HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-08-04, Page 88
DAVIDSON, Proprietor Of the Commercial Hotel,
has pleasure in announcing to his patrons and the
public generally that he has opened in connection
with his hotel a Billiard Boom, which he hu
fitted up in good style. and in which he has
placed two first-class new tables. Every attention
will be paid to those desiriug to indulge in this
healthful andscientific game, whether guests of
the hotel or not. All are invited to pay his new
billiard room a visit, ALEX. DAvinsone DAVIDSON452
Goori 1?xoTOGRA'a5.—Dear Sir I
have lately seen some Cabinet Photographs of
ecveral prominent townsmen and residents of
the neighborhood executed at Moon•E's Gallery,
Seaforth, which Ii11 bear favorable comparison
with those of the oet_city-artists in that line. I
wouldrecommendthose desiring photographs to
call at 3looxr.'s Gallery and to inspect those
beauties of art for themselves. SEAY0ZTE. 456
Feiner JAS,—Gem Jars, quart and.
half gallon ; Jelly Tumblere, low prices for these
now ; a lot of handsome Flower Vases, just in,
from 20e to $2 each ; Wine Glasses, Goblets,
Tnmblera and some cheap lots jest in, and a good
iftoek of Atone China, Wheat Tea Sets and Toilet
Sets at HrOK$ox'S. 447
ALLEN'rs GROCERY is the place, come
with a smiling face and the money in your pocket,
and be cons'inced that he gives the beet valve in
Sugars, Teas, Bice, Raisins, Smoked Hams, Ba-
con, Crockery , and elaseware, 'tea Sets, Fruit
Jars, a c. 452
PARS GREEN, Pure, for the benefit of
Potato Bugs ; also Hellebore and Chinese Insect
?' eatroycr, for the destruction of caterpillars and
incests on currant and rose beetles, Bee., at R.
LtiaraDEx';s Corner Drug Store. 447
SPINNING WHEELS. —A Large Stock of
Spinning wheels, Beels, Baby Carriages, and the
Cheapest Furniture In the County, at PolITE.'s---
Mat.livbortaon'e old stand, Main Street, Sea -
f crth. 44"8
P EP.tIRS.—Repairs for Patterson Bros.'
Reapers and Mowers kept at Ar>Ex. Stewart's
Bladernith Shop, Seaforth. 449
PO'r.tro Boos.—Paris Green, the only
sure thing to kill them, for sale at McKeon's.
Drug Store. 447
S t ;A x. -The Best tissue in Town at
J. FAIULex's ChoapCash Grocery, formerly Laid-
la 45.2
CA4J1 PAID for Good even` coloured
Lotter izx Tinnete at Hickson's Drag Store. 440
GEM JARS. --Quart and Half Gallon,
kir ° sa.4- cheap at J. FAlrsnEY's3, Seaforth, 452
DRIED ABPLF, S at 8 cents per pound,
,rt FAInLEY's Cheap Cash Grocery. 452
.BUY your Preserve Jars at M. MOR.RI-
bQN'$. 648
BIG Eco. -Mr, Thos. Coventry, of
this town, has a hen which lays eggs
measuring 7>1' inches one way and 6
inches the other way. These are the
kind of fowls that are worth keeping.
FOR ';11E CENTENNIAL. —Messrs, David
Isle aught and John Broadfoot left on.
Thyrsciay for Philadelpphia, where they
intend spending a couple of weeks view-
ing the wonders of the Centennial. . _
CO'NeERT,—Mr, Ward, who has had a
juvenile singing: class incourse of train-
ing for some weeks, intends givinga con-
cert in the"Town Hall in this town on
one week from next Wednesday evening,
BILLIARDS.—Mr. Davidson, of . the
Commercial, has added to the many oth-
er attractions of his hotel, a billiard
room, in which he has placed two splen-
did new tables. The room is neatly fur-
nished and comfortably fitted up, and is
very convenient to the hotel.
ins, of 'J.`uckersmith, came to hand a few
days ago with his annual donation of a
basket of fine cherries. Our "boys"
did ample justice to them, and enjoyed
'he treat immensely. A kindness such,
as this will long be remembered by them.
Leas.: itj„—Professor DeLanney, min-
ister of the Deformed French church, de-
livered a lecture in the Presbyterian
church of this town, on- Tuesday evening
last, to a very fair audience. The sub-
ject was the Catacombs of Rome, and
the lecture was both instructive and in-
teresting. The lecture was founded on.
the personal experience and observation
of the Professor. We understand he in-
tends c:r:iivering a second lecture in Sea-
forth shortly.
001 .1i) FOR HAY.—Mr. Wm. Arbuckle,
e f the township of Hay, a few days ago,
brought to Mr. Fairley's store, Seaforth,
a basket of gooseberries, one of which
selecteel at random from the basket
measured XI inches one way and at
inehee, the other. We slid not Learn the
variety, but they were certainly .the
finest berries of the kind which have been
brought into Seaforth market. Mr. Ar-
buckle devotes bis whole attention to
the cnitivation of fruit, and his success
may be judged from the specimens above
referred to. We hope our genial . old
friend may long be spared to enjoy the
fruits c.f his experience and industry.
A 1'- .Rxl:;u.--Several of our citizens
who delight in fast horses, nd who,
in the absence of a better place, had been:
exercising . them un the stre, ts, wero
cited before the Mayor on Wed a esday to
answer to the charge of furiou driving.
The several parties were fined 50 cents
which, with costs, am anted to
50. This should be a war ing to all
ter avoid the very dangerous an too com-
mon practice of rapid drivin, through
the: streets. If there was a dri ing park
in town, as there should be, t ose wish-
ing to practice their horses in speed
•cubs Lot be tempted to use t public
streets for a purpose.
• .
can indulge in a pleasant trip an the lake.
Every person who possibly can should
avail themselves of this excellent opor-
tunity of spendinga pleasant day's re-
laxation. All =will -feel the °benefit of it
afterwards. Tickets should be procured
if possible previous to the morning of
he excursigli,so as to save confusion on
hat morning. The Serif band will
m pang the, excursion
BASE- BALL.—Ort July 27th the Blue
toekings (juvenile) of t is town went
Exeter and had a "-t sale" with the
econd nine of the ;men's club .of that
lace. After a spirited ame of a few
ours, victdty rested w th the Exeter
en, by a score of 36 to 9. We would
ecomlmend the senior el b of Exeter to
ry the Live Oaks, of -S aforth, for the
ounty cup,
—The printers and d goods sales-
en will have a " whack at the bat" to
ay (Friday) on the Sta ground. Play
o commence at 1 o'clo k sharp,. All
—The Silver, Mapples,
will play the Live Oaks
here, for the county cup
urday) on • the Stars' gr
. ission of 15 cents will b
ray expenses ; ladies f
to see the first match for he county cup
should not fail to attend,
of Wroxeter,
of this town,
o -:morrow (Sat-
unds. An ad -
charged to de-
. All who wish
Brussel = .
EXCURSION. -Two son _• trains of ex-
cursionists passed up on Wednesday for
SEitENAnE.--The Brus els' Brass Band
paradedthe principal s reets Tuesday,
evening. They are imp +vine fast, and
will soon be numbered A' 1.
RACES. --The Brussels Driving Park
intend holding their firet 11 eeting on the
new park about the 17 h and 18th of
September. Over $500 ill be given in
purses, Trotting, runni 1 g, and steeple=
chasing is talked of, so g 1 od and exciting
sport may be expected.
CRIC>EET,—A match v 'as played be-
tween the Brussels and roxeter cricket
clubs last Friday, and rulted in favor
of Wroxeter, by 35 runs. The bowling
of A. B, Cooper and Mr.' Rate, for the
Brussels club, was all that could be de-
sired. The return match takes place at
Brussels next week, when some good
plc ying may be expected.
VPENINO. —The new English church
will be opened ext Sunday week, Aug.
13. Several c rgyinen from a distance
ill take part in the ops 'n . The choir,
nder the able leadership of Mr. Chun-
er, and Miss Waterber , as organist,
re making ppreparationsf r the opening
ervices, The services ill be held at
0:30, A.. M.,e3, Y. M,, a d 7, P. M.
f Brussels Sclinol Board,
esday evening'last, ther
ations for the position of
second division! Miss Sa
f Seaforth, was appointe
ion, at a saiar ' of $162 f.
n the fourth !vision the
ations. Miss lice Kin
am, was appointed at a
alf year of $11.
At a meeting
held on Wed- I
were 4 appli-
teacher in the
ah 3. Wright,
for this divi-
r the half year.
e wero 8 appli
ard, of Wing -
salary for the
Accioan .-(n Sunda
rown was returning
hen he met with an
might easily have resulte
au it did. The - horse
y oung and :wild,` shied at
aysl4e, and started at
+f‘ing the bugy nd threw
a ong` the road, in its care
avily to t le ground,
eman escaped with a seve
cots of which, however
confine him td bed for
r the accident.
Calc.'' ear.—A lively gam
er tri
to gro
of for the time
nin is apiece -B
al d Wroxeter 11
victorious by 30
eleven owed their
between the Brus
cket club on Fri
unds of a latter.
orable, t o day be
of the y
ussels p
, thus le
last Rev. Geo.
rom ?ordwich
ccident, which
more seriously
e drove, being
n object by the
furious pace
r, badly dam -
ng Mr. Brown
he Rev, gen-
e shaking, the
were such as
day or two af-
of cricket Teas
is and Wrox-
, 28th ult.,on
The weather
ng unusually
ar. In two
t together 83
ving the latter
he Wroxeter
e superi-
o ity of their batting and wling, while
in fielding they were decid ly inferior to.
t e Brussels team. Mes rs. A. Hood"
a d W Small anted as umpires respec-
ti ely for Brussels and Wroxeter.
11 1
'ALL ACCErTE.D. -Ata s
of the Huron. Presbytery,
byteriau Church, held at
T esday last, Re • Mr. Ila
ga non, accepte the pas
de •ed him from th congreg
ge ville and Exe r, to fil.
ea sed by the ret rement a
..R v. Mr. Logic' The ind
wi 1 take place at iodgervi
A gust, 27th. ev, Mr.
pu hey, will presi e ; ,Rev
• of Crarlbrook, w 11 peac
Go dam th, of Se forth, wi
i lie ple, nd Rev. Mr. !Cam
per, wi 1 address the minis
ecial meeting
'anada Pres -
Clinton on
ley, of Dun-
ral call ten -
tions of Rod -
the vacancy
d removal of
etion services
le on Sunday,
ears, of Har -
Mr. McRae,
; Rev. Mr.
1 address the
ron, of Kip-
St 11113Y.
1'ARL TunES1IING, Mr. Chas. Troy-
er, f the township of Hay has got his old
via hinq at work agar
td, In one -neighborhood can be, Seed no
few than 5 of these fine buildingseither
fin" hod or in counts of completi on, be-
many others scattered thr ugbout
wnship. 11 ong the many we; can
e those of; M ars. George rest,
es Landesboro gh, Alex. Br foot,
es Dickson an Wm. Fowler. Each
fele are large buildings with doable
, and stones bling,nnderneath,and
fituated withi. a mile and a'half of
other. Ther are also a number of
private reside ces in course of et ec-
IvtstoN Cou. x.—A new Division
Con has been es !blished in Wiiigham,
and Mr. Dixie atson, the Clerk, is
no prepared to t ke charge of any biisi-
nes: that may 'offe The first courti in
thin new division ill be on the 25th
of ugust. This urt will be a great
eon enience to th business comimui ity_
of i inghani and vicinity, and a more
ethic ent or suitabl person for agent than
Mrl Watson coul not have been ap-
• ted.
. 1
E FALL SRO .—The annual -fall
under the nspices of thei MVorris
eh Agrieultur 1 Society, will be held
o village of Bl th, on Thursday and
y, October 1 and 1a.
OOD Wouk. --
c ride, of Hibbe
en res of grains ii
one of Noxon's St
chi es. He wouli
per on who has be
the the
Mr. Michael Joseph
rt, this season Out see -
side of five hours With
indard Combined ina-
like to hear frem.any
t this. --Coir.
UELIC HoLtnAY.---A numerously sign-
uisition having been presented to
ayor, asking that Wednesday next,
th inst., be a ublic holiday, he has
..aimed the ea a as such: Basin ss,
efore, will be enerally suspended on
On Saturday. niL"ht
ed the stable Of Mr.
uron Road, just east
r selecting the best
off with it, hlaltjing
veral fields, a d 're-
f fences, to avoid. his
Telegrams w: re sent
e present th : minas,
r one, has no been
est some one ente
ason, on the
f C" inion, and of
or: a therein, •i
is xit through s
o "ng a number
ass•ngg the house.
aro nd, but up to
whi h was a superi
{eco ered.
I 0 I'r(JARY.—We
he * eath of Miss
oh MoLagan, E
n well known
he large num
this week an
cLagan, dau
1. Decease
in this neighb
er who attend
ter of
was a
al on Sunday last was an c idence
e esteem in which she was h d. A
months since she was in a parent
h, being a large and robust erson,
in her
to Ire -
sufferings were severe, but were
with Christian resignation and Bub-
on, leading to the ebelief that " for
o die was gain."
ouLAR DEA'rir.—On Tuesday last
ughter of Mr.' Robt. Cook, Goder-
wnshi about 13 years of age, died I
a briefpillness of three or fou days.
pears that she Was either st ng by
o insect, or poi Qned by some herb,
n tl e foot, while !Inning aroun bate-
oot on Thurs y of last week,
ut s it cccasionecl only slight p in, no
otic: was taken o it then. A ayor
wo after, however it began to sw ll and
flu e. ' Medical id was obtain d and
hes ening lanced but it had ten (b-
ar)too much hoe upon the s -stein,
as yond the `reach of human power,
nd therefore continued to spread till it
esul d in the girl's death, under the
oat xcrutiating sufferings.
nsum ption m
m soon confin
ything was do
her to healtl
anifesting itsel
ed her to her
ne that could b
t, but without
CR ILJENGE. Mr. W. H. Moy e, ,n
npl yee in Mr. S. Curran's turning shop,
ode ch,'challenges; any one in the Do-
inio , Thos. Hobbs, of Seaforth, includ-
, fo • a days turning. ,
i P>t Sob -AL. -Bev. J. S. Williamson, Of
rant ord,' will deliver his lecture oil
f Ba loo's Hero," or "God in Politics'"
i the Methodist Episcopal Church, God-
jrich, on Tuesday, Aug. 8th.
IRo • Asp NAILS. --Last week 8 kegs.
if nai , consigned > Wm, Lee, we e re-
eive at Goderich' ' ort, 200 of • hich
ere r Kerr & Me enzie, 420 for Sea-
f,rth, and; 200 for nton. One 'ar of
i on i bars and un _es was also received
. d s Peed
J. , .E q., is at preset. t in
ondo g e meeting o the
nite cel : sociation. 11 was
poi ted rnia of the corn t Rtes
med a e 1 nst itution au by:
-far:• a ritual of cer.mon -
era ion of the Na ' ional
to; be organized.: Mr.
VA a, was one o the
ittee, `
i ,•
R. Mille
to draft
nd to pre
he consic
which -is
anlass, of.
reef the
ek, two fi
B. McE
• harbor,
They we
:, arid 'w
through t
and we
' oderieh
ound for t
'hey wer
e, and se
tes; Bo
me enc
1 "ws,
i s for
s. W
1 :t w
1. r. 3,
a to
d fel
r ing 1
Ice I,
yard •
machine i
n. I has run for d
17 seasons, encs can do as good and as t
fes work as any ane on the Huron
tract. He thresh t the farm of Mr.
• Joseph Hudson, I 3 C n '7 on the
lit of August, 445 bu }bels f grain, 280
`' "-f EXIVI lrfoN,---A she se show, • of hich were fall heat,an1 the remain.
neder the auspices of the Stratford , -der barley. The
Pair—mens' Board of Trade, and the ` wh at weds small,
North Riding of Perth Agricu tural So- per acre,. and the
>iety, will be held at 4Stra ford, on ser From one 1
at sown, Mr.
els. This is
Thursday and Friday, 5th an 1 6th of
October, The exhibition will be open bits
to the; Dominion of Canada, ane hun-
un 4'reel (Tellers will be distributed in prizes
en tit: following condition's : "Best four
cheese, tnacle, two in third week int
Augut, and two iu second we k in .Sep ])o
temper, Each cheese to be in de .on a I
different day. Each t:heese to weigh 50 bar
• lbs., or over. First prize, $50 ; 'nd, $25 ;
3rd, 10 ; 4th, 85 ; 5th, $5.; 6th, $5, w
Further information can be pre cured by `crit
ein gr abo
barley 4
ushel of
ield of the P
t 21 bushels t
bushels per b
gold medal t'
Hudson received 15 o
orid for t its season.'e
cM•rDENT. —One day last veek a young p
named 'Dodd , son of Mr. Thomas
ds, of McKillo ., was a: sisting at a
raising on a f a rm, in th > east side of
ownship, Belo ging to
e standing on • girth, •h
and fell to th ground,
, . arm against a stick of timbe
'S'ouret, Stratford. • ting it at the elbo . The
applying to the secretary
met iately set, and althoug
'l`iry ('isle Hor ie iS1 1e i o 11
• — would
rc1rirt.l our readers of the civ..
on Wednesday. next. The st
(trier places of business will all
Tile principal attraction, in th;
amusement tor the day, will be
day School teachers' excursion
ich, This is the cheapest and
one of the most pleasant exeu
the season, The Committee h
promisees • ample accominoclatio
Who may desire to go, so that
appointments and annoyances o
ion Day will n t be repeated.
merits have 'al been made so
many of the a ersionists as 'ma
c again
0 a
res and
e closed. •
way of
the Sun
o Gorier -
will be
sions of
ve been
for all
the dis-
that as
• desire
ful, is mendin
r. Coleman, ' of
lost his bal- .1
striking his te
and disloca-
rm was im- th
still very n
vE► On Thurs • y of
e &,rcy horses own d by
en, contractor fo the
w drowned ne
e fi aged drawing
1 c ,I beyond the ti
Ile d awing the l
. of water they stu
unable to get up 1
steamer Q
turday, on hell
300 Icelander
ettlement in
• `I earthy lookin
Med to be in goo
hinien and women
o strikingly 1
eanng in the
omen were di
th. cap with
ul co
ny. Themarr ed
ishe by a b «k cd
sel, et jaunti
gl y
SENT.NCEr.--. ohn
tried and faun
ent assa t,
oms on V 'edn sday last : for
The .Jude stated that'he h
entencing him to an inflict!
but the ail ' urgeon, Dr. S an- a
:d the prisoner as : f
would give him b
s imprisonme . t in w
with hard' bor. t
evelop any sig sof W
is pdriod, he is to b re- , t;
no ha ng. prop one
n po8 mens 8, h
e yea and 1l' ontl
the omnlon ail:
r 4
Tuck rsmith
rent..c1 her farm, sat 31,
'uckersmith, Mr. Ch
for term of, seven years at
one, and is cheap e ough at
of . e farmers of Tuckers
e" than the larg number
eat erected this season.
to , o far as we have seen,
substantially built, and
r the
the Government would not
unprovided for expenditure.
ment has decided to erect a
opposite the new salt wor
the force of the northwest
protect the harbor. As a g
dredging will be done along
the breakwater, there will be
load vessels there, which will
provement and w'll have to s
the present.
- The sum of $
collected in the
During last
salt company, of
tons of salt to Ch"
—An effort is
a lodge of Orange
nection with the
—Mr. Robert
timothy growing
heads of which m
—Mr. Geo. Mc
Fort William on
days illness. He
ly in Grey to mou
Mr. Horace Ho
erich on Tuesday
oriel from the to
the work of dred
continued if poesi
—The fact that
Park is one of the
Province is bringi
horses to that sill
ing for the fall r:
—Thos. Berner
has an apple in
St. Lawrence, ra•
was set the first
measures 64 inche
—Mr. W. T. C
nal, is now on a
has come from
benefit of his heal
the fresh breezes
ate him.
—A trampen
tavern, near laic
and stole a cash b
some valuable pap
The thief was eau
could not be founi
—A barn and et
of wheat, 20 tons
tents, the proper y o_f Jam
Goderich Towns'
Monday afternoon
insured in the A
London for. $500.
is unknown.
-Mr. J. P. Cls
salesman in the st,
ard, Exeter, has
Broderick of thai
store and stock -in -
retires from busin
health, and conter
the Old Country.
—A few evenin
in Goderich names
wrestling with a
Sproult, throwing
his collar bone. Wallis was
arrested and arraigned before
trate and fined $1 and cost
ing in all to $16. Wrestling
is not a profitable musement
—As Mr. Wm, ampbell,
Hay, was prepare g to try a
ing machine, the h "
to took fright and
the reaper over a
gate, Mr. Campbel)
lines ; although se
needed in stopping
mad career. Some c
was sustained.
—Wingham is tc
last. At a public 1
recently held it p
Kelly property w
place that could be
tery. A committee
pointed to solicit signatures
asking the concil to submit a
n Notes.
Ice any
Depart -
to break
torsps and
d deal of
he line of
oont to un -
some im-
tisfy us for
08 Poll has been
age of x.eter this
eek the I ternational
derieh, si. ipped 650
• made . organize
oung Bri . ns in con-
xeter Ora 1 e Lodge.
cColl, of i; orris, has
nhis farm :lmeofthe
asure 8 an 9 inches in
ay, of Gr , died at
July 12, ; ter : a few
leaves a wi e and fami-
his sudd n death.
n, M. P., left God -
or Ottawa 'th a mem-
n council, p • ying that
g the her' a r, array be
the Wingh • m Driving
est race -co 1 rses in the
g a large nu .1 berof fast
ge., to be • t in train-
, on Con. ', of Morris,
is orchard .called the
ed from a tee which
eek in ay, which
in circumf renee.
x, formed of the Sig-
it to G.. erich. He.
ycamore, 1., for the
h, and we hope that
f the lake ill invigor-
ed the B . ek Horse
ow, a few nights ago
x contain" g $15 and
rs, and tw watches.
ght, but th cash box
able, with 00 bushels
f hay, and other con
re of Mr. amet Pick -
purchased from Mr.
place his new brick
rade, Mr Broderick
Oa 011 unt of ill
plates takie a trip to
Wm. Wallis, started
young 'tan named
him ow , breaking
soon after
the magis-
't this rate
new' reap-
rses started o , dragging
ewe and through a
still han n to the
the horse in their
/map to t e machine
eeting of
as deeid
s the ino
obtained f
was aeco
reuse money sufficie
—On Friday las
residence of Mr. Sa
t for the
a tramp
uel Gord
he citizens
that the r
a petition d
by-law to b
purchase, b
grace and yet it is wed to stand. The
council were recentl offered the estate
of the late J. B. on is -an eligible
site, yet no steps ar taken." If that
market building 't °nimble to the
earth before next spn g, it won't be the
fault of the Stair's elociuence aad to. itching
of —BrooMriejfahmaedsaKlitmell 'ittflefinefroir hUnnshiPa
few days ago. The t ief knew what he
wardoing, foe he too the best One in
the flock. He took t e laiinb from the
field to the rear of M . IC Ily's lot, and
there butchered it, elk g off the car-
cass andleaving the kin, Which had Mr.
Kelley's namo marke on it.. No ale as
to the perpetrators o the aow deed has
been discovered. It ms the Township
of Brooke is swarmin witli disreputable
characters. If fa rs weuld be on the"
watch and make an sample of one of
them, it would have reat effect. f
—On Thursday mo ing last the teal -
deuce of Michael S hwantz, Maitland
concession, township 1 of 01olborne, was
burned to the groundJ The familywe
st the prayer meet0 on the preriims
evening, and on re rning, at abont 11
o'clock did ncez notice any tigns of fire,
but about one o'clock ere awakened fo
find the house in es." The family
escaped from the h use as quickt4as
somelurniture and most o that in the
front -part of ihe house w saved. The
fire originated in the kitchen. Loss, .
$600; insured for $500 MI the Ontario
—The Seere tars, of he Gederieh "Venn
Men's Chriatian Ass ciat. has Beryl
in the habit of calling at Qoc,lerich r-
structed to notify you that ; t a meeting
of the Ministers of t is wn, and 'the
Office Bearers of the oun Men's Chris-
tian Association, it w reseived to take
steps to prevent mboats and other
vessels from landing r reeeiving goods,
or passengers at this 'port 'on Sabbath.
You will therefore please gOvern yourself
ae.cordingly, else prosecution will certain-
ly follow." A committee was. appointe,d
to see that the reques of the circular is
—One day last week as Mr. Finlay
Scott was taking exercise on a swing, he
was thrown from it with great forde.
Fortunately an old empty :pajking case
was lying on the wood pile and Mr. Scott
was dashed against that, splashing in the
side of it. Had he 'fallen against the
wood pile certain death would have been
the result', Although the fall was brok-
en to a great extent, consaerable injury
was sustained. He receive a severe cut
on the back of the ead, is jaw was
bruised, and one of h wrists injured.
He was insensible for ome time, and it
was feared at first th t theireault would
be fatal. He is now recovering.
—On Thursday, Ju y 20th, an old an
named W. Squance,w o lived aro nd
Exeter for a number o years, committed
suicide in the stabli nnee with Ithe
hotel at Devon, two and half nAles
south of Exeter. D , ed was a ve
heavy drinker, and *as nearly alway
depreseed in 'spirits. Some time ago h
owned one of the best farms on the Lon
don Road, but his drinking habits mi
him lose it, and he was fo ced to r
by the day to sustain life. hree or on
years ago a friend rais
to send him home
but in a few months b
ter working at stone-br
and any other emplo
be obtained.
Perth Coun Notes.
At the election of sehoeil trustees in
Romeo Ward, Stra ord, recently, the
eturnins officer had go eUt and hunt
p parties to nominate and second a
andidate for that inaportant office.
—The first load of ew fill wheatrs
elivered on Friday in Stra ford mar et
y Mr. Thomas Kir
eing Mr. Jas. Tho
liotcausvhecins segT:besedpdol;:toethall teufhroriisantinotead ineafiePeCteatirin.ong
alert, and it is h ped they will suoceed
in capturing the murderer, who has se
far managed to ev
—The fall wh teals throughout tile
County of Perth a/roosts totta failure
—many fields not repy cutting and
honsing, while thers will only yield •
cause of the failu is nisi, which is the
worst that has tee known for !eine yens
The late spring w eat is also afticted by
the rust—but th early,is not troubled
with it, although midge has been at
work. Barley an oats are a good fair
crop, and peas 'ire also a fair crop. Fede
plentiful. 1.n ropt ops tatoes are gooey
but turnips are a c with a species of
e tops pff level with
gthr:bgrwohunie eatsT t pest is doing great
and Mrs. ello rts, of London town-
ship, while on their way home from St.
Mary's, had a *mow escape at the
aocotrackniwimocuth thiisonbutreyn cawhme: atihoelwe,veningwhett
the horses in their fright turned around
suddenly and plieed the buggy in the
way of the train. The vehicle wag
struck and the oedupants thrown violent-
ly out. Singular to relate, 110 live8 Were
brsn't liMereltelitelitteandliaodnlythrreeeeeirviebda
a good -shaking tip. When the train
reached the depot). pieces of horse -flesh
were found on thei engine, but the horses
were not killed, e buggy was a tom -
piste wreck.
Teachers' kaamirtations.
The follOwing hi a list of the successfal
candidates at the eeent teaehers' exam-
ination for this ounty. Thirty-eight
second-elase eandiidates began work, but
many gave it up a the close of the first
day after ttying t test, papers. Arith-
metic, algebra musie were the sub-
jects which formed the principal stum-
bling block,. Out lof the 38, as will be
noticed, only five Were successful. For
third-elass certificates 140 eandidates re-
mained after the ifirst day, and of this
number only. 85 [were successful. At
this rate o work g the ranks of the
teaching f aterni will soon Jimmie
pretty wellthinne out, The following
is a list of the su costal candidatis for
second and third class certificates, the
papers of applican for first class certifi-
cates having to be sent to headquarters
far.exambaation, t e result will not be
Grads B.—Wm. wrence David AL
Walker, Janet W - en, Barbara Duncan.
Third Class Cer 'fieate8 granted on sec-
ond elan work,—$ rah Clark, maggie G.
Oliver, Sarah A. owell, Eva M. Star-
geon, Julia A. Spi r, Jerome , Moore
Thos. S. Menarey, James F, Parke, Joh;
Robinson, John cBride. The latter
recommended to t e Department „for A
Die .L. Brown, Eliza
Elizabeth A. Dynes,
rah. Fisher, Margaret
rest, Isabella W. Gib.
ward, Emma Hicks,
p, Barbara Houston,
Jelly, Maggie J., nes, Alice Kincaird,
Maggie E. Kering an, Margaret A. Lo-
gan, Sarah J, 1.1 "ngstone, Bathsheba
Landesborough, beam Lovett, Matilda
A. Moffatt, Lizzie . McGee, Annie Mc-
Gregor, Mary C. 'Reilly, Jane A. Pat-
terson, Jennie Rob rison, Elizabeth Reis,
Mary H. Robinso , Ida V, Strambel,
Sarah C. Troyer, lara Vesper, Emms,
Wiggins, joseph B rkley, John M. Best,
Hector Brine, Jas W. Campbell, Thos,
Campbell, John C olly, Hugh David-
son, David tr. Do nee, James H. Dun-
can, Thos. J. D nning, Marehall R.
Eliott, Samuel A, Ferries, Win. Foreat,
J. Hamlin, i Geo. W. ,Jackman John
Jamieson, Goo. L. Allston MieLael D.
Long, Richard Le Robt, killer, Peter
McKinnon, Gilbe A. Powell, John
Powell, Thoe. A. ogers Robt Sample,
John Smith, Robt. Ste:idlers, Jas. Scott,
Jas. Lisdale Jas. E, Whitely, David
Wiggins, Bobt. White, John Young,
Thoe. F. Young.
a Third Clan.—
Sarah D. Dickson,
Ferguson, Sarah F
r son, Elizabeth H
Elizabeth J. Rye
Devlin, England,
akin on the roads
ent that was to
Road, about 5 m les from
while all the mem rs of the
,out in the fields, an took a
taining $40 from a helf and
its contents leavin the pur
floor, A suspicious character
in the neighborhoo during
seriously feel the lo
Presbyterian Sabha School
at Manchester, on Tuesday,
The day passed off ery pleas
the enjoyment was considera
named James MeGe .—At the
and having climbed hp the r pe hand-
over -hand, and wh e hangin by one
hand to unfaaten t e rope, b came ex-
hausted and fell to t e ground. He was
badly hurt about th baek.
—For some time ast much
been made in the he roosts o
concession Townshi ) of Col
some unknown ene y, but un
day night all efforts t • stop the
dations failed. Mr. Win. Se
9, on Wednesday fou d one of his hens
ying dead, and tall' g it he baled a trap
mining the trap he found an immense
horned owl, -vvhich easured six feet
rom tip to tip of t e wings, ecured in
he trap. Hen roos will be sa e now.
—Some days ago an accide. t befell
Mr. Archie Lamont of Grey, whereby
he received a severe ut under the left
eye, layieg the flesh pen in a frightful
manner, and so close o the eye that un-
less great care be tak n he may yet lose
he sight of that orga . He w back -
ng his horse out of the "open shed at
arlier's hotel, pruss Is, and th animal,
onaewhat refractory' in. gener
ff so short and with s eh force a
he buggy, throwin Mr. La
ith the result as a ve.
—From forty to SI ty hundre
freight is the daily average
entralia, the first st tion sout of Exe-
er, on the London ra lway, co ng prin.
ipally from Loudon. Tue day the
mount unshipped rom the mornm• g
reight train comprise/ 17 large cases 5
eek two car lo of scutched ax from
heormillsneathre, tm(airs !too, ettswe,rebris! plapedg intoto
f $3,575. Sev ,n car loads of g in have
ecentl left that st tion, with several
ore fi
There is a blot on o r beauty, fl in
uisance in the centr of our to —the
Market House. It a ords no o.
ation. There is only one stall Tpied.
is a miserable r. .. shackle ' tulding.
's a crying scandal nd a Pei lie dia.
ntered the
n, Huron t
Indy were
e on the
wee seen &
he week,
rdon will
y, t e purchaser
a d the price
much inferior to last y r's wheat—very
bin in the berry and good ealeof chess
—On Friday last, o the rm of Mr.
ohn White, in the to nshi of Morn" g -
ton, on the 18th eon., m. White d
banes Blover follow one of She n
about 5 ft, 4 in., three- times around a 10
Foster's Giant Harveisters, which ts
acre field of heavy' fall wheat and bo nd
very sheaf, thus deing the Work of ve
--Mr. Wm. Taylor, of the base line
lanshard, was working in the field one
ay last week, and not cOming ho e
eareh was made for him, When he as
ound about ten o'clock at anigwhokr Lying!
of the
ok place
25th ult.
ly marred 8
ung man- f
dose of
insensible where he had
He was carried home, w en it aa
thought to be a case or suns oke, but it
turned out to have been a fit o apople y,
as he has lost the use Of on side. Re
is still dangerously ill. ,
-e-Last week a lad named ira.mes Mar.
ott, a milk hauler for Mr. John Sher -
rid e, When theboy WAS pie ed up it Was
ridge. He was driving a agon acr ss
e bridge, ladnn with !ens f 11 of milk,
hen the horse shied at a ole in the
foun that one- of his legs was broken
near the ankle. It is a ' eat Wender that
setere kick in the face from a horse which
he was not killed. ontri ht. I
—Last Sunday a eh* d belonging to
Mrs. Widow Tait, Stratford, 'received a
was roaming about on the streete n
Falstaff Ward. The potind , law is !-
most a dead letter since the recent
action of the Council, and ws, horses,
pigs, sheep, geese, and all ther fa
oak are as numerous op he stree
Stratford as on a countrY side -line,
ere are plenty of people who growl
y goods box opposite his store over
gilt, who have no comptinctions of
nscience when they turn their Hie
ek loose to prowl upon t.Pieir neigh-
r's cabbage gardens or roct up the
tie children playing on t e streets.
t such is mankind. So says the
—A shockingiaffra,y took p ace at the
huckleberry marsh in the township of
Ellis, County of Perth on Sirday Jute
been in the habit of •going to the marsh
on Sundays for the purpose of gathering
huckleberries, On Sunday la t a pail
of young men from Lops ent on A
berrying expedition, and wh le in the
marsh they quarrelled with so e inoffen-
sive Germanis whom they itet there.
Report says that they attemp to take)
John kaher, drew a knife and stabbed
liberties with some Getnann 'rho they
met: This was the cause of e distur-
bance and one of the Logan pa4y, named
two of the Germans (whose *meg we
have not learned,) in a sheath* manner,
the 1st m
orne, by m
Thurs- b
e depre- th
rfee, lot w
ere, t
n the head. t
Moore, who was' w
sen -1
1, turned dr
to upset ni
weight bo
ded at ea
Smith has
ries Mason
an annual
m is a good
his figure,
ith can be
f new barns
11 of them
re of large
ell finish -
me fr
we oofr
as sured
he prison
during t
DREDGES. —0 Saturday iast, r
with re ere ee to the stop age o
edges. he r ult only con rnas
ious 'order bait Mr. Horton as
that the ork On the breakw ter d
utinue, suit lithe approprii 'on It
•ng been exhale, d, It
First -ClaSs Teachers.
The following candidates have been re-
commended for first-class certificates by
the Central Counnittee- of Examiners,
.which certificates ill become valid On
receiving the sane on of the Hon. the ,
Minister of Educat. n
medal) ; Powell, George K. (silver
medal) ; Barnes, Charles Andrew; Tom,
Sohn E., nal (brionze medals) ; Cod -
First B.—Iles, Ila ;, Surnmerby,
rawniell,:lomt b jto.se ; ,Mc lister, SanineL
First C. orne Daniel ; Campbell,
Neil Moore ; Grant Kate.
Allister, those reeo mended are Normal
School students.
Ai G. MoDougalf. & Co, Se4forth-
, TWenty yards Pri t for $1 at the 777.
A. G. MeDoraux Co.
.t.-/cew Goods ope g every day at the
worth 20 cents per yatd. A. a, Mc -
d n—e sR, ifeohr 28511teeinnts8i*, Pewo'rthB k fkntse7ot
—For the month f June, tlie amount
of money paid out y the Grand Trunk
Railway to its emp ees at Stratford,
wweasrkstio9p8,24wle.reDuelo fotrhea mwo4k,th suathe:.
had they been open the amount won=
Nearly all this large amobYunetveorf b‘m2oll.
have been ince
finds its way to the merchants and -deal-
ers of Stratford, and is not the least et
ft rhoema ev nTag hwasty a c ee e nr ut ree o the to wn
—Archbishop Colinolly, of Halifax,
adpiedpettinrsttehabtaeviteybleeasnt week. His acme
Weld Bish of lath: BeoisubuotptSw' aabsisb,st
previous, while mo
eral for twelve( years with his head on -
try seat under the su
covered, He eame
36 years ago with th
wasthaof Aiurtedch illtohotp4W.et7:10°a 61 lc eh ns obi n'Veio:W°t5aalinrilidi:eitaheheP.11:
and remained in Ha
fax, w re he has lived highly re-
spected and venerated,, not only by his
own ;no*, but by all -classes of the com-
munity. —
volarthe113Tvjgeisprittov; ra45:11"--"?tni :11..°1111 -Pt SY1701P-1/21
18, Hal itop. containing 71
sot desirable situation for
:14:1;o707.0:13:0 8:elleteoeeY'
AbodwoRiwirbh03 :me art etyndut
desiring to pnrehase should bi
beactu:!7__Ya::: oicine40:Tgpong_
41184.0.0310 tO Any who may des
'4' 407 ;010 home und has
tottent7:::: Tfilt 3)8r:
ped11111:col-entsrell:P:ilsirai: lio'f°101111PYrOPPli
Sealoktb, x to D..
th74VAaltli: 407.—autostith,h
:bout f0 aorta awed there
pod frame barn snd „stable,
orchard of pOod fruit trees- a
Salt ige0d ting:on the ,black
FA3E .—Por
10, ntaining114-
are cleared„ *ell fenced, and -
cultivation; i the 2.0.triairder_
There Tare 4 fores' of choice fr
*good log jthlase 'and .fritme
Irma the Blyth station el the
Lot 1,8, Com 13, taftgliA, Itur
lug b0 sena, Thu above lot
beat quality„ and 3.,8 only six
also south half of , Lot 10, ton
County, 100 soreo, alsoall bus
soil, -6 miles from Brus-aolsatar
Railway, rpr *lee sod to
COOPEB, Brussel , to
ZELL, Seaforth
Malta, untwisting .of 100 Ite
wood. There is* log bonse±s
Ind outbuildings,* good 'wen.
Ing *Teter& Of icheicefruittreia
Elnhurn, Terms known
Via premise*. Poseession
-A' 1, Tnokerand , London
sores about b0 whloh str
first -lase Atte of tultivation-
and good orchardi within ha
station, and 13 miles from
ton. Apply out* premls.e* 0
WESTOOTT„ 35 ---
Lot in BrueeReidltor eau -cher-
- -a= 9, ilibbert,,enntaining
-first-elaes cultivation. A barn
1 t shed and stable 89010, c, Ark
honee, and 41 other nem
good orchard*rid water
the Most awash* farms int
enxiges, or to klginondville
.134re.owpgiooebile% Yleaation. trel-l'
_ . 4( 3 I 1 1:g: I 1. 14: iti m1(.1:77:11 ei ii. i 4 i 1. rtntv' Cia,' Pliateltri 141: :i . 3:7; 3.044411:11i) tt, i 0 p ii, iti .1:. iii ;h1:4 070 .1101°) , ,artrovn,fi enlai6n11:11d11:6
131C,. 4.11(PrOILIV
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i tu.::11'1-19.141:'6L,:::-7:;:inerm:44:ettstievtre7310TrtorEthnext-Z°4,.els
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.44 er:tlipton 4:1:74111:12::1eit telT:heilat:;:tib t;' or: t'';':;1:4-;11)44:iirs::: guii:15:72431:4tiaTtC;;:::itil 1::. r
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