HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-10-13, Page 9Ocrk,BER 13, 1876. CV KAMA% 1:$rnoye, 8oifcitore in Chane mMaLean's new bleak, carnet ,Market gm Hamilton filmset, Goderioh. . 21. NW J. T tiaAnow, Asa 0. A. $!.D ri.l AMZBON & atconu DEN, Baia .i co Solicitors in Chancery, Goderich. Cit. 0. CA 1rano 1. W . $, liCPAbillftr •twnsmAN SMALL, Cenveyanoer goner in 13. B., roxeter. dnotion onahle tee angy nee and notes eollee rrs B L. Dona, Bs►raaster Attorney Boli • Cha Chancery, Bic., Godorieh and Seaforth, lye men lee, , over Jordan's Drug Store, G °$edak, fes.. Kidda Store, Seaforth.ISC QIiIER � McfZiILL, Darrfaters, Alto Law, Solicitors fn GhrA99rryy, Notsrleo ' 0 •rich; A.J�MaConn, Drum's. h and Brussels. W.11. Senna;' ar E.S.. 0 m c 0 0 2 m a 0 0 ALCOMSON &: WATSON, Barristers, erg neve, Solicitors in Chanceis Ont. Office•--Pirgt door east of the new Canadian Hank building. Money to Nati d property. iT1ep s. sr aomeox.404a, � ►x XIKNSOIQ & METER, Barristers and At ' _-, b at Law,; Solicitors in Chance and a Conveyancers, Notaries Public, b . O�fiaa : forth and Brussels: $28,080 of Private Invalid onea,at Eight percent. Interest,pa yearly.. ' JAS. S. BENSON. 71.: W. O. *Ink.' �T�.yj;' cCAUCME f & EOLMESTED, Barri•ta. terneys at Law; Solicitors in C '• Insolvency, Notaries Publfo and Cory: Solicitors for the R. 0. Bank, Seaforth, eja • the Canada !Ale Assurance Compeny, Agent,* N.B.—t88,000 to lend at 8 per cent.. Houseeand Lots for sale. nes _ L- ED'ICAL. T. G. SCOTT, M. D. &c..I'hysiebtu, S Accoucheur,. Seaforth, Ont. Office and r . dance south side of Goderieh Street, nut eastof .Prosbytcrfan Church. 141 L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M, , goon, etc., Coronerfor the Cou ty of d Office. and Residence, corner of Market n streets, next to the Planing Mill. DRS. CAMPBELL & BURGESS, Ph M Kain Street, Seaforth, near the Stand ation rarx, M. D., Coroner for Huron; Joh A. ones, IC D.496 lit* B PHELAN, M. D., C.M., Mite of the of Shaver & Phelan, StratfordComte McGill University,. Physician Sur geon and ocnc_hear, Seaforth, Ontario, Office-1100MAl; Meyer'n Meek, formerly occupied by the late King. Residence--Coral/m.0W Hotel. Wilt if, tend. at Carronbrook ou Ta ye and Fridays. I9 c G. BULL, L. D. "S., g • Dentist,&c.,Seaforth,C _ Plate work, latest styles, xiaett exeened. All surgical eoperfarmedwitb care and promptitude. Pelle lw as can be obtained elsewhere, Office hours f em 8 A. M. to d P. M. Rooms over Mr. A. G. its. Bengali's Store, blain-st. 270 MCNAUGIIT, Veterinary Surgeon, • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Sea Ont, Office and Residence in rear of Killoran Ryan's.. Cello promptly attended to, n1 day. A stock of veterinary medicines on band Chargee reauanuble, Horses examined mate neem and cortiflcatos given if required. _TAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of114 Ontario Veterinary Collage, After de*((4. two yearn to practice with Professor Smith, of Termite, hassettled in Seaforth. Office-at=1 is residency east of W. M. Churoh. Calls pr attended to by day or night. A larger , Veterinary Msdieinee Constantly en hand. exam1txed a tai eoundxlcss and cortiecatee gt v' Horses: bought and sold on commission. A M. CAMPBELL, V. B.,. LisientletsendPMfie man of -Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., s4 Oraduateof Ont rio Veterinary College,Torrip, has settled permanently in Varna, where he wWbe found reedy and willing to attend to all k diseases, in all kinds of animals (men exec id , in all kinds of weather, and at all honk. donee andoffiee two doors east of Cook's T ens peranco Hall. 816 Il''ili i4e�ln1A1ElrNG. bESSMAK.ING. MISS QUINLAN, MVO' Maker, Seaforth. Dressmakingdone in Ill its branches in the rooms over Thos. Kidd's store. >1L good fit and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. }- prentfces Wanted immediately. `TILL IN TOWN,—Straw and Felt Hate' Cleaned, Dyed and Turned in the latest sides, and to suit customers, at MRSIE VES', nests the Methodist Church, Goderielx Street, ileo* forth. 4504 /illi `ELLANEOU$. r'oTZCE,--The young man who teak a Wet•xr proof Coat from the front of W. Silk's storeon IN Tuesday last lied better return ft to WILLIAM all WHITNEY, Seaforth, mamma trouble. 4 D :" P. BRINE, Lieeneed. Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in all: parts of the County. All orders left at the ZX. P0ezron Office will be promptly attended to. 7 20 -pEWARJL --Tbe above reward' will he given for the recoveryof a Sot of Mink urs long boa and mnft--Raved from the lete fire, but lost to the owner, MISS ELIZABETIE. CARMXCHAE.L. MPOUN»ED—In the pound on tot 25, Con.10, MoRiIlop, on September 18th S sheep. If not claimed; they will, be gold by auction at the pound on Saturday, October 13th. W. BOWIE, Pound keeper. 4W 'OTICE"--I hereby admit having stated that Michael -Began had made away with %sr. garet Pluffemd xhosv acknowledge that th• said language was a wilful and rnaliefou4 iibsl end without any foundation wttatever. ?, ICHAEL: R t NICHOLS. 4684/ kill -NEON STEAMSHIP COMFY. i VESSELS Sail Weekly from Quebec four Liver+ pool',; calling- at Belfast. Through Ticket, issued from Seaforth to Liverpool.; Steerage, Seaforth to Liverpool.. $32 4�`ahin} Seaforth to Liverpool 6$ A. ARMITAGE, Agent, A few thousand dollars to Ioan on ImprOled farm PrOPerty. Principal payable at any time, and f ` in any sums to suit the "borrowers' convenience. Sumo very nice Building Lots for sale in Seaforth and 1-gruondville, -Call anti sea plan, and get pal oculars. 438 A. ARMITAGE. SAW LOGS WANTED.- COLEMAN ANTED.- COLEM N & GOIJINLOCK. Will pay the Highest Cash Prise for SAW LOGS OF ALL KtNDL Also a quantity of ELrx LOGS suitable for t he snufactare of Hoops. ew-tulm Mirtv'hag attended to proxnptlyt and as cheap as at any other mill. _Lumber of every description, also Shingle's Lath and Picketa always on hand, and at the very wrest market prices. 500a CEDAR POSTS FOR RALE. COLEMAN & GOVINLOOI.C, 417 -kitig+ 1 1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. The Oldest firylloods Rouse in Seaforth, 4. 1878f :EssRs. DUNCAN & DUNCAN Have a Stock so Large and so AHrachere that ago Customer shall have any /rouble infinding in it every/Iiing that they require. ARE C ALL SORTS OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS iVSIDERABLY CHEAPER THIS FALL. STAPLE DEPARTMENT. A full line of American Grey Cottons: - full Stock of English and American White Cot- tons at Mill -Prices. A Lot of the. Newest American and English Prints. CANADIAN FLANNELS. American and English Flannels. A large lot of Canton Flannels, Bleached and Brown, cheap. LINENS. A fine lot of Table Linens, Extra Heavy and _Low Priced. 0 TOWELS. A Magnificent Stock of Towels and Towelings, -both Fancy and Plain. 0 DAMASKS. A Fine Stock of Turkey Red Table Dam- • asks, Cheap. BLANKETS. A Full ° range of White Blankets .and Colored Blankets. A large lot of Horse Blankets and Covers. BROWN HOLLANDS. A Great Line of Brown Hollands, from 124 Cents per yard up. A Great Line in American Check Flannels. Batts, Wadding, and Yarns, White and Col- ored. Carpet Warp, white and Colored. m r m v DRESS COODS. The Finest Dress Goods Stock in Seaforth, and the Best to Choose from. Z Special Lines 0 0 0 C1) m • OEMS 2 m n.. In Damasse Cloths, Navy Brown, and Seal Brown Brocades. A magnificent Stock of Matellaise Plaids. Mantles In All the New Styles, Presidents, Matellaise Cloth and Petersham and Seal. SHAWLS in Long Wool, Square, and Paisley. Special Lines In Scrolls and Stripes, in Navy • Brown and Seal Brown, Self Scrolls, Stripes, - Mohair, Fancy Figures and Stripe Matting. Black Lustres. Our celebrated Paris Brand of Black Lustres, Double Warp Reversible, from 14 to 15 cents, Black French Merinoes, Black Param.at- tas, Silk Warp Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths and Cobourgs. MILLINERY. This D epartment is under the Management of a First - Class Milliner, and we are prepared -to furnish all the Newest Styles and Shapes. Having purchased all our Stock for Cash, the Goods are Marked Very Low. Cus- tomers can ` depend on getting a first-class article at moderate prices and in /good style. —1 2 m r m 0 z 0 0 0 0 cn z 0 CD m z m 0 -�I 2 HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Union and -Wool Carpets, New Hemp Car- pets, Tapestry- Carpets, New Hemp and. Wool Printed Druggets, Stair. Carpets. COVERS. Piano, Table and Bureau. 0 LACE AND DAMASK. CURTAINS. QUILTS --Honey _ Comb and Marseilles. HEARTH RUGS. In various qualities and styles. -0� WOOLENS. All the New Coatings, Trowserings and Suit- ings, Overcoats and Cloakings, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Broad Cloths, Doeskins, and Rubber Coats. HABERDASHERY. Buttons, Wool and Silk Fringes, Ladies' Belts, Dress Trimming, Braids, Hair Nets, Fancy Ties and Bows, &c. WINCEYS. Excellent Value in Winceys, Striped and Plain Winceys, Checked Winceys. a CLOVES AND HOSIERY. Gents' and Ladies' Kid Gloves of Every Make Quality and Price, Men's Cloth Gloves, Wo- men's Cloth Gloves, Ladies' and Gents' Kids, Ladies' Lined Kid Gloves, Mitts and Fur Top- ped Gloves. —0— Furs and Buffalo Robes. While thanking our numerous Customers for all past favors and patronage, we would say that our Stock of all Lines of Goods in Every Department 'Were Never Fuller nor Cheaper than the Presenf Season, Having purchased. the Stock ith as much care as possible, and at a time when the market was Low, we can confidently recommenalit to all Customers. THE USUAL LINE OF GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., I3 VERY FULL NOW. DUNCAN :& DTJNCAN, Seaforth. . SEAFORTH, October 13th, 1876.