HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-08-11, Page 8•.„
t on x 0 it o'f•
D VvIDsoN,,Projirietor of th S Commercial Hotel,
has pleasure in announcing ti hiB patrons and the
public generally that he has opened in connection,
with his hotel a Billiard Rbom, which he .has •
fitted up in good style. arid in which he has
_ placeirtwo first-class new tables. Every attention
will be paid to thos dealing to indulge in this
healthful and scientific, game, whether guests Of
the hotel or not. All aro intited to pay his new
billiard room a visit.-AtEx. pAtrusos. 452
Gooa Picerocaatems.1-Dear Sir: I
have lately seen some Cabinet Photographs of
general prominent townsmen and residents of
the neighborhood executed lit Moons'a Gallery,
Seaforth, which will bear favorable comparison
-with those of the best city artists in that. line. I
would recommend those desiring photographs to
call at MOORE'S Gallery and to inspect those
beauties of :IA for themselves. SsAPoers. 456
FRUIT JARS. -Gem tars, quart and
half gallon; Jelly Tu.mblerjg, low prices fdr these
aow ; a lot of handsome FlOwer Vases, just in,
from 20e to each; Wing Glasses, Goblets,
T. chillers and some cheap lots just in, and a good
stock of Stone China, Wheat, Tea Sets and Toilet
Fitts at Hroxsores. 447 1
ALLEN'S GROCERY is the place, corn
with a smiling face and the nitoney in your pocket,
and be convinced that he gives the best value in
Stigars, Teas, Rice, Raisins, Smoked Hams, Ba-
con, Crockery and Glassware, Tea Sots, Fruit
Jars, S e. 452
SPINNING iVHBELS, -A Large Stock of
SPIIming Wheels, Reels, Baby Carriageo, and the
Cheapest Furniture in the County, at PoRTER.'s—
Matt. Robertson's old stand, Main Street, Sea-
le.rth. 44,8
Bay •your; Groceries and Provisions
from M. Mou1in:0N, He will give you better value
than you can get elsewhere. Strong & Fairley's
0:d1 stand. 4481
REPAIRS. -Repairs for Patterson Bros:
Leapere and Mowers kept at ALEX. Stewart's
B.acksmith Shop, Seaforth. 449
POTATO BUGS. -Paris Green, the only
sure thing to kill theru, for sale at Hrcssox's
og Store. 44
Smelt,- he Best Value in Town at
J. FAinhEr's Chap thigh Grbcery, formerly Laid-
law's- 452
CASH PAIi, for Good even coloured
Butter in Minato at Hicssores Drag Store. 440
OEM JARS;—Quart and Half Gallon,
ft•: sale cheap at J. FAIRLEY'S, Seaforth. 452
DRIED Aeiaes at 8 cents per pound,
at ELIRLEy'S Cheap Cash Grocery. 4.52
TUE BAND.1,--The.Fireinens' Band have
determined to play for the benefit and
pieasure of oar citizens every. Saturday
evening from this out. 1 For a -weekly
musical serenade, eke aie sure our citi-
zens will be truly thankful.
• t
SOMETHING New. -A team of the Six
Nation Indiaas opposed by the Clipper
lacrosse club, will give an exhibition of
skill at this exhiliratiug and intensely
iateresting gatne on the grounds of the
latter club in •Seaforth oa Tuesday next.
Lacrosse is a game to which but little at-
tention has, as yet, beea given in this
section. We are glad, however, that an
eacellent elub, has been organized here,'
and, they will appear in' public for the
fast time itecentest with the Indians on
:the above named day. An admission fee
will be charged to those who witness the
game. The Money thus realized goes to
aid in the ereetion of school buildings
for the Indians. This is certainly a
laudable object, and entirely- aside from
the inteaest attached to the game, should
secure the unanimous countenance of our
citizens. The Indians will also give a
c..:neet tin the town hall in the evening,
and we bespeak for them i good audience.
..4vGvsT.: 11.-- 1876:
Ivery little patronized by country pe
Rad the toliday been a couple of we
ter it would have afforded a better.
ortunity for tbe. country folks join
with their town friends in the enj
pleas Of the day. 1,
„., ' • 1
&WHEW!! LiNGAGED. -At a rec,
meeting of the Seaforth Board of Soh
Trustees, Miss Maggie Logan was
' aged for the fifth- 'department, 1%1
mma Vollmer for t se sixth, and
.ti -ane Collie for the j nior. These
;pointments will, no d ubt, give gene
• -satisfaction; and'more specially so as
new teachers are all graduates of
*forth school. The e were over 20
plications for the posi ions.
Mr. S. G.MeC
Mr. A. Armita
ated in the no
'This is one of
pleasantly loca
is surrounded
Irice paid WAS te our esteem
phase, and hop
enjoy his plea
tage's reasons
, templates, this
forth for a stim
with hi famil
change of clime,
tage's health.
..-We understand t
ghey as purchased fri
e his ne residence, s
hern art of the to
the in,st handsome
ci resi ences in tbwn, • d
beau iful krounds.' he
,500. We- eongra
d tow sman on his p
e ma be long spare
ant h me. Mr. A
r 'Belli g is that he con -
fall, re oving from S a-.
and g
in t
e may
n t
London could eas
Wedne;day last:
hold first position
pennant, with Gu
ston third. We
see the Maple Lea
position as hemp'
ed. About 10,
tike groun to Wi
lly reverse the gauge of
London club willow
in the race for the
lph second'and K ng-
ope, next seasoito
s regain their fo er
pt -
ons„ the Stars exc
person e assemble
ess the match.
Goon T rasa
wet all heat
this eek,treshe
was the pr
as dbne on
1,140 27,C
11- work
. II
on, of Egmon ville,
J.'. Counter, IYI Robe
an, end Mrs. m.
tart to -day (Fr day) o
hey ,go from eafort
ine of steamersi We
lat trip and tru t they
and profit by t e refr
Lake Superior.
-Mr. Simue Hann
Peen.; and fo erly o
McKillop, has one on
ountry for the benefit
----Ata recen
Lodge, Indepe
lows, held in
anapbell of thi
ffice of D. P.
Grand Lodge a
toWaspnan on th
bestowed upon
he Order.
, Rasa BALL.
thatch between
forth, and the
ter, for the, 0
eaforth. The
score of 16 to 11.
evenly conteste
the County of
iaine ;being on
(porters. At t
!sings neither sic
sixth innings th
y 6 to 5, andapleS took th
till the close of
of both sides
halls Ong out
account of the
eakheS and exc
y both clubs 1
towards the en
eeedingly wild
both sales, whi
run up; or it wo
ea The decisio
eral satisfaction
r :1
. -The fall wheat in - 1
this section has now all been housedSILVER MA -KJ , . R." O.
an..l ecnisiderable of it has been threshed. 1 iv. Paulin. p...... 4 Kidd, 1b.„ .. ... . . 4 1
Thapughout the Province •this season Hogg, ef„, ...... , 8 Milligan 11 8
tali erap is a disappointment, Until
W. H. Paulin, c.. 8 G. Silla,A4
T. Brook; sg....:. , ' 1 :A. Cardno,c, 4
three weelcsef harvest in promis- -aeons, 21) 1 1W. Cardno, p 5
ed an unusually large yield, but the Gibson, 1b8 !Andrews, es .„ 2
clamp weather which prevailed while it 1 Berko; ab. 0 Smithson, cf..- - 8 1.
was tilling completelyiruined it. While AL4B.ureo,cik,41,1... , .
...1 A. Sills, rf...
3 0 'McLennan, a... 0 4b2
there are a few insta,uces here and there
e here a field returris a good yield, the Total - . ... 27
great bulk of the crop will not begin toINNiNGS. 2 3 4 5 67 8 9
Silver Maples.. - . 0 0 1 8 1 4 4 8-1
repay harvesting and threshing, the yield
1 Umpire, J. , 1
being small, averagingLive Oakii 0 a 8 0 0 2 0 3-1
about 7 bushels 1
to the acre and the grain so shrunken Lamb of Seaforth; scorers-Diek
as to be worthless for miliing purpose_._L' Silver Maples ; Watgbn, Live Oaks.
LIC .lxro. WOE nine crossed bat
The wily variety which will, in this sec-
ith the dry go ds salesmen nine for th
tion, give anything like a remunerative
return is what is known as the Seneca rst Mite on Fri ay; Aug. 4, Onthe Stara
'ounds, Seaforth. Play was called a
or Clawrion. Wherever this wheat has
alf-past 2, with the salesmen to the bat;
Leen zown the return is large, but all
other varieties have proveu an absolute lio sueceeded .e., scoring a single, the
failore. This Seneca trherit seems to be xposielon. nine hen went to batand ret
better adapted to our soil and climate ired with 4. I the second innings the
alettruen nine su ceeded in scoring 6, and
tha,n any of the other new varieties, as
he Exaosrron.n ne 3, thus making a tie
both last year and this it has given a
t gthe close of th second. , The salesmen
eed yield.- - it will be noticed by a para-
graph in our news columns that the ijne then pull up and succeeded in
afalere' Association strongly recommend ading the EXP SITOR nine by 3 runs up
4 the sixth inni 0, when the Exrosi-
that variety as beiti,..', the most safe and
ate nine, seeing t atdefeat was appareet,
reliable to sow. In spring wheat, the
ettled down for better play, took the
fled Chaff will give the best yield in this t
section this year. It is lees effected byend and kept g ining until the ninth
rgiings, at the cl se of which the score
the midge or weevil and seems to have
mat:ureaquicker and tilled better than teod 36 to 23, i i their favor. The play
i a both eides was very fair, the salesmen
any other variety. A very large breadth
am nialcing the be viest batting, while
( 1 it has been sown in dile county this
Eetuson. Hitherto it has not been a
he Exec/81TM'. ni • e out -fielded their op -
favorite variety with the m lien, but we cinents. A goo afternoon's sport was
fancy that as they come t
he reznIt of this in atch, which all seem -
better how to work it arida's the grainr
to enjoy ve Much-ein fact much
ter th n the s re limbs the day follow -
becomes acclimatized it ill grow in'
g. A r turn tri tch will probably be vor with them as it has d ne with tb.c '
prodeeerS. ..1 layed E3 me tim this season, when;if
t e sales en nin improve their fielding,
T;tt If o Lene Y. -Wedn efe ay last being t will no doubt b a much closer matci.
the e. i vic holiday, intending excursionists '1 . L. L timer u pired the game to the
and, pleasure seekers were astir early. so isfactipn of all, concerned. The urn -
Lone before eight o'clock the station • ie was a sisted n the discharge of his
a.latform was crowded with an anxious u y by lscveral other umpires from
multitude waiting for the trains. At at ong thd specta ors, who seemed to be
the appointed hour the trains arrived. i possess on of xcellent vocal organs,
Abut 500 went to Goderieh on the Sun- • hich the used t advantage. The fol -
day ,tathool teachers' excursion. Thc ac- 1 wing is the scor :
and tate arrangements all that could be I
cannutodetion on this train was ample Exvosrr u NINE.
xi, O.
(1L51rt.l. Some little disappointment was ,- -s,
n twin, 13 br
ole, c. 1. - ... - 8 ; , ..... ,
8 5 Grieve, 1 h.......... 5 a
eccaeinea in Goderich on account of the P ,tirs, 1 b., 6 1 Town endp;3 8
htpart,er not being up to time for the A t ilison, r. 1- . , 3 ,5 Smith, c.......' 3
excnreion on the lake. This, however a' n I)" ';-' 5 , 2 Weir, . 1 2 4
' / Cl I ell, 1: - ., 5- 12 lliggil 0, s. ft.— 4 2
concerned I S son, fL .. .. 4 12 McNabb, r. f, 3 2
rsionists re- a toad, e... ..... 4 1 2 Burtoii,c. L.. - .. 0 5
ces of some 1 A Eason, 2 b. 8 Hayclati, 8 b 1 5
11 browned
won't hurt Total. _
Innings .
NG. — Messrs.
ald Agnew', one Iday
250 bushels of Tr ad -
n four hoursThis
net of nine acres. Fhe
the farm of Mr. Janes
n. 6, township of 1ay.
state that t e serv
the in ucti n of R
pastorate of the
resbyteria chur
.Rodgerville on
instead of Sunda
nounced last week
please bear this c
mg to California T
•s hope that the i Fortis
enefit Mrs, Armi- ley, is
the la
Mrs: Henry Jack- and h
r. and Mrs. M. house
Logan, Mrs. o- 30 an
gan, of Seaforth, spri
a trip to Duluth. ero
by the Wind or ity,
ish them a pleas- 1 is a
will fully enjoy
shing breezes of
h, of Rouseville,
the township of
a trip to the ld
of his health.
meeti g .of the Gra
dent 0 der of Odd P
t, Cat arines, Mr. Jo
town as elected to
. M,; also G. M. of the
d D. . D. P. for the
We ohgratulate r
distin mshed positid s
im b his brethren of
On 8 turday last, the
the Live Oaks, of S a-
ilver .Maples, of Wre --
ounty cep, took place ;11
',dyer Maples won b
It was one of the me
gamea ever played 1
uron, the time of t
y one hour and thrs
O end of the second -
es scored a run ; at t
Live Oaks svere ahe
from thence the Sil
lead, Which they kc
he gamP. The battir.
llpnt fielding were do'c
s not heavy, very fe
on the eld, no doubt n
itching. Some very go ' el
hen out on the field. B t
of the game 'some e
throwing was done i
h soon Imade the sco e
Id have been much smal
s of the umpire gave ge
The following is tie
16 - Total • 27 IA
a ve
in t
S t.
e are requested to
ces in connection with
v. Mr. Hartley to the
dgerville and Ex ter
hes, will take plac at
ednesday, August 30,
August 27, as an -
All interested ill
ange in mina.
St Aley.
FIR4T ROUGH.-- afr. Ge
of +e Fifth Concession of S
the first we have heard of to c
is h vest! He finished cut
t of is grain on Monday li
no his entire grain crop sal
M • Forest harvested betw
40 acres of grain. He reports
grains in his neighborhood a g
oth regaeds quantity and
here, as elsewhere, the fall w
al -
ERM N. -There will berm sernlion
n x C ureh,: Brussels, on Sunday
DRIV1ING PAR -K. -The opening of
se dri
4b an
h an
ing park will take place on
15th df September instead of
18th, as stated by us last
The track is conipleted and is
good Condition. I
tatu.yRev.1H. Bartlett will de-
f ous lecture, "The Arts and
c s of he Crystal Palace, Syden-
" embracing answers' to the the -
of Kingsley, Darwin. and llux1 y
own 11, Brussels, on Tuesdiy,
mst. Proceeds of lecture in aidi of
o n's Church building fund.
entered on the sc ool regis no flo the half
year ending June 30, 1876 There were
registered= the if -year ndito 30th of
June 43 births, -22 males nd 2 females,
inoluding one pai of twi s iM two 11-
legitiinates ; 26 d aths - 6 males and 10
females, and 12 arriages.
ACCIDENT. -0 Thursday of last week, -
as Mr. James Ch wings w s assisting at
a barn raising on the fa of Mr. James
Landaborough, o the Second Obnceslion
of Tuckersmith h met with a Vey severe
and painful accident. He was running
along on a plate of the fraina with a
brace on his shoulder, and on 'coming to
an upright post h took h d of the brace
• .
in it to swing hi self around the post.
Unfortunately th brace easw 0ossetoafnd
gave way, allowi Mr. C
heavily to the gro nd, ad" tan e of about
14 feet. His ar was fractured at the
elbow, and he s othe vvise severely
bruised and injur d. He w removed
to his home and medicalal. secured.
He is progressing avorabl , butfrom the
nature of his inju es it ill e a good
while before he ill be 2, e to attend to
'work again.
Messrs McKenzie, of the 17th oneession
of Grey, have reee tly pur hased a separ-
ator threshing m hine of he most mod-
ern and approve kind f m that well
and favoraby kno n man facturer, Mr.
John Watson, of he Ayr ounary. The
machine was tale hom on; Monday
last aud one o the ha dsomest and
best looking mac ines w ich :has come
into the townshi . The Means. Mc-
Kenzie intend eng ging in the threshing
business, and having so g od 4 machine
and being well and favorably known to
the farmers of Grey, McKillop' and
Morris will, no doubt, do a good business
this season. .
Duncan near Walton, has sold his farm
for $3,45. This farm contains, 64 acres
more or less, which will make the price
per acre a little oirer $54. M. James
Duncan has also diiiposed o his farm of
50 acres for $2,500, Both of the above
gehtlemen intend o leave
was picking at the bottom
hood. -As a young !ado=
other day, a sm ll atone
bucket of dirt, tha was b
and struck him on he head
ately his head wm
' not to receive the f
and he escaped vvi
severe injury. Tho
cannot be too card
had the ontract
across the Beaver
N w BLodx.-T e new brick bloc is
appri hing Completion, and when fini la -
ed it w11 be an ele ant and substan al
stru tu e, and a great addition to e
gene al appearance of the village. e
lea that Mr. Wm. Heald will occupy
one f the stores as soon as they iare c n-
plet d. i
A Tri ETIO- .J -The citizens of this place
hilo ati g games of cricket and base b ll.
hav always een noted for their lov of
athl ti sports, more especially of the 6-
Eac o thesci has its devotees, and t eir
pop lartty and the energy with wh: oh
the are participated in, rove that he
adh rents of "muscular c ristianity" in
this place are not few in number. is
gen ral feeling has received a stim us
tro a ifecent victory of the Silver Ma les
ove th Live Oaks of Seaforth, and he
con eq ent transfer of the championship
silver up, for ' the County, from that
plac to this, so that after working hohrs
the as ball ground continues to be he
cent al point of. attraction. The lave
Oak halve challenged tne home team or
the p, and a lively game may be exp et -
ed s ort y. An admission fee of 15 ce ts
will be harged. Ladies free.
be g
time -
I turets
as tar as the Committee wa
was :::avoidable. The exc
tuanca about 7 o'elouk, the f
eif the ladies being pretty w
y tr.' sin. Thi, ho waver,
theta ae it will wear off in t o course
time, etuite a number went to London :
to WIreetre the champion basc ball match
between the London and Guelph chile& 1 la
end 110t a few took advaniege of th
euciat trip to:roronto. We believe that
1 rlAetslwere sold for Lohden and 78
ler Toronto. Several private parties 1 )1
drove to 13ayfieldto luxuriate in the fresh gr
lake areezes at that romantic and ancient ;go
tow -n, With all these heavy draine from ; as
cur peoulation 'there were not many left
ni teary and daring the day the streets t fo
were aituost completely --deserted. In 1 th
fact, had the Caionbrpoleites desired to be
do so they could have stormed and taken th
Seaforth without difficulty.1 In the in,
ing after the return of t se who had by
gene to Goderich and London, the usual on
bust1e and stir was observable, and th
Seaforth looked. herself once nore. On th
account of the Very busy season with ed
farmers, the sevei al excursions were t
, gg ;7 . 23 27
1 r 8 4 (3 7 8 9
11Ost-mu-1N ne.. 4 i 0 0 88 8 14 0-86
1 sinen N' e.„ . 1 . 2 4 ' 0 8 4 8 0-28
. Lati or. Seal e rs-Ek rosno
, Ceip ichael; Sales -bleu] Nine, W. Smith -
game, 3 80.
--The ca penter h cjitallenged the
klayers maso s and plasterers to
a gam of ba.e all on the Stars'
uds, on Satur ay August 19th. A 1
1 time may be xp eted, if they play,
t ley are weIl tc ed._ All free.
as se
by i
Mr. a
the c
in his
the ro la d would, no
Coun eet again i
third Ve nesaay in
Flo ick. '
In: Mx .
zemi.-At the last m ti
f he .aowie Council, held in
e Was ,11:10Ve
by Mr. Boddy, s c -
b Mr, Phair that Jane r. Snijtth
antPd $10 for harity, as both h r-
nd her boy hay been sick fo' sone
carried, ved by Mr. VVils n,
ded by Mr. Mitchell, that the
O deliver Wrox ter sectional deb n-
6 and 7 to the eeve of Wroxe r,
tied by arbitra ion -Carried. M v -
Mel Boddy,sec nded by Mr.Wils
°Kocher e paid $6 for ditch
nd 6, Lots Carried. Mov
ddy, seco ed by lalr. Wils
6 be expended n Cons, 14 and 1
ite Lot 20-0 rried. Moved
s onded by Mr. Mitchell, th t
ils n repair th bridge and co4r
ems ay on Con B, sideline. 15 mid
ar ed. Moved by Mr. Mitch° 1
ed y Mr. Wi on, that Mr. Bod y
in writing in r ference to the A
nt roll of 1 '75 --Carried. M
r ports as follows: That 1 e
stated thalt the roll Was n t
a1 Mr. 8 wee man, and that M
s ession ; th t Mr. Foster to
give it- up. T14e
Fordwich on the
Tucker mith.
BM; EJI.LL MATCH. -A very excitin
vgiame f Vase- ball w s played betwee
the rri d and singl men of Egmon
n riday, Au ust 4th, which r
stilted in a victory fo the married me
by a s ore of 45 to 4
the va iet
fall w eat
that t e t
S. La
End sc
ficate a
0111 CROP. -M . Wm. Eberhard
es on the bonn lary between Hi
d luckersmit 1 on Monday las
a ight acres I fall wheat. 0
measured the crop averaged 3
to the acre. Ve did not lear
. There a e few such crops o
in th (Jou' ty this season.
EN *AGED -We understan
ustees have engaged Mr. W
mace as teac er for the Wes
•ool in pi ce of ilr. Mustard. Mr
cc is One of the fortunate few wh
ed in taking a econd-class cerii
the last ' exa ination. He is
acher, and will we are sure, giv
atalfaction to he people of th
EST1NG STAT saws. - Throug
dness of Mr. Wm. McOmmoll
• d Treasurer fo the township o
mi h, we are e abled to present
ers with the f llovving statistica
tior reletive • this township,
nship contains 41,000 acres, 27, -
hi are eleare 1 ; these lands are
t $1,837;570, ith personal prop -
hied; at $130,91 . The total as -
nine Of real a d personal prop -
K968,00. he population is
whom 028 ar ratepayers, 570
ali 'ed to vote for -members of
liaments. Th re are 3,000 days
r perform - There are
of ca tic, . 513 sheep, ;1,200
orseii and dog's. There
ls and 11 .school teachers.
hoot papule ion, between the ,
, section
the ki
Clerk a
_otia rea
The to
, GOO of
rty va
rty is
,081, o
eing ce
th Pa
tatute .lab
,668 had
pigs, 1, 05
are 9 s h
here s
Abouttwo hu dr4d pelsons left Sea -
on W dnesda 1 st to witness the
charapionshi m tch • f the series
een the Maple Le fs, o Guelph, and
Tecumsehs, of I nclon at London,
*ch the Maple Leafs 4 ere defeated
score of 5 to . 0, The' Maple Leafs
is occasion in de bett' r field play
their opponerr s, lmt % ere weak at
at, it being d' cult to at the curv-
livery of Gold mith ; uelph, with
Sistanoe of a pitcher like that of
his nighlxir-
ed Turnbull,
f well the
rolled off a
ing hoisted,
bat fortun-
in such poSition as
ll force Pf the miasile,
hout suistaining any
e engaged about wells
I. -Mr. Smillie, who
of erect ng a bridge
leadow Creek, oppo-
site Lot 7, Con. 17, has completed the
same. -The berry ever has, to a great
extent subsided. -The fall heat is near-
ly all housed, but i an average
crop, and thelyiel far short of
that of prerj.ous ye s and barley
are mostly itipe. a fair crop
but will -not excel. wheat is a
' little rusted in s es, but the
midge is not so ba anticipated,
and the crop to all appearance will be an
average one.
t is not
will be
rs. P
hey are
me pia
- Carr
friend., Mr. Jam
start a bakery in
recently erected a
with an oven,ore h
Dan road. A first class baker is engaged,
and Mr. Pierce expects to begin business
in a fes days. Ile is going to supply
Staffa and Cromarty with the "staff of
life." We are con ent thAt Mr. rierceal
enterprise will b a success ha every
BASE BALL. -A match game of base
ball took place at 'arronbrook on 'Satur-
day, August 4, 'be ween the Clippers, of
Brussels, and the aver Stars of Carron-
brook, which resul
latter by a score o
had been set for F
did not come until
the best Carronbr
there would be no
brook on Friday, a
be filled with inferi
pire, who came fro
dissatisfaction, an
at the garae. A r
played in Seaforth
--Gem t
BietemNo.-In t
Carronbrook is doi
it has done for som
provements that a
made, the coming
greater increase. M
-menced the foundat
mansion on his pr
railroad, which is t
the county. -Mr. B
to erect a dvvellin
Main street. --Mr.
recently erected a
ing on his property
veer, -Mr, John Mc
extensive addition
pied by our old and
Michael Purcell, wh
• from our village, h
down amongst us, a
will be a long one.
intention to erect a
Main street, from
dwelling to the corn
ent buildings. The
next spring.
ED. -Our enterprising
Pierce, is about to
his village. Ile has
neat frame building
s property on the Hu -
by R. Monteith, seconded by X. Sheir,
that 1 3-5 =ills on I the. dollar be
levied on the rateable property of the mu- .
nicipality in order to e $2,650 ,for lo-
cal purposes, that a by-law be 'olrafted.
accordingly', and that the roll be deliver-
ed to the Collector by the middle. of Oc-,-
tober-- Carried. Moved by D Millar,
seconded by R. Montelli, that the clerk
notify the collector to f rnish for linspec-
tion by this COuncili bonds, executed by
himself and two good and sufficient su-
reties, to the amount oil' $12,000, for the
due performance of his duties as collect-
or for 1876 -Carried. ouncil adjourn-
ed to first Saturday in ptember at 10
o'clock A. M.
PERSONAL. -The friends in this neigh-
'borhood of the Rev. Mr. Mann, late pas-
tor of the Araerican Presbyterianchurch
at Walton, will be pleased to learn that
he has received anciaceepted a call from
Frazer Church, Granton, The call was
signed by 70 members and 60 adherents.
The induction serviaes take place on the
14th inst. . I
'BRISK TIME -S. -This little village so
lately discribeca by I4erman, is the
scene of many and varied. actions these
few days back. To -day i (Monday) a
tleman from the "other aide," who, ela
to be in association with the celebra
Prof. Pratt, visited us, and is trying
establish a school. -Those who elisu
the supervision of other people's child
do not meet With much 0 mpathy. S
they are to be excused when we consi
that the small fry and !i floating popula-
tion, if not at mischief, are often the next
step to it. if those who smashed the
Bohol windows do not keep -themselves
scarce, they will be apt to find outt who
saw them. They eel meet with :oth
ust as smart as themselves, and pdssi
as well as probably an . application of
"the cat o' nine tails." If parents are
so careless as to let their chilsiren, roam
about, when they should be instructing
them around the hearthstone, they will
be apt to learn soon that *Ali theniselves
and children will be taken into custody.
was spent in e town by. them in pee.
chasing implements of different kinds
pots and kettles, provisions and groceries.;
They were all i uch bronzed by the ex-
posure incident to traveling, and the lite,
tle folks seemed very tired. The dock
meal of bread and tea or milk, neett
in the eveningpresented a strange ap,
pearance, with the strange people here
and there, some partaking of a frugal'
smoking immense pipes, children 'sleep.:
ing on piles of luggage and women en-
gaged in variotis domestic occupa,tions.
Considering/Ma the circumstances of their
journey, the whole party was remarkably
clean and healthy looking. Their dress
was by no means artistic but comfort-
able, and some wore shoes, some wore
sandals,, whilst a good many went about
with bare feet. The heat did. not seem
to trouble them greatly, arid during the
greater part of the day they were busily
occupied in carrying their light luggage
from /the station to the dook. Their
heavet luggage as carried to the dock b
the Gland
discreditable o
was Mowed t
them reat
run the
gen. ment offi
ane more atte
tee Company bee
k Company, but by some
ersight the whole party
trudge and carry with
ount of luggage to the
t wou 41. have been easy to have
bouz Brussels.
ene Somethi
ren To the Editor the ron., ExpoSitor.
hither, had the Govern.
charge of the party been.,
or the Grand Trunk .
ore obliging.
SIR: I am h ing in Brussels at pres-
der ent, and have leen here a few months,:
and I often the across your valuable
paper. Icon traielrtys:sythaittisithheaaveestrieepan-
per, outsideitt Canala.of
wish you to publish these
few lines in yo r journal, not that I have
er-s any particular h to become a reporter,
bly &b. or any co aint to make in particu-
lar. Howevar there are some things itt
Brussels that I 'le to seennich as its be-
ing a dining place of business, and im-
provements goingon in buildings and on
the streets, an the inhabitants generally
seem to be a civil and caurch going taeo-
pie. But there re things and doings here
that I do not like to see. Drinking in-
toxicating liquors is carried on largely,
both on week e, and very oftenana Sat-
urday nights, and on Sunday. There is
one "free hotel or temperance house,
that does a thriving trade, when the
other houses ar shut up, which is very
accommodating to a large number of
suckers. By t by, one day last week
one of your to men came in here and '
got tight, and t re was a certain man. of
large size, who sauated your townsman
and battered hi in it rough mannenjuet
because some one (I heard. it was one Tom
Smith) pushed or Donald —) up
against the WiLbioW, and for being push-
ed for " uothing," he had to take a good t
pounding. And Donald was given a free .
night's lodgings in the lock-up, and was
fined $1 and costs in the morning, as also
was another mail whom they were calling
James Nose Thompson, Who was very t
disorderly on the Area, There appears
to be a small gang here, always ready to
assault the poor. drunkard, and. the con-
stables let them 'slip and take- hold of
everypoor unfortunate wretch that makes
himself worse than a beast- Yours, &e.,
/3mrs-ss,i.s, Aug. 8;1876.
[most THE_ SIG AL.1
REMARKABLE. -Mr. V. Elliott, of
arGoderich, has a young ple tree in his
garden which is at present bearing fruit
and blossoms it ceased blossoming at
the usual period, but is again blooming
PERSONAL. -J. R. Miller,' Esq., Pub-
lic School Inspector for South klutrou, on
Monday started on a trip to the. old
country, for the benefit a his health.
-Mr. J. J. Bell, formerly proprietor
of the Signal, arrived in town from the
far distant Canadien tearitory of Kee-
watin. Ile looks well, the rough experi-
ences in connection with surveying.in
the "fat west" apparently agreeing with
.him. I
la HARD LABOR."-Crirainals are fre-
quently sent to jail for a term at "hard
laaar," but from the day they enter until
their release they are not called on to
do a hand's turn excepting when there
happens to be cordwood to cut for jail
purposes The fault lies entirely with
the County in failing t provide labor
for these convicts. Thee is always a
d.emand for gravel or broken stones for
street and road purpose, and in this
abundant labor could be had. which
would be a great benefit to the County
besides. On the river flats there are
large quantities of, iron stone or granite
which when broken makei the best road
of any, it does not powder down like
gravel or limestone, but forms a :corn."
lama bed as if cemented. The main road
leading from Gilt to HaMilton is built
of precisely such stone as this and no
better piece of road can be found ia th
ed in the defeat of the tend to this matter.
country. It would pay the county to at -
28 to 23. The game INSURANCE FRAUDS.—WC are in
'Elan but lie°11'PPers ed by leading insuraice Imen in town
Saturday., _Three of
ame, had left Carron- that there are agents travelling through
this county dispensing warthless
ok players, thinking
d their places had to ance to the uninitiated faraner and busi-
ness man. These agents are travelling
r players; , The um- wherever they can find dupes who are
Brussel& gave great
seemed W. be a novice
turn match will be
bout the ast of Sept.
e matter of building
g more this year than
time, ana if the in -
talked of will be
ear will show al still la
. Jos, Kidclbas corn -
on of a magnificent t°
perty south of the for
be second nCnid str
njamin about are
on b. property °n and
ichael eGowea has
eautiful frame dwell -
n John tidd's1 sur -
°linen has male an
his hotel now emu -
silly enough to deal witl
than pay a reasonable figu
responsible agent. They r
pales that have no stabili
email mutual companies having neither
/ capital nor assets to segue a policy-
holder in case of loss. When a lose oc-
curs these agents cannot he found, and
as for the insurance comparly represented
i them rather
re to a home,
epresent corn-
y, generally
will generally only add ; mortification
the loss to discover that there exists
h a concern. The only1moral, there
e, that can be drawn is to avoid these
linters, and deal only with local
nts wko are known and. responsible
who represent responsible fair-deal-
steemed. friend; Mr.
after a long absence
once more settled
d we hope hisIstay
t is Mr. McCort:111611's
brick building on
Mr. Kidd's pqsent tur
r,removi g the. pres-
work will be done ties
ing companies.
Mn. Youmaws.-This talented lady
addressed a second valence in North
St. alethodist church, Goderieh, on
Tuesday evening of last Week, on ' the
subject of " Wotaen's Mork in the
Temperance cause," The attendance
was quite large, the great majerity of
those present being ladies, who, as well
as the opposite sex, listened to the re-
ks with much attention. The lec
er referred to the inflaence which
men possessed, and the responsibili
which rested with the in re arta to
Usb rne.
Couselb MEET'S ;.-The 'mac
the township of sborne et at
Township Hall on t
ant to adjournment.
present. Minutes o
and confirneed. M
seconded by J. Ha
for 1876, as now re
adopted -Carried,
teith, seconded by
Magee, a deaf mu
clothing for himsel
by J. Sheir, second
that Mrs, Smillie rec
-Carried. Moved
R. Monteith, that A
Ceive $5 for relief -
J. Halls, seconded b
$20 be expended in
ditch in front of Lot
bycloing away with
ried. Moved by J.
D. Millar, that the
for extra labor -Carr
Millar, seconded by
W. Rook receive $22
ried. Moved by J.
D. Millar, that $1,
• special rate for relit'
; that a by-law be pass
; Carried. Moved by
• ed by J. Halls, that t
quired by the trustees
tion to be levied by
tered on the Collector
ed with the other rater,
1 of
e 5th inlet., pursu-
All the rne berg
last meeting read in t
ved by D. Jar, of k
that by-law ;la 4, led
d, be pr visioaally Beve
Moved b R. fon- and
J. Sheir, that W. wer
e, receive $20 for For
--Carried al ved ture
d by R. 01i ith, tere
ive $10 f r clinrity mov
ges of and 161 of 973
the question of temperan
young man had been ten)
"the drunkard's drink" by
Many a
ted to taste
the winning
smiles and enticements of young women
very often the passion for drink was in-
noculated in the youthful members of
families by the custom of sing liquors
he preparing of food, an the eUl3toM
eepieg intoxicants on the sideboard
to sad results. WoMen suffered
rely through the effects of drink,
many touching incident e- in real life
e related which bore out this 'fact.
this, among other reasons, the lee-
✓ felt that women were deeply in-
sted in the result of the.prohtbition
ement, and for no' oth r moral e -
were they -better: qualified than
this struggle. The did not turd
laim the privileges of t franchase,
hey had an influence and privileges
shove that of the , ba t box in
mg the opportanityato mould the
acter of the rising- gwaeration and
nfluence to sway the 1 feelings of
. As it was intended to vote upon
Dunkin Act in_this county soon,
'Youmans addressed Lan earnest
al to the ladies to exercise all their
rs to the attaimnent of their object
concluded her address a id loud ap-
M ENNONITE.s.- On WedneSda of last
week :a00 Mennonites arlived erieh
by a special train of nine pa.sSenifer ears,
and went on board lthe Ontario which
sailed for Lake Superior in the evening.
Besides tools and farming tinplements,
they. had with them $58,000 in gold -
$116 a head -and a coniiiderable SUM -
of whom 00 are be passed to that effee
Millar seconded form
ex. Carrnehael re- for
loved by to c
ith, that for t
o open a far
,,,, there- ( hav
vvo culverts -Car. char
Halls, seconded by an i
ssessor receive l$10 nien
ed. Moved by D. the
R. Monteith,' that Mrs.
50 for relief -Car- appe
ails, seconded by powe
be levied AS a and
ad purposes, and
d to that effect -
D. Millar, seeond
• e sums legal re -
of each school gee-
-Carrie, afloaed
comic !be en-
roll an collect.
and tha a iby-law
IL Mon
19, 5. T.
A 1‘ eriv Idea,.
To the Editor of the Enron Expositor.
Sin. I noticed in your last issue an
item stating that the emit ratepayers
were feeling as if they were "pitying too
much for their whistle," in the matter -of
school taxes. Now, Galt is proud of its
educational institutions, and I believe
very justly so, -as I have no doubt they
will compare favorably with those of any
other town .in the Dominion. At the
same time, I am trongly of opinion that
not only Galt, hut our own town and
most of the -towns in Canada might get
equal the educational result for . about
one half of the amount now required.
The plan is very simple, Let the senior
half of the pupils attend school in the
forenoon and.the junior half in the after-
noon. Half the numb* of teachers
would then sufflee, A smaller building
and consequently leas expense for beat
ing, Ste. This system, if properly carried.
out, would reduce the expenditure on ac-
count of town schools, besides being
better for the pupils. There would, no
doubt,be a great and almost neeturnaount-
able amount of prejudice to be overcome
in introducing a system such as 1 have
given an outline of But I -certainly have
no sympathy with those who complain of
high school taxes where they could be
lightened without detziment to any one.
Let them grumble and pay if they will
insist on maintaining the present system.
The short or half_time systeni has been
tried for many yeah; in sorne parts of
13ritain, with very satisfactory results,
Although it was originally 'intended for
a special class, via, boys and girls em-
turing establishments,
as established the feet'
itself is a good one, I
it should not be gen-
y inserting the above
ou ean prefaceit with
rd, viz.: "We do not
isible for the lace /tee
ondents." Yours very
ployed itt maim
yet if expezience
that the system o
see no reason wh
erally adopted.
you will oblige.
an editor's safegu
hold ourselves re
&c., of our corres
A. G. McDoug 11 & Co, 13eafort11-
•Twenty yards
A. G. Me:Douce/a
-New Goods o
777. A. G. McD
-Brown Ducks
worth 20 cents p
-Rich Satin ,
dines, for 25 cent
the 777. A. G.
-Farmers corn
the state of cro
County. The yie
best for years; p
barley All average
has seriously injur
spring_ wheat is i
sown. Oats belo
eaten by grasshop
destroyed the seco
-many places. P
not so good a crop
is said the apple
owing to the war
followed by frosts.
lint for el at the 777,
& CO. ,
ning every day at the
heavy, at 13a cents,
✓ yard. A. O. Mc-
tiipe, HU& Greta-
, worth 40 mats, at
lain considerably ef
$ about Wentworth
of hay bas been the
as are excellent, and
crop, but the midge
the fall wheat, and
nferior, thoogh little
the average, being ,
rs, which have also
d growth of clover ha
ts promise well, but
as m former years. It
crop will be saiall,
th and rains being
777 WA_ 111MID,
A. G. 4IcDOUGALL st Co,
*jaw:4e b -
Maar' e,Acatf.ozt,c15h.
' -'S°ltr*1.'rj)r41*roodsom,to,F''-1----4--,rji:e';::*oa-11:1-°o8t4r to :Ta,:srcee,ln::!:Ir'lli'asj:raio1::"lrr-ileuir;lrdlils-rstYea:tixa.4:I°rjll,s:rnggstj33t)13"r51itElld,'Aboef'hii.t°rgininliSa.4:trini4:P_::iu,erl4ilgje-31
Ipeamelay7realso. wnza:b. cie.,1
' b‘stoil'`na-
*I 70.11
Fola F°3131
, Arttlyincp; sui41
pitorna ve.
volAc-hapeityitt imuaithngoawin.eo:e:is.oci:
hin; apply to GUIVI
psi. . I ii,:bi 1::,EtTTIAb-'#: 'sip, rotrnigszni.gil. 14:17tylirWe'EnNoPY14:;, 4141
&elate to rename
a.... awry I mash -
listket .Sguare, fi
1,034a usedas snegg
are Will adapted $
ptiicu1ars apply t
DOA, Seaforth, 0
Vat Aid:Kgoord.1:13,EringSA:
-&-7 COIL „5, Zast
,aglf::ortri8OsTeere ;Litt
on. tbe premises o
mohair el of fri
iield P. 0.,
Vii.RM l'03113AL1
tom the Bittbetat
13rucel Railway. F -e
a goo4110g houses,
LAW On the]
lug ,B tilet).:1131'T.414-
best - malty, And '
oalsuno „ t:t1Itoolitiselfrtoef,11
'86Raiiillalniley-, s1,Florr3
1 .'
'10001.EIt, rir5ei
BE11.44, Serifortb. P
1ibvawood.1:•Ir,othledeTe4::1 lesrtheiTI:vti:f dt a:ed :dr oe ,i4vitt°1;i;X: 84 511 3a:
RitibUiti, Terme
VA1111 FOB S
nereHl-;- IiITsubookirsonlito
a21 • st et 16abit e, oi. w ewe. at slilAppiy: uggia- orchard Ode' ,
VA11211 FOR.
brick root house
bowie, and all oi
gor 7.rdand
Prextdses, or to
-r•-• I, Stanley, el
80 of which Are
State of good exiit
bered. Tb.ers'is
good new framell
weed theclaug
lailingweii and E
Irani; from Britoil
, Minton. A trAVVI
Apply to t12° Rmi
-ton s
'4; terms, -Lot
Acres, 70 of wild
balsnce timber
also well watoreZ
and 4 miles from
from S 000414
aeuids leading t
luta and is dese
Aptly outheprt
A.IiM FOR SMeiiJiop, 04)
cjesreI audit. a -
us a comfortable
,stables and all
;aetia was Ando
-13no of the beA
oC the lot ere wi
'1/31 Worth thi
,iu town -properfi
baUding lots -On
250 oat)
to ,the propri
' ;MUMS, Seaol
any olainaa
ELL, late of t
Countyol Boo
notiAed to 1;re,1
ither of the nu
bi fait day of,
responsible Mei
the said estate
glattni theRTLus
eoitection. .TO
gerville Post OZ