HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-08-11, Page 3AUGUST 11, 1876, _sarmsamairmatimeammatamiammas CHANCERY SALE , lenar, OF A VALUABLE FA11.31 iorher :h.114; eaa eae„ THE TOWNSHIP OF ISIORRIS, and - irate 848 # pURSUANT to the Doeree aud Order for Flak, made in the matter of the -gate of TORae LAakfp. RENDERSON, deceased, and in ft .aanee . fa. Of SHORTREED vs. LAIDLAW, and bearing r and 1 date the 7th (lay of June, 1876, tliere eau be 8014 al on I ith the approbation of Thomas Miller, laequ're, oaa Maeter of the said Court at 31iltou, by JOSEpn P. BitINE, Auctioneer, at Wr • Of. PARKER'S . HOTEL, , - TLIE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS !TEL'Ata ' At the hour Of 2 o'c▪ lock in tile afternoon, = 1• d- ON TUESDAY, AUG. 15 NEXT 4.; run= tbi following lands and premises attor. formerly ownet1 by the said late Sohn Lamb Ken. ntonderston, being the South half of Lot number Six - Revd teen ia the Ninth Concesalon of the Township of ( farm Morrie, in the Cou ray of 'furore centroning one Handred Acres, more or lose. The land Is goad sox. farming land, aboat alio-half is cleared, wen fenced and under cultivation, the remainder itt nae3 13 I covered with good hardwood timber. Le is within I rene7, f""t rhileA et the village GI Math, on the line of eaeca, the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, seven rile to mike of the village of Brusselg, a station, on the Wellingtoo, Grey and Brace Railway-, and nay. ea . teen miles of the village of Soalorth, fostationorr aea, tae Buffalo and Goderich Railway. ai There are on the saidpremises a frame dwellin • At house and frame barn, .• The above property w'II beokered subjeet to a- „anaac rteerve bid, to he fixed by the- mid alrieter, sine sett' Neill be ,wid If -abject to a mortgage made by the MOtIJoha Lamb Henderson, derreasred, to Eliza rres Holmes, to secure the payment of $b75, and in. - tereet thereon. at thereto o(2 per cent. frore, first day of September last, rind alao to a leage made between the Raid John Lamb Hetalerson, deceased, and William. Illashill and jererniah Blashill, tor a term which expire on the first e and rare- of November, lees. - rest- One.teuth of the purchaste money is to bo paid door daunt at the tinre Of Pale to the Veudor or her . 342 solicitor, a sufficient sum a ith sueth deposit to s make the guru et 8,2,000, without intureet, wfthf ;Stir. ' one reer.tlf, and the balence in five equal siiinnitl aron, instalrnente, with iuterest on the whole amount High unpaid at the rate of 7 per cont., payable with (-rah instalment, to be ecured by a mei tgage upoe the stela lands, Thepurchaste will prepera the conveyence and mortgage at his own exneaee. ftfit"rt”- In all other reepects the terms mud conditione A.MP- ' • of sate will be the sitar -riling conditions of the Lulte Cenrt of Chancery. 42 For fart her part farriers- apply at the law offices , of John Dewar, Esq, , Vendors(' Soltor, Milton, 'Wm. Laidlaw. Esq., Milton, john liosikiu, Q. C,, 'tun! t Toronto, and Messina 13eneen & Meyer, Seaforth. Dated fah July, A.1). 1a70, c. T. MILLER, Magter at Milton. g joHee DEWAlt, Yendor-' Hone iter. 450-4 3113 WOOL WOOL. TOO trio THE Proprietor of the Woolen 311113. Mtebell, ally -a- would reepectinlly tender his thanks( to the icing public', and farmers in articular, for the very low L-bca1 Patriartage during the last seaeou, rad la roan doing so would call their ottention to the fat Mee that haying purehaser the above mills, and being 70 determined to build up a custom trade—if good work, fair dealing rued strict atteutieu to hastiness will do it—and having spent aaarael deal of time eta, siad mcney in repairing and buying new maclun' ery, he ie now prepared to do all kinds of Custom ' or work in the very beat Aviu and on the shortest e ea. make, ag esj ccial. trbteCtien bo paid to the Ind- Cuseom Work thig treason, .107 My atock of (oodi ia IlOW complete In all branehee. Especial care hati been taken in the t manufacture of thee. geode, Which Ewe been made for mv own retail treat( embracing Heavy tend Tweede, Extra Fulled Cloth, Scarlet, Grey and rttb'el White Flanneig, and Fancy Flannels unsurpass. able, Union Dann& and Stocking Yam in Neal- "; ety, all of whit& I am Low selling eheap ler cash, ad), or trade for wool a cent a pound more than mar- ' , priceg allowed. :WI Manufaeturine done at the , following rates • Tweed, b7c • f take Cloth, :lac ; Satinet, 80c, Ill: a ketino ie, Rad I fail cottonFarley ; Shirt- erhe " • ing, 2e, Spinning, lec per pound, and 9 pounds e of e -am given out of 10 pounds of Wool; Carding, c., of - ; bulling and la maw, 10o, £oloiing, 10e. Ail work doare under my own per:ea:10 supervis- ect, ion„ and 01 work warranted well done or no - ace charge made, ; of D. II. DORAIAN, ,4ea 445-13 Proprietor, Mitchell. 7.11.11E E .41 2:!T11:111?-ik-- 4J) GB B rjTjss, • To The People or Seaforth. he ()TIN ttitttnEhr, tea to rettan thank,: to the Merchautg stud LUSILICSA men of Sealer:Eh for the liberai petroneeenwarded him since he 841811M - t eaatrol of the Draying laugiause of Seaforth. rid He woual also sante that he is now better prepar- e el Mau ever to ettend to the wante of hie cuatonn (we ere having placed ftuother team in the t:terviee, be• Goode by rail delivered promptly. House Furnit- ure ire:ea-eel earefully and on reaaonable tonne, tzar ng eleweet. and 01 other chores in thief line A. :date/lid to tar. the gh orteet notice. Promptitude, and moderate ehargee aro the cuadinal ys etinc!„ „te hick, be obsc Rea in hie bustinees. err st, To the Traveling Public. se 'Ile: Isla Royal Mail Stage still •alive and flonr l.lefita. Par tiee requiring to travel betweeu Sea. forth and Brusgeig will find the Mara STI.OZ the Fttf, trail west ertmfortable, The drivers are valeta/ foal Harr r, the bums feet and reliable end • the caffein:A' %arra iced corefertuble. JOHN CAMP• 1;ELL, Proprietor. 441 THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFO 14 7' .11 GEC3RGE• HITELEY, T LAVING ssuchneed the She a and Trade of the Crammer dal Livery, forrnerfy Dell's'from Ma • -18. Mar thorn a CO., to state thathe 'e- tre:14 eel refea, on the bueinces in the old stand, r d has( 0 jaral tieverel valuta:As; home and vehicleo as the an un lay la igC &Lock. None but Firqt4'7,1.soi (r0111 fbrtabie l'Htieles and Good liabb Yloros Will be Kepi. v*- .1 etel oi en Buggies and Carriegee, aedt onL Sbitfle Witgazift Always( Beady for Usre. ',epee in{ ti ra earnit-atm With Commer- cial ;Tien. - Oral re Jeff at the Stableo or any of -the Ifeteh' 00 lumpily attended to, 418 • OTIC To GRANGERS, FA [MIMS AND 0111 ERS. THE': t wimpy the attention of ali, the" ▪ • Luta times., the eubecriber ir determined to are( t the:a by f.lIering good -.iamb lieneloek, " not ut-traliv• lurk" at the following rat -ea: 12 1. t natal- at eau; 50 per thousand ; 14 foot reavieea at 7 for -Cagle All orders over 41000 ii r peat, ere( enlist. Call mai bOO if yoa don't Int nth i* pretreat:it. k ekecontS OVer Ocatlati will be Ch uarged • r evert. 8nb,-eril,,t thanks his tram/Tone cuetomerg tor it 1r!' ui -b1lort, and twlieits eou1111-0- aace ,,f tin 1.1- fatoca. JOHN THOMPSON. 1"4 :;tettm Saw Mille, 3.1oKillola BUTTER .TUBS. S.ktli:EL TROTT heed at.thc Se.aiorth Tub Factory t.ruola.r of his. will and favorably hnown Jfaehine Turned Butter l'ackages• Them: Paekaree are the best in nse, and will = :Yhe 40tiitavtion. SPE( 11AL N D Ittt ENTS R E PURCIIASEE S. Mr, Trott ( ',Teets in a Karla time to commence tun. of ak asi 1ube Ofl 0. larf3: MJJIC TRO2T 'if" 'b _ • ' E :LtPSE OATMEAL MILLS. NOW IN FULL OPE It ATION, Oat Weal, ;:jilit Peas, Pot Partelh • eartt ..fical Chopped, And 2t11 Eindir of Mill reed Conatantly oa nand - Chopping done Tuesdays and Friday& Oatmeal ac hanged far Cate. Ifigheet price paid. for Oats, Iwo, and YJarley. 411, CtiliRIE it THOMSON. AtousT 11, 1876. 00.00mAm"" • Nearer to Thee. , AgOTIIElt VERSION—BY D. r ATTE-1180X. 1 • Nearer, my God, to Thee, this is my prayer 1 ' E'en though a41,,E; a cross!, I must be there; Jesus has died for me, that he might set And rablifgreem,- • An e near to Thee, nearer to Thee. • Nearer, my God, to Thee, Thou wilt If we draw nigh. to Thee in Godly fees* draw, near, Then though our hearts be sad, they will be made oo glad, mid we'll sing praises loud praises to • Thee. Nearer,. my Grocl,1 to . Thee, this is my •song •Still, in the narrow way, lead me along, Let me but Jesus know, when shall I. • ever be, - Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee. • • Nearer, my God, to Thee, Thee shall I • praise, Perfect are all Thy laws, pleasant Thy ways-, • Merciful, just, Thou art, 0, my Lord, • what are we, . That Thou shouldstraise us up nearer to Thee. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Thy precious Son , Teil us to look to him,—tells us to come; "Take up thy eross," Ire 'says, "and. • come and follow me," Then tleseed God, I pray, draw us to Thee. Nearer, my God, to Thee, idols from above, 0, how we long to he filled with Thy love, Look down in pity, Lord, hungry and • poor are we, Feed us witli BREAD Or LIFE, lead tie to Thee. Nearer, my God, to Thee, yes we will - come, Thou hest the WAY prepared, through Thy dear Sou, Blessed be Thy holy name, all Praise, my • God, to Thee, • With Thy help we will come nearer to Thee. And with Thy aid we'll pressonward to Zion, Eternal life Thou hest in mercy given, To all that keep 'Phy laws, and tear Thy holy name, - e Then, with Thy help, we'll still Thy praise proclaim, Nearer, my God, to Thee, 0, to be there! Hasten that glorious time ! Hear, Lord, our pray-er: When we shall ever be, nearer, my God, to Thee. Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee. He Didn't Want the 'Scription. He was an old. man, and he had a bit of conductor's pasteboard stuck in his hat. fie walked into the drug store and. • iuquired "Have you got any good whis- key?" 'Yes, sir," replied the druggis. t. Gimme half a pint." "Have you got a doctor's prescrip- tion ?" " Can't sell it, then, sir. Jury in'ses- sion ; must be strict." " %Viiere can I get a doetor ?" sadly in- quired the aged inebriate. "1•• am, a physician, sir," whiningly, re- sponded the druggist.— - Can't you give me that ----what you call it, 'setiption ?" all brused 'Well, I might." And the doctor curbstone wrote oat a prescription blank, calling back, with - , for so many ounces of 8piritu8 framenti. downWo He filled a snug looking bottle with the and high, article, pasted a label on it numbered to a"ainS a w correspond with the paper, and present -`•In i lug the bottle to the venerable 'oyster- lcked er, remarked, in the most business like town way imaginable : "A dollar and a half, "A dollar and a half !" gasped his as- The e tonished customer. "Ain't that pretty high, mister ?" your b shf and ti at i " et's our price—a dollar for the pre- • their b'mp scriptioa and fifty cents for the mediforce our - c:hie." •you firdin " Yes, well," slowly replied.the wick- art as well ow • have time I cryin Mr, to aro take a ing m ation next Mr. S troubl childr Thi - it is, But the su a en ugh's:A that to last m w nt you to see what To aboti Sae makes a desperate ttemipt et mself ; as Tommy s ops to breat he falls to sleep agai , leass- to p ce the room in as mu vex- sIc u comfortably contail The orni g at breakfast, whoa I give OW a account of his last night's s, he says : eed, my dear, I am very rry the ti tro ble you." Is al ays the way., If I c Incle d, I am very sorry." shou the very dame thin aequ nt night directly bef would not • unless is traiu of se catnip into the II 1 a life - my is eyes, Very ikely he know.' eything abdu pened to i terrupt Then w uld prop before get it stoma realm tie ve He ne of every' paper ut abtlei ss e cannot for the life of Min England or the United tell -t1 es of his children. He knows precis e year of every American puma he does not kuow he age of his aby, knows ho every contril looks, but, 1 do not believe he can hethe y eyes are Lack or blue. The sa Mr. Sno is gettin All I now is, 'he gives me m clothe our boys, and that, too, complaint o poverty. I hope th . . righ o -Mien and when I a lied it is I iall advis him to res eclitorr ho ors and end a few in bec Min ohildr ri ed in kin ary a ea h Iie ef t ed a now ed i but UR ly t bu otor tell mplain • °GOUT re his see or t hap - ideas, a but infant's vould be far away to the ought, leating me no a Iit- his stupidity. the nai 11 A Da roi ed yeeterd who h (1, a malici carpet ind him w "I a 4 pe the qu acquaint e little, o the a.eqi. Rocheste rich. ney to ithout world satis- gn his ionthe with his lie and s feel flatter- aintauce of eo liter- •IAdvertiser.1 In a rry. Alclerma was ratherpuzzl- y by a 11 from a stranger, arpet-bag in each hen and a us 1 o in his eyes. He et the bee ( krop, wip d off his fo ehead, WI to know if the ma* before an Alderman, ' as the reply. 1 responsible, I s'pos ? was and- proceeded to depoeit sundry kicks resod ding in the animal s ribs, where- upon' the owner interfered and said, "no gent ' man would kiok a -dog like that ;" and he man with the bed ticking pants said 4 that was so." Then the other man anted to know " who was DO gen- tlem ?" and the *man wi h the big dog said l he was," and the other man said he coul "lick him -if he was," and there's no t ing what might have happened if a bra e policeman h n't arrived , and crac d t e dogs over the head, which :had e erect of settli g the fight all roun ver summarily. IThe two men have! t a oken siuce, tit iit is supposed that heir opinions are the' same as to f. the t vially of wome 'a If uarrels.—Dee troit -We Press. A Th July Cavi day to G little 18 a year poun inch Star well, . , guar cont to C also to P to B abou tight his s oil. the a gish skiff, OUt• C hat and watei long. cheer had base the djac stead' pa St: atha 3:044 later reac wea cam brill antl in ono hot start, and named S ming ag gave up. hour a,nd er stood a was fully the water On lac took his the ari Wo wic chee as h now glo the flair and •t wa not merll The so t tak 0110- ly , an( At :25 pass d. had just stre doc i gb that dist' larg' trai the yards tiler dovv general. the water He had b wic fors you g sw 17,* nd oi Pain lin, Cav l's s now! 'ery the ide t was, lmo tory! were capi ally viot to c stro for ski ti In plis eno opp hal dist •freyc.t1 ppo e e am." "W 1, si ," conti oed. the stranger, clown re t the dept some one Int me on the eck with a stone." "Di I eh "Ye sir, he did, arid estiznixte the damag at A25." "I ery sorr ," remarked the Alder an. "It is o way te use a strang r to hit him o the oeck." "Of cour e it isn't, but I don't care for your s ft words—I w nt my "W 1. have no long to do ith it. I didn t hi you." "I uow you elidn' but you elp run this to n on't you' Some one inust be respon ible I am n t the.kind o amen to be it oi the nee and go fght on with° t sa mg a wore ." "I ell y u what ou do," aid the Alder an, fter litt e reflectio "Yon go to t e Mayor and et an ord On me tor th mo ey and 1'1pay it." "Th t's ngelic an all right," replied the m b, a d he steer cl, for the C'ty He be an lowing ar Sind to som of the idlers the corridor and they eent him to 3 s, loon on Monr e avenue '"to see the M ,yor brother," He in et have found tom one the e, and mi. st have had so e ords. • T ose watch ng him saw hi big satchel 'c me out st, then he slii out after it, h ir on end nd chin up, and as he reac ed the 18 small eetchel hit hi on the a loud "chug." e wont dward a enue stepp ng fast apd at ongress, st eet ran man and. xplaiued: a s urry=--did i't mean it—just the irother of the Mayo of this tone blind.", etroit Free Press. ?If .1 Advi et ed old duffer, as he slowly buttoned up the half pint in his overcoat pocket, "1 • guess, boss, that I don't want the 'scrip- • tion, Here's your half a dollar," and he stuck his tonguein one side of his mouth, tinctio winked ironically at him of the mortar ea, of and pestle, and walked out. --e Worcester ple of Touch hese, Marrying an Editor. Yes, I'm Mrs. Peter Snow, an editor's digiou wife. I well remember the day when leadin Mr. SnOW asked me to become his wife, theatr eat news, and 1 eonfees I liked Mr. SnOw, and think- Make he and p • reinar vheneve a Bash ul Youn 3/Ian. but o way o • vercome Incas in tlpe soci y o ladies, to per eVere going into ny often as essible, and elf to tal ri such subjects as cresting t then'. It is a fine as c1; t =coin lisl ment to know to 01 o sense in a seusible mann r, 'alk.abo t the amuse ents of your ity or neig b rhood, th MOVe- ments of p rims of nsideratio or dis- w'th whom y •u may be quaint - the marriag s sr wedding Of peo- ociety or of, p blic cdnsi eration. lig itly on t e leading political news th day, b t o not ier it your- self to be imam s pohtic 1 or re - di 'eussioa. Keep op with the lig it litera e, the epotaing and talk about it all. i ted sentences, and throw you s into the 'foim cif questi ns You can'. - Wome s 's and eirfET-QuElrrels. Tw Inc'were wklking down bhe street ,arin• aro , followed by two dogs. The men Vere talking pparently a out WO - Men, whic is an uinisual thing, for flays one of the , "Yes by George, I'm tired hearin a s out that ifuss ; every tirne I go homeit's inged into my my ears till I wish I was in he .Sandwich Island , or my wife was r Barnet n ." Tlien th think tlia most he wa 21 ing it would be a fine thing to be the wife, of an editor, I said Yes': as pret- tily as I knew how, and I became Mrs. Snow. 1 have seen ten years of mar- ried life, and find. my husband -to be an amiable, good-uatured man. He always spends his evenings at home, and is in that respect a model man; but he al- ways bruise a pile of exchanges, whieti is only limited. by, the length of his arms, and reads while I patch the knees and elbows of his pantaloons and coat. After we had a Quaker meeting of an hour's length, I broke. the stillness by • asking " Ala Snow, did you order that coal .1 spoke to you alaout ?" other a women iv oil h things m - "What did you say my dear ?" he asks, 11 . that mei after a minute's silence. trivia affa rs to dist -Dia you order -that coal I spoke to a3 /V° klen did'i an`' i you about ?" 1 .The " Indeed, my dda,r, I am sorry, but yells i Ifoorrrgott11 abott.t it, ' It shall come to- aroun rnow. Another hour's silence, which is re- lieved by the baby's crying, and rather liking a noise of that sort, I made no doe swear has. eried a minute or so, " you after he l ptleiearr,a vleed effort to quiet him. My dear," says Mr. Snow, ners glid .. had bet- jawed at t eogs, aild as thatdid not such men terigi vetheobuabe ilYsalme."e catnip tea to quiet have he desired effect, possessed them- °pill= ? hin;hetr, selves Of e ch dee' tail, and tugged and country The baby is still. ' Another hour pulle ;for ear life But the lerger dog sinoe opi pasaes without a breath of noise. Be- had I eke his h Id, on the other, and 'she,has eonnug tired, I take a lamp and retire had sl iit his eyes en outer th rigs, and helpless c for the -night, leaving Mr. Snow so en- didn't 'ear a dent ilOW either the world although gaged sv•ith his papers that he does not or his ail egged, Si,as he could hold ameng h jig ther 0 forgot himself aud asteay. If ter,ay in a t them. ii th ti 'qu sa Tb- ressle arosea e rear an ckly to se their res and wen re was a g g and mu edge of , a the two o on• Swim ti the River Tham s. Lo don, England., Tetegraph, of h s the following: "Frederick , a rofessional swimmer, yester. say d to svvim from London Bridge ves nd, a distance by water of a nor. than 25 miles. Cavill, who we ful, muscula men of about 39 of e, weighing:r stone three s, a standing ve eet and a half high, last year seam from the ncl Garter at Put' ey to Black - di tance of about hirteen and a Pr in les, and it is s atcd that he inpla es trying to or° s from Dover aur some time nex; month. He ten s to swim ffoni Southampton tsm uth, andefr Beachy Head ght n. EaeliFof the e journeys is twepty miles tong,! Cavill wore a au* jersey, anc that, ass well as in, etas well rub ed, with 'porpoise w ll -filled steame accompanied imi r. The ti W a very slug - bb. Dr. Turner was in a small whi h kept close to Gavin through - The latter's two sells, _Harry and ie, a ed respectively six and a half ur lad a half, phinged into the • wit him, but did not stay there Ca ill began his task at 2:38, ed b a large crowd of people who bled. on Londoia Bridge and nt piers. Ile ! started at a e, swimming oh his right side. ine'siDocks wete breasted at and the Tunnel ler five minutes O The Horse-fer Dry Dock was ed ist. 3:23, and by Ithis time the her, hich had been overcast, be - Iver line, and the sun shone out Pier was reached r and seven, minutes from the immediatelY after this e man mpsou, wh h d been swim - net Cavill up. to this point, He had ben the water an 3 minutes, nd hough he nev- chance as a d mpetitor, and 200 yards behi d when he left • he still ex ibi d some skill. well Pier— im 4:23—Cavill rt refresh ent, The boys on e Society's training ship at gave the iswimmer a hearty • passed. The , afternoon was ously fine. I Belo* Woolwich ectorte somewhat monotonous, • evident that the tide wbuld at long enough to enable the swim - o accomplish his self-impoted task. alf- ay House was reached at at '3 lours and 17 in covering a lit alf Hes. Still Erith was he Long 1 he Alexa,n before' been m c owded with r he an after nee. minutes had been tie over twelve -and atilt went brave- asnied abont *6:50. ea Tavern was ra, saloon steamer p peed, going up p 1 sengera. The e reported Oa, ill to be 'All hopes were freely 8rpressed t all he would , ccomplish the He now cense abreast a fine ing ship, an 1 the boys manning gave him a ou hurrah. oFur- stream th cheering became Cavill' had ow 'been -5 hours in! and had swam early -20 miles, en accomp nie from Wool- veral miles b a very clever mmer namcd inith, a lad o4 the latter going astern, David teacher of na ation, warn byl de. T.he progress made was low, and eh rtly after 8 o'clock rned, and tin:high Gravesen t in eight, the chances of vie - very slight. He struggled o ntil 8:29, when it became ob ery pne that the tide was too hime and he got on board th H was in capital condition at th , and no doubt could have am= ed the feat had the tble lasted long gh. The -spot where he gave up was DESIRES site treenbithe,, about fonr and e miles short of Graveeend, so that the i nee ctually swa i d as a trifle inore thantwe ty and on time Cavi 1 was in th w and 50 mi ntes. He we coniforta e on board the then retu swi , th gays evid clue swi longgratil ted ids tta strength, -XPOSITOrt. HE 1-11:7TZ:11 FOR NEW 17QUOR STOR be to call the attenti n of the .,P BLIC of S I MI IR/ That h itEW LIQUIOR 81 THIRD 60OR SOU EL KEEPERS, FARMERS and GENERAL forth and vicinity, to the 1\T T ve Opened Out a ORE IN SEAFO H OF THE POST OFFICE, RT H nd directly oppositeasaTolti,late Bank of Canada, where I have mil:loved 0 K a Spirituous Liquors. I Have also Imported eavily in, the Following Lines : 6HAMPAGNE, BURGUNDY, MA.DEIRA, . CLARET, AMA 100 HEN_N SSY BRANDY, A oRrELE BRANDY, ULES ROBINS' BILANDY, SAZARAC BRAND, A. RUM, OUTARD DUTY'S BRANbY, TREE WITH A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OV my SCOTCH AND 'IRISH WHISKEY. Guiness's Celebrated Du lin Stout, a y quantity of Bass's, Carling's and Yo ng's • Ale, in half and qua ter barrels, to suit purchasers. LIBERAL INDICEME AND WHO WISH TO BU TS TO HOTEL KEEPERS FARMER IN LARGE QUANTITIES. PURE AND ONADULTETRitTED LIQUOR GUARANTEED. • ORDER PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Clive ITU n Call. THOMAS KIPD. (Successor to Strong & Fairley,) 01•T, pENERAL GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER, MAIN STREET, SEAORTH. IN THANKING the Public' for the very Liberal Patronage I have received since seem* the ‘A. business of Strong & Fai ley, and by stri•t attention to business and upright dealing I brie to have a continuance of the ea e. I have. now on hand a• LARGE STO K OF —1019E FAMILY GROCERIES which 'I will sell for a _mall Attrnuce on Cost tor Cosh, oomprising in p rt of Teas, Sugars, Syrup Golfe 8, Spiees, Sauces, Currants, Raisins, Rice, y, Split Peas, 4nd Biscuits of all kinds. CANNED GOODS. Pot Bari I have just received a lar. leerries, Pine Apples, Tomat Sardines. rieOUR and FEED of- S POTATO Remember the Place, Stro e stock of 'Canned Goals coneisting of Peaches, Strawberrieg, Rasp as, Plums, !Marmalade and' Jam, Canned Salmon, 31ackerel,Lobst s, and onstantly on Hand, and Delivered Free to any Part aforth,:Harpurliey or Egmondville. • 13 FOR 20 CENTS PER 'BUSHEL. • g & Fairley's Stand, South side.. M. MORRISON, TO THE PEOPLE OF HURON! helf miles. The ter was 5 hours ,speedily made steamer, which ned to Lo do Bridge. Tho ugh not nti ely successful, nce that C vil is quite a firs mer, and may be taken for at in any fut re attempt a ces he wil no fail for want of luck, or d ter •ination." A Chin say:" lishanan g said that he "did to see ei uld quarre over the tete tolcl e ever hea d of, and position 11 did not a lo.w such ties1,—yet rb their fr endships me that i fact —" if pressed chorus of owls and nese and both me turned ing: resor what was the mat- and just ective dog engaged ions to d O right ba k to part Amoy, E od deal of dust and ine opiu h excitei lent, and other pia rowd beg- n to ap- that snao d and we to be se,e me leave the room, Towards mid- on, an ho night he comes to bed, and just as he er of the has fallen asleep, the baby ta,kes a no gave he b tionto cry again, I rise as, quietly as gentle an poseible, and try to still him. Then an pair o be other baby begins to Here= at the top of leicke( a d his lungs, 'There is no other course but him, d to wake Mr. Snow, so I say : busin i "Mr. Snow ! Mr. Snow !" gu ed The third time he starts up and cries, tator. - 0 "What, Tom, more copy ?" As though 1 was Tom, the little the s imp running about the office. I replied tartly e other. "No, I don't want any more copy—I-"Bast t y alle t hi d on he did. Then the own. of opium g one a kick, and a iced -nosed prohibit' in the crowd, who sported a vent the ticking pants, said if any one entire cot. •g of Ins like that cid kiek some one asked. hi "what --F-A co was of WS," and he eadd lee on an old e had OM° rights ise a spec- from s. stihbila ur dog uff," says the owner of one of t En ered the soarorkd, etieme Well, i # dog. , off yourielf, ' ansss inat ! I w1I !" said the first, byttrian • pium S ing. se essayist on opium amokip hree years go l saw an Eng to the ho pi :1 at Kolangsa self cured of plum smoking • that this s an was 'in a goo life, and • ad excellent- abili •e fel like th*.. It seems woul be d'ffichlt for this man by s ine f ture day by weari xhaustion, to void again Ea to the al, indulgen s hard to prev nt his e.ornpan the seine". f, in this littl glishmen hlave been seen smo t be sure that i i•e no Engliehroe F ith,er, how a t spm frit= day( arnliyi:cathhtleelFdrailhersatilv°;ebl /knee:, aboued in China, o tattering an THOMAS , how are s s there e opium? sure that will not le !bine form f literary m came t orne near ndition. t I resent England, he is, a fa. ou nation, havibg ✓ people a ertain number mokers, se ret y leading other's he does n ts p the traffic btr - n, will find it 1ifficuIb to pre- ischief fro s. s reading over the ,ntreav gregetion de utation wait , gentleman to rohue a horse foterdthire nis oestritetearm, inThageonho , arnside e men, fe lin his knees, re- 1 '1amaeofra d is horse praYs .,7 lh I no quickly replied, he does, is n the old 'Preis- fasbion—s n ing on his legs," ' •T TO ANNO TEAS) - NCE TO THE ,PEOPLE OF HURON THE AB,R F A VERY LARGE STOCK OF . UGA Of various Brands, Sup rior Qualit ply of all ar ieles usuall ALL S S AND TOBACCOS IVAL and at very Low Prices. Also a Fre4 Sup - foetid in a first-class Grocery Store LO CHEAP. IS STOCK OF CIERY AND GLASSWARE Is now very large, well asso ted,I and moch CHEAPER tlia.n usuaL J. MURPHY is not so anxious to make money as he is to make sales, therefore the public cep rely ,upon getting good bargains at JAMES MURPHY'S, SEAF0RTH. WH LESA * All -parties wantit4, to buy Lit WLere they will I a IT 0 E S, AND RETAIL. norsiof the best quality are invited to visit t AN'S NEW STORE N MIA KET STREET fincl that hey can get good value for their !alone otel Keepers and 9t er s buying in Larg61 Q an -ARO SPECIA,L Any Orders left at lit -Moran es shortest notice. Y P.EQUESTED TO CALL, Ryan's old stand will be attend • to on the T. D. RYAN eafirth. 'THE BEST P TRY IT AND PR ACE, VE THE SEAFORTH MUSICIAL INSTRUMENT EMPORITY WILLSON 84.- I Beg to direct the attention ° the publie, to the follovvings facts : They make a Speciality of the Best Pianot and Orgaria in the Canadian market. • curt THE MATHUSHEK & CABLE & SONS CELEBRATED PIANOS. Never before has any pi-ato been sub- jectesl to such close criticiath mad severe , tests by friends and foes as have the above named instruments. The sale, being so radically different from. any other, so ingenious in its constrution, and, producing such wonderf 11 power and puility of tone, has attracte the atten- tion and admiration of me hanics, phil- osophers an musical criti ;' and they have therefore been looked.Upon as inno- vations by manufacturers add clealers in. other Pianos, who, being unable to find in them any weak points for assault, have endeavored to storm them by unjust as- sertions. But after ten year of thorough trial of the one, and. Twenty' of the other the manufacturers are enab ea to prove that they have more thin v. dicated the highest hopes of their friends, and are last silencing the guns of their enemies. A trial is all that is required to thorough., ly Convince the public of theft facts. i THE VOGEL & LINC01111 ORGANS 11 , Are universally acknowledged to be the best in the market; -and eai instrument is fully warranted for five years. The following are a few of the nany aclvate- tages we claim for this insIlmurnnt over alliothers mad : The PAT NT PIANO ATTACHMENT is a complete success 1; Sparkling to the mu. he Manifold ities is fully proved and teste ViVacity is by this imparte Bice Is always in tune. Pipe gives richness and purity of tone, aus, is prays d stands tin- e, experience, nsanship and. rgans. They y are beauti- equalling the best Pipe Org ed, and above competion, equalled and alone. Scien god stock, skilled work honest purpose make these commend themselves. Th fuiiy voieed and tuned. Pianos and Organs of other makes sup- plied on order when &sired. The Trade Liberally Dealt with. A few Second -Hand In truments al- waitemyesmonhbaenrd 'the Place, and don't pass us by. WILLSON & THE FARMER'S F SCOTT., VOMIT. 0. C. WILL ON'S AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EM- PORIUM, SEAFORTH. Ithe Beg and Cheapest „Place in, the County to PUTC11486 Agricultural Implements. When you get an. Implem nt from Will- son you can rely upon it beiug as represented. 'STILL THEY COME., i'a F.elf-Dnmping already been sold. fifteen baudred is bad better gall out. • Another car load of -Stair Horse Rakes, 700 of avbith have this spring. As there are onl being made this seaeon,fanne early as the stock -will seen be Woods' Self -Rake Reaper is in greater demand this year than ever before, 1)0110 ether stands the test of time so well. Woods' Iron -frame Newer, the lightest:draft. and most complete working zattebine made. Johnson's; Self Rake Reaper, ioo well known. to aged recommendation. ,41 efiiThe Thick Eye Mower, which every perott =its, can't be b'eaten. VS.ACYNATS Of all descriptions. Another par load of these perfect Thistle Slayer's, Measseee No. IS. - I wSroonmgbetin thugNeonywin Gangramesurl gilkeov:.. TThbeisGisneltpatt Ross Gang Plowin the market'. Camellia:lace it Imaul try it. i Turnip Seedieowers, florae Hoes and Weedere, and all classes of implements. IThe above implements are all warranted and vial be given on trial. Satisfaction gaaranteed or no sale. as 0. C. believes that an irapiewnt that -won't stand testing ain't Worth buying. pENIVIisIG What everybody SEVB must ha true, and 'avga- Seneibleperson•aow emits eiess THE FLORENCE Uag no equal. All kinds a TACS.Chioe41 Steek, •which will be sold 11 people will insist on buying • them. Plow POist# 'Leda kinds reins always on hand. Sewing Machine Ogg, Attic dairs always ready., , A fall Stock of BritteritVe Patterns. O. C. WILISONI, &kith C ti en and Re-