The Huron Expositor, 1876-08-11, Page 124 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Splendid Chance for a Livery Business. -House to Let—Thomas; Whiteside. Farm for Sale in McKillop—A. Lake4 Holloway's Remedies—Thos. Holloway. Note Lost—Andrew Govenlock. The Seneca Wheat --William Rehill. Estray Cow—John Kyle, Damaged Kid Gloree-The Golden Lion Farm for Sale—Thomas _ Adams, I Estray Cow—David Cluff. o Farm forSale--Alexander 'Stewart, Insolvency Notice—S. G. McCaughjey. Assignee's Sale—S. G. McCaughey, i, SEAPORTS, PRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 876. I G. Our Public School Teachers and nd Their Examinations. The stringency of the late examinations of Public School teachers, and the'any failures amour; applicants for first and second class certificates has occasioned considerable discussion, and it is under- stood that the Minister of Educatio 'has now ander consideration some aniend- ments to the law which will prevent the ranks of the profession becoming entire- ly depleted, That something should be done, and that there• is great room for improvement, is generally admitted by all. To our mind the qualifications re- quired for first and second class certifi- cates are higher than there is any neces- sity for. It is very well to raise, or to attempt to raise the standing: of the teaching profession, but it is possible to to raise it so high that the remuneration granted teachers will not be sufficient to induce them to make an effort to attain it. In this event,the.high standard would be a positive injury instead of a benefit, as young teachers would have no incentive to attempt to advance and excel inheir profession. They would simply fellow the teaching profession for a time as e sort of stepping stone to some better oc cupation. Even now, to _ secure a. first class certificate requires very nearlyass. much study and expenditure of time and • money as to gain a profession, while the salaries even of the best and most skilled first class teachers are not nearly equal to the incomes which fourth or fifth rate professional man can make.his being,the case it is absurd to suppose that risen of ability and ambition Will content themselves at teaching, because, •in the first place no such person would be satisfied to .remain in the lower ranks and in the second place the qualification necessary to attain a first position is such that the remuneration he would receive after attaining it would not compene to him for the time and energy he had lex- p evaded in reaching that position. ' In fact, under existing circumstances, first class public school teachers will soon j be very scarce, as those now in the profes- sion will gradually die out, and there iso nothing to induce younger ones to. at- tempt th climb up. The same difficulty exists in reference to second class certifi- cates, only in a °more aggravated foram. For instance, a person must teach three years :before he is pe niitted to apply for a second, and he is no allowed to teach. longer than threeyea on a third. Be- tween these two classes there is a very. long stretch, do long, in fact, that for a person to overcome it, he would need to abandon teaching for a time and devote himself entirely to study. Some attempt to prepare themselves for a _certificate • and teach at the same time. Under the old regime this was usually possible, but now the difference is so great that very few can do justice to those who employ them and to themselves,and study at the same time. Here, then, again conies in the difficulty of. remuneration. The re- muneration which a second class teacher receives is not sufficient to make it, an object for him to devote a year or two years in studying up for a certificate ; and more especially so, as he knows that even when he does get a second, that ;be- fore he can again advance in his profes sion he will have to devote another two or three years to study and spend more money to dvance himself, and when he does do al this he only receives a mere .pittance f r his services. The result is that in nin cases out of ten the teaching. professions abandoned and other ossa. pationa ard sought after in which at least _as much inoueyean:be made and less time is required for preparation. As a conse- quence of this, young and inexperienced teachers will be the rule rather than he exception, and. the cause of educat on instead of being advanced by this h gh qualification system will be impeded. It will be said, no doubt, than the higher the qualification the scarcer teachers will become, and the salaries will rise. We admit that good teachers will become more scarce but the lower Bride of teachers will become . more plentiful. We mean by lower grade those who ere young and inexperienced, because in moat instances we should prefer long experience in teaching to very high scholastic et- tainments. The salaries of teachers are now as high as the country can afford. In towns and villages, and in districts too, in many cases, the burden res of an ge th; fo co w c do 1 • It. he fi - rep •es, a fid, a iirese� the pr plains I s of ' wou the first ;'and second ° A. grades class were done away with b the first and second. B. this eplaced by the present grad a intermediate between t second and third suba�tituted ent s dad the difficultiesnow, of ould be overco e ; we e apo _ I the whole a better' echerseJ and the cause .of educe - be ad'vanced.• ro '' HA LION cc here -e an v thrt.o a the p cttirsto{ orku P Co'e pel t Grove de f� of to morn ant ' make the Brio Br wn is the Tr �ders,: a d ab in ustry l oking ag.ment, ° ut he mal ding hat t for§ him ecunia his publis ing bu is eally seeded apo it can be me:nslet tbeh jec is to olster pan ere an reliev wh -ch th y ha re in a' specu ow 'profit then' sh uld not be gr ta- that i was M it foun their Wrist, a d then - train, t at the mon‘y stabli was card. " W we cordially agre nes sitY or an from Tor, o to eitl or the ret We two mai s day f� all the . cc mmo If it is a b siness above referred to pay for it doing. 1 sire dditi fail to see be fjrees i to gratify the a city newspapers could, to monop paper busi>gess of contemporary orar n remarks s P y dent determine ion o1 l be and ci �lTail propri an agitation t at mai nment to take t e bur. Odtrain off thei handl ic pay for i M st ardent of Fre ors the thought of an tie Ottawa for ncoun as no hesitetio in df e Government s • all al aid for the be efit orf mess. If such a trai n the public - teresi hown to be so, by ai d. .But if its c' ief o1,><- initwe Toron • . new them from e pense e, deliberately 'incur alive mood fo thei' sack eleemosyn : ry ai need. Itis qui ce ot until the G ,be an circulation failin in the peculated in a early utery for Government h an early mail train th every word of thi . We do not the th additional mail trai er on the Grand Trun stern. We now. hay •. rom that city, which • ation that is re uired. necessity. for the paper: lot them continue t. themeelees as they are no e pub .c don't require nor de anal a cemmodation, and w , 1 any r ason why they shoul. o con ribute largely, merel bition or greed of tw. ho would like, if the lize the entire news - the country. N cps o the Week. TU KIM/ Ana —It is stated that the Turkish army rio equipped and in the field =liters 300,000 men. . To i THUMB.—Gen. Tom Thumb is said o have exchanged his yacht Maggie B. fo a solitaire diamond worth $3,000. CE 'TUFt,Y PLANT.—A ctury. plant, with th sand buds and blossoms, is on exhibi n in B sten for the benefit of the Old o th fu d, reGOLD ND Jr, ELS. — An American sident i Londo writes home that the •display o gold rought home by the P ince of ales i dazzling. Tu KS gFEAT .—The Montenegrins s verely defeated he Turks on Monday, besides capturing quantity of arms and war nateri 1. BILLIARD . --L st a aturday night Slosson and Daly layed in San Francis- co, a 600 -point _F ench game for $500. It was woe by the latter by 236 points in 43 innin s; . E THE BIBLE IN PUBLIC SCHOOL'S. —A controversy over .he use of the Bible in public schools has arisen in New :South Wales- Stljong ` i pposition has been shown to the dell reading of it. 'CATTLE QUEEN. Mrs. Robb,' of Cor- pus Christi, is call d the "Cattle Queen of Texas." She wns 75,000 acres of land, o which 15, 0 head of cat le are fattens for marke each year. (Cosi,c Y C Ts. — he old mania for Persialn cats . with long tails has again broken out mong he Daimois of Japan. An enterpiri ing c. ptain of a merchant vessel sold hree short time ago for 0, 2001 . ;' ca- ATIHOL CS MURDERED. -The F enc 'mission ch t. el at Ning Kooe Foo, P ovines Ngonhoil China, was attacked b : the pope ace d ring the celebration of II s. ,' T e priest and many of the co gr gatio were illed. PAT L ` F 'EMS . F HEAT. --111 Madrid, Spain, the heat ha been fearful, exceed ing a y recollecti n since 1800. Tho ci y i deserted. Forty field laborers di jd n ar Seville. The vines in Andal- usia ar scorching . d fading. ¥EL ow VER. A .case of yellow fe er as o turret in New York- The as istant en ineer f an Havana seam ship. hie died in on F of the city hos itals. During the five da s the vessel WAS in queranjtine h was n good health. BUR 1ED TO DE, TH.—A woman; was burned todeath Mile walking' along Broadway,., New ork, on Friday last. It is suppose I that her apparel ignited: from a burning mat h which had been thrown awa by he husband after ight ing a cigar. AT`reener 77� AssAs .reA'PION,— At erne a few clays ago, a 1 uesian lady fired a ppistol et Prince Go tschaksoff, Ru Sian Minis; r to Swit ,erlancl. ThePrince escape unhurt, and the lady was a rest- ed. T e attemptec assassination ` i at- tributedi to political motives. Lig R 1 i1LL.— le Bill -forbic ding of intoxicat ng liquors in,xr land S nday has p= ssed its second ead- the afotuse of Commons. This s' r , which is v ry popular in a lows liquors o be sold upon ly to ravell. rd and to lodge s S NTAT ON 'i`s ' R. PLI3isol�L.— rkme of S shield, Eng., have I ted Me. Pli ssoll, M. P., with a , o their admir< tion of his devotion i use o the ser mien and humanity, fe o a ma: nificent silver cup, c as d. The -eight of silver sed nces,Eand th eight is 39 hi hes. is ntounte con black sea ole, s eludin the g ass shade in hick it is inclose(l, is 63 nches high. t is £130. LIRE of PuTR c , ; Fisn.-From the e 30t of J Sze, the office of hmong rs' Co.. '.any seized n less b tons of disc.:ed and putri fish r hu an fo . d, at Billingsgate h fish i , eluded 6 brill, 920 2,800 dabs,' 1x,400 •gurnets, 30, - haddock , . 3;270 ° :herrings, 331jlob- !. 24 m kerel, 80,550 plaice, 2,000 j thesaI upon ing in measu land, dap, o tavern PRE Th' wo preen tokt n to the c in the the rural richly is 136 0 of school maintenance, although The en • very a and; in ro. ` h, 5 salmon, 1,734 soles, 2, bac . s, 123. turbot, and 12 600 tion there went seized ling, 109 bushels '- 1 bushels of whelk ' ri • ps, and 30 pounds I E H OF .:A CELEBR. Thomas Morton's wber, died at 1' eek, of congestion h• rse waif valued a the first preintum att fall, and Morton w 000 for him. ANADIAN BATTLE IN ar lieoof n cattle Ie tra;� is ed •'between Canada s ad an cattle comma of • in! Liverpool and th =r places' -as well. Lo 11u k hers are purchasingii f: t A n itself 1 is aufi;cientl the r quality. wIM1uNc. Mr. • Fre �f n cion, proposes soon' eriment of Captain t to si w m acro P across the ex to nel He recently swam iv to Portsmouth, a distance iles, in six .hours arid t int' a, arriving at his estin n wll. g Hl GRAS TOPPERS IN NEcRASKA.— h grasshoppers have a gain . egun their devastating work in Neb ask , Buffalo o nty, is reported as': almost cleaned out by - grasshoppers. 1 ort . Platte, Lincoln -County, had them a holt time sego and they entirely des royed the co . crop, eating the stalls el : n to the gro nd.'•' The, other coup les' crops are co paratively uninjured. OUNTERFEITER ARE, STE Detective Finnegass, last wee . arrested a man named C. F. Moh g fo manufac- turing and. uttering cunt rfeit. gold dollars in San ,Francisco. a seized several thousand blank p eces, and five hundred finished gold dol ai s nd a lot of dies and stamps. Parti s in the Eastern and Western States ave been passing these pieces. CONDEMNED GOODS.— hug kiln on a Government dock lin Lo don, England, is k own as "the Queen's tuba co pipe," a d is use to burn condo ne. imported goo s. G eat quantities' : f to aceo, for - f it d eoa se unfit for ale, are there c n u ed and various pe isha le things, po hie the duties ar not .aid, are a o d str yed. Nine h ndr • . spoiled ha sand a shipload of to war- recently bu ed. ARRIAGE IN Mon L ar et 70 thun- hitebait. 'o barrel* f pe winkles, 3,31 gallons of ee . TED OUSE,— stall' n, Wil- ewbu y, N.Y,, of t e lungs. 50, . He the tate fair s the offered ENG AND.—A e is n w estab- and England.: ld high prices �onddn and in ldon est End larg numbers, gu ranteeing leric Clavell, to epeat the ebb in an at - Eng sh Chan- rom •outhamp- of twenty irty-three tion 5 tIter i l i n oval, j St at Mr. Disraeli, Earl lar a number of the ai res nt, and the Queen, t ri c s of Wales, Prince P{ri ccs Louise sent bride is a P youngest son of the an was married to ant Macdonald, t tl . James, on. Wednes Gra istocr re. P Leo gift DIsRAELI.--A. Lb don • r, Disraeli's acce line ,Seal occasioned almost rprise as his elevation t the 'J he object is to secure hi a pc bits upon if it should rove heal h is not strong enough fo lead in the Lord's next': essio expected the title of Earl f Be will e supplemented by th se of ug enden and Baron Di raeli A ODDITY. —There is' que P it ' delphia on a visit' o th. al. His.name is Joseph ardi ►m and native place is • Be J dea whence Christ c me. a tractive garb, consisting.. long red and yellow strip • reps ins below the knees; nd gi s a d brings with hi a cu le ti n of crosses,' relics. b ads ce la sous jewels. He converses English and German. N. N -Il` TOxIG'ANTS. — T e C E g nd Temperance So iety so.ia time tried the experi ent lis i g stalls for the sale :ihf no ea i.n. drinks. Thirteen of the h� o been opened in Lon ton, an I heir success has eneoura so ie y to extend the system to • n . A plan' has also b en d se 4(1. vheelbarrows throug . the to al distracts. at harvest ti a in su . p the harvesters wit to d n a, LI ERAL EN'DOW.MENT. UT. Barbour, of Manchester, + ngI give • the sum of £109000 f r- th mc{nt of a professorship in' he P sae College at London, Tis tended to be a Hart of the ban fund . f $250,000, by which the feria Church of Englanc pro celeb ate the recent unio of Pres • yterian bodies nowcomp The c oners of the fund are g von to de :ignate almost any obj et ra ge of church workas th • roc th it Ti RAH ITPot'l3LES. — ripe Milan :la es that the condition f th Sevian e: is very satisfactory, d a• nounces re:olatiou to continue t e w r to the e ;remit . A Constant nope special s he. Sultan has,'to agreat extent, elieved of his physi al uffering, kir deeper, and deeper into a settled choly. meaness. H.o ask to be out of his cruel po itio as he bear it. His abdi atioi would acted, and he would glad y retire, at his immediate heir and younger r are disinclined t tae upon elves lie burdens of heImperial y.' I F BRAY' Cosi.—Thetrial of Mrs. for th. mchrder of her hue and by ing, in .En` land, has I sen oing on last tare weeks in Lon on, and great topic of conversati n in all e in that place. Opinion . change c ay to day: as the evident adds to k s from the proofs of cri inality, a present many persons believe t e late Mr. Bravo commit d sui- The theory is, that fin ing his i drunkard he applied to his m,edi- nds for a recipe to cure er, and commended to put ant ilio y in her and that in a mome• t of mpor- anity he administere t to himself of the antimony, reg ettiiig what done and calling for of ater as an antidote directly afterwa . ds.; le is n 0 an ci Viscount Duke of he Hon. e Chapel ay, 9th ille, and any were ince and gold, and despatch of the as much Peerage. tit to fall that Ms him to . It is onsfield iscount r fellow Centen- and his hlehem, e wears •f a red d frock, hite leg- ious col- nd mis- reely in urch of has for f estab- -intoxi�- e stalls ngland, ed the other vised to agricul- order to perance Robert nd, has endow- esbyter- ft is in- �. sgiving Presby- oses to he two sing it. he right *thin the pient of Of de for his lass say be n bn si me a to en ca no, be et bis tI bro h the s dig it dig vol thh�e s Bra poil for is t circ fron or t and the cid. Ire- wif a that cal frit s in ; was re sherry ary ink' a d�$e he lia necessary, to very heavy, and rather 1 than increase it the people wOujd ' worth prefer to employ teachers of inferior SIIz grade and short experience. So that, tat to si no the Fie matter how high the qualifications fc�r than 81. teachers may be, there is no probability unfit fh of any very marked increase in 'salaries. Market} We believe that if the standard for ser- 960 cra s' tificates were lowered, advantage would, : stere, • ossa Yar. way full �•'eav the ulls • 1- •aya , ince iola he cir 7nfc irel ag th rrc no fry h Cheesinea.—A tem d to the barque Ma utle, Nova Scotia, �m Boston for Barba go of shooks in the seek load of:mules an'. rd day, when the vess 1, one of the sailors in There the hay was sto from his pipe. It tt, as he thought, the tinguished, and as li e rules, he did n tante for fear of ately the fire had n xtinguiahed, but smog afternoon and till th iisaster 1 arrs, of •• hen ion her I oes, with a old and a she p, On 1 wads under pas ing the ed copped i the fire a8 at h been t ention un' tint. t b n en- der d due- fo owing night, i ht when at the yes was high an into flames, The cattle excited, an most Panics were roar flames were had sustain were lost, b seriously bu difficulty to New Yor Ronin D. tragedy occ the 7th inet ander Sull Board of Hanford, of The former Mrs. Marg been mall communica Osdte1 in t the deceaa tion was d was refits struck Mr. ed, which the latter the abdom. Mr. Hanfo custody. sensation i liven is a Amherstb the mate ,gave the alarm 1 was on . fire. The wind fanned ' the smoking 'hay d filled the air with sparks. board became frantically for a time the men were al- - ken. M • y of the :aheep. to death, and - before the ot under control the vessel d serious damage. No lives t two of the sailors were ed, and it was with great t the barque was brought in Thr CHicAt;<o.-A fearful rred in Chic's , the princip van, Se ublic Works the North Si who believes ret Buchana jgo on Monday, ile being Alex- retary of the and Principal e High School that his wife, Sullivan, had ned by Mr. Hanford in a ion .presented ' by Ald. Van- - e Common Council, visited 's residence. An explana- nded, but itis claimed it d, whereupon Mr.' Sullivan Hanford, and a scuffle ensu- ulniinated in the shooting of y Sullivan with a revolver in n, from the effect of which d died. The homicide is in he affair creates a profoand all circles in the city. Sul- anadian, having been born in g. ` The rap d business i interfered Farmers be the young of saving t the process set in, part profits in the scarcit was also ne the factory a great ind is so well s seems a pi business ah for butter a good, but been hurt b which the seen fit to terprise of likely to o way that w interests. in Canada carrying th the Liverpo 1 or London markets, if no untoward.. stacks are placed in the way. By se • ding the animals direct from Canada, ou ownI steamship lines, banks, insurers, et b., have the benefit of the extra trade, and the profits that would otherwise ac rue to United States middle- men are say - d to ourselves. The experi- ments that : ve so far been made have turned out ell, and it atay be stated c that during he last two years not less s than 12,000 attle have been sent, dead a or alive, fro •• Canada to England. The t last shipme s ts, consisting of over 400, live animals, were sold at prices equalling that of the . oat quality :of home-grown g' beef, com- mitted The Engl sh papers aro filled with 1' 'references t the subject, all. of them , tl being appare.tly anxious to encourage a as T trade that p orrises to reduce the price h and inereas- the available quantity of xr beef. The w providing for the land e ing of forei _ animals at a single port, tai and for the r detention in quarantine a: twelve hours has been felt a hardship, I , e especially as there has never been any ea to fo w co re in Abu aY sti be un e Cattle Trade. extension of the cheese many sections of Canada ith the raising of beef cattle. 'eyed it profitable to knock elves on the head for the sake e milk they must consume in of raising. A. reaction has y owing to the fall in the heese-making and partly to of cattle. Butter -making lected for the se, but under system it bid fair to become stry. of the con try, Canada ited for raisin cattle that it y that any ranch of the uld be checked. The market d cheese usually been he market for of cattle has the duty of 20 per cent. American Go ernment has mpose and re in. The en- anadian fo arders appears ercome this isability in a 11 benefit seer rel Canadian wenty per ce t. of the price s quite enou h to pay for animais fro Montreal' to pretensions tet an exhibit of ‘salt. The exposed bags have become satu- rated from the moist atmosphere pre- vailing of late, and lost their stencil lettering, showing *bat they were, &o. Only one barrel appeared to have ever been opened the Bole of• the exhibit could only be fo nd by a very close search, for there nothing to denote it but small written labels tacked to the barrels. I could make out Grey, Young & Sperling, The International, Harrison & Evans), Samuel Platt, and Coleman & Gouinlgek. if there are any o findthem, h m for I can but indifferently ar- et too late tohave shape. The barrels heir contents exhibit - roper labels as per h • exhibitor's name ly seen with a pro r others I have yet .: tell you things are ranged. It is not things gs put in bette want opening, and ing in glass with catalogue, and ea ought to be distinc ppee sign board Ontario= Salt. The exhibit has yet to remain ex sed until the 10th of Nov. (86 days). J believe it will pay to do ties, The fejlowing clever and vrell-deseived hit at the shallow demagogism used by Sir John. Macdonald in his frentie efforts to scramble back, into office again, is from the Ilamilton4lienee. The picture " It was also. the ease that during Sir John Macdonald's term of power he never offered to is followers a tariff bhanged for any hat revenue purposes, and his followers fatly suppotted him. in ignoring Protection. True, one night last session he suddenly converted him- self into a verbal protectionist, and his Free Trade ollo rs went after him with the mee ness his followers nor th him any more in fa than he was before. f _sheep, but neither Ministerialists think oi of Protection now lie is in such a des- perate strait to get back to office that he would go for Prote tion, Free Trade, In- dependence, Anne tion, Mormonism, or anything else leef which he • could get into power, and after he got in he would do as he always has done—break his word and laugh at his dapes. Sir John Mac- donald's Protection is bankrupt stock, not worth two cents in the dollar." . The Tr eblievotshauts ,Whisker To the Edi r of t4 _Huron Oxpositor. SIR : All o w me the privilege, through your paper, of making a few temarks on the disgrae f 'I rodeedings which occur- red in our u u y qniet town on Wednes- day the 9t mat., oar civic heliday. It appears that e certain person saw fit to lay information against one of our hotel keepers for selling liquor on the Sabbath day. With the dreumatances which led to tthis I have nothiag to do. I take it for grantea that a person his the same right to secure the pemishment of &thither person for selling liquor on the Sabbath ontrary to laW, that he would have to ecure his punish-xi:teat for any, other viol - tion of the laW. Butat seems *great many hink differen y,as on that day when the most of our la abing citizens were out hey chased. b m through our streets and most brutal :§ • nner, and threatening to offering to p y half the expenses, if the rowd would I nch aim, and. it is hard to y what they would have done if the wn constable had,' not interfered, and and a place of --iiafety for the poor retch. W hen expeetulated with on ac- unt of their condtget, some Of the mob plied that he was mean fellow. He ay be a mean fello* for aught I know, t I cannot see that that is any reason mean by using a fellow being in such. - disgraceful mennefe It would be a gma on eociety if they allowed a dog to used in sueh a way and premed it by noticed. I am pleased to know that have citizen's, both in offic and out of it, who are deterriained that mob la.w shall tot rule. Some of the offenders in this case have been ptetty well punished, and they have been given to Understand Mis that if such a thing ()Ours aga' they will car get the full benefit oft the law tibich it hea pretty severe in such cases. I would ad- -- vise any person heft* engaging in such and an affair -as this agaih, to make himself land .caceeteeizinasteditwinaithkethseealacwh bLaeriningteolsraincgh Inward with &witness in way liable to a fine be'r of $50, or three mOtths' imprisonment. 10 h I hear that the teraPerance people are of t getting a good. deal of blame iri this mat. a ve ter. I don't -know hy that should be ed of a little humanity, nd sympathize with -- a fellow beieg who has become a victim of MT to strong drink, as they dia not know seve that such an individhal was in existence ahan until they heard of tae high-handed pro- m9 in no way, belonged them; and they faze are not responsible far his actions. As fear as those who would p nish hini for being hal only resolved that the supremacy o law mid -- and order Omit be Maintaine contagious The papers n in their desir so that Cana upon the sa Irish ; and i the Govern representatio The trade practicabilit port, and shi that place ca season. The dent and lo before it ea account. If live animals winter, a saf chief produc export trade largely incre given to a pr ing occupati tity of cattl wilt only be the market. ease amongCdnadian cattle. w before us are unanimous to have ihe law abregated,- an cattle maiy be placed e footing with Scotch and can hardly bel doubted that ent will yield. the point, e newspapere are by the of Mr. Blake. ill need -the experience of to definitely establish its Montreal not a winter ments of live ailtztals from only go on or half 'the we there is ha ility to acci- 8, which mu t be tested be accuratel taken into it is found p ssible to ship n summer a,nd fresh beef in market for one of Canada's will heve been found, the of the Dominion will be sed, and an impetus will be fitable branch of the lead - n of the people. ' The quan- that Canada! can' furnish. miffed by the demand of Ontario 5 lt at the Centennial. as follows of at the Cente mysilf with to find out from the On purpose I Catalogue of piled and p Corps of Ca From this w salt to be in of the plant a tion in 1873 coarse salt, which one -h Clinton, and sending sam salt made by ing the analy numaer of ha (not all t plant and w would appea i had the stati to date (Ja could not he should have e cial pamphlet interest of 0 explain, for a about it, yet tend this gtea certainly will stores of rock beneath your for these exhi along with co limestone, pet exhibit was n was directed there I found bags, with a which was th ndent of the Signal speaks the exhibit of Ontario salt the catalogues I proceeded ho and what was exhibited aria salt region. For this xamined the " Descriptive Economic Minerals com- blished by the Ge'ological find the capital invested in 874, $624,000, and the value d works,$571,838. Produc- fine salt, 438,076 barrels; If was 'mid in the United e are two exhibitors from ur from Goderich, one from three from Seaforth, each les of the various grades of them, at the same time giv- is of the salt, production, - ds employed, everage price e same year), value of the rks, &c., altogether what mg p AUGT3ST 18, 187 Huron Nates, Miss rubella faker has been;apkee, ed teacher of the Centralia school. —Mr • Geo. K Powell, Exetet,1u ; rid class . certificate andv rue's rate of - assessment f r sea this year is 13=5 mills cured a Ynedaa Ve Tonal pu the doll inures Hicks has been to teach the junior department Exeter chool.. —Mr. Geo._:Jackman, of Clinton, " receiv= the appointment of teaehr ,or School ` o - tx n No. G, Howick- l —Th: ratepayers of Exeter have e- cided b. a vote of two; to one to ha�ye a market : tablished in that `village, ` 1 -Th = Exeter merchants at this season . • ve decided to accept Ane.. Soyer. at a discount of 20 per cent,' Mr. Chas. +Giirvin, Eeevc of eair Waw ono sh was prostrated ostrated by �e$ on the 8h inst., but he is now quite an cover v ed. veThh annual Fail Show of the %est Was>;wandsh Branch Agrienitural Sole will be held at Belgrave, on Thu ' y, Oct. 5th,y, -n account of the extremely feet:, rices of .cheese, the factory at Beomtil7ez in Gnderich township bas been closed for ;fila raeasson- -Mr, soot. Armstrong, builder, re. cently erected a large barn, 40x50 granary complete, for Mr. Jabez Daniels, of Grey, in 41 days. . —It is stated that the License inspee. tor for West Huron intends prose= for perjury some witnesses who have pile bae_kAmtieheinige innumligulZ "sof". lambs *Jr ere shipped at Clinton en Monday by *sem Hearn, Watson, and Freeman. The rice paid for them was au average of . 2/5 hree residents of Clinton were $2 and costs e few days ago by the or for furious driving through the stre c that town. This disease seems to e he fec_tioAnus. auction sale of village lo d houses, the property of KT. James nearly 1,000, visited London, v* the il. ham, wil take place at Londesbor now and Winghann to the number t of London, Huron and Bruce RailwaY on - Friday last. isl —A traveller for Mr. D. Ds Wi One egg dealer, Seaforth, had a pocket bOok eontaimeg $189, stolen from him While he was in or near Thompson's lipt0, Bluevale, on the 2nd of this month. : Goderich Signal, who is now on a v. Me* his friends iti Caoada, hat prom give a letture on' temperance in ham before he retarns to thee States.: —The !names oa Messrs. Ye Kelly,111e- ' Kinnon, Drummond and Dr. Sloan See freely mentioned in regard to tile Me e. fry are spoken ef lee expec touh to uesday last, Mr. tor -i -t pounds f tallow to Brantford, which ntry, and. e peaks veil for the meat *Jig propensi es of the average Brusseli ° —The illage council -of Wing fuse to g ant licenses for billiard teb to hotel -eepers. The license comp sioners f r West Huron have also deci ed that a illiard room in zonnection WI a hotel disqualify the owner kr a hotel lice . —As a esult of its operations thus the Ladi ta Aid Society of the alethe trustees of the church with $200, Wh n it is co § : iderect that the Society is certain y a very creditable exhibit leteve the AL meow I MIS( n -COM 15 roles per r bus „nen with tint ihellate ,11 ce that lirown.totansnit i $11:6:1740:f .1 eot Ili e elev. :°. i sr' ofyfbef:a. . .g il:a sti, tif this nog -ioneif tle 1:::::::::!: li .,,1 ' y sio I ie: a g, Bf deoart tt e s:ad : : ttue: : , , • iii,41:1515:7llodiu.itzleaaseintliA;Ivt' :11-eittett:41; -w..1)*1 e-ttetollad.e.t°1 te el a' °°neutudi 11 14 I:: ii.vanaitdini21:1J:auf4;:t er S vie ;1561depoeited. in ,9:I762-robretily. madle. a; dingeprit;nne': :ace°W : '1 or spec :insro::hae' Alr:a 1 -0 to oaf :s hi Irus:eaglsehl• t 'hhte:hue afr:le:: boon eeirrit,redatriat !erg ce Itrbneath.tzelfarteinevello,, e is -to be h Township, near liolinesville on Wedlieti- day, Aug 30. The ladies eif the n borhood re making extensive pre tions, an there will no doubt be a re. turnout. cordial invitation is exte —Not ng since a Goderich Town farmer lost a good (log in an 1111 manner. The railroad runs through b farm, and the animal wae in the habit tunmng a ter passing trains, and bi at the * eels. One day, however sed his mark, and the wheels of s passed over his neck; cutting h d clean off. On Menday evening last, tbe stables of Mt. Preemie Badour, e tueli headway that nothing coil -emoved. They contained four bor4es, oge, his farming implements, Awl a hiwyear's crops, so that he is left ry bad position. The fire is suppoie o have been the work of an incendi. t to uncork a bottle of liquid Ilia, th cork flew Out without wane the c ntents spurting up into his and burning him severely. It vills ed. that his eye sight would be initiP a,c1royfeseusfaioncialenatluytiresec.overed to results stubble caught fire frorrt a burning s village of Brussels, was workingin refi as Mr. Robert Darnion, who resides PP of peas in -company with his BOBS) owsalflagypred.iaoDneteti:seniirInhoatrhnsedeayhawinsedsroentnehaewitthewiasvdiffielilesairafrest obef °lunge severely burned. As it teas, t completely destroyed, and the garment°, of the boys were burnt in a, -number zthiaheehfe—ewmiy°Ta:sonwme aseevtheoinpningftahlraseratrerowa,:acckb:oasmapaanneiGedighed boerhitr Not wishing to widen the brea.ch betw his wife, was going home from Clanton; °. with whom he is not on the best of tetinti bbourt kiusepteat tdhe49fItitilirdniine goftluttheals°rLeci,thesallernigrig'` that as he WM loaded he was entitled to tsn-hioevwe hole of the roadway, and that 4 , would crowd him into the ditch orb iowt :vat: ef ;00 fun nvieitahrti,hesepii jvo odkhes,nepc ae, -tacnis i)otsfh i teted ant h etai agt t elleyeuri nbr, o Onfaer,invehrobielinadg upuaienbtl; room drove his wagon alongside that verK restive team, Persons guiltY .(4 sue mean acts la these, should he wile suffer to the extreme penaltyofthe As a great many teamsters ap entertain tlae opinion that if t ers pic-nic or Harvest Hone If for doing this they are tol be denounced by a certain class, they can afford ito accept the -position, as thene is nothing which gives the temperance cause so much life . as to have the liquortraffic ceme out ia its true colors. It lets the cominunity a large see what we may expect if this in- iquitous business should get the ascend- ency. I hear also that the Gevernment is threatened to be overthrown On account of this affair. This,I eensider the crow onit of insolencei for, as far as I can tairt, there was not more -the e n who took part in this eontempt- of the present Gievernment, and in past have exhaueted all their u - nee m the Opposition ranas. So I t see where the overthrow of the mistaken if such rowdyisM is to be d into political Affairs, if it does not en their cause bet one -halal I have er o inion of th o sovae supporters of Jelin A. Macdonald, to thirde that they will ally them - with those who 4re alike regardless law of our country,whichWe, 34 good ns, are bound to Observe, 0, 11 that law which says that we should do unto another as we would have another do to us. Hoping that it May never again oc, cur that you will have to chroniele each a proceeding in connection with our town I remain Yuan' b4A" LOVER OP PEACE. 13114/OBTU0 Aug. it, Inc to be a very geed exhibit, ascer ma ate beep. brought up perso uaiy, 1876). Why this ible one I fail to see, in fact I ents peeted to have seen a spe. the got up to represent the salt ' tario in its proper shape, ative maa on the ground to though we may know all he majority who will at. influe canno Gove much carrie Centennial win never have weak g about Ontario salt, and a high ever havn heard. of the vut of the alt in the earth, 1,000 feet than its in the main building, of the 1, iron, plumhego, marble citize where to be found, and I the Agricultural Hall, hem to consist of barrels, -case, the contents being , the exhibit of Messrs. & Sperling, of Seaforth, only thing having any hat he fie handlom ,erlY work • large stuns o 'veil eh nds to re pmfehased by 4 -The pri is pew ready -en lies must ehines, Oil .13 ou tural pu , :duly; Ssaetputr., tP:e euZiltiold —The inc in the connh late that it serious e'01 , general ado rent would. in. restraini nip, bro le epeedy impriso e -upon his te the whip thiS A Most sal me. —The o 't office tend, been- eagre arraages erks rned to le to e erigh w wee eh infor eel 1.0 e Regis reed, e edicalm info ust be eas own -of AV ef