HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-09-15, Page 4NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dress Goods- Logan & Jamieson. New Dry Goods -William Hill. At It Again -Wm. Campbell. Greenfield & Ewart, Architects. Fire Reports -EXPOSITOR Office. Auction Sale of Farm -Wilson gook. Dissolution of Partnership -J. Anderson Change of Firm -Waddell & Co. Opened out Again -Thomas Lee. Coat found -Thomas Davidson. Farm for Sale -Mrs. R. Hulliston. Notice -Michael Nichols. House and Lot for Sale -J. S. is o ter. House and Lot for Sale -John Somerset Auction Sale of Farm -T. Gilgap.', Try, Try Again -Thomas Coventry. The Commercial Livery-Arthu Forbes Maitland -Bank. Cemetery -Wm 1i11. Fall Campaign -Thomas Kidd. a Apple Parers-Wm. Robertson It Co. Winter Goods -Duncan & Dunc n. Buffalo Robe Lost -Wm. N. Wetsori. Land for Sale -Mary Walker. ! Card of Thanks -James Murphy, Card of Thanks -Miss Leach. Tenders Wanted -H. A. Cameren. Stock for Sale -Robert Smilley. Servant Girl. Wanted -Mrs. Graham. Estray Cow -George Orr. Cheap Goods -Hoffman Brothers.) ameesei y y g of hopeless and most convincing proof. The con- trast between ween it and t ose delivered re- cently by Mr. Macke zie's chief political opponent, in this and other respect4, must betznost striking to all who ren them, whether friends or opponents. I will have a beneficial effect in the con try, and al it is too lengthy for publicit in full in Most newsp pers, it should b printed in pamphlet f rm, and should b widely circulated. his is a matt r which weak' very pro erly come unde the ,jurisdiction of the recently forme Provincial Reform As ociation. s Good Ac The Torhnto Trade ing of busiiess prospe season, concludes an a lowing sensible advice, in business would do closely as he can : "I of things es exists t tainly would be unw speculate, or order lar Lvice. Review, in speat ts for the corrin ticle with the fo! which every mai ell to follow ai • such a conditio is season it ger se to expand o e stocks. At th same time a man of b} siness will not be carried awa b a feLlin ness. The country hats had a succession of very good harvests, and one bad one cannot do more than give a temporary) taco on .x. ro tot. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER j 1b, 187 The Crops of the. Present Year A contemporary after carefully seru tinizing the several crop reports which have this season been issued summarises' the result as follows : Westward of Toronto lies the most important'', grain - producing part of Canada. Yet in it winter wheat scarcely amounts to a guar• ter of a crop. We have heard of it being cut in many places and piled up for manure. In some places where it was hardly thought fit for such a purpose whole fields were burned. There is an average of less than five bushels to the acre. Spring wheat is about half the ordin- ary yield, and the average is not more than tern bushels. The sample in both kinds has a rather poor appearance and lacks the customary bright color. Bar- ley is a light crop with a thin grain. All the coarse grains appear to be abundant in yield 'and of standard iweight. To the north, and eastward as far as Moat - real, fall wheat returned no more satis- factory results than in the west. Re- ports speak of it as a failure in many places, almost a failure in all. Thecon- dition of spring was rather better, rang- ing from one-half to a two-thirdaverage, - Barley is bright - in sample, of fair weight, but under the general quantity. Other grains have done well. Between Mont- real and the Atlantic Provinces the average of winter wheat was very small. The little that was grown was fair in.. quantity and good in weight and appear- '1 - anoe. What spring wheat was grown left little room for complaint. In other. i kinds of grain the production showed - some diminution, but almost equalled the ptosperous yield which was common to the whole of this Province. el check. Caution and watchfulness, no despondency, are the true qualities fo the. times. --A certain amount of busi nest must be done, an will be done, un der all circumstances ; and let it_ neve be forgotten that a sm )ler business wel done. may yield a large net profit, than a much heavier amount of transaction done in a hurried slipshod fashion. Sel to good men, take means to reach them, offer them 'induce`nentI to short credit, collect closely,!buy- well -the and Ib Y s measures with wise• ecbnomy well car- ried out, will bring a Merchant through a time of depression much worse than we have at present." Mr. Mackenzie's Speecb. The Dominion Premier delivered an address to his constituents in the County of Lambton last week. A synopsis of this address we publish in another part of this issue. It will well repay a care- Jful and attentive perusal on the pa't of our readers. It is a plain, straightfor- ward and truthful statement of th, af- l fairs of the country as they exist. ! His evident desire is to place matters in their proper light, and to leave an intelligent • public to judge as between himself and hie opponents. In a few words he clear- 1 ly and distinctly showed the hollowness 1 i and insincerity of the newly -found re- gard of Sir John and his colleagues, for A the welfare of the manufacturing and dom. d mercial interests of the. country, and also showed that the present Government lad ao done more to advance those interests - h during the short period of their e.Xist- o ence, than their opponents had done dur- a ing their long tenure of office. He equal- P ly as clearly and distinctly declares his (ta sympathy with the temperance move- to Ment, and his desire -for the total prohi- bition of the liquor traffic, so soon as the te country is prepared to'faithfully carry m out and make operative so sweeping a er .law, He showed that greater efforts are C now being made to open up and developru vi the resources of the Dominion than liad de ever been attempted under the old re- is gime, ani- he proved that the public on works are being conducted more eeo- do nomically than similar enterprises .had mil ever been, ,under the control of the old. oa Government. In reply to the taunts': of be his oppoueuts that the members of the Ai present:Government are lacking in abil- ity, he pointed out many prominent measures which had been carried through Parliament by his- Government, which. ' their predecessors, through lack of cour- age, dare not tackle, He also enumer- ated many useful reforms, such as a pure tA' election law, the extension of the frail - to chise, and the ballot act, which had been t o given to the country by those now in an power, and which the _country would not she now enjoy had their opponents remained toes ties in office, Ile proved from the public re- cords the untruthfulness of the charges made against his Government, of favorit- ism in awarding public contracts and of general extravagance, and defied his op. the ponents to substantiate on the floor of Fou Parliament any one, of the many charges I P be, they have preferred against the Govern- ' deists menu outside, The, speech upon the were whole was a masterly effort, and its most' Thee attractive feature was, that every state- I atep ment made was backed by the clearest „ gush • A MONSTER Reform, Demonstration was held in the Town of Brantford on Wednesday last. • The demonstration was held in a pleasant grove adjoining the town, and was at ended by about seven thousand persons. Addresses were delivered by Messrs. Mackenzie, Mowat, Cartwright, Frazer and .others. News of the Week. GENERAL SersemaN,- General Sher- man and Secretary of War Cameron have started on a tour through the Western States and territories. - RAILROAD BRIDGE - LOWN DOWN. - One span of the railr bad bridge, 180 feet long, over the Tennessee river at London, was blown down on Sunday last. E FIRE AT THIS LENTEN 2AL.—At h4lf- past 4 last Saturday aernoon, a fire broke out opposite the main exhibition building, and before extinguished de- stroyed property to the value of about $80,000. CALL TO AN AMERICAN .CLERGYMAN, --- The Congregational Church of Wick, Scotland, have presented a call to Rev. David Leith, late of LaGrange, Tennes- see, to become their pastor, The rev. gentleman has signified his acceptance of the call. YELLOW FEVER IN N W YORK, -C. D. Symons, of Savannah, who arrived in New York last week, ane was removed from his hotel to the qu rantine hospi- tal in the bay, has just died from black vomit. Two sailors of the Savannah steamship San Jacinto, ar in the quar- antine hospital with yello fever, AN UNDUE DED1oNSTRA ION, -A Mass meeting at Dublin last Saturday, to protest against the Bulgarian atrocities, became a demonstration against the English treatment in 1198, One of the parading bands carried an American iiag. ENGLAND AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. - England is spending $10,000,000 a year n her public schools, besides some mil - ions of voluntary contributions, and yet my 1,800,000 of the 3,20,000 children n the country are in echoed. The coun- ry supplies the schoolhduses, teachers nd all the machinery, bu the parents o not send the children. Ct rriio THEIR HAIR. -1 -The Chinese f California feel outraged by the ordin- ance which requires the sheriff to cut the air of the prisoners to a uniform length f one inch. This law has roved profit- able to the city treasury, e Moneolian referring to pay his fine rather than go o jail. And now step have been ken by the indignant c uene-wearers test the constitutionalit of the or- 1'lance. FENIAN PRISONERS IN ENGLAND. -A legtaphic despatch says that an inti- ation having been received by the Gov - nor of St. Mary's C'onviot Prison at hatham, that an attempt was to be ade to effect the release o Fenian con- cts, a strong body of military have been tailed for duty, and a chain of sentries posted round the exteriors of the pris. walls. EXHIBITION AT PRAGUE. -L -An exhibi- n of newspapers and manuscripts, ich. is to be opened at Prague, will ntain much of interest to t pographers. ven thousand article* hav • been con- buted, many of them rare hnd curious. mong them is the Lord's rayer in 324 languagges, from the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. There is ,also a valu- able colleetion of autographs. :BRITISH CREWS EATEN B SAVAGES. -Intelligence has been received at I'ly- mobth from Sydney of the cppture of a u. vessel named the Dancing Wave by the par. ages of the Solomon Islands, who to tite eaten her crew. One pian escaped por an adjoining island, and gave informa- I Tw n to a vessel, which went in pursuit, 1pas d found the Dancing Wave a perfect 1 lar bles. The Sandfly has been sent j sul 'unitise the murderers ley the authors- I the with a crew of man-of•war's men. ; qui Anther ship's -crew had been treated in ext a similar manner, but the dethils had not an 1 been received. 1 tes 11 ASSACI$E ConenteiED.f--,Ativicesfrom 1 Tw. Hoi}g Kong to August 15th, state that I ago report of the massacre in Ting Koue • for is confirmed, The Rom n Catholic i the ich was destroyed, the officiating ther 11 tortured and killed, and his as- men at torn to pieces.: The dead bodies to taken, from their' grav a and de- Cub. and 100 of the congre tion Blain. Con: 'French Minister is ing active the r to secure the punishment of the Twe; y parties, among whom are numer- on a THE 1URON EXPOSITOR. ous o cials of rank. Several other as- sault s nd murders dere of Ch istian$ have follow - d, and 40 buildings een destroy. ed. he damage to property is esti- mated at $60,000. CRU LTY TO CHILDREN —The New York fficers of the Societ for the Pre- ventio of Cruelty to Child en, attended Murra, 's circus on Saturday, and after the p rformance -arrested Mr. Murray and II M. Leon and three caildren, aged 14, 9 a d 8. The children were perfor ere, and were brought to t from ogland regularly apprent the bu iness.:Recorder Taylor disc Murra and Leon on their wn r zanees and'placed the chit ren custod of the officers, who ook t New ► ork. The children see be wel_pleased with the new or things NEN THAMES TUNNEL. -('he co tion of a new subway under Ithe T was be•_ n at Woolwich on Aug. the wo k is expected to he com within six or nine months. The had its origin in nine men b ing dr on a fogy morning `,while rossi Thame the ate m ferry boat,' which usual) veys s • me thousands of per ons p betwee • North and South oolwi ventur'ng to run.- The esti ated the sub ay is £75,000. Th tunn consist of an iron tube in se rment feet hi h, with a breadth s fficie four ad lts to walk abreast. 1 The to casu .1 passengers will be one each w: y', but to workmen g iug t fro the ate will be considera ly re SHOC LNG CRIME IN-FRAN'E.- barous •- urder has just bee com at Con nes, in the Aveyro s. named s rousse had an affair with of ninet en, Marie Calvet ; b t the trouble 1 by - her younger s'ster, aged t ' el ve who- re r oacl e 1 g the with h:r misconduct.I To get rid annoya ce the two lovers determin kill the girl. They enticed her t edge of the fish pond,' and thew h She str led hard, aid, and succeeded gaining by her peatecll where s her bro to mak als, the with th man de confesse YELLO A num where t have arr vee in Washington. man doi • g business ire that that all • ersons able to do sc the city. He himself ad to ked u store an brought the key wih him had on delayed his departure enough o put a change of clothing travellin_ bag. The fever firs com ed in th suburbs, but the r.ports not cred ted until a lady died in the tre of th city, when a great ush f cars com --enced. There wa a ge feeling a. ong the citizens th t the was mu h worse than rep 'rated. whole co •• reuniter was -in a sta e of al Three th • usand persons had taken departur: and nearly all b siness suspends All the cities in Ge and Sou h Carolina in co •• mun is with Sav: nnah were vigilant to pre any one 'rola Savannah from stoppin their mi : t. •1 it 1 - acrobat he city iced to harged ecogni- in the' - I r rive. Severe -orders' were g ven to the local authorities, especially t • ose of Vigo and the Galician coast. s n Sept. $th, after a long passage of 41 d: ys, the Cars' man hove in sight off Vigo, and wartime mediately boarded by the • v'ernof of Pontevedra. The Governor at once' re- cognized Tweed, from •hotographs which he had in ' is posses-! sion for some time p evious j to the arrival of the fugiti e. Tsv;eed'' was entered on the ship's papers jun- der the name of Secor, and was accent -1 panied by a man giving his n . me as.Wm, ; Hunt,-- who is said to be • 'as' nephew.': Both were immediately s cured ands thrown into the calaboose u der a strong] transferred' igo, under eral. Mr. f he United! Cushing, ter of For- d arranged the Ameri- hem to guard, but were sub_equentl med to by order to the fortress in der of command of the Captain -Ge Adee, charge d' affaires 6f nstruc- States in the absence of M hames has visited the Spanish Mini 23, and eign Affairs at La Franya, a pleted for the surrender of Tweed t scheme can Government. owned n the Who are the Council of oa y con- To the Editorof the Huron er day That is the question. Hay ch,not or two to spare last Thurs cost of and I dropped into the Divisi el will Bayfield to see what was on s nine when the name of a celebrat; nt for was announced by the Clerk. charge Downing," said that functio' penny usual three calls brought n o and This was an action wheigby duced. Morrison, a general merchant A bar- sought to recover by arres witted - hands of the Council of Stanl A man salary for assessing that town a girl above named assessor. It ap y were the accommodating Treasur Julie, township had advanced the m elder assessor some time last spring of the ous to the time the assessor r ed. to roll. Robert thought he had o the do this, and Madame Rumor s er in. in re - the bank, but there she was met ssailants, who stabbed her re - and left herdead ii the water, e was found the next morning by her. When the gen armee came inquiries and arrest the crimin- parents treated the hole affair most stolid indiffe ence. The ies the crime, but the girl has V ▪ FEVER P.AN[C AT S4YANNAH. - er of fugitives fro Savannah, e yellow fever is now raging, A gentle - city states have fled to their work orl in a smallt , • treasurer (who by the way is lender) had only lent the am security of the assessor's or Council, payable at the end o that being the usual time for officers of Stanley. The deb His Honor seemed to hang on, the Council of Stanley ? His served judgment for a week the assessment act. Now, ge Stanley, what do you think of You elected a Council last' Ja took the clerk and assessor out municipality, well knowing neither owned nor occupied a f in your township. It was swo ence by your clerk that the ass ed in his roll to him on or abo p his of May, that it was not sworn t and had it before the Court of Re long sworn to that the Court o in a acted upon it not sworu to ; t mens- sessor had left Bayfield ; that were abouts is not known, and tha ten- was not yet sworn to. The v or the have been made from this roll neral not been sworn to ; since Cou fever jury lists have been made fro The unsworn roll ; the taxes will h arm. levied and collected from the their and no one can tell the consequ: was are in a pretty muddle, certai orgia blundered when you elected th ation They blundered when they we vent other municipality -for their offi g in treasurer blundered when he pa lessor before he did the work. Stanley? poeiton. ng an hour y, Robert n Court at the carpet, d -aseeseor Call W` el ary. response. one Robert n Bayfield, g in .the y $80, he hip by tthe eared that ✓ of that ney to the and previ- turned his o right to ys that the a money unt on the er on the the year, eying the to before who were rdship re- look over tlemen of ourselves? uary that of another hat thy of of land in evid- esor hand - t the let that he ion not Revision at the as- r ch 's where- i' E the roll ters' lists fes hick has ' 1a day the . E the sante :ha ve to be ; an awe roll, rice. You 6 y. You an Council, •t to an- ers. The. d the as - The as- essor blundered when he left his roll nfinished. The clerk blunde ed when e took an unfinished roll fro the as - mon The Court of Revision blunder= d when it acted with such uns orn roll efore it. Finally, the clerk ade an. ther grievious blunder when h got 200 opies of the voters' lists taken rom this nsworn assessment roll, prin d in ars, nfinished state and distribute , I am formed that these lists would ot be ac pted by the Judge, but were eturned the Clerk again, and another sue has peered since ; but whether th s second ition can stand the testa or no , I can- not say. Time will tell. Will appeals be beard on the first or second issue ? Would an election, held with such an as sessment roll be legal ? • These questions, are worth consideration by all p: rties in- terested. m. , he fl INTERFERENCE OF FOREIGN POWER.— s A Reute despatch from St. 'Petersburg u says in q h cast upo s not prey t' e spousin_ h b ets conn. I o emi•offc c ent, aft u ided tha toyernm: u in aken offi CO f the co co ey and t e suppression of theatrocities.ltp xcesses f the press will be punished ed y suspe • sion, but the Government is ot calle upon to restrict though the gency of ;its police an expres ion of rat- ional and religious sympathi s, but.or- anizatior's to enable voluntee s to cross he fontie en masse will not a permit - satisfaction by he adult, and delight by the juvenile p ortioa of his congrega- tion. -Mr. HiramCampbell has sold his farm, lot 20, 12e eo cession, Hullett. containing 100 ac es to Mr. J. Tamblyn,' for the round ski of $6,000. -The contrac for fencing the new agricultural grow de and driving park in Gerrie has been 1 t for the sum of $425. The work hag to be completed by the first of October. Tae contract for the erection of the :a cultural buildings has g g also been let. -An interesting game'of base ball be- tween the club et Cranbrook and the club at Whitfieldhs co ners, Grey, was played last week t th hatter place re- sulting in favor of the ranbrookites by a score of 41 to `:1. , -The fall assizes for County of Huron Will open at the Court ouse, Goderich, on Tuesday 10th Oct° r, Mr. Justice Moss' presiding, and the sitting of the Chancery Court w'l a held on Tuesday, October 31 before t 1 h hancellor. -During the week e ding September 9th twenty-one' car loads of merchandise have been shipped front Centralia, com- prising grain, flour, weed, bark, butter, cheese and cattle. A n tuber of cars are still receiving their Id s; - A few nights ego Iso a thievishly dis- posed persons entered t e garden of Mr. Street in Goderich and stole therefrom about five bushels ;of ha rots. They cut the tots from the) roots and left them ying in the gar _, en. 1 - While Messrs. W. White and - Jas. Trainor were driving re, idly into Brus- els to escape the shower on Sunday evening before last, tie horse fell while urning into the stabls, the occupants of the buggy were pitched out; No injuries were sustained. , On Monday, lth , August, Mr. 'Matthew Kelland, Let 6, Con. 3, Us- orne, cut nine nd a quarter acres f good spring wheat in lees than 5 hours, with one span of* orse . The machine used w a sin 1 e e a e manufactured y John Elliott Of Lo don. -A few n htli sin so e' -young g i`n y g men n the 16th gammas i n of Goderich ownship, secreted h rrselves by the oadside, and frighte a and chased a oung woman namedCarrie Sheppard, mployed with ';Mr. C Nesbitt. The or girl was ablest driven insane by he fright, and it will be some time be- fore she will recover f ogi its effects. -The next regguula session of East Huron District Lodge will meet at Blue - vale on the third (Thur day of September, ' at 10 a.m. A fell re rlesentation from the temples is soiicite • The arranging in reference to the Du in Act andthe election of officer* will c . constitute part of the business of the 's sign. A public meeting will be held i - he evening. -The St. Mary Liquor Dealers have allenged the li need • victualers of Exeter to a friend' game of base ball. The challenge wee eepted and the eon- t was to have gone off on Wednesday et on the age i'cultural ' grounds at xeter. We resume the match will ve been conducted on strictly temper- ance principles. I I 1 —In the orchard' of ; Ir. James Cox, 6th concession Goderich township, stands old-time apple tree, which for size 1 s t b 0 b o r e 0 once uence of the the Austrian Gove n ing the Prussian the cause of their cted with them by ally stated that th r mature deljberati it cannot interfer nt with the other ial steps_ for the a dition of the Christi reproaches nment for eople from o -religion _ race, it is t Goyern- n, has de - that the ewers has Melioration ns in Tur- a • • d. " A despatch from Belgrade says . iervians till held Alexinatz,l Gene chernayff is :sending troops ncl ar ry there from - Deligrad. he Tu_ve halt d near Alexinatz be ween A vatz an Peterilovatz, appre ending tack fro General Horvato ich. ws has : een received here especti e peace negotiations. The Servi_ ould pre er a continuation of he war h miliatin,_ conditions of peace THE BR TISK STATESMAN,- 1r. Gla s one addr-ssed ameeting of hi consti e ts in Bl, ckheathe on Satur ay aft • on, on t • e Eastern Question. A hen in was f: ling, but in spite of this t ople, est mated to number 12,000, mbled to hear the ex•Prime Minist d gave • im aan enthusiastic i eceptio solution expressive of the sepse of t: eting at the Turkish atrocities we seed. There was some dissent from tion of the audience which consider resolut ons did not express sufficie__ ignatio at the proceeding of the rlcs. M . Gladstone said that through his exp rience he had never t{,itnessed ovethen to compare with thEat which fl arisen during the last tc o weeks oughout England concernin6 the at- ities. 1 `r. Schuyler's reports, as com- from -a epreeentative of a n tion the abitaits of which we rejoic to call three, a d from one whose person_ meter nd trustworthiness he ha til - an ng to n. re a ed se th in al a ha th ro ini br ch ta an be th sib • A RATEPAYER OF ST- 'LEY. STANLEY, Sept. 8, 1876. Huron Notes. Mr. Harrie, of Crediton, wh weeks since had his leg ampu around on crutches, and doing w -Mr. j. McNab, of Exeter factory WAS burned a couple o ago intends to rebuild at once on Lodge in connection wi r- Order of Oddfellows will be orga vy the village of Gorrie on Tuesday he next. as- -Exeter is making a strike census of the village has been tak that object in view. -The enterprising citizens of lia have two very urgent wan Fire protection and a loek-u village must be prospering, -Mr. 3. S. McEwen, contrac the Bayfield harbor works, has ch the schooner Kolfage to carry s Bayfield, for $100 per month. -A few days ago Mr, P. Curr concession, Goderich township was thrown frorn, his wagon and hadl three ribs broken besides receiving othe injur- ies. d the first Friday of each mon a few ated, is 11. whose weeks the old h the ized in vening for in - and a n with entre viz or fo rtered ne t e, fit &c., is well worthyof no . It measures between the ground and !first limb, 6 feet 14 inches in circninference. The circle 'of its foliage shades! a Circumference of :120 feet. The seed waa. BOWEI in 1842, out 1845. It has wince, and is afted 1844 and ti, nte a orne heavily near eye e new Roman is being pro- 'ceeded with rapidly. .4ast week the main body of the budding was raised and the tower was placad. Indiscriminately, Catholics, Presbyteeians,Wesleyans, and Orangemen, were prese t during the process of erection, and various were the jokes freely cracked in connection with the heterogeneous elements present. -Moderate rigged vessels can -rnow come into Port Albert harbor on Lake truron, in the towhehip of Ashfield, and load, as the heavy' sputh winds of late have been driving !the waves into the bay, and washed Sway the sand from the bottom, causinglit to get deeper and deeper; and if the iers ahe left in their present condition f t abont a year quite an island will be accuniulated; which if washed away, would save two or three thousand dollars in dredging. -Last week a Oro mile race for a purse of $50 was trotted en the Exeter Driving Park by RI Boitentury's still - lion St Lawrence, knd Mellick's trotting mare from Forest. , ,ti. large number of sportsmen repaired! to the grounds to witness the race, but a good many came away disgusted, declaring that the race had not been trotted fairly. Mellick's horse got the start,: but St. Lawrence i. several times caught up t her, though good care was takeh th t , he did not pass. -Mr, Dunbar, sap' inci al, and Miss of the Elyth en re-engaged Wilson, assistant teeehe Public School have b b for the ensuin y r. This early re- • e teachers had attained a high degree of popularity in the section and the action r of the trustees will he cheerfully approv- ed of by all interestedt Change of teach - o eta is one of the greatest evils with which _ the educational interests qf the country h has to contend, and ;trustees 'who have once obtained the tertices of efficient teachers are unwise, if theY let moderate pecuniary consideration deprive their schools of experienceland qnalification. -On the 7th inst., 'Mr. Joseph Fisher, Senior, of Colborne 'peal i first year, The dece ed oldest settlers in the; tow settled there in the year 1 visited Goderich abeut t and his first recollectien of a post station consisting of After remaining here! e fe turned to Waterloo, Where ar,m he returned. an leed, from his fathee, of plear off the woods an a home. Descended f Wingham on the Wednesday pre Listowel, and at Lucknow on t preceding Wingham. -A German Sebbath School re is to be held in the village of Cr shortly. Delegates and Music from all over the Province are to a A latge crowd is expected. -Mr. B. Fralick the genial D'vision Court Clerk of Brussels Divisio , left asant eding e day union diton lasses tend. h ; last week on a visit to friends e t Toronto. We wish him a pl time among his old associatea -The Exeter Lodge of Oran intend commemorating the discov next by a tea meeting on a grand Several good speakers will be prese -Geo. Graham, hotel keeper of Albert, Township of Ashfield, in d of payment of a fine amounting costs to about $11 for contraventi tthe Liquor Act, was last week co ted to jail for a term of 30 days. -The Rev. Mr. McLean, Presb an minister of Blyth, returned last week after a six weeks' tour thr the Lower and Maritime Provinces. Reverend gentleman's trip has bee much service to him in the way of preying his health and spirits. absence was mu -ch felt by his con ton, and Ins return was haled hie seventy - as one of the ship, having 6, He fitete year 1834, the town was three houses, years he re - receiving the he Colborne settled, down to make for himself anifested the in - that people winning the much of this emen uetry and shrewdness of ry ef eluting his lifetime, thereby mber respect of his neighbote and cale. ! world's goods. salt pan, which he bas a working order. The tecep ceiving the brine is art iron feet in diameter, cone Oa tom ; to this cone is a ome a lever, and the cone ri- which opens at the bo ugh The of im- His Port ' fault with n of mit- • nd connected by a stop-aeck. lower portion of the pan the chamber of the same ham employed in Platt's p per cylinder is a e central pivot within th which prevents the salt rev cir form ominion Salt ted a new presett stele for re. ylitidenfour in the bet- a cylinder, y means of ylinder are ound the e is a steam r as that In the up - living on a Hag on the SEPTEMBER 15, 187 sid :, and causes it to fall into the C As s • on as there is a sufficient deposit b nin the sto cock the , 3' - 8 P' salt droppedinto the lower ;cylinder . atop cock is then closed, and the tr& the ottom of the lower cylinder is 0p at ed, nd the salt is deposited in the . rel b Heath, of a capital qualit , u e c lindcr is cover Y The PP 3' ed, ,and the steam is ca 'ed into a grainer. where it. foil con a salt. The advantages of this new plan are that it requires very little at. ten ce, as the salt can be removed so easil , and there is :a great economy of fuel, as 'to ilinge*t with a lessthe expbrineenditureisraisedof steabom thanhin , d the steam from the boilsothezgpatentsbrine, instead of being wasted, is utili ed to heat other brine, Manitoba Items, IFa(33r'.rwe FREE mass.] A Icelander in Winnipeg has found out t e secret of cheap lodgings, Ile rue es a lime box as a lodging house leaf of tobacco, frons a plait grow by Mr. Thos. Tayylor, of Maple. ton, ensures 26x14 inches. - man named John ItleGm wwaa sever ly injured by being throw rota . a carriage on Tnesday Iast week, at' rifle nge. - edar poles are being erected th- in th city limits of Winnipeg, by the P.acifi Telegraph line, to supplant the popla ones rst lint up. - 1r. P. A. Kie,rskowski, son of sou, Mr.. 'erskowski, of Montreal, is flys latest name on a legal card hung out in Winnipeg. ome sportsmen who lately came in from he west brought with' them a eery Ben - hand ome young cinnamono bear, which has ben sent on to James Gordon Bea- nett, f?ew York. - uartermaster Neale, of the Mount. ed P lice, is authorized to enlist sir quali ed artillerymen to accompany the guns o be sent t to Fort Walsh in the Cypr s Hills. —D r. Spence is about- to station a reven a officer on the boo/idly line west of Em rson, to stop the trade at .present going n between Pembina and the filen- Hent villages. — 0 account f the difference in the rate f postage_the Mennonites mail theirRussian letters at Pembina, the Caned' n rate being ten edits and the Amer :can rate five cents. -Tie rain fall of the last two orthree weeks is most unfortunate land unpre• cedented at this season in this country, as the' harvest time is usually very dry, Mr. Stewart reports the rainfail in this city since August Ist `9-17 `inches. - astern people .sometimes ask if to- matoe will ripen in this climate. Mr. Jaspe , of Emerson; had from his gar- den n e tomatoes on the 10th of Aug- ust. hose who were at the trouble to sow f1 wer seeds last spring have been well r paid. -The fourthannual competition for the pes offere' by the Manitoba Rifle Asso ation, com enced Tuesday morn- ing, the 29th ins ,, at the St. Boniface range*. It is satisfacto to notice that as it rows in age the Manitoba Rifle Assoc tion attracts increased support So far its course has been eminently sue- cessfu , the annual amount of the prize list d ring the four years of its exist- encehaving averaged $1,000. The first meet' g held to consider the project of forms gg such an- organization, was held in the,fall of 1872, e --AlMontreal paper says :-.We • learn eering lin the new Yorkshire College of ir that P of. Armstrong, of McGill Unh versite, has accepted the position of Proles or of Civil snd Mechanical Engin- Science, England, and will consequently resign his chair in McGilL The -meant chair here will be Ailed by the Board of Governors before the_first of November, should a suitable ganhlidate offer. Other- wise temporary arrangements will be made. Prof, .Arenstrong's nuraerous friends in Montreal will regret his de- parture from among us even to an- • other Id of usefulness ; but it is to be -hoped hat we have men among us cora- petent .fln the vacant place in the now well -es ablished science school of McGill --When visiting_ Ottawa last week; the Japanese visiters inspected the Pule lie Schhols and exPressed their astonish- ment at the knowledge displayed by the classes Concerning the Japinerse Islands, They were introduced to Mr,Huntington, who -I -hewed themsroundthe public build- ings, Reuses of Paeliament, Library Ana the nent Library buildings, all ref which were carefully viewed by them, In the course of their explorations, the Japanese customs; duties, and a multitude of other ed min tely into the Canadian constitu- the Do "nion and the mother -comity, matterst' He also took occasion to ea= press hie admiration of all he bed Been in Canada. -There are sixteen female composi- tors on the Montreal Witness, who fArn from $7 to $14 per week. The office is supplied with a library of over 1,103 volumes, which is made up priueipally from banks sent in for review, In adde tion to t is, the hands have organized a with sa ries paid.. They also five Pen' employe who has been in their employ for over two years, two weeks holidatt tertainm nts during the summer arid . winter ()nth& Since the office was es- tablislae 30 years ago, it has never ad- omritqtadoki td000ittsoreo,a ladumnerts aisetmheeanttr.e, liquor -The 'ctratford B con gives the fel- lowing re mance concerning a satchel : Iii Julyelast year, Conductor Johnsoe, while gm g to Toronto, on the midnight and the ost diligent search fa,ile,d to re- veal its hereabouts,- The bag had long been give up for lost, When to his sur - saw the identical art* itself, in the hands of a parteenattited Adrian Olger, of Sebasto- pol, who auras 'about to take an outgo - mg train. Heenan at once claimed and took possession of the property as h.av- naldeirsieb.seeilanikaqt jatkiacryeyn, dioetiffv7e51 to, hnebedyetoobaninte. mg been s the bag pany's pr Emanuel and given ;to his sister, who took it with her to .Switzerland. On her return she gave it tO one Waltets, of &baster), brother-inilaw to likvesworth, who in turn sold tt to Olger, Who was about to depart for witzerland, when overhauled aahbyoweevoez battle nollteeanrow. ed Ttoheresatutcruhel,s as to but was restored Vueke s Bebe, ett, hoia Wednesda ,dintony Val terdaYti- arerooms, provincial E 27, and22. Central Exhi South Biding West Biding East Biding millett Brand Morris Bram mitehell, Selo Idetowell, Be Turnberu Hay Tnekersmith lipid*, at G Wroxeter, at fabbert Bran Stanley Bran SIst, -the °ea SOIL the wife of the wife o wife of Mr. the wife wife of Mr. Wife of Mr. ter. the wife of wife of Mr. G wife of Mee op Sept, Dhercon. -In of the bride Thomas Yoe beth MeKei IlEartev- MIX Methodist k Megaw, to the bride's 1 the Rev. ef of Goderich John Gibs( AIM Birhie Moneaow- dence of he Mr. Geort aged,. 26 ye Grey, on et months: Fishei McGernaona Kenneth after a Alf 'which she Thos._ Wt months, . Reno, Nei DEA cone -It ther, wife BpriL g, Wheat, Oateper bushel Peas per bus* Barley per bus] Flpnr, per ball Balt (retail) p Balt (wholesal Potatoes per Fall Wheat; n Bpring Wheat Oate, per bus Batley, per bn Peas, per bu te market on more briak ed to large refused, by •1 Lrrrim at, very noti Little F