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The Huron Expositor, 1876-08-11, Page 16
fi l • PJ 8 • ITOR. I i E tiit1RON E XPQIS AUGUST 18, 1874. guilt txpooitorl D-ISTR,IGT MATTER Goon 1?SaroeRAPas. =-Dear Sir have lately seen some Cabinet' Photographs several prominent townsmen and residents the neighborhood executed at !doom's Geller Seaforth, which will bear favorable comparis with those of the best city artists in that line. f would recommend those desiring photographs call at MooRE's Gallery and to inspect tho beauties of art for themselves. SEAFOBTH. FRUIT JAB8.'—Gem Jars, quart a half gallon; Jelly Tnmblers,•low prices for now; a lot o2. handsome Flower Vases, just i from 20e to $2 each ; Wine Glasses, Goblet Tnmblers and some cheap lots Just in, and a go stock of Stone China, Wheat Tea Sets and To Sets at I ioxson's. 447 ALLEN'S GROCERY is the place, co with a smiling face and the money in your poek and be convinced that he gives the best valve Sugars, Teas, Rice, Raisins, Smoked' Hams, coo, Crockery and Glassware, Tea Sets, F Jars, &c. 452 SPIK'IN'G W$EELB.-A Large Stock f Spinning Wheels, Reels Baby Carriages, and Cheapest Furniture in the County, at PouTEit . Matt. Robertson's okl stand, Main Street, S forth. 448 y FEED WHEAT.—Iaarties desirotla sowing the f ineee r"all Wheat ear sea. sample • d' gettheirorders filled at J. FAinLEY's, Seaforth POTATO. BUGS.—Pais Green, the o sure thing to kill them, for sale at Hrcicso Drug Store. 447 THE BEST VALtrE in Sugars are to found at the Cheap Cash I Grocery. Jona F. a LEY. 44 GASH PAID for Good . even colou ed Batter fn linnets at Hrcitsox's Drug Store. 0 f y industrious su to secure Ifer 'hii ited at Philadel what Ontario can in 1ustrious women. Goon RR.suvr. day School T usewife,;'he will be t she . may be ex - his as a specimen of nee in the way of enchi' n the Ci t 52 af) payin otter ex. ; nses. w`: e two, they on t t day,, ich the tickets s ° t must very w ogot up. SNEA TurEF a ( ramp ' ntered t ssrs illiam Ro , an ~purchas t>i attention of th on h' ►► was fo makin: change, t e show •ase a s. od jack knives and left th re not ►) issed u a rwar► s when t► e thief, but it w left ; • y the tra ven o' lock in ants c' nnot be en strj ngers c ale so ma y vagab ti e coun ry ready t• ey call i ay han The proceeds of the hers . excursion to Holiday amounted for the train and all fig that there p excursions from d the low price at ere placed, this re- tisfactory to those of Mr. Mov Keys to co fy iFh the Ca by use o th Mr thi Va be Mr,' by Mr. 1 ,bye gravel B 8 Biggins, by Mira Oaotle, seconded that the Clerk notify the piste the roll at once, and reasurer not to pay any money to sessor till the taxes are collected d. Moved by Mr. Keys, iieconded . Castle,: that $20 be pain for the the Orange Hall for ve sittings of ivision Court—Carried. este, seconded by r. K onncil do now adjo to on the first Mon y in 2 o'clock, P. M.—C dried Zurich. i 1 w S$or.—Sippel & ng a new blacksmii g to leave their old pr for. Mr: Diechart s in KNE55.-=-We have had a great many of diphtheria here anis in this vicin- ur ' of which proved fetal, of the re- ive ag es et four, five, six and eleven. on ao :.. `— The wet s lu warm a n dry weather to the cro sin this part of t that th ' will not aver a third a'' last year. sin PUB= :E.—Mr. N. Die based the 1' ►yal hotel from ►, Bayfield and intends Fitt st-elass'se le. He is' deter ample • .mmodation for Ins customers.I We wish him every suc in his ne `, .enterprise. rR BAND. ; The Zurich brass band seen reorganized. It consists of 12 hers, some of whom rank. among the prominet ` comment le, at no of the me iE FIRE commit' account Carried. by Mr. assessor to noti- TEA. —Ten -pounds hof good tea sell at J. F,.iaLEY'S Cheap Cash Grocery for $1 50. FLOUR, ;Feed and I Provisions for s at Fann..nr'i Cheap Cash grocery. 4 4 ItosDYISIM.--On Wednesday night so evil diseased- persons broke the fr• t window of a small grocery store on Mein street, kept by Mrs, Griffith. The *r- ag eir se - —On Saturday last e hardware store of ertson & Co., of this a key ring. While clerk who was wait - a moment taken up he rascal' took from 11 box containing two orth about three dol - store. The knives til about two hours earch was made for s ascertained that he n going west at about the forenoon, Mer- e° careful now-a•days me around, as there nds traveling through to purloin whatever on. bu ha roe cal its sp ve y fa al tyy,s th n pu c Cn in fir ha•e ou ce-s . THE R. Yee RE ER. -Mr. Watson of e Ayr icultu al Works will give a blic .: t of the orking of his Royce ealler,. hich hi .: attracted so much at- ntion n other laces, on the farm of r. Wm Fortunel, Lot 3, Concession 1, uron cad Tuc ersmith, at 1 o'clock t is afte noon. armers, manufacturers ants,' nd all others interested in cult ral mach nery, are cordially fa- ted to examine nd criticize both th hine and its . work, and decide fo emsel es wheth r the Royce Reaper, eighir: only 47 lbs., with a draught o my 1 i lbs., a d costing only $90, . not equa' in eve respect to other m whines eighing 1 00 to 1500 lbs, with raught of from 3 to 400 lbs, and cos ng from $120 to 150, cutting the cam dth o . swath. THE ACP.OSSE TC11.—The Lacross etch between a am of the Six Natio, Indians and the home club Was playe en the Agricultural grounds on Tuesda last. There was quite a large number c spectators and the game created con eiderable inters =t. Sonie very goo - lay w - ; made ► y the Seafort. boyk, tch the; India s, wh! scientific ga a an The home team too o Indians . three, thus b. Playing was kept ours. There are some among the Seaforth ood practice they w 11 ld their own with a y petrators of this act f rowdyism are, yet, unknown but in the event of tl discovery they will undoubtedly be verely punished. Til CONczwr.—The concert wh ieh d's Y was to have been given by Mr Wa juvenile singing class on Wedues evening last, w postponed until 'Ti day evening ne . Mr. Ward is tak agreat deal of ins in traininghis' el P and his concert will, no doubt be v interesting,, and our ' citizens should R him_ a good house. L rEN Es IN EAST Hunoer.—The ' 01 - lowing are the amounts received by he • set -era, municipalities in East. Huron, on account of Liquor License fund : Shar i►f Goveriinlcnt, :x38S.2, ; township of Grey, $139. SO) ; McKillop, $52.44; Hallett, $:12.41; Morris, $140.05 ; Flowick, $218.- 50 ; Turnberry, $52.4.4; village of W ox- eter,' $171.09 ; Brussels, 423.82. La es fig ss, ter ee i ACCIDENT. —A lad about.18 years of age named John Cooper, son of Mrs, Coo ler, in this town, while engaged in a s ve factory at Wingham, met with a a ful accident on V ednesday last. He as working a stove cutter 'when his l nd. came in contact with the knife, wick cut off three of the fingers of his rig t lid. Ile got the wounds dressed and- imm di- ately started for home, arriving here on '41- ednesday . evening. T I LN.SEsIN Souris Hui oN.—The total amour;:, distributed by the license Coin missidners for South Huron, under the new License Act exclusive of worl ing expenses, was $3 274.10. This sum as apportioned as follows : Share of ov- ernment, $724.66 ; Goderich Towns ip, e31.64Stephen, S253.14 ; Usbo e, •51..37.0S'; Hay, 8200.34 ; Tuckers ith el26.54 ; Stanley, $126.54; Seafo th,' $l 163.54 ; Exeter, 8286.40 ; Bayfi ld, $224,2;2. C`'erecrL Altee N o.—At the Last r et ing of the Seaforth council, held -on T es - day night, a resolution was passed, gr nt- itig the sum of $25 in aid of the all Show of the Tuckersmith Branch' . gri- cultural Society, ori conditions that the Tuckersmith and McKillop councils ach grant a like sum. jTbe school estimates for the year 1876, amounting to $3, 00, excluei e of new. school building, ere.. read,a d a resolution passed authori .ing the rax ing of the amount. A numb r of accounts were passed when the cou !oil adjourned for two weeks. .• ANCIENT R.ExC.—We were sh wn a few days ago a very ancient relic i the shape of a piece of tapestry, which is ver 500 years old. It is made of silk land wool,with silken wire interwoven thr nigh it. It was stolen from a palace in on- cion, England, by some upholsterers , ho were ,engaged in repairing furnitu e. in the palace. It is' now the propert of Mrs. Fulton, mother of Mr. Robert u1- ton, of Egmondville, who has' bee its possessor for over 40 years, she bavin re- ceived it from her brother at his depth. This hrother had owned it for several y -ears. i lel rs. Fulton prizes this old relic.. very Highly and could not be induce to part with it. - I_\ i:t. DOLP s BEWAPL.-)Stcne-th ow- ing, Mew -balling, &c., on the p• blic streets would seem to be too barbaric for the present age. But there are yet'per- sons t be found who will indulge in this amusement so dangerous to huraan dyes, glass windows, &e. On Monday morn- ing a moderate sized rock was found lying amongst silk handkerchiefs, tc., in the show window . of 117r. H. H. Smites store. Beyond the smanhiil ' of a large ligh:t'of glass which a few dollars Will replace, no other damage was done. Nevertheless "suspected" parties had better own up, and pay the amount or walk straight hereafter. ;Shirley is on the w:.rpath and there may be a case of scall f::g to record in a future issue, which for ti.. fair nahlo of Seaforth. we would much regret. A S.+IAirr Woj a .—W'e are informed. of a w Jman, the wife of a German 'far- iner, la the township of Colborne in' this County, who last fall plowed -17 ;acres of lend. This season she snowed with a ;rasa t ythe for six days ; she raked ten, .acres _•f hay with a horse rake and did the w -•rk with a three year old colt which eat. she " broke in " herself, she having been of las the first to put harness on the animal ; firine ;he loaded, unloaded and teamed all the lime end sand required for a Dew house eexe0 f{set ; she loaded and unloaded all the gram and hay grown on her ,hits=] band's farm this season, besides doing much •-,•r similar work. This out -door work Rea house -w caring f . ut the lay a with g two ga winnin up for very g i9ys a soon ► cannot oroughl at ease. es and', t the ma bout two od playe d with able to h club. —T in the was 11, team and in 4 PER. Dunce, of thi: Montr e concert vening w vel and layed in eoderich f , given by the India fairly attended, ai musing. ; The Indiian Tinton ori Wednesd .y esterday. essrs. Julius and Thos. of Duncan & Dnnein on Tuesday last fpr urpose of making ler; oods. ,On their retu t, acquaint. our readers ave done in the mets . urnbull and Mr. Ja ►► lop, and Mrs. Anders enderson, of Seafor om the old country had rather a long a being fourteen d They all enjoyed th mproved in health a nd that Mr. Willi' been purchasing gr narket, has removed he Intends prosecuti ng the coming seas the people of Hen ay have produce to market on this acqu' ess men of !the pia pushing,energetic yo dealing with him c fairly dealt with. uccess in his new sphei e, ekes his "pile" in the s in Bengali, we shs11 urn to Seaforth to n - es labors. ends In this County of inson of London, ill the suspension of the which he is the he d. epression in trade a d losses have compell d_ . Atkinson. was one and active promoters ron and Bruce Railw d ONAL. — , of the fi town, lef al for the purchases in dry they '11, no do with ••hat they polis, —M s. Robert Nichol of McKi and r. Frank return' d home f Thurs y. The storm voyage, on the ocean. trip, an return vigor. -V a underst Ghartef rs who ha on the' Seeforth Henna his av We co and th pose o tion to Mr. C man, . rely o n being wish liim every and wenhe produce busine expect hi to r: e joy th.' its of where cation du gratulat se who in that the busi rters is nd ;those f —Tee many f 1'Ylr J seph At regret busine The c coriseq this co the in the L an be str ed respec trest Lohdo scliem siob o be 0 0 nti e1 rs at d. earn U arm of cued. t hea e. M zealou gin, H hi] ` e ad ocating its advanta ore tile people of this County, is ig tf sward and honest course ga'n- for it }i many warm friends. In -tis is conduct`was in marked con - of .some of - the other en who championed this cerely trust the susp n- nson's business will oily • es h, .n ys it ►d un 1n to n ► 11 is- e, ng ail e of es AL Make 11 fee • entle We s r. Atk ary. Tu COEN f the Th smith, h inch thinks ' t at it height yet T in cur so long withi bud. kersmith. GAIN.—Mr. Daniel K n - *rd Concession; H. s long. Mr. Kennedy may grow to at giea er ckersmith can't be b at as it has, Mr. Kenn dy rs to grow it. 11 11 of t ACCIDENT.-- ne day last week as eaines Houston was leading a cow al thtro d. 'with a rope the anima mad bo nd carrying Mr,'Houston o his f , meg him to all heavily to th freet ed it. in two places. 13nd m clic 1 ore he ts recovering. Stanley. ' suent that folio est th at 6 Sr., r haler done in addition to the usual by A ys, including the milking and th t by-law be passed to raise $5 800 the milk of seven cows. Can for NCIL TING. —Council to adjour meet. Member all p The Reev in the chair. Min and spe 1 meeting read and on- . Council of Bayfield. reet vvith f Stanley land settled e,c ounts as Ir. ng a et, der, And f pro et per ur- es- tes er cent. tatement of Mr. specting he work on the tow ad and ordered to be filed. M r. Castle, seconded by Mr. K ncl inter- ry, 1876, hip ved any othe y in the County show a bet- curre t year---Qarried. By -la ter industriel record than the above ? If givin effect to the:foregoieg p at the Cente eel, hears of this wonder -1 seeti n rates. • p for the sed, also ool Moved by Mr. Gra • It roth h sh mise nrovE oved by ya, that meet at eptem- rick are p, they to make menta. he ' d sorrows life. We yon113t j o an have a very high regard, indeed, for life. Mrs. your partner estimation is ought to be. be a lady reQ above listeni anxious to shy_ g osp all who entered her horns We have, therefore, t pleasure; in presenting this token of you too, Mrs Manny with our esteem, Mid we sincerelyhopethat in your intercot will, as often table, remei warm -hearten husband's lat trieted Walt+ plied in beha self. nn 3n our uist what a . ' • biter's wife She has sho herself to i,rkable for pradence, fig to gossip, and always w ageneroushospitality to rse with your friends, you as you see this upon your ober the many kind and l friends you have in your s congregation and the dis- n." Mr. Mann suitably re- d him - Grey: Mrs. Mann an Grey: CovxcIL MEETII•G.— Council met at Tuck's hotel, Ctanbrook, on the 7th inst. Members all present. Minutes of last ng, and meeting read and confirmed. Mr. Hislop s proved reported as to Concession'and Sideline at he Colin- Lots 20 and 21, Con. 17, and considered .ge more that about $ 50 der to make chart has dollars were Mr. Mc - lig it up mined to practice and b distant day, to d t fastidious. 1NGINE.—There has been a appointed to take charge e fire engine. --It is theiralintention JOhnston w jourried to Cranbrook, • They d fair to light the would be required in or - road at said place. Thirty granted to repair read on een Lots 50 and. 51. The Court of Reeision of drainage assessment roll was the considerable Slemmon, was declare plications w tees, viz.: Union Grey number of d red to rehase to see it the prese FLAX Itingtebnrdoeu nd for that ptirpose, we t committee will be more Or duties than the last. n very extensivlithis year ht to a clime nder the e of its ener eta manager, employed au average, ntity of seed than half for- wectori of the on the 5th inst., . C. Alderson who ha many as 8d hands, il for the past four w re will years. T1: E FIRE mittee of ire Insura 1, Zurich, pplicaloh 7 out agen Joh,. Brison of ay, hut lightning whi onside his lthough bo ot be mor ay Mute - at Prang's nd passed covering an urance of is certainly a good exhibit hcr and shoWs w popular es are now beeo ing. ED.—On FridaY last, Mr. f the lake ehore, township valuable marl killed by standing in the atable Other in t,14e same sta , th horse was n jured, while the mare wls killed in - OR SCOT AND.-- Mrs, W. G. Wilson, f Zurich, r of Mr. rt Brown, eeve of Ha , left on ed 'esday with eil daughter on a trip to the ld country. re. Wilson' many friends i and about n ,safe To age and a pl sant visit m ng the fri nds and scenes f her youth. ay, Septe se of the ill be allow tined and ully invited to be in atte PRESENTATION TO REV. D. MANN. -- ex of the friends and la e members the congregation of We on met in 11 !United Presbyterian anse there, the purpose of present , of his leaving Walton t Mister in Or:election With eian Church at Grantee. Flee, of Whethrop, was depeted to make the presentation, which corlsisted in a purse of motiey to Mr. Man , and a sil- trek cruet steed to Mrs/ Ma p, which he fe—As we have- learned teat you are bout to leave thii district, aud take up your residence in another noii far remote, to 'which you have been inv ted by the unannnous eell of the congregation of Grantee in onnection with the Presby- terian Church of Canada, we cannot al- loW you te depart from emongst us w'thout giving you some taneible expres- eeteena. ;While the gift n itself as a p uniary value is not to e reckoned great, we are conscious that irceir good seese will not measure our affections for ydu by its Mere intrinsic woeth, but that you will consider itas an.expression of that sympathy and regard and aff•ction which the great bulk of your late charge and the people in the district among whom for upwards of five years you have lived, entertain for you and your family. We are deeply sorry, indeed, that eircumetancee, over which neither you nor we had any control, should have arisen in your late congregaition, so as to necessitate your removal frem amongst ua, and thus deprive us of the services o- an able minister of the Word, a faith - friend, and. a man in eeery Way devoted to the spiritual intereets df the people oeer Whom you had been ca- a much longer period -of time than I any of your peedecessors set apart and ordained ; but we must bow to the inevetable. The Ways of Pratidence are myseerious. The conflicting. lassions of men bring about ANG PLOWS, A test for ill be held on t e ferm of ber est. Disinterested appointed, an a thorough mous impleme ts entered d. Plows mu t be on the ' nufacturers re respect - nee with Ma. ED enough to the colum over its eon notice all t all our lea In our quie of much lin excepting ant enough beautiful f and haw ly—the cutting tb. are not co year, the many p „ upon the fair avera between t not expect bushel n becoming Mr. Ernes a thriving business in groWing flax. The small a gaged inind one stripping many as field last this bein Centennia as certa. derful lea and indus c,ne house short dis ditions a rest, has a second which ad of the sto signment week to shingles are No. 1, • and rinyone contena- plating b ilding would de well to call on Messrs. albflesch. Mes John B218011 lost a val able horse by lightning on Fri-. day hist uring the thunder storm. The horses we e both standing in the stable te remained uriharmed. Rev. on announces that services will ted in English, in the French resumed put -anent to a - e Reeve in the chair ; after discussion, onlmotion of S. nded by J. Hislop, the roll adopted. The following ap- re received from school true- chool Section- No. 1, $400; and Howiek, counts were eft over. Council then ad- eet again at Tuck's hotel, n the first Saturday in Sep - No. 114250; V73.85. A resented ance ant of James and Councillors McColl and W;d n—Osr- riied. The following accounts Were order- ed to be paid, viiz. : for gravel—C. Os- wald $5.45 ; J. Weber, $23 ; J. Allen, $7.60 ; G. Ross,$5 401; W. Belie $19.50; T. Wilson,$8. 0; lumber for culverteand bridges—T. Wilson, $115,27 ; P. Bell, $23 54 ; H. & J. C. Kslbileisch, $x'2.84 ; G. & 'J. Brooks, $68.56 Wm. 'Fenwick, $18.04; S. Ronnie, $71.47; Wm. Bell, superintending gravel pit and damage,$4; Steinbaoh & ©' gagner, balance of drain contract, $25 ; H. Boller, repairing cul- vert, $4 ; D. McColl, freightage on prize books, $3 ; L. Walper, gravel for 1875 and 1876, $5.60 ; B. Com, planting shade trees on highway, $8 50. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. McColl, that the statute labor against Lots 21 and 22; Con. 2, be allowed to . lay over till 1877, the parties agreeing do perform the same —Carried. D. Spencer was granted $20 for gravelling on Lake Road. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mfr McColl. 11gravel famished for roads be { paid for g to the quality of to be 30I cents per 25 cents, and that by notifi a that no paid fo arried. 11, ► e " e by Mr. Drysdalee on : Would you be kind ow me a short space within of your paper. In looking nts from_ week to week, I e leading items from nearly villages, eicepting here. 41age, there is nothing ortanee revelling at present, ood heat ,and ehatis import - The weatbee has been very r the last six qr eight weeks, mg is progressing very rapid- st of which wiel be through week. The crops, in general, sidered as good as those of last wheat especielly, which, in • has proved al failure ; but, hole, the spring crop will be a e. Hay is very plentiful, but e beetle and the drcatth we do to buy potatoes at 10 cents a t firing. Fax growing is ore popular in this part, and , of the Zurich mills is doing which Mr. 'rnest has en - pulling it. would re- f the Arkansai geasshoppers, verything before' them. As 2 were counted in a small eel/. The Americans boast of leap year, eleetion year and year. Let us call it leap year, y our country has taken a won - in the stage of improvements ry, no fewer than six barns and having been erected within the nee of half a Mile, besides ad- d otber repairs done on old Mr. Drysdale, not behind the ded an addition to his store, counter and a lot of shelving very much t•el; the appearance &rich, delivered a large con - of lumber and shingles last essrs. j. & H. Palbfiesele The that in future making 'and reps" by the cord, aceor the same ; first -0 cord, and second- c patlimasters are her inferior gravel will Moved by Mr. McC Kalbfleisla that this Council do now ad- journ to meet on Saturday, September Blue ale. • that Mr. John Farr Smith, who lefe he building are 16 feet. With the ex tion of the floor, all the woodwork Jim black t ash,highlyhfinishebeautied ful and app oiled 1, thus settingg out of the wood. The ceding is open to tee ridge, showing the #ix principal tees rafters ;. the rafters and ceiling all of bpi ash.{ The wails are finished it gray plaster and marked off in smites of stone. The doare of ground glass with wincoloredws borders. the exception of the contract for thewm down all the work has been done by bome contractors, and, on the whole, they done themselves credit. The contractors for the brick and stone work were Mess; Hodgins & Prior ; for all the esrp and joiner work, Mr. Peter Thom ► ) u j plastering, F. Kelly, chancels and tare, A. Duncan; bricks,R; McNangh windows, Lydell, of ,Hamilton. Theta til cost,uueluding site, has been $5,a of which only $1, 350 remain unpaid, building ie -situated on the Main street onlyone block south of thebusinesscen of the town. On Sunda the chntct tre was opened for Divine , In tile chancel were present Ven. Arelideseoe Elwood, of 'Goderich; Rural Dean Div cf Winghiin; herds. H. Bartlett, Pte: Eau; E. R Jones, Listowel ; A. J; pj. dies, Aurora ; J. Woodburn, Wmxetet . H. W. Davies, D- D.,Toronto; andthe i eumbent, H. Cooper. The morning pray era were read by Revds. Jones and dler ; the Communion service by Arch. deacon Elwood. The sermon wash •ed by Rev. H. Bartlett, from gamut, Chap. II., 23 and 24. The preacher delivered a very able and impressive see 'mon from his text. The choir, under leadership of Mr. Chanter, at Mie differ: ent services rendered most beautiful ail impressive music, not the, least toue of their selections being that bean anthem, "I Waited for the Lord." church is seated to hold 3Q0 peoplecbta. fortably, but had extra. sittings for this day to accommodate 500. This' free building is' among one of the best in rids section, and the congregation of t, John's Church have reason to be peel of their fine edifice. re hap to learn w and . William in Maly to visit England, the hied Of their birth, have returned to their reepective families in safety, looking mue the better of their menejay evening trip') ita:srzwross AthuenoN7. .n last, the members end friends of ',the Methodist congregation in this village met at the residence of Mr. Leech, and about eight o'clock .prOceecled to the (baskets in hand) for the purpose of sur- prising Miss Bina L. Farrow. As the preparations for the party were all Made on the one day it ' '9315 really a surprise to Miss Farrow : she not even getting a hint of it. The iirty being cordially received and quiet seated, ad handsome purse -was presente to Miss Farrow by Mr. James ittosgrov containing twenty- five dollars, accomp nied by the following address which was ad by Mr. Edward W. Bruce : "It is 'eh cheetful remem: brances of your aluable services as Church and Sabb h School organist, that we assemble his evening to offer you our tribute 4 respect,' admiration and gratitude. The manif tation of Your autinng ener and. skill in pro- motini tbe singing twest of our society, and the cheerfu s with which your musical talent has ways been exhibited, calls forth on our are an evidence of the esteem in whie we hole you, and the appreciation w -possess of your effort to promote its ep teal welfare by the choice and prepe tion of the most music have been h rd with the greatest delight, satisfaction and profit, by the young, the middle aged aid the old ; arid the sweet strains rendered with sch tenderness and pathos' lifting up the heart, and,under the biasing of God, carrying comfort a d conso ton to the congregationewilln t soon forgotten." Miss Farrow mad a very suitable and* touching reply, an stated that she con- sidered_hef service as a duty, and had. always rendered hem with pleasure. $he hoped and trusted that her efforts to promote the singing interest of the church aud Sabbath School in the future might be more successful than heretofore. The presentation being over refreshments were passed round by the good ladies of the company, and, to all appearances, justice was done to the spread. The re- mainder of the evening was spent in singing and other Amusements, and the meeting was brought to a ; close by all joining in singing 'the national anthem, after which all dispersed to their several the occa- Mr. A.me labor as a be condn the Presby- Presbyte Mr. Mur - Cs in convenien es and annOyan el. This is state. We d mistakes. in the new after all but an imperfect °linnet get rid of errors a Bet we earnestly hope that a here of labor on whi h u are about g eater tha , you :ha e ha and, above have the ha.ppiness of tnessing the ocl-fearing people. Accept this, dear ie-nd, this parting token our regard, 1 a d .play you treasure it in our home as I handed down as a mentoria to your fata- 1 ily of the many warm frien you possess ut, nay dear item; to show this tangible eans forgot- , ociated with Mg district of Walton. sir,while we have been aoli to you our deep regret b eXpression, we have -by no teln her who has beeii as THAT Allow me the true s done by The state blo w, as ity that bushels t that, and threshing the same. A etatemen your readers fall whe t yields won Par line; but it does not that the fell wheat is a f all over. Now, Mr. Edi Hay. IG THRESHING.—Ifr. Editor : since in your columns to- give atement about the big threshing essrs. J;Flac and A. Agnew. ent which the, gave is merely I received it fr m good author - ere were not more than 150 that they wer over five hours rding to their ould think that erfully on the as all are aware ilure in general - or, I think that I if the thieshers do -big ehreshing; they should giye the correct etatement about it, and net do as those threshers did— stretch it beyond all reasoning. Yours truly, HILLS GREENISCRUTLNIZER. COUN suant to Zurich, o present. utes of fo Moved b beth Ho' stances— seconded write to for the ro speetive for 1875, fore this Carried. dered to prepared ship and for the South ship pu L MEETING.— the Sth inst the Town Hall, , Members The Reeve in he chair. Min- er meeting feed and signed. Mr. McColl *minded by Mr. h, that $10 be e,she being in a.rried. Move by Mr. Geiger he late Clerk, containing the rates of the re- chool sections of the township and that the Clerk lay them be - Council at its next meeting— The following sums were or- e raised ender by-laws to be pecial purpose/1,9,nd school rates rrent year, viz.: Interest on oses, $100 ; County rate, as by ranted to Eliza - indigent eine m - by Mr. Wilson, that the Clerk statement of County Clerk,. $2,990.99 ; Legislative school equivIalent, $571 ; S. t. benefit d. by drain in don. 10, for retir- ing two . debentures andl paying interest on balance. Moved by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr. Wilson], that the Clerk and tre collecto error in raised on lands urer exanune the assessment and 's rolls for 187 and correct an Moved y Mr. Geiger, econded by Mr. Kalbfleitch, that a co ittee be appoint- ed to eqnfer with the douneil of Exeter to arrange a settlement] with this town- ship arid said Counci4 regarding the terms of the act of theik incorporation ; said comroittee to coninit of the Reeve • CO3IPLETED.----T e russets Driving Park is now comptetecl, andlthe track is in splendid conditen for working on. CRICKET.—The :return metch between Wroxeter and Bruesels cricket clubs was played at Brussel* on Friday last, when the game resulted* favor of Wroxeter by a score of 89 to 69. LECTURB.—On Tuesday evening last, Rev. H. 13artlett, of Rondeau; delivered his famous lecture in the town ball to a verrfair audience. The sUbject of the lecture wad " The Arts and Sciences of the Crystal Palac, Sydenham." CoNcEET.:—The Odd Fellows of Brus- sels intend giving * second grand concert on the evening of ept. 13. Some of the best foreign talen is being engaged for the occasion. F om the great success attending the last concert Otten tip by this order, wp ea safely premise a great treat on this ow ton. LIQUOR, CASE.4-10n Tueeday lase Mr. John Thompson, hotel keeper, of Blue - vale, was summoned beloee the Reeve and Thole Strachan, J. P., hy Mr. Donald Scott, license Tweeter, charged with giving liquor awai on Sunday. The case was clearly proven _and Thompson was fined $20 and cost's. I FARM SOLD.—The farM of the. late ship of Morris, which was eold by public auction, at Parkq's hotel,' Brussels, un- der a decree from'the Court of Chance on Tuesday last, Was purchased by a r. James Shortreed, from neat Toronto, for $3,250. The sale was subject to a mort- . gage of $400, and, also to tete years of an unexpired lease. Mr. J. P. ;Brine, of Sea - 'forth, wielded th4 hammert liesreeeletole.—The following are the officers for Star Temple No. 501), hide. pendent Order Good Templets, installed by Tem& Deputy William Sniall, for thelnarter ending October, 1876. Sis. Jane Forsyth ; W. T. Bro Area °S.", B;rWo;JMose"phBAn.w.djeaarso. ne; Geo. Gibson ; W. A. S., -Sig. B. Vim - Sig. M. Walker. THE NEW CHUIICIL—The -new 'Episco- pal Church was opened on Sunday last The attendance it the several diets of worship was very large, Ih the morning a large number were unab1e to gain ad- mittance, so great was the crowd. This fine brick edifice bas been erected by the congregation of St. John's 'Church, Brus- sels. Five years ago the first regular ser- vice was held by Rev. W. Murphy, then of Winghana. conducted the services fortnightly for two yearze Rev. S. A. but his labors were short Ille died three months after his appointmemt. The pres- ent incumbent, Rev. II. Cooper was then most successfully' in this aus to Mr. Murphy's app services were conducted years by the late J. W. lie The new church is of the Gothic archi- tecture; built -of white briek with stotie basement. The main bui ding is 36x60 feet; chancel, 18x20 feet; rch and tow- er 1.2x12 feet. ' The ment is the full size of the rest of the uildizig, with I a 10 feet ceiling. The wa of the main tment, the or some five as catechist. ENGAGED.—Mr. Andrew Govenlocked the Winthrop mills has engaged Mt, AL fred Brewer formerly of Trowbridge, as manager ana head miller ef his fleeting mill Mil. Brewer is a miller of here ex- perknee mind will, no doubt, give the highest sitisfaztion to the patrons of the Winthrop mile To the SIR being sa perance in Hullett. itor of the Betrien• Expo* these days ',When so InUcli is and weitt'en about Telmer. ance, I a happy to inform you that the young people of Hallett are not behind their fellows in the great reform. They have erected in the township two re. ispectable temperance hank at both,of iwngshicahrespripgateidartiaynteawell-Bauttet ntdedheytest-bor ander great disadvantage here,..as 1 fear they do m many other places in not be- ing upheld, as they 1313011Id 'be, hy -the members of the leading churches in the townshipi of whom comparatively few have joined them, and scarcely =Offi- cial. And, although the people 'of lid - lett are generally favorable to the igoo& cause, yet the names of but few hailed families appear, on their rolls ; hobo 1 have said, the young people. But the young peeple, of the rising generation, are the hope of the country, and 'Amy of them, who .• are now getting Aar training will, no forms in ill at no church peranee cause prosper, many of whom aspire tO be platfo orators. Some of these met pEe that the mperauce people at theii ak cialt intrioduced light matter, as *Age dialogue/4 reading, &c., will& theytieell not sane on. Now sir as tbese gentlemen know thal the object -0 meetincei is to make the cause attractive and indtice others to join with thesis I think thitt they would be acting-m(20in conformity with their professions 41* stead of 'closing their arms andfieding fault with the means madeuse of ter' mote the good cause, they would Allow by their ipresence at the meetings they had their approval, and they then inttoduce suck topics as theui Ell. parlor wpidom could make attractiSto the young. Hoping that this williiiett the eyes of some whose conseienceetieut tell the lthat they are Ithimeableiethl4 A.TGw.entlicynyoauradziALPLeineztofoo.r $1 at .t • ee-New Goods opening eve day —Rieb Satin Stripe, , Black dines, for 45 cents, worth 40 the 777.1 A. G. McDotreemet Co. adaniPATilt4r:einintellitktahilinein.C111111 let i e abbe en 4°3aireadfnCrillintS4Yjlieett ton Lambton, Lennox and Prinett „. wat'd in Ontario. Ottawa Ceunt'deut Quebec and Huron, Brant, Difhtlat tEhluginmbe, Filaronndte,naeonGtareriyo,,Ef.asoxftinoggri .!;4:s...__A43r. shortly -to be tested as to their feeame t debates in temperance oubt, take the lead in otber re- nr country. But they toilet being better upheld by the dais, who are doubtlesetelle en and would wish to -see the 777 w.Aaverv 2,000 TUBS 017En PRICE IN CASH solg --1;04.144 but g fee „sate:Mtn. Fol Fogg YOU SAVE, --I, earYhtit Of liana. Wit *4k. UNE, Seal :Estate Vali IOU SALV•„'I - STRONG, land Agett, -VOWS FOR SAILE., Multlliop;_ also Sou 'WW1 SAIX—SOuth lot is at partilare VOW FOR SA.T4s, Idacalop, con balance well timbere PP.OPERTY FOR S) _Illannfattaring • Con ipturrin.m3- LOT abletetras to any who PROPZUri FOR -a• istoi-y frame lion. Market Square, Seal been -uvulas an egg r, are adapted for apply t COM, Seaforth, WARM FOB SALE sad* seasiving IlkSif FOR 13 -ALE. ; 29 acre ' Age Of cultifiatio Utah ; a good beast log house, 11/&1218b4Ut shed 2-00:11. Also mixt st any time. Apply 1 11113 Srussels P. On or - -A: 10, Morris, coital see •cleared, AtativAtiOn; tho Bruce Railway. For I LAIDLAW on the ingbatt,Febtri!frve lann iseM4-E also sontb. half of Ido soil, ilea Irma are Railway. Pox rrice ZELL, Seaforth P. 0 pARM FOR 13 cleared, and the balsa wood. There is 1 from Sealoith, -4 Pa Eltibtan. Terms out the premises. Fos FI/TZABETH UAW, ir011 SALE scree, about SO o firet•class -state of c -Sib* with kit -Amu -1 other neeestary out and good orchard. 4 ilet4 station, and *re cleared. Irde a Shed arid etahle 133. 1114 root house an 1/012Se, and all etbo goOd orchard and we the most FOF _T Are led and in' %lanes is good be -feandation. and Item 13.84100.31.43111S,, OAS; XinhurO. aPIAT °14 if BY let -tor 7,0 • FOU 13 *tete ol good eut tete& There Is a good nOw flame bon lianng Well Ana A bilks from Broca '1Y to the prop -I POR worMO, Lot Aoros• 70 of w Pat -class tultivat a ere • Iva& leading to tam Audis **en" ItkV,PlY on the tire ,91thO lot ate withi seejonewlistblaile:b4thieZ: 447 coratertahle -‘410 Propt• letor