THE HIUAI N EXPOSITOR � a1JAli!ol�T�, Oct. 19, ae�a. `- _� _ .. .- . — .h Fail !#Beat..,•.. a...°s°° °°° .1 00 to, �- Spring Wheat, per bushel ....... 106 to 1. , _ t;3ateperbiteitei.,.,. f1'd Aunt Tabby's Funeral. . 'If, she does: she's fest as mean sa TEA •-'OPENED_- . .� .. to dot ,z S. TEAS. SEA$._ a Pe" parbushol..,,.... °.......,., % to . Glc �.. =.�,._ AQ T B E. ,:_W to Rg�eype, bushel... o ao BY MARY �Yta ��.�. e�i ashe w n , - Ol#T AIL O h` OP 5115111f E3S�= _ THE BEST P�.I!��: _ ;13uuver,l'Io. 1, tocsin .. o- 018 `Phone was `Sister Pt�rtheni�� imd - kir wife. r in per trsl...,�:.:: ,:, o OU d and Brother'Andouiram find "I don' „ \ ,- ,. 5 60 to 000 husban , t say tha�, s I. Tata t FROM ' TRY IT AND PROVE IT. :e ��° <,.'.. .°•.. 8 00, to 8 by his: wife, and Martha Jane Gloriatw4 that for me to speak a�deceased parties, Ito THIS DATE IINTII. - VALEDJ��'.�" OR Y. g.... °.. 8 50 to 400 Sheep sidns....... , •; 0 50 to never got married and never won't, and bat if she was ab a in her last momenta Er Salt (retail) per barren.. W9ker and L_ And we all took the big to do something spiteful, she would." THOMAS LE 'S , n Sslt (wholesalep°per barrel • juoered wagon and went over to Aunt "Maybe she died onsensible;" says _ THE SEAFORTH RVSICAL PO tataeg ger bushel., :: p too THE FIRST lea" to Oatmeal brl ................ 0 00 to = Tabby's funeral, 'cause Aunt Tabby was Glor' D86 �- - �� bit fiat weft our oaebaosm sa+Ithe 5vvood. . ... . . . ..... ...... oil to a�p dead and 'twas oar duty. We hitobed Let e j hope eo, said Adoniram's >ta ao••s INS?RUMEI�T1' EMPORI€TM, ►f I Live Hogs per 1i?0 lb..:........ 5 00 to 6 1 - the old gray mare and the oke white wife. ' e horse to the big kivered wagon, and ' we "If she didn't leave no will," says Par - I WILL BELL TEAS, IN FLOUR A 111 D FRED DRV S�®� �� JEWELRY a CLrNTON, Oct. 19, 1876, all of us got in --Sister he and theNnia, "why, how will things be divid• u �. Fall�t,per bashel,,.•....r. 1 Oft 1 os' liar husband, and Brother Andoniraxq ed WILLSON & SOOTT tf $piing Wheat, perbuBhei. ,...100 11008 his wife and Martha cane G10 . „" S A ISHMENT E T BL Oats, per bushel.... . ... 0889 was and , >riaaa, "Why," saYs I,- i `even,"to be sure,' be• "S R 10'' POUND LO'T'S . Ba to direct the attention of the ublio Barley, per bushel.. o tar, p that never got married, and likely never tween you and your husband and Adon-T��E S p Peas, per bushel........:, ° ..., . ° a 65 , ' ' TO MESSRS. DR. YERCOE AND to the following facts: The make a $utter o ag won t, and Walker and T ; and black tram and his wife. And. Martha Jane � y EDWARD HAIGHT 1}otataes........ o 11 019 Jack, the handy man, he drove and we Gloriana, what hain't got married yet, Speciality of the Best Pianos and Qrgan>et .•....- ....� 012 0 all of us went to Aunt Tabby,d funeral, and Walker and I." T PRICES* e . Hay,per ton.....- ............... 8 12 ® 9 Op, , «� , "' , Pouesaien to be gives ahem aboat the Middle of in the Canadian market. and for to hear the will, cause we was Twouldn t be fair, awd Adoniram s Happened to be one of the •unfortunate oust that ° — all the relations she had, and 'twasn't wife. "to give a singular woman as mach got burned out at the late fire. He hat opened LONDON, OCT. 16, 1876, likely but what shed' left us something ; as married folks ; she hain't no responsi- out again in THE MATHUSHEK & CABLE & SONS TO SUIT THE TIMES NOT HAVING BOUGHT THE ,Spring wheat1 50 tot 80 baric and if you have a few dollars left .yotl, bilities.' - ! 51', to $160, peas, $1 lato �1 18 ; Oats, you like to get it, don't you ? --That's "She hain't nobody to take care of her, - d �I 00 to 81 05; corn, $115; delh_ wheat, what Sister Parthenia and her husband, neither, -and she'd orter have most," says CELEBRATED PIANOS, G _$1 65 toll 95; treadwell $160 to -8185: and Brother Az'doniram and his wife, Martha Jane Gloriana. HIS NEW STORE, CROCKERY Am) GLASSWARE, s red winter;: $1 55 to $1 75. Rent un; ' and Martha Jane Gloriana, that never "Any way, the oldest- ought to have PRICES WILL RANGE FROM Never before has any piano been sub- than ed. of married and never wont and most, says Adouiram s wife. CHINA, g I Y j jected to such close criticism and severe Walker and I all remarked. "We'll see what the law says about OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL And all Housekeeping Goods, these must all be tests b friends and foes as have the Taxo;vTo, O�z. 19, 1876 _ � y We hadn't been dreffal sociable with that " says Parthenia. 25 r20 65. ��NT p Fall wheat1 to $1 15 per bushel;. v Aunt Tabby, no we hadn't for some "Well, I reckon there ain't any will," above named instruments. The scale, " spring, $1 0'G to I 0$ ; barley, 87c time. ti'Ve hadn t seen her for five years. says Parthenia's husband ; ` so jest lets C1eaTed Out being so radically different from any " • peas, t oc ; Oats, 400. Butter, 24c to 2fio When we called she sent as' worn than talk it over. Now wed orter have the PER POUND. Where he hopes to be able to supply Iiia man other, so ingenious in its construction, E Per pound t eggs, I9 to 20c per dozen. _ she didii n care for no company. Twasn t land. customers with p IN THE NEXT PEW PEEKS. - our fault, you see. Sometimes she'd `Like to know why," says Adoniram. and producing such ♦yonderful power and " , "Yes, „ , _ ----- purity of tone has ':attracted the atten- , look out o winder, and sad-, I pain t Yes, state our reasons sa s � alk- p Y ANTED immediately, at Rose a Hotel' S Y , Y , So we invite our friends to come now for the l r 1'1` aortia, a Dining Room, andLaund=y(lir1.488 � dead yet-; not ready to cut up to -day, or. " � t COME AND CET YOUR WINTER last time and replenish your houses, as the tion and =admiration of meehaniw, Phil- F = What s more, I ain't a d3 in , so you "I'll have the cheers and soft', if I fight - ti GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER■ osophers and 'musical critics ; and they F TEACI3ER �vAITEIs:aIe or Experienced . might a saved your pains."Clic hadn't for em, says Parthenia, _ GOODS MUST BE SOLID AT" 1�T0 have therefore been looked upon as inno- - . Female„ior$catio Section No. monial@,nthe no gret of a good temper, she hadn't. "And I the best bedstead,” says Afar- STOCK AND SAVE MONEY MATTER WHAT SACRIFICE. ye az ISi7, Applrcatiotm with'testimgnfala,stst She was awful touchy -and suspicious ; tha Jane Gloriana. O vations by manufacturers and dealers in ' { ins salary,to be sant to SA.MEB, moNAIR, $sere• , s, , „ , i. gary}htoncrleSP.O, 408 that a what we.use to say to each other. You Shan t, says Adouiram s wife... Cull and 'See or YozcrBelves. As tate premises are leased to Iffessre, VZUCOE ;. other Pianos, who, being unable to find But we wasn't going to .bear no malice "Now m blood's u and I will!" said By Buying in Lots at f and HAIGHT, and sitar we are bola out webe g g Y P, - speak your kind consideration for our sucoessors. in them any weak points for assault, have ��Y �H �EgE= To the connoiaeur now, we wasn't ;and we was all going to Gloriana. �- " CELERY the time-honored treat of Celery and Chemo her funeral like Christians. "I must and will have the parlor T E. HICKSON• & Co, endeavored to storm them 13y unjust ss- th g -.wholesome digest to the 8nishiug of a real, ' „ P IR ■ ,� � sertiors. But after 'ten ears of thorough, the eubsetileroffers to snppTythem with splendid Well, black Jack, the handy man, he carpet, says L • 11line just worn out : y Y g celery at $1 per dozen heads. THOMAS DAR. driv, and we went rumblety-bumblety and her black satin will do for mourn- aria of the one, and Twenty of the other j WIN, East of Flax Mill, Seaforth: „ D O M I lY I O lY :.BLOC .C). 468' over the road, and at last we came to ing. CHEAP the manufacturers are enabled to prove + TEACHER. WANTED.—wanted a ikiale T the door, and there we stopped—Sister "l'm going to have the Mack satin," My Terme for the Future are strictly i each• „ „ l,arrh er Prodace. , that they have more than vindicated the er for the Walton Union school for the ear I Parthenia and her husband and Brother says Parthenia. I tell you that. 1877,. holding a third-class certif bate. Dut! s to ,� and Martha_ "No,.I will," says„Gloriana; CASH GROCERY. SEAFORTH. highest hopes of their friends, And are d Andoniram and his wife • eomznenca aa, 2, 1877- Applications stating Jane Gloriana what hasn't never marri "Not one of you durst touch it !" says Don't forget the Place—Three Doors North of salary, with certificates of character, to be sent , 3 Y g test silencing the guns of their enemies. ry asurer ed and never will now, and Walker and Parthenia. "It's mine." the Post office. A trial is all that is required to thorough. Walton to ROBERT PATTI$OI�I, Secre+a Tre = - Walton P. 0., Applioations will be received until 1; and there was that crusty hired help, And just then the awfullest thing hap- THOMAS LEE. 1y convince the ;public of these facts. ' Nov. 16. 968#4 Phcebe, standing at the door; and we pened. The doors of the big wardrobe ups and says to her burst right o en and out walked Aunt HIGHEST MARKET PRICE TEACHER$ WANTED.—For 1877, for School g p ' TRY, TRY AGAIN. �J,. BROWNELL- SectionNo. 6,Usborne,aPrinol al and Assist,. P`We've heerd that poor dear Aunt Tabby. p THE YOCEL & LINCOLN ORGANS - 0 The Principal to r,Q a male teacher,.holding Tabby is dead. She came right straight up to the table Paid in CAtiS`H for l a second olass eertifloate ; the Assistan, female, And says she, "Acv you'_" in her long white gown, and we shrieked THE undersigned would respectfully inform his holding a 'Wrd-class certificate. Applications, << i old friends and patrons and the world at large HALO stating salary, with reoommendations, must be And says we, "What did the poor, and Sewed. Down -the stairs we went, that he his going to try his tacit again., Nov in Are universally acknowledged to be the sent in not Pater than Nov. S. .A.dtlress A:11'DRE dear, late, lamented deceased die of ? some on our feet and some on our heads 500 $ U w� �� E L �' the store lately occupied by >llre, Rumle y, ons TURNBULL, Winchelsea P. �• 46&88 Says she, "Of want of breath, like most —Parthenia and her husband, and Adan= door south of Megarey's new bakery, and oppo „ _ [beat in the market, and each instrument folks I reckon," tram and his wife and Martha Jane Glo• site the Farmers Store, where he will, as in the TT r� L T is fully warranted for five years. The CRD 014 THANKS We the undersigned as s we `'We've Co e t h visna and Walker and I. And when OF GOOD peat, endeavor t0,the very beat of his ability to JUST S J: �.C.CD' 1�� D y � erqet- y m o t e poor, give all who may favor him with their pationagf following are a few of the ;many advan- or the b . the late fire at f placed and insurers - dear critter's funeral."j we got down into the garden and picked the very best value for their money in Aa -van - for the amounts severally glared o calfs our Cages eve elaim for this instrument over names with the Gore District Mutual Fre Incur. She says, "Yell, as you've come, you ourselves up, we saw the window rise, - anae Company, beg t6tender our sincere thanks, will hev to go in." and. Aunt Tabby's head stick out of it. POTATO E S , ANOTHER LOT OF all others made : The PATENT PIANO through their Agent, W. N, WATSON, Seaforth,S- I ain� � � for the very prompt and satisfactory manner In. o we outs with our packet handkert quite dead yet, you see," said BOOTS AND SHOES ATTACHMENT is a complete success; which our olafrns-havobeen settled. LnkeBeatty, chiefs, rnd we says, Boo, hoo !" and we she. ``But I heerd the report was Delivered at the ., its fully proved and tested, Sparkling , $4,000; Wm. Grassle,$1,200; Thomas MdRenny, put sin to our eyes, and we walks in around, and I calkerlated I'd have a lit- FRESH T�� i,�� 'Vivacity is by this imparted to the mu. $2,000; Tulfus Dnnoan ; 1,000; W. Campbell, one arter the orther. And we says : tle fun. I shall wear the black satin CHEAP CASH GROCERY. �° 4 "Cas we see the poor, clear, ate, la- myself yet awhile, and you needn't none will be sold at prices to Stock �the Now tim s. Algha die. Is always in tune. The Manifold i EAI FOR SALE NEAR WALTON.—West mented deceased ?" and we boo -hoed of you come to my funeral when it does large quantity of old stock that must be sold fol pipe gives richness and purity of tone, FAM of Lot 28, Con. 14, McKillop, pontes "right out." come off, because you wont none of you what it will bring. �VA>;;RAIvTED TO GIVE equallingthe best Pipe Organs' is prov. 56 scree, about 47 of which are cleared and mitt. is And says that crusty hired help, be in my will. Good -by dears !,Pleasant ' vateit; therernainder is well timbered; there in s „ FREE DELIVERY, ed, and above competion, and stands un - a good new frame ham -on the promises, and now Phmbe : journey houie. frame house well finished with good cellar, -and ' ":� o, you can't says she, ``not just So black Jack he put the gray mare — � A T I $ F A G T i O N , equalled and alone: Science, experience, Parties leaving their Orders recently will pleas there are outer out buildings ; there is; a never- now." "But you can go into the front and the old horse to the kivered waggon, J. FAIRLEY, SeafOrth. call again, a in has • good- stock, skilled workmanship and failing well of water with pump convenient to the u chamber and hev our teas." sa s and we all got in—Parthenia and her hoose ; is situated. within 9 -miles from Smforth � p "It's ,Y Y o � � honest purpose make these Organs. They and 61 frons Brussels, on a. Qood gravel road, and she. Its all sot. outs says she, and, the husband, and Adouiram and his wife, is convenient to schools, churches and business teapot is on the stove and I reckon you and Martha Jane Gloriana, that never - commend themselves. They are beauti- y places; terms favorable;, For further partfeulars wasn't marri d and never won't be THE HURON FOUNDRY LOST HIS MEASURt BOOK i c; fullyvoiced and tuned. can help yourselves. e , t ! CASH- PA , :99.0,9 BUTTER ssesl or to Walton F.�p �NHABT, son the prem- , "Yes," says we, "we don't need no `ho , and Walker and I and we all went � � AND, EG(xS Pianos and Organs of other snakes sup. waiting on, and we can look at the poor, me. SEAFORTH. Containing their Measures. = plied on order when desired, dear, late, lamented deceased a great deal The Trade Liberally —Are you going to make aflower- y Dealt with. more comfortable after we've . had our teas." 8o up stairs wo ivent. And bed here, Judkins?" asked a young lady - J. BROWNELL.' -A few Second. -Hand Instraments sl= MR' E. B. HOLLIS, there w" the table alr Hot and the tea of the gardener. was on hand. ' "Yes, miss; tiler's the orders " au- All parties having long standing a?counts nn Y Comic Character Vocalist on the steva and nothingmuch else in ' paid will please AT IT AGAIN. Remember the Place, and doai't pas AVTN`G-takennphis residence in the vicinity the room but cheers and tall wardrobe. severed the gardener. A.NDRE�?Sl Y1t HITEX- AW H "Why it -will quite .sp6il our croquet - us by. of Seaforth, respectfully informs parties get- Then we all sot down, and we all put our �„ ting IIP Concerts and Entertainments, that he handkerchiefs in our pockets and we ground . CALII, AND SETTLE THEM will be at liberty, to accept engagements to sing ``Can't help it miss • them's your pa's AS pleasure in annonnc-tng to the public that WIL,1.S0,N SCOTTa at the lama , either in tows. or count d dicln,t boo-boo right out no more. tiVo , , H his New Foundry in Seaforth is now AT ONCE, the present'winter season.: The: Toronto � j by.and, helped orders. -ria says he'll have it laid out � WILLIAM CAMPBELL, just sot b and help ed oursEives. e =FF . t' for horticulture, not for husbandry THE FARM'ER'S rA O '/T e pays bin. d H. Hollis is powering r i facial ex- - Took the best heel t e i do «�n, I reek- As he cannot gait for his money as in the past, ! pry and s, and as a stage ." F singer is equal d- on, says Sister Parthenia. Used a1- - - - - - --- IN FI7LL WORDING ORDER, MEI%CHANT TAILOR r any and superior t0 most." For Terme, &e., ad ways to stand here," says she. Grand Trunk Railway. dress Bar. E. B. HOLLIS, Comic Vocalist, Sea- Y forth, Ont, qgg 4 'Put the deceased onto it, mebbe, said Trains leave Seaforth Station as follows Adoniram's wife, says _sbe. GoxxG WEST— And that he is prepared to d0 fm. ! s "Hope not," says Martha Jane Glori- Day L+ xpreas.........: : ......... g gh a AND C. . 1ti p Y .:2.08 P. Al. WILLSO S Night Express....... ........8.661'. M. Trustin thht itis old"friends' will not for � CX O T H 1 E R t ana, "for I always rather reckoned on Morning Mixed........ .......7.06 A. 11. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. him in his misfortune, and with thanks for the j that best; bedsted being left to me, a�ffd ' Aftemoon Mixed..................6.00 P. R. past and hope..for thq future,. tie will try, trj { I don't want it to seem spooky," says G0I:7G EAST— again. AGRICULTURAL I IPLEMENT EA1- UN:TIL farther notice: we are offering the Cele. Rhe• Morning Express........... ....7.66 A .M. � SEAPORTH. POR�IUM, SEAFORTH. brated Day Express .................... .1.80 P. M. -`Don't know why she should be so un- Morning Mixes..................10.25 A. M. THOMAS COVENTRY, judgmMical as to leave that gret bedstead Afternoon Mixed.. .5.00 P. M t SATHUSHEK, FISCHEI2 AND LA- to a single party," says p. � MILL: MACHINERY' 485 SEAFORTH. k FTEE having passed through the fiery Fn>i- The Best and Chea gest °;duce 2n the BELLE. PIANOS AT And Sister Parthenia's husllam and London, Huron and Bruce. - --- -- A nate is again at business pnrtfled and r er- 1 t ated. Ttzroagh the kindneseot IISes�te: Killoran Co2lnry to Purcha8e ,flgricult wr�al Brother Adoniram and l'Valker, they et. GOING SOUTH— ' Marl. Mixed.- ENGI�TEq BOILERS �-a_R M E R S Ryan he has beenpermitttdtotake'up Says Parthenia. says she `kinder y I lernents. LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES y Y , SVingham, depart .... 7.80 A. Sl. 11.00 A. M. ' • seems as if I wouldn't care so much for Bel =rave............ 7.53 A. BI. 11.80A. M. _ 6 Now is Your Chance to Gat -the ret bedstead as I would for the ar- Blyth ....... ..... .. 8.15 A. Bl, 12.00 A. M. , for cheers. I've kinder sot my mind012-Londesborough...... 8.80 A. Id. 12.25 A. M, And FARHI11 G IMPLEMENTS Clinton.. 8.65 A. X. 1.15 P. M. CHEAP HARNESS. TEMPORARY QUARTERS When you get an Implement ons .£nom g as to the parlor cheers and -the sofy." Brucelield... -, 9.15 A. Bi. 1.40 P. M. Bon yott can rely 'upon it being $s SQUARE RE GRAND < < 9.80 A. Al.1.55 P. M. _ represented. Says Adoniratn s wife, says she, Ad- Kippen...... .. r << Of every hind repaired promptly and eatisfac- 'oniram been the, oldest 1 kinder s osed • • • • • • 9:40 2:05 torn I3onsall... Y• �+ the 'd o tugtts " ' P E:yeter...............10.00 A. M. 2.45 P. 11. JOHN T��� 70 0 GOING J.' o -R $' 275 Y g London, arrive. 11.20 A. X. 4.60 P. M- < J lY Says I, "I can't see why you 0hould, GOING NORTH— Mixed. Mail. He has commenced the manufacture of Agricul- 7 loons he a their large and commodious brick STILL, THEY COME: store, where he wil l be glad to see and servo his London, depart...... 7.80 A. M. 5:00 P. &1, sural Implements of all kinds, and will have a full old friends and customers. He has et a Mrs, Adonirami ; the last custard you SEAFORTH y Exeter ..............1U.60 A. U. 6:$0 l.'. X. supply on hand in a short time of which dao , sent the poor, dear,, late deceased, she Heugall............11:15 " 6:50 " notiee will be given. Another err 10ad',of ShjuVs Pelf -Dumping said St°as tta�'ured with anuli tuiilg ptson a Kippen..............11.051 A. 5L 7.00 P. I AS on hand a large quantity of Harness, both ; Horse hakes, 70U of which.hav8 already boen fund SQUARE PIANO, Brneefield..........11.56A. BL 7.15 P. M. H Heavy Gua Light, which were ghghtly Lar- this apri , As them are only fifteen hundred purl,,sse. ' - "Twasn't •, ,, , „ - , e Clinton ............ ..12.50 P. itii. 7.40 P. BI. '� Ah413P►F« ��'gITELA��, niched at thel3rnseelt; Fire, and which, although nngg t L t5 anti t so. said Mrs, Adoni ram. I Londesborough. • . , ..1 .15 P.M. 8.00 P. M. nearly as good as ever, will be sold off a t � Superb Stock of Cloths being s the this season, a be rt bad bettercall sold.off early as the stock will. soon l,c rant out, (even Octaves, Rosewood,'Herpent ne Mou_ Idings, - pttt' n peppci �tti t into it instead of lemon- Blyth• • • . , . , . • ....... 1,36 P. M. 8.15 P. bl. fi . Carved Legs, llavur, that':; all, Mistakei does occur Belgravo ............ 2.00,P. M. .8.861'. slip 2•,"t� ' �TOTT�- REMARKABLY LOW PRICES Woods' Self -links Reaper fs in greater demand s01netintia:c," stvh 51te. — 1Vingham, arAvo..... l . I. J.00 P. s�I. ■ this year than e�•sx• before. None other stands the test of time so well. GOING FOR `'incl u•liaL 1 want to know,' says t Weiaern 19-ailway OF ALL KINDS 't90 Ad,u;iram, :s al out the real estate; SINGLE H A. R N E S S , ' Woods' Iron -frame Mower, fire liglittxt draft, them Ut[int' liiltlltu«s May gotb thund• Trains Ient`c i russels Citation, north and south, --- and most complete working niacbine made, a . er, , as ander: GOING NORTEI. erOItiG SOI'T}I• From $S upwards. Johnson's $elf Rale Reaper, too well IWOWnfio �,N�. N And Part;li mi a s husband anti � alter Blfsatl.... • . J:LS A. BI. ticcoui.�..:. 6:077 P.A. And is daily receiving more, so that he is as welI nam rrcommendation. ° RN C+j° O'RGA+a S they Ct and ,li,lil t tctGy.11iitlttitf�, Aceom...... ,.40I P. N. Acco,n.... r • N EW SHOE SHO P. a 0 L � Ay �, S prepared as ever to give satisfaction, ` Au'G iG qui, says (lol'iaua, "that Accor..., • . J.Ba P. M. Bused...... 6:1a P. B . The Buck -Eye Slower, which everyperBon ad - Remember his location and call and see him: snits, can't be beaten. AT HALF PRICE:. sbe should tie.lving fident and not saying From $1 upwards. notr,lti; wll�lc wv Yat' jtttit 1Vh.tt cvo.lilce. - Wf iT _ WM. CAMPBELL. It Ilial{Loi r,tt; x,11 ouscwflcsh to thinkofit. GREENFIELD & E ! And other Goods Proportionately Cheap. I wuutlur kt i,c titer site looks nate 11." �+i11( i11TEUT-3 ��r� ^p BUTTER. At of us and save $100 to 80Q. Evers In- "Ii site I:to1., tslriteftil, and fncan, and E HE undersigned begs to notify the inhabitants CALL St7O1� ;�33�'I'ORE TgE,S'E B V ITER, B €J i lEll✓. x nt warranted Five Years. Send for full hateful, biSe t;oc ," said Acconiratu s A ®R 611 V G !1.31 T S M -! T of Seaforth and , surrounding country that be GOODS ARE ,ALL GONE. Of all descriptions. Another ear load of those ;ice list. Wife. 2 Adelt+i,te litreet, lx�est, TOIt0YT0. i has commenced business , p T7p.Tll'Ai{k Plans, SpecilicalfonA, we., and PerfectihiStleSsysr's,;;iassciy's�n.t3, . MORRIS tX, SOPER, r ' «ell t;lle warn't fittc favored to be GOOD WORK QN HAND sore,'' s.4yb I'.ti thettia, perinteniLthc erection 0f Buildings of evot�y << ,; } description. ,11.30 st,licit rr,rrigpond-casco wit Something New in Elms pion,11. The Guelph - 'wrought bort 11'ramts �g I.'1�+vr, This is the 4 8, Adelaide Street: East, Toronto. , I g' 0 And shade to Order as u,urL 13000 Gangplow in the market, Cama null it Ilion, laute.ii-jawed than inost says ` those who contem,lato Iititldin 428' IN- SEAFOR�rH, A EDWARD CASH -and try it. - ":Aticl her eyes were crossed," says 00®D N E�/S. �.v,fu: A GOOD STOCK OF -VALISES, � Turnip Seed Sovers, Horse voce a�1 �=seder, idr�ttitaiss's a' IIAZ'F carne to the coneingion that I will seal and all classes of implements, " c}. tt,t'r was cast," gays I. c, ; those Two Dozen. Sowing Biachiuc5 at Factory In the Shop next door to Pi n's Carr -ago Fac- `- "One o,, ern was crossed, and one on Come now if you want to make TRUNKS WHIPS � Tho ebvta on I riai.ts are all warzaum end „ prices. ., tory, where he it;.ten carry on a s SILL AS USUAL, �It , ' end be given on trial, l3atisfactt9zt guar -teed ern was cast, says x trtha Jane Glorl- o slips as C. believes that an implement dna ; ` tlsttr,',s tl►e �rtty of it. One looked A B' (G BARGAIN _ r v r no O. h , .. ,� A .Z D E L R N I S H 11� G �5. tbat won't stand testing ain t worth buying. to her Llo e anil one looked to her ear. And save your money- Como 1300n, as they are The Custom S}10e BUS1llei3S . - "Alai Imin't she flappy ears;"said Par- going out fast, anti niakc ._ 'LT thenia ; "fart;y like a donkey when you. A BIG DAY'S WAGES. JOHN 'WARD PAY FAIR PRICES FOR GOOD �/q� z. $ee'd lltr \Stilt 13:rt`Ga) Ott," 'SEWING MACH E:SS 1'€cilorzng Department ,2n Full I I still hold tho Agency for first-class machines. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. "'Twarn't stn wonder she didn't never For further particulars apply at T. Kidd's Liquor WHERE YOU CAN FIND H I M �a8i at tete Golden .Lion. „ , Store. THOMAS D. O'CONNOI , _ sit n1sl rtecl, said Acloniraln s wife. ry Third door south of the Post 0$lce, Main Street, DAIRY BU ■ s ER, �'t $vMb�y rya =�t be true, and suets I'aitt't Lhc; bt st looking Bits married Seaforth. 146 - sensible person. now RAY -nits that A are Lot Of Ne2v CIUI!%tS t0' first," su%.$ 1%larGha Jane Gloiiaua• _-- --- -- — - - — The (stock having been carefpilg lecied, and WILLIAM GRASSIE u , none but 'ec r2ti& fru, khat I'i1y Lard you remember, errs. Ad- ZIT C�TICE . PLORNCE oitiram." HAS again; commenced business after the fire Perfect I'ifi Gucrrranteed. .: „ ' TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND � in the premises formerly occupied by 3louroe 'dor them that tries the hardest, says OTHERS. _ FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN & Hogan, on II1i ANY Qt3A�1ITITIES� A'e-rrcerrtbe iT e Pia : Tlie GoU tars. Adon � rain in Stock, . '`Oh, e3, sometimes when the run . these NORTH ALA.LN"-ST., SEAFORTH, 8 ifpeopll ldudo sfwiffillistso -buying y` Y the attention of all,which will sold ,-our artei a luau acrd will have him " says s s THEY occupy 21C�bell ' b , , Y hard times, the subscriber is determined to I' MPLOYED� Where he will be glad to met with as many of them. - Our Getter} .fr. , . meet them by offering good inch Hemlock, "not gSartha Jane' luriana, his old friends and customers as can rYtake it con - AT HIS OSCE, the I,w• rt � Say: I "Thinrt what a solemn ocea- ' usually sold for inch," -at the following rates: And by strict attention to businees, the Public veuient to call on him. 12 foot Hemlock, at $6 60 per thousand ; 14 foot can rely on getting good value for'their reset'. p� F�m� and all Unda of Casti99s a " Sion this�is, and don't hev no words till. Fencing, at $7, for Cash. All orders over 4x000 pairs alwa�on�'1• ` Sle22dd Stock of Rex we know what's left us." 5 per cent. diseonnt, Call and see if you dont BI,ACIiSMITHINC & WASON MAKIliS erctxrte fru 7wnd. And Parthenia's husband and Walker sec what is represented. Sewing biacbine Oile, ,&:Mutt'&&nmL9 RG - Book v t €l See . a they et . Accounts over 8 months will be charged REPAIRING dmw with. Nefxlmn � y • In s21 de artaxezats carried on as formerl GORE M11 I ETT SEr�ftRM dews always Fo►d,T f { , 8 per cent. - Pr Apg we won't be left nothin'?'i gays The snbseriber thanks his nnmerone customers and Di9patch. A full Stock Of B€ttterWfi PsU . LOG JANrE ON. Parthenia, for their liberal support, and solicits a contiun- Repairing Promptly Attended to. "Mebbe she'll leave all to that hired ante Of their favors. aoHrl THOf+iPSOx. . Jr J. SCOTT. LfSDEN'i DRUG STORE. , O. C. SedoxflL help Phcebe," says Adouiram's wife. ;ig,3 atoeni 0aw Mills, � oRmop, 459 W1;LLiAM Gwsm s� 1 I