HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-08-11, Page 5aa - AUGUST 11,1876 does bringing on his furniture and moving i hi nto have the new hotel which s now nea11y cora- on pleted. Everything in the village seeme a as to be moving on prosperously and the and prospective outlook is favorable as the ming extreme. hrdf _Mr. Wild, father of the inissin man I Jesse Wild, has offered a handsome re: As ward to any one that will give sueh j. I off formatien as shall Iced to the discover awe of his son. 4thh _The following paragraph appeared in :meat ;bonne Perr;W:lises°rCrel8ainn,dewncheo,°feeitehieimi. tam parents some years since lived in Preden, t off but have since lived near Seaforth, Galt te ard- -Reformer of this week: "A young lady he on her wedding trip to see her friends in es of Preston, died after a very short illness eiee and was buried on Monday last," bout —We stated last week that a bone jahe - had been stolen from the stable of Mr. dog Charles Mason, near Clinton. The ani- rent- mal was recovered ea Friday mainline the last, near Bayfield, where the _thief haa -do e g lieee it. It seems that the horsaehea,cnoonIr thd ,ene shoe on, and becoming .m nd pot travel eS fast as its abductor want- , dae ed it. igh- . —Mr. X. P. Macdonald, who has had eeys -the position of financial manager of the awe , *tacky of Glasgow, Macpherson & co ars. Clinton, for a length of time hap resign'. ean ed, his place being filled by.kr. la Mee :,40e• pherson. Mr. Macdonald loaves for ene Stratford in a few days, where he will ,aee ; engage in manufacturing business. - —Mr. R. Matheson, formerly pub- ae, lisher of the New Era and lately of the St. Catherines Koos, has been appointed aid head master of the Napanee High School, ery at a salary af $1,000 a year. There were un- applicants for the position. This ia titd , the profession Mr. Matheson followed; ay, elsewhere, previous to his entering jour - Ray nalisrn. He —On Saturday, the 22nd ult., Mr. lee William Porter, Sauble Lfue, Stanley, eys killed a large panther. Ile had lost five on sheep by it, and always blamed the dogs ien for it ; but, an Saturday, a boy watched sue the carcase of one Shat killed, and he rae saw what he thought was a fox—.Mr. ed. Porter went up with a gun. The animal )ee did not seem much afraid of him, and he -to ream(' his gun to fire, but the ceps ri3isaed. • The animal then got quite irritated and sided arounci. toward him. Mr. Porter a jumped back a piece, and pat on another ay cap and fired. He had foua balls in the gun. The beast sprung towards him and fen down dead. It turns out to be a good sized pauther. The back is a bright red color, and the throat and belly are white, with little black spots all through it. It had very powerful strong limbs, of and must have been a very dangerous )7. animal. It waa three fed seven inches. re- from, snout to tail. The tail is about k- nine inches long. Porter thinks there is another one, as he saw two tracks all winter in the bush near 1,vhere the sheep ll-- have been killed. ed -- Between, 7 and 8 o'clock on Monday ; ramming three burglars entered a bank rn Windsor,attempted to os er the n • clerk and rob the institution. The cries of the clerk soon brought a crowd and. , the robbers fled but weia afterwards cap- ) aired by the police, assiated by the Mi- ch zons- m —A little girl named Dager recently attempted to kill a rat on York street, !ri. • Ottawa, when. it turned on her and caught her by the arm. Her father at- tempted to tear it away, but could not ), I succeed until he had killed it. 'The girl was soon after taken with violent vom- ; ittmg, emitting a emeeniah substance. The arm commenced to swell, and medi- a cal assistance had to be called in. She is . not expected to recover. —On Tuesday night of last week, a a woman, with a child ia her arms, cameto the house of Mrs. Dryden, Ingersoll, and asked far something to eat, which was given. to her She had not been in. the , house long before she said she would go e to the station and get her trunk. The woman went, leaving her baby behind, and has not since been heard. of. The questiou which naw arises is " who is to take care of the baby ?” —At the Colborne Coniervative pie- aie—at which it was estimated there were 8,000 people present—a number of Reform ladies joined with ,their Conser- vative sistera in providing the "good things," and iu laying out the tables, This, no doubt, had a good deal to do with the success of the pic-sac, and sho-ws a kindly spirit among neighbors that might be copied elsewhere- -A collision occurred at London sta- tiao which might heve resulted much more seriously than it did. Au, engine rimniag at full speed cellided with a pas- senger coach and ran into it, completely overturning it. The conductor of the passenger train and. one passenger were severely injured. The other passengers vere unhurt. The accident was the -re- ult of gross carelessness on the part of the engineer of the colliding engine. —A meeting of the people, of Tees water and vicinity Li aa held a few evenings ago for the purpose of considering the advis- ability of making overatures to the Great Western Railway authorities to induce them to extena the London, Huron. and Bruce Railway from Winghain to Tees - water. The meeting was almost unami- ous in favour of the project anci a com- ittee was appointed to ma.ke further rrangein eras, —aportsmen should bear in nanil that tick shooting does net open before the ath of August. Tuesday, 15th, you r may get up at break of day, load your gun with -Noa," skulk round in the et grass and, perhaps, succeed in over - manes a "flapper." If your conscience e not check you in such work, the law will net ; so at patiently; and make up 3 --our maul, in the meautime, to bp first in some favorite marsh. --The following are the statistics of helve marriages and deaths registered the township of IVilmat, Waterloo minty, for Cle half year ending June Births, 52 maks and.44 fe- males. Marriages, 16 ; of which were theme, a :Mennonite), 5 Roman Oath - (11118, 1 Wesieyau Methodist, 1 Primitive .a.Iethodist, mei a Lutheran and. a Cathol- - hilted toaether. Deaths, 24 males and 1 females- In all, 157 registrations, - -A most unfortunate case of shooting took place on Saturday night, aboat midnight, in the Township of Thurlow, a the highway, six or seven miles from Geo. Humphreys, a resideat f the town, had been out gathering ekleberries in the hack country, and vas homeward bound. with a wagoa con- Aining a box of berries. He etopped to fect his ham and fell asleep, during .hich time a wagon, containing John atchford, Jcseph Parks, and John uffia, drove up. These parties stopped. heir wagon, and Duffia lifted the box of • erries from Humphreys' wagon to trans- er it to his own. Humphreys woke and ,aw him carrying the box, which he told ij AUGUST 11, 1876. puffin to replace, but the latter put it into the wagon and 'drove off. IIum- eareys ordered themtostopeor he would are at them ; they; paid, na:.attention, Alla he fired a shot from the rifle, the seal farikiag Latchford in the heart, &Hang him almost instantly. Humphreys -et once gave himself up. He states that his intention was to fire over the heads of the parties and frighten them, and he is much depressed at the fatal result of ais shooting. Deceased was about 34 vears old, and leaves a wife and family. laywas a min of pod character, and a ,prominent Orangeman, beinft a District Master of District No. 2, 67 -oath Haat- e-The latest Manitoba 'Papers have been received and there was then no danger of crop failure. . One report says: "Visitors in this city should not leave for their homes without driving out in -the country, and taking a look at the 'magnificent crops, the like of which, we venture to seer, have never been seen be - lore By doing this, and telling those down east what they saw, Manitoba 'Would have some excellent immigration agentsgratia." , -eA Miss Thurston ascended in a balloon from Alexandria Bay, Brockville, • on Friday. Upon striking the upper carrent the balloon floated eastward and a little northward. After crossing the St, Lawrence River three times it took a south-easterly direction, and landed at Briar 1E11, rn a large meadow, at 7:30 o'clock. The balloon was noticed by citizens at this place aft descending at a very rapid rate, and when it struck the ground the force was 30 great that one of Miss Thureton's teeth was broken. Miss Thurston says the basket swung ebout considerably, but otherwise than the -casualty named the voyage was a very pleasant one, and free from accidents. —In the interval that has elapsed since January, 1874, there have been some 65 eleotions occasioned by the unseating of members, &c., and of the 65 members elected the numbers stand as follows: Ministerialists, 37; Opposition, 26 ; In- dependent, 2; the latter generally voting with the Government, makes the num- bers really 39 to 26. Thus showitm that if the whole House were to be re-elect- ed on these terms, paddies would stand as three Misterialists to two Oppo- sition. ; —Last week a dreadful reaping ma- chine accident occurred on the farm of Mr, Geo, Franklin, Cockshutt road, not far from Hassard'a tavern. It seems Mr. Franklin'e son, a young man of about 17 or 18 years, was hitching a team of horses to a reaper when the animals became frightened and ran away with the ma- chine, wagging it over the yourig man, nearly severing one of his arms and gash- ing him in some taeenty different places to such -an extent that his life was despair- ed of. • —It is stated with reference to the voting on the Dunkin Act in the town- ship of Moore, county of Lambtom that while in only two instances sons voted against the Dunkin Act, while the fath- / ers voted for it, in a 'large number of , cases, in which the fathers voted. in favor of licensing houses- to sell "a wee drappie ost,” the young men, the hope of the country, and who must ultimately take the places occupied by their sires, voted square for the By-law. We have no doubt this was the case in other Municipalities besides Moore; and we think this ought to lead the, Meads of -the cause to take courage. =1 —Our agricultural friends will be pleased to learn that there is a prospect of a rise l the prices of horses. 'We learn that _English traders are finding that they cen speculate with profit in Canadian horses, and several large car- goes have been shipped. and sold readily in the British market. At a recent sale our ordinary roadsters averaged $275 per horse, and after deducting $50, the cost of trangport from Montreal = to England, it will be seen that there is ai large margin for profit, when it is considered that average roadsters can be bought in Canada at from $90 to $100. —A few evenings ago as a young man in Galt was enjoying a quite sail on the Grand River, = he was startled by some- thing heavy failing into his boat,where it lay kicking about quite lively. ',For a moment or two the boatman was startled at the unexpected nature of the visit ; but a glance at his visitor showed him that it waS a very fine bass which - had thus unceremoniously committed srticide. The prize was conveyed home when it was found to weigh within a trifle of two pounds. The fish had undoubtedly risen at a fly, and had, in its endeavours to secure its supper, leaped so high out of the water as to fall in the boat. . —A very sudden death oceurred in London on Saturday morning, the victim being Mr. John Brogan, a well-known eitizen. He was in his usual health up till last evening, and retired as was or- dinarily his custom. About one o'closk be was seizecl witl a, fit . of coughing, in the course of which he burst a blood. vessel, ia consemance of which he died. Sonie months sine Mr. Brogan, who kept a grocery store on Richmond street north, was thrown from his Wagon. From the effects of this it was supposed he had recovered, although he sometimes coofmhisbruises.plaineclofa pain in the neighborhood —Young Lyneh, of Mitchell, who had ‘, one af his legs amputated a few weeks ago, again underwent a most painful op- eration on Saturday morning last. One of the arteries of his injured, limb had bled profusely for several days, and his med- ical attendants foural it necessary to cut down the front part of the leg above the knee about six inches, in order to get at the artery and stay the flow of blood. The operation was successfully performecl but the yount man suffered intense pain, being unable to inhale chloroform, on ac- count of his extreme weakness. He is nOW getting on nicely. Rev. Father Mc- Grath was present during the operation, and rendered good assistane. —To the west of the village of Port unveil, along the lake shore, and on the farinof Mr. G. B. McConnell, some of the most intereeting remains of former times are to be found.. They consist of cinders resembling those thrown from a lackstnith.'s forge, and of broken bits of Pottery generally- about an inch in thick- ness, and in a great varietyof shapes, from sides of pots to pipes. Upon ex- amination the bed of a furnace is seen ia a good state of preservation, and the foundations are easily traced. Pieces of the ware have been found cn adjoining faians, but nowhere else have been found the cinders or traces of a similar foundry. 1 --The Kincardine Reporter says "It is to be regretted that the Great Western Railway authorities have placed ticket voters on the Wellington, Grey and Bruce branch, in order to carry out a 8art of sneak detective system towards the condt r many whom have been in the c p yal employ for years and against ose honestyl no charge has been In sevei il cases persons travelling aye been pu to considerable inconveni ce *these ew additions to , the staff, one case in particular, when a picker r used to allo a Ferges mer- chant, wh , held Ifs ret irn ticket ' from Guelph to Fergus, to 81 iy over at Elora and complete his jouri ey by the next train. —A meeting of the Ontario illers Association was held t the vi eke of Waterloo en Saturday lid. Afti r hear- ing a report from the Committee ho had been appoioted at a f rmer me ting to visit the Unitecl States with a iew of securing the best fall w eat for eed, it was unanimously resol ed both by the millers present and qu 0 a nur ber of farmers who had been a ked to j in the .meeting, that the bla son or Seneca 'wheat was best adaeite for the p rpose, and the; ipurchase of t io car lo de for Waterloo and One car load for Pa is was authorized Several s ruples o very fine wheat of different names were shown, and small quantities of si me of them recornme6ded to he got, b only . r for trial, and not for geneial seedi --The present dul ilea; and lo prices in cheese are notable. here ap 'ear to be large stocks eveaywh re. In I orth- ern New York, an in. P iladelphi there are large accumulations. The p ice in Britain per last cable ad ices is b t 46s., where last year at this ime it was 55s, -6d. At Ingersoll, a cen ral point in our main cheeSe-producingdistrict, there were seventy factories represented at a market held last week, and 1,555! boxes were sold. Two-thirds f these b ought 8c, and the remainder a and 8', with 7c offered for choice. li the corre pond- ing week ;est year over ,000 box a were sold at 10,110a, and ]0 1. The quota- tions In Philadelphia a 84c for finest, 8c for prime, 7e for fair and " g.d" is quoted at from 6c all the way dow to 4c. g., BIRTH. SIOELA.ND. —In. Seaforth on Aug, t, the wife of Mr. Wilson Sizeland, of a daughter MoDouoaaa. In Seafo th, on 4ug. 6, the svife. ef 1ir. John cDouga 1, of a . son. MeFause—At of Mr. E M MoNane.e-In of Mr. pane taffa, on Aug. 5, t Faul, of a daughte 'reY, on Aug. 7, t n McNair, of a so EITH cKillop, 14 year HANNAH. —in Hannah Age • Aug,. 1, and. 6 LOMB. —At High Point, orth C Aug. 1, Jessie, second eughter John Logie, formerl Presb Minister' of Rodgervill . S'l'onTE.—In I1cKi1lop, ug. 7, James Stobie, only so of Mr. Stobie, agedU3 month and 8 d KIDD.— At Oarronbroolk, on M Aug. 7, Elien Magda' n Carnal daughteel of Joseph Kidd, Eq 17 years, K 'enifor la on ug. 5, argar- et, infau dau hter f James Kyle, Esq., age 8 weeks. e wife e wife recilla on ths. olina, f Rev. terian enry Alex. Y8. e nd ay, , fifth ; aged 1 E i gAR i':•ETS. +--- i3E 'FORT Fall Wheat.i. ION4,4, ...........oOOOOO I I ' 90 t Spring Who- ,i per bus e .........84. ... -1...,... .. .' 0 28 t Oats perbusta 1 Peas per buts 1 1.. • . f . .. O ' O • OO .,..!... 00 4640 tt Barley per lou • el Butter, No. 1,Loo e, . .1 O 0 15 t Flour, per (noel: .1.. ... 0 10 t ',..' 6 50 t 4gt1; • r • I. ' Hay. : ......1. ,1 .-... r ...... ... ..L.:. 8 0 .. 6 00 t 0 t Hideo. ... .14 I. .. . .. . ..... ... Sheep skins.; 4 . ,.. 0 80 t Salt (retail) er b ire, Salt (wholes(); )p r barrel ........ ' Potatoes, per bus. el 0 50 t 1 Oatmeal r brSt••••• • .. • . Or; 0 00 t 2 00 t Ang. 10, 1878. 0 93 o 90 0 28 0 65 0 46 0 16 0 10 0 00 7 .00 51) 100 0 65 0 60 0 50 5 50 2 50 0 60 • •• Wood Apples, per b hel . 0 40 t 1 I I Fell Wheat, r b 'Spring Whea1, per Oats, per busif 1. Baxley, per b hel Peas, per bin) et.. Butter I Potatoes.. Eggs Hay, per to*,; 1 I INGER At the. week 16 fa offerings of wer made. I fused. TV. son's matte LITTLE! The Littl very dull oi er. None demand at ized last we gated 8,000 94e., but t CUNT)N, Aug. 10 1876. io shed . . .... ...... 0 90 @ 0 95 ushel . . ... .... • 0 85 ig 0 90 028 @, 080 ; . • i 0 46 050 068 065 , 015 018. 0 56 t 0-60 ' 1 .O10c 010 600 800 LL t, CHEE$E MAR I t soll cheesei=ark s were epr sente boxes. Very fel c wee ffered a dories sold thei and 9c. ge ori ,22 8, LS DA , F Ils,N.Y., he se ma (Milt of i1ie arm ut perfectio ch ese gu es as ge d as wer k. Factor Y offerings o 1e8 ; 6,000 sold at ts gettin the latte 1 ET. t this with sales d re- sea - MA KET. ket is eath- ere in real- aggre- lc to price, 300 8c to kages make. most getting 81c to 940.1 Les tha boxes of farm 9ac, -_, Butter weresold at 20 Creamery w..lnt TORONTO Caarrea supplied d Brittou led loads of et each, at Oa pounds, liv car loads, a at the sate 1,120 purl weighing 1, and three I sold at $4; er animals Some 40 lief were sold.* SHEEP, -•—• loads arrivi ly in good First-class s at $4 to $4 reaching 2 ca lo $3 50 to $4; seco -$3 25 ; and thard-c heese were s ld Less than. 5 pa to 230 fr.ptlivate for 24c. 11 LI -174 STO (JKjMAB4KET. Market ha een well the pest week. Mr. a purehasc=of two car averaging 1,200 pounds hest price, $4 75 per 100 seven 0,sold ghing loads 124; ounds light - 75. unds, Th rin it rs, hi w ight. There were er ging 1,300 and 1,3 rates. 'I Three loads we ro4ht $4 25; tw pounds Old at $ weighing 1,960 several car loads of at from $3 50 to veraging 1,040 p $3f apiece. e plentiful, eigh car uriag the week, g neral- ition aricl fair q ality. -class 3 50. vale, sold 75 • to 00 ad on Id t $5 to $6 ; secon bir '-class at 3 to were heavy ar ds. First-clas d-chles, at $2 lass at $2 to S21 25. he e 1MONTRE There we this marke farm fed c L LIVE ST °K. MA ''LKET Gat aiee, Aug. 9, 176. 3 eight oar loads of ea tle on to -day, all of them being , The sales -mad were very lirnitetl thid at lee er price than last week I; et some drovers, wer anx- ious to report their sake mu4h less than was rcally received, in order pull the wool over he eyes 01 faame who have cattle for ale. R. J. Hoop r sold 15 head of o ttl at $Sleachor abut $4 50 per 100 p uncle; i. (Tones made several sale a $4 50 per 100 punds - the average eihht of thse bein I,256 pounds; Mr opper made sever sales tb at %beet $4 hundred h t°Ghu1 a suBdg r w411- h d mend and per 00 chang 4 ha •••• E tRON 15 r 100 Ib. Over three id f cattle were shipped iring the past week. Onc cl of these were consigned to ive hoge were in good de - Id at fro $6,25 to $6.40 un s. S veral car loads ds i4t thee gures. EX URSION PART 8 • ho)din Tick -1'- by to e ST AME On An9th, can have by pres ting their t ckets DDNOAN & By Orde of the Cominittee TICKETS. ts for the Excursion OLLAND heir money returned t the store of UNCAN, Seaforth. 458-1 VOTERS LISTS. Oh N OF SEIAFORTII. reby given that the list of all per - ng on the last revised assessment cipality of the Town of Seaforth, f linfron, to be entitled to vote icipality for the election of onem- n th it Legi lative Assembly, Waft my office n said municipality, I An st, 18 6. Any person corn - error i 7 n sal list must deliver to hirty days fter the 7th day ofs n not co of s intention to apply the s id Co ty in respectthereof. WI L ELLIOTT, Clerk. XTOTIC is li J-1 sons ppea roll of 114 Mum in the C nty in the si4 m hers to- erve first pee 441 up on the 7 bday plaining 01 an to me, ithin August, writt totheJi ge of 4584 ISTS. OF McKILI:OP. - XPOSITOR , • a amnassasarsessat "XTOTI iE is h reby ien that the list of all per- ; roll of th Muni ipality of tie Township of Mc- , ' -LI sons tippea ng o the It revised assessment ' f 2 Killop, li he 0 unty of Hur n, to be entitled to vote in t # • said municipali y for the election of I membe = = o serve in the i4egislative Assembly, ' was pos d up in ipy o ee, in said munici- pality, o the 7th day of Au et, 1876. Any per- pon corn 4alnin. of a y erro in sal& list must I deliver t , me, ithin thirt days after the 7th day of A gust, writ en no ice of his intention to apply b the (Age of thel said Lounty in tee - peat the eof. 458-1 JOFIN 0' ULLIVAN, Clerk. TOW *SHI "XTOTI -LI eons roll of Tuckers titled to tion of sembly, municip Any pers mast de 6th day tion to a respect t 453-1 OF TIT ISTS. KERSMITH. le he eby ven t at the list of all m- oppet). ng o the lapt revised assessment the M tdoi ality a the Township of te in tit'cipality for the deco AT U R D AY he said m in the County Of Hun*, to be en - to sve in the Legislative posed up in my office, in said the 7th day of August, 1876. NOTED FOR CHE T -P AND GOOD GOODS; AUCTION SAVE, DATION 'SALE OE REAL PROPERTY.— •c., Mr. A. BISHOP hasbeen inetracted by Yr. DAVID STRANG, to sell by Public Atietion 70 Acres of Lot 28, Con.8, Thborne, On 8A.T1IRDAY0 Aug. 26, commencing at 2 o'olock The property consists of 70 acres of good and is in Ilsborne. Good frame house and barn, two • never failing wells, good orehard, and convenient ; III INST-12•1.. 1\7" .A n . purchase ney on the A ji--y.7.1 —Ten per contof the purcto &arch, school, pest office and •tore. TERMS of Pale, $2,C00 on or before the t of -Urinary, 1877, and the balance to Enztpnr baser at 7 per cent. For further particulare apply to the under- signed. DAVID STRANG, "Proprietior, - BISHOP, Auctioneer. 453-2 MAIN OD VALUE IN LO STREET, SEAFORTH, REMN NTS AT THE GOLDEN LION. ESTRAY STO ; - •I‘o•— "PSTRAY SHEEPo—Carae into be premises of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con. p, McKillop, on - or about the 15th 01 -J -1117,a Ewe and Lamb. The owner can have the sante by proving property and paying charges. JOSEPH DENIs IN. 45244 ESTRAY MARE.• -s -'Came into the premises o: the undersigned, Lot 5, Cern 5, Stanley, on 4 Jiily 15, a dark brown mare, withblack legs, ulna and tail, and star on forehead. T reeownerenatek inre; quested to prove pr-operty, pay eh te ; her away. JAMES LOGAN. 450* -4 ; VSTRAY HORSE.—Straye,d fro Lot 6, Bay- field Road North, OM two -yes old- filly-, color bay, with white face and one ov• le hind foot. Any person giving information to the owner, at Varna P. O., that willlead to its rjccoreryw1Ub3 puitably rewarded. Anyperson f4nnd -detaining said animal after this -notice will be prosecut=ed boo - law. JAMES GALLAGHER. Tarim, 450*4 IIPICESS31,4-1KINClo ISS BORLAND, Dons and Mantle Maker. -&-7-1 Rooms over the Bank, Seaforth. N.H.—Ap- prentices wanted. i 408 DRESSMA.KING. — MISS Q Maker, Seaforth. Dressmakin branches in the rooms over Thos. good tit and perfect satiofaction prentices Wanted immediately. NLAN, Dress done Mall its dd's store. .A. rauteed. Ap- 448 - "Tt TIM( BRYDON begs to turnout' °C1 of Seaforth that she has enga AN 4 aAMIESON. i Wm. Campbell's, to give ifotstructi 1 lowing different branches, viz.: PI -,...................................... Sewing, Stitching,Braiding, Fitt NTREAL HOUE ting, Hair Work in all styles. Cat Net Work. ranch Wool Work, Cu ing, Crotchet Spatter -Wolk, 'ren done at the rooms. Ladies can s I at the rooms to arrange for the' ' instructions. Apprentiees wealth 9 A. M. until 4 P. M. HEM We hctve plec embe r as firs ity, o chm lainmg of ony error in said list er to hie, ulthin thirty days after 'the Angn t, a written, notice of his inten- ry to the J odge a the said County -in roof. M. 1,I00NNELL, Clerk. VO ERS - TO NS IP gF HAY. worm i3 is he eby 1ven that the list of all per- sons ppea ng o4 the ht revised assessment roll of th Muni ipali y of the Township of Ray, in the Co nty of Hur n, to e entitled to vote in the said unici ality or the election of members to serve in the Legislative Assembly, was first posted u in my ordee, in aid municipality, on the 4th d y of 4ugns, 1876. Any person com- plaining f any rror in said list must deliver to me, withili thir1y daYs after the 4th day of Ang- net, a tvriitten n tice p1 his intention to apply to 4the i_Tudgel of th said County in respect thereof. 88. . FOSTER, Clerk. NEW E undtersig of Se forth hie coin need In the Sliki)p ne. ppity, w I The ; on), Shae ALIL I ed b nd bus' SHOP. gs to Otify the inhabitants urrounding country that be ems AF RTH, t dooi to Pillman's Carriage Fac. ere 151 intends to carry on S B The Stoel hav ng b FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN E P OYED, _ • Business ANCHES. en carefully selected, and ne but And by at: can rely o ct a tention to businees , the public gett ng gobd value for their money. REPAp? 458 VG done with Neatness Ind D-ip telt. J. POST OF ci4ID BEG most r oustonoters eleven years among them,-% ii favors in [the Stock of Hoots Provisione Cro oil, Paint Oils eriptions. Fa thIwohave°uldn a so In who 1876, to cell an note; as 1= mus without; ai;( ymfuo If you oiaut t you would, do w where, as am ties in the DO LIF =Ifyouwanty I am Agent for Company, of M pros perotte In ion, and cOndue .ciplcs. J. SCOTT. ICE RE, WALTON. OF HANKS. spectf lly to thank my numerous theiit kind atronage for the last ich I have een doing linsinees d solijiitl a c ntinnance of their Mare. I ha 'e received a Large nd Shoes, Diy Goods'Groceries, kery, Glassware, Hardware, Coal int Patent Medicines of all des - Produce taken in exchange. st respectfully hatimate to those ST Id up their aceonntio due Jan. 2, da HO at onoe, either by cash Or have a settlement. Please call her notice. SiEY TO LO N. borrow mlney on Real Estate 11 to call on me before going else- - aluatorfor the best Loan Socie- nion. Tenni) lhoor. INSURANCE. BEST SUG ur life insured give me a call, as • he Sin Mutual Life Ineurance lama', one Of the best and most rancelCompanies in the Domin- • ed o the n4ost economical pin- i ure in nouncing that we have jr:eed HE TH DAY T000 INIBNCE OUR 1 e to the ladies ed rooms over ns in the fel- in and. Panty , Embroider - and German ting and Fit - ng anti Fitting Mies Bryclon girls to take . Hours from 452'4 WANTE • CIARETAKEIL WANTED.—For Public School. Services.to eo OF AUGUST16th, Applications, stating sa g with, the Secretary, W1L NWATS AND WILL CONTI THE GOODS AS ENSURE E FOR THREE WEEKS the Seaforth mice August _o to be left N. 451 WA ]'ED.—Wanted limn diately, a good '-i-steady titan to drive team amid general terra work. Good wages and steady em loyment. Ap- ply to JOHN BEATTIE. 448 ILLER WANTE P.—Wanted, at the 1Vin- throp Mills, a first-dass Miller. If a good steady workman the highest wage will be paid. Apply to ANDREW GOVENLOC Winthrop.452 TEACHERS WANTED.—Wan • — of August, two male school te 11 • second-class certificates, for Sabo smith. Apply to WM. M-cCONN Township Schooreoard,Seeforth . by the 16th chars holding is in Ttoiker- LL. Secretary .0. 442 ILL BE ! OFFERED AT PRICt BOIL SALE cric 111 TO LET. --Six Upper Rooms. -I- WARD CASH, Seaforth. ASP THE PUBLIC ARE SO WE OODS, 4 PL WE WILL 0 T WILL . EDY CLEARANCE. LN LY Q and Colored Lu tres fro7 nadines Bl .ck and Colored Or 0 Al Re Pa Be Fr ite, Striped and CI ecked Mt eCi 11111,81i928 front even ce) the Summer Dress Goods w nants of Prints a a Dress asels at Cost and nder--1 008tUnte8- trimite,t1 .Cugs and Co lars, Glo in Great Variet at GREAT Y ACQUAINTED WITH OUR CHEAP L MARKED IN - OTE A FEW PRICES Twelve and a Half cents.. OM Fifteen cents. s. 1 .b Offered at Desperately I Low Prii:es. , . Goods Very Cheap. 1 tey !Must be Cleared. . - i i 1 t Very Wide ireavy Lace—Liew. 1 • Eosiery, Laee Mitt. aud Smallwares R DUCED PRICES. ISkrtings, SUM/MeV Tweeds, Genl (1:Jc., at Prices that will 01 01 pets in Tapes& y, All Wool c 1Dundas Cotton, Yarn., White Bottom Prices. ehle12'S ASummer Coats, Rats and = Clps, th8912, Out. nd Hemp, ?id Colored Ca)pet Warp, at Di7NCAN, & 'DUNCAN., I 14. THE CHEAP ant alha ys ive Call at I4,ttis n's if Hams, Galin Jar , Je Sugar, Tat &c., all v Post 0 dice S tor 484 tenti e you y Gies rycb- TTIS DISSOLUT ON OF P THE Partners !"1- the u end LIAMS & IGLU consent. The on by J. RI. W the late firtn w and all deh ts d ed by him, TN conn ec tion -1- desires to sta friends then he ture of fird-c151 as wrehaltetebtioeold less moue kind in th To thoe imraediat ly in need of mo Remem r th Seaforth tunp 415 'Ip h retofo ed, nder t •hT been nsine s will , llama All be nidat eth4 late ith he ab e toijlsnun ntcnc to c s pumps an and.1 He h to urn o than any ther s sec ion. Jude ted tlo him settl =ni0fll/ is dee ey. old established fond well-ko.own actOoy. 3, WILLIAMS. a 10 Etairte88. ant Bacon, Smoked es, Ilarved Gloves, ap for cash at the N, Post Ofilce Store RTNERSH1P, e subsisting between eisfirnisolviledanibe;mf nvtilijal crafter be carried bts contracted by a by J. R. Williams, lrrn will be collect- .0313LwrLE ciuTAF114.si ve the undersigned erons customers and Untie the mannfac- ciatems as hereto. s now such facilities 1* better article for stablishment of the e would say that an ed, as he is urgent- THE BEST GROC ARE TO BE 7.! I Ai th- Smaile , ; 11 I 1 Ten pc; undo of Good Tea for 54—this T Tea0 put up in 5 or 10 pound pa kages as eh Teabon ght from me guarantee to be as r 14ovvr1, do n't send your '0 CASH to a foreign I 1 • 1 I FREE DELIVERY. IS NOT RS, RES AD AT CASH GROCERY D FOR THE EAS AND COFFEE ow t Po R airley Wag P • HE CHEAP CASH GROCERY stiple Advance on Cos 70se. cive Him a Trial. LET. --- — Apply to ED - 446 HOUSE TO LET.—To Let, that ro.ost comfort- able and well situated brick honserand four lots on Huron street, with hard *ad soft water, and every convenience neceseary1 Apply to T. STEPHENS, British Hotel, Seaforth. 421. 0110ICE „BUILDING LOT POR SALE.—For sale cheap, a corner Lot in Sparling's survey, on john Street, Seaforth, withljn 10 minutes' walk of the business part of the to . Apply to WILLSON & SCOTT, Music Deale s, Seaforth.447 QTORE AND DWELLING HOU —For sale, or will be rented,1 large frame store with comforts connection, together with a quarto is in the centre of a thriving agrie and Is an excellent stand for a The poioffice is in connection Terms easy. For particulars app prietor on the premises or to Chi WILLIAM MOORE. B FOR SALE. Chiselhurstta le dwelling m acre lot. This Itural country, country store. ith the store. ly to the -pro- selharst P. 0. 45,04 SPECIFIC Airru, LES. ftEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. --For Sale Cheap, a quantity of good cedar fence posts. Apply at the EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. ;448 aREEN FEED FOR SALE. --S lendid Crap of 'LA Peas and Oats, five hundred weight 1or$2. Apply to THOMAS DARWIN, :Seaiorth. 451 li WOTICE TO BUILDERS. --Any person wont- -1-1 hog Sand, Gravel or Stones, e n leave their orders at THOS. LEE'S Grocery,a a it will be -de- livered on the shortest notice. T OMAS CI.7R- RIE; = 488 EW THRESHING MACHINE -.--Tbe subscri- ber takes this opportunity ofj thanking the farmers of Hay, Stephen and U borne ea the liberal patronage bestowed upon him during the past six years in the threshing business, and - would also inform them that he has purchased a new Glasgow & IdePheroon (Clinton) tnachine, and therefore will be better able than ever to give satisfaction. Your orders are solilted. CICERO ALDWOBTH. 452-4 INSOLVENT ACT F 1875. he- ,f.ke Matter of !Valiant - insolvent, farten, f4. n NOTICE TO DEBT RS. A LL Parties iodebted to the tate of ;Ono • •21- above-named Insolvent, are r mated to ;,ay tr, within BO days, or their account V1II Lc potted in suit without further notice. I authorized Mr. Mallen to receive the moo an grantr•o•capia or it can be remitted to my address Seaforth .0 . • JOHN S. PORTE , ASI 30(1 Seaforth, july 12, 1876. ;;;0•4 MABEE tt) PLANINGMILL And Sash and Door _Factor y SEA FORTH, 0 NT RIO. tABEE & McDONALD having3aatabli-•:ted 'ILL count -alma with their Lambe 'Yard &Plan - hag'Mill and Sash ahd Door Facto' , Inc is:oyes:ea to eaecate work in this line in e, eatisfortoro - manner. Planing and Lumber DreSsiog rf tot description done to order. I Doors, Sashes, Frames, &e., alwaye or:1.831)o 1)1 1 made to order in the beat manner and o.. o tod #= material. I Lumber of all kinds on hand and for sa aP usual, Estimates furnished for buildings of all hioas. HE MARKET CAN PRODU1 6E I 449 MABEE & MoDONV.;o10 FLOUR, IFEED ONSTA -; Is good value, don't despiee it be -cause it is so cheap. p as ean be got either in Toronto or London. Ail resetted or money reftinded. Patronize your own arket when you can ao as well if not better at hoine. AND PROVISION/3 LY ON HAND. J. FAIRLEYI Seafo Maga CANADIAN PACIFIC AMWAY TENDERS FOR GRADING, TRA4,:fc- LAYING, eze. pSBALED TENT2ERS addressed to the Score- a tary a Public Works, and e ea " Teader i Bstheechtercoastioreissoeirntwthetiere4Pontoac,ffina asetwRapeie:tilwaans Ye,exirat ttomiltfittelrs:,:amoso:as: ' a distance of s -bout 114 miles, via.: e traehlay- to neltooenRofaillywzoDY); zwill8Dbleyr,eceithev2ed0tha EtbpiszEofmciedltp next, for works required to be execatted ou that IL:1dg 113243.:, bolaillabsttolint 8g7 mil°121:43hel atIls'e: !nos 10311otEltte:;01.13401d.d.' Rat Portage. For Plans,Opecifica ons, A.pprexi- t1 formation, apply to the aloe of tbsi Engineer in mato Quantitiee, Forme- ofF.TBert:eir utalearetetaryher :- Chief, Ottawa. No Te b entertained =alio on the Printed Porino, Ana h. Ddi"u:ttit'livarkeen176`ae Pul:tiabistneWitW1781.2.6k1:BY ° ' 4584