HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-10-20, Page 3_ .� -_ ---- _. _---1-_____ _ . D, , - - 4 yr� 'onn._,w list ti Off. 8 ' CODER 20, 1870` - -1 UR�1 P IT 3 : 11 41 . back your ninety pounds, Both my were more or less carried away by this "1 11PBClllrilu AuTi[CLFt3. IUM OF SASH ; _ father and myself resolved never to touch genial humorist, who gave them the elec. PHOTOGRAPHY. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. BARGAINS■ - a penny of it ; if you had died before you trio shock,W a brisk and new surprise. EDA$ POSTS FOR SALE: For Sale Cheers s� quaatii7 of good Cedar fence goats. A 1v - were satisfied you bad discharged the Sam Weller elbowed his way into A CALr ER begs to announce that, through at the Ezrosixoa ffitce, Seaforth, sum, we should hue handed over the fashionable drawing -rooms from which A. kindness of many friend., he has been . mons to your dace ter. I am delight-' eves Pelham would ha enabled t° start photographing again. Hi,rooms� y - gve seen excluded; are over A. lkfitdhell'e store, opposite Commereiai ; NOTICE To BUILDEBB.—Any person want,. BMT ASSt#R� STOCK pp ed, however, to gives it back to yon per- and his ` estimable father, Tony, of the Hotel. _ As he has been burnt out twice, in the . _W-&�D=T_., �i0_x Ing sand, raoei or Stone$, can learn their ,eonally ; and if ,you will come to our of. same name winked lifted his Wier business be ie not yet disheartened burr is bound ciders at THOS. LEE S (irocery,and it will be- I� , livered on the 111wrtestnotice, THOMAS CUB- fice,to-morrow I w•i hand yon over the mug of beer to his lips, and in the inter. -to try again. His light is built on a plan from J. RIE. Inglis, of Montreal, and i■ said by him to be the five per cent. inter ` t which has accrued vah3 of slowly imbibing the liquid; dis- best'st le of light ever used by him in this scan- — Undersigned has for since the first payment. Good-bye, Abel. coursed wisely on -the terrors of second try, or Britain. Calder is determined to give you SUCCESSORS TO GRAY, YOUNG & SPARLING. AMS FOR 'SALE.—Thegn 0 xC30E3S I feel` myself an intruder now, Good• marriages, while lolling on damask satisfaction, he will not exhibit another man's sale on his premises, Lot 4, Con. 8, Hulled, work,to decoy you up -stairs, and give you inferior near Kinburn, S�o�n�perior Cotswold :Ram Lambe. LLI N E RY- - bye, and Heaven bless you, my honest cushions in the �boadoir8 of countesses. aosEPH IIfARTIN.»d fellow !"'• This welcomed intrusion -of the vuliar, own -work will be sen and City n are not but a 1•S . Baker junior, who' seemed with every of what is called "the common - herd," with the p oof you Dau sit until you are satisfied, - WOOD.—The sabscribers are open for th4 %�.P$ word to become thicker and thicker in into the selectest of select circles was x �° purchase of good dry Beech and Maple Fire• 9. AND Calder will never masks. Pictures Copied and A L G O ® S • . � A ,I his utterance, then placed in Abel's lap doubtless to be referred, in some degree, Enlarged.. O • �ooy. A.W. OGIL Hills Co be delivered i 46e- a small canvass bag which gave forth a to the disgust which intelligent people -of EAR FRIENDS ; I beg to tender you my sin - AND SHOES r~ g g ,p, P D care thanks for the kindness you all have r HRESHTNG MACHrn-E FOR RALE. —Tar _ - chinking gonad, and once again heartily fashion had begun to feel for fashion- shown me and family, as I have been stripped of THRESHING at one-third of the aegnlar selling pt*iae, wringing the old man's hand, bounced able novels," then in the last stage of almost everything by the late fire, yon have come EVERY -DEPARTMENT. NO'SIxY FIS LLN a Separator Threshing Machine and Horse Power from the room ere any one could bid him intellectual inanation • but the fact of sward in a way that I never a t4d, and hoall o mplete ; spell to wu a soz�l eo farewell, their exceptional admission into exclu. that. you shall bb rewarded liberally for yonrmsn Sesforth. 4b? c kindnesses. W. J. Shannon and George M'eln- "Pol .y, Polly,"whispered Abel,- give. sive circles is due to the exceptional tosh, of McKillop, Dr. Campbell and D. D. Wil- _ I am determined to Sell for Cash at - 7�RES 3 MODELS FOR SALE. bliss QAinian Rook Bottom me that workbox.. genius of the man by whom they *fare son, of Seaforth, please accept my sincere thanks D has in her possession the right to sell Mad- and tell Your neighbors than The girl knew what he wanted, and. introduced. —Atlanttcc Monthly. for the great kindness you nave done me You:s , ` placed the box. before him. She saw his � Trvly,_A. CALDER. 462 Dress Goods in all the new colors, am DeLana a Patent brass Modal or Pattnrq This System is the best that has ever boon fingers draw from its contents of precious -- brought into Sesforth; FullIustructious wiltb�, - relies of a bygone day a tiny baby's shoe After CJhiu'Ch• . THE SEAVIORTH .. - given upon applying at MISS QUINLAN'S Dress Buck Lustresi Making Rooms, over T. Kidd's store, Seaforth.497 - �DDy 5 which had never belonged to her. The It was after the. evening service. Mrs. _ : old man held it within hie hands and INSURANCE. AND LAND ARENCY Coonton and the three Misses Coonton t~YAN7�>EIi. . after gazing at it for a few seconds, had arrived •home. They sat listlessly , drew it reverently to his lips and mus- Ai..QNZ(i STRONG - Plain and Checked Winceyss • around the room with their things , TEACHER WANTED.—Wanted a male teacher . . - mured, - ``M bo innocent, m bo in. _ for Belmore Union Schools Section No. 10, Y Y Y Y on, Mr, Coonton was lying on the loupge IS AGENT for Several First -Clam Stock, Fire - for the IIoeent ! Oh, that he had lived to see aslee and Life Insurance Companies, and is proper- d year 1877, holding a 8rd class certificate. - y . .. Shawls and Mantles Please to state salary expected. Apply to PETER BUY- CHEAP GOODS, this da �" cc �, ed to take risks on mmeline, said Mrs. Coonton, y TERRIFF.Belmore P o.- . Tom Smith stole his arm around the suddenly addressing her eldest, "did THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. EAOHER WANTED. --For schoeoS c1 tion - waist of his betrothed, and drew her to you- see Mrs. Parker when she came r- Diagonal Dress Goods, new shade the window'. They raised the blind, in !" • Also Agent for seversl of the best Loan Socie- Felt Skirts in great variety, T � No. 1, Hallett, holdings secondor third class �-` French Merino, navy Blue, $' and looking out witnessed the heavens ':Yes, ma " re lied Emmeline, ties. - certificate, second preferred. Duties to commence 1i`rench Merino. in Plum , P Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm - on January 1, 1877, apply to ROBERT MOXI- r ; resplendent with myraid stars and a "She didn't have that hat on last Sun- and Village Property. CHAEL,Lott,9ou. $,Hallett SeaforthP.o.461*4 French Merino in Scarlet, bright ereseent•s'haped moon. da did she?" American Prints and Cottons, "- 1Ii," French Merino in Seal Brown. ``Poll dear " said Tom "it's the y' }� « A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS 1M- t TEACHER WANTED TneTrustees of Union T ) i y, No, said Emmeline. It is her new School Section No. 11, Morris, Grey and Mo- - AWLS &CANTLE first day of the new moon. You ought hat. I noticed it the miuute she went PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. _ xiuop,viii receive appliCations Until Oct, It for S to wish, and what you wish is sure to Flannels and Shlrtings, a Male Teacher, holding a second class certifi- down the aisle, and says to Sarah. What X50,000 to Loau at S Per Ceut. b ZT( Zn ever4 Sfyla and Price, Come true. Date, for the year 1877. Duties to commence fir. ` Shawls from 55 Cents to $40 each "Is it Tom ?" replied the on earth possesses Mrs.. Parker to wear Xnteresc. 2,1877. All applications, stating salary, td U t Mantles from ,+1 50 to $80 each. ' , P girl, with a such a hat as that says I." _ sent to R. PATTISON,Secretary-Treasn' ,Wsl-, - wistful trust' look ' in her eyes that << OFFICE—Over M. Morrison's Store, Main -St.,, DlanketS and S lAeet� ngs Y Such a great, prancing feather on , - ton P. o. 46Q #' �'OS�F:RY. made him draw her still nearer to such a little hat looked awful ridiculous, Soaforth. _ ` � € him. "Do you know I have watched thought 1 should lash right out when r - - TEACHEII WANTED. wanted, for school Z Do I Ladies' Hosiery, 75 different lines, for the new moon and wished regular. `I ►► 8 g PLOWS , PLOWS. Table L1I1enS - Section No. 6, a male teacher holding a third- I - Children'a Hoslory, 90 -different ! g I saw it, observed Sarah. z els as certificate. To commence duties January let, 1877. An experienced teaoher preferred. :lines ly !the same thing for many months � `I don't think it logked any worse Appiicaats please state experience and salary re- Gents' hosiery, 40 different lines. p� ?» - , OR s Number One Plow go to T. MEL- - --i 1 than Mar $ohu ler a with the florin _ R •AG LUST `'And what was our wish Polly?" Y y �, .. L1161, KJppen, manufactured by qq� iced. Applyet HownshP. O. T: I41.ILAN;3, 1)SE•S, - Y , Y • red bow on the back, said Amelia. �SISl'ool Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Secretary, Hallett township. 459 A �' inquired Tom srchlq (I think he knew, "I don't see what Mrs. Schuyler can biONP�OE k HOGAN I -- I ' Black Lustre, 121. Centents per yard, although he pretended to be quite ignor be thinking of to dress Mary out like , • Seaforth. _ ' . Black Lustre, 1�i. cents per yard, ; ant.} ,> Children's Wool Gaiters, - ESTRAY STOCK. Z C Blaak Lustre,, lv cents per yard, t. that, said Mrs. Coonton, with a sigh. persons wanting a good Thistle Cutter would do , - - ' _ --� f Black Lustre, 20 cents per yard„ - • Oh, if I were to tell you now, the "Mary must be older than Sarah, and well to give them a trial. They are all warranted • - TRAYED—Prom the -farm of George Habkirk I Black Lustre, 85 cents per yard Charm mi ht fall. Ask me dear when work or no sale. The will be sold cheap for cash rg , g McKillop, about Friday last, a span of Indian yet she dresses as if she was a mere os on short time. F r P d ` I11f antees - poples—sorrel.- Any person ;giving snob infer- � 0 Black Lustre, 80 cents per yard,. _0 the next new moon comes, and, perhaps, child—" - . Bootees an , motion as will lead to their recova will be auit- l7 Black Lustre, 40 cents per yard, , ably rewarded. DR. J. a SCOTT, eaiarbeth. suit- Black Lustre, 40• cents per yard, Ili tell you my wish. "Did you see how the Widow Mar• GOOD HORSE SHOEING � Blank Lustre, 45 cents Per yard, ``Then, darling, we shall be man and shall was tucked out?" interrupted Em- f Black Lustre, 50 cents per yard, wife-" g y p Tweeds Mats and Caps, E Seal Brom Lustre 20 Dents per yard, meline. She was as . a as a peacock. Blacksmith Work and General STRAY , oW.--came into the premises of the o'! drab Lustre, u rents yes yard, His voice had sunk to a whisper-, but • Mercy what airs that woman. uta o - ! Repairifu,; Undersigned, Lot So, -Mill Road, lnekersmith� on Sept. 6, a red cow with white spot on her fore - Prune La�trer cents per yArd, it reached her ears, unci when the words I would like to ask her when s e is go- Go to T, MELLIs', Kipper. His work is too well - head. The owner can have her by proving prcV- ceased; }ler head sank upon -his shoulder: in to brio back that cep of flour and y, `` g g , known to the public to need puffing. Remember Gents Furnish„ S, arty and paying expenses. J. GAbLERE?i�I. 959 R r---; STAPLE GOODS. The fire in the grate died away, the can- Emmeline tittered maliciouslyy, the stand, two doors north of Shaffer's Hotel, = . dle flickered, and at length went out ; `'`She's shining around old McMast- Kipper. '466 STRAYED —Come into the promises of the anb- Oxood Winoeys,, 10 cents per yard, �: R STRAYED Lot 27., Con. 12, riio$iilop, about the Good 1ince3s, 12 cants per yard, but with its last ray it showed the old they say, mentioned Amelia. Read lade C1'r�thxn &c. &c. end of September a greyish spotted Cow. The man rat in the contemplation lation of his THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, y �' f owner can bare her by proving property andpay- f"It • E=4oe1 Winceys, 15 cents per yard, P P "Old McMasters !" ejaeulateci Mra. ins expenses. JOSEPH g1NNEY. 4t12*4 7 ft) I cToocl �s ince s, 20 cents per yp;rd, precious relic, and the two- lovers—one Coonton, "why he is old, enough to be S E A F O R T $ . _ w - Good Waterproofs, 76 cents, in heart and mind—still gazing upon the her father." ... ; 2 ! ErOOd Waterproofs, 85 cents,, _ STRAY HEIFER. -Strayed from Lot 27, Cour Good Waterproobg, 90 cents. , peaceful splendor of� the star -checkered "What ,difference do you suppose that . E 4, L. R. S., Tuckeremith, a dark brown Heifer, . -_ __ - firmament.—Tinsleys Magazine. ' makes- to, her?" suggested Emmeline. ARTHUR FORBES, - 2yearsold. Any person giving such information HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER. a ■ will lead to its recovery will be suitably re- "But I pity him if he gets her.he'fi a warded. JOHN LAWRENCE, Egmondville Post Grp and Double Fa,eed,-C7ompare : Ru9kin'f3 Advice to Q•rlfa About perfect wildcat." . HAVING purchased the Stock sad Trade of the u > Office. 46"4, 3tb.er 1n. the market. - Commercial Livery, Seaforth, from lir. I . Dresa, "Say, Em, who��was that gentleman Ge a Whiteley, begs to state that he intends — Dress.as plainly as your parents will with Ellen Bixby ? ingtlirecl Amelia, carrying on the business in the old,q.tand, and has ESTRAY HEIFER —Strayed from the,"a* allow you, but in bright colors if the "That's so," chimed- in Sarah, with added several valuable horses and vehicles to the _ �(�(' ,Q,, . Grounds, Seaforth, ion Tuesday last, I rid �'of Seal and; GI th Mantles, from MI5 to. 25, ' g ( Y ?" _ formerly large stock. None but x x A D D E L L Va COs Heiler, one year old, snppoeod to be with saki. ` $ become you} and in the best materials— spirit "who- wag.he . » ; Any inform0fon concerning the above afsimg ` that is to say, in . those which will wear to hat gentleman ? asked Mrs, Coon- First -Class C'omfdrtable Vehicles and Good will be suitably rewarded by the nndbrai ed. the len est.y� When you are really in tong �� Reliable Horses Will ;be .Kept. _ JOHN TORRENCE, Iiullot, Harlock P,O:. 2*4 g "Why, I don't know who it was, ex- . want of a new dregs; ba it: or make it Y � GALL AND SEE TH, AN0ASHI.ONAB°LE SHADES Y ( } claimed Emmeline, Covered .and Open Buggies and Carriages, and ESTRAY COLTS.—Cameinto the promises of in the fashion,. but never quit an Old one Double and Single Wagons always ready for use. life 'undersigned, Lot 18, Con. 8, TUokof-smith, - merely because it has become un#aahion- "They came in during the prayer. He I g ` able. And if the fashion be costly, you was a tall- fellow, with light hair and Special Arrancyemen;e . Made With .Com- Co os about :the 15th . August, a span of Bay . Celts rising years old. The owner is requesyed chin whiskers. merciat Men. - .. to prove prvl)erty, pay charges and take thein"' ' ` DEPARTMENT N=T must not follow it. You may wear. bror d sway. GEORaF SP Rf)AT. 481';.4 , stripes, or -narrow bright colors, or dark, "It couldn't have been her Cousin Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels GRAND DISPLAY O F GOO 'D u ---- - John from Brooklyn, suggested Mra, promptly attended to. _ ESTRAY STEER.—Come into the premised of short petticoats, or long (in moderation}; the subscribe , about the 20th of A st a. - as the public .wish, ou, but pli must not Coonton. x 3 �y,or Style,: Qirfilt`ty and Prices. P Y c, „ 1 -year old f�toer, white and red. The owner,aetj Brother, no said Sarah, pettishly, buy yards of uses stuff to make a knot FIRE 1 FIRE 1 FIRE 1 gave hila by proving property and paying ezpon• or $ounce of, nor drag them 'behind you "he is short, and has brown hair. This AZVD res. JOHN McDONALD, Lot 19, Coa.2, L.R.S., .— : , over the grqund, and your walking dress gentleman is a stranger. T wonder where HAVING SAVED ONE THOUSAND - Tuakerexirith. 46i* Smust never touch the ground at. all. I she picked him up 1" DOLLARS WOP.T33 OF ST 0` R E ■ "She .seemed to keep mighty close �o SOW STRAYED OR STOLEN,—Strayod or - have lost -much of the faith I once had „ „ , - Stolen, from the -premises of Mr. Robert M4 • in the common sense, and even in the. him, said Amelia. But she needn't 1 -- BOOTS AND SHOES Michael, Con. B, MoSllop, a grey and vlrite mi} - personal delicacy, -of the resent race of be scared. He looks as soft as a squash. u O ^ U T 0 R Cow, about 5 years bld. Any information regar p rl <J .,;; I -1avers a English wome , b seen how Did "you see bim tumbling up his hair R U M E Ing her will be liberally rewarded. -ROi ERT $ Y g with his fingers ? I wonder what the LITTLE. Constance P.D. ¢$1*4: - the will allow their dresses to sweep „ From the late Fire, I offer the same stook saved Q the streets, if it is the fashion t6 be scav big ring cost—two cents ? and the speak- to the public at er tittered. STRAY LAMB.- dame into the premises of the subscriber Let 11; .Con. 2, L. R, $,, , angers. Learn dressmaking yourself, Just then there was a motion on the - - . with pains and time, and use a part of AT Lamb as fol' the first week in right , xong Fa r -ley,:} every day in needlework, malting as. lounge, and the ladies began to ta4 ,off LESS THAN- COST PRICE. +Lamb marked as follows: top off the right ear', _ I and notch on 'the loft. The :owner is requested pretty dresses as you can for poor people their things, to prove property pay charges and take her away- --- ' "Halloo, folks," said Mr, Coonton, Give me s Ct►11, you will find it to your sdvan• I SAMUEL sMILLIE. 461*4 who have-not the time or. taste to make �, them aleck for themselves. You are to rising up and rubbing his eyes. - ,Is tags. I request an early settlement of all no- - �- 77 d Stock y Church Out ? counts due me in order to help me to build spin. I 8TRAYI�D.—Strayed from the premiaos of H. tock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCR&I)3i show them in our own wearing what is u „ Residence—Old• Block, Goderich Street, near 0 J� F lV.l A JLY B RO T E RS 11l E liY STORE `ORE Gies, ,Zurich, onA onday, Augwt 21, a brown ery Small. Advance on Cost for Gash. ' Y Yes, said Mrs. �ioonton, with a• Edward Cash's. • male 9 years old, bearing a white spot on fore- - most right and graceful, and help them yawn; which communicated itself to her 469-18 SAMUEL STARK.ng to choose what will be prettiest and most head undone white hindfoot. s� Office on to the daughters. information at the Exrosrron Office as to the becoming in their own station. „ _ whereabouts of the-aboveanimal willbesuitably `Did you hear a _food sermon ? 7 j 7 WAN T F D 777 rewarded. IINRY G1E;;, Zurich, FOUR DOORS SOUTH OF Rt� POST OFFICE GO RICE FOR Ingenious Students, "Pretty good," accompanied by anoth• p f Ej'S,TBAY SE --Strayed from Lot 6, Bay - i er yawn all round. ,field Road North, one two year old Ally, -color GOOD: CURRANTS FOR $ILI The Boston Journal says that two uni- "See ?" Y J I See mz�.ny new clothes . 2,000 TUBS-- bay, with white face and one white hind -toot, GOOD RAI°SINS FQ'R $ I:. ors at Dartmouth (,ollege, admirers of "T suppose you think, lir. Coonton, rsny person stylus information to the owner, at a labor-saving appliances, by a system of that is all your wife and daughters g+a Varna F. O,, that will leas to its recovery will be cords, and weights, have suc- l to church:6r, to look at other peoples l suitably rewarded. Any person board detaining GO 00 SUGAR' FOR SI. pulleys, FINE DAIRY BUTTER. , ceeded iii altering an old and dilapidated clothes," said Mrs. Coonton, tartly. Ill the Stole Lately Occupied by 0. C. 1 l_1.1I SO11 said animal after thisnotiae waif be prosecuted by . twenty -four-hour 61ock to a nine -day 1, "That's just like pa," said Emmeline, ` law. JAMES GALLAGHER, varus. 43s 1. ,� time -piece. They can easily change it f with a toes of her head. "He is always , STRAY CATTLE. -=Strayed from i'he premises HIGl�EST PRICE IN CASH PAID ESTRAY the undersigned, Lot 21, Con, 2;14IcKiila , Per pound.; and I can give you , a so that it will run a mouth without re- :slurring church people:" T � on or about the 18th of May,1 Steer and 2 Heir CCOS as low as 30 cents per pound, an winding, and, if sufficient encourage- Pa went to bed.—Dartbitry 1b ew& .I AS A M USIC STORE. - - era, all year olds. Steer neatly all white, with 'Pounds GOOD PRUNES far $1„ F j -AS :is offered them, will arrange it for , A.- G. McDOUGALL & Co. dark red around the neck; one heifer sal zed running till end of their senior year, !Funerals in Glasgow in the last I with white spots, and he other heifer all reds: Any person batbaring the above cattke silos this f also Split Peas; Pot Barley, Oatme in 1877. They a short time ago aaton- Century. BUTTER TUBS■ date will be punished according to law, and any, information concerning them will be suitably fished the members of the class telegraph : The following is an advertisement in a HOFFMAN BROTI�ERS. rewarded. JAMES XcQUADE. 462*4 enware, S:toiielvare,; Earthenware, an company b attaching the wire to the ' g , clock, and each of the. twenty instru- _� Glasgow local paper of 1747 :—' James ' . - Y SAUMEL TROTT menta scattered about ta�vn clicked away ; Hodge, who lives .in the first close above ESTRAY CATTL'".—strayed from the premises 1 � E D DA.1 LY_ in unison with the tckin of their clock. the cross, on the west side of the High of James Atkinson, Lot 2fi.; Con. 5, Hibbert, m 'Their latest move has been in 'arranging + street, continues to sell burying crapes HAS now on hand at the Seaforth Tnb Factory SU CGESSF' U L OPENING May rife b yearling wihcalves, 8 i eifexa nt t ;store- g a number of his well and favorably knows One heifer dark red with white snout the fore- prompt attention,: anal their Goods Delivered their beck—"'bunks," as they call them : ready made.; and his wife s niece, who - dead, 1 heifer all red, 1 heifer and 1 Steer brown —strain -boat fashion one above the I lives with him, dresses dead corpses at vkjth white about life head, 1 small $leer brown.. ,of2q _ Macicine Turned Butter Packages. ,,, and white. An person i tkae IIigtiest iktnrket Price. _ I as cheap a rate as was formerly done by 9 y p giving information that 4-1 other, for economy of room. I r OI,+ will lead to their recovery will be suitably re-,' ' Atli side ;her aunt, having been educated by her These. Packages are the beat in use, and will _ and perfected at Edi"nburgb, whence she ice satisfaction. . warded. SeaforthP.O. 463 4. Success of the Pickwick Papers. j P g M. IT IORRISON". - . I has lately arrived, and brought with her . The success of the' Pickwick Papers I all the newest(and best fashions." In SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO R� �/ �1 ''j' Q LOt3T OR Fo[11Y1u. - --- -e------ was _ almost unprecedented in • literary 11789 we are informed that "Miss Christy LARGE PURCHASERS. M ITCH ELL'S NEW EW DRi GOODS STORE ORE 1'L' (;T history, For the first number the binder Dunlop.- Leopard Closs, high street, I { El7FFAL0 ROBE LOST .—The person who took 1 I{.�11 CTATIONS Mr. Trott expects in a short time to commence from W. N. Watson's oMee on the morning of was directed to prepare for only four i dresses the -dead, as usual, in the most i the manufacture of Wq,sb Tubs on r large scale.. the fire or after it was removed from the office a N -r=,; hundred copies ; for the fifteenth, the f fashionable manner.' Ten. years later, s ; .5AMREL TROT �. Swifortb SEAF )i - B�slo Robe will please return the same at onto. order was for forty thousand. The work = <`aliss;Christian Brown, at her shop at W. N. WATSON, 458 . rn literally took the town by storm.. It i the west side of Hutcheson street, carries rn0 FARRIERS, TEA1,26TER8, HOUSEKEEP- 50EWAED. Fifty Dollar3 froward In Pied by hFrs. Markey, two doors north of life 1 ERS and Others.—Im —Important Sal e .te the Commercial Hotel. _ quickly established itself as a favorite ` on the business of making dead lfalntels p hox"tyundo s better than :$z,°50 o din: � i� of New Harness, Saddlery, &o. Mr. J. F. Brine with high and low, wherever the English and getting up burial crapes, &c. She has ieceived instructions from Mr. W. Oliver, I honesty. The in left his coat contain, n n llacauFe recely- ;also carries on the business of mautua paddle and Harneae niakar, to offer for Gale with- ing the money in Diecbart'A New Hotel, Zurich, Lk -'>'"c bestowed upon hien in the est, language was known. � Y , THE BUSINESS DONE SINCE OPENING HAS SURPASSED OUR on the The party who the money was shovel. l p ed the earlier numbs when he vas in nicking at her ]louse in Duncan Close, out reserve, and inconvenient lots, at his store, ed. The party who has this money in his possess. India and resisted the nevelt of the High Street where a mangle is kept, as sign of the Scotch Collar, Main street, Seaforth, ion can send the"money in any shape or rnl►uner SOL :CI�'• A , Y g , ° on SATIIRDAV, Nov. 4,1876, anumber o1 sets of I to the undersigned, deducting $50, and no.clues- style and characters with all the force of formerly."' _ _ new single and double light and heavy farm bar- } EXPECTATIONS. his critical conservatism, but began to ` ness, an assortment of new horse Collars, bridles, trona will bo asked. Put if the de ig a not AJ.D PATRONAGE s saddles, ladies' saddles, and other articles of sad- returnedega ns two creeks the undersigned viii appreciate the llotous humor of the ; An Absent -Minded Wife- dlery. Also a variety of leather and other trunks, proceed against the parties wore have the VANId. He wishes to show leniency to tlae7rr, an it ryas his =ivei before to glue Satisiactiou to all- work as early as in the second chapter, „ boxes, valises, &o. The aactioneei has much fault.in leaving his coat in so public a place. . —where Alfred Jingle describes, in P The Indianapolis Journal says : A pleasure in drawing the attention of the public ABEL wALPER,Zutich. 482-5 few da s a o a entleman in this city was to this genuine sale, as the goods to be offered THE FOLLOWING FACTS WILL ACCOUNT FOR IT �:%s undergoing alterations he has leisurely brief, broken -braked, inconsecutive Y g gentleman T shift General that all that money, coupled statements, his conquest of Don Bolero's astonished to receive a telegram from his are of first-class material and workmanship, the (BARD OF THANKS. We, the nndArsignad, ::astecr done to cull from the various Markets daughter, ss the certain result of "bein wife, who was at the Centennial, asking tom traadecsnd supplied dguarraarntOliver as such,cand • CARD in thinking the Phepmiz Insar- g « "—and him for the name of the hotel; at which as the same mist be cleared out, Isar. Oliver hay- j &nee Company for the prompt and oatisfaetory .T himself a handsome Englishman; FIRST— Goods are alt 11Teza�, �reali and Carefully Selecieel. settlement of ear lags covered by theirpolicies, i O Sp ended in being as fond of Pickwick as of she was stopping. He adswered, of Ing ghortiy to remove out of his present store, s - course but the mystery was riot explain- �eohsneepresents itself to purch,.sers which and enstslncdb7usstthelste fire. HOF AN Sir Charles Graudison. Sydney . Smith should not be overlooked. Sale to commence at BROTHERS. _ ' Attractiveness, h n er •but ed until her return lately. It seems that 1 o'clock sharp. TERgS—Up to $5, cash, pnr� SECOND_We live 724 Old &ock to Defraud o?�U)" Custowrs with. - as, stands unrivalled in Seafort and Jeffrey resisted a little to .g , I TTOBSES ,EOR SA ,E, --One black _mare ria' ` prices- Sufilce, it to sag, that he hopes to sae when their objections ave way, ,the ( while in the � Center vial grounds she be- chasers over that amount can have 9 months I W place 01 Business .when he Will rove the l • g Y . Y ° e ae rated from her friends, and credit upon approved joint notes, a4ding 9 months I 4 years o either for dri ' ,oxhrm, ld, sait�►iiie - ' p almost made an idol of the author „hey Cam pa interest at 8 per cent. per annum. 6 per cent die- TBIR ➢—Doi tz G'asli a72d PrOdvice Trade 4922 tjLe C04C18 are work also & powerful tarns horse, rising s years p n. had at first tried to represent as a mere finding that she could not discover them count allowed on all cash payments above $5. W. � old. Both are well broke to work either single lir' e fhe Place, The Sign is very Conspicuous caricaturist. The marked distinction of was about to inquire her way to the hotal, OLIVER, Proprietor ; J. P.BRINE, Auctioneer. � � 1�arked CLecordingly. � X1c�pp% io,J4HI�T CLTTSZLL,L°t$(i, , '4 -rt and Cheapest D Goods. Respectfully. the o ularit of Dickens as; Dom ared but wa3 more than astonished to find - °p' -� P PP Y h r novelists of the :that she could not recall the name of it, ARD thanks To the L I desire to express my FO FOURTH—Prices are a8 Lote� if not Bower, than 2n any Home iiE 07107 AT W •—Tbe Members Off with that of all other CARD to the LancRphire InanranQe Co., CPEO E DENT center except Scott was due to the nor the street upon which it was located. for their promptness in paying my claims in tall ,'` 00, ln�dceli Y P , charge of an of- Sea Orth. h s elvers to 818,- - I _ _ _ ` _- fact that it overleaped the barriers which So she placed herself in c g - for toss by the late fare, and also to the Clore Die- f the aauiiyernaTyos weer Plot. bp bf! -, f.. : her husband's answer to the trict for the same promptness in paying mT Claims Soret st their It li� gip. on rise ev�$ separate the classes into which the ficer until e of she un leasant . C*MPBELL, 461 aI Mnp4y,Eor. &, Azt=ber of talented. spears E THE FIRS■ English ole are divided and extended telegram relieved h Ir P „ �jFTg Using C9cst47ners�t% {; curies„ Buy 4?' N4 B2/R,�. ors .:al be present, apd e• .. don*` redieament into w ich she had ffille>Q. to makeAheo"AMoa , Saute ' h m4 ' all the way down from the throne to the P — NOTICE.—A.u7 ,pgWn haying artiv _ - •l cress saved isoi7o the Lie fire and �►hieh all. Tea.wiil$#4! o'e1QCY. i3 , , ped Than Eimer. cotta► e. ; ..Dukes ; +ad dandieft, �9�4 a. and - . • 3- e g . ` CliA13d�1? S MOoaR begs to announce iliat not belong to them, will pleiis eom;mu' cald�rfith °I�Y2'S L'neryy� Energy, Xneray. wee at- �n`� cents, en , ladies - all descri tions witd, hnlporisis, scan friends $ Customers at alis has P •,- he has fatted cep hiask�•light and opera room .Dire,:Wluiue7. a[ ae7asal artCloa auClsas nai8ets, aadezi ?fairs 13 `Jh � l�rtJaii�stf y n and s mers th entice cynics diners -out *'indeed the t�{�g ' ' � a�eDfng w a ' ®.buitsiI � Cf: V, to furnish - a bef ez ;0}4� , #inware �►ai . Logsehold fnsait a •were Moved �y 1 � : Ch o . i{ , where everything pertaining to the Tinware , yn , , . ` and is now prepared rind en- 'from her meas sud` Can' n9t now by t d. T /�.�J, - �a the T @ -41 ware always on hand andfor gale cheap. whole army of the conventional . rif1<toC- work than he has heretGiore, :Copying > - 'MRSc'• �Y, ° * - A. MTC] �L. T,ET_ � W. IL - #,�igy .V� sac f birth and literatur®— larging done as seas 1. �5$ . _ ' DID I THE; MARKET. . Y o - n$nnI J , . , , : , , lo- vada. Call ard:: see what she can fro _- ?:f iS, E+,WHITNEY, Soaf o . I -1 I> ' I -1