HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-09-15, Page 7SEPTEMBER 15, 1878 OUT OF SUSIN ou P habitants ry that he rigs Carriage Fac- 1117 on VALEDICTORY. E be leave to istform crit cuetome atilt public that we have di6pose;i of orae DRUG STORE AND JEWELRY ESTABLISI-HMENT TO MESSRS. DR. VERCOE Business \EDWARD HAIGHT. AMID :HES. selected,and aKMEN Ea, the pnblfe eeir money. Neatness CO i i' .. .. ASH' R GOOD s ITIE OMB, STORE. WRY, ELAW Posaessien vo\ be giveOnctoberthem. about the Middle of NOT HATING BOUGHT THE (ROCKERI\ AND GLASSWARE, CHINA, And all Housekeeping tGoods, these must all be. Cleared Out IN THE .NEXT FEW W-EEKS. Se we invite oar friends to come now foe the Iast time and replenish your houses, as the GOODS MUST BE SOLD AT NO' MATTER WHAT SACRIFICE, As the premises are leased to Messrs. VERCOE and HAIGHT; and after we are sold out we be. speak your kind consideration for our stacceesore, E. HICKSON & Co. ' 0VA_Lf HURON PLANING MILL Tom`. undersigned hereby inform their many eaetomers and the public generally of theRs- moval of their Factory and Lumber Yard to new and more commodious premises' OZt NORTH MAIN STREET, Where, with increased failties and some new machinery of the best make, they will continue to manufacture and Pr 1I all orders for Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, And all kinds of PLANED LUMBER. At Prices to Suit the Times. Farm Gates, Hay Racks, Cheese Boxes,- the. A Large Stock of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. public that 40W :DER, do (NDS=. VENTS' ' eatisfae- .ef Agrical- have a. fail which due LAW. TUFFS at AcX': RLET, . naran- direct- aforth. tarn or the st ken - aa, and Mach ne .Turned' Butter Packages, Minn• These Packages are the best in use, and pill give satisfaction. LATH AND SHINGLES. jig Sawing and Custom Planing will Receive Prompt. Attention. The sabecribers hereby thank their numerous enatorners for the liberal patronage extended to them. during the past, and hope, by strict beteg. rite and close attention to business, to merit a corstiacance and increase of the same. Tc, all thosewhose accounts are overdue we give a cordialinvitation to pay up. GRAY & SCOTT. P. S. -Plans and Specifications for Buildia e furnished on application. 424 BEE & .310D 0 „VA LD'S PLANING MILL And Easii and Door Factory SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. IABEE & McDONALD having established connection with their Lumber Yard aPlan- eg Mill ar.d Sash and Door Factote are prepared t(' execute work in this lino in a satisfactory manlier. Planing and Lumber Droning of ever] do criptfcn done to order. Deers, Sashes, Frames, &c., always on hand or made to order in the best manner and of good material. Lumber of all kinds on hand and for sale Se • astral. E,itisnates furnished for buildings 01811 kind• s, 44n 1IABEE & McDONALD. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. SEAFORTH BRAN, ; DOMINION BLOCK, IVlAIN-$T., SEAFORTH. Drafts as i raft. ore New "Cork Payable at any Bank " to the United States. Ei,Id� of Exchange on London payabt at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOS1TS, 411 T M. P. ITA YES, ' hlsaatti�• EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks ka h 6 n am er o n e customerstnrerchaats endothers) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hop by strict integrity andelase attention to bueinetre to merit their ccnfalence and trade in the future. Haan; greatly enlarged his promises, daring the wtirtcr, he ix now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered i at the EGG EMPORIUM, h. W, $diq ant€=. by the 4nbscrbo]r4l?c'5ain tonsStreetoi' g ood clews{ WHEAT STRAW. ; D. D. WILSON BITTER TUBS. SAMUEL TROTT AS now on hand at the Seaforth Tab Factory a member of his well and favorably knowa per i9 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LARGE PURCHASERS. Mr. Trott er.peots in a short time to con.mence the manufacture of Wash Tubs on a Large sells. 3.7 SAMUEL. TROTT fieafo+ soramBER 15, l- e. Tile Origin of the Chinese Queue. The history of the Chaneae queue ii eat by the Rev. Julius Doolittle, a mis- eieeary in China, as follows : "The first peror of the present dynasty, who began to.reign in� 1644, havingusurped t'he throne, determined to make the ton-\ sure of Manchuria, his native; country, the token of submission of the Chinese to hie authority. He ordered them_to Shave athe head ll hair on -that t part crown,t the to and allowing row long, and to dress it according to the custom of Manchuria. The Chinese had been accustomed under native emperors to wear long hair over the whole head, chd nee was ge it in radual abut fnall or coil, he Chang gradual, y prevailed thrbugh the empire. At first those who Shaved their heads and conformed to the laws received, it is said, a present of a tael of silver, after a while only a• half a tad, and then only a tenth of a tael, and afterwards only an egg -finally even an egg was not allowed. The law requiring the people to shave the head and braid the queue was not only rigidly enforced by the,penalty of immediate death, brit it became very manifest that those who did not. conform to the wishes of the dominant dynasty would never become successful in a lawsuit against those who did conform nor would they succeed at the literary examinations." A Turkish Joan of Arc. An imitator of Joan of Arc has ap- peared in the Herzegovina. The Man- -cheater Courtier gives. the following in- formation concerning her : "Miss Mer - cue is of Dutch nationality. She is about 30 years of age, of diminutive sta- ture, dark, and not handsome. She has squandered away the greater portion of,. a large fortune in the realization of her romantic dreams ; nevertheless, she is still in possession of more than £70,000. Her first fancy was to erect a Protestant temple at Jerusalem, in front of the monument supposed to be our Saviour's tomb, The temple, which cost £14,000, still exists. Mille, Mercus's present ambition .is to command a battery of artillery, and she recently gave £1,200 for the purchase of guns, but the gentle- man intrusted with the money suddenly disappeared, and nothing further has been heard of him. This extraordinary lady is not admired, having supported the Paris Commune and approved of the Archbishop's assassination, She spends her time running after battlo•field ad- ventures wherever they are to be en- countered." A London Cabman's Morality. "Argus" contributes the following to Land and Water : "Cabmen's morality is curious. I heard a neat little story the other day, A lady living out of town had been shopping heavily, and on leav- ing Marshalk& Sneigrove's found herself actually reduced to the last shilling. She had to get to Waterloo Station and a visit to any friend would have made her late for dinner. She had, of course, her season ticket. So she called a cab, and said to the man : •I have only a shilling. I want_ to go .to Waterloo Station. Take me as far as you can.' He drove her all the way to the station, paying the twopence at the bridge, and when they arrived the lady gave him the shilling, and asked for his address in order to send him the remainder of his fare. She also thanked him. The cab - min merely remarked, 'Never mind about the money, ma'am; you're under nb obligation. I -shall get it out of my next fare.' And he drove away." A Little Mixed. An English baronet, Sir Simeon Henry Stuart, wrote a letter to his daughter and another to Miss Blandford, and by mistake misdirected the envelopes. Con- sequently the daughter received and handed to:•her mother a missive contain- ing suchpassages as this : "My own Darling ; I was so pleased to see you last night. How good of you to come over l I do love having you here, dear- est. It seems so nice when I wake up to be able to say to myself, 'I shall see my darling to -day.' What shall I do when you are gone, dear ? It is so weary- ing then to know that I shall not see you for days ; but it will not be for long, will it? You will nleines sin meto ee and soon." Sir Simeon, upon discover- ing his blunder, telegraphed to his daudater to burn the letter, but' he was too late, and it is now being used in a divorcesuit. A Pleasure Garden Closed. The Offenbach Garden, Philadelphia, has been closed owing to want of success, attributed to disagreements between the composer whose name it bears. and the management. The garden, it is under- stood, nderstood, belonged to Cameron & Siebrecht, the senior of the firm being Miss Camer- on, of New York, who owns the art foundry at which- were cast the eagles which surmount Memorial Hall, and others of the Centennial buildings. Miss Cameron is a young/ Scottish woman, who has made her way alone and unaid- ed, and established a business such as few ladies would be able to superintend. She came to this country a poor girl, but having good business faculties and aper- fect knowledge of book -keening, soon succeeded in entering into business for herself. or not is riot known, he tc ok an overdose of this drug, and died thus by his Own h nd. 1 —Search Voiaa again resumed, in the ellor ° case in Prescott on Friday,nd_ several valuables brought to light, n- 5' ' g of melted gold and precious ones, which were found in the lids of 'o trnuks to the value f $1,000. On S'turday, Melted gold to the amou of $500, three brooches nen ly set, van ed at $1501 each ; also a .la ge numbe • of vi.lnable stones, rings,' ., amour ing to about $4,000.. This '11 finish the seareb at Prescott, Mr. Dontre ing satisfied thathe has all contained in the baggage; TiR3 property so far go in Prescott will resch $220,000. --I-Fariner in Oxford county comp ain that the t rnip worm is this se on doing•a co 'derable anima of d ge. T eIl worm is somewhat like the old wire worm, and, does its ' work below l the gro rid. Mr. Adam Allison, on the 4th Cont- Blenheim,: stopped its ravages by sowing salt over his crop. Previona •to being salted his turnips were beim de- stroyed with only too great rapidity. But salt was too much for the worm, and after being sowed no further damage was effected. The experience of Mr. A. may be useful to others. 'One of the judges at the Centennial Exhibition (Prof. Segelcke of the RRoyal Agricultural College, Copenhagen, Den- mark,) in company witanother Danish gentlemlan, spent the greater part of a aye at the East Zorra and Blan ord cheese far ry, taking notes. The rof. was so his y pleased with the eh se e ibited f om Canada, and those rade by 1Bell, the East Zorra and Blandford factory in rticular, that he was anxious to see the roma- of manufacture. He expressed imself highly pleased with the appearance of things at the factory, and also with the surrounding country. Miscellaneous. The country about -Barrie has been suffering for want of rain, the crops are being much injured, and the bush fires are doing 'great damage. A great bush tire has been raging near by, and the own has been filled with smoke for some -ass. In Innisfil a farmer has lost all -his wheat, which had been burned, the darn having caught fire from the bush fire. --A contract has been entered into for the building ,of a Catholic church in Mitchell, ona site west of the mill -pond. The main portion of the building will he 0x35?, feet, and the walls 17 feet in height. A vestry room will be attached. Ir, Thomas Leadstone is the contractor for the brick work, and . Mr. Thomas McClay for the carpenter work. The hteilclinn is to be finished this fall. The bite is one of the best in Mitchell, and when the church is finished it will be an ornament to the town. -The ,death of J. Sella Martin, of New Orleans, was a very sad event. He was one of the most gifted colored men iii America, Born a slave, he escaped to Canada, was educated, and entered the ministry, was pastor in Boston and Canada, and became well known as an orator in this country and in Great Britain. About four years ago he enter- ed on political life in New Orleans, be - Game dissipated, and was in the habit of - taking opium to recover himself from , his debauches. Whether intentionally SPECIAL NOTICES. EPPS's COCOA. -Grate( 1 and comforting --" By . a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera `ons of digestion, and nutrition, and by a re- ful application of the fine properties of well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicate- Iy flavoured beverage,which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is;b the judicious use of such articles of diet hat a constitution may be gradually buil up until strong enough to resist every ten- dency to disease. Hundreds of s btle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. 'We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with inure blood, and aproperly' nourished fra ae." Civil Service Gazette. Sold only in pack- etei labelled- "James Epps & Co., Ho- mceopathic i Chemists, 48, Threadneedle St.,and 170, Piccadilly, London." 421.52 CONFESSIONS OF A VICTIM. -Published as a warning and for the benefit of yonnmen and others who softer from Nervous Debility Loss of Manhood, &o., giving hie rules of Self- are, e undergoing mueh suffering and expens , and mailed free on receivinga post-paid direct d en- velope. Address NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, P. 0. Box 158, Brooklyn, N. Y,04.28 AS a brain: and nerve invigorator, Phosphates are the only physiological agents known, as they are elements of the nervone s stem and fur- nish the comae of nerve power. DB. WHEELER'S Oomponnd Elixer of Phosphates and Calisaya speedily restores the system prostratefromnl'ental and physical exertion, brain worry, intemperance, vicious habits, and that train of evils known as a fast life, by its action as a chemical food in nour- ishing twain and nerve. - THE GREAT FEMAT,E REMEDY. -Job Moses' Periodical Pills --This invaluable medic ne is unfailing , in the ewe of all those pa and dangerous diseases to which the female con Mtn - tion is snbfect. It moderates all excess a d re- moves all obtruotions, and a speedy cure m y be relied on. To ma. Had ladies, it is peoniiaily s ted. It will, in a short time, bring on the mons y pe- riod with regularity. These pills should of be taken by Feta:t e; during the first three menthe of Program, as they are sure to bring on Mk - carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all eases of Nertous and Spinal Affoe,Ions,. pains in the baek and limbs, fatigue on dist ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysteric , and whites, these pills will effect a euro when alliother means neve' failed ; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antiInony, or anything ;hnrtful to the constitution. 1 Full dire$tione in the pamphlet around each pad]cage, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, ins will' ure $ bottle containing over 50 pi;<is by return mail.' Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 ELECTRICIZ 1 TnMUS' EXCELSIOR ECLECTnIC OIL—WEET1I TEN TI31as ITS WEIGET IN Geta. --Pain` Cannot stand where it is need. It is tee cheapest,medicine ever made. One dose 'cures common sore ;throat. One bottle had onred Bron- chitis. Fifty cente' worth hag cured an old Land- ing cough. It positively cures catarrh, asthma, and,eroup. Fifty cents worth has cared c ick in theack,andjthe same quantity lame haat o eight ayears' standing.The following are extract from few of the Many letters that have been received frons diftere t parts of Canada, which, we think, should sniffle ently satisfy the' most skeptical : .3. Ont. writes Send me 8ldozen �1 d of S -arta , 0 , 1 r , a , Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil, have sold all I had from es e truly yon: and want more now; its ear a x y w on- derful," Wrp McGuire, of Franklin, ;writes, " I have sold all the agent left, it acts like a chjarm-- it was glow at first, but takeslsp,endidly now." H. Cole, of Ionia, writes, "Please forward 6 dozen Thomas' Ecl etrie Oil, F am nearly lout nothing equals it. It is highly reco .. ,. ended by too a who have need it./' J. Bedford, i hamesville, rites, "Send me a once a farther supply of Ec eotric p s any- thing Yhave o ly one bottle le t. I never s y Bac- en general satisfac- tion." a i i give,s ch e thing sell so ell and gi t _, �� , rites Send. ad, w Si o od a d �vm son , , ]io tion, J T p , me some more Eclectrio Oil, I have sold e tirel y one, Nothing takes like ft." Miller & Re d, Ul- verton, P. Q. write, " The c]eetic'Oil isgetting a great reputation here, an is daily ea ad for. Send nu a farther aupplywithont denary." Lenyoyne , Gibb & Co., T eckingham, P. Q., write, `• S nd us one, gross f Ecleetrie Oil. We fid it to take ell." Sold dealers. Priv 25 Cents. S. N N.Y. And N 1 THR0P & LY Sole Agents i the Dominic -Selected a Electrized. E. Hickson Co., J. S.' Bo' den. me by all jdieine THOMAS, Pnrars, iAN, Toronto, Qat., . NoTE.-Ecleotric old in Seaforth by erts, and R. Lams - 458 -8. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOTEL AND TOWil PROPERTY. Situated in the Best of Seafo Business ..Part th. �IB. J. P. BRINE has been instructed by Mr. SIMO POWELL to sell by Public inaction on the prem ses on TUESDAY, SEPTE11iBEE 19, 1876 At the hour of 2 o'cl ek P. » ., that valuable prop - arty known its Pow prop -11's Hote , situated in the cen- tre of the bt siness art of S aforth. The othas a frontage of 60 fe t, the b lding is lar a and commodious and h s attach -d to it all necessary outbuildings; also he lot i ediately opposite the hotel on which is a la e stable and eds; and a splendid buil g lot pposite the res dente of Mr Coventry: *Terms made known on ,ay of sale, o prev- iously on application to t Auctioneer r Pro- p rieto r. ro-prietor. S. PO VELL, Propri tor. J, P . ER$NE, Auctioneer ..., SIGN OF THE NOSZlIaa011 01 mi co m NVOIZIIJ\TV z - whether you want to buy one or not. MONTREAL- CUT NAIL AT" a N Y 1110/o 0) m m i m m trg w r c, ET go Pi 73 O 73 AihrEXPOSTToRs GRAY, YOUNG & SPARLING. C�3.A.P SPH_ C; 1\TC-G- G-00 AT THE FARMERS' 870 E, SEAFORTH. GRAY, YOU G & SPARLIN . THE LAY RUSSELL WATCH, A little gem, 18k cases, full jewelled, and warranted for'five years. A large s ock of English and Genuine Silver Watches on hand, also a full tock of the Elgin Watch—no bogus S` iss imitations kept. Buy your Watohes from a reliable practical hand and you wi kno what you are getting. Just :Received, at M. R. COUN ER' , a good assortment of Eleetro Silver ' Plate direct from he co ebrated manufactory of Rogers, Smith & Co., such as Ice itche s, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, Pickle Castors, Syrup cps, Spoon Holders, -. Goblets, Mus, ish Knife and Fork, Cruet Stands, Napki. R gs, Vases, Card Receivers, Table, es - Bert, Tea, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Table, Dessert, Fruit and 3utter Enives, Ta- ble, Dessert, Pickle and Pie Forks, W iters Trays, &e. Remember the above g ods are bought direct from the manufac ars, and will be sold at Toronto Whol sale Prices, Also a complete stock of ewelriy, Clocks, Spectacles, Combs, Brushes, Pipes, Violins, Violin Strings from 5 c per bundle of 30 strings to 40c 'per -single stringg. Watches, Clocks and Jewel of all kinds Repaired by practical hands, Satisfaction guaranteed or no -chargee Cash for Old Gold and Silver. Sign of the Tree of Silverware in window. M. B. COUNTER, Masonic Hall Block, Seaforth. T• P. BRINE, Licexloed Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex QoszToa Ora a will be promptly attended to. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, Seaforth, Ont. T. A. SHARP, Proprietor, Comfortable and elegant carriages, and first-elass reliable horses always ready. Chargee moderate. Office and stables on Huron street, second door east :of Main street. Orders left at any of the hotels promptly attend-' ed to. 699 W Law IIs CDz M 0 0 rzi eee O c 0 Suitable for Reapers, Mowers and all other Machinery. SQvO'I- IWO OM L i 0 O V3 Y Z v r r 0 2 m r C W Z 0 0 epi awl 0r� c,i FRIi 1-4 1.4,5 0 H � 0 tt 5 J CALL AND SEE. FIRST-CLASS 744RRIAGE AND TEAM HRNESS At, G. E. HENDERSON'S. First -Class Plow Harness at G. t. HENDERSON'S. All COLLARS Warranted at G.1E, HENDERSON'S. Tip-top TRUNKS and VALISES on hand at G. E. HENDERSON'S. All articlespe rtaining to the business always on hand at LOWEST RA E G ORGE E. S.ENDERSO.N, S&afore , Despatch, Sign of the Large Trunk. • NEW GOODS AT THE7M. r '`;TY TWO PAClt GES New Pall floods , opened this week at the 777, comprising the Latest Novelties of the Season, and marked at prices that will tempt people to buy large quan- tities. PRICES : On'e Lot Tack Reversible Drees Goods at 10 cents per yard. Useful, Plain and:CheokedSerges, in, Greys and Browns, at 13 cents and 2O cents pet yard, One Case Plain andTwilled Dress Goods, in ail the New Colorings, Checks, Plaids and Stripes from 25 cents to 40 cents per yard, OUR WINCEYS. The Largest and Cheapest Lot ever, *bowel is Plain and Faney Goods from 8 cents per yard, or 14 yards for One Dollar. PRINTS, Very best American Standard Prints from 5 to 9 coats per yard. CARPETS. 16 Pieees All wool sad Union Carpets. direct from the manufacturer, from 37i cents per yard, Full Stock in Brown Dneks, Grey ti cttons, White Cottons, at our menet Low Prieee. A. G, McDOI,TGALL & Co. Cash paid for any quantity of good &try Butter. WHO WANTS COOD AND STYLISH .A.SS JOHN WARD, Seaforth., BEGS to in form his friends and the public in general that he has a Large and Complete Stock of 6 LIGHT SINGLE HARNESS, HORSE CLOTHING, &c. Trunks and Valises, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Snct>s c c., In fact anythingatpertaining to the Trade Al- ways on band, cheap a$ any: in the trade, foreach. Repairs Executed with Neatness and CARTER'S STEAM SAWMILL, SEAFORTH ON HAND over 1,000,000 feet of good HerhIock Lumber, eat and sorted, nibble for 1nild- ing, Draining. and Fencing. For Sale at the VERY LOWEST PRIG Also a quantity of Inferior quality, h Suitable for Sheetin, , At 53.50 per M. The Best Quality i8 Sorted s0 c Rork Without TYaste. Patronage is respectfully solicited, and faction guaranteed. ■ THE GENUINE HQWE N. B: Collars a Speciality. Cohrs of every description made to order in Brat -class style. SEWING M A 1E Remember the ?:lace : Two doors north of the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, IS STILL AHEAD. JOHN WARD. SOLO BY W. N, WATSON, SEAFORTH. Agent for the County of Huron. IF Yon want to know the true qualities of thiet Oelebreted Sewing Machine call at my off] ;e in Seaforth, and beware of going to where one only is kept on hand, and pneposely out Of order, to be compared to inferior machines to its disadvanr tage. After a period of more than ten years e' perience In the Sewing Machine Balinese 1 .ave found that the GENUINE HOWE MAC$INE v nen s tai ii the only one which has given permanent t r .e neve_ r deieti tourch.,se s ovan faction p P g ant norbein. returned for re xi. in its movements, g It possesses all the qualities of a serviceable ow- ing Machine, it is strong, durable, not noisy s rt are made ata falsely represented, and all it parts m vii the best metal and perfectly fitted together.Yon may change ie from fine work to hea'. y work With- out straining it and rendering it unfit for repro - 3 clueing a treat and perfect stitch nn fine work. It will sew with heavy black linen thread with the same ease as with a fine cotton spool. � t'AUTIONe -Don'tbe imposed on b nn 8 tO ! scrupulous dealers and the Agente of otherews i ing Machines, offering to supply yon with a gene - j ine'Howe Machine if yon are not ealisfied to keep the one they are trying to sell you, as they only intend to, impose upon yon some worthless imita- tion of the Howe, or perhaps an old second- . rid article re -varnished to look like a new urachi e. JAMES I. C A E HAMS, HAMS A FINE LOT OF SMOKED HAMS AND SIDES AT BROWNELL'S GROCERY. ALSO A VERY FINE 50 OEzvT TES Y i In Caddies of 0 pounds. Try It and if not as represented return it, and your money will be refunded. REMEMBER THE PLACE; DREtlt3u1IAKING. RESSM KING. -- MISS QUs INLAN, Drt D Maker, eaforth. Dressmaking done in all : is branches in the rooms over Thos. Kiddie store. A good fit an perfect satisfaction guaranteed. 4p- prentices Wanted immediately. 448 DC31TNIUN BLOCK, Nearly Opposite the Post Office. J. BROWNELL. 7LL FOB SALE. -For sale cheap, a t p oro'- B bred Ayrshire Bull, with pedigree, 8 year old, Apply to the owner at the Brucefield Cheer Fac- tory. J. S. BROWNLEE. 41166* JOTICE.-Any person leaving articles kWh were saved from the late fire, and which do not belong to them, will please comeounicatei with Mrs. Whitney, as several articles sub as carpets, tinware and household fnrnitare were reoved from her premises and can not now be f u4nGd, ' 7 MRS. WHITNEY. � \OT10E.-The parties who were Been ea rying away books saved from our biitlding o the morning of the fire, including 40 v ,ln -es of Chembe#s' Encyclopedia, will pieale re urns them GREAT ENGLISH. REMEDY. at once and Faye further trouble, or leavewprd at TEE E- po$ITOB OFFICE, Seaforth. D MC- GBEGO1 & SON. 4`57=2 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- ERN TIMES. The Pills Purify the lood, correct I] dfrordere cand a: Liver, . tomac h idncs oweis and of the i r, , , .y are invaluable in all rompiaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable rem- edy forbad Legs, Old wonnds, Soree,and Ulcers, of however long standing, For Bros(ct itis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal, I Beetle it my dntyto state that my rills aiad Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the United States Each Pot and Box bears the i e British Govern- ment Stamp, 'with. the words "Holioway'sPilis a �`'d Ointment, London,,{" engraved tlaercon. On thelabet is the address, 588, Ox- ford Street, London.; Vile and spnrione imitations of "Hol way's Pills and Ointment.l' are manu- factured and sold nn er the name of"Iialloway's & Cc," by J. F. Henry, Curran, & Co., Drpiggists, of New York, witb t do anassl#med ra mark thus In r , the principle Whole- sale Dealers in these Counterfeits re Lyman, Clare & Co., Non p & Lyman and Lyman n .I3roth ,ts Cr., who abtaii:: them at very low prices, from J. F. Henry; Curran & Co., of Trd;v York, and this trash is anppliedi to unprincipled Retail e Vendors, who sell the ss.rrse as my ginra RUN ilia and Ointment, which ;are mannfact 3,ed only at 583, Oxford Street, Loudon, and mate tbtained from the following Firms, viz :-Evans, Mercer & Co. Montreal, Messrs.; Avery, Brown l & Co., Hali- fax, N. es. Messrs T, B: Barker & Sc,nsat ,John, N. B. 3lessrs. Elliot- - Co., Toroatr,. Who ,ha - ort them direct from re. THOMAS HOLLO- VAY 585, Oxford Str , W. C. 454 CO CO m foct r- rrt 0 C") r-- -4 rt -i irrt Zrri tn "OTICtE TO DEBTORS. ---William Graeme, Seaforth, desires to notify all thoeewho hound have paid him their notes and accounts las win- ter that they meat pay the same On or bef re the First of October, next, or they will sued with- out fail, and irrespecttveof persona. Mr, assie having been burned out be must have this oniey in order to enable hlm to start bl'nt2iness again, WILLIAM GRASSIE. 457.4 777 w.A TTED, 2,000 TUBS FINE ; DAIRY BTT ICH EST PRICE IN CAH P A. G. McDOU G;t3LL 1 4Cures all Nervous DiSeases, ench eel Trerecre, Debility, ProstratiOe &e., whieh, in mate- caees, areproduced by over indelgence in the nee of tobaoco ar.d alcoholic spirits; but the Specific 31ed5811:1$, potency, and alldieeasee that follow' as a eequence; of Self Abuse, ae Loss of Meraory, linivernsl Lulli.'. mature Old Age, a many other Idiseates that' by deviating Iran:114e path Of a and overyears of ex erie u treatingsenses, pa cullers in our1,74.' elesire to send I ee by mail to� Aft r Taking, 777 E. ID, MARRIAGE LICN ES OK CERTIFICATES, (Under the new Act,) issued at EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFO TH Before Taking, study and min • these special pamphlet, whic'. every one. The Speer tleditine is sold by all Druggists at 51 per packs C, o packages for ib, t r will's sent by mail on receipt of the nnone, 1 ing WILLIAM GRA Sold in Seaforth ley P.. Hickeo �, and by all D YMAN, Toro. Vd t Roberts, R. Lams tinder authority of the Lieu¢ nt-Go;temor of ' NORTHROP & On;Fiic, 1 Dealers l; addrosa- r & CO, iuJsor, Oat. Cc Co-, J, L geiste- o,