HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-09-01, Page 7FFEES 71. SEPTEmnpi 1 THE 'BESTPi imasee,e•aa TRY IT AND PRO "caRT.a MUSICAL NSTRUMENT EMPOIttle. WILLSPN & SCOTT A Beg to direct the attention of the public to the following facts : 'They maks 8, Speciality of the Best Pianos and Organs in the Canadian market. THE MATHUSHEK & CABLE & CELEBRATED PIANOS. se it is fin ellegre i ;ever before has any piano een or London, All b, , toniza your own Rotted to such doge art leiern and genre better at home- tees by friends and foes as- have the above named instruments. The sews, being ea radically -different from suy other, so ingenious in its construction, and producing such wonderful posvetand I, purity of tone, has attracted -the atttn. tion and admiration of mechanics, rea Seaforth. t osophers and musical critics, and they / have therefore been looked upon as fence vations by manufacturers and dealers in other Plasma, who, being unable to fled in them any weak pointa for assault, have endeavored to storm them by unjust ate EA ER, sertions, But after ten -years of the -rough trial of the one, and Twenty of the other the raanufacturers are enabled to prove that they have more than vindicated the highest hopes of their friends, and are east silencing the guns of their enemies. A Wel. is all that is required to thorough. ly convince the public of these facts. assuming the jug 1 hope ee RIES, in part.ot. THE YOCEL & LINCOLN ORGANS Rice, Are universally aeknowledged to be the best iii the market, and each instrument is frilly warranted for five years. The following are a few of the many advare eerie/4 na8p tages we claim for this instruinent over Lobstem, and all others made : The 'PATENT PUN° ATTACHMENT is a complete suceser any Part is fully proved and tested. Sparkling Vivacity is by this imparted to the mu - e. Is always in tune, The *Manifold pe gives richness and purity of tone, equalling the best Pipe Orgaus, is prov- ed, and above eompetion, and stands un- equalled and alone. Science, eiperience, good stock, skilled workmanship and honest purpose make these Organs. They • commend themselvee. They are beauti- fully voiced and tuned. ;ON RRI •eyelt Su ARE sa e RTH. Pianos and Organs of other makes sup- plied on order when desired. The Trade Liberally Dealt with. A few Second -Hand Instruments al. I ways Oil hand, Remember the Place, and don't pass tes by, WILL -SON & SCOTT. I THE FARMER'S FAVORITE. O. C. WILLSON'S / AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EM- PORIUM, SEAFOB,TH, The Best and Cheapest Place in the County to _Purchase Agricultural Implements. When you get an Implement from Will you can rely upon it being as represented. STILL THEY COME. Another oar load• of Stair -es Fele-Dumping Horse Rakes, 700 of which have already been sold this frpren. Ag there are only fifteen hundred being made thie seaiion, Lamers had better call early air the stock will soon be run out. Woodid Self -Rake Reaper he in greater demand this year than ever before. Nona other stands the tea of time so well. Wood); Iron -frame ercrwer, the lightest,draft, and ITIOfit complete working machine made. t- johnrionfe Self Rake Reaper, too well known to- ed reeenettendation. The Bnek-Eye mower, which every perrion ed - mite, caret be beaten. PLOWS, 0! all descriptions. Another car load a- those perfect Thiatle ablyted, Massey's No. 13. Something- New in Gang Plows. The Guelph Wrought Iron Frame Clang now. This Boss Gang Plow in the market, -Carie and see it IS arid try it, Turnip Iforse TIDOS and .Weedere, ; and all (desires of implement& .The above Implement)) are an warranted and the wi-V be Riven on tile'. Satiefaction gut:sauteed or no Hide. air O. C. believes that an implement ht won't; woa't etand testing ain't worth belying. 1 'SEWING . MACHINES. 'What everybody »aye meet be true, and every iierielblereeraon now admits that THE FLORENCE Hee no equal. AR kinds' of reachinee in Stook, rE whieh wilt be sold if people will insist on buedee 1. them. f (7- Plow Pointe and all kinds of Castings and Re- -`31- palm alwa err on hand. Sewing Methine Oils, Attachments daireelways ready. k fall Stock of Butterlek's Patterns-. 0. c, WILLSON, Seeforth. szpismuzit, 1, 1876. Thou:cave correspondent of the New, vkrinteggivthivfolkrwing Pleasir4t of tbe QUM and Boyalranart .4ree bite* of Wales is far flner Wolfing hi Photographa. hoe li net _A more refuted and genital, but bright, ha th enweeston ny lead, one to.' Whenever one of these you�ger 0700asts"-- the brought to bay, by that awful Ms bore e photographer's camera, its o that all the duft,Ms ata dogged. • And much of the gioisness of the 01411616G00' 'rges comes out in Vie ,viettirnized V1113 ratkeall of Wales faced the prospect of the after; eon's wearying &Mande on her strength ,nd, spirit with the unvarying, sweet, serene smile which at times must be the %est tiresome of all duties. If all be jotiovely in her .private life, if such a life site may be said to have, her lovely foe betrays no hint of tears or trouble; if even StATII1S visit that exalted domes ti sphere, no faintest cloud lingers about bar when she emerges into the common ..0a, Opposite the august father and /nether sat the young Princes, frank; homy, joyous -looking little lads in sailors' dress. In another carriage rode their:sistere five little girls, prettily and imply dressed-seareelk as happy in ex - ream as the boys, having rather an ear of constraint awl self-consciousness. They have the open, Guelphic mouth, winch gives them a somewhat vacant and hatless look. We thought the little Teeks, who followed with, their parents, handsomer having nothing of the super- eillions and blase expression of children re purplest purple born. Then came the Lomeli, that blameless- and blanched -out descendant of Rob Ray's unscrupulous a enemy, who has lately written a uoem said to be ducally dull, and the ughty young dame, who always wrips herself down princess before wife; and the Prince and Princess Christian, nice, homelike, • not to say homely people. These royal couples go everywhere to- gether, and take the children, when they have any. Never was there such a Court for constancy and conjugality, for the moraliriesr and proprieties, and all the family ties. It has relied honest res- pectability to an imperial, dignity, and established the domestic virtues by royal letters -patent. Among the foreign notabilities we that day saw the Prince Imperial, if that in- teresting adopted exile can be called a foreigner. A gallant young fellow he is, with something of his beautiful mother about the brow and eyes --that peculiar shadow of trouble which she had, even in her brightest days --a sadness more prophetic than positive. At last she came, the plain, little Christian idol, whose worship circles the world -gentle, unimposing representa- tive of kingliest authority ; supreme, imperial woman of her time • ,Queen - mother of countless peoples. Reason as we may, there is something inexpressib- ly grand in this sovereign, lady's posi- tion comparatively powerless though it he -only the semblance of the old Eliza- bethan regality -but based alike on law and love on the divine right of the peo- ple she governs. To women, even re- publican women, there is something in- spiring in the thought that in her womanhood and motherhood are exalted. On this bright day the Queen was almost brightly dressed, in modified mourning, and looked exceedingly well and in the best of spirits, smiling pleasantly and bowing; lighly right and left. They say that sweeter widowhood her heavy face has seldom put on so much of a holiday aspect; that there are days when all the Guelphic humors seems to gather in it, till it lowers on her loving subjects like a November sky. Surely, it is little wonder; there must be times When maj- esty seems to her only a magnificent isolation ; when she frets against the limitation of a position so ,lofty and so narrow; when all the pompous acts of her jealously restricted rule seem I to her like so many tiresome make -believes; when court life becomes a maddening monotony of complaisance and acquies- °nee. No wonder she is glad to drop the sceptre for the distaff at Balmoral, and prefer to distribute flannel petticoats in Highland shelties to reading speeches in the House of Lords. The old women are grateful and the Lords are not. They would as soon bear the Premier readhis own speech, &sure Her Ma,jerity sat her youngest daughter, Beatrice, that fair and proud, alba white antl delicatest mauve ; and opposite sat Prince Leopold, a nice • enough looking gentleman, who is always in delicate health and most filially in- clined. The royal eaniage, escorted by the Guards was diawn by four superb bays. Before it rode two outriders, in acarlet livery, and after it came the car- riage of the ladies and gentlemen in wait- ing at Windsor --a brave sight altogether, but a brief, for the Queen, whether on sea or land, travels at full speed. Find- ing that we had lost our train, we turned back and went home by Hammersmith and the Underground, and so we chanc- ed on a second sight of the rest of the royal family returning from the Gardens. The children looked weary -I hope with - genuine play of some sort -the Prince heartily tired. Doubtless he would. pre- fer a tiger chase in the jungles to such dreary sport as this at Chiswick. It must be nicer to hunt than be hunted. Only the "Princess sat erect and alert, with her inflexible backbone and her in- exhaustible gr aniousness-still lavish with that smilewhich has bewitched a kingdom. At the second "garden party she had with her the King of Greece, her brother, whom a few mornings be- fore she had. Met at .the railway station at 6 o'clock. It is her amiable and lov- ing disposition which charms even more than the beauty of this pale "Denmark rose' The photograph which has.. had the largest sale represents her as carry- ing one of her babies piekaback. It is a Pretty picture, but a little too conscious- ly humeri and homelike, , • Lime for Noxious Insects. Although Lime eannot be classed among the universal and never -failing destroyers of animal life, it is neverthe- less one of the most efficacious and easily- 8PP1ied materials for expelling of nox- ious insects. There are fewspecies of those pests which will not be dispersed by one application of lime in there larval sillges. In ad.ditio to its destructive Pr0pertie8 to insect 1 fe, lime, as is well known, acts also wi Value as a destroyer h beneficial resulte Upon the soil. In vi einoverreregofuiitredon. hand eady for use when - Id keep a barrel or f insects, every far - w, therefore, Of its tiler and gardner sho • Among the first insects which appear Mi 8Pring to which lime is certain death, is the viell.known;saparagus beetle. The larva of this pretty little beetle is a blackish, and rather slimy grub, aititattrafikeN„AtzetrA WILL itilictli* in* 118,4417 AO YAPiePalhPIAlir 4, 4sItioq, 414080 OM, delitY)Y_ eer eireffini.:,,_kedi'r - But left* dnating8 of " °T" wjf 141611fril lind gluing will thor ' . . . lyanuihilatejbio , : Poet, we *POW *nil e*Pqieliee,*' seoona brood may owe!, the , product of thefe ew grubs Which „hoe eaiesio,di or n4 ' th gaming f from ,ttaighbonu grou but Vie lime' . &lath* w' prevent any thinsiclerabke injUiyto t Planta, , „„i *•- SPE10/41/ NOTICES. PiPPEes COCOAe-iaratkif ul andcomforting --” By a thorough' knowledge of Ake natural Jaws which govern the opeeationa of digestion and nutrition,- and by a care- ful application of the Atm properties of . cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro!. vided our breakfast UM& with' iirdelicate. ly flavoured beverage,whielemay save ue many Navy doctors' bilis.- •-If is by the judiciot s tae of such articles -of diet that a consti atishernaylee gradtiallY 'built up until et ng onottgh 1» reget, every ten- dency t diiieSic Hundreds ,-of ,subtle maladiejareileating, around us' nada; to: attack2wherever there is a *et& point.' We maY eishatie Many; it fatal 41usft by keeping oursolveiwellfortified With pure, blood, and aproperlynoniiihed.- frame? Civil &rvice azette. Sold only in pack- ets la lled,-'"Jamee Epps- & CO.'„Hoe mceopat Chemists, 48, Threadneedl St. ,and 70, Piceadilly,, London.". 421,6 oNym slew; OV A VICTIM.---Publiehed ag $ w *trig anctier the benent of:poi:mg meh and otlidr who enfter from i NervoneDibilitletoss oltiitehisr :re, rulesohgmucb ovtotex`villeFisAlWarander melled/ on receiving a post -Paid , dIrjed en felope. ess NATHANIEL -MAY7A Box 156, rooklyn,N. Y. 40448, AS A In 8134 Peri. invigorato", Phosphate" are 03 Only physiological agents knoyrn, ifi they are e entente of the nervous system, and 1tir-1 WA the e ee of nerve poirer. Dit.1WITEE/Xlea Compo.' Elixer of Phosphates , end , Oahu speedily, r stoxes the ordeal prostrate frbm men , and phyrsi al exertion, brain *eery, intemperance vicione im its, aidthat train of 'ev1"asla fast life, its adieu as a chemical foodinnours billing ban and nerve. .; ; THE GR AT FEMALE RiiiieEDYee-Zob Mbeee4 A". Peri Meal Pille--This-invaluablerthedieiniis unfailing in tho cure of all those painful add dangeron dieegeeit toy/Nob the lousy eonetitu- tion le sn feet. It moderates all elms and re-' moves all btractione, and a speedy cure ma.y be relied on. To miteried Mime 11 10 peculiarly mite& a short time, bring on the monthly pe - It will, in riod with regulanty., These pith§ should not be taken by Feraalee daring the &At three months of Pregra ey, as they are sure to bring on Kis - carriage, but at any other time they are este. In all cages of Nervous and Spinel A.frectione, pains in, the back and limbs, fat4ne on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, byetorice, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other meansneve filed; and, &none, $ powerful remedy, do not eontain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the cenetitution: Full C directionsin the pamphlet around /Leh package, which sho becarefully preeerred job Mosul, New. Yoxkiad Sole Proprietor. SI 00 and 12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrcip Jc Lyman To- ronto On : general agents for t DoMildon, ' will To- ronto, e a bottle containing over 50 pills by return .• • il. Sold in Seaforth by F. Hickson 4 Co., J. Se I 'harts arid R. Ltnneden. 197 ar ' TY C. THOMAS EXCET,OIOfl Emmons° WORTH . Ti.* TIHES , EEO WEIGHT III Gor,re—P in csnnot stand where it le need. It le tLe cheap stmedicine over made. Oeedoee cares COI11111011 aoro throat. One bottle ha a aria bron- chitis. F ty cantle worth has cured an old stand- ing cough It pesitively ,enres catarrh, esthins-, and cronpl Fifty cents' worth haa,cared crick in the back,and the same quarititylaIne back of eight years' standing. The following are extract' from a few of the many letters, tbst have lboon received from dille ent parts of Canso*, which, we think; shouldut1e1cntly satisfy the most keptical : J. Collard, Sparta, Ont., writes, "Se d me 6 dozen Dr. Tho s''Eclectrie Oil, have sold 11 I had from you. and want more now; its cures are truly won- derful."1 Wm. McGuire, of Frane ;writes, " I have sold all the agent left, it ads like a charm— it vras slow at first, bat takes splendidly now." H. Cole, of Iona, vivito, "Please forward 6 dozen Thomas' 'electric 11, I am nearlyoat, nothing_ equals it. It ishigh1yrccomniendedbythoio who have need t." J. Bedford, Thane4ville, writes, "Send m sit once a further supply of Eelectrio 'Oil, I hay only one bottle left. I never Raw any -1 thing sell o well and give each general satisfac- tion." 'J. Thompson,- Woodward, writes, "Send me some ore Ecleetrie Oil, I halsold entirely, out. Not ing takes like ft." Mill r 8c Reid, III. verton, F. Q., write, "The Eclectic Oil is offing a great re utitien here, and is daily called for. Send ne &Weer sapply without delay." Lemoyne, Gibb &Cola:Buckingham, P. Q., write, 'Send no one groes: of -' Eelectrie Oil. Wo find it to take , well." i Sold by 11 medicine dealere. Price 25 Ciente. S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS. N .r:And 14 0 RT IIROP & LYMAN , 'nen t o , Ont.,' Sole Agentriforthe Dominion. No B.-Eclectric. -Selected and Mesa -feed. Sold in Seaforth by E. Rieke° I & Co., I. S. Roberts, a d R. Lums- dep. - 1 45843' ' VERY L THE GREATEST WONDE OF MOD - 1 ; ERN TIMES. 1 1 crrEi ,E 0 TRE. AM = 1- AU -1.4 HILL: HAS 1\7' I -I A. 1\7" ID THE LARGE T, C EAPEST, AND BES LACE TOOK OF CURTAINS IN EAFORTH. .A LOT F DYE STUFFS ; Of very slope or quality jut received at J.. 8. DR Consisting MADDER, MADDER 'COCHI CREA FUST - AL ALSO A 40 A QB ERTS' G STORE; part of the follOwing : MPOUN D, AL, TARTAR, c, DIGO, INDIGO COMPOUND, OF HANDY PACK. E DYES, SU 'CHAS YE LOW 'SLATE; SCARLET, BLUE, 11 EEN and ROSE, all colors, which are gnaran: utifal and fast colors if direet- llowed. and in feet nearly *teed to produce ions are faithfully J. 8. ROBERTS, Opposite Powell' Temperance Home Seafortb. CARTER'S STEAM SAWMILL, * SEAFORTH. nN HAND over N -e Lumber, cut bog, Dtaining and The P11 Petrify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Ridneys and, Bowels, and axe invaluib10 in all complaints incidental to Females. Tho Ointment is theronlyr reliable rem- edy for bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sole and Ulcers, of however long attending. For Br echitis, Dip- htheria, Cough8, Colds Gout,- Ithe matinee and all Skin eases it h.as no equal. I -deem it my dnty to state that ley Ana and Ointment are neither manufacturednor (Oldie any part of the United States. Each Pot and Box bears the British Govern- ment Stamp, with the words "Holloway's Pills and Ointment, London," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 588, Ox- ford Street, London. Vile and spurione imitairam of "Hollway'e Pills and Ointment," are eaanne lectured and sold under the name of Holloway's & Co.," bY J. F. l3enry, Curran, & Co., Druggists, of New York, with an semen:red trail( mark thus --- In armada. the principle Whole - (rale Dealers in these Counterfeite are Lyman, Clare & Co., Northrap & Lyman and Lyman Brothers & Ce., whci obtain them at very low prices, from J. F enry, Cerran & Co., of New York, and this tms is siapplied to unprineipaled Retail Vendors. who sell the same as my genuine Pills and Ointment, whieh are manufactured only at 588, Oxford Street, London, and maybe obtained from the allowing Firms, viz :-Evans, Mercer k Co,, Mon eat. MOSSII4. Avery, Irowi&00., Mat fax, N. 8. Ilifessrs T. B. Barkerdc ono, St John, N. B. litesirs. Elliot & Co., Toro sto. Who lm port the .. direct from here; THO 8 HOLLOe WAY 588 pxford Street, 7. o. 454 r LUM ER. - LUMBER. THE RANBROOK MILLS ifieel Stock of she bee SIZ From 10 All ly stem ordera. oyer prices 44848 DERSIGNED would be leave to eall attention of the publie to their Largis Lurn'bee of all kinds, a d Shingles quality, and at the very owed Prices, HEMLOCK ALWAYS ON HAND, 1 feet, up. bent by mail or otherwise prompt. ed to; _A diseonnt of 8 Percent on huge InIsiesI °barged on se"ounts running oaths. stake ourenzizis. to qnslity an oies pur chasing ersele — , - GABIlOW BBOTHEDS. Mao a qu Suitabl • ,000,000 feet of good Efemlock nd sorted, imitable for Build - owing. Fer Sale at the, WEST PRI OES. ally of Inferior ena.Ltty, for Sheeting, Sit $3.50 per M. The Beat (2 Work t21' is Sorted 80 a to Without Waste. Patronage is respeetfully solicited, and satis- faction guaranteed. JAMES I. CARTER. HAMS, HAMS. A FINE W AN BROWN 50 OF SMOKED HAMS SIDES AT LL'S GROCERY. ALSO A VERY FINE' • . ITT TED ddles of 9 ponndn. Try 11 and if as represented return it, and yOur money will be refunded. REMEMBER THE PLACE Th»UNI0N IltocK, Needy Oppostte the Post Mee. 3. BROWNELL. EXPOSITIt. - _11..ApY RUSSELL. WAT H, gem, 18k elms, full iewellede and warranted or five k of English and Genuine Silver WJehez on k of the Elgin Wateh-no bowl SWiart y your Watches from a reliable p now what you are getting, Just I at M, R, COUNTER'S, a good assortment of Electro Silver Plate direct from the celebrated manufactory of Rogers, mith & Co., ineb as lee Pitchers, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, Pickle Castore, Syrup Cups, Spoon Holders', fdobletee Mu Fish ife and Fork, Cruet Stands, napkin : 1ings, Vases,. Card Receivers, Ta , Des- seirt, Tea, Mustard and S14t Spoons, Teilfs emit Fruit and Butter Kni Ta - 14e, Dessert, Pickle and P Forke, Waiters'. Trays, &c, Remen2ber the above goods are bought direct from the manufacturers, and will be sold at Toronto W olesale P "eye Also a coniplete stock of de elytti Clocks, Spectacles, Combs, hes, Pipes, Violins, Vielin,,Stnngs from 50c per ndle of 30 strings to 40e per Single string. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry' of all kinds Repaired by practical hands. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Cash for Old Gold and Silver. Sign' of the Tree olSilverware in wiiidow, M. R. COUNTER', Masonic Hall Block, 8(140db. CALL AND SEE. FIRST-CLASS RIAGE AND TEAM HAFtNESS At. G. E. HENDERSN'S, :First -Chess Plow Harness at G. E. HENDERSON'S. All COLLARS Warranted at G. E.1 IIRNDERSON'S„ Tip-top TRIINKS and VALISES on, hand at G, .E. HENDERSON'S. All articles pertaining • the business always on hand at LOWEST RTES. MO of the Large Tru k. GEO)WE E. ...HENDERSON, Seaforth, ..ormosnowommilm _SIGN,. _CLINE tc) rt, HURON PLAMNC MILL e..1) 0 WHOVANTS GOOD AND STYLISH irAENESS? JOHN WARD,, Seaforth, polEos to in form his friends iind the public in general that he has a Large and Complete) Stock of LIGHT SINGLE HARNESS, HORSE CLOTHING sr.o. Trunks and Valisps, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Sztbp8, c6c,, le fact anything appertaining to the Trade Al- weye on hand, cheap as any hi the trade, for cosh, Repairs Executed with Neatness and Despatch. IN. B. -Cellars a Speciality. Collars of eveay dtscription made to eider in first-class style. Remember the Plaee : Two doors north of the Commercial Hotel, Seafortir. JO N WARD. . MOKED HAMS AND SIDE -MEAT. G. &J. PETTY, Have, on hand Weer) Comp Hams ENSALL, ity of SIDE MEAT; Which they win sell Clan. They ere wanntedei Arotislasff 0111611t1.44re ptys40ne. Tundersigned hereby inform their many customers and the public generally ol the Re- moval of their Factory and Ltunber Yard' to new and more conaraodious premises on • NORTH MAIN STREET, Where, with increased facilities and some new machinery of the bort make, they will eontinue to menufacture and All all orders for Sa8h,e8, Doors, Blin4, Mout trigs, And all kinds of PLANED TOME POW suurez. . B S Mara 4 yet/meld, crlt bytrolcariu METER* Wirrarbel — nu* lid d i y ly to 141ILL FOR SALE....Sor We &tap, is thaeog, bred timh...fris BA with pedigree, 0 years old. Apply to ownersktlis Arneefield Chttse Fac- tory. 3`. S.BBOWNLEE. ' - 416* EXECtilraigIV EXECUTORS' NOTICIL--Ail pombavinff any cialres agar* the estate. a P,OBEna BELL, latent the ToilrAnhip of Usborne, in the County of Hunan yeomanoloceased, areereby notified to present the sante for liquidaVen tO either of the undersigned Etecuters, on or before the first dory olDeesnibar rie#, et they wilinotile responsible therefor- and di portions indebted -lb the said estate must settle ' by said date as all claims then nnsettled must be put into -Carat for collection. JOHN ILAT1H1OBD, THOMAS CUDMOBS, WI 1 LIAM BELL, Executor, Rod- ger dile Post Office. July 27, 1876. 45113 SPECIFIC ARTICLEIC 0,EDAR POSTS FOR SAI.Y.—For Sale Ch les a quantity of good crelar fence posts.' A at the ErrosnonOlfice, Seek/db. ekTOTICE TO BUILDERSI-Any person, Vika- J-1 ing Sand, Gravel or Stones, can leave their orders at THOS. LEE'S Grocery,and it will be de- livered on the shortestnothee. THOMAS CUR - RIE. 488 li,TISS BORLAND, Ness' and Mantle Maker 454' Roomsover the Bank, Seaforth. N. R.-A- prentices wanted. . 'TIRESSMAKING. -• MISS - QUINLAN, Dress de' Maker, Seatorth, Dresemaking -done in all its branehes in the rooms over Thos. Kiddse store. A good fit and perfect eatisfaetion guaranteed. Ap- prentices Wanted immediately. 443 FOR SALE OR TO LET. TO LET.—Six Upper Rooms. Apply to ED- -1- WARD CASH, Seaferth. 446 TEA2d SAW MILL FOR, SALE ----Containing all the machinery for the manufacture Of lim- ber, lath and shingles -nearly new. Situated close to the Big Greenock Pinery- Terme easy. J. & W, MUSTARD. Glamis P. O. , 45544 -toe- HOUSE TO LET, -;To Let, that most eenifort. able and well attested trick house, and four lots on Huron street, with lard and Hefei water, and every convenience necessary. Apply to T. STEPHENS, British ilotel, !Sealer*, 421 CHOICE BUILDING LOT FOB SALE. ---For sale cheep, t corner Lot in Sparling'a survey, on John Street, Seaforth, within 10 rninntee' walk of the business part of the town. Apply to WILLSON & SCOTT, Music Dealers, Senforth.447 rro LET.—A brick house situated on Lot 1, Con. -a- 17, Grey, and known as the U. P. Manse, Wal- ton. The house is huge, eomfortable and well finished, andbas a stable aild 20 acres of land LUMBER adjoining, which will be let either separetely or together, as xnfgiit be desired. Apply to DAVID MOOR, Walton P. 0., or ANDUEW LEES, Bing - gas P. 0. 455 At Prices to Snit the Times. Farm. Gates, Hwy 1?ack8, Cheese .Boxes, &c. A Large Stock of Seasoned. Lumber on Hand. LATH AND SHINGLES; JIgawhigandd C simians FIaniu 1;111 Reeetre Prompt AuejrUoi. The subscribers hereby thank their n inerons enstOmere for the liberal patronage extenIe4 1.0 them during the past, and hope, by stile integ- rity and close attention ter business, to rit continuance and increase of the same. ' TO all thee whose tecounts are overdue we give a cordial havitation to pay up. GRAY & SC TT. P. 8. -Plans and Specifications for B furnished on application. - tidings 424 BRUSSELS DRAW KI N. TOWN & BURROWS, PROPRIETORS. TRE Subscribers take this opportunity t4} return 'A- thanks to their/amerces customers for tbe patronage extended to them during the pest sea- son, and bcpe by strict attention to businiess,and by sop:plying a good article, to merit a continu- ance of the same. LIME BURNED DAILY. A *;(1,. Od article ernaranteed. Price 14 conte per bushel, at the kiln; 15 cents, on ears. TERMS STRICTLY CASA. Breese's, May 2,1876. 489 T.YOUSE TO LET. -To Let, bi the year or 1-1- month, a large and Comfortable dwelling house, with stabling, &e.; a large garden -under crop, with if quantity of bearing fruit trees; the present crop can be had at a reasenablevalturtion. The premises are situated eathin 243 rods _of the dei railway station; rent mo ate, and traniediate possession given. For hart r particulars apply to the proprietor, JAMES S . JOHN, Seeforth, or to T. WHITESIDE, Stor keeper. . 461-4 , MARRIAGE LICENCES OK CERTIFICATES, . (Under the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORIH Under authority of the LientenanteGovernor of Ontario. MABEE & ReDOIVAL_D:S PLANING' MILL And Sag and Door Factory .SEAFORTH, 6NTARIO, MABEE & MeDelaLD bng-eatabliedin conneettcrn with 'their Ltunber Yard e Plan- ing Mill and Sash ahd Door FrieteV, ere prepared 10 exeente work in this Mee m a eatii3faetory manner. Planing and Leiraber Dressing 1 every description done to order, Doors, Silsbee, Frames, always on hand ne made te order in the *est mourner and or good material. Lumber of all kinds en bend and for sale as tonal. - • Eetimates famished fa buildings of all kinds. 449 - :MABEE dc MeDONALD. ROYAL- CANADIAN BANK. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. Drafts on New toik Payable at any Bonk in the United Stites. -' Bill* of Exclunee bIL paysi* M. E HAYES, 411 31ANA-org.. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. jA all Chid Citka thelait441 311138"111' — INTEREST PAW ON DEPOSITS. TENDERS FOR GRADING, =ACK- LAYING, &c, C.EALED TENBERS addressed to the &ere- tary of Publie Works, and endoree.d " Tender Pacific Bethesier,” will be received at tbig dftie-0 1113 to noon of WEDNESDAY, the 2011 SEPTEM13ER next, for works required to be executed on that section of the Piscine Railway extending frem Red Rivet eastward to Bet Portage, Lake of the Woods, a distance of about 114 miles, viz.: The t Ackley- ing and ballasting only, of about 77 mie, and the construction, air well as traeldaying and bal. lastieg, of about 87 miles beteieen C115811 Leke and Bat Portage. For Plans, Specifications, Approxi- mate Qua/Attlee, Fornis of Tender and other in- formation, apply to the °Mee of the Engineer in Chief, Ottawa. No Tender will be entertained unlees on the Printed Form, and unless the con- ditions are eomplied with. By Order, F. BRAUN, Seerttary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, A-ngust la, 1876. 458-8 GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Before Taking, SPECIFIC PRIMA 'HU MEDICINE ' Cares all Nervone Diseases, ouch as Tremors, De- bility, Prostration &c., which, in many caees, are produced by over indnIgence in the use o tobace co and alcoholic spirits; but the Specific fedicine is more especially recommended as an entailing mare for Seminal'Weakness Sperutatorrlies, Im- potency, and all diseases thiit follow as a Oequenee of Self Abuse, as Lois of Memory, Univerml Lassi- tude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of V1i4on, Pre- mature Old Age, and many other disearea that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema- ture Graee, *1 101 which, as a rale are fir -4t. caused by deviating from the -path of nature and over bedelgenee. The Specific Meilcine is the result Of a life study and many years of experience in. !treating these special disensee, Fall portion's; in oar pamphlet,to which we desire send free b mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all rraggists at $1 per packsge,ox packages for $5, 4- will be *en& by mail on -receipt of the =Doh by :sdareell- fag , - f virnitum GRAY &IC° , ., Windaor, Ont. Sold in Seaforpo by Z. Hickson &O., L-8, Bebezto,R.litninden, and by all NORTHROP & MAN, Toronto, Desien 1 Maw 1 [ EGG EMPORIUM The subscriber hereby thanks his nureerouri enatomers ()merchants tredetherej for their liberal retro -emcee during the paist eelven years, and hopc#, by strict integrity and dose attention to buelneire, to merit their e9nfiden.0 and trade in theiature. Ilitring greatly enlarged bis premium, during the winter, he is now peepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH , PRICE For any quantity of good reres egge, &lie -trod at the EGG EMPORIUM • Msin lAreet,SMferib. Wanted by OR eubseriber 25 tons a good dry clean WHEAT STRe.W. D. WILSON , THE GENUINE ilOw EW-ING !VS A-ORME .18 871114 SOLD BY W NFWATN, 3EAFORTH. Agent for the -County of 1UrOZ. F You wastio know the true c4 this nets at my ofti :et in to Iwbere one only y ottof order, to oe its disadvan- •than to) years es - Business 1 bait Celebrated Sewing Seaforthe and beware of eckpt 011 ,d compared to inferior mae Urge; After re period of perlence in the Sewing found that the GENUINE HOWI.MACHINE. faction thentoturassc pniypetone istbith'tnever proving as givenpermanTufea t ssib actioeile inns movements-, nor being returned for repels. nslitiea itiotei"""embelfCrePhineinetT'aillituted'anthefild petfgandealt ctly' ifigirsiDt°ittedPartit 344erviCeittogs 4ritthel112244151:114e Sew- ing:411( may change it front elle to maw work with- out straining it and send it 'rat for repro- itilisewwit cinganeahthesandv7perftisakeets on line WOrko thread *suewith* fine en thune MIMI s* 404113T1110146 --lion ' ti Aen1' of othur Sew - Ing leniffachieles,"1°1"Mslergefferinganato, pptr You with:62Am' toesdllOwicesimillsehthepoo po' yen jose,not ia:01704-f tau*. thecae. tboy ine.4~1 Hasa olidvaiisetouotavalut -thff tient/the k. nu a new irimidno. irtide re•varnisase 10