HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-09-22, Page 3rtnerellip tam Alex - hes under - eel WAN ED. As. • XATANTED.—Twa Good Coat 3 T Pants Maker. Good wa work- HODGLNS & PAY, Clint* lekers and on .35ssnd eteed; 457* zeter, hse TV -ANTED. -good general lase Meet N:\ T be well recommended. Ap ly at onee eel Ander- MRS. GRAHedi,Millstreet,,Brnagels. ir;,$ Anderson liddP LTAiThES8IAKER sober you 2 JoliePa iL m nn can gee employment with the =dere " ' tied. . WM. ELOPP, Zurich. tt, 1876. 4 tit',5 arsox. tsox. TRES IVAICTEDe--Virdnted thmedfatel12 e, Girls as apprentices to the Dressmitking hue ess. Apply to MISS ANDERSON, over 3.1. rigouts Grocery store, Sestertb. 467'te o , fur VA.RM- WANTED.-Wented to Rent, a Parra rf sten x containing about; ioo acres, near Seseorth at the o preferred, must have large clearetice and good buildings. Aoply at he Ate being comfortable EXPOSITOR. ANDER_ 011ie°, Seeforthrot to JOHN WALTON, Erne '. &get ' field P. Os 456 1 VERY, f ‘• trustees up to noon of Monday, EALED TENDERS will be r bed. vzokbday7t1f,,ei I geptereher, for lathing and Nast afthrtRishilkeburat 4 / Temperance Hall, all material to b u I plated by the 25th day of October. f the trusteeeon the wound. T le to be ewe/1111i ! he paid for on completion of the jilli, the oilier err . February let, 1877. The trustee do not bind • de of the themselves to swept the lowest dr any tende , em Mr. i JOHN WILLIAMS, JAMES STANLEY, H. A. ' intends 1 CAMERON, Trustees. i -rand bag __e, ____________4___„.4.513-2 IS tO tb43 EgfrigAit sTock. ' ---- ' rd Good "gee:and for use. Corn- TRAYED- Drone the faun t I Ge McKillop, about Friday laet, a Poniee-esorrels. Any oereon gtvi manors as silt lead to tneir recover ably rewarded. Dlt, j. G. SCOTT, rge nabs, pan of Jr .1 g such in, 's- will be gest- eaforthe eee -p STRAY Cow. -Came Into the elmises of the undersiseed, Lot 25, CeiresaYlo 10, Ribbon, about the first of September, a emelt black and hotelswhite cow with white spots about the hip. The owner its requoted to prove property,' pay expense, - and take the animal away. GrORGE ORB, 46P IFFS F.TBAY SOW PIG.-Canse into the premteee of the undersigned, Lot 8, Coneession 8, Me- Rillop, on or about Are, ret 20th, a White sow pig the owner is reetreeted to prove charges and take her away; if not e S2 one month from this date she will b expellees. HENRY P EDREW. riCK- roperty; Fey hired withun soId to nay 4b14- deeTRAYED.-Strayed from the p4emfr,eaff, Li Glee. Zuricinon Monday August tetra brown ; mare 9 years eld, bearing a w ite kpot on fore. head and one white hind foot Any p rem leaving information at the EXPOSITOR Ofil e as to the whereaboute of the above animal wil be suitably rewarded. HENRY GIES, ZURIUi. 4564 STRAY HORSE. -Strayed from I Lof6, Ray. field Road North, one two year 41d filly, colnr bay, with white faee and one whIti hind to, Any person glvites information to t a owner, at ; Verne P. O., that will lead to ite recovery will be suitably rewarclecL Any ereon tonitd detaining said -animal after this not will he r °muted by ; law, JAMES GALLAGHER, Varna *PECI FIC ARTICLE*. ClEDAll POSTS FOR SALE. -For Sale Cle w- a quantity of good cedar fence posts. Aeply at the Exec-411On 01201 8SaiOrth. 448 "VOTICE TO BUILDERS, -Any person want - tug Sande Gravel or Stones, can /nave their orders, at THOS.. LEE'S Grotery,and it will be de- ' livered on the shortest notice. THOMAS CUR. LETa BIE' 488 ;wan-. directs MESS MODELS Fon SALE.-lilleo Quinlan L' has in her poeseeeion the right to sell Uwe. am DeLand's Patent Dress Model or Pattesn This' System is the best that has, ever been ' brought into Seaforth, Full Snstructione will he givertupon applying at MISS (mimeo's Detail; ,IaLfg Rooms over T. Riddts store, Seaforth,157 orth. ! I FOR SALE Olt TO LET, 006.1S TO RENT. -To rent in MeYer's block, Seaforth, over Johnson's hardw re store, a number of comfortable rooms, Appl to H. W. 'EL C. MEYER, Barrister, or to L. Ill YER, EP • parley. 401 ri,rsitEaniNG MACHINE FOR SALE. - For t bele at otestinrd el the regalar eiliug price, a separator Thsegbing Maddne and Io cc Poe- .r t, an complete, apply to WiLLSONi& SCOil Seaforth. 467 •TO LET. -A brick house sitnated onlot 1, Con. -1- 17, Grey, and known as the Ti. P. Mange, We ton. The hon. se is large, comfortable and wId ; do finished, and has a stable and 20 sures of Is ented , aajoining, which will be let either separately • r cash together, as- might be desired. Apply' to DAN r) MOOR, Walti.n P. 0., or ANDREWLEES, Br ne- 1 eels P. 0. 466 CARD OF TIIANKS, (ARD OF THANKS. -To W. N. Watson agent ‘-` for the Provincial Insurance COmpany at Seaforth, Please to accept my thanks for the well promptness and ageeeable manner with, which v y mber against the Provincial Insurance Compri y rote, on account of loss by the recent fire at Brussele 455 hag been gettled, JOHN WARD. Seaforth, Aug. 25th 18-7g. 45644 D. DildiESAMAKING. !OE rpEssmiziNG. -Irma QUINLAN, Dress- ; Maker, Seaforth. Dressmaking done in all Its branches, in the rooms over Thos. Kiddes Attire. A, good fit and per -feet gaf L faction guaranteed. A e- esentices Wanted Immediately. 448 5. 1 r the • TeTIFFALO ROBE LOST, -The person who took frcm. W. N. Watson's (ace on the morning of the fire or after it was removed from the office a Buffalo Robe will please return the game at once. VtlYeI W. N. WATSON. 458 1180.1 vOTICE.-I. hereby admit having stated that ery Michas,' (gam had made away With Mar- garet 'duff and now acknowledge that the said language was a wilful and malicious libel and E thOut any fonudation whatever. MICHAEL * NICECOLS. 458* 7 - 003131EROIAL LIVERY, Seafortlas Ont. T. A. ,ith, , SHARP, Proprietor. Comfortable and elegant i ''sr -Lagos, and era -class reliable hors e always ready. Charges moderate. Office and cables on. Huron street, second door east of !a1i street. - I Orders left at any of the hotels prompt' attend - I ed to. S.ny Etc. 1390 --- , -- 00AT FOUND. -Found en the roacOsetween v-1 Brussels and Walton on Saturday, Sept. 2, a black cloth coat, containing a snuff_ leather purse. The owner can, ha,ve the same by paying expenses ('Zr application to finder, on Los 17 Coto 14, Mehl -11w. THOMAS DAVIDSON. 4584 OTICE,-Any person having article which were caved from the bete fire, and add& do rnot helene to them, will please communicate with ; him Whitney, as several articles such as paredts, ' tinware and heueehold furniture were eemoied vas ; from Ler preraisee and can not now be; founci. . ueIM WHITNEY. _ 457 ° W11.0 WANTS A GOOD BARGAIN. -CO Its for sale at a figure to suit the times,1 colt rising d, sired by Golden Hero will make a splendid fdeo lou -ter, 1 filly rising 2, eked by Canaby, 1 - spring colt, shed by Enterprise. These are all ouT anialfAltt, and will be sold cheap. The colts - can be seen on the feet lot north of Davisre Half- , 'Wee, Honse, norther o gravel road, Merillop. ROBERT.SlliLLEY. 45te4 ITALUABLE FA Ieel FoR SALE BY AUCTION. T Mr, s P. BRINE has been instructed to sell by Public Auction, at liNOX'S HOTEL, OLTh TON, on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, at the hourot 10 eeneek A. M., a vaivable Fenn, consisting of Lot No. :3 I. (:`..ri,13,G d eh Township, conteiri- eo jag 60 acres, 70 of which are cleared, well fenced and tiered state of cultivation, the balance is well timbered enth hardwood, log banu and hoese, and frame Amble. ; plenty of good weter, neeer-failing sp-ing crack reeving tbroukh the f ; arse a gooe webers!. ef fruit treeesl Thie fane re ennated and a litnt of Cen eel, en ml n ;ale led by good roeds. Te; Jaff rue's known co the .lay of ettie, or In evioutsly en ap; kation to we preprieter, B. acefieide P. 0. el Loon s ineseN,COUX, Peoeneter, ; P. BRE, A I'N' " • 45S-3 if lee ILI se r erten 1.-eelt sALE BY ACC ION- -11r ...t.,..•"'..ti:titi* *.i. -e Miff received! sane- ' s o n lle. e '!....'r.'1Ft4 " 1W.n• to sell by 1 trolla a, on tile 1,rt-teives, NI 1,ftlES DAY, flErl'. 2d, 1e7d, tLf$ fo, eant's t.Ctot!able prOp3/11, 114.: - , DA 4J, t., r.:*n.4: ..;_ Ili, 2:: -Ut:rt, e011iitan:flg r) et!1:4, 3Z; f 1 Wi-i..• - ....I dee. u4 Weir feaceJ, end fa a etme i,f ;.t...o i ,o1:17ati .11.- The balance is well , thee ae.ee, Leese is a email tee -me house, and af 'n, et,eide ..7-1 i. rat ere. There ii) a small eft..., if Cr'} A .r. 1 wei; it ia about , milers in 7 ..Hereell, ti r nee heel Lx‘ ter, and 10 miles fr-i-iibeta( rtil, and IS (*kW/el:aunt to post othea, i en...int:lea and butAkola, bale to cinumenee at 1, . seenock Is. 31. Tennereade known on the taY os a 4 sale, or previous -i- en application to the pr Frio - r i tor on the prenrisee or to Chieelhurst P. O. T. - f OILOAN, krop! ietor ; W. EtopersoN, Attctlene0er. de -42 SEPTEMBER 22, 1876. imemeemume. A, Dar in. Alderney. The Place* Its People, Their Cit8i07118 and Their Cows. The island (Alderney) is held in small, most of them very small, farms tilled by the owner and every available bit of it is ender cultivation, the division of the lit- ile parallelograms which constitute the different properties, but easily distin- guished by the difference of crops. Ev. ery plot has ita Alderney cow judiciously tethered go as to admit of its getting enough to eat without permitting waite. At this season of the year the cows are kept out all night, the owners - coming out to milk them, and returning to their houses in town, vrhere every one lives, there being no scattered farmhouses on the- island. During ° the winter the cat- tle are kept 'entirely within doors, and, indeed the little island must be very bleak, exposed to the full force of the At- lantic gales with no shelter anywhere, except on the one road, which is bounded by high stonewalls. Such a state of so- ciety, a course, affords no room for the ,middle elasses, and except the officers stationed here, the doci;or and the rector are the only gentlefolks stationed on the island, which, however, appears equally free from paupers; Everybody is well dressed, and the poorest house is a palace' Compared with the ordinary cottage of the, English peasant. Certainly, if peas- ant proprietorship is not favorable to the accumulation of wealth in a few hands, it is at any rate hostile to pauperism; and there is probably a much higher av- erage of happiness in Alderney than in Any English community of the same size, The etiergyman, it appears, has held the the living for nearly 20 years, and his children have been educated on the island, never gains further than Guernsey —which place, indeed, seems to be re- garded by the people of Alderney as the emoodiment of all that is extensive and magnificent. Truly a curious life to be going on so close to the high pressure of modern times. At Guernsey, with its daily steamer from Southampton, you get your Times only one day old, and the evening Pall Mall on the folloWing day, and. plenty of money is spent in the island which bas been saved else' here; but at Alderney the only communication with the outer world is by means of a very small packet, called there "The Cutter," but which. is in fact a yawl, which plies to Guernsey, and occasionally art.ves at its destination, bringing back tioi mails and such small cargo as con- stitutes the import trade. The Cutter must have a bad time of it during the long winter nights on that dangerous coast, for it can hardly make the passage in a winter's day. The only shops in Al- derney are the butcher's, the baker's and the grocer's; for the people although they have enough to live on, have little or no spare cash, there is no room for eiom- mercial development We did not see a book or print for sale in the place. An- other phenomenon which would have in- terested a political economist was the to. tel absence of the commercial spirit ow- ing to the want of any stimulating cause to bring it out, At Guernsey and the French ports this spirit was rife enough, anl the arrival of a yacht is the signal for boats to put off with the tradesmen's cards, soliciting custom ; but at Alder- ney, where, it might have been supposed the appearance- of a yacht full of hungry people would have been hailed as an ex- cellent agency - for getting rid of their su• perfineus edibles there not Was Only no de - hi re, but an absolute disinclination to sell. The butcher made quite a favor of letting us have some meat, although his unwil- lingness might be accounted for from the fszt that he had only a limited stock for his regular customers, all of which comes from Oherbourg ; butthere was just the same difficulty al.iout getting butter and milk, the staple produce of the island. After much inquiry and being passed on from one house to another we at last came upon one, the owner of which con- fessed to dealing in milk. When the ar-. THE HURON- EXPOSITOR. 1876 1876 DIONCAN & DUNCAN. Vele had. been measured out, however, a. difficulty arose about carrying it away, as we did not bring ;the yacht milk can with us. As the lady did not offer to help us out of it, we asked if she could dire4os to any place wherelwe could buy an eiipty bottle. They would sell us a betties at the house on the left, four doors tower down, she'd dare say, if we'd ask FLOUR them; "and they will sell you milk too," she added as we were quitting the shop, pouring, as she spoke, the milk we had just purchased back into the can. Scar- city, therefore,does not always beget corn - petition. The ways of the seller and buyer are very much matters of habit ; and from having no market for their - wares. the good people of Alderney have lost the desire for one. BLACK LU TRES, BLACK FR NCH MER1NOES, BLACK PA 13 CORDSI BIACK-PE SIAN COR S, MACK CR PE CLOTH BLACK SI KS, BLACK YE YETEENS: THE BE.T VALUE 1 WE HAVE 1- -crElk OWT LOGAisl & SEA 20 POUNDS GE JAMIE ORTH. OUND RIC SON, E for el. AT IT AGAIN. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, MERCH NT TAILOR AND O OTHIER,. S FORTH. useeFTERis shagarlin sited. Through t e & Ryan he hes b pa t b TEMPOILA in one side of their store, where he will old friends and ens sed thongh th einempurified tulnese of Mee omitted to tak Fiery Far. rad regeaer. re. Hillman up qUAR ERS rge iid comniodions brick ogled to see and serve his mere. He has yet a Superb Stock of OF A.1/ KINDS, And is daily receiving prepared se ever to g Remember his loc laths EXTR more. so that he is as well ye malefaction. tion and call and see him. WM.- CAMPBELL. OPOsIED OUT GAIN. 'THO A Farmer.s Wife, Matilda Fletcher thus describesi far- mer's wife who is not only beautiful and I wise, but possesses several cardinal vir- tues in addition : The most beautiful wo- man I have ever known was a farmer's wife, wno attended to the household duties for a' family of four, and also SS- sistud in gardening and the light farm work ; and yet I never saw her hands rough and red; - I never saw even a freckle on her nose. Impossible ! you say; bow did she manage? I never asked her, but she had some envious neighbors who went slouching around with red,scalded hands, sunburnt faces, and their hair matteol with dust' and oil, who let me into the dreadful secret. They informed me with an ominous shake of the head, that she was the proudest minx that ever lived, that she actually wore India rubber gloves when she used the broom and scrubbing - brush, and always when she worked out doors ; that she had a bonnet made of oil silk, completely covering the head, face and neck, leaving only apertures for see- ing and breathing, thus securing perfect freedom from sun, wind and dust. Did ' you ever hear of such depravity? She also fastened her dish cloth to a stick, so that she need not put her hands in hot water. For the same reasons she accomplished her laundry work with machine and wringer. And then to see her in the af- ternoon tricked out in a fashionible white dress; with a bright colored ribbon at her throat, and a rose in her hair, entertain- ing in the parlor as though she was the greatest lady in the land was more than their patience could endure. And her husband'! He had such a satisfied expres- sidn that it was a perfect aggravation to ordinal y people to look it him. He de -i served to 'lie happy,' because he helped a,nd encouraged her to cultivate beauty in herself, her family, and her home, and X don't know but her success belonged prin4 cipilly to him, because lie brought all t new inventions that could lighten her la bars,and all the -delicate and pre things she neided to adorn her home, an she -ir5a -44 he tieldn't 'ntile was' ,. an ioee, , ,;) , • ah W • • , JUST AS LEE'S AND JrEED 01R, Happened to be one of the uvfortti got burned out at t e late fire. II out again in HIS N to ones that has opened WI 'TORE, OPPOSITE CObIBIERCIL HOTEL, Where he hopes to be able to en tomers with , GROCERIES C EAPER THAN EVER. Call and ee for Yourselves. ORDINARY LOW PRICES LL AND WINTER DRY GOOD RETUR Ell FROM OUR SEMI-ANNUAL VISIT TO THE LEA ING WARE OUSES AND MANUFACTURERS Are ply his many fear My Terms for the Future lire *Wetly__ Cue or Product. Don't forget the lace -Three Porors North of the Post Office. TRY, TROAS LEE. RY AdAIN. THE under' igne4 would respectfullY inform his old friends and patrons end th world at large that he his going to try his , luck gain. Now in the store lately,oeenpied byhlr , Runde y, one door south of b.'. egarey's new bakery, and oppo- site the Faeners' Store, where hej will, as in the past, endeavor to he very hest oji his ability to give all who may tor him with their patronage the very best veins*: their mon y in BOOTS: AND' HOES. . . n He has a very; Large Steels of New Work that will be sold at prices to stilt the, times. Also a large qtusntity of old stook that ain't be sold for what it will bring.. :Parties leaving their Ostlers reeently will please callegain, as he hap - LOST HIS, MEASUAE BOOK Containing their Measures. All parties having long Ohl will please, CALL AND SETTL AT ONCE ' As he e,annot71t for his Imon Trusting that his old Iris him in his misfortune, and wit put and hope' for that, assist- - 468 tr. sewn/ate on. Pr THEM - as in the; past. will not forget thanks for the he will try, try 4. SEA/Ma IN OUR DOMINION, AND WITH OUR R CT IMPORT.A.TIOIsTS ei)eured in, ev to show Full Lines department. Customers who desire to make their purchases from a Stock embracing the greatest possible Variety, the Newest and Most Attractive Styles, and contain- ing the Cream of the First Ware- houses in the 1World, sluyuld visit our Store, see our Goods amtl Com- pel/re ur Prices, and we have no of the esults. Dress Goods, Blalk mul Colored • Silks, French Merinoes in Black and Colored, 'Alt Wool Serges arid Repp in the New Colors) Black and Cnlored Persian Cords, Black Lustros, Wool Plaid, and Checked Winceys, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Winceys in all Colors and at Prices to uit. Prints, American and English, Shawls and ties, Pa ley Long Shawls, Pais- ley S luares, Indiana Long Shawls, Fancy Wool, Tartan Long Shawls, and Handkerchiefs. Mantles and Jackets in Beavers, Witney, Repper and Lee. Tweeds and Cloths, Black Broad Blue and Black Worsted Coatings, Fancy Coatings, Black , Doeskin, Scotch Tweeds, and Full Ass° Muni of Canadian. Water- ofs, Plai in Greys, Blues, Green, Ora, ge, Checked and Striped Water- , proofs very new. Flannels—Scarlet and White Lancashii e, Scarlet Sax- ony, White Azuline, Pink, Rumbolc1t and Amber, Welsh, Flannels, Plan NoA.II IH11O1I a A VWno f Rt VAt WIVII reel Po - 4 es 4 0° git er 111 0 -POST -43FFICt STORE, waraTes. CARD THANKS T BEG nuixt rev then* myimumeronc -IT- customers for kind patroztege for Am last eleven years which have been doing baluStic among them,and solicit a can nce; of their favors in the future. I have re iveds'a 'Large Steck of Boots and Shoes, Dry , &reedits, Previsions, Crockery, Glassware Elardware,Coal oil, Paint Oils and Patent Medic of all dee- criptions. Farm Produce take in forchange. I -would also most *vacantly in to to thou who have not paid up their *coo ta, dualism,* 1618, to can and doe* at once, r by cash or note, as I must have a PleaSecall without any further notice. MONEY TO 1.#0 If you want to borrow money you would. do well to call on nut where'as I em valuator for tile ties intheDOminion. Terms LIFE DTSURAN E. If you want your life insured gi me a van, as I am Agentfor the Sun Mutual fe Insurance Company, of klontreal,one of t beet and moot prosperous Insurance -companies in the Domin- ion, and conducted On the most ononeleal OlpieL I ant Always Attentive Busiriss. Give Me a Ca Ca at Pettisonts if you want Bacon, Smoked Rams, Gem Tars, Jelly Glasses, arrest Gloves, Sugar, Tee, &e., all -very cheep 4or cash at the Post Office Store. 484 S. PATTISON. ost Oface Store • ENFIELD & EWARTI ASICSEITECTS. ; AND DRAUD TAMEN, 26 Adelaide Street, Weal, TOItO*TO. PREPARE Plans, Specifics ions, , and en. Perlotend the erection of Btrildiu g Of every description. Also solicit enrrespoud epee with those who contemplate building. 425*0 and Fancy Shirtings, Tickings, Ta- ble Linens, Blankets in White and Colored, Clothing, Hats and Caps. Miinmnery — Newest Ribbons and S lks, Fre h, Flowers and Feathers, SU Velvet, Straw coul Felt Hats, Ornaments Wings and Ostrich Tips, Crape and Mourning Flowers, Hat and Bonnet Shapes. All the above Goods are of the Be$ Quality. SPECTI SN INVITED TO STOCK, W IN THIS CO H CANNOT BE SUEPASSED DUNOA.N 5 0 a; 0- ..,. g' o P.1 CA 0 e. c,.. , w c - r te . ... O bi 01 O 0 CP r4 W ei I...1 i2 7 o E. 18 4 2 .„g rt. o *I M % 44 1 til A re : = , Pe 5: tr A A o g.: re re Ve, w,' ii si to t-, 4 0 0 C ',I -4p 0.4 zI. Z . ct) C 2, P-4 g L -I t g -: 0._ . C i,or 01-1 2 1.04 5. • till t° 1...d L04 C/) i 1-41011 1111WAl 33 M Ji C MI Mi?" Will deliver TWO LECTURE in the IC,..W 1:BILL SHED, Daring the Pas WEEK, as DAY, SEPT. '26+- Subject, WEALTH -et WEDNESDAY, 6 "COMMON Sr146E." ReterredSeate, .le Unresetv open at '1; Lecture at S otcleck. Ticket Office, Chlwellts sunt Street, London. 'Parties should either or both Lectures at once, all the remn eed -setts will he tet the dates. Application by letter will receive prompt attention. lotted strictly in tl. order as a oared. lowsi TUFA- 'ISTRY OF it;. 27-Sttbject, 60e, Doers Store, Dundee secure ocotillor it is muted n up longitelere with remittance to will he al - lineations are re - 457 -8 K1 BUR .....•••=1, CARD OF THANKS., ...•••••••••••••• r WOULD 'beg iesve to rota thank* to my A' numerous customers for tijOrt liberal irstr °si- ege the pest, and would Ise continuance Of the Same. Theme received 4, Large and well selected Steck of' Have Dry Go.ery4110 a Well Gi S eetrend4 Cfr°614. 9tio, Oroeeries, W are, STOCK .OF BOOTS AL) SHOES, From oneof the liest Houses 14 the trade. Hardware, Coal -011, Paint ils, Patent Medi- cines, &c, always 4n hand. I world sty to those running yearly ewer 45TIalv7nicell.allow a dims nut of one Per Ilea peren0 to those who will matte up the accounts Aas4. STAVLEY, 1876 GENTRAI. EX11 BITION 1878 -$8,000 IN PREMIIIM 'OFFERED, WILL BE -Vol; N TEIZ TOWN OF E1LPH, On the 3rd, 4th, 5th, ia1ufi tit of OCTOBER, riPEN TO ALL Prize Idst and Entry Papers can be bad at the �epret tg Otto, One h, end tele° from the Secrets ies of other -Soeieties tbreughout the Preview, P_ tits not receiving their entry tickete priortothe how will find them at; the Secretary e Ottlo, ! T a everal ssilways will carry treiglatand passers re to send from tile Exhibition at -singe fare, G.ot TON, Seeretare, Guelph, September 2, 167d: C. SHARPE, President.' GOOD -4574 HAVE come to the coueln oil that 14411 sell *Alines at Factory to make those Two Dozettfie prices. Come now if you A BIG BA GAIN And save your money. Come soon, as they are going out fast, and snake A BIG DAYPS WAGES. helmet) nesehittes. T. Ifidd's Liquor O'CONNOR, * face, Main Sire*, 145 I -still bold the Agency for For further particulars appl 5 Store. . TROAS Thirddoor south of the Post Seaforth, 8 DOMINION STEAMS IP COMFY. Pa - VESSELS Sail Weekly fro Quebec for Liver- pool, calling at Belfeet Through Veleta k... burned from Seitforth toLive .001. 'leg* Steerage, Seaforthtol_Ll eropto.o.1...,..,.... $3628 v i,..„ Cabin, Seaforth to Um v c -n A, A l'ilITAGE, Agent. A few thousand dollars to loan 04 Improvedbp,.., > farm propjert-, prineleal pay ble as any time, and ' 7_, in an7 annatOlinit fire lee ere' convenience. . eaele . a'ai tienlars. CA . : :...i' Senle 74,r..y nice Buildieg Let- for eels in Seeforth ge. sea Egmendville. Call and fie plan, and _get pet A. ARMITAGE, > WESTERN F IR, 1878. • cn $1.2,000 OFFER' IN PRIZES 0-, comrEnTioN 10 EN TO ALL. tml C4, Usborne on SATURDAY S Will be hell in the Ci y of London, September 484h, 411 2ssh PRI ZE Lists and Entry I' pets may be lead at the f3enreteryte Office, All entries ate Mama - ed. to be made en or before te 16th of Septembers Railway arrangeMentS he, sisters made for One Fare to tendon andwtextur, Secretary. Western Fair Office, Leaden; Sept.,1616, 467.6 AUCTION SALE TROPE A.BISEOP ha JOHN =ALLA 0 Auction 92 acres of Lot 11, 1.0rr, Land first Cifkr bididingg 1•647 ard, very CAW theta to ell rib*, '.••• mediate posteresien; term Implement-9Si! be sold o premises.8 to comm CI) further part iere snip " MTN SICALT, isesi AoctirsA4D BISHOP, S) MAITLAND RAN A. PUBLIC AUCTrO 1 I- 70)T= TO _ .4A.Sistoith,4100004 ra) loss Odd litaktlyslt thaskey swam eio: ilisictesieleeronak C4 (72, 1_3 1-4 MONDAY, SUFIS at 1 otalooi in The Lots still be pt np sold to the Iighe# tidde al in who 1euiretora ile IPara itttime;o1 457 F VALUABLE TY. n instructed by Mr, E to sell by Public; ffonth, Thames Rossi, PTEMBER 28,1876. good, splendid Orehess en ;and school.; e asy. The stock* the same -day out ce I setelotke - the nudereigneds E, Peoptietor PIO - Taseftats Willi au efisslealsths 401 biruist AttOtljtClit mTJ ,1XPOSIT01- CEMETERY. held on the on BEE 25rel, 1876„ atax, twist inieo wael •nictiourfig ffroP-Pea opporttuaq, IAM HILL, seaway 01:00nuttlitee 130-0401E. vicatitti, issued laths - 'ner