The Huron Expositor, 1876-08-11, Page 44
Audusr 111 1876.
Voters Lists—Lowniship of Hay.
Voters Lists—Township of Tuckersmith.
Voters Lists --Township of McKillop.
Voters Lists—Town of Seaforth.
Butter Wanted—A. G.:McDougall & Co.
Auction Sale of Property—D. Strang.
Farm for Sale—James Murray.
Excursion Tickets—Duncan & Duncan.
Canadian Pacific Railway—F. Braun.
.New Shoe Shop—J.J. Scott
Remnant Sale—Logan & Jamieson.
urn xpoitor.
A Warning Note.
For some time the leaders of the
• servative party have been putting rth
the most energetic exertions thr s g out
• the entire Province to re -organize, gather
• together and replenish their ranks which
were so badly depleted and broken by
the Pacific Scandal disclosures. This, of
course, they have a perfect right to do,
and their notion from a party point of
•view is commendable. But what are
Reformers doing ? Are they going to lie
quiet and passive,—to sleep on, while
activity and preparation is the order in
the camp Of their opponens. The lead-
ers of the Conservative party at head
quarters have set the machinery in
• motion. They mill the wires, and those
under them willingly and actively re-
spond. As a result of this obedience
see that Conservative demonstrations, •
pie -nice, &c. are beiug •gotten up in all '
sections of the Province. At these •
gatherings which are usually largely :
attended, not alone by Conservativee but
by Reformerssalso, Sir John' and other
leading men of the pitrty are present to
deliver political addresses. • As a . matter.:
of course, these orators have things all
their own way ; they present to the
people very plausible stories; they de-
nounce the Reform Governments as
spendthrifts, renegades, and enemies to
the country, and extol themselves as
being the men who alone are worthy or
capable 9f managing the affairs of State.
Indeed Sir John has had the hardihood
On these occasions to justify his conduct
in connection with the Pacific Scandal
• itself, and to declare that he had not
been guilty of any conduct of which an
honest man should feel ashamed, . and
that he had not done anything which he
would not, under similar circumstances,
do again. ,These utterances are given
forth 'in the most polished, plausible,
• and positive manner, and as there is no
• person on hand to refute than, or to
show up the blackness of Sir John's past
career and _the 6unning recklessness of
his present 'utterances, the unsophisticat-
ed go home more than half convinced
that McKenzie is a rogue; and that Sir
John is a mint who has patiently suffered
• persecution for his :country's good. In
addition to the means this used to arouse
their own friends and entrap the unwary
• among their opponents, Mr. Alfred
Boultbee, ex-M.P.P. for North York,
and, Mr. King Dodds, of Toronto, a'
couple of oili-mouthed, unscru-
• pulous, but active political • intrig-
nere, have been engaged to go around
through the country,, from County to
00111ity, stirring up the faithful and estab-
lishing working, active organizations. In
view of these facts Reformers will see
that it vvill not do for them to lie idly
by, and calmly look on at their oppon-
ents thus actively preparing to destroy
• thennwithout making one single effort to
defeat them _at their, osin tactics. It is
true that the Reform Governments which
rale the Dominion and the Provinces, have
each a large majority in their respective
• Parliaments, ,but as the Constant dropping
• of water on the hardest stone will ulti-
mately wear it out, so will the false an-
cueations of the Opposition against the
Government, if allowed to go unrefuted
and unchallenged, tell upon them. In
the event of an election, also, the thor
ough organization of the few will prove
ore powerful than the disjointed and un -
harmonious efforts of the many. As they in
are now working, long before the next of
general election arrives, the leaders of
the Opposition will have every supporter
worked into line, and all will be ready
for simultaneons action. So that when
• the hour for voting comes all differences
will be allayed, and the whole, band will
be ready for united and simultaneous ac-
tion; while the Reform party, if they con-
tinue to rely on their present strength and
remain tractive until the election comes,
• will be divided and scattered, and the re-
sult gannet but be disastrous to them.
Our opponents may, and do have dif-
ferences among themselves, but when
• election times come round, they are
• united as one man, and no matter who
the candidate er what the issue, they go
• in a mass the one way. In addition to
active organization, Reformers !night,
son why we should be careless .cen-
ning them, and why we should assist
r political opponents by withol
ne our political leaders the assist& ce
should give them ? We shonld
r ein mind that all are human,
d that 111 are liable to err. We
uhl also remember that if *e
ow' this ca elessness and this indiffer-
ce to gain seession f us, we will 41-e
a class o men 'muchless compete4t,
h less ho est, and ueh more waste-
• and extravagant to eplace those win)
w Oecupy salons o honor and tru t
d at the e time se all hope ef
nring- sit h mean, es as we Imlay
w find fa it with he preterit Gctly-
ments fo not giving us. Take
Wide th questions of • increased
protection to anufactories and e proh0e-
to y liquor law. NVe now there are
formers who think hat the Goverih-
at should o somethhig to aid man14-
fa tu ers in this count by placing them
on an equal iooting w th those of the
Itted States!. We ale know that thete
ar Reformers who th.nk the Geyer:e-
lm nt should at once p se a prohibitor*
,liq or law. ther Ref rulers again may
thi k that th Ontario Government d
egislature to M-
embers. But,
es of PLeforme
of the -policy
e questions, th
stified on the
st the Gover
g their indiffet-
to injure thoee a
respect to tho o
wreng in alloWing the
or e the ittdemnity to
ea se these several clas
ma not exactly approv
th Goverinne t on the
ce inly woul• not be j
nds in tu • ing egad
we nieet, or even In allowi
ence in politic
G o term ents. I
questions, a
if in power, 1
or even so goo,
thousand and
mortify and h
should bear in
ow ' tient and n
pr ent Refor
the country, 1
wO ilforget dd have
a een
et ined office.
ToP lidntrenenertsue
ea ingly labor to keep
li have givei the c
-and in whose i tegrity a
av every,cau e to 'hay
de ce. '6et u unite an
pp nents, and althou
t once geeall t
I . !- i
tan' a muele 1
bat from one oi
[ pp nerits.
Ro ifdoririnoteraesl
llor uld bu
their o
m rch on th m,T
ugh and co tinuous
county, ur oppo
to lay asi e their
nal dittere cerf; an
an in supp rt of t
rat ound o the poli
w1 --,,,i+ to ret in the
Fie? fa rly won w must
i it te their exa ple.
d Efe epee on the part of
s rel place Sir ohn an
th head of p blic a
il contiuumfe activit
ss, with a unit d front
a tion arrives will as
ce Mr. McKenzie and those in whom
fo ers haL full and implicit con- yoi
e. 1. I vil
the eek. 4 ho
1 matter
Even in ,
onservati e Governmen ,
uld not ive them bettea;
satisfac ion, while in a
ne other espects it Wou0
miliate t em. Refortnee,
Ind the vast amount 0,
eful legillation which the
• Govern ents have give ,
hich th country nev4r.
oyed ha c their opponenie
Rernetn ering this, theX
d forgiv any little die"t
hey may experience, an4
ically, u itedly, and u e
in pewee thos
untry so =el ,I
d honesty theY
the fullest con
I work as do our
h we may not
at some of us want, w
etter ch nee of gettin
n friend than from mitt
and doing a d •an
ponents to stea vi
1 si
the officers .. the Mounted Po ice could
n butlea . of any such motem • nt at
o ce it - o ld be much easier to wi-
nds than o rascally whisky sellers,
rte:* the oveinents of the ndian
ad the iniq • Rots liquor traffic has been
etty effee u Illy prevented.
A LONG 'LT NEL.—The workmen in
t e San Francisco tunnel have punched
through on th other side, and daylight
a ines ' thro g the belly of the .great
oun in on the line of the ,Sonthern
Gide Rail aY between San Francieco
d. s gelos. This is the longest
in th United States excep
. e completion of the t
nous line of railway
t °non: 1
gives a, conti
S n Francisdo
Doll: -gr6t;g1:tiiiihesety‘°e
00 -ESE IM
livinglasa visib
forthe time be
tiii also shovf t
of Chinese w�
11OW than foren
18 5 was 1 wo
it as 1 woma
lo g and bitt
di isions, chile
ac ionary amen
m imbers an
ment, Viscon
passed the E
last Saturda
T , Elapse n
one erin
passed t
rsie night
Cloud agency. Three eo • pan es of the
same giment have bee •; ordered for-
ward, id will go on in day or two.
Aeco to a • order rece • tly 'issued by
Genera John 4 . Pope, ; sndi Lieuten-
ant Fred. D. G ant has bee . premoted to
the first lieuten ncy in 014 Fohrth Cav-
alry, vire Robe Carter, etired, which
carries Grant 4 Fort • t, Texas. A
late deipatch ys the
the Sioux is ye • withon
ale Te and took hate
able to fleet a runctioni; t
disheartened; ;he Yellows
t the very low, and t • e number
ennel diens increas; ng.
paign against
✓ sult. Gener-
not yet been
eir men are
one River is •
f hostile In -
e of
8 B.
f vio
to Fort Yuma, d• tepee
alifornia is fa in
r ending June ,
but only 17,0 anrived
e anti -Chinese eeli4 is
e effect on ' im "grfition,
ng at least. The a tis -
at a much larger number
en come to- this country
rly. , The prop rtiOn in
an to 200 men, but itt
to 100 men.
MANION Behr,. --1-Al
✓ discussion and
y in consequence o
dments made b
accepted by the
t Sandon's Educe
glish House of
by a. iote of 11 to
et at noon for the put
this Bill, and theugli
rough Committee the
wfa,s under three and a
• debate.
. ,
r RAIN E0 EgE.S.--,A Kansas City spe-
cialto St. Lo is, Mo., says the tterhille
tra n robber have been ' tra ked to
Ch rokee Crawford County, Kansas,
nc Charles itts has just been captured
n pring River. He had $1,8 o his
per on, and package of letters contiet-
ing of corres ertdienee between embers
of e bind • regard to the robbery 'of a
Mi sourli Pacific !Railway train which
im licate a number of men in herokee
cou ty who have been heretofore above
DTANC-9 i IN INDIA. --The 0.0cial
Gar Ite f India ublishes a resolution of
the -Vi erey in Council reviewing the
con itio Of the finances, and stated that
it a orde grave cause for anxiety. he
Cu oms revenue is declared to i be nip
favorable, n orders should. therefere
be i sue stop all preventible' outlay.
The expen lit re for extraordinarh public
wor s 8110111(1 be largely -reduced'' ,
the object of leasening the thteate
defi it. The resolution concludes I as
foll• we : "The financials diso der i•is
Boleti due to the rapid fall in th value
of si ver."
G RMAN IRON- TADS. — The moan
iron cla gunboat Wespe (Wasp) which
was au ched On t e 6th July, is hit first
of fi e such boats which are being b ilt
for he Germian miralty at rem n.
The bjeet of hes vessels is to defend,
in c • nnection wi h torpedoes, expo ed
of the coast and mouths of rives,
eiscort smell expeditions in e
as n -
e that
im- The
off. years past in t
876, continued durin
cheese advanced
declined. In t
closely related
that manyopera,
show a medera
with the previou
The progress
1876 of late years in
ter a ap oryr .ta t the
en a nr -Three only 4,e0a3r,a-37110ftle
p vate ed to 16,424,025
Go ern- and during the
ion Bill Ilea year for wh
'om one the exportations
46. total of 32,342,
pose which was set
the Besides this, Ca
sell again. ' The
trade -during the
to 1875 was conederably
, cent -hill other ords, o
creased over thos of 1869
rate of one hundr cl per cen
When attenti n beca
turned to the pr duction
could hardly be xpeeted
ports of butter w uld con
as• formerly. he declin
greater than was xpecte
ed to be desire le. Ta
years for compa ten as
above in conside ng the t
we find the qua,n •ty and
butter exported fr m the
been as follows :
The ID airy r de.,
endenc manife te for several
e dairyroduce trade
1875 r exports of
whilst h se of butter
e egg trade which is so
o that do'e ill butte
ors buy o h,the retu
dee hie as Compar
twelve m ntht.
ade thr u hoot Caned
he prod c ion and ex -
se has ee extraordia-
1869 our xpo were
s., valued at 49,572.
wards the h advanc-
bre, wo h $1, 40,2d4 ;
ear under review—the
ch we ve eturna—
reachedft e handsome
30 thee t e value of
down it $3,1886,226.
ada ree ported some
foreign c eese, which
• vantag o a to buy rind
ncrease i tfhroenichiese6s9e
yea year:
vet 1700 per
✓ experts in-
t the rapid
. annually.
4 Kr, largely
• f cheese, it
hat the ex -
i • u lhas baeregne
o was believ-
i g the same
h•se adopted
e in cheese,
&tun of the
nt to have
have all seen hint, butssa Mr. Wild does
not seem to think those l reliable I hay
some further .tvidetice produce. - 0
Saturday evening last, about dark,
Mie Tighe's soreand two daughters, an
some of their neighbors i were returnin
home from church, and when about half
a mile from Clinton, they observed. a man
sitting on a fence at the road side. As
they came opposite him' he jumped off
the fenoe and prostrated imself in front
of the road to avoid running over him,and
passed on. 4_!, then got up and ran past
them, uttering some wild and blood curd-
ling yells. The driver lashed his horses
to a gallop, but could, n overtake him.
This strange individual hen turned off
into a field and disap ared. As he
passed them they noticedthat the legs of
his pants were torn off about the: knee,
and his legs and feet were bare. About
9 o'clock the tame evening Mr. ITighe'
heard some person fighting with his dog
at the gate. Mr. Tighe and his son went
r, to the gate, where the so recognized the
ens person who had been disturbing the dog
ed as being the same man they saw on the
road. On seeing them he started and
bringing on his urniture and moving jute
n pleted. Every hing in the village se,eme
e the new hotel ithich is now nearly emu.
as to be moving on prosperously and tee
d prospective ontok is 'favorable in the
g extreme.
a ran up and down the road yelling Wildly.
Mr: Tighe sent one of his boys to a neigh-
bor's house to get assistance. A few boys
were gathered togetherA who t once
surrounded him. He be4ame ve furi-
ous and, with a club, he 'llaid about him
savagely, swearing he would kill any! of
them who attempted to la bands on him.
He remained about Mr. Tighe's place
until about 1 o'clock on Sunday morning,
sometimes beating and chasing the cattle,
and once he came in and Went around the
house, hammering it with a stick, and
cutting up all kinds of capers, and every
flow and then indulging in a few un-
' dilly yells. Mr. Tighe says he would
ow Jesse Wild if he ea' him in day -
1869 -AXTITY.
11887752 19, ,448 .8,612,679
10,8 8,268 lbs 842,270
9, ,044 " 2.8371824
aduelly rose
r hed in
hen the des
1. 18751
va ue less
nted for by
number of
e question -
the raising
•eese at cur -
n in the
no doubt
Milk to
this means
are greatly
sub equent
re a oided.
e fa er as
e same desir-
is ed by the
ries i And
est laalvan-
eritnent is
lities with
one in eggs
The exports of
with until the highest
fled 1872. And each
cline has been jus
we find both the q
than in 1869. • Th
the great inereas
cheese factories, b
ed whether in man
of butter at the pri
years, would not p
well, as the produ
rent rates, the
production of
attributable to s
• ere should
ents are alw
ndividual a
to muster
eir • leaders
real bugle, a
sition we h
a this resp
ethargy and
,eformers w
his follow
airs once more,
and watchful -
when the hour
Ueda, retain in
fi en
at couragin
ty of Creeman harbors.— It
d necessary for this purpo
sheulel e easily mammy ed, b�
toler bly rapi , and carry a gun;capable
of penetrating a yery thick plate a a
onolAN GOLD MINE& neWs
the Georgia gold mines is very dn-
. The Gainesville South4n,
nd says : A
aye i and mos
ect theory o
in- ; gia mine
ill richer th
ere of th m
of the be
and i
1 the eompanies are in full bla
of them making money. T
deep mining is being filly
d to he the thing in the Ge
—the lower the shafts go t
ore in every instance. Ma
e ready reached the values
t quartz mines of California
lia There is a great deal of n
proved machinery going! to t
daily, and this fall will finch ma
smhsofrtea.sunk to the depth of I
butter lig
oint wen
ear since
as gractu
• in the
t it may
es obtii
y the f r
utter i
the *hem factories.
the labors of the househo d
decreased, •and 11 the
troubles in selling he bu f
Time is certainly oney to t
to the business ma but t
able end might be comp
establishment of b tter fa
this could be done ith ma
tage to the country The
now being tried in sotne 1
very satisfactory di ect reit
e The largest busi eier eve
ale- in Canada was i 1874.
7- twelve months the xports
534 dozens, valued at $5
nY years previously, in 1870,
eggs shipped was o ly $314,18
r now to 1875 we fi d the 8.
6,7 have been 3,521,068 dozens
ffe estimated worth of hese W
114Y Comment is unnece sary on t
uring the
re 4,407,-
7,284„ Four
h value of
2. Coming
ese figures,
egg trade
e, and de-
e t.
•ourl dairy
aid to be
and 1 as a
f our ri large
d cheese.
o ly-11118,4" 06°, f -
f butter,
lbs., as
land' took
e United
nedo sbi ed eesr4-3
and other
e United
'10 further than to say, that the
is a valuable and g owing a
le, fontana Territory, who had °cc
ing la y se?nool teacher, of Oran
n t• go to her school house at an ear
ur i • t e morning to write copies f
pupil was, while writing, caught
ee e who in turn outraged hr, a
t at her tongue to preve t h
, a d left her lying on the floo
agg d herself to the blackb ard
the affair out upon it, and w
dea by the pupils. By niciana
for ation on ;the blackhoard
s rsuit was instituted, and a1
i• ,...
f e in:screen-5s were capture
the reaehed their homes, ough
an hree miles from the scene . f
tra e. ; I
es have e idently been won y t
on the Eastern frontier of • ervi
t ere is nothing for. Prince ila
hi G vernment to do now, ut
vs erns of peace. The Porte eems
e eas nable after this triutnp , an
is osec to rale peace, if it is j intl
ed y ervia and Montenegro o co
on of grerisoning some Servian w •
iploma ic conference of the f reigh.
nta Ives at Belgrade, it is sai
in avor of the English. and Rus
re resentatives being sent to ' rine
n to urge him to accept an a isti
r to permit of European e
There is an alarming des ate,
7th utmest exertions to 13 re
thaelt the Russian Governm nt it
erish feeling amongst the eopl I
alf I of Servia. This woti
g di ectly for a war, and the e ca
out that the Czar is earnet lyi
f pe ce so that it ie unlikely to
Ho ever, the -bureaucracy hay
reat influence id Russia, a d i
e u •tedly Slavophil in op' ions
he ead of the Czarowitch, the
asil excite such a feeling a on
pl as nervia is under the f t o
ks as would make armed i ter
on he part of Russia mu oid
the part of its rulers, •
News o
a a b .at 141
death for readin
w#1 n w aye ati
th ro mice of p
the se t war i
aceou t represent
a S rvia ready
filao t e insurge
su ces , and that
P sba n desperat
A serving of every en urage
ge- Regarding the m rket f r
4- produce, Canadians may be,
Ifr independent of t e Uni
dr Great Britain gener lly offer
A dere men in Indi- •thr
ear -old
• opport
ison life
boy almost to
. The father
nity to study
and its novel
then c
- fou
ins. —T e news from tee
very co fficting. One
the w r as finished
o sue for peace. Others
ts are meeting with
they h ve Moukhtar
straits t Trebigne.
OTI Fa ''knahei, TO Tli INSURGENTS.
—The news from the seat • f war in Tur-
kefr is ot favorte le to tb
insurg nte. The recent d
gu oval z has put
nt i to' Turkis
the "ervians.
Istria TICER Bo
fon o'clock on .
.pe son were dro
• with profit, take a lesson from their op-
ponents in this respect. If we believe
• those whom we call our political leaders
are the best men to have at the head of
• affairs, and if we can reporie more confid-
ence in them than in those who lead the
opposing party, it is our duty to heartily,
energetically and vigoronslysupport them
and to use everfr legitimate means in our
• power to keep them in the positions which
• they now occupy, and to secure them
in which we have spent so many years of
hard toil. It may be that we do not get
from them all that some of us think we
should, and it may also be that oe,casion
- ally they do things which we may think
is not just exactly right. But is this any
less t
the o
cause of the and
feat at Gut. -
an end to any move- snal
territor on the Part • quit
inducements for sh pments
n matter of fact, abso bs most
ell. supplies in both utter
r. During the past •ear, f
to Canada exported 0,889,3
• cheese to. Great Brit in, and
s d
T Awl ANT. --About sk
'aturday fternoon ten iti
ned in P alarm's Pond, A d
,sse County, ear W itehall N Y '
tte n ersons I were in a small row
t, whea a squall struc it a,nd the
t was i media ely capsi
out of thirtee
' 1 Iig 'ENTEN.IAL Bu enizco. —The
Grd Centennial Expositi a Building is
likely to go to Ch cago, ne t November,
• as Union Itailro Id Depot. The project
was statcd by the Penns lvania Rail -
roe of cials, with , whom the manage -
in t of the Chica o and A ton and the
C ag Milwau ee, and • t. Paul will
ac c -operatio for the carrying out of
th sch me.
.ed, drowning ian
OP • IN ,MINN .soTA.
is net a State in t e Union
eau e eomplai i of hart
and of
reports wheat crop will
Minites ta; says nici:rnee(e)
VC dev
but co
client, c
'pod qu
"th , 'hoppers" h
partsof the State
Courtics; hay ex
welii , an -V getabl
i anll arenowoW said •be wish
*'.-151r eir peaceful b !ethren d
peso for them ; b t it is
new of this kind •y on esti
that nitichl relian p can la
numbers, the latest gue.9
the , are ten thousand wa
tsatb, 1 , This :seems a
for belief. It is now
he are receiving aid
In ans, but this is
tel denied from th
and is very n
e madam Indian would gain
y assistingthe American ones
the Uni States troops and d
1 I
NO we
tru T
• notbegg
to frg t
erhaps there
that has less
times than
• From last
be a fair one,
stated some
ned to a few
rn promises i•
in ord
ie fes
, be
• orki
•e no
ey a
;llIe De
e Tu
hie o
,ef on
11 th
ent of
—The Indi-
ng for peace,
• ire to make
• ot probable
placed on
ates of their
• being that
riors on the
ogether too
• ing asserted 1
from Cana-
tinctly and
likely to be
805 lbs. across the 1. nes ; an
the proportion wa 6,579,
against 1,301,991. I ewfou
nearly as much b • ter as t
States, namely, 1.129,231 ib.
able quantities both of butte
o almost exclusi ely to
• 'tates, but there a e . no
distant countries. ur eggs,
were sept to the W et Indiesta les
them at the prase t time. —Aro tarn
Huron Rifle sociii-tion.
At Clinton, on M nday last Bali the
Hew Era, the Hur n Rifle Association
held their first practice, with the
new arrangement of targets
as used at the great national meetings at
Wimbledon, and which will e use at
this year's meetings f the D minion and
Ontario Rifle Associations. be day was
fine, with little o no wind,the only
drawback being a fierce, right sun,
raising in the earl. er part of the day
a dancing haziness, making fine shoot-
ing somewhat difficu t. We subjoin the
_t score, showing a ve respectable aver -
la age:
nd socking,
1 -
ND Axs..-7-An intelligent an re
entl man says that though s ecia
ere beingmade on the part f th
d he Indians at the iss e o
Saturday to make a shoring,
• re were net ,500 bucks (y un
) jresent, while there •s oul
een over 2,000, • from, whi
cern that large numbers are
es o
Th4re are those wh
d wbp rate the Sioux fight -
27„ and believe ther4 are
arme4 warriors now inj the
ald despatch from Lalven.
as, rports a general tulove-
ps fr m the Indian territory
couijitr1 has already tom-
eral MCKenzie, with two
the Fou h Cavalry halting
turday • report at Ilted
ht, but as it was dark
whether this person was
thinks the man he saw
e cannot
Ina or not e
as about the
same size as Jesse Wild. Mr. Tighe says
heis willing to State the above facts on
oath before a magistrate at any time vt•hen
called upon. Mr.Tighe's piece is aboutfour
miles from Kluburn, and. at the extreme
west end of the swamp. rgow hir. Ed-
itor, I hope that whosoev r p oper
personeare whose duty it ,is to looke into
this strange affair, may ne longer delay,
as I think it a most shocking thing to
have any human being listing in such a
state, for, whoever he is, "te is evidently
crazy in the full sense of the word. !
11ULLETT, Aug. 8,1876.
Huron Notes.
The Colinty rate of the villaee of
Wingham for the present erear is $473.07.
—Mr. John McIntosh, of Grey, las re-
turned from his visit to Auld Scotia,look-
ing much better after hie ttip.
—Mr. M. C. Cameron,' of Gocleeich,
has generously presented the Silver Cor-
net Band of that town with $20.
• --:A. new Orange Ledgei to be called
the True Blues, has been started in God-
erich. This organization seems tobe gain-
ing strength rapidly in the county town.
—A large turtle was caught on Mr.
Geo. Bierns' farm. lot 23, 12th eon.
Stephen, having 1873 engraven on its
back. 1
—Mr. Geo. A. Deadman of Stratford,
has purchased, and is •noW carrying on
the drug and stetioneryl business in
Brussels, formerly conducted by Mn. J.
W. Dutton.
—Mr. T. Jaques, sold" his farm in
Usborne, to Mr. John Cornish for $7,750,
and is moving into Exeter, having ur-
chased a house and lot from Mr. T. it -
—Mr. NVIre Drew, the affable and
Obliging host of Drew's hotel, Exeteri to-
gether with Miss Drew, 4.sve returned
from a trip to England, looking hale And
hearty after the voyage,
—The proprietors of the Cranbrank
cheese factory in the township of Grey,
made their first shipment Of cheese' for
the season last week. Average price
realized 8e per pound.
—The trustees of thecEteter Method-
ist church have determined to raise the
necessary church funds hereafter by the
envelope system. This By em is rapid-
; ly becoming popular among the churches
of various denominations.
—The Canada Company have issued
an edict informing squatter, oier-hold-
, ing tenants and tenants at Will on their
lands, that they will have fc, 40 out of
possession befoVhe first of /eovember
next, or they w be ejectedl bY law.
--Mr. John Parker,the genial proprietor,:
of the Brussels House, has kecently fint
a handsome new bus on the road between
his hotel and the station, 1Tho vehicle
was by hfrtr. Thomas English, car-
riage builder, and is a neat A apparent-
ly durable conveyance. -
—Mr. Thomas Gidlefr,of Exeter, must
be doing a flourishing magihterial busi-
ness. s During the month of ;July he re-
turned 9 convictions, most o which were
for assaults. The Exeter people must
be pugilistically inclined or th Dunkin
Act would have a good e ct in that
Tuesday morning of est week a
mean and fiendish act was 'perpetrated the
upon the cows of Mr. Craw cl. Nichol- Bru
jeue—MwteilWd, ildbatt, offered
nof btahnedsommjase iere.g
ward to any one that will give such in.
formatien as shall lead to the discovery
of his son. '
_The following paragraph appeared ju
4,1 dieefoPr mr Prestoncorrespondencethi week:.,A yo: atnhgei adG a iy ,t
ofPbonnarm-trhehneeratisrviwYese°sidniejicesnYag _ vtrfesicli:Into‘inneeea's.9rwhe'Seafvhhe°d: roilivirf triPihter,heat;wasliblen:
Preston, died af h a very short Mimes
and was buried nalonday hist."
—We stated t week- that a hone
had been stolen from the stable of Mr.
Charles Mason, ear Clinton. The .
mal was recovered on Friday meening
last, near Ba.yfield, where the thief had
left it. It iieemi that the horse had only
ene shoe on, and becoming lame, could
not travel as fast as its abductor want-
ed_itier.-J, P. Macdonald, who has held
the position of financial manager- of the
epti'dbi i n,e r shthis:np'. forlae e3 Mr. Macdonald
being I lefi 'el of
odn at ibn irde 'Mfh arLPe fiT,IE
engage in manufacturing business,
Stratford in. a•few days, where he will
foundry of Glasgow Macpfohren•reieornityp-Cioth.
lis—herMorf. thlt'nd lately of the
St. Cathetines Hews, has been appointed -
headmaster of the Napanee High Scheel,
at a salary of $1,000 a year. There were
25 applicants for the position. This is
the profession Mr. Matheson followed,
elsewhere, previous to his entering jour-
nal—isOrnn. Saturday, the 22nd ult., Mr.
William Porter, 1 Sauble like Stanley,
killed a large, panther. He ad lost five
sheep by it, and always blamed the dogs
for it; but, on Saturday, a boy watched
the carcase of one juat killed, and he
saw what he thought was a fox—Mr.
,. Porter went up with a gun. The animal
did not seem. much afraid of him and he
raised his gun fob:re, but the caps -missed.
The anftnal *then go t quite irritated and
sided around toward him. Mr. Porter
jumped beck a piece, and put on another
cap and fired.. He had four balls in the
gun. The beast sprung towards him and
fell down -dead. It turns out to be a
good sized panther. The back is a bright
red color, and the throat and belly are
white, with little black spots all through
it. It had very powerful strong limbs,
nine inches long. i Porter thinks there is
and must have een a very dangeroui
animal. It was three feet_ seven inches
from snout to . The tail is about
another one, as hie saw two troche all
winter in the bush near where the sheep
have been hilted. i
Between 7 and 8 o'clock on Monday
morning three burglars entered a bank
in Windsor;attempted to over -power the
clerk and rob the institution. The cries
of the -clerk soon brought.-±' erowd and
the robbers fled but were 4ifte ards cap-
tured by the police, assisted ly the citi-
zen& •
—A little girl named Dagete recently
attempted to kill a rat on York street,
Ottawa, when ,it torned on • her and
caught her beethe aim. Her father at-
tempted to tear it away, but ;could not
succeed until he had killed it. The girl
was soon after taken with violent vein -
Ming, emitting a greenish substance.
The arm commenced to swell, and medi-
cal assistance had to be called in. She is
not expected to recover,
—On Tuesday night of last week, a
woman, with a child in her arms, carnet°
the house of Mrs. Dryden, Ingersoll, and
asked for something to tat, which was
given to her. She had not been in the
house long before she said she would go
to the station and get her trunk. The
woman went, leaving her baby behind,
and has not since been heard of. The
question which now arises is " who is to
take care of the baby ?"
--At the Colborne Coniervative
nie--at which it I was estimated there
were 8,000 people twesent—a number of
Reform ladies joined with their 'Conser-
vative sisters in providing' the "good
things," and in laying out the tables.
This, no doubt, had a goocl deal to (10
with the success of the pic-nic, and
shows a kindly spirit among neighbors
that might be copied elsewhete.
—A collision occurred at Loudon sta-
tion which might have resulted. much
more seriously than it did. An engine
running at full speed collided with a pas-
senger coach and ran into it, completely
overturning it. The conductor of the
one passenger were
he ether passengers
accident was the --re-
nege on the part of
Hiding engine.
people, of eeswater
and vicinity was held a few evenings ago
for the.purpoee of cnsidering the advis-
ability of making o eratures to the Great °
Western Railway authorities to induce
m to extent: the London, Huroa and
ce Railway fro
The Meet.
passenger train an
severely injured.
were unhurt.' The
suit of gross eareles
the engineer ef the
—A meeting of th
son, arespeetable and well- -do farmer, •wat
who lives on lot 30, con. 13t Grey. It ous
seems that Mr. Nicholson is in. the habit mit,
of driving his cows backwarqs and for- arra
in favour of th-
tee was eppoin
Sportsmen do
she os ld bear in mind that
of August,
get up at bre
with "No.
grass and„ 1)r11n
ingotach"efica 13e1.2
wards on the road to his pesture, and on _
10 put them due
back they strayeelaway into n neighbor's 15th
field around which there is no fence. On may
Mr. Nicholson making search for his gun
cows, he found to his surprise that two wet
of them had been shot.
this night having neglected
Wingham to Tees-
Was ahnost unamo
reject and •a cern-
to make further
' Yards 500 600 • 1
Robert Callander........ 18 9 -21 •9 5-57
N, Robson • 18 14 20 21 L5-88
_ Capt. Sheppard 18 15 28 11 5-72 1
Peter Cavan... .. . .. . 17 11 17 15 11-71
John Joslin 17 17 22 11 •9-76
200 800 400
—The pic-nic given bY t Odd Fel-
ows of Wingham, on Friday last, was
pretty well attended, althounh not so ittt-
merously as was expected. The morning
ooked very threatening, which • kept a
great. many- from a distanceifrom being
Present. A few hours were pleasantly
spent in swinging, "dancing on the
green," and listening to the sweet straine
of music by the Brussels ani Wingham
which was; attended by about ' Everything passed oil in splen'd
bands. In the evening a‘ ba_l was givencouple, and kept up to the 1"wee s 1 '
in the new show room of Se tt & BeLl, eighty
—The village of Centralia, ; three mil
outh of Exeter, on the .London, Hurn
nd Bruce Railway, is quite; astir with
ng,uildin8reg. operations,fr.A,wahnikperr, oftb
arsons & Walker, has just Started o e
f the two new houses he is about to erect
n the lots recently purchased by •
n Richmond and Victoria stree
onsiderable additions and improv
ents are being made upon tl e
inister'e residence on Elgin street. An-
ther set of workmen are engaged upon
he Bible Christian church, setting it On
brick foundation and erecting sheds in
he rear. Mr. J. D. Wilson is very busy
The Jesse id Mystery.
MR. EDITOR: In lo king over an a ticle
in your last issue on he Jesse Wild ys-
tery, I consider the ts of the e a
little misrepresented • y Mr. d. I the
first place'he seems • doubt the t th-
fulness of Messrs. M rsh and teph son
whose veracity has ot been, called in
question before in t 18 localitY. hen,
again, I consider it uite posis ble that s
the girlAbbey might • . ve seen and ked a
with Jesse on the m • ming in ines ion, b
and that Mr, and Mr. Wild did. no see i
him is no evidence of • is not b ittg there, P
taking into considers. ion the sition oc- o
cuped by the parties, and as or finding o
his trail in the long ass that eoesider o
an impossibility as t e 'grass had been
thoroughly trampled • own by linen and m
cattle in all direction. Now,sit a y ng m
man has been seen ( hether Jesse o
or not) in and around, this swamp by sev- t
eral parties. Messrs. Marsh aiicl Steph. a
engin), Mrs. Clarke and the girl A1$bey t
not ; so
your mind, •
in some favori
—The folio
births, marri
in the towns
County, for t
30th, 1876 :
males. M
Lutheran, .1
olies, 1 Wesle
Methodist, an
ie joined toget
21 females.
• --A most in
took place o
midnight, in t
on the highw
of the town,
ot open before the
Tuesday, 15th, you
of day, load your
kulk round in the
ps, succeed in over -
If your conscience
you ii such work, thelaw
ait patiently, and make up
eantime, to be first
re the statistics of
d deaths `registered
Wilmot, Waterloo
f year ending June
52 nia, es and 44 fte
6 ; 5 of which were
ites, 5 Roman Cath-
ethodist, 1 Primitive
theran and a Catbol-
er. Deaths,24 males and
n all, gzregistrations.
fortu te case of shooting
Saturday night. about
To nship of Thurlohn
e -
six or seven miles from
, Hrimphreys, a resident
had been out gatherin
huckleberties in the back country, ho
was homeward bounil with a wagon con-
taining a box of berries. He stopped -to
rest his horse and. fell asleep,, dining
which time a wagon, containing John
Latchford, Joseph I Parks, and John
Mifflin drove up.hese parties StoPPeas
their wagon, and Du6. n lifted the box or
berries from Humphreys' wagon to trans-
fer it to his own. Humphreys woke and.
saw him carrying the box, which he told,
ip o
e ha
• a L
ode gave hiinse
. ,the cluntry, and ta
stem By, doing th
40** east What
some'would have agefltsgratl
m Alex=
paivrelice River
a littlor nerthw.nur
on 'Fri' Y 13...P°n
,current the balloon
lift:ertt sRh at1 iar
tthis pia
viMiss nii0;41Thuis:th,psto. oiho c a .84.0Tt erfahont baligrou
,13 ed, members,a°1791r se fr 3,14 narilotiantr 1111s7 ziss2e -Yu lia,n1Y,;et abtuirhuatt Ivn2ehtaa6feli r. 41'
=nary, 1,874, they
-iteh:_thethz,,otuothlivehlit,Q:1 -e0:Viciteer,oalau;i::1
stand as three Miste
Alen. !
chine accident occur,
Me. Gee, Franklin,
f rf ,Has s rdeh
Aline, dragging it ov
nearly severing oleo
toean extent that
ed ing_ohit m si omitwet
--It is Stated. wi
voting on the Dunk
ship of ),ilo Ore, coimi
4gwhailins4 ti4the!LIDYnntkIvin° 1.1)
ere mei, in, virbieh the fa
• .0iiiveeod
houses to
et," the young Mei
country, and who mu
the places Occupied 133
t uar' was asfcithtehecasBYe-iulaw
besides Moore; and v
-to lead the ft.:lends of
:oplfe—iCtserisduretoi i4lpegriu
learn that English
that 'they ,can speen
sCoaensattrae beeuhorses,japTil
in the British market
our ordinary roadster
horse, and after dednof j
trar bp:een
rtfroni to
it wi:
a_cltg;e: rt °eNrvi average igPeor:1 nrfijeo enjoying spz:ga:
Canada at from $90 ti
,-Grthinangc.1 Re r b
f, aut was in
that it was 4 -wry fu
at.:nY-a:aiTEuroisi priea
twtrastofai ill
ti h
andevening,till last iiw"
InTidetaseeirnapertoniinteo.:ri:;t1uutyg:h.frue:300hevneoe:i stir: .br yeeisu8, tetshsw:3;t:eiiei .frilieve.hact,
I2,e WAS Seized. with
kaTPbt 1 1 eifl 1°111 al:nr-fhlt: V I :tee elefith uaitai sa- atfs ep el 1:at ee13:11;:::Yry; ai:o:6:11E1'ursin:e:xa-dst:13rw°71le cilfsfPal
complained of
--Young Lynch, (f
ud11l ot
-71):11:1:ath' gidurgte:frf 4trein-hbrgiediljegr('Ueegn::inillha:174:Ylc:
--To the west of
aloir, the
farm cf fr13,
most interesting
e*e s tor aresembling .t'/k)31 3feo°I tat
-'4vjunlittazitiot tlePId of
1;3 ..,00c18 tvi,
eeb4e ware have 'been
-41PrsuiInt nowhere e
eluders ortraees -o
Th Ititleariline
— be regretted. that
• kefaWitYhttileritiegon We