HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-09-15, Page 8DISTRICT MATTERS. 114EMRS. BROADFoOT & Box, Seaforth, have now got their large new furniture ware -room, on the market square, completed. They have also a large stock of furniture of every description on hand, which they will dispose of either wholesale or retail at prices as reasonable as s good 'article can be got anywhere. Their furniture is mann.- factored by themselves, under the supervision of the practical member of the firm, and they can edusequently reeommend all they offer for sale, as being of the beat quality. Parties desiring to purchase would eertaidy find it to their advan- tage to call and inspect their stock. Every article in the furniture line kept constantly in • stock. 458 • Mn. W. N. WA'FSON has now fitted up • his officeln the rear of Mr. Lumfolen's drug store, one door south of D. D. Wilson's egg emporinni, where he is prepared to effect stock insurances in the following first-class companies: Stadaeona, /qational, Provincial, Phcenix, Mutual, Gore Dis- trict, Niagara District, Hastings, and Beaver. The sewing machine business will be carried on as usual. 458 H. II. SMITH, having invested in an- other enterprise in Goderich has closed his branch clothing store here, and would return beet thanks for very liberal patronage. J. R. Shirley, the manager, will remain at the Commercial Hotel on Saturctay and Monday to deliver ordered clothing and settle accounts. 4584 ALLEN'S GROCERY is the place, come with a sidling face and the money in your pocket, and be convinced that he gives the best value in Sugars, Teas, Rice, Raisins, Smoked Hams, Ba- con, Crockery and Glassware, Tea Sots, Fruit Jars, &c. 452 . CHARLES MOORE begs to announce that he has fitted up his sky -light and operating-rooraf and is now prepared to furnish a better close of work than he has heretofore. Copying and en- larging done as usual. 456 I SPINNING WHEELS. —A Large Stock ofl Spinning Wheels, Reels, Baby Carriages, and the Cheapest Furniture in the County, at PORTER'S— Matt. Robertson's old stand, Main. Street, Sea - forth. 443 DYE STUFFS, DYE STUFFS. Madder, Magenta, Logwood, Cochineal, lndig , all of -the finest quality, producing rich °lora, at E. Liimsden's Corner Drug Store. 455 PERSONAL.—The Rev. R. II A., of Brantford, will prea il, Thomas Church, Seaforth, next, morning and evening, a - lours. Starr, M. It in St. n Sunday the usual PROpERTY CHANGE.—Mr. uncan has disposed of the lot on the corn r opposite THE EXPOsITORffi office, and facing on Main street, to Mrs. Whitne for the sum of $2,150. This is a goo property and well worth the money. , . GOOD l'oR THE VLICEN.—At he Royal Canadian Yacht Club Regat a On the bay at Toronto,on Thursday of last week, the yacht "Vixen," owned by M. P. Hayes, Esq,, of this to i, carried off the • . third prize. The prize consisted of a cup • presented by Commodore Hodder; •Five yachts sailed in the race. BUSINESS CHANGE.—Mr. Whiteley has disposed of his livery business and stock to Mr. Arthur Forbes, of Stanley. Mr. Forbes took possession on Monday. He • is a good, reliable man, and the estab- lishment will, no doubt, under his man- agement, continue to enjoy the patron- age which has been extended to it so lib- erally under former proprietors. •t • A Goon Benemeica—Mr. John. H. • Broadfoot has just completed a large and handsome store on the market square which he intends using as a furniture store and ware -room. Mr. Broadfoot will soon have a village of his own in the vicinity of the market, and his corn - mendable enterprise is deserving of rich • reward. He is the right stamp ef a man to build up a town. Meer HtfitON LICENSE Fuere—The following is astatementof the amounts distributed to the several municipalities of West Huron from the Liquor License Fund by the Commissioners: Goderich Township, $29.O8; East Wawanosh, $67.86 ; West Wawanosh, $58.17 ; Hub • lett, $67.86; Turnberry, $29.08 • ,Ash. held, $1i6.35; Colborne, 8232.72 • *ing. ham, $213.32 ; Goclerich town, $1;171.83; Clinton, $727.58. The checks for the • above amounts were issued -on the 5th • inst.) • A Qom) CHANCE. -.---Mr. J. P. Brine, the popular auctioneer, will affordthe • . people an opportunity to purchase them- selves either rich or poor at the-yware- rooms of Mesars. Willson & Scotts on • Saturday, the 16th inst., at 1 O'clock. Ile will sell agriceltnral implements of all kings, sewing Imachines, musical in- struments, and h6rses, and he will, on this occasion, dol as he always does, knock down the article to the highest bidder. There wi 1 be some good bar- . t e HEARD Fnom.,--The M. Young & .of t gains going. • 1 AN OLD Fiteenen flour of Messrs. •-0-•-••"--"*"' -- •irHE Fi RON t Posrto iSEPTEM ER 15, 187-64 • reaches a short distance up tins trunk) and there will be lib danger of the mice getting neat...them!' Th 'prescription is certainly a very simple ojie, and it would be wisdom for owners of fruit trees to give it a trial., • A. BAD CUT.—One day last week while Mr. Andrew Curry, f Harpurhey, Butcher, was dressing a ef he gave his finger a slight cut ;with he knife. He paid no attention to the • and for Sever- al days and attended to is business as usual. At length' it came intensely painful and Commenced swell and in- flame. For several' da s he has been confined 'to the house wi h it, the swell- ing having extended tot the hand and • arm, and the pain • is m st exeratiating. He must have got poise into the -wound in some way. • DRY WEATHER.—The country is now suffering from' severe draught. •'In many parts of this county ther has not been a drop of rain for two mo ths ; 'and even where there have been o casional heavy rain falls they did not ing more than merely freshen the surfa e of the ground, not having penetrated • any distance. As a consequence the ea this thoroug_hly parched. So dry is it n many places that there are large era ks or crevices. This dry weather is havi g a most dis- astrous effect upon the r ot crops, These crops some time ago p • tinged a large yield, but unless rain comes very soon both carrots and turnips will be as bad. a failure as the fall whe t. MOKILLOP INST.TRANOA COMPANY.—At a meeting of the Committee of Directors of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company held in Seafo th on the 2nd inst., for the purpose of considering and passing applications, in urances to the amount of $69,775 were effected. This company has now a. tote membership of 342, and has property insured to the amount of $320,425. Thi is a pretty good record for four months ork. The insur- ances and membership a e divided among the three townships as f llows : Hullett, 163 members with an i urance of $131,- 325 ; McKillop, 93 mem era with insur- • ance of $101,850 ; •T ekersmith, 86 members with an insur ce of $87,250. •The company has been fortunate thus far as not a single loss h s been sustained by any of its members. Tux FALL SHOW.—Th prize list for -the Fall Show of the Tuc ersmith Branch Agricultural Society, to e held in Sea - forth on Monday and T esday, October 9th and 10th, have now been issued and circulated. •; It would be well for all par- ties interested to bear in ..ind the follow- ing rule of the society : parties who are members on or befor the 1st of Oc- tober, 1876, will be entitl d to two tickets for admission to the gro ads, in addition to their membership tick ts ; parties be- coming members after th t date Will be entitled to their mem ership tickets only; non-members will be charged an admission fee of 25, cent ." It will be seen by the above that order to have the. full benefits of mein ership that par- ties must send in their u mes before the 1st of October. RED UlLD IN/G. —A.s we week, thank l to the ene prise of our citizens, inst fiery 'conflagration provin the interests of Seaforth, ed to give it a goocl push those, we believe, with b who were burned out • again. Messrs. Stephen have a temporary struc nticipated last gy and enter- ed of the late disastrous to it seems destin ahead. All of t one exception tend building •aud McKenny ure etected in which to carry on busiikess until they have their new brick hotel completed, - i preparations for the ere tion of which i have already commenced. Mrs. Whitney • is erecting a frame buildi g for immedi- ate' use, and has alma y commenced' Raying down material for wo large brick Stores. Messrs. Wm. Ro ertson & Co. !. intend rushing up two 1 rge stores on • their old business site, on of which they will occupy aS a harclwhar store and the other will be eased as al general store, rge stores this fall. • Mr. also rnakin preparations . leo the material purchased k block on he corner on old; stand Should the: ' avorable f • 1 ick work o mentioned re the.cold e above, h i ing his bloc consist of an ' hotel and s. Mr. Al will' also s weather e re regret to not intend Mr. Gra shop in w during th9 winter, and erecting to brick shops s • soon as spri ig opens. The material i r these bui dings . to b-, erected next a niug will be • got oul the ground 1 ring the good •road in winter. 1 a i view of all t :is building we may fairly 1 v iticipate a lively time du ing this fall I a aed the comind spring. W e believe that t e property hdlders along Main Street, ii the, burped district h ve agreed to p aco their pew buildings b ck five or: six f et, and the' s widen thi part of the e $ reet. This is a good ide h 81 t Ir. Stark is o build two 1 'ampbell has or a large bri he site of hi eathor keep onths, the b ings we have ompleted bef n. Besides t tends rebuil he block will two large stor fr. • McGrego uild as soon e spring. I urphy does e megutinie. a temporar his business - also inteuds a r a couple of those build - will likely be ea,ther comes r. Carmichael in the sprint,. • Pere, Illinois, took the first prize and u diploma at the recent State Fair. This flour was ground' by Mr. James Mc- h Greath; formerly of this Own, who is a now employed as head miller for the f above firm, of whidh Mr. James P. Ken- $ dell, also well knoWn in this town and d vicinity; is a member. We are always glad to learn of Canadians, and especial- a ly Huron and Sea!forthites, distinguish- ing themselves a,broad. S eeei SERVILES I-cf THE M. E. Ciftite11.—The Rev.. J. N. Elliott, of London, will preacA morning and even- hig in the above chhreh on -Sabbath next 7 th inst On Monday evening the 18th the Rev. gentleman will deliver his fain- I ous and popular lecture, "Formative Elp- meats of our IN a,tional Character." From the well known ability of the lecturer, and the interestin4 nature of the aubject, the public may 4epend receiving an unusual •intellectual • treat. Th: lecturer will show the origin of the dif- ference between the various systems oft philosophy, modes of worship, of nation- . al. manners, custonis, commercial -pur- suits, &c. Leeture to commence at 7:30. x. Ault and • commence to ill permit in earn that Mr. rebuilding in sie is getting •t Aich to carry has his • arber shop over A11 n's grocery.. Mr. Mc regor has establish d his book bindery temporarily at his esidence in 'Jaipur ey. Mr. Ault h secured a store o Goderich street near Mr. Cash's. Mr. Oa •pbell has his sale r om in the rear of Wotan & Ryan's gro ery,and his work r ms in Scott's bloc.. Messrs. Stephe s & McKinny are ere ting a tem- porary uilding near the site of their old premise:. Mr., Thomas S arp, whose neat an well ordered livery table prem- ises we so speedily turned into vapor, has lea ed the large stable in ear of Mrs. Marke 's block, on Market s reet, and is having- it repaired and pu into good shape. Mr. Grassie is eree ing a tem- porary uilding, for use until ext,s rin , on the ite of his old premises. r. W. N. Wa on has his dace in Irear of Mr. Lumsd n's drug store. Miss Leach,•mil- liner, has secured rooms over the block, oppositethe Commercial' hotel. There are a few others, but we haire been un- able to earn whether or not they intend resuming business. -• e I COUN 'IL MEETING. he by-law provide for the constru 'ion I of deepe mg wor s at Silver Cre k and the layi of a spe ial rate to pay for such wor was pro htionally adopted and ordered be advertised. The Court f Revisi to hear appeals from such y -law w appointed to meet on the gill of Octob and will be composed of Councillo Strong, Beattie, Broaclfoo , Willie and the Reeve. The street committ were a thorized to have a tempora sidewalkconstructed from t. John Goderic street. A committee was a pointed confer with owner of propert m the burned district reg rding t widenin of the street. A y -law w passed xing the rate of ass ssment f the pre nt year at 17 mills the doll for scho 1 county, and tow purposes. A motionauthorizing the gr eating of a license o a bowling alley was voted down. The Council adjourned for two weeks. to 11 - ng ks to on as er, rs Ins ee ry to p - he as i ed th m until they ente d'a hotel by the back way,* th; door after them. Having secured a wa • t con- stable Reedsearchedfo his gameiin the garret. They proved to e neY Wet. d in the hotel, and found them me ers and Harry Smith, d on being ex- amined before Mr. Crabbiwere mmitted for trial. , Waters is a hard case, and has just completed a term in the Central Prison for stealing a watch. The prison- ers declare they did not enterthehouse with burglarious intentions, but were hunting after two lewd womenwho had been stopping for a sh rt time in the neighborhood and got nto the wrong house. ACCIDENT.—On Monday, Alexander -Cathcart, carpenter, wh. e at work siding a house near the foun , on East street, met with a painful acci ent. He was standing on a scaffold w ich, being im- properly secured, gave y allowing hint. to fall in such a way hat he siding caught him under the c HI. Fortunate- ly his arm struck on t 8iding at the same time, thus preventing at might As it was the skin was rn fitimectihdeentt very probably have been t in- aide of his arm, his chin was badly cu and he received some pai ful ruises,but he will not long be incensed' tate for work. Wroxet FIRE.—On Tuesday th William Boyd, Howick sudden and severe loss. burning stump close by barn, in which were the T. 12th inst., Mr. met with a spark from a et re to his seas n's 'entire crop of hay and grain, agricu tural im- plements, &c. Before ssistance could arrive, the whole was • a blaze, and with the exception of fanning mill, nothing was saved. and snperin- erian, Metho- day pchools in hold a union tit inst., and on 1 s holars and cls of grove The ernoo or Pre-Inc.—The teacher ar tendents of the Presby dist and Episcopalian Su this place determined to pic-nic on Thursday the that day the Sunday Sch others to the number of tipwa o hundred assembled in Smale's on the banks of the Maitland. com- pany spent a very please t af in playing croquet, base ba swinging and other pie-nic amusements-. After a p en- tiful tea was disposed of, spee hes were v delivered by Messrs. Ale nd r Gibson, Thomas Hogg, the Rev. lifr. Brown and Rev, Mr. Woodburn. I • • I . Winitim Bluevale. * SING v‘rG Sonoon,—The celebrated singer and music teacher, Mr. Ward, has at last v sited our little village. He in- tends t conduct a singing , class here this fall and begins his labors on Satur- d4Peul6ilb*hr. cat THE CENTENN/AI...---Blne- vale is d termined not to be behind other villages Huron at the enteimial. Messrs. R. Sibbald and J. Farrow, of this place, shipped one day lest week, a large beet of choice fruit, consisting of ap- ples, plupas and pears to Philadelphia, to be exhibited there. On Monday last they received nformation from the Secretary, stating their fruit had arrived in excel- lent order, and that the sarhples were very fine. They intend se ding in a which t4ir neighbors wish may come off week or two another cont :Indian of winter fruit, apples, pears nd grapes, 0 K at the Centennial, 1 1 . Stephen. Deneete OF COON& . —A. t th e last meet. ing of the township Council cf Stephen, held on the 4th iust.,;the Clisrk was in- structed to obtain legal advice respecting the drainage. matter ; Mr. Schnarr was instructed to have three culverts made on the firit side road ; J. 13is, ett agreed to repair xeter side road to' the satis- faction o the Reeve, for thc. sum of $12 50; Ir. Mdhewson was also in- structed to expend $5 in ditc iug on the road near his place. It was then moved by Mr., Baker, seconded by Mr. Yearley, Council frill to see the authority for and carri4d, that the auditors financial report be received and printe , but that the special report be not printed, as the fur- nishing such a report. Mr. Kestle was instructed to make a culvertnear the north bouladary, the cost of w ich is not to exceed "10. John Lewis w s appoint- ed collect9r at a salary of $ O. After assing s ndry orders and ac ounts, the leuncil a journed until the fir4t Monday n Octobe . • Bayfield. TIARB 0 TORKS. —The last crib on his work a successfully sun - on Fri ay, and e uperstructure is now well rider wa, ost of the work that the rough wea he • affects being do . e now. It is confidently expected that th full con- tract will be finished this fall, then—go ahead, Ba elcl. Pec-Nec.—The annual pic-ni of Trin- ity church Sunday -School too place on Priday, 8t inst. The day b ing fine, e are gla to say it was a pe feet sue- . ed from by Rev. h, under es. The iearance, ess, and a large number atten he couutr. . The ground chose Ir. Watso was near the chin• he shade f soine beautiful tr ble prese ted a very gay ap nd we ve ture to say was second to 3 one of its kind , in the country. The ory cakes were numerous and o superb i their cle orations that it seenlied quite sin to hack them with th "cruel nife." the fiue day and t e large tendance f ladies in their bri ht and lied colo ed costumes, made he scene very plea ing !enc.—Signal... Goderich. 1 1 [MOM THE SIGNAL., • , and will, we a vaiting ti al ou Monday. Si. en prison rs in jail six of whom were THE jar .—There are at pre4nt four - of the pe, be carried out. We would also ggest that a uniform stylp of architec- p isoners w re from Seaforth, re be observe 1 throughout. AGEE.' li L CEA L P.M.—The a - b. brtion of he West Ridina Agr et re so Sal gr st -A TIMELY S UGGESTION. --A corres• op poadent, who is an experienced and suc'- H cessful farmer, sends us the following : th "You will remember that about 8 or 10 st years ago- mice were very plentiful in an the fall, and. the next spring when the wi snow disappeared it was found that C. many orchards had been nearly destroy -4 do ed. by the vermin. Very few escaped M without having some of the fruit trees in M them barked and destroyed. This fall in mice are as numerous in the fields as they cia were then, and the same evil results are te to be feared if the necessary precautions in be not -taken in time. A complete re- rea needy, which I have successfully tried, h is as follows : Pasture the grass in the eri orchards very close during the fall,' so he there will not be much old gross left On Me the surface, and when •the first snow old falls tramp it firmly around the roots of ha the trees. Continue this operation dine ye ing each snow fall, until the trampled C snow thoroughly coven the roots Ind Ma 'WILE RE OCATE:D. —MOS t re burne out by the la red temp vary business 1 nnichael as I fitted up a • r of his f =Pr premises. has este, lislied his shoe nnis's bl • ck. Mr. Mehl red the • tor formerly H. Smit 1, next door to •cery. r. MN -entry h re forme y occupied by )osite th Farmer s sto .e. Messrs. vc• 'Tam Br ) the6 are just n w located in in small shop adjoiningLu sden's drug fo re on the est, where the will remain P1 il they g t t en. new sto 'e fitted up, ich is th t ow occupie by Mr. O. Willson. .11' r. Dent wil shortly .1be T • iciled in the officenow ccupied by si . ArMita e in the Comm =Lel block. lit . Thomas Lee will soon b opened out en hotel. Irs, Whitney ' erecting a M it is new p id es opposite he Gemmel.- m porary b ildi g on her ol stand, and ho ne mean tne she has her stock in the vo of the F rm rs' store. Ir. S. Stark wi removed int his own 8 ore on God- th h street, h e he will r main until do gets his n w rick buil g finished, th srs. Joh, Rowcliffe occupy the ou Ochifellows' hall over r. Kidd's an ware sire. , Mr. Murphy has not cri resume bhainess: . Andrew r der has fitted up rooms over Mrs. tw key's grocery store. Mk. Is ewman of nu.al ex - cultural of those who S ciety wi be held at c'Smith's Hill on . fire have se- ecluesdae- and Thursday Set. 27th builthng in a d 28th. NGAGED.—Mr. B. . Doyle, catiolle. Mr. Mr. Jamie- COUNsEL b rrister, G derich, has been en aged to lkin has se- d fend Mrs. Griffith, who has b en com- store in Mc - on the occupied by charge ibt h ving set fire to her remises mitteddn -j. il to await her trial s leased the ih Seaforth. 1. Morrison's ACQUITTE . — On Monday oughts rS. Rumley, S ithson a d Michael Markey, harked ., h assault ng and robbing Lu e Kelly Scaforth, on Aug. 30tY, were ried be- einJtiffudgwe oms, but the evid.en e of the so contradictory at the Boners we e dismissed. , URGLAR . — At an early our on ursday m rning Mrs. Beards who re. es in a fr me house on Elgin reet, a le east of the Huron road, wa awak- d by a no se at the window. 'he was ch alarme , there being only he friend s. Water and their children in the se at the time, and cried out, when a ce outsid replied, "keep quie or we murder ou," and a heavy s ne WAS • wn into he room through t e win- , falling •n the bed close to one of children. Mrs. Beards at o ce ran to the str et and called for ass stance, fortunat ly constable Reed h d the s and • e to her as,sistan . On hing the elute, he was t* to see men m g their escape du.° h one wind() s, and giving chase ollow- • BUSINESS CHANGE.—A r. J. Johnston, of the Royal Hotel, has 13 ld o his lease and furniture to Messrs. Hodgins c- Intosh, who took possess on de began business on Saturday last SERIOUS AccIDENT.-00 M nday last when the 1 o'clock whistle at Pow er's mill sounded, a team, belonging to Mr. .John Robinson, of Turnbe y, took fright and started off. Mr. Relle nson attempt- ed to stop them, but failed doing so and instead was knocked own and ran over,the wagon, heavily lo ded with lath, passing over him. He w badly bruised and lies in a dangeroue co • COMPLIMENTARY SUPPE rOi.1 t 100 gentlemen sat down to a om linientary supper on the evening of rid last, got up in honor- of these gentl men whet came back in safety from the Ce ten ial, The spread was a splendid affair, and was provided by mine host of he Exchange, Mr. J. W. McOntcheon. very enjoy- able evening was spent. • o speech, and ming followed in rapid sue essinn till a late hour, when each w nt off his sev- eral way resolved to meat s me other day. It is reported upon t e best author- ity that the two suppers of ast week were but the pioneers of alien series of brilliant affairs Of this kiild and which will follow in due season. •Usborne.. COURT OF REVISION ND CCIUNCIL MEETING.—The Council off the township of Usborne met as a Court of Revision on the 2nd inst., for the p rpos , of con- sidering appeals on the Drainagebydaw. Appeals were read from. Messrs. J. Pin- combe, J. Brownlee, W. Quinten, J. Rowcliffe, and. W• Martin o the effect that the assessment laid o f benefit of township roads is not su tlybigh in comparison with the other assess- ments. Also an appeal fr J. Brown - leo to thenffect that he has onl 50 acres Tuesda of land. .to be benefitted t e rain.- accompanied his s After hearing appellants, i wa moved sist in doing some by D. Millar, seconded by S ier, that home he was in hi the appeals of Messrs. J. yin ornbe, J. He had only been Brownlee W. Quinton, J. ow litre, and time when he co W. Martin be dismissed; th t t e assess- pain in his breast ment laid on by the Engine r bo:dopted and that the Court of Revi ion be now closed. --Carried. _ —At the conclusion of he bUrt of Revision the Council met, heij moved by J. Shire, seco ded Millar, that J. Jeffry receiv Moved b J. seconded by D. Millar, that the 1 by-law provisionally 'adopt, d day of August, 1576, be no passed.—Curied.—Iloved y D. seconded by J. Halls, that the meet as a committee to let the. digging the ditch from lots 2 t elusive on the 5th Con. on We the 13th inst—Ca,rrieds „sou journed to ist Saturday in Oct. • part of the farmfi to annul the bar rue money. Thi speedily raised a turned to his ho if •not a sadder from Exeter wa this farm, had insured before Com. Lk, thaln oe 1).bouricohgaseparidsegsrieg the farmer gladly and a paid. over, and re - e an his farm A wiser • man. The next man who goes to purchase •etter et his life well leavesO the village.— 1 • reyi COUNCIL /VIEE41NG. , Council met at Tuck's hotel, Cranbrobk, on Sept. lst. Members all present; Reeve in the chair. Minutes of Medal read and con- -firmed. Application o MrNMeNaught for a glint to repair u darY between Grey and Logan.1 Moved y Mi. Oliver, [ seconded by r. iSlemoson, that the sum d of $20 be ranted for repairs to boundary between Grey a Logan,, provided Lo- gan grant an equivalent --Carried. A by-law was read. and passedslevying one poses. Moved by Mr. •Keifer, seconded half mill on the dollar for township par - by Mr. Hislop, that the sum of one half mill on the dollat be raised for railway rite—Carried. Application of trustees of Union School Section Grey and Wal- lace, for issue of 'debentures, to raise by purposes debentures and by-law to be way of loan the sum of 92 66 for school prepared' at next meeting. A number of aecoUntS were presented and ordered to be paid, when Council adjourned to meet again at Tuck's Hotel, Cranbrook-, on first Tuesday in October next. ! • CLIPPINGS. —Day after day silently takes the place lof its I predecessor, and each leaves behind its own peculiar his- tory. Harvesting is n w a thing of the past. The ground is s •hard that plow- ing is a difficulty, and t many are pat- ting in fall wheat, probably on account of the failure this year. Some have com- menced to dig their potatoes; they are not turning out may well. Fire is doing considerable damage Some places, and causing general ala . Pasture is get- ting very bare, and if I we do not get ram soon cattle will have to be fed. Hay may not he so plentiful las ; many expect- ed, if it has to take the place of grit ss this fall. Where is "Bona Vista Farm? IhCaaspstpin.00iseoishspe:aerit°dofisyu accikei cess uucr pCni sr a ei v eer s, te pressed his hes gregation for th some present next to resume h teria College a studies in the Presby. donors for Ids future elt thanks to the cot. He leaves oh Monda kind words and hand.. - Mon real. Lonilleae:adroveugrtishe-d to come in t� Mr. Whe SALE OF Loss. Tthdeisdalneootf l000tstieheulongtos thife°a tTichiuprastdioanYs of the proprietor, one o two were soldiarid these at B far belowed.wrheeatpi ewmalireestitgtnlyeouijj desibree rea wdohnattithIrtlothionvt irate, awnhdoint wpaesrzgonsuiteivt.evire,,„ awtiAlhi speculateiictigh:rzaistpt_ba0masoisnneddvillafyorla:thetePsprimern,tot. cli the employes were at work on the Lou. don, Huron and l Bruce Railway, a short distance north o this place, and a lorry peered around 4 curve, and the lorry la they 'were using as left standing on the trade, when the vel train suddenly ap. could not be removed in time to prevent gine of tke train.. Fortunately ltd.:other injpuRrtswEvasTAdToinoeN.4._ its being entirely demolished otlii:hecodnbeleru :hone en- gine the rogular prayer meeting on Monday evening list, Mrl N. 1Vatner was pre- sented with a sofa, rocking their andeix _- cane -seated chairs, by the congregation of t4 Methodist church, as a mark of their appreciation of his services as leader of the choir in connection there- with.—New Era. Clinton. [Elt0 THE NEW ERA.] 0/1 VOR EN of Clinthn, has week :to make ar of cattle shipped ACOIDENT.-0 marble monum in WI Coope fell and broke in just been finish $100.! ,, HAND Ixaunnp.—The other day while • eten.—Mr. C. Spooner, gone to England -this augments for the sale from this country.. •e night last week t, Whiell 'WAS Standing 's yard, by some means • several 'pieces. It had and was worth about This is the curreat quention of the day If some one would givel the desired in formation and write itir iuitiation od they would confer a fav4r. The point of a, bee's stinger is a pretty small thing, but who would say it islany smaller than the principal of a tessher who under- mines his fellow man to establish him- self ? Such thin s do ha pen, we ale sorry to say. e are informed an in- stance of the above has occurred in one of our Stanley villages. But if there is one man in our towns who would do the like, we belieVe there is ten to one who would be very willing to give him a free coat of tar aud feathers, and a cheap passage on a rail for a few miles. Ceonnoreen. a small boy named Humble was at work attending to a large fanning machine at e the flaxertill, his hand became entangled ' in the teeth, an part of his thumb and finger! were torn ff. BRGYEN LEG. OnFriday eveninglast, a horse owned by Mr. W. Kilty, of Owen Sound, was stabled at Knox' s ho. tel, and during t accountable wa one of its legs sd shot. ' CANCER CUR .—Mr. Wm. Cantelon, of Goderich township, called upon us a few days since te, show us how complete. ly a cancer was removed from his lower lip, which had caused him great Suffer. ing for somiiistime, and for which he at one time feared there was no cure. The cancer was of two years' growth, and medical aid was sou ht for its removal, but no good resat till he applied a plaster prepared y MT. W. H. -Ryan, Of Biddulph, which not only removed it, butthe sore WAS entirely healed. in three wee and three ys. MOS.111 .P. SCARCITY OF WATER.—Owing to the long continued drought, many of the wells on the Twelfth Concession of Mc- Killop and in that neighborhood. have gone dry, _and farmers have to drive their stock to Silver !Creek to water them. Mr. Charles Davis, of the half- way house, ha.d two 'good wells, and could not get water enough out of them both to supply the requirements of his hoteL He had, feonselhently, to dig a third, and had to go to a depth of 27 ,feet before be got water. TEMPERANCE SOCIAL. ----A Social, under the auspices of the Wi throp ledge of Good Templars will b given in the Winthrop temperance hall, on the even- ing of Friday, Sept. 22. I Addresses will be delivered by evds. hos. Thompson, of McKillop, Mr, Danby, of Varna, and others. Suita!ble! music, both 'vocal and instrumental, will Le pro ided. Refresh moats will be served at 7 o'clock, and th intellectual part of the entertainmen will commence at 8. sti pleasant and profitable evening is a ticipatecl, and there should be a good attendance. SUDDEN DEATH —We !regret to learn PurchisCd and bet Europe OuR 11/1 e night, by some un- „ it managed to break badly that it had to he TAI OR* DEPARTMENT Complete in every detail, showing the Largest and Pinest Assortment 'of - ,IMOORT D 'CLOTHS EVER S OW AT THE 7177 of the very sudden death of Mr. John Denny, of the Heron Rad, McKillop, which took place ,on We nealay morn- foren ,on Mr. Denny n to the field. to as - work. I When he left usual 'state of health. 1 in tie field a short pleine of a violent mileage ' the table. Mr. D einy w well known for re -i 1 until about 2 o'clock in the, morning, 1 Halls,i 1 when he died sittieg in 11. chair beside e ' 5th i in this locality, being one, of the oldest it was 1 the pain in his breast agaM seized. him, jirci2b ilia ing 67 years of age bY J. 1 and gave him great pain at intervals, finally ; residents of this s ction of the country, ouncil i He was a man well advanced_ in life, be - filler, : and many will regret his sudden death. eeday : completed thBe A R N hina. During the afternoon he was (int usual. About 7 o'clock in the evening and around, and apparently as, well at housea, and Ne noon! the pain Inft FINLSITED. Jame§ Stretton has Brussels. . He et once went to SHARP. —We have recentl he rd Of a i commenced the ereetion. of a brick hohl il ad. ii n ve bath on the old I 1 site 40x80 feet an it is a e building. Exeter. I , ;NEW HOTEL.-- 7m. anstone has rather strange business trans di ni which on the corner of Turnbe ry and. Mi ll took place in this neighborhood a Short streets, on the property e lately pur- time ago. One of our proinieent and en. chased from James Lynn. terprising citizens, who is of ai rather GOOD FOR BRUSSRLS.-- rilatraewolSnRille 1 speculative turn, and who is not averse Compaaiy, No. 5; won the cup to making a shrewd bargain when.; op- at the match at Or 'ton on Tuesday last. portunity occurs, went to a farther in This is the third year they ;have won the the township of Usborne, and asked „him, cup; They also wonthe B ttalion prize ' what he would take for his—fii-M. The for best shooting, also t e all -comer's : farmer replied that he would se it . for prize. _Brussels ma ksmen a.re not easily : $6,000. The citizen, thinking; h ceiuld beaten. make a better bargain by a more indirect Seonan.—A trot took lace on the 1 , mode of purchase, offered the I farmer Driving Park on \Veclnesclay last between 1 $10,000, $1,000 cash down, -and the bal- Thomas Hall's 'Gipsy Laza” and a chest- 1 ance at the rate of $600 a year, without nut horse "White tockin s'! from Park 1 interest, until the whole purchase money Hill, which was br� for th races. The be paid, reserving the right to pay the trot was for $100 A side,. best three in 1 whole or any part in cash, or at any five, mile heats. eaG psy Las won first, - time within the stipulated period, and seeond, and fourthleeats and race, aver- t) receive a discount at the rate of 8 per age time 3:2. Best time 2:57. Gipsy e cent per annum feee_the cash theta paid. Lass trotted her three heats without • The farmer, at the first glance, thought breaking, but in th heat .she lost she this a golden offer for his farm, and at broke twice. WhitStockings didn't do over the transaction, however, and changed hands. I once closed the bargain. After thinking hi 4 work so well. quit: ai 811:n.b•oarrotyfhaetaiht00:1:01sine: 1 ad not made so profitable a sale after afternoon b tw T. eN. otTt'ihis eit uring it up, he came to see that he —A running race 'took p the same ced. 1 , i I seated huts with a well-filled purse as a 7), utatio represent. of Me vine Church wai on Mr. D. 1 student, and pre - token of the high e m in [which he is held by them. The presentation was ao- coMpanied with man kind words and the 1 _ 771: re fully Selected inthe- n Market for Cash McDouGA Orders for Cloth g receive Prempt Attention d mill be found • PRECISELY T PRICE. PRECISELY RIC T IN QUALITY, _ 'PRECISELY RIC T IN-MANUFACV, fig all. He found that if the purchaser were anti Carney's-bay ho to pay the cash right down, as he had bolted and was dista the privilege of doing, that the 8 per - PRESENTATION. -- cent discount would bring the purchase Wednesday last a d money for the faein down to about $4,000. ing the congregation This discover madeprettysick, (Ferguson's) Brassels and he at once hied to the citizen to take L. McCrae, theoloki back the bargain. The citizen weld how- ever, inexorable. He had inade a good bargain, and he was bound to stick to it, After a great deal- of pleading on the • Delightfulle Warm for the FA Season.,• The Very Lowest Prices for these - Tight Imes. Made Most Carefully on the Prerni 1 C4ne Early and 1 Fit, Come First 1, 7on caul tnake th TERMS ve your measure. erved, Best Clio OASK Or 1 per cent er month added, - GENTS" FURNISHINGS', HATS AND CAPS, Weekly Arrivals 'real New York of the Newest Styles Out. A. 6. McDouGALL, TJ'HO WANTS A wort BARGAIN.—.Colts ior sale sti Agate to suit the tlistesei colt 8, stied by Golden Herb will inalte A se roadatia; 1 ply rising 3, sired by Csnelll aPrinAeolt, faired by Enterpriser. These ire or good anime14.and will be sold asap. The CO can be seen onthe rst lalltorth of Ditrier ifgEBEr Bei 111111Erfir 'grAYel 1114 -Men NINTI STYIKOLI SEA! A It.A.BE < JAAA destralb Square, Bea laCiES ObT --r1333MS FC - .1.. MeKiIIOP -Con. 10, Mot. For articula 13T B VABM FO] 18 Me7cli balance well- . mile cheap ai to liffeCAUGI 1PASIC LO1 AL each, ad: most ,desirab Terms testa Apply to IL N er to L. -MET II -OUSE A .1-A. HEY-- bouse and 101 onowden. Bi pomp 11 -trees. For t JOHN S. PO Bc 0 - recently Imo Able tame to desiring -to pc VAR& rOli Con. E about 80 acre good frame t Orelaard Of go and a goods on t1iepreun1 field E, BOiZ been used as *re well ads] ar*Uiarsaj -COM, healo Ontario, -31EST quire,d ed, in 13t1$11 Of 1 tooma. licalthyand.- :quarters of mills, As. C. •VALu4.73 BAIL 54 and j55, • Irma their el arespec1ally1 Tiams—One-1 lammed insta - vent. EXTEST, Sel T.T.nxisE saves market in house stands ildionnpg ing room) sit! with four bea rooragar,3 well Alla WO mediate. Ap SOMERSET VIFTV AC,4 •-a= Lot IO, A eleared, irepr ing TO is ' lair buildilnp bearing tree and e. good nines from h from Binbuto ther particul stance P. 0. VABM 11c- -a-- Sale, SI 13., Contai . ..• are 'cleared, -cultivation ; bank barn dwelling hos Tetras of Pal, /row Seitiort, -on the pre= • MRS, TWEI VARN 9, Rtbb are cleared. -first-class cp. • -s shed and s • brick root • boute, and -; good orchar,... the inost etc, try- Terms -premises. oi BALB. • T AJNI FO, •townshi acres clearec' miles froml a :quarter of lot 27. Co bus .20 ,neeful limbo pine from -undersigned ria. XAITY VAR11 P•1 ;L: terms.: Acres, 10 0" first-class ell. balance tina cordortable Ii)E0 Well wO and 4 iniltai -from Seafoi _roads -leadi I arin and A.pply On th BLAIR, Jr. VARNI part 4 smith, con cleared, VO1 Vation, the- e good Iran also a log 11 a licaring well seetens Ana9 mule - gravel TOSd. exit to sehe lees or to 0 =SON. VAI'r -lama Ship at wiaieb are /ion, end reznainit4 uncalled quality ; Irame bon also A gool Item! a got., lard$13 aim) Bayfield, Ufa 4PPIT ZORN gh: vxmi,v about -75 of ettIttrat wltb tr.isell briek tong Inge, Als01-;• • .good relies :.norl reed leadie me distal Tama elk 4b1111601111.11 .Cat. first 1yto 1