HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-09-01, Page 88 itton DISTR.ICT -MATTE, S. sold oat their drug and Jewelry basinese, particle- lars of which ere in another advertisement aloe. where, and all tin Chtna, Crockery, Glassware, etc., having been left on our hands', it is our ititen. lion in the Liget fevr weeks to divide them ont clear oat, and having a very large stock both in cellar, store awl upstairs will promise bargaint ' ouch ae neva; eeen before. Onr enstomers know that we have given them Goode cheap for fl good for dead bargeins. So come quiok and take away the goode, re have several thousand dollars worth to dispoee of In a Ivry ehort time, and they must be sold or partly given away. 455 ALLEN'S GROCERY is the place, c with a smiling face and the money in your °diet, and be convinced that he gives the best va ne in Stigare, Teas, Rice, Raisins, Smoked H e, Be• eon, Crockery aed Glassware, Tea Sets, Fruit Jars, ee. 452 ClIARLES MOORE begs to announce that he has Ititted up his sky -light and operating room and is inow prepared to furnish a better class of 'work than be has- heretofore. Copying and en- larging! done as usual. 456 Wereerse.—A Large Stock of Spinning Wheels, Reels, Baby Carrisgee, and the liatp.Sob6atioted old stand, Blain Streel, Sea - 1 arth. 443 DYE STUFFS, DYE Seuees.—Madder, magenta, Lo-gwood, Cochineal, Indigo, &en, all of the finest geetity, producing rich - colors, at E. Lamedea's Corner Drag Store. 455 SEED Maier—Parties deeirous of Rowing the Seneca Fall Wheat can see sample and get their orders filled at J. EkisznY's, Seaferth. TOE I3e.sr VALDE in Sugars are to be _found at the Cheap Cash Grocery. Joni.; FAxr,- TES. —Teu pounds of good-- tea selling at J. FkIELLOi Cb,eap Cash Grocery for $2 50. tvhoin we eeticed last week as h&ving been injured the tiax mill, had hip left arrn. amputated. He stood the peinful °pert/tie:1 like a hero, and we are glad to learn that the best hopes are enter - tallied of his recovery. Teach r s' Institute will meet in the school building on Saturday, the 9th inst. at 1 o'clock P. Al., when the following pro- gramer. of exercises will be taken up : Densuet, by :sir. Hartley ; hydrostatics, by Mr. .ffieks; readings, by several em - here ef the Institute. our cnizetee tegether with several the co -let -re-, torn.: advantage of the excursion Gr er the Grancl Trunk way to Toroeto, and from thence to falo end. the Falls by boat, on Tu last. The fare for the round trip only $2 50. Quite a number also • to Toronte, to which point return ets were ,iesued for $1 50, and goo seven days. This is cheap traVellin • •Wero CAN DO -IT ?--We have bee fur nished by a youngdecly, 12 years of age, with a list of 162 words in the En is language, each word commencing with some nue of the letters of which the name Seeforth is composed, and no let ter is, u.seds twice in the same vrord. In H 32. Cea any of our lady readers beat this twelee year old miss. by sendin r of from he sai sday was ent ick - for 'THE HURON EXPOSITOIL of course lee will lose. Tha terse, al- which purpose it is placed,* m in the for his adventures, w1.1;:te the buggy and are te make the place Ideas harness looked tie it they had scarcely been used at all, though thin in flesh, wae:Azone the worse hand* of a committee, whose mstructions ve already teznporar- ved as soon time are sub -divided into lots of two hundred' superOcial;feet, and -as the features of the ground present considerable ivariety an taseee can be gratified. On the 25th of September there will be a u on the ground, the lots vri an upset price of $10, and d !Cons can then be 'secured. generally are invited to visit THE- FALL Suow.--At a 'Meeting of the Directors of the Tucker 'th Branch sl Agricultural Society, held o Tuesday last, it was resolved to hold he annnal fall show in Seaforth, on MOnday and Tuesday, the nth and 10th of October. The prize list was carefully revised, and will be published in a few days. The rize list this year will be mere attrac- tive than it has ever been befOre, as the prizee in nearly every de ent have been doubled. The sum of 1,200 will third more than has eve bee offered by any other society in this Cou ty. This certainly speaks well for the enterprise and energy of the manag ment, and hoed secure for the fee iety he encour- ement and assistance of he public enerally. It is but re ma le to pre- ict that so large a prize list will bring ut the largest and tuost vari display f products ever exhibited at *n agncul- ce. We may, therefore, ! anticipate kat the approaching show I this so- iety 147111 bring together a course of eople which, for numbeni, has never been Ineised at an agricultenal s ow in this ..oxwm. The greatest card' has also been ercised in selecting, ; judg s, and. in eking other arrangements at entire ustice may be done to ,exhi itors, and atisfaction given to pectators. o the topsoil,/ prizes, as Will be ard times, contributed With eir usual iberality. We inight also in tion that 11 who have not yet beeorne members, ut in,tend doing so, should se d in their hat only those who become members esi at once, as it has_ beenleternained ntitled. to two tickets in a dition to efore the 1st of October eel, will be heir , membership tickets. In other ords, all who are members df the so- iety, end have paid their membership ee on:or before the 1st ,of Oct)ober, will receive two tickets for admissi0 to the show ground on the day of th+ show, in addition to the membership ticleet, while those who do not become members until fter the 1st of October, will °nay receive e membership ticket. All, therefore, ishicor, to enjoy the full priTileges of nd the money at once. PERSONA the firm of Lo home yeste Country. Mr. Robert Jansieson, of an & Jamieson, returned y from hia trip to the Old Messrs, Charles and Robert Wilson of ,this town have been in Toronto this week attendin the annual meeting of the Provincial Ri e Association. PROPERTY CHANGES. —Messrs. Armi- tage and Ellidtt,have sold. the Domihion Block, together with the house and lot Consolidate& Bank, for $15,000. This handsome 'thstanding the many pre - contrary when it was be - proved a profitable spec - promoters, the rents re - aid good interest for the , and now the purchase- d does considerably more e entire original outlay. to see some other of our ch out in a brick block or two. By so doing they would be bene- fitting themselves and the town at the same time. Who will be the find to be - in rear, to th the sum of building, no ing erected, h elation to, the ceived having money baveste money obtain than pay for t We would lik capitalists la A Goon D Y's SPORT AHEAD. --lhe Seaforth Fire rigade intend getting up an entertainm nt of a novel and varied natureeon the afternoon of Friday the 15th init. It ' proposed to have a base ball match between the Fire Company and the members of. the Town Connell ; a lacrosse match by the Seaforth Lacrosse Club, -and a croquet tournament at which prizes will be ven for the best croquet players. Th will take place on the agricultural. ounds in the _afternoon. In the evenen there will be &torch -light procession an a concert; The concert will be given by the local amateurs of the town, assi ted by Mr. Kennedy, the popular corniq e from Brantford. Upon the whole the rogramme as sketched if carried out wi make a rare da.y's sport, which will, no doubt, be duly appreciat- ed end availed of by our' citizens. We half boll er o Friday t e 15th. The 'proceeds of I both the 'afternoons proceed. nags and evenig entertainment will go ie aid of the f nds of the Fire Company. Courier ;of the 15th trade in live cattle and recently sprupg up be. unties and Canada, we bueiness ith our Trans - The lat t instance of Canadian enterprise ia thfi, exportation of eggs by Mr. D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth, Ontario. These eggs have found their way to Liverpool and Glasgow, and, notwithstanding their joerney of over - 4,000 miles in the hottest ;season of the Dongall, of Se forth, Ontario, who is now on a visit to this craintry, and to 7 whom the es, s were consigned, is so pleased wit the satisfaotory !issue of this new venture that he has made ar- rangements to furnish supplies of eggs to this country on au exttensive scale. Considering the scarcity of eggs here, particularly I durin the Winter season, r the importation o Canadian eggs will doubtless be hailed with. satisfection." 8 • Liverpool dad August we fin dition to the horses which have now to c other branch o atlantic colemy in pettine a thick coat of gravel on lain street. Tue gravel which is being put on is of goal quality, -but it is not scree 112.3.. The Main street shout be cost sr add be greater, but in the end it would be the roost profitable to the t8war There is too much sand on the i+eet now, awl instead of putting mor , on bettveeti the town and Egmondville 1. some sho-uld be scraped off. The oad is also being, repaired with new gray I. nous aceldent occurred at Granton o the a tall, stout farmer named Wm. Mite ell. lt appears that while he Was plowing.. a flash of lightning struck him down i morneet. This is a particularly pa' accisleat, and has cast a gloom over neighboraood. He leaves a widow a utunbe • of email children." The ceased er s a brother of Mrs. A. 'Car TUE N3 W FOUNDRY.—It will be een by tone elsewhere that Mr. Whitellew has nce- lois new fouadry in this townin full worhlieg order, and is in a osition to execa e repairs of every kin he fouadry, although not large, is a 17 neat and cempact establishment an is well suptied with the best and most appeo V ed mathiuery. Mr. Whitelaw has and in view of the excellent repute sion he enjoys! as a manufacturer will, ;no doubt, ded ready sale for all he can r - tractive, Some interments h taken place, and many' bodi ily laid elsewhere will bore as opportunity occurs. the hc auction placed at ble e public the ceme- 11 BASE BAL .—The Blue Stockings, of Clinton, came to Seaforth last Monday 8 for the purpose ef playing a friendly game with the Live 0 ks. Mr. John Lamb, of Seaforth, was ch sen umpire at the unani- mous request of both clubs. The Live Oaks, havin w n the toss, sent their op- ponents to t e at, and in the drat in- nings, Clinton scored 3 runs. When eings, the m ire, after ; having duly warned the S76. ITO Manager Provincial Fir Insurance CARD OF THANKS. —Brussels Aug, 24, _ent, Cr.. re (referee, sustaineirl by us in the late TIN NOM, TTeasilrer Western StargLodge, No. NEW SCA LES.—The corporalion have placed. the scales destroyed ot the late re, by a foar ton double beam Hairbanks' ales, and have had them pladed at the arket house. THE Frese.—The Provinciall Fire In - ranee Company, of Torontoe through rst to repay their lossee the late fire t Brussels. We say I encourage good quite brisk 011 the barnt district. J. d, 'M. Moore and S. Sntale liave their buildings closed in a G. Bdaker has menced the erection of d a brick Hunter has the foundation nearly pleted for a brick blacksmith shop; es Stretton and `John Wyane have t of tbe timber ready for thOr build- ; Dr. ;Graham has also col:amerced excavation for a two sto:ty brick 22x50 feet; Me. Leckie is push - h worlt on his brick block The Methodist church. is progreasing fast el when completed will be a handsome ifice. air luiton pitcher, Mr. J. Scho- 'ill ill field, about the nfairness of his style of . pitching, called wo " foul balks," where- eem upon the Bide . tockings threw up the Jam game and left th ground. After a few !nes continue tlacega e, tvhich the Live Oaks t 'e Juke, show muda pluoic by their Unfair pitching Dew 4,!la and leaving thel grounds, we think the a Ple- 1 Oaks were a litt e stubborn en not con- e 1--0? taming the Iga e by letting Schodeld pitch, as anoth r " foul balk " would have ended the ame in their favor. eter to-neorrow (Saturday) for the purpose grl ver Itfaples of th t place. In this match dal', the Stars wil b represented by five of ill inspector in Sealorth? If we have, why aoes he cot look after the back premises ofithe town, which must be in a raost disgrace- ful ceutlition judging by- the stench emit - obliged to pass 'IV those places, and mu be very enheaIthy to those living in It neighbothood, especially the loca fronting on G oclerich and Victoria etre ts. Possibly the -proper authority is wai ing for fever to break out in the town, t there will have to be something don to panne ou the principal of locking he stable after the horse is gone.—A-11 sr - f the Directors of the lia:y Branch cultural Society it was reeolved to the show on Tuesday and:Wednes- Oetober 3rd and 4th. The show this -year be held an the new grounds in the new hall. This will be a permit of a much better; display; prize list is considerably enlarged f the weather be favorable the Zu- how peomises this year tei be even attractive than ou any previous PROITEA1ENTS.—Zurich seemS to be ahead rapidly this season.1 There w a large amount of manufacturing nous kinds done in the village, and. esult there is an increased! demand wettings. Dwelling hoases are ing up in every quarter, and EOM° 1:11 are large, handsome end sub - al edifices. There are this year 0 new buildings being ereeted, and are spoken of. Zurich (tau now of one of the laandsomest school ngs in the County. It is tt model tness, and everything bout it ung -idea in and about 4urich do eit so clean, comfortable and ' viting. ation also is most attra ave. If rn to ;shoot -rapidly it isi not the f the school building ant its sur- ngs g eat cemetery IS ted on t e concession he quarter m' es orth-west of Seaforth, ch s and contains.' a out eight and .a half re acres of land, wi h a fall ofImore than 20 Y ar• feet to the Mait and riverj in the rear, hi securing au lex ellent drainage. As a going cemetery thel na, ural adaptation of the la ll0 quisite taste of the surveyor, who has a r laid hold of t ugh outline and made f r d it subservient t his purPose, and the ring ms soil which to. t e utmost depth requir- o the ed:is a pure san or gravel mixed with anti he Panel ensuring a all times eomplete dry- 0 er 3 ty DOM 'indepenleuti of artificial means, are ore matteralhat claim at once the admire- ast tion of the visitor. A. number of /1.2. lath London, have been engaged during the 8 eras sunetner on 'the ground cetting roads 1.0e making walks, 3.4c., which ; has resulted t e 7° in turning what was before an un.sightly fa It o place. 0 Entering near the Western limits I undi THE LONG LOST FoU,D. --Seine t ago we mentioned the fact of a h and buggy having been hired at Whfte man, whcrrepresented himself as an ap pie tree pedlar. The rig was not return ed at the appOinted time, and the owne suspecting that something was wrong instituted. a vigorous search, but co 1 oat find any trace of their property, o of the thief who stole it. On Moe ay laat Mr. Whiteley received information that the horse was in Stratford, He a once repaired thither, and 'found the n tare rig in possession of Mr: T. M. Daly. mayor of that town, who had receiVed it from a farmer in the township of Mice, to try and sell it for him. This fanner had ptarchased it from the party who took it from here, shortly after it had been stolen, and had ke t it in his poesession until about a wee ago, when he gave it to Mr. Daly to •sell for him, Mr. Whiteley had very little difficulty in establishing his claim to his property, and took it home with him. The farmer said lie had. paid $160 for the rig, which, e e of the ground commences a roadway - turning quickly to the east, eontinuing in g a serpentine course for about ttvo-thirds - of the frontage, then winding northwend - descends the ravine to- the river level, re returning to th point of entrance, mak- side of the roadway is lai,1 out in sec - e , ing a complete Inuit of the cemetery d with a carriage rive of more than half a r mile in length. The ground on either tions, with Wa s intersecting each other t at right angles, nd on the suramit of the I ,made in Accordance with the conforma- tion of the surface, while the face of the ravine has been devoted to vault lots, a ' into two ranges, Ithe whole together forro- foot path through the centre dividing it I under the direction of Mr. S. Peters, of nea will be commen will permit, f an circumstances tery is held by I the Methodist I intended for a slating of the cemetery ed as early as the season I be proceeded With as ay dictate. Tbe ceme- Seaforth trustees of I hurch in Canada, and is 1 ublic burying place, for '1 Clot-e;CIL MEETING.—The Municipal 111. „tubers all present. The Reek% in the a proved. Moved by Mr. Boddy, sec - ed by Mr. Wilson, that thd rate in, th dollar be five mills for gownship, co nty and railway purposes, end that $6 be levied on Gorrie for intdmst, and $8 for a sinking fund for their Sectional bo us to the Toronto, Orey and B ce _ Railway Company. —I Carried. M red by Mr. 'Wilson, !seconded by Mr. Mitchell, that Robert Hain- st ck be paid $140 on contract an bridge at • ewbridgee and that the R4ve issue a ebentire for the balance el -hen the by Mr. Boddy, seconded by Me. Phair, th t the Treasurer draw $50d of the La ba ec seconded hy Mr. Mitchell, that Archi- bald hichliohal be paid the halenoe On contraet on sideline 30 and 31, cons. 7 and $, * retaining toe amount dtie Gideon wes.—Carri Moved by Mr. W seconded b Mr,. Mitchell, .that the erk notify .1' mes Lunn and William cFarlahe tha if the contract on the 14th and 15tb. as. opposite lot 25 be not epleted by he 1st of Oct„ the penal% of the bonds will be called sfeco°r•—nd4ed Wilson, that the Reeve Moved y Mr. Soddy, settle all cost in connecti ri with survey- ing and examining eon. ., between 9th by Mr.' Boddy, meconded by Mr. Phair, that the Council do now djourn to meet at Mrs. re in Gorri on the third Tuekers,h. GOOD Wouie.--Messre Smithers and Hinchley week threshed on the farm of Mr. j. B. Hendersoln, Huron Road, Tuckeremi h, 40 bushe of oats in 8 minutes. his hi bona le work, as Mr. Ilend stood by and 'need the work. variety an will average bout 65 bushels per acre. sels has street, one —Mr. Thomaie late of Braes out a bakery Ion Main store. door south of Wulf Heald's TAxesnoae—At their Iast meeting the Village Co ncil struck the rate of taxa - dollar will cipal Gov local impro Vhich we With that shows that conductede y all the ex rate of ink will co surrounding the affairs of mills on the g county rate, I purposes, &c. ation, and one pare f.avarably villaeres, and it the e are Wing celebrity, been in t few days. He has succ SUDDEN of lower to last Sabba well for so Fon sus gentlemen to Saturday 1 H. Wilson. week or te days. • horse training wn for the last ed in organiz- nees.—Mr. ugh Hamilton, , died ve suddenly on e time. morning. He hadi been un- ENTENNIAL. The following tarted for th Centennial on Currie re this wee montha ton They have prominent points of interest in B Paris, and #eeped in at itaat! Gen route for 111:1;ngTheir ny f tend.ente them at a co tary supper next Tuesday even McIC y and R. fro a three faunal en plimeia- g at Me - FOR THE Ritchie, of Monday las AGRICITL section are Stanley. CENTENNIAL. M Stanley, left Bru URAL. —The hrough harve have threshe t better anne and is turning o WU Fall wheat - u some cases Yieldis els per acre, and spring wheat and. other sin in proportion. , will be an excellent cr p, b took very r at present columns of our valuable takes place 4,1 a little dist of would-be ladies, who cenduc d them- • selves in a antler savoring sttngly of "Handsome is ;that hen oes, has any weight in it, the trio mention, - ed are far belo-w the are efield on in this A num- he grain ected. 30 bush - 5 to 25 turnips re sp ce in the pape for the e tie ally good ting that ,was not of a trio aractenzes any me rbed by the conduc ome efore ion o are Id th Th is, LF this may cla m the atten the fending part es and thus fect on their conduct sho posed to.ag n visit us. for the space devoted to t good ef- y be dim - you emain, PECT. Hullett. FAST PLOWING.—Mr. Ed or: omr eabotimeut four acres one day. Now sir, to show your r adore that it is not always beat to try d do too much, I will just state that the laud which "his young mart plowed in sure a hurry was fterward sowed with arley, end the land had been so badly wor d that the arley wouldn't grow, and had to be plow d up and the consequence is that the fa merwho own- ed the land ing, lost the and hae bee seed. I am has since be same person, Mieeeticri choly and fa Kinburn ch named Alex Mr. Robins° factory, and he had just factory, whe down off ' the is pretty :ste of his horse down bacilew Hew the ecc ely known, loading milk got the we and when h wagon seine of the road however, t ward's he etu horse's feet, causing it found he s, through use of it th' es lost the also inforrne and that it i not ese factory ii W LY ACCIDEN .-4 al accident eacurre this f t plow - its year entirely, labor and the that ' land by this 11 plows inelarki at the cluesday by which aniold geintleman der Robinso lost his life., was a milk awer for the; delivered hi load at the he went to ead his horse gangway in front of the descent fro the gangway p, and Robinson had hold y the head a rcls in front dent occurr s another ma d. eras going f the animal. is not definits 4nt supposed that, Robinson had fallen under it, but on roing tg render nesiet• awe, they found the body es blet) atat- ly sent for, but after viewing the body and hearing the partionhirie he decided that an inquest iwas entirely Unnecessary as the death was Clearly the result of an accident. Mr, Itobinson was 74 years of age, and was anti' unusually active old man. • He for several years resided on a farm on the Kipp* Road hi. the Town- ship Of Tackersniith. About twol years ago he sold his farm in Tuckersmith and removed to a fermi on the 13th concession of Hallett where he reindedi at the time of his death. He iwu a oirdet, unobtru- sive iud hard-wor man, and his sad and sudden death i be regretted by many. [nose elks NW EAL.1 Clinton- Rm.—A des*tive fire 'Occurred in Clinton on Tuesday night last destroying a number of framer boadinnis 'on Victoria street, and amompothens the wagon shop of W. T. Holmes tk Son and the cabinet factory aud ware TOO= of Mr. G. The fire _originated in the wagon and its origin la not detheitelY. kil The kisses are pretty heavy, as insur was light. A San Itoetallota—A few miles west of Clinton, on the northern side of the Goderich gravel road, may be .seen a. large frame hwase with a rail fence enclosing the same, although the house is inside a large field. Sever- al years ago; when the owner of the farm was a young!, man, he fell in love and becameengaged to a fair young lady residing a few miles distant. For a time all went well, and the young man set about making pteparations for their future comfort hy employing all his leisure time in the erection of a house, gotug so far as to remain up all night &ea when the moon WAS sutli- When the home Was nearly completed, back on him;" engagement being en - for some reasonalelhe young lady "went tirely broken ofE The young man felt the blow so ieverely that he at once close.d up the unfinished dwelling, placed a fence immedfittely around it, and. went to liv.ing with some relatives, where he remains, at the present time, A bachelor and well-to-do farmer of Goderich town- ship. see in our exchanges illustrations of in the lives of m who hese started "great results froF small beginnings," with nothing bey nd their hreinie and who have hewed out for themselves a ccessful position in life. Let tur give GU an instance, furnitlied on the evidence of one whose word is to be relied upon. Many years ago the Neu of a farmer on the Huron Road, Goderich Township, away from home to make his own li His fathet met him on the road, and, learning his determination, gave him a shilling, with the remark, " Here, George, is a shilling with which to purchase a knife to cut your meat. Mali all you will get from me ; now go." The youth went. Find- ing employment at that one thing and then another, he gradually worked ftis way up he the world. Success seemed to crown all his lahors, till'at last he be- came one of the firet businese men in the place in which he had settled, and held a high social positien among his fellows. To -day this persoiVis highly esteemed by all who know WM, and- is one of God- erich's most substantial business men. We shall not namel the person, as he is very modest, but leave our readers to find. out for themselves. Let this be an example of what brains, energy and pru- dence, combined With etriet integrity, can accomplish. Huron Horses' °for the, 06inten ids h and his Do of H mare. The am Were d namea and hope to see Huron, b their litock.—Signea, Saint 'Patrick. To the Ecli4or of Me Ituron Expo Sunnerton of Exeter bale ral home "Glory of the leis Mare and filly "ellen, and also a fine oarrNe Is shipped from this station ssed vovers bearing their those of their ownere. We these choice horses retinal to will titer such baits that the 1 be tempted to part with SIR ; In the issue before het ef y excellent paper, I noticed a pa under the heading "St. Patriek," w contains a few historical errors. In the first place, it ie not true that "Se Patrick wilts a Scotchinan," as there tire abundant proofsewhieh can be brought forviard., to show that -the saint was,lesea in France, towards the oboe of thefourea century or about the year 387 Deihl, i Lanigan, in his "Ecclesiastical History,'; shop ' mentioni tSe spot as zit or near the place own. now e led Boulogne-sur-3/ers In a lit. ance strytiawiriestaii3131 lueto. tii..ErkprteaetdiatsitiaeYe6ce atTlrlisan;aubhbioheail e,:,. n. et niel't:fhsv i si t el i mos: aull.fynif:tae 15 asdinnssiigNohlealtaosohn8r: ta:lirmItt:Ilyt i ruhlenw: V Tie, pohoesx tt ofeesrtvue a ii:tet tRova shr to the re -of Constantine,' had been styled Gee riacum, resumed, soon after his death, ' Celtic appellation of Bona. marks its ring been in the district of city n t far I from Boulogne, the ruins of ' tt ai oh inc, haistt 1 10 u egei It adi i sn g ui st h eei ra a nvme ieenwtb aatpupenliade; authetnehe-Clilednitriatemres,bafthuTeirtoutahannte.thFie nerd. where t. atrick WAS made captive was Armoric G al, where he was living ea& near r latio# of St. Martin of Toure. Re was ca;ned off in. the year 403 by the . Irish soldiers ;who followed. King Nial -of the "Nine Hostages," *). hise expedition to France ; they sold him as a slave to ployedfhim for seven years in herding, sheep and cattle on a mountain called Sleamith in the county Antrim At length be escaped, end having suoceeded in making hie way :to France, he at once commeeced to prisecute his studies in He was ord ined by Pope Celestine the order to en ble him. to caaay out the dc. - sign he ha formed, viz., of converting the whole risk nation to Chtistianity. First, and saon afterwluels set sail agabi for feeland, where he landed about the middle of the year 432. The historiane tell UR that Ihe met with unprecedented success!; the darkness of Pagan wors ' him to este lash the Irtsh Church d . tp pel, and "S • Patrick, by his peeachiag, attained to o great a poever in the land, both popular and political, as enabled his own tine on a basis so broad an deep, that neither lapse of ages, nor heathen ra e, nor earthly temptation, nor'all the rts of Hell, have been able to upheave ite Erin foundation." The death of t. Patrick is said to liave occurred on the I ith of March, 465 ac- eordings to very ancient tradition. It coincides wi h the tinteaasigned by the "Annals of unisfallen," which. mark 432 years after e Crucifixion of our Saviour, whith ha p tied. in the thirty-third year of the ril _a era. It also -coincides with writer who °unshed. In the ninth ceus fact, that ti e 17th of March, 465, felt upon a Wed esday, the day assigned by- atergaduietinotuiy,a the one of his departure from this .orld. St. Patrick was, eon - his ' 78th year wheA he died—an. ag surely sufficiently advanced for so laboxi us a missionary. He had been nearl 33 years engaged en the mission en relancl, and 10 yeare Areh- bishop tz4 Ar eagh. Hoping, Mr. Editor, I have not espassed too much -On your On Thureday of last week, the horses selected out of this county for exhibition at the Centezmial were shipped, part from Goderich, and the rest from Clin- ton. The animals 'were all in prime con- dition, though not by any means giving Signs of overfeeding, the owners general- ly considering it best to hold the animals in medium flesh to isave extra risk on the 'Lord Dufferlier is a two year old heavy draught stallion of superior build and action, without a fault m make and gives promise to take the lead in his clan ; he is imported and comes of royal blood—owned by Mr. W. L. Ferguson, "Beauty of the Dominion" is a two year old Canadian lired carriage stallion, sired by Young Peacock, and is perhaps the fin.est colt yet raised from that &epee. The keenest critic in horse fiesh cannot detect a fault, norl could he suggest a change in any point that waild inaprove the animal. Owned by Mr. David Maher, Colbonie. King among ca e stallions and thus far has been witho t a rival at exhibi- tions both in Europ and on this conti- nent ; he carries twenty-two first prize medals having taken a first prize at every exhibition where lie appeared ; he is full blood and was *sported by hie pres- ent owner, Mr. J. Fisher, of Col- borne. 1 "Simon Pare" ie a three year ol heavy' draught stallion of pure stock an compact build, has taken several firs prizes and is owned by Mr. J. J. tisher Colborne. The "Ost Queen" is a Can a n bred filly, tyro years ;old of th agricultural class, oWned by Mr. 3. Fisher, of Colborne.' at Malloy" is a three year old agri nest specim.enSof a Canadian horse hAS been chose* and who vrill gain admiration frem horsemen at the r, of Colborne.; essie,'"'.1enny,P and 'Twiny" are by Mr. John; Glen, of Colborne, rmer being the finest agriculture in this Provinee for general mar - he is built after the style of the h cart horie ated possesses se "bone urance ;" the t, wo Utter are fillies 'Jessie," the On a year old and her two yeara, both fully entitled onor of a place in the Trorld's "Scotehmani,'' a four year old imported Clyde stallion, the pee - of several Beet prizes at leading ions and oni of the heaviest for his &gel that we have, is by Mr. Jametz McDonagh, of Col - who,was un- mita at the time n teed. that he the fi n off the gangWay all right, that distance off lying onthe side Calcite t as he was walking back- "J mbled and fell under. the owned rightening the animal and the fo o; kick and sta. off. f When mare was lying on. h s back quite pose, s dead between the gangway and the road, Englis near the spot where he wasflast observed. °fend There waS a 'severe cut on 'his face and from of the left ear, and the jagular vein was e cut causing an im.raense amount' of blood show. to escape. There was aftetwards blood pure i observed en the horse's front and hind senor feet on the left eide, And alas) blood and exhibit hair oa the front and hind wheels of the horses wagon on the same side.- rrone this it owned would seeM that he was first. trarupled borne. A CELT. 20.21 an 22. Weste Fa' London,Sepi.25, 28,21,28, and 23„ South kidin Huron, Exeter, Oct. 5 *natl. and 28, West ill Huron, Smith's IT311, Sept.,27 East Ili ;iron, Brussels, Oct. and 11. Hallett ran h, Clinton, Oct, 13 and 4, Morris trim h. Blytii, Oct.12 audit Mitche , Se t. 21 arid Hay Branch, at Zurich, ou October Slat, Tuckersinith Branch, et Seriforth, on Ocala Init IC NO LOTS ttieh, adjoining Boas reasonable, VAT to IL C. fah Sfaitatiadtarisig ly to GRAN WAR1,11FOR SALE 000.4, Exist Wa oent f1.0 ores olnar -.orchard of good trut sada goodspring On 1 Oa •t4 prernities or field13'e O. A; '004 ftrante ho Siatket Square, I been used. as suagg tiaapteci to 'particulars apply to Seaferth, or ESTEAD quired down— of 7 rooms, frame b i healthy and desira glanders a a mile VALUABLE LOT RAILWAY S ,114#01a 55, in Jarvis i from theii vie are specially adobe I 'annual Instalments leant, Title perfee ,-OFTY ACRE eared., improved,an nag well timber. fair -buildings on th. bearing trees, also a and ago.od an I miles from Seafort Vier particulars 0,1) stance P. 0 - ABM -FOR; best quality, and 1'8 4.1so south half of ; County, 100 acros: miles froim 33 1 Railway. For pd COOPS% Brussels BELL Seaforth -L. Hallett, consist I cleared., and the hal wood: There is and outbuildings, tug orchard of eboi tram Seatoith, '13 Kinburn. Terme -the premises: P ELIZABETH EA lira:7as: ei:tiSvan't 2, Hibbert, con a tled and stable brick root house a housep and all o ve eel ereesheraier etnoa the =DA eleiiiitatele NEW GO DS AT THE m FilWraNTY-T 0 PACKAGES New Vali 400a1 -A. opened this tek at the 777, eomprising the Latest NoVeltiek a the Season, and marked at prices thati will erupt people to ha/large quan- tities. I Be erljnuotleepeigsLrar°,11t ,ain,irlaing5„e from 23 ciente Beversible Doss Goods at 0 CheckedSerges, in Greys and ents and 20 cents per yard. te_Cheeke, Plaids and Striers 41A, cents per yard. f Plain and Pancy Goods trent f4 cents peryards or e- 14Thle.srLdsa ton de Zoisipeinsrt. Let ever Sb0w2 on aft the onl ups d Improvement money out of the was k, to be used until the taxes are col- att ed.—Carried. Moved hy Boddy, the or kicked by the horae, and that erwards the front and hiad wheels of wagon passed over him. The horse et, and it became freed 'from, it It the upsetting of the era' en that first racted the attentiou of oae at the factory to the accident, and they at "Fanny" also owned and. imported by Mr. McDonagh is the pride of Canada for a heavy draught Mare, having never yet been surpassed 4 the many exhibi- tions she haa teen at. We have little dQubt but ihe will carry off the Bret medal in her class at 1Philadelphis. Mr. C. E. Mason, of Tuckersmith, takes Very I I to 9 con PR INTS e per yard. from the planuf Pull fit k 'White -Co tous,a Cast, aid for an W0011410 Eldon Carpets, Air t etnrer,lrom 374 _cents per Brown' Ducks, Grey Leitooss our tune Low Priem quantity of good dairy Butter. VO ERS' LISTS. NTOTICE is her by given that the liet ef Po' -LI sons appearin on the lest revisedasseseenent roll of the krunici salty of the Village of Virroxe- ter, in the County of Huron, to he entitled 601014 in the ss,idreante* silty for the eleetlan -42641. bus i? serve in- Legielstive ameintlynese lisst Rested up in •• • ssia-municiwals on thle,2tith day . August, 1876. AnY Peri" cornigalnIpg -01 an error in said lid must delve to me,witlein $0 aftee the -With -dal 01 14„,,k Ce3 of hie intention tO ink 441 hereon e L, Clerk net, a written not the Judge of the Id dountyin ABM FOlt SA alunett, route terriers apply -to 1: ni sf 1,:yt hjeetet oe n 41 .73 etti tel 13:161:eisibi ib°f1.,1;:e°131:1 orarlet73 I. 8:04- tr4P1.71! YIall*D)-laIrsb ea °PS:2 part' .1 Let Arai RAI at4. 2 miles ire FOR BA 110Ps co comfortable stables and all is 0320 of the hes of the lot are wit haildinglots 8208 to $250 ADAItt, :Seat* XCELLEXT 28c Cant .4, el cultivation; with -eitellent brick house 2 hign, also an ikiles north IV Te