HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-09-22, Page 8, _ TH.E HURON EXPOSITOR. *non Qbpoto.v DISTRICT MATTERS. MESSRS. BROADFOOT & Box, Seafcirth, have now got their large new furniture ware -room, on the market square, completed. They have also a large stock of furniture of every -deseription on hand, which they will diepoee of either wholesale or retail at prices as reasonable as a good articl can be got anywhere. Their ,furniture is man featured by themselvee, under the supervision �l the praatical member of the firm, and they can consequently retwmwnd all they offer for sale, as being of the best qnslity. Parties desiring,to purchase would eertain1y find it to their Utast. • We to call andinspect then stock. Every article in the furniture line kept constantly in - stock. 458 MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL. —NOW is the time to adorn your homes with Beautiful New •Furniture at Extraordinary Low Prices. Johns & Roweliffe will give the best bargains in Furniture that may be offered before the next Centennial. We have our stookover Kidd'e Hardware store at present, but expect soon, very soon, to have it scattered far sad Wide amongst our many cue - tamers. First come, first served.' Entrance be- tween Roberts' drug store and Kidd's hardware store. - If youtan not find the way sing oat and we will throw you a rope. Yours respectfully, loans & ROWCLITWE. •459 LAST CHANCE. —The Sale of Crockery and Glaesware at E. Monson & Co.'e hang -been unprecedented, and the stock found on the prem. lees has even amazed the proprietors. We hate yet a lot to sell, and only a short time to sell in, HO come along quick and get served. Plenty of Plates, Toilet Sets, Tea Sets, Brown Tea Pots, Catsup Bottles, Wine Glasses, and a host of other goods to be sold get. 459 i of the brick for the n4w hotel. The cellar will be finished this week, and the building will their be proceed- ed. with. The hotel it to be a fine brick building 40x65 feet, two stories high with a mansard roof, re' ill be finished by Christmas. Th stabl s will also be ready for occupanny on t e 8th of October, or the day liefo e ths Fall Show. PTc•Nrcel—The H rv Sunday School Pic- ic church of this place, h Grove on Thursday, 1 was a great success. Af to the tabl s and th bo, attended ULIIOU by Miss P assisted by Mr. WI, Ro. and Plays were resort children who seeme to e very much and spe t time, and liefore the clo sang some very nice hym :the minister, Rey. Ir. , forgetting to thank Misti her kindness in perf the melod on, furn she mittee. t Hone and f St. Thomas 14 in ayne's till September, r justi e done ntiful 9upply, der and. others, dodge, games d to 11y the j4, themselves very pleasant e the children s, selected by raig, and not Houghton for g her part at by the Coln - SABBATH SCHOOL CO 'VENTION.—We have receiv d the de ula: issued by the Sabbath S hool Ass ciat on of Canada. The thirte nth Prov neia Convention of this Assoeation is app inted tci take place in ti e Bridg ' St eet Ic1thodist Church, lleville, Ont, on Tuesday, and T rs y, the 10th, llth, and 2th October. ; A hearty invi- tation is extended to ! all fri nds of Sabbath S hools, to be resent n this occasion. The people o Belle'v lle are , prepared t open t eir ouses or the • accommod tion of dele ates, a d the I various r ilroads ill i sue tickets at I reduced r es. The Gr `d Tru k and Great We tern will ran return tickets at one far and one thir, , same as last yeah Th progra i me remises to be Loth inter sting an inst naive. line E woernviLE IDOE. If the , 13 , raki, which everyoLIe hag' been si much wishingfor were really WI ome, a traffic with the tiowu from the 4 • uther portion of the Co nty would be !serious y inter- fered withi The work a thegmond- ville bride is lo ly rogress ng, but from personal in pection we ca • e ot give very favo able hopes of : its be ng soon complete Thelin habit ' nts of gmond- ville say they think .Chistmas will be here firet. We , uleclers nd al erations have been made by the Ionnty 1 • gineer in the original c 'fitrac , and herefore thelcontractors are relead, d fron any ob- ligation to finish it by the p eviously I fixed date. We are ale informed that our worthy Reeve and IS ayor have been exerting levery influene to have the work puished forward, Iwithout avail. Now, inm atter o seri ,us to both town 1 and county as the • presetIvation of such an important line of travel, it appears to us that if Or 0outity engineer is really competent foi his position, which we do not or a moment deny, th better plan w uld have been, to have lad the work prformed by the , county tnder ire ediati inspection of the engiiieer. The wor could then have been fini hed in three w eks, while now it is douiitful if as rnau3tI months will se it compl ted. This is almost important subject fr our citizens end we trust the proper a thorities will se to it that the work is pushed to co letion without further delay. Wednesda M. W. N. WeesoN has now fitted up his office in the rear of Mr. Lumsden's drag store, one door south of D. DO Wilson's egg emporinm, where he is prepared to effect stock insurances in the following first-class' companies: Stadscone, National, Provincial, Phoenix, Mutual, Gore Dis- trict, Niagara District, Haatings, and Beaver. The • sewing machine liminess will be carried on as usual. 458 . • MILLINERY. —The -Millinery and Man. tie Show BOOM Of DUNCAN & DUNCAN is new open, and they are showing all the novelties in the above line, also a large and special line of Drees Goods, Winceys, Flannele and Tweeds. To arrive • this week, the balance of large lot of American Cottons bought cheap. 459 ALLEN'S GROCERY is the plaee, come with a smiling face and the money in your pocket, and be convinced that he gives the best value in &pre, Teas, Rice, Raisins, Smoked Hams, I3a con, Crockery and Glassware, Tea Sets, Fruit • Jars, &c. 452' CHARLES MOORE begs to announce that he has fitted up his sky -light and operating room and is now prepared to furnish a better class of work than he has heretofore. Copying and en- larging done as usual. 456 SPINNING WHEELS. —A Large Stock of Spinning Wheels, Reels, Baby Carriages, and the Cheapest Furniture in the County, at PORTER'S Matt, Robertson'a old stand, -Main Street, Sea? forth. 448 DYE STUFFS, Dr E STUF FS. —Madder; Magenta, Logwood, Cochineal, indigo, &a., all _of the finest quality, producing rich colors, at R. Lamsden's Corner Drug. Store. 455 WILSON & Yourro have just received the finest stock of China, Crockery and Glassware ever offered in Seaforth, at prices that will sur prise you. 459 LOOK OUT for Cheap Bargains in Tea at WILSON & Yourea's—$1 Tea for 80c. 459 - MAMMOTH TOMATOES. —Mr. Allan Hobson, market gardener of Hullett, is the man who can • raise those toraatn monsters, two of which weigh 1 pounds.: We have to thank him for a basket of them left on our table, twelve weighing ten pounds. NEW STORE. —Mr. • Allan Mitche announces that he has this week opene t a general store in the old block latel fitted up, opposite the Commercial Hotel!, Mr, Mitchell is well known in this %dein. ity and will undoubtedly receive a good share of patronage. PROPERTY CHANGES.—Mr. A. Calder• , photographer, has disposed of hisproper- ty in the burned district to Mr. Adam Gray, of the firm Of Gray& Scott. .We miderstand that Mrs. Griffith has also sold her property to Messrs. Johns & ha we hel- rtisse1 ERSON AL. —J. e re ently ret ks' vi it to the DDFE und Lode N Rovrctiffe. evey res THE CENTENNIAL Exeuestoe".e-Quite a number from Seaforth and vicinity left last -Friday to jain_ the Oddfellow's Ex. cursion from Stratford to Philadelphia: We hope all may come • home satisfied that they have not spent their time and • means in) ud iciously. MAITLAND BANK CEAIETER Y. —We would again remind our readers that thd sale of lots in the Maitland Bank Cere-' etery will take place on the grounds On: Monday afternoon next. An opportuni- ty ia effered to all to secure a burial let,. and it should not be allowed to pass: heedlessly.- DISP0SED Op.—The hotel property Ofi SI Mr. Powell, togeher with the stabl and two lots adjoining, were sold auction on Tuesday last to a Mr. H ley, of Strathroy, for the sum of 87,50 The property is situated the bet businees portion of the town, and is w 11 • worth that amount. STakeT fer.P.auvreiesrs.—The COUn. have been preparing for the fall weather! by having a new coat .of • gravel laid an' Main steeet. A judicious application Ili some of that article on a few of the side! etreets might not be altogether out Of' place .just now, as some of them are! much in need of a firmer over -covering' to prevent:ending down when the wt weather Comes round. • A teniporaily sidewalk. has also been laid along t e burntelikitriet. . A.Seii.—About 9 o'clock on Thu day evening of last week, the alarm fire was given, on the supposition th, there was a fire on the Huron Road ea of the town, there being a glaring bla e. in. that direction; For a time there w s great consternation, every person drea ing, that a recurrence of the late cala aS Wgoing to happen. It was so t b ei lig pre ACCID to nship ing fell fr of 18 fe D r. .flo of thi-su NEw Goderich, Bank of the villag propositi the Mont BCILDI on More r demand f supply. B,UNAAV last, as a 1 belonging- t road in fr the anima - he ors wrecked, unirtj u red. • Giant and wife •riled' from a three 'entehnial. tows' CoNcEaT.—The concert rl the auspices of Western Star .1149, was a grand success in ket, fully five undred people ent, thi.—Welley unter, of Grey While en aged recting a build - M the s t' and" b es, Sr., a ever. 211.NK. land Mr liontreal, a few d • of opening a el Bank 11 1 affolc ing, a distance oke is coller bone. tend to the wauts r. nely, now of Ter, agent of the at elph, were in ys ag , discussing the ranch office of • )o1 td e ON T h ECCLES1A .Methodist for Huron andl Thur largely a . Church h .Rev. Mr; vacant • p 1 Toronto, e on Contro ascerteined, however, that the real caul.e , of the blaze was only a burning bra h heap ir. a field to the eastward, and t e excitement soon abated. ex ier nee SETTLED. —Nearly all t el husiness men who were displaced by t e. late lire have now got pretty well setac1 , down, some permanently, and 12 few ro , temporary quarters, ancl all are carrye ing ou business as formerly. AIreGrassie has seeured the shop on the north .road, formerly occupied by Messrs. Monroe & Hogan, and will continue to do businees there until his own -premises' are ready for him. Mr. Megarey intends to have his bakery and grocery business in full w ork-ing order early next week. In the meantime building operations around the burned. district are being pushed forward at a rapid rate. Building material of all kinds is scattered in every direction, and the burned district may be said to repre- sent, figuratively, a working be&hive. Among the many, Messrs. Stephens & -McKie, fo ey,'who were the first to 'com- mence build, have juit completed a a temp rary frame building on the site of their o d stand, which they will occupy in the meantime. They have now on the ground all the stone and a large quantity Feet*11 has rente McKillop years. another fa removing having an and imple CITURC —The ne Ninth •C Winthrop, worship o will be pre Chas. Lay the aftern Collectihn the Trust day evenin be held, w by the abo Messrs. Thomson. make the 'able to all, 111 Win ha e —Building i idly than eve houses is gr bei▪ ng pushed , and yet the ater than the ACCI ENT. On Saturday was driving a horse and ri Mr. G. Petttiece along the t of the sbyterianichurch, took frit t something -and the bank a >ove the river. was killed, and the buggy ut the boy ten.— he a Sabbath S eh as held here ay of last seeped almost nual Wesleyan al Coneeention on Wednesday eek, and' was • hanufs Ro ex.! T. H . B. Isom nd m hoir, rd SOarlin aven Chur lf past 2 p sic nder •311 ACC ENT Ihefrioull. aceci has, Troy reshing m as geing a ntangled i istanee cou such, a rn ion legal; °t last acyco oing well. ; Jas.Pritchard, Bluevale ; rtley, of Itodgerville ; and Cranbrook. -Rev. Thomas tor, will occupy the chair, be ,/given by the church the leadership of Mr. Rich - Service will be held in h, Winthrop, on Sabbath at 'clock. Stanley. —On Saturday; 10th. inst., a ent occurred upon the farm ry Hudson. A man named r was engaged in working a chine, when, as the maehme great speed his arm beciune the gearing and, before go- d be obtained,' was mangled anner as to render amputa- y. The operation, was per- m Wood and Lahamer, and nts the unfortunate man was Pro -Nro. unlit Pr he sc ools hhr h, wa eek n th eid' , on ivere1 by McKillop, by Messrs. Inditatfitie)bmear ere refres terimon n atnusin nd ther CU OTIS. • GOOD TE emeilar io ty hitd a e on 13th. Alt as ever, a nd 4 large of thp good y tide ladi ad Iadone hem, the c Esse ; of Go dialcigues members a eyeing's e the ragme ound that full,;and in aculpus fr neeeting w Wh woul Hullett. The Sabbath Schools of the sbyterian Church, including t Harlock and at Mr. Young's held on Wednesday of last grove opposite Mr. James on. 10. Addresses were de - Yds. Messsrs. Thompson, Of nd Young, of Hulled, also David Duncan, John Blair, Taylor. There was also • ic by the children, There • meats in abundance. The as pleasantly spent, the child - themselves with swinging astimes common on pic-nic Eills Green. [MARS' MEETING. —The Good - ges of Hills Green and vicin- eeting in the above named Wednesday evening, Sept. r the business of the evening bountiful table was spread, company sat down to partake things provided so liberally s of Hills Green. When ail ustice to the viands before air was takenly J. Dickson, rich. A number of addresses, d recitationsfere given by d others'addnig much to the joyment. Upon gathering up ts which remained it was there were twelve baskets rder to dispose of these “mir- gmente " another *agent a held on Friday evening. not be a Good Templar? • 1 Z. : To Tue We this Sch that ful, hay the icac the a 8 (enc. send's ersmit leyan and th ol pie - the da the gro enrap pread es of t oat fa iling t • and female with the re dirges thro elm, on.e w that every selv s to t pici us oce was not th marriage idesitoua of ball purcha to a field n cipate in a After concl for several ed. to the uttet asto the fair dat because th thug!. We meni of thi nd evoid hea e nguni y sech im .. 04[. AT THE &Rae, of t ctiug as j xhibition SE,NTEN aining mo n Monday 2 months risdn. , M efendrint. FOR THE ur eitizen .heap exc 1 tratford. hot avail t y way, of PRAYERS chool Ass rayers lae unday Se he Throne Tuokersmith, On Friday, 8th inst., in grove, School Section No. 6, under the auspices of the ethodist denominations of adjoining Sections,a Sunday ic was held. From the fact was unquestionably delight - e in a condition that would ured the gaze of an artist, onsisting of the choicest del - e season, sufficient to satiate tidious epicurean taste, and rong of old and young, male mingling their merry voices hyr breezes that sang their gh the umbrageous maple and uld have naturally concluded edyipeould have enroyed thera- uttermost on such an elis- ion, but such unfortunately case. All went merry as a 11 till the young gentlemen, testing the quality of a new ed for the occasion, resorted ar the pic-nic scene to parti- amicable game of base ball. ding the game (which lasted ours) the young men return - grove, discovering, .to their ishraent, that a number of ghters of Eve had decamped young gentlemen had acted trust that in future the young locality will be more gallant eing the means of frustrating anticipatione of the fair sex roper breaches of etiquette. • - ended.,Thh terian • onventio deckled ta gice a call to the n Bellevill •cQuarri of rumbo,, to their Prox- pit.—R . Marples of QtA-831E V. rsial sutject, made again livers to le tures this week eraham, of ion of the ersed the m who • NTE]). —1 eorg Thomson his far et 20; -Con. le, o Mr. Fi neves, -for five . Thomj has purchased am audintends r. , L ank )son near Wing here shortly He intends •and cin tha uction sale of his farm stock aetin on ept. 29. terecl!the pr AN TEA-XLEETING. which they List ehurch on the Constable of IcKilloi) near according lediciated foe Divine_ brought bef Oct lst. Sermons to refund t he njorning by Rev- lawyer who Mellen, and in pay costs. A. Hurlbur b. THAT R up in aid. of Game e in L ollowing Mon- the race be a meeting will rich,and Jo ill be delivered much inter en and Rev. Bristiel and ill be aone to nt and profit- . (hurch, • f paymen liberated la DEFYING mina, on t hepremise ents on PEN IN Metho cession will be Sabbath ched in I, M. A., of on •byev. Rev. Will be •take , und. 0 the , Oct. 2,112 t en addre ses a named ler eggin, aye Everyth ng casion I leas ' REOPENING SER VICES 4-Diiff's McKillop, which has been closed for four Sabbaths to allow its bei4g repaired, will ext, 24th Md., d, of Blhevale, 1 A. M and 6 11 up at eeting on the n ad- , Thos. racey, be reopene when Rev. will condu P. g. Co the close o will be hel following dresses wiLi Goldsmith on Sabbath ames I' tcha servid4 at lections vill be take each seiice. A tea in the 1pove church onday vening, whe be delis ed by Rev f Seaf h; Henry r 50 y able both cours cheer was t tion. ds, f ettin parti cla d, a e si Bot • • Goderich. [FROM THE SIGNAL.] ROVINCIAL.—Mr. Alex. McD. e Signal is absent this week, dge on fruit at the Provincial u Hamilton. D.—Owen Graham, for ob- ey under false pretences was sentenced by Judge Toms to mprisonment in the Central B. L. Doyle appeared for the CENTENNIAL. —Forty-four of left on Friday to join the rsion to Philadelphia from Four only of this number did emselves of the offer to return -ew York. REQUEsTED.—The Sunday portunity of so douig, the fare be ng ciation requests that public placed at one rate ,for the journey. Ti k. ets will also be issued by way of he offered up in. churches and ools, 011 Sunday, Oct. 8th, to • Grand Trunk at the same rate. er. of Grace, for a blessing on the . ODITLARY.--Crider the usual head of the Association to he held ianntno onv coruesntt nal! a Order of Geed Tem- istrict Lodge of on the lieth, llth. and 12th dweilaithbecff°ounned otfhCe ngannon, on Fri. ants, Isaac Ratteebury. Deceased was day, 8th inst. A 1 vel and spirited dis- cussion took place on the Dunkin Bill, when it was decided that this meeting deem it expedient that a canvass be made of the different Municipalities be- fore the Meeting of the County Council. A mass meeting was held in the evening and was largely_attended: Next meeting to be held in Wingham. Hagan or he was some time an actlye mem er —An accident occurred at Goderich THE Ba CLIFF. —Mr . equal to gas in brilliancy. The oill costa 45 cents per gallon, and is se sae that it may be poured upon a flame wit out catching fire. The invention di penses with glasses and wicks, and t e only attention necessary is to keep t e lamp supplied with oil and as clean as compatible with good house keeping. Much satisfaction with the new light was expressed bythoseattending Knox churc last Sunday evening. • Drysdales. BusiNEss.—Business here is very brim at present (everybody drawing water). DROUTIL —The dry weather had be very alarming of late owing to so ! muc fire being about, also the number of bus fires in the neighborhood. SOCIAL.— Notwithstanding the. large gathering to the soiree on Thursday even- ing there Was not much over one-half t e refreshments partaken of, it was, ther. - fore necessary to call a social for the pu pose of doing away with all the I httIe cookies. The programme consisted f singing, reading, speeches, social inte - course, &c., after which •a vote of tha was extended to Mr. Amaron and the coir for the deep interest and the d assistance their had rendered to the occ - sion. The proceeds of this ; soc. 1 amounted to $9. Sonm.—The soiree in connection with the French Presbyterian Church of this place on the evemng of the 14th u1 - proved a grand success. The sPeake s were Revils. Messrs. Denby, of yarn Russell, of Bayfield, Cameron, of Rippe , and Rev. Mr. .Amaron, the Frencb m s- sionary of Drysdale. Mr i Denby, bei g first called upon, addressed tke meeti g upon the subject -of "Progress," then the choir gave a beautiful pi e French. Rev, Mr.Russell next g ve an anius' g anecdote, and made some very useful d practical remarks befitting the occasion. The choir then sang some very cho ce pieces in English, after which Rev. r. Amaron gave two select pieces of readieg. Rev. Mr. Cameron, chairman, closed e meeting after making some very suits le remarks on the occasion. Great ere it is due to the ladies for the bountifel $ ply of refreshments they provided: proceeds amounted to $41,and are inte d - ed to go towards painting the chur h, which will not only be a benefit to it but will add much to its appearance. • Eiaors°Tinine ti°sEvin'Eltej APPEALS.—About 30 for te re' against. LNDISPOSED.-114 r. A. S. Fisher, OUT worthy Mayor, has been confined to his 17 house during the past , few days, b a very severe cold, but we understand' he is slowly recovering. ' • LAMES SHIPPED.—Two car loads of lambs were shipped on Monday by Messrs. Watson & Hearn. These buyers 'Must ! scour the country well, to secure the . droves they are continually shipping PRETTY GOOD.—There is at presentin Clinton a lady aged 97 years, who a few days since walked frotn/Goderich to An- ton performing the joutney in reasonable time, tee. She expresses her willin ees gli to repeat the trip, if any one doubts her Ford. lists Clinton names have on - been the appe vo. led STOLEN LAMES.—A short time s nce Mr. McGuire, of Con. 9, Goclerich To n - ship, lost two lambs, which he had se- cured for breeding purposes. Suppo ing -that they had strayed away, he beg a search for them, which ended in his rid- ing the hide of one, at a butcher's tall iu town. The butcher put him on the track of the person from whom then mb was bought, who will likely pay dea for his theft. FINE CATTLE.—We stated last ek that Mr. C. Spooner had left for England, to make arrangementsfor the sale of c there. We since learn that with Mooney, he purchased 100 head of ea the average weight of each animal b nearly seventeen hundred pounds, that the same were shipped. from treal, on Wednesday. They were p chased at Chicago. PARALYTIC.—We regret to learn t Mrs. Sheppard, mother of our wir townsmen, Messrs. James, William Thomas Sheppard, who resides on 11, Goderich Township, was stric down by paralysis on Monday mor I last, and has since remained in an conscious state. Two or three physici have been called in, but have been able to render any assis- tatice,and scarcely any hopes are entertained of her re- covery. SINGLE F&.—To accommodate th Se at tle Ir. tie ing nd on re iat thy nd n. en n - desirous of visiting the Western Fa' I London next' week, the train. lea Wingham at 7.30 A. M. will be cancel 1 on Wednesday and Thiursclay, and run at 6 A. M.,reaching London at 9: 1 returning will leave for Wingham 1 3:45. This will give these desirous going and returning the same day an Huron NOtee. Eighty car loads of corn were shipped at Goderich for Portland last week. —Six rangers left the vicinity of Exeter forthe Centennial last week, la --Clint° is getting itir water tanks in 1 order so as not to meet its next single; —Sixty appeals have been entered against the Wmgham Vetere' List for the present year. —The by-law to purchase a new cem.e- tory for Wingham was carried by a ma- jority of 22. Only 14 voted nay. —Mr. W, Drew, of xeter, has sold his hotel to Mr. John! Hawirshaw, for the sum ef $10,000, —One rivaling lately Mr. John Taylor, of Granton,was relieved of his pocket - "book and $24 by some expert in a bar room of thnt place. —A boy living near Blyth whose name we have not been able to learn, had his leg broken a short time ago, by being kicked by an ox. 1 —The new breakwater. at Goderich was finished last week. It ill not be fully complete, however, untilthere is a bea- con light placed at the extreme point. —Centralia is doing lively business at present, jelling cord ood to London buyers, shipping lambs Buffalo markets, besides adding several ew buildings to 1 their pro essive village. —Mr. John Gould h a horse choked last week While eating ats, but by the timely assistance of J. F hburn, Veterin- ary Surgeon, the horse' life, was saved. —We observe that r. A. _Lake, of Exeter,has been appoin a commission- er for taking affidavits. - He is doing a large business there in nveyancing and money loaning. _ —Sidewalks are be' g placed in the principal streets of Cr brook. Over $50 have been raised, for- t is purpose. Pe- destrians -in that 'chi& ' will -now travel dry -shod and clean -shod. sent as legates of the Nile Sunday —Mess4. Pentland 1 and Bailie were School, to the Methodist Sunday school convention, held at Winghard on 13th and 14th inst. —A game of base ball was played at Exeter last week between teams compos- ed of the I merchants and mechanics of that village, which reSulted in favor of the mechanics, b a sire of 58 to 46. --The etho t burch of Canada have deci ed to either e the Brussels cir- cuit, by aking appo tments at Ethel and Oran rook. As he Brussels circuit is now the largest in tae district an ad- ditional minister Will e given. —The stockholder of the Goderich Summer Hotel have d cided to offet all the grounds, except hat is barely re- quired by ithe hotel, to the town for the sum of $6,000. This offer is quite liber- al, and makes a public park a possibility for the peisle and town. —The s t water baths at Goderich, under the superintendence of Mr. Hos. ker, wiil close at the Brui of this month. It behove a all and suledry who wish to experience this de htful and health giving exercise to up. Now is your time. —Mr. Ralph Kirkpatrick, formerly of Exeter, has started a woolen mill at Crediton, where he has put a lot of new machinery for carding, fulling, weaving, &c. Th4armers of Stephen and Mc, Gillivray will find Mr. Kirkpatrick a first rate an to deal with. --A core of wee ago, as MT. Sas. Connor, o Ethel, was engaged threshing at the farm of Mr. obt. Ross, his foot by some Means slippe off the platform of the horse power and was caught in the gearing below, br ising his heel in a serious manner, but . understand he is progressing favorably. —Daring last wee the Harbor Mills, Goderich, shipped 23 car loads of flour and one car load of bran. The full run of stones are now waking, and turning out 1,000 bags a day. The full working capacity if; 1,200 a day, and it is expect- ed that rate will soon bevattained. —The directors of the Stephen and thiborne Agricultural Society have let a contract th Mr. Hand ord for the erec- tion of a large buildi g, 26x100 feet at Exeter, which - will b used exclusively for roots and and gra room for the exhibition otfhufsrugiitvautfd mdroe- mestic manufactures in the main build- ing. —Mr. McIntosh, o Goderich, has a rifle gallery in connection with. his gun I shop. There is a range of fifty I feet, and a self -registering target. The French rifle used is very ac- curate in eine, and under Mr. McIntosh's instructions a large number of lade are aleramrting how to haindld. and use fire - =Let the eheesen k a ers of Huron, ne than whomwe may safely say there are 0; no better the Province, take note of -1 at this. In addition to t e awards of • the of American , Commissio at Philadelphia, one old Medal five silver medals and ten bronze medals will be given for com- petition for Canadian dairy products, by the Canadian Commission at the Cen- tennial exhibit in Octo ng —The meeting of he 'United Independan t it- piers was held at D —An appeal having been born in the parishhif Murton,Devonshi t the decision fining George England, in 1804, where he'resided Port Albert, for contraven- 1832, when he emigrated to Canada ylis iquor act, Judge Galt has re. settled on a farm in the tow hip .of 115 Gee. ronto, remaining there onl two yea agistrates' sentence. as committed to jail in default and then removed to G-oderich and ope of the fine, was therefore a hotel, but that occupation does not t week. pear to have engaged all attentio , f e,. ncl o- s, ed e 1 lth inst. took charge o o th C e ounc of th at town and he as of Mr. Jorc an, Port Albert, e rs con rac or or carrying e ma night Jordan and his son between London and Goderia, at a time ti- e advice of their lawyer, en- when frequently one and twd letters c naises aud took a load of hay, stituted the whole mail, and four da brought to Goderich and sold ; were allowed for the round trip, thee miner arrested the two men, oofttenfibvaedaatt•aswe ftheeoretao k rejlaindse. °°A8Nbouue• t re Judge Toms were ordere 51 instructions, and on bel fhedt ears ago he came to Clinton, where e value of the hayThe had a farm which was becoming very va . , gave the advice undertook to able, as it, was nearly all included in t 1 (4 town plait, and some portions of it GE. — At the Caledonian ' been leased for building purposes at cknow, on Wednesday last, i high figure. At the time of his death i ween A. M. Polley, of Gode- was the senior magistrate of the Colin k Adams of Lucknow, created ' Although married, he leaves no issue,a at The race was e spurt of : -therefore, no doubt, his large proper ✓ a stake of $30. Consider- I will be divided among his relatives, w was done by the friends of are numerous, as he has two brothers . s„fock appeared on the 1 'William and John—and one sister—Mi in tights, and was loudly Walters.' d Mr. Polley's appearance . al for 'a friendly demonstra- ! the contestants got. away , r, but Mr.- Polley gradually and wen the race by about well t geth took he lea three yards A INTEw L snpplied of lig t, w upon is pro a buri burns °HT. —Mr. J. Story lait week 1 ox Church with a new kind *eh is a vast im rovement he o1c fashioned coal oil iamps. It need frorn refined petroleum, and er is Iused something like a gas pr4duciug a clear white light • Exeter. BY-LAW DEFEATED. —The by-law_ raise $5,000 for the purpose of purchasi a market site, was voted on last Sat day. It was defeated by a majority of Walton.. GRANGE MEETING.—Mr. Robert Mordie will lecture in Walton at 5 o'clo on Monday evening, Oct. 2nd, on subject of the Grange. The meeting be open to the public. ys gh ce 20 a s. recently, by which Mr. Alexander Eagle, formerly a resident of Yorkville, On., lost his life. The deceased was unload- ing a load' of salt into a ear over a short plank, which was req ired owilag to a lumber obstruction, when the plank, over which he was pushing a barrel of salt, slipped forward, precipitating the deceased to the ground with his shoul- ders against the lumber, when the bar- rel of salt followed and struck him on the stomach. After somewhat recover- ing from the stun, the deceased was en- abled to be -takenhome, where he died in tvrentyefour hours. He leaves a wife and familje, —It appears that the conduct of the Goderich youths while attending public meetings, , concerts, &4.,is the reverse of exemplary. This is not to be won- dered at, its every town and village in the Province has its modicum of rowdies, who requite a sharp eye and a tight rein to keep them withm reasonable bounds. But the S4r complains of the young la- dies on the front seats whispering and laughing during the performance of some exquisite Piece of musie by a celebrated professor. 1 Oh, fie, Mr. Star, and you a bachelor, too. You, "prefer lis- tening WI a musical composition well played." We don't believe a word of it. Let the young ladies have their giggle in peace, 'tit second nature, you know. SEPTEMBER 22, ISM TAiLORiNC Complete ha every detail, s Wing Largest and Fmest Assortraent IMPORTED OLOTH EYE? SHOWN AT THE 777 777 Purchased and Carefully Selected " -he'd European Market for Casli BY OUR MR. MCDOUGALL, Orders for Clothing wili reeeive Prompt Attention and will be found 1 , PRECISELY! RICHT IN PRICE. PRECISELY' RICHT IN QUALM. PRECISELY RICHT IN /MOM'S; Delightfully Warm for the Fall Season. The Very Lowest Prices for these Tight Times. I Made Most Carefully on the Premises. • Com9Early and. leave your Measure. Era Come First Served. i You can Make the Best eh- ice now. TERMS - cASH, Or 1 per cent per month added. MI GENTS' FURNISHINGS, HATS A. n CAPS, Weekly Arrivals from New iork ef the Newest Styles Out, A G. Alc1ouGA4L & 0o, rpo CONTRACTORS. --Sealed Tenders will be received. by the undersigned rip to 6 o'clock P.M., on September _29th 1876, for the erection of s two story brick hotel. Parties Tendabe may tender for the whole or in part as 101101/m 1st, Stone work and draining. 2nd, Brick -waited plastering. Srd, Carpenter 'work including roof- ing and pkmbing. 41h, -fPainting- and Ohm*. The undersigned does not bind:111111861f to wept the lowest or any tender. Piansauespeetestlons may he seen. ,4ni the grounds of the late British Hotel on ilnd after Monday, Sept. 85. THOMAS STEPHENS, •••• A POLOGY.—I, Robert Smith, of the Toenail? 4-1- of NeEillop, in the County of Hriron,lanalal, did say to different parties that Foincis &Ciao of said township and County, farmer, and my neighbor, poisoned the well on ,y farm -talks one used by Mrs. Edward Sperling by putting into it a quantity of Paris Green. 1 nowtetrcat esid statement, and -Say that its n4t true, and 1 am sorrythat I said so, Ind humbly apologize for the same. ROBERT SMITH. Witutri-8. G. IleCAUGHEY, of McCaughey Helmstedt Barnatters. Seaforth, Sept. 20,187 459V , -PATIN FOR SALE.—For Sale, Dia-th. half /1IIt -'- 14, Concession 6, Monis, 100 acres, 75 cleared with fall wheat, large bearing rahark lod and in best -state of cultivation, actin sou buildings-, log house, frame barn sOpti; thelid i vllfencea with .tedar rails ; 4 mllesfromBrun eels, one-quarter mile from school house,1 mile from Methodist church ; possessioilatany time; for further particulars apply to LEXANDN MITCHELL,Bruseels, or to SQUIBB &XcCOLle Barristers, Brassels. 4594 V011 SALE 'OR TO LEP—"Boni Vistefiera • containing 47ii acres, 82 clearedorest weliwok ed, on Lake Minn, near Dr. Wnods ; clay loam; geed frame house and bern, good oren ard of over 10 trees bearing; a well and strati, both of which contained plenty of water ell sum- mer ; terms easy, possession given at,NewItsrM 8 acres in fall wheat looking well. WILIJ11 PLUNKETT,' Teacher, Bayfield. ! CARD OF THA.NICS.—The undelsignedila1r!1 to tender his sincere Marks tei-the people of Seaforth, who so kindly assisted in' saviug sr- . Zion of his propertv at tbo lat firc. He wotild also aclaiowleage with pleasure the ,maangelaft.' elms of sympathy and regret at the &sleet which has otertaken bhn. 110BEET_-cestis CHAEL, I • TIORSE STbLEN.---Stolen of Aaron Zaniest, London Bo d, Staulehz!, Tuesday, Sept.18, a roanmare, 10 yeenieldlsbov 18 cwt., blind of left eye. Any person lesrial information with the undersigned-atClintonstO her l'ereaqati2 fill be suitably molded; AARON EAJI.ABST, Clinton. 4'59c TEACH - NoW. 6A,NaTinaED1;;;Wclianerihoed'ldingi" :els° thU lst, 1877. An eIperi4e3rcedenetliclihuetsiesatlerrj Aseep:rlieetsexn: pleave state experience -and -41M Hariock P. O. T. Nialat pROPEETY FOR SALE.—That tellable prof erty on Goderich Street occupiedby the Optill' ICU Manufacturing Company as -a Machi'ne Also dwelling:house and lot adjoining. Theibr property will In? aoM on easy terms,: For part1c1- 401 Jars apoiy to GLAY & SCOTT. I Th 1 nAnYd e SretlEgnEeRd,'-'C'thesHamelf1-12Z:bko6Dulemlieflise• 104! cehariarGgersavsentiiBtoaakdehim ,:McKaillows.p;sthr.Deiclirtersei:01d7wxtler` The .01vner is aequested to prove fpropertydg ou bead:Endt undersigned, e owner ;wale:7;w: tIt i,o;:theobcoasy. ieTriz a gne th; re' Of 0:7 rty aynig BO 20 pEWA.111).—The above row la be Fcth 112,thralle , bmi—ultoo-Lvinkiii.Eogstgl!t011:t:halen°odrwtIllhenetarr.e—ffe°MvaeITUSellEfarld°SilleZtAla3inakElfrite tfaSoheurtTdhcItLeastliontitItidiNetii),IIT:04COmehaWurn:dc;hTs—ittunSrtraoeialewsinri.oethalleRridistreettert7,704.4$ leToTTC.E,—The young .nesi who took sicrator` J--1 proof Coat from the front of W-ItilitgialE Tuesday last had better return It to wdee.7,72 WHITNEY, Sea:forth, andsaretrouble. APPRENTICZS WANTED .—Half Aezetisr prentires te dram:raking wanted f by MSS GRIEVES. , Rooms over Ifx.130 Dzu i8tore. ; '1'1mm WOOLF z = •• * A oubsue t, . square, sestott • ntorsoli :it CO. WARNS FOS 8 4.: Jitalallop; s Coe- 10, Morriss ' • visetieniars en lii 374130tigteri VAlad TOR Sil el: 18, 7dordllor•I ga-6 Wawa will tinl le cheap and te I1e0AUGHEY DARK LOTS ,-I- adjoln most desirable si Terms reasonala APPLY ti°32k*-------,W* - 'Or to L.,11142Trizki IlITOUSE laCD -LA- Aiiimr.—voi wage atunot, Is Snowden, Botch pump .11t6., and, „trees. For torrr JOHN S. PORT ,., 1003.14Dige- " —Dr. COM rateentIY•oeottPle4 Ing Lots, is prep sble terms to an .theiring torrireI pliestion. -LIABit FOR 8f ZOIL,54E1111t sbOnt 00 sores t good triune tau '-ortharil 014300(11 Alas go0i18014 on the/itemises, fieldr. O. TDDEOPERTY story irara Market Squat been lased as VI are well sdapto psationlamappl, COM, fies,forth, °atria. TTOMESTE unired dow ed, 5 in 'bush, Of 7 rooms, f liesIthyand de .quartersol a11 mills,&e. ATAXAVABLE- ItAILWA1 54 and 55, in IS 1113132 their elii[n Tama—One-0 Ate specially eall annual irate Dent. Title FLURSTI Rae" TTOUSE AN 11. lame -two market name stands adjoirdng lot. lug Toom, sitt- with leer INA= 1'00111154Th law well and ir meaista. 13011ERSET. WARN lreit 14,P) sad in best With bill wh buildings, log, is weilleneed Bele, one -qui from Iretho for further Mat Barristers,13 '&-11rr TY AZ :I; 3.0# tleareat bn lag 10 is well lair hull lomat* tree and Agood males Iron' Irene Kinn ther raid stance P. 0 VAR111 IN Bale, 8( Contai are.cieard, etatifttion; bank bOn Weii1O Tsrmeel from ftealo ,on the pre UR& BOB T AND FO -a-A towns aorealelear talesirom a qu.arteref Spot 27, bush, 430 usefultbn - rnllelrorn undersign tic MAI; F Abres, Ilot-tlats Wince coinfortabl ale° well w and 4 mil from Sea toads -farm and Apply BLA,14, • smith, co tleared,w, Wagon, th &good fra also a log beating well*a And 2 =it gravi31To ent to 430 isesor to 1103011. To sed ship nt whieltsr non, and temaini _uncalled !quality; flame h sago &g Tiossap farm - Bayfield; lars sapp JOHN VXCE 28 - about 7$ _of cult' 'with brick read, Terms -et= 2r126