HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-09-15, Page 6• - - 6 THE HURON EXPOS1'11()R. • - , Husbands and Wives. trade, male g his purchases mostly in , . . Spec - There is no rule, says the London, Missouri, where price were for a tune remarkably easy. Not to dwell on the tator, which ptillosephers can devise for exigencies of this enterprise, it is enough choosing eitherehusbands or wives wisely to say that by the time the war was over that has very much effect, for the young he had settled off a -large amount of do not trust the old upon that subject, debts in which he had been involved b and choice, for women especially, is by previous transactions 1 in Texas cat] no means so free as we all affect to be- was out of debt entirely, had 7,200 ac res lieve. Not one woman in fifty, unless of land, valued at $75 an acre, and had she is for some reason -such as fortune, rank, or beauty -a great "catch," has a deposit of over $100,000 in bank. 1p would appear that such an accumulation anything like a real power of selection of means cohld hardly meet with a re• among admirers ; and eats whenlehe has verse • but iuch was was not the case. H she often gives it away, in obedience to a urc' passing, possibly sensible, possibly blun-ased the farm knOwnees the 'Bre dering, fancy that she has found an ideal. Lands,' near the Toledo, Wabash an Western Railroad, in Champaign coun But we should have said that there were two broad rules still worth teaching, be- ty, a tract of 26,000 Ores, and began it improvement. About the same tune h cause they had some chance qf being be- lieved, and they were these : let the suffered heavy losses by the repudiatioa wo- man's first requisite be a man whose home will be to him a rest, and the man's first object be a woman who can make home restful. It is the man with many Interests, with engrossing �ccuations, with plenty of people to flht, with a struggle to maintain against the world, who is the really domestic inan, in the wife's sense, who enjoys home, who is tempted to make a friend - of bis wife, who relishes prattle, who feels in the small circle where nobody is above him i and nobody unsympathetic with him, asof three assignees for the benefit of if he were in a heaven of ease and repara- creditors. It was estimated that at this time his liabilities were about $1 200,000, tion. The drawback of ho e lifen- its Ili but his estate, was ample to payit dollar contained possibilities of insi idity,same- for dollar, nd he was determined it ness, and consequent wearine s, is never should be done, and it is believed that it present to such a man. He no more tires of his wife than of his own happier moods. was done, a d that by his own exertions several thou and acres of land ere left. He is no more bored with home than with sleep. He is no more plagued with In 1873 he b gan to recover fr m these ildren than with his own lighter reverses, and has grown in we lth and h eet , ' . thou e- ts. The worry, and the sameness, influence year by year. His e ergy has had its influence on th and t . e weariness are all outside, and cattle airing of around, s of the d never tegrity, of contract4 with certain railroad com- panies, so t1at his entire loss in the space: of a year an1 a half attiounted to nearly d $250,000, a he stood apparently face to face with a crisis in his affairs. . He found what seemed to e a way out of the trouble by a sa:e which he negotiat- ed, in effect, with a Canadian company - for the purchase of the Broad Lands Farm for $325,000 ; hut the ;company failed to ratify the Purchase,1 and be turned his !fake estate into the hind homet o 'none insipid than his berth. to a the region fdr miles and miles and among tlee great cattle deal sailor ler his tent to a soldier on active West he has ecareely a4 equal a service. lie gets from the home jest the change, the fillip the pleasant stimulus a superior as la man elf energy, 1 which the idle man receives from the so- and perseverance." e ciety he happens to enjoy. There is not I much champagne in life, anyhow, but , Bone SpalvIlia. for the active man most of the littl is at From a paper by Mr, as. Mellaughlan home. on the above subject, w ieh was read be - Granted that sense of peace at home, fore the Montreal Veterinary Me ical As - and the profession of the husband, the sociation, we make the following et - temperament, and even the character, tracts : becomeof minor importance. Let a man "Bone spavin as a rul produc s lame - be politician, or barrister, or merehant, ness, sooner or liter, Although so few or anything except a sailor -when -a dif- cases have come under my obs rvation, mea in--- ,where one or both hockg bore th roughly ferent class of considerations co so that he be but a man with work developed spavins, and -et for a number afield, and outside interests, and a trug- of years shoteed no lam ness th refrom, gle to keep up, and he will be, nine I cannot bid Maintain thet when e have times out of ten, a domestic man that uch direct interference iwith th s most is, portant an a man in whom wife and ouse- ud. complicated joint it will hold eau, if they like, awaken ken af- oma day pause lameness ; and. nether faction of the enduring kind. Of curse, he lameness attends its early fo matron temperament and character coot for r subsequent growth, once one is with than an irritably -masterful will; i, much, and your sweet -tempered inn of thrown mai the disease 'leecomes estab- grave humor will be pleasaater t live ished, and'the animal is rende ed un- ound threugh life. The lame ass at - but the first requisite, the strongun- Cendant on this disease ie very mark- ne any draws n mo - egging OF a loss 1 HOUSE AND LOT IN SE se pro- ___ hie re- MR.b14 BRINE has been Inst - wofhteell SEAFOBT , on blit Auction at POWE e elle, TUEbAY, SEPTEMBE new a m 8 o 'ace P. M., a comforts.ble Fr plac'eParnashdeesr ring to see the property particulars can apply to- e, but eer or propyietor. i A. GOVENLOOK, eth in 3. P. ER NE, Auctioneer.. swerving affection may be, and usually able, and easily distinguished fr. then The animal, on startin will be, found in both, as it never etui,be he limb up with a quick, sud in the worst of all husbands, the pleas- s niee, but who ion, and yet there is an evident d ure-lover, who seems so of the leg, indicative of pain, and finds everything but social exciteneent so insipid that veryedreariness makes . f action. ia the joint. As the ho eeds on him as cantankerous as' many a pretty is journey, a percep dog.. It is not only that he 'wanders or duction of he lameness ensues, a wants to "wander after strange '; god- rite a dis ante is travelled, it ve dessee," as Mr. Trolloppe puts it, but isappears entirely e but allow t that he grows so weary of the bome, al to again rest, and onetarting so same, and where everything is so ecurrence of the lameness takes departure of the latheness tame, and so flat like beer, that it is im- he possible for him not only to 'be happy, ot only oil the amount off exert but to feel that he is les e unhappy there Principally!on the extent of gro than anywhere else. We do not meen he spavin I if it be new forma 1 meness may cease -after that the domestic man, in the wife's few mil it-sense, will be always at home The man en travelled, but if it hes acquit •••-•-•-••;"*-- • . thuse--'`Every ifterifide "It ligt4iff with salt," that is to sayemery, 'Soul which is really given up to God What be full of thine life-giving p nciple-this salt of the heart. Second! he uttered these words -"Ye are the salt f the earth, 'meaning that indi idual Chris- tians are to go forth, and b their hove to God, and their zeal for 0 trist, are to naturalize the sin and to break 1 down the wickedness, and to keei in chebk the corruption of evil in this w rid. Third- ly, he speaks thus -"Salt s good ; but if the salt have lost its saver, wheifewith shall it be seasoned," -that is, if by neglect or sinful living thi quit principle loses its power, fres and its virtue, how can it gain stored to its former vigor? This ueless, worthless, powerless salt i fit neither for land, nor yet for the unghill, but men cast it outi-Good Wo d8. Grand Trunk Railway. ening ess, re - Trains leave Sealorth Station as follows GOING WEST-- Day Express 208 P. E. Night Express 8.55 P. M. Morning Mixed.- ............ - .7.05 4. M. Afternoon Mixed 5 00 R M. aoING- EAsT- -Morning Express 7 55 AL -.M. Day Express 1 80 g. M. Morn1t Bitted 10.254. ef. Afterr on Mixed 5 00 P. DI Lo idon1 Huron an. Bruce. GOING El Una-- Mail. Mixed. Wlngli m, depart .. - 7.30 A. li 1L00 A.M. Belgra e 7.58 A. M 11.80A. M. Blyth. ... , . .... - 8.15 A. M 12.00 A. M. Londei borough 8.80 A.M 12.25 a.m. Clinton, 8.55 A.M. 1.15 P. M. Brucefield...., .....-9.15 A. M. 1.40 P. M. Kippen A. M. 1.55 P, BL Hewn , 9:40 " -2:05 " Exeter 4 10.00 A. N. 2.45 P.M. Londo , arrive, -.11.20 A. M. 4.50 R. M. GOING N UM- Mixed. 'Mali. Londo , depart...... 7.80 A. M. 5.00 Pi M. Exeter r r .18.50 A. M. I 6,80 Pt M. Hens .. . -11:15 " (3:50 4' Sippen 11.85 A. II. 7.00 P.M. Brucefi ld - .... UM A. M. 7.15 P4M. Clinton 12.50 P. M. 7.40 PM.Landes orough1 :15 P.M. 800 P. M. Blyth 1.85 P. M. 8,15 PJ M. Belgravia 2.00 P. M. 8.85 P.i M. . Wing,ham, arrive 2.80 P.M. 9.00P M. Great Western Ball ay. Traine eave Brussels station, no th and south, as under: GO IL a NORTH. GOIN SOUTi Mixed.. . ..9:25 A. M. Meow 6:17 Accom- .... 8:40P. M. Accom 8:08 Aceom... .. 985 P.M. Mixed... 6:15 .M. . M. AUCT1 min A. JO Auction 9 UsbOrne o Land first ard, bery c mediate p Imp emen prenfisee. farther pa -AFCEEI N SALE OF V PROPERTY, 'LTA LE I81:102 has been lust cted by Mr. N SMALLACOMBE to s 11 by POW acres of Lot 11, south, hamee Road, SATURDAY SEPTEis.EB 28, 1876. baildings good, splendid orch• nvenlent to church and echool; im- ssession ; terms easy. The stock and s will be sold on the same day on ths Sale to commence at 1 O'clock; For tienlars apply to the nu orsigned, OHN SMALLACOMBE, Proprietor. ALD BISHOP, Anetione r. 457-8 UOTION SA 0 g, the shave WE TERN FAIR, 12,000 OFFERED IN COMP TITION OPEN T E &FORTH. ate& to sell 'S HOTEL, 19th, me Dwelling ain Street. and real:Li-T- he Auction- con - enterable growth, exercise will but slight always et home has not half the chance of the man whose duty is outside it, for r hr abate it. The degree of inter erence • The ith the action of the joint by th bony he must sometimes be in the way. point for the wife is, that he should like (Lposit determines the extent of th lame - home when be is there, and that liking, nese, which is further aggravated )37. the st of all, to the difficulty experienced by the peri steum we contend, belongs, fir active and strong and deeply -engaged, i ' accommodating itself to the bony, and not to the louneor or evensth as . ;owth beneath it. Vote nary p actice minded man. In marriage, .,1 - iln the treatment of this diease presents , other relation of life, the competent man as in every i em -Me field for differences of ' opin on to is the pleasantest to. live with, and the arise, and this difference i4 based solely safest to choose, and theone most likely ' op one fact. They all a ee up the to prove an unwearied friend. The oc- necessity of reducing the infiam ation cupation does not matter at all, nor the I at far as possible as a pri ary ste , also f temperament niueli-we assume, of 1 upon the advantage derive • course, some original liking, the tronger jog the calkings, whereby the bater-provided always ; that the i moved froti the joint, an occupation is vigorous enoligh to leave ultimate and unavoidable roprietor, 457 876. RIMEL ALL. Will be held in the City of Lo don, eptesubtr 2Stip 2911h RIZE Lilts and Entry Papers m y he had at the Secittary's Office. All entries are request - d to be made on or before the 16th o September. Railway arrangements have been m de for One are to London and return WM. McBRIDE, Secretary. astern Fair Oface, London, Sept., 1(176, 457-8 from levat- - ension is re- - application of furt1the 1.. home the endless charm of Mental re- c unterarritants to destroy the lameness; b t in the latter they seeto disagree to pose. The matt who feels in that 1, devoid at once, when at home, of the .4'" i'S i a great extent, individually each one most- "trying" charaeteristies of has- 1 cleenting an' advantage for is treatment bands -does not worry, does not ! over all others. Some d em repeated plain,- does not fidgete does not bully,- ccnn" I blisters as sufficient, and ea ve a com- a paratively slight blemish. if.not from nature, then from the feeling f. t t that this is not the time nor here the Others introduce a seton, and thereby a place where he wants to be as disagree- ' keep up an incessant coun er irritation, w i and from this also but littio blemish ac- E able as it is his nature to be. People,, I cr es. Farmers and quac s can even at k novelists epecially, and city clerles, are \ , always expressing surprise that So -and.- thi day be found. who . rescrt to the ap- G . \ So; who is such a brute in business) plication of acids,and their success is gen- ara should be so amiable at home, but the orally ch cterized by_ th destruction surprise- would be more reasonable if it ! of the entire limb. But w find a num- were otherwise, Nobody except a lin- f : ben who most sensibly consider a still \ litt, ' or man of that sort, who ought to . see ever counter-initant n cessary, and h repeatedisuccess use•t .e actual cau- W •"ous mistake y to discon- What we -irritation in effusion of D ifiamtnation, D quickly con- ec • 76 CENTRAL EXHIBITIIM 1876 88,000 IN PREMIUMS OFtERED, W1LL BE HELD IN TH± TOWN OF GUELPH, a the 3rd,14th, 5th, and 6th of OCTOBER. PEN TO IALL. Prize Lists and Entry Papers can be had at the Secretary's Office, Guelph, d also froth the Secretaries of othet Societies reughont the Provizee. Parties ncit receiving eir entry tiekets prior to the Show will find them the Secretary's Office. The severi1 railways 11 carry frei,ght and passengers toad from the hibition at singe fare. G. MURTON, S . SHARPE, President. eiph, September 2, 1876: 457-1 HENRY WARD JE3 M R II cleaver TWO LECTURES in he NEW ERILL SHED, kepthe in a box, and. only let out to terwi fight bores, ever is a brute just when he - feels thoroughly rested; and that is what tn the active man, and the active man only, feels within his home. The Cattle- Ring. A correstpondent of the Quincy ii7 writes'as ollows of Mr. John T. Al -. and I consider it a se he part of those who tr e it se in this respect wish to p oduee by counter the spaviu, is an increase(' lyn ph by exciting extreme ii au as.the effusea lymph. is ver x- of ander, -.teddy known as the "Gretat ace Cattle King of the -Mississippi V 1- re 11 e, thi fir r. th'e 111.: ey, who died recently in Jacksonvil "Mr. Alexander was in his 55th ye andfew men have. done more to advance the interests of the West. He was a. Virginian by birth, but spent his ear y 1 both the 01 years in Ohio, and assisted his father in we find many r driving cattle from thi,t State over the Allegheny Mountains to the Philadel- pur fying agent. wae offered to the pine, Baltimore, New York and BostOrt be i inglea with markets,l He was thus brought up in the cattle trade,. and when, at the age of eve • oblation of the econd chapte 20, his f ther suffered a severe financial tho season with 'reverse,. oung Alexander came Went to suff r the salt of try hie o •n luck.' He came to St. Lotii: tral Illinrjs, iGnotc! to be lackin ; with ail tin and after ards travelled through Cell - is, from which region he 001., o e lected au( drove,'on foot, his first ven-' thou salt." So in shalt offer ti ture in St eetern cattle to- the East. el.f- ter trading for three or four years, he, and and he priests eh . ey shall offer them up began, in 184n, to open his farm in th ie , offer .g unto the ord." Tu country, now on the Toledo, Wabash page of the New and Wes ern Railroad, near the station ' known be his name. These lauds were both Our Lord and brought a a state of excellent pasture - e to sa t. St. Paul and then Ir. Alexander started out oa enin i purifying i ordinary- every -d his ventu e, which was one of the veref Christians should first of th - kind, dealing in Texas ea . . this emblem of salt tie. Alt ough it was then necessary t ' be always with drive the to 'Logansport, Ind.,- the salt," -And our S nearest r ilroad terminus,- thence shi , speakof salt, fits by rail to Toledo, and thence again h , print le or life an steamer a d rail to New York,- he fast ' exist in the sod of aceumulat d a fortune, He continue and, econdly, to t to ship fro 11,000 to 15,000 head year- ; ate C ristian shoul ly, but with little further gain, till the diffu e that princi breaking out - of the war, when he an ag nt of life an launched out at full length in the mule who he has to 11 t, M. P. HAYES, IC, I The Back -Eye Mower, which every petson ad- ALUM, ra 1 mito, can't be beaten. ; INDIO-0, , mpliehed the sooner is the lameness Ticket Oftic , Colwell's music Store Dundas 1 INDIGO -C MPOUND, -1 411 os -ed. • and the celerity , ectures at once, as it is; erpects tfeodr 1 seats will be taken up lo g before cu LONDON ring the FAIR WEEE, h; follows TUES. 17, SEPT. 26 - Subject, "3IINIS RY OF ALTH ;" WEDNESDAY, Sept. 27 ' Sablec 313.10N S NSE." ed itto bone, and a coreplete union eserved Seats, 81; Uhrese.rved, 50c.Doo he joint effected, the sooner this is op n at 7; Lecture at 8 o'clock. with which Street,rLondoii. Parties Should secure result is attained by th use of the aell the orbothe g iron, camp mates for. he pain of the, d t AP lot ed strictly reacels'e operation au resulting blemishes." eel ed. 1 -BEST-PLACE. TRY IT AND PROVE IT. THE SEAFORTH MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM, WILLSON & °OTT Beg to direct the attention of the public to the following facts They make a Speciality of the Best Pianos. .4 Organ* in the Canadian market. THE MATHUSHEK & CABLE & SONS CELEBRATED PIANOS. Never before has any piano been sub- jected to sulh close criticism and severe tests by ,friends and foes tut have the above named instruments. The scale, being so radically different from any other,- so ingenious in its construction, And produe. such wonderful lower and 'purity of to e, has attracted he atten- tion and 'ration of met ies, phil- osophers and musical critics • and they have therefore been looked u .A8 nine- . vations by manufacturers and elealers in other Pianos, who, being unable to find in them any weak points for asSault, have endeavored to storm. them by njust as- sertions. But after ten years o tho ongh trial of the one, and Twenty of the o er the manufacturers are enabled to pr ve that they have more than vin cated the highest hopes of their friend,and are fast silencing the guns of thei enemies. A trial is all that is required to horough- ly convince the public of these facts. ; THE VOCE!. & LINCOLN ORGANS , Are universally acknowledged to be the best in the market, and each instrument is fully warranted for five ye4s. The following are a few of the many advan- tages we claim for this instrument over all others made: The PATENT PIANO •ATTACHMENT is a complete success ; is fully proved and tested. parkling Vivacity is b this imparted to the mu- sic. Is alwa in tune. The Manifold Pipe gives ri ess and purity of tone, equalling the best Pipe Organs, is: prov, ed, and above competion, and a ds un- equalled and alone. Science, ex rience, toe good stock, skilled workmans ip and honest purpose make these Orgakise They commend themselvesThey arn beauti- fully voiced and tuned. Pianos and Organs of other makes sups plied on order when desired. The Trade Liberally Dealt wi h. A few Second -Hand Instru ents al- ways on hand. Remember the Place, and ddn't pass us by. WILLSON & SCOTT. THE FARMER'S FAVORITE. 0. C. WILLSON AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EM- PORIUM, SEAFORTH, The Best and Cheapest Place in the County to Purchase AgricUltural Implements. When you get an Implement froiin Will- son you can rely upon it being as represented. STILL THEY COME. Another car load of Sharp's S.elf- nmping Horse Rakes, 700 of which have already Veen sold this spring. As there are only fifteen ciiiandred being made this season, farmers had b tter call early as the stock will soon be run out. Woods' Self -Rake Reaper is in greater demand this year than ever before. None other stands the test of time so well. Woods' Iron -frame Mower, the lighte and most complete working machine mad 1\T NEW EHO -0 SHOP. TEE undersignei hegs to nor the inhabitants of Seaforth (11 surto country that he has commenced b Owns IN SEA7ORTH, In the Shop next doer to PillMan's Carriage Fac- tory, whore he int+ds to awry on! The Custom Shoe Business IN ALL ITS ORANCHES. The IStock having been eeretally selected, and none but SEPTE*BER 15, 1876. OPT F 13USINE,88. i , VALEDICTORY , ! WE beg leave :.,1) inform our EllstipinergEn4, • • ''t 7 v 1 public that we have disposed of our DRUG SCORE MID Anvil ESTAII3LISHMENT t•IT ;are- ; _ • ' TO * MEESDSPWA. RDDRIE. AVI2G-ItMEET,B A2171) Poaseasien to be 7e.numittinar.,a:hout the Inaaie NOT HAVING BOUGHT ThE • CROCKERY1 AND GLASSWARZI FIRST -OLA S WOKMEN H1NA,p And ifouseleaing Goodst ttesc must la be EMPLOYED, And by strict attention to businees, the public can rely on getting good vs no for their money. REPAIRING done with Neatness and Divatch. 458 J. J. SCOTT. BUTTER, TITTER. EDWARD CASH WILL, AS t'SUAL, PAY FAIR PRICES FOR GOOD DAIRY BUTTER, IN ANY Q ANTITIESy AT HIS 0 FICE, GODERICH STREET SEATORTE, NEAR LUMSD1EN'S j)RUG STORE. THE HugoN FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH. ANDREW WHITELAW 'ETAS pleasure in anno,unc tO the public that -6-•"- his New Foundry in Sea oral is now IN FULL WORKING ORDER, And that he is prepared to do REPAIRING OF 4LL KINDS. MILL MACHINERY* ENGINE, BOILERS, And l'ARZING IMPLEMENTS Of every kind repaired promptly and satisfac- torily. He has commenced the manufacture of Agricul- tural Implements of all kinds, and will have a full supply on hand in a short time of Which due notiee will be given. ANDREW W A LOT OF J. DYE ITELAW. STUFFS 01 very superior nasally just received at S. ROBERTS DR Cle'ared Out IN 'THE N:PXT FEW WEEI8. So"*re invite oni friends to come now fat the last time and rep4nish your houses,as _the 14 GOODS MUST BE SOLD AT NO- . MATTER ;WHAT SACRIFICE As the premises ate leased to Messrs. VERc,01 and HAIGHT, and atter we are sold oat we be speak, your kind consideration for our sneaefein E. HICKSON le Co, 1R0 M lit 0 'VA Id HURON PLANING Alla. THEI undersigned hereby inform their many -1- customers andithe public -generally oftteaa- moval of their Fitetiiry and Lumber Yard to new and mire commodiOi as premises on NORTH *AIN STREET, Where, with incretised fealties and some new machinery of the b maks, they will cantiaue to manufacture an ea! all orders tor Sasho, Doorsi, nds, Moulding; And all kinds of , - PLANE 113 L -U B E R At Prices Ito Suit the Times: Farni Gates, iikell Racks, Chew . Boxes, te.c. A Large Stock of 'Seasoned Luniber On Ranti LATH A14.0 SHINGLES. - Jig Sawing and Customs Planing will _Receive Pirompt Attention. The subscribers hereby thank their numeral cast° ors ior the liberal patronage extended to them tiring the pasti„ and hope, by strict integ- rity a d. close attention to business, to merit a,. conti -lance and incrpase of the same. To 11 those whose econntsare overdue wegive a con ialinvitation to pay np. GRAY & SCOTT. furni hed on applic on. P. .--Plans and 'Specifications for Bunn& 3 4..B EE 471 31cDO1VALD'S PLANINQ MILL An Sash and Door Facto77 SE.AFORTII, ONTARIO. EE 31cDONALD having established onnectIon withitheir Lumber Tardy. Plan. ing nnil Sash andinoor Fact*, are prepared - to exe ute work in this line in a satisfactori mantle . Planing and, Lumber Dressing of every descriptien done to order. Door, Sashes, Framea, &c., always on hand Sr made t4.) Order in the best manner and of good inateri,.: mil -anal ET of Ell kinda!on hand and for sale -as IMO Estimates furnished lor buildings ofall 449 aTABEE lilc,DONALD. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. '45AFORT1H BRANCH. UG ISTOkEi DOMINION SEAORTEL ollowing : Consisting in parlt of the MADDER, *nese , MADDER C I COCHINEAL, Johnson's Self Rake Reaper, too well known to ! CREAM need reconamendation, • FUST Draft* on New", York Payable al any Bank in the United Sts4a. OMPOUN Bills or Enchairse on London pajabt at all Chief Cities of the nited Hattgdom. TARTAR, INTEREST. PAID ON 1)EPOS1T1 alt. and New Testamen ts ' ferences to this great Every sac ifice which CA D OF THANKS. Lord Jell,- vah was to alt„ Thus eve read in ' I n'OULD beg leave to return thanks to rri of Levit!cus, "And : age Tittle rpoaus at hy meat offering shalt 01 Ole same. ' alt ; neither shalt thou "'Ted 6toek cl, zekiel we read, "And n1 the cove ant of thy ocerie8 Glass and Drit G,od8, ery ware. from thy meat offer- ' e offerings thou shalt . 1 Ha e also a Well Selected ein _before the Lord, Fro SOCK'0 • BOOTS AND SH 11 cast salt Opoii them, H of th Best Holmes in the trade rdware, C al Oil, Paint 0110, Pate' S a burnt cine, &c, alway on hand. lung to the 1 1 ould say t those running yearly Testament, We find 1 will allow a di count oi ontheepire r aceeenotrilliiet His apostles referring toanttose who wi I settle up peaks of the strength. 457 JAMES ST NLEY. '1 fluence by which the e distinguiShed. under ECLIPSE OATMEAL MI9. y convetsatien of : "Let Our ;speech , NW IN FULL OPERATI DN. ace, sea.senen with viour three ' times over as representing the Oat Meal, ' j)lit Peas, Pot B -rley, purity which should Corn Heal Chopped, every true hristian ; . anh how ch separ- And All Kinds of Mill Feed Constantly on Hand 1 purity to all with le; and th s become Spread a toad and t.xCcillh: (n First, he spoke ger , ; lication by letter with r mittanc mpt attention. Seats will be al the order as applicatio are re 1 457- e8 - Of all descriptions. Another ear load or those perfect Thistle Slayer's, Massey's No. 13. 1NBURN. • ALSO A LOT OF HANDY PACK- AGE DYESI1 11 Something New in Gang Plows. The queIph 1 SUCH AS YELLOW ,SLATE, -SCARLET, Wrought Iron Frame Gang Plow. Thiel is 'the 1 Boas Gang Plow in. the market. Came and see it ' I and try it. ; BLUE, GREE' and ROSE, I apcal t r on- nua well Crock - ES, [Inc:men for their liberal and would solicit a cont have received a Large a t Medi- ccounts 'What everybody says must be trne, and every morriuzsensible person now admits t t in ad- i , Turnip Seed Sowers, Horse Hoes and Weeders, and all classes of implements. ' The above implements ari allwarrantd and II 1 witl be given on trial. Sat 0faction guar nteed or no sale. as 0. C. believes that an imp ement that won't stand testing sin' worth. buying. SEWING M CHINES. ping dace nesdays and Fridays. 0 aged for Oa s. Highest price paid f nd Earley, CURB= & THOM THE FLO ENCE Has no equal. All kinds of which will be gold if people w them. Plow Points and all kinds of Castings an pairs always on hand. Sewing Machine OHS, Attachments a date always ready. A full Stock of Butteriek's Patterns. and in fact nearly all coors, which are gnaran- teed to produce beautiful and fastoolors if direct - .ions, are faithfully followed. J. 8. ROBERTS, Opposite Powell's Temperance Honse Seaforth. BRUSSELS DRAW KILN. TdWN & UREOW PROPRIETORS Subscribers take thts Mori silty to ret thanks to thetrnumerens customers for Patronage extended to them during Ints s thereart sea- son, isnd bopet by strict attention to and awe Of the fame. by siupplying a good wild!, to a conieuu- ; LIME BURNED DAILY. A good article guaranteed. Prieel 14 cents per bushel, at the kiln; 15 cents, oneult, TERMS STRICTLY CASH,' O. C. WILLSON, Seaforth, BruSell, 241876. ASO NAKLOIre EGG EMPORIUM. The subncriber hereby thanks hit numerous castomerefraerchaute and others) for their liberal patronage during the peat seven years,snd by strict integrity and clOse attention tot to merit their c0rtarlenc4 and trade in thefatlin, Having igeatly enlarged his premises, &trig the winter, he is now pr pared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE Far any 4Uiantity of good fresh egge, 4e1h5gd at the EGC- EMPORIUM' cleWanan_wiellaS Tthesotro 24ontrotegetoor4 BUTTE; DT' TUBS SAMUEL TROTT HAS now On hand at the Sesforth TON -dory n number of lais we'l and favorablyknoss Machine l'urne,d 41ter Pakage& These Paelcages are the best in use, sind VIU give eatisfackion. • SPECIAL INMEMENTS TO LAIWE HASERS, Mr. Trott expects lea wiort tinat to =known the resuutaeture of Wash Tubs on a lapses*. 8'7 8111037.4frtrBTT Sago* Origin histon the 13 in- Ob. of to nil.ro, nes et. sae of 311"4 tbe tam of to hisauthori shoe lin thee allowingetbeen longi 41/1,'Ic cieton, - „beat sec USW! lovreja long sza to armug 01iangew,m the--rou4 ", thaveat their jaws received tad of silver, tiel, Asa the,jrwi girds:0x eggas net! Opie ro the queue wi by the peuall it hecame ve did. not anal tioniriant dj7,1 tuee,essful Aid :conform tho literary' TUr: e,aeuAnsredisit:ftatt: ';usatTICaboutfeoh rn2almredeaerplingId aeet ir3 Opossef° re oanke tr t 7nau::i rorreantie Art 11 monument 'Et squandered Her first fn. to:bbiti. 0:11i: i:iftlnalatvtba6hrteeerdrsilue:ircialulY,nitltiltAl:Ptinte511bPeehaismererisgretilistleh, Aing 14::::x1 the other daS Pealoiuriaondus.W; had liadbeenteshoo aca vlitlYtorane: ber late ford her season th and said to t esphmaiyilllin:gg.,thae:tal it,staheentiarot. eyizile her orderfaret oss hee nal al:aboonoilhtliintgli:Thn next fare! A An Englia Stuart, wrot and another mistake mis. sequently t handed to ing snub, pa Daeling last night. over! I AC est. It seei to be able tt my darling when you ai ing then to for (lays; - will it ?Yc - and soon." ing his bi danghthr to too late, arJ divorce suit A Plea The Offen haz been olol attlibu.td t composer ev: manaemen, tood, helot the senior On, of Net foundry at which sur others el th Cameron it who has inS ed, and este few ladies She came having feet w eneceeded herelf. The :o -j suffering fa being much are doing g tire has bel own has h ys. In his wheat,' earn naveri fire. ----A con the buildit Mitchell. The main 708:351. feel Cht '.te i3ehht 11Lilidi:1 aYEEtnemi seAafC4ct --The el in America to Canada the miniet1 Canada,. an orator in Beitan„ ed. on pont erne distil eking ot; his debt=