HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-09-15, Page 1SEPTEMBER 8
36,400; have not heard much noise in defendaat's
L36,400. house within the past three Weeks had
cupant defendant given the alarm of fire altialt
origin-! I would have heard her.
suspi. The case was adjohrned until 6 o'clock
4 On on Wednesday evening.
:side in
Er. Me-
; WaS
i build- -
Le -walk
cit say,
enoke ;
a burn-
tperty ;
vhen I
at the
,c1 the
the ad
:a her -
ia had
on the
ant; I
e; first .
I about I
tf the
arm of
he roof
; my
L time;
I had
iy bed:
Lt have
Want ;
tie fire;
he fire;
- shop,
rats' ed
re not
d burn
at Cal -
:her in
! it hot
L some
• all;
at de-
tra her partition near the stand. She declined
at th t U., answer whether or not she was sober
on Sunday night. Whether or not
,ta de. there is any truth in her statement is a
g at matter which Will likely forever remaia
her a mystery. The threats which she has
st saw- been proven to have made and her deter -
alk at mined and dissolute character seem. to
aakinfr indicate that her statement, although
nei,i t lausible, is not much to be relied on.,
this is
L said,
me l" Tag Fate SHONV.--The Fall Show of
idea's the Hibbert Branch Agricultural Society
withiui will be held at Stafth on Tuesday the :Itd
tl bed- ef 0,..7tober.
e had Auction Sale.
eemed Monday, Sept. 18, on Lot 10, COM
build- ! Hibbert,farm stock and implements. Sno;
esitive Waters, proprietor, W. Hodgson, auc-
e. and tioneer.
er; I
,d said
it was
C corn.
i) per.
if and
im tin
ime asnav E VE.NtZste .
The Court resumed at the usual hour,
and several witnesses were examined.
The evidence, however, Was only eon,.
tirmatory of that given previously. it
showed that the defendant had frequent-
ly and to different persons, used. threats
to burn her own premises that she might
revenge herself on her neighbers. It
also farther shown that the deteadant
had long borne a distepatable character,
aud that her house was a resort fot labaa-
daned characters After considering the
evidence the court concluded to commit
the a.ccused for trial at the next compe-
terit court. She was accordingly convey- '
ed to Goderich jail on Thursday.
The excitement during the trial waa
moat intense, and at each sitting of the
court the hall vtas crowded.
Mrs. Griffith, the acoused person sta tea
that she did not have a fire lighteciin her
house since Sanclay morning. That She
was from home during the day visiting,
friends, and. only returned about 9 o'clock
Sunday evening, She lit her lamp, ancl,
in accordance with. 4r Usual custom, left
it burning on a stencil near the wan ha the
kitchen, or most eatterly room of the
bnilding. She thea undressed herself
and retired to rest on -a-sofa in the cen.
tral room, which is between the kitcheu
in the rear and the shop in front. She
says that for several months she had been
in the habit of making her bed on tiie.
sofa in this room instead of in her bed-
room. After retiring he slept souudly
until awakened by smoke, ichieh waft
suffocating lien When she awoke the
roora was tilled with smoke, and she im-
mediately sprang up and opened- a- door
leading to the kitchen where she left the -
lamp, and was met as soon as she opened
the door with a volume of flame and
smoke. She then. opened the door lead -
Mg to an alleyway which ran alongside
her building and cried for help. She
then proceeded threugh her shoo and
opened the street door and. again
cried for assistance and gave the alarm
of fire. Not seeing any person on the
street, she ran back into the room where
she had been sleeping, seized the clothes.
she put off the night before, and carried
them to the street, when she again re-
turnecl to try and. get other articles, and
the thing which camel first to her hands
was a bas-ket containing game clothing
which had come from her washerwom,an
on Saturday -night. The the bad, by
this time, gained such headway that she
could not again enter the burning build- '
inv., and she says she did not 'melee any
person on the Street until she came out
the third time, Nvberi she saw young
Whitney. She strongly affirms that she
was under the impression her insurance
had, expired, and that she had not renew-
ed it. She also says that she cannot ac-
count for the origin of the fire ha =Tway
other than that the lamp she had left bni
ing on the stand had exploded, andt t e
flames communicated with the wooden
: have
s of
- held Or.
PO, ,
Complete in. every detail, showing the
Largest and Fineet Assortment of
7 7 7' 7 7 7
rchaaed. and Carefully Selecteci in the
best European Market -for Cash
ere for Clothing will receive Prompt
Attention and will be found
at re- • • • „
k de-
et. a I
I Dul !fitfully Warm for the Fat -
The Very Lowest Prieeth.for these
Tight Thiaias.
:11a4la 3,1‘eit, (*arefalis: on the
arae Early and leave your niea,a.ure. .
irst Celia; First Served.
Vet. eao, wake the Best.Cheiat now.
cei in
e at
1„ urn
:rty ;
Or 1 per cent per month aadeci.
TS if ND ail PS,
"eekiy Arrivaia from New York
Newest Styles Out,
NIftrril YEAR.
WHOliE NO. 45S,
The Premier on Public Ques-
On Friday last Hon. Alexander Mc
Kenzie delivered apolitical address to his
constitnents at Watford, in the Count
of Lainbton. The Hon. Premier spoke
for over three hours toan audience o
about 1,500. The following is a synop
• sis of his views on the principal topics o
public interest :
Sir John Macdonald is the leader of
the Conservative party, and therefore
occupies 0.!! high position. Out of his
deep respect for that position Mr. MacJ
keiazie felt compelled to notice some o
his speeches. In one speech he says that
Mr. Mckenzie, Mr. Cartwright, and Mr.
Blake were ablci men, but elsewhere an
often he speaks in depreciatory terms o
theta. Mi. Macdougall said the other da
that it was quitc impossible for a man'tvh
had earned his bread with his own hand
to become fit for the office of Premier o
Canada. In spite of this he (Mr. Mac-
kenzie) could not feel ashamed Of his
"miscoaduct" in having been know
among them as a farmer and then a build
er. It' was the first tirae that he had
known an ex -P emier or an ex -Minister
in Canada to p opound Or endorse' th
idea that it wa a shame to earn a livi
by honest lab r. He could not repl
that it was a sitame to the country for
genius like Maddougall not to be a re
presentative, or for a gentleman like Mr.
Macdonald. not to be the !governor. 11
had npthing to say about himself i
answer to talk Qf this sort, but he woul
say that Mr. Blake h,ad no superior o
this continent, and no equal in Canad
as a political thinker and worker. I
will give an id a of what the statement
of these men are worth When they assa
with vituperation a man like Mr. Bla,k
Not a man who ever heard Mr. Ca
wright expound the financial • position
the country,th a. budget speech has faile
him a great financi 1
authority. He has a mastery of h
theme which h
any incumbent
haps, Sir A. '
Hineks, and b
expressed to la•
appreciation of
in the Conserv
man—he who
the Legislature for one county. Was
ter a certain Domini
evi, years ago, and did n
Is now, in full offer to retire if Mr. Snii
? There is Mr. Lair
exaggeration to an incapable Ministe
•thouth he has been Pre ier of his o
that could possibly be done has been Province • though he keeps his Depa
Which are being -Opened Up and
ItC rr 0 1\1"
to recagnize
s never been equalled b
of his office except, pe
. Galt atid Sir Franc
th those gentlemen ha
(Mr. 1V1a.) their gre
Mr. Cartwright's financi
on. Mr. SMith, is parade
tive prints as an ignora
as been hirty years
not asked to e
Government a
swing, and it is 1no two members
• would come i
say that everything also belittled a
accomplished to render this department ment in the Iiost ' perfect order; h s
settled t e In ian questien to the gre t
even. more attractive than in. for er satisfaction of all concerned in it, li s
made treaties with all the tribes as f r
years, The—Lady in charge -will • t west as Fort dmonton " cl
all the Indian eastof t
every pains in showing I you the Sto tains. Why s4ould. he b
h • •
nd conciliat
e Rocky Mou
spoken of wi
contempt e certainly n
by en Who a t
and •'any order with which you av
, - his sulperiors ? Of Ininsel )
favor ler shall receive Careful nd had only to S y that, as r
of the Crown,he looked with equanimi y
at all his opponents and detractors said
of hint. He did not occ py his posititin thtt Rocky M
by thriasuffrages bat b the will of blis winters. The line is no
he (Mr. McI
First Minist
_Prompt Attention.
ings" that the
tional policy w
Blanchet, and
102 to 28, all t
Mr. Bowell mo
while Sir Joh
complete at
John's colleagu
pose'. • It is,
Ministry of th
tional policy b
notion to
s mOved
t was carr
e Ministe
ed to lea
's negotia,
s voted a
t day re
their ow
epeal the na-
y a Tory, Mr.
ed by a vote of
s voting for it.
e the duties on
ions were in.
but all Sir
ainst the pro.
lain that the
ealed the na-
ion of duties,
e believed, as
e trade is the
vorld if it can
8, speech, &c.
are free except
trade that re -
an evidence of
charged with
h in one place
at another. He
at Dundee as
t is utterly im-
e trade. The
have now a duty 61 17t
11 their roducts. That '11
er cent., a d it is a sub-
considera ion if revenue "
way if it . hould be raised
As for t e farming com-
an be no question about
•r them, ut farmers are
country, nd they have
hemselve willing to bear
he public urdens. Some
cturers, w o are protec-
o firm - su porters of him
e,) and th y wouldrather
on of du ies to him than
acdonald, ho would not
e resoluti n in the House,
✓ Mr. W rkman, a Mia -
ent has c nstructecl great
nd during all the time re-
showu to he manufactat-
Locomoti es were bought
at the Kingst n works, ough a tendpr
considerablY less came f m the Unit d
States. The Govern ent considered
that the duty on parts of the locomotives
made at Kingston came into' the Treas-
ury, and so those duties were refunded
and work given to the ingston works
to the extent of their capacity. So in
tht matter of Imilltia clo hing, $75,000 a
year is now spent in Canada 'that used
to be sent off to England without a ques-
tion. These are practic 1 tests of the
friendliness of the Gove nment to home
manufacturers. Quebec Local Govern-
ment is building railway , but all the ;lo -
bought in foreign coup -
blame for that,
enzie for what
ay be no great-.
John for the
le. t I
As for the hole ques
Mr. Mackeuz said that
Sir John belie d, that f
best policy for the whole
be Carried out. The pre
are now free. All things
thej bar of res riction to
maics in some ountries
bar arism. H had bee
malting a free rade spee
• protectio ist speech
had made the ame spee
at !Montreal ; had sai
that, situated s we are,
postible to ca ry oat fr
per cent. on
used to be 15
ject for carefu
woald not fall
to r per cent.
muaity, there
what is best f
not the whole
always shown
a fair share of
of the thanuf
tionists,, are al
(Mr. Macke
leaite the ques
to Sir John 11
propose a squ
but left that f
istorialist, to
The Govern
puhlic .works,
pie' has been
era of Canada.
prepared to offer. It was expected this
fa4 to have a complete profile lodged in
th O Government offices, where already
can be consulted a profile of a great part
of the route. The Act of .1874 provides
for the payment of $10,000 cash per mile,
and 20,000 acres of land per mile, and if
that does not suffice to build any section,
interest will be paid on an amount to be
agteed upon. Favorable offers are hoped
for to build parts of the road, and if a
co pany takes the whole line the rails
an work already done will be deducted
fram the contract. The policy of the
Gavernment is not to satisfy Columbia
byithe ruin of all thereat of the country.
MI the same time there is an honest en-
deavor to carry eut all that can be carried
opt of -the Carnatvon terms.
With respect to steel rails he could_
say that all the contracts were approved
by Parliament, and not a dollar was
spent until the House had passed npon
it In the debate in Parliament there
hid been a complete failure to establish
y impropriety. Tenders were adver-
ed for, and in every case the lowest
es were taken. Merchants, like Mr.
hn Macdonald., of Toronto, say tha,t
t e purchase was a great mercantile
s ccess. The last 7,000 tons that were
bOught by the old Government for the
Intercolonial,cost $85 per ton; they were
b ught without tenders, and from- a party
w o had no right to be a contractor. His
o npurchase of steel rails was not made
one day too soon. With all the ,extiedi-
the 1
ti n possible, he has only got between
6,000 and. 7,000 tons to Red River, Kincardine last week with 975 tons of
w ere more than that quantity are efoarlt, hfricra:oh. works of Mr. Rightmyer,
wanted. If the road. bad gone on in
cooties are
try. Sir Joh
but he blames
Mr. Mowat d
er hardship t
$ite of Mr. D
The Govern
savoys with
en 'fleeting cci
n rily averag
th's work ov
eXpended. I
parties have
is not to
Mr. Mae
es, and. it
blante Si
ent has
he eates
st o di
s $1,500 p
r $1,200 p
is not do
been kept
untains d
Bis op Hm th, of London, has just
returied from, E rope.
- ev. W. Affleek, just arrived
from ngland, i expected -to make the
tour f Canada.
— he village f Ayr has a Jae* Fost
Office and Bank, ,a branch of the COnsoli-
dated Bank-Pf Canada.
—The YoungAs,socia-
tion of Orillia ld open air serviees on
i;len's Christian
the harf with great success.
r. John Gordon, President a the
Tor: to, Grey and Bruce Railway Com-
pany, returned from England on Friday
he Grand Eiver is so low af Galt
that team has to be used at several of
anufacturing establishments on the
ItieLEAN VILOTHERS,1ubiL.1 em.
Si 50 a Tear, la &Awe.
— he Englis church. people of Lon-
don oath havej decided to erect a new
brick Church at 1a cost of eighty thous-
! ,
and. dollars.
*arm& boasts of a sun -flower that
• almost fourteen feet high, the al7CuttS&.11,a0101' and Pwalamset
ter of the flower being tie' arty
letters Of the country thrc
have passed to the paj
they are connected, ands
ly of it.
—,Miss Jane Trenimlan, formerly of
Burford, is at present toachine school in
British Colurabia at a salary a $50 per
month. Miss Treniman! acceeded in ob-
taining a second class ges e A certificate
valid for three years, at the recent July
meeting Of the Victoria 1 B. C., Bo2.rd of
Ed—ue3aftai°111re Blanche*. nd his 3 ounger
brother have been conann d for trial on
the charge of incendia Ea of the Ste
Hyacinthe fire. The fe g continues to
be very bitter against anchett senior,
and should the citizens tmhnicmhifuotroittbdegier
le of hist week
the house of Mr. T. Jac s, of Ta.vistock;
was burned to the ground.Mr. Jacobs
and his family barely escaped. with their '
, lives. The building w owned by Mr.
ou, was worth
ured for $600.
nee on his far- .
Canada, is pay -
He left for
rs ago, having
with. the late
as, however, in '
°Rowed various
led in Ontario
roprietor, -
Lake Superior
i. a visit to the
e arrangements
ughWhich they
er with which
peak very:high-
power there would not
or jury to do afterward
—On Tuesday morni
$9 a,
fi.. Jacobs had no insu
niture, which is a total
n old and respected resident of
—Mr. John Bell, fro
Dumfries named Robert Cratston,
mg a visit to Galashi
n the lst inst., having been a resit
America in 1832, 44
f that township aince 1832. served his apprentices
o men who hired a horse from a
,, Mr. Milne, baker. H
by livery "to drive four inilee,
hen drove to Toronto, were fined pursuits, and has now
the -land of his adoption
d costs for the perpetration of the
en inches.
1 1
as an extensive landed
—Mr. Beatty, of the
he steam. ,barge Tecumseh, one of line of steamers, while o
rgest -vessels on Lake Huran, left Northwest recently, rne,
Vlancouver, as was intended, there would
t be enough rails there yet. He (Mr.
cIC.) had not been querulous when he
kftew that 15,000 tons of rails were
bought and paid. for by the late Govern-
ment three years before they could be
u ed, nor had he said anything when the
• iramichi bridge was laid down three
ytars before it could be used, and $1,000
crab apple tree On his premises, one. limb
of hid], altliongh only sixteen dehes
in 1 ngth, bad i thereon 105 well formed
crab. 1
— he mill i4 Monckton, belongMg to
the instanlejr estate, with font acres
of gr und attached, was last week sold
to t o parties in Mitchell for the small
r. John Levy, of Mitchell, has a
with the Red River portation line
and the Northern Peal Railroad Com-
pany, for the transportattion of Manitoba
surplus wheat ; the rat from Winnipeg
to Montreal or New Itelik not to exceed
40e a -bushel; thus establishing that grain
can be transported from that country at
reavona,ble rates, ,
—A deputation repr
vincial Agricultural As
sisting of Messrs; Ir.
Youna M. P., and It
euting the Pro-
Ocia.tion, and con -
Morgan, James
tr. R. Burnet are
a year was paid for the rent of a bit of eum •f 81,300- .,
calling on Coinnussionere of all the Brit -
a DOW in Phila.delphia fnr the purpose of
gflound to lay it on. Including rails, — heir Exeellenmea the . Eati' _att
Colonie.s, GermanYe France, Brazil,
e ., the part of the Pa.cific Railway Cou tess of Dnfferin are touring in brit- ish
u der contract will not cost one half the ish (dutiable, where they expect, fa re- China, Japan, Italy, and other countries
rate of the Intercolonial. No public mai about six weeks; they will pro-
. .
t and extending to them cordial invite,-
0:irk of magnitude has ever been ceed as far into the interior a� tion to visit the Provincial Exhibition at
carried on with equal economy in Can- loop . J liamilton next week.
' d —On Alonda of la week a young
a . essrs Blatchford & Beat
a man named Gill,Yengag in hauling wood
raoHimatott. Mitchell, have secured the services
The subject of prohibition was one on MarquisiEC.chltibshtojm, to play at the Pro- near Strathro found bag full of shoes
tic . i i ion, at Hamilton, for four
which he had been requested to speak
his mind. He had been one of the first
men in7Lambton to advocate the right of h
c a
t e people to have the liquor traffic pro- the
h bited. As head of the Government, ext
h wever, he could not overlook political age
c nsiderations. It was no matter to him „.°
at effect the introduction of a prohi- era
lettory bill would have upon the Reform
party. But to make such alaw a success, .".Vvoo
prosecudiligence. le
ted the he had to be assured that political parties
Would divide on the liquor question, and of c
cult work or i- that they were not ready to do. Some
r mile, and ,ion qght vote against their party in favor —Mr. S. Ro. , nurseryman, of Berlin,
r mile have been ot a temperance candidate on a square has ' orwarded .to Philadelphia, through
e yet. Several isSue, but they were few. He believed the Ontario Frit Growers' Association,
011 the use of the Dunkin Bill was eminent- -t•
thi y varietiet of plums in otcellent
con -
ring the last two 13 right and proper. It has been cameo.
, con 1 1011. 1 , . Roy
Mr .Alex is also a t g t
located nearly i Lambton, and there seems a general tri) tor in the isame class. .
t nearly to Ed- 'disposition to test it in every part of the
. Du in Bill *as held in St, Vincent
A large Meeting in favor of the
iship, Grey county, last week. The
hid, under a 1Yog' and refully covered
on one of their organs. ' 1 with chips and sticks.' The shoes were
Mitchell is very much annoyed with pruicipally ladies' prun lla. In the bag
ivaris, havng had two there within
This is evidently some f the plunder of
were also a brace and it and a chisel.
ast few weeks. There cau be no
The woods vhere the goods
se in this eitilized and enlightened burglars.
were fowl& are aboixt o miles east of
Strathroy„ near the rai way.
—A man named ,(1,. es Wousch, who
was working at Little otland, Burford, ,
took poison at his bro er's house there
one day last week. He etually swallow-
ed a whole box of rat SOD, but the dose
being too large the gre portion of it
was ejected. He wa removed to his
father's house in Burfo , near Princeton,
and at last accounts there were no hopes
of his recovery. Jealotisy of his wife is
assigned as the cause, 1
--On Wedne.sclay of ;test week a team
belonging to Mr. Robtrt Gordon, near
Bradford, ran away it. his field. Mr.
Gordon ran in front ofithe horses to stop
thennwhen he was str tk on the side by
the pole of the wagon 1 crushing iu his
ribs, the wagon also passing over him,
maugling him in a horrible manner.
Deceased lived until three o'clock the
, 'following morning, wh death put an
end to his sufferings. e was one of the
oldest settlers in this p , t of tie.3 country,
and highly respected. 1:
The large threesto- y building in Ber-
lin, known as Fischen glue factory, was
completely destroyed
day night of last wee
worth of manufacture
shipment was also des
which is estimated afi
sed there s heavily upon Meserarrischer, who had
ofvotee polled. The grounds are in- just surmounted late ti ' ancial difticul les.
• ''. t•
antics in the manlier of procedure, Insured for $6,000--$-- 000 in the Montt -
bribes of fteedmners offered and ea- fatturer's branch of th- Waterloo Mutual
and $2,000 in. the llington :Mutual.
ted b3r parties voting.
B. G. Mellor, the absconding I Mon- The origin of the fire miltuown, but is
1 jeweller, was arrested in St. supposed to have bee urely accidentat.
week, and held to await the .
—Word was a shor inie wee received
the Alontrtal officer. His
in Woodstock that Sa uel Wallaee, who
rht in the Same cell in wide
S arrested. and iramured on i
then and Mrs. Dennis and A e
Larsh, arrested with him, we e
ntly releated.
titillanett Sir It. Hincled
Black Hills about a , reek ago. It ap-
throughout Oxford, as shot in the
formerly kept hotel fen3ieemrilaeaso,fraonma
Woodetnek, and who was well knewn
pears that deceued Iift Wor•ahthelt for
the gold mines abet.
that he had been. . eying thtre ever
since. Two other niers were killed at
the same time. N ) partieulars are
eiven but it is believ d that the party,
e- , , -
while away from hhir , were set Upon by
a number of hostile tti ux and massacred
111 cold blood,: as map miners have ere
—A setious , aecid ,nt last Saturday
for suCh disgraceful and unseemly
tices. I
A few dayt ago Wm. Wood, of the
verton cheese factory, was lodged in
dstook jail, under charge !having
uded the atrons of .his factoty out
rtain mon y due them.
TIIE STOCK consttutnts tile cou ty of Lanibtnn to the Rockiels and. cut
ii and by the unanimoas
of the party radfniton. The telegraph ine is construct- e
untry. In time public opinion will tcw
s ttle by this agency how the general
with Which h was allied, e between 7 0 and 800 miles. No Gov- me ting was atidresse by several clergy -
This Season has been selected with 1 A 8 ANDERLR.EFUTED. i is not definitely known whether the me and other, and was unanimously in
ernment on any Paulo aora has ever ae. , q estion can be dealt with. At present
Mr. Macke zie preceeded to- read cOmplisheds much bef re in the same fav )r of the Dunkin Act.
more than usual care, and will be extract from the report of one of lehgth of tim . The gr at Indian Rail -
a right to deal with it. . . .
ominion or e . .
+he ocal Government hae
There is clurin It r. Lawrenee Cleverdon,of Strathroy,
Johns speeches in the Mail, in which way reaches ot more han one quarter
a few years back a decided increase in h t ds
g at he present ime holds ,f3,006 boxes of
said that no Oonservative can now get the distance, et it to.k five years. to c e se, equal about 480,000 Point or
contract ; that it ii witheld from the complete the urvey wit only one diffi. ti t. f•'d b but
e consump 1011 o spirits an eer,24 ar loads. f these 15 are already on
found, as heretofore, the Largest and
Best Assorted in Seaforth. The L ad-
ing Lines are:
Trimmed arid Untrimmed Hats.
PatternBonnets and Hats.
Straw, -Velvet and, Felt Hats.
bonnet Shapes and Hat Shapes.
Ladies' and Childreu's Mantles.
Ltilies' and Children's Water Proof
Ladies' and Children's Cloth Uls ers.
English, French and. German Jac ets.
11 LI
with the lowest tender. and given to o cult place o the rout n t iiwines This s ows that there is
who 1-oted. ri ht. He said _he intend route was al ost abso utely unknowu. a great deal of consumption among some
,to make Sir ohn answer for that sta
ment iii his pace in Patliament. If
(Mac tenzie) bad not appointed Cons
vativeS to offi,ce it had act been for leek
of abundant ehaucee, for, he had lots !of
applications •fromi : thent. One of tbe
gentleme who now travels with Sit
John an 1 is inest offensive in his lan-
guage, was ofte of , the first applicants for
office. rife (Mackenzie)1 had with h
the records of every coutract let in
year. In t&! three years of Sir Joh
Government ol per cent. of the low
tend rs were rejected. e in Mr. M
e's three years 1.1 per: cent. of
Nets, Bonnets, Ornaments, Black Rib-
bons in Glace and Carded 1 cl.
ftleee, 131ack and Colored Fringes, Dress
and .Mantle Trimmings. Ladies' Scarfs
—All the Leading Styles and 1\ ewest
lowest tenders were rejected, and th
had been for good. causel, such as fail
to carry cut a former coatract. So ca
ful has the G;ovettunentheen in this m
tor of contracts, that he entire -co
dence of coatractiors s been secur
Fornierly there were rings wh‘reby a
clozete contractor§ would be interested
and onc after another Would withdraw,
the lower ones retiring till the work was
let for thousands' of dollare higher t an
it ought to have been. ; One night w en
the Pacific Scandal debate was on, he
(Mr. Mackerieie) 'went , into the Par id -
Shades Worn. Black and,
auoise Silk, Colored Gros
Dress and Mantle
mentary saloon and counted not less t
17 contractors there. Same of t em
threatened inembets of the Opposit-io if
Graha sto. they dared to Vete against Sir Jo n's
Governntent. If one could be found ow
to display similati audaeity, he (Mr. ac -
Making, kenzie) would. nisign his office to- or -
row, lie should certainly take pain to
liaving seeured the services of a tirst-
class Dress and Mantle Maker, I am
now in a position to attend. to the
wants of my Lady Customers and the
Public in General who may favor me
with a Gall in this Department. Par-
tiellar Attention given to
call for a committee to investigate ,.ir
John's statement,. ,
Sir John tells that he had a nati nal
policy 6nee undtr which coal and g ain
were taxed when; wining from the U it -
ed States. Daring the short time of its
continuance Ontario paid out $100,000
more for coal, and 'the Lower Provinces
$ioo,poo mere far' wheat. Then it as
repeeled. Sir John says that when he
was away in Washington he Opposi ion
forced its repeal,! which is a str ge
tion was theu a 'minority of 50. Sir
Cading and Fitting. John' tells now that he would have got
those artieles • pal down in the treaty;
statement considering that the Op os -
that ihe 'was negotiating to that e ect,
whea one morning 3,1t. Fish stepe in
PERFECT Satisfaction Guaranteed,
Charges Very Moderate.
and ,id : "You; people ihave takenoff
their duty on our products." The fact
is, that Mr. Fish offered put coal and
wht in the treaty, and Sir John re-
fuse it five days be re the ivote
took place at Ottawa. ei therefore, -
demes the fact in his present gttatement.
Mr. !Mackenzie went on to show by an
THOMAS KIDD. extract from the "votes and procteed-
A, place wine was first
map was found to have
feet high with glaciers o
acticable lines to th
rveyed. Sandford.-
inted Engi leer of th
64, and he
e route ta
the first cont
s rveys wer
b en trouble
s uce. On t
s been uee
le Govenin
te discont
a. There
about $2,50 ,000 have
s laveys. N r has the
e nment be n change
i olicy.was rst of all,
road at all 1 they wer
I y that unfo tunate tre
t an can rea y be acc
t al policy s
way Act of
by Mr. Ma
Passed thro
ent witho
ne. That
oad by a co
'des that e
ractehas be
had exhau
en 20 year
t was in 1
act was 1
so imperf
with the
O shallow
less delay
eut, the C
nt in the P
as been n
the way to Lieretpool and await , ship -
1.1 me it.
an Icier in the First Presbyterian church,
mountains 9,000 b clone before it can be established that The late James McBride, who was
classes, and muchis, or will require td
marked on the
the top. Two t ere shall be no traffic in that deleterious Br mpton, by his will left $400 to the
• coast are now s bstance. These were his opinions, and
leming was ap11
ersonal influence on the side of temper-
Intercolonial in P abl
tive surveys of a ee.
before by Major CONCLUDING REMARIV4.
bui ding of a 14w church. He slap willed
e was as willing as ever to throw his
. ed
68 or 1869 that Mr. Mackenzie thanked the ladies and pa
t, and then the eatlemen in attendance for their respect- ity
ct that there has 1 1 attention, and he hoped for pleasant for
plea that there tercouse in the future. He thanked his oe
Olitieal opponents who were present for ce
contractors ever
on the part- of t ey differed honestly in their opinions,
nservatives culti- f they defeated him he was content, and if : tr
ovince of Colum.- I e defeated them they had to be content. las
delay. Already e was not aware of any party or Gov- 1 of
een spent on the rnmental difficulty in the other Prot- , in
olicy of the Gov- ccs. He was quite aware that in. 1874 M
. The Liberal e got much Conservative support from qu
ot to build the artias who have aeted with him since.
able- ComPolled! 'ome of them, !uow that all is past and W turday
ty to try more one and the Y know the offences which ni , e un-
mplished, the ac- estranged them cannot be repeateclemay fo tanate Taylor, of Kingstont ied on
ands exp sed in the Rail- refer Sir John Ma.cdonald to Mr. Mac- F *day mornihg. Strange to Sat- Mut-
874, a Bill which was drawn -enzie. It is easier. m the nature of laney also wa found deadthe next morn -
self, a,nd which things to keep Conservatives together in probably f congestion. • I
ouses of Parlia- , han R.eformers. The fosnaer are on the --One day. recently Mr. Beason, coi-
tion of a single Idefeneive, the latfer havt in hand views lector of tustome at Windsor, , received
for building the And theories of various Riegrees of ad- a ' anonym.ouit letthr from Sara*, enclos.
it strictly pro- 'vancement. The head ones ought to wait in $1.25, A erica!' money, for " duty
t shallbe let be- :,patiently while one thing is done at a w ich shout have been paid on, the 10th
ltime, for the party will overtake them i t." Who can this " conecientious
evening befel a young lad. nameci Roger,
all, and all shall be accomplished that is p rty be r
'le tee Englatal for Canada on the 20th Roger, living- near Kirk -
Ito be desired. The Reformers have net', —Rev. D. j. Macclonnell, ' 7.7oropto, son (3" -In 'Wm,
ton. The father and son were ou a pea
in -t. In a letter to a friend in Canada, etaelt nearly finished..' The ilea was de.
sired. tty go down in Order that his father
r. Alacdonnell, speaking of his --umored.
might have more mem. Flinedeg down
thdrawel, says : " Nothing mild in.
ce me to sever my connection witla the his fork, he prepared. to descend, but Un-
fortunately the prongs of the fork, which
iagreeation, of St. Andrew's al the pres- had not fallen to t e, ground,as.he tebx.
e ,
tAmIredt.;alter B'arrie of West Dumfries,
- lower partnf the y, nlinring the coat-
pected, pierced the littlee in e
d. rather a serious runaway last week,
to the Bi
in two ye
The Court
gainst the
le Society, both sums pay-
ts hence.
of Lambton has appeal -
Dunkin Act, which was
me time ago by a major -
tire on -Vt ednes-
About $1,000
glue ready for
yeti. The loss,
$10,000 will tall
e and
-4prentlies to the Dress Making
-Wanted. Apply immediately.
The polic.
rament 18
ountry if
Tet be fille
oad has b
mnipeg, 35 miles,
eady for the rails at a
ile, East
een let.
re under
nd some
kenzie hi
gh both
t the alter
111 provid
pa,ny, all
ery contr
nt for rati`-cation. No con-
n given o t without °beery-
• L
[cause to he discouraged that a few elec.
nee OF Cells STRUCTION.-
of the pa ty and the Gov- tions have gone against them. It is most
get a rail ray to the prairie natural that some, in a time of oppres-
ssible, for that region will sion may think any change a benefit. It w
with milli ns of people. A is so in the 'United States, where Mr. d
en built rom Pembina to Tilden will get a large support on account
and it now lies of an indefinite idea that his election e
cost of $3,000 per would bring better times. If the Britiela
er 75 miles have Parliament were dissolved to -day the Lib- h
and sixteen miles
m Fort William
12,000 per mile,
at section will be
fall. If the road
pigon route as at
- of the first 116
$60,000 per mile,
ly that as much
n made by this
Nate under me as under the
of Red Ri
ne hundre
ontract fr
t about
miles of
laid with t °rails this
had gone on by the N
first proposed, the cos
miles woul have hase
and it is no at all a
rogress w uld have
that soh
present one. The po is to build the
road at once from the Lake to the prairie,
if the country can affu(atel it, but the pro-
vision of the Bill -m be observed and
the taxes the coun
creased for thatp'
veys were about
cannot be in -
When the sur-
leted on advertise -
English Men
erals of that country would proht Ir
ally by their country's ha.rdships. t
his (Mackenzie's) mind, however, there t
could be no doubt that the great heart u
of this country is sound to the core to the
Government and party which delivered
it from an oligarchy which in its whole
history did nothing but use the country
for its own purposes. The Hon. gentle-
man resumed his seat amid long contin-
ued cheers.
—A fire broke out in the village of
Warkworth, north of Cobourg, at 4:30
last Fri* afternoon, and. burned from
the post office, which was on fire several
times, to the Methodist church, consnm-
ing 30 buildings, including three 'stores,
DMA WM put Mt0 Daily's hotel and CUMMiiiieS bakery and
asking contractors to go over the grocery. The cause of the fire re not
and see for themaelves what they were known. Loss about $30,000.
Then driving down the hill into Galt, ina,g of th; oc
bporwelstird.eMaendica hopeselaidwas lett:.
e tongue of the wagon dropped from nieditei
e neck -yoke, letting the wagon run.
D the hOrses, and causing them to
B rt off. T. Barrie was thrown out,
ithout, ho ever, sustaining any serious
jury. The horses, after freeing them -
Ives froin the wagon and =thins- the
ngth of Min Street brought up in the
ed of one , f the hot -els.
—The Belleville Ontario, one day late.
etated they had received a call from
o brot
he Provin
uruey ou 1.
. L, and are connected withiOne of the
rs of that city The same young
made an excursion on f•through
ennsylvania last year, Uwe about
25,milee a day. They write
tertained of the pat ent s recovery.
—The excur,sion rain. which left St,
Thomas for Philad 1 hia last ;Saturday
via the Air Line ilwat, 'met with a
serious accident at 3:30 On Saturday
morning on the Northern Central rail-
way, Penn. Four i pies were ran over
and killed ; the 1. , motive auei teuder
were thrown off' track aud "smashed,
and three passe!, lebacims were badly
eer, Thos. 'Reardon,
fi aaceivid. Iiijevere
t a scratch. But
h which the air
t is probable that
ve been lost. ItilA
layed three hours by
maned Gregory, o during wrecked. The
n are making a tmir through. and the fireman,
of Ontario, doingthe entire but not laid iruju
oot. They hail from Newark, escaped. almost wi
for the promptness
brakes were *
may lives w
excursionists were
ye the sooktent.