HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-08-04, Page 7• Alwyn' 4, 1876$ CET A STYLISH- RICA* THE SEAFORTH rt D CARRIAGE WORKs CKLs tJie Right duce to. Co. PILLMAN &ICO tt. ES Havethis sea*on sold over 14 Bugg and have still on hand a. few fliat-class �Sk vehicles, and are making more. CS. Several Phaeton Baggies and Democrat ED Wagons or the latest styles and neatly finished now ready. Good material and good work are what make our vehicles sell so rapidly. For a neat: Stylishand Substantial ntial Job we will not qua ourselves second to any in the trails Repairing of all kinds promptly at- tended to, Our Prices are Low., PILLMAN & Co. CB - THE V YCHEAPEST SPOT @e. IS TOWN. - - e. BEADY MONEY DOES,THE BUSINESS, a _ O EI T E LE GEOCER,and PROVISION DEALER SEAFO RTH,; ! UY'S for Cash, and sells for Casit, 4324, havingno bad: debts, gives his customers thebenefit.. i If all business men would pursue this system ! Gran/plum would soon die a natural. death. GROCERIES, Of every deeeription„ Fresh, New and Good. First Class. Gem. Tea at 45 cents per pound in paek gee of not lees than 10 pounds. i Bright, Beautiful Sugar, from 10 to 12 pounds for One Dollar. t . FLOUR AND FEED Of Every Description Delivered la Town Free of Charge: CASH FOR -BUTTER AND EGGS,.. And other Farmers Prodaee in exchange for Goode as Cash. Remember the New Grocery, nearly opposite Weir's Hotel, Seaforth. JOHN KYLE ITOTTOM. EW MACHINE SHOP. AVING fitted up the premises formerly oc- curried by GRAY & SCOTT, we are prepared to contract for BOILERS & ENGINES, FLOURING, GRIST AHD SAW MILLS, SHtNGL E, Hpading and Stave Machinery, &c. !BLACKSMITH WORK AND GENERAL REPAIRS Promptly Attended To. .f GRATE BARS AND OTHER CASTINGS. FUZRNISHED.; FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING Co.. 13013ERT EUNCIMAN, Manager. Seaforth, 1:378, near Mansion Fosse. 426 KID -'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. FENCING WIRE A7D BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description; Cheap. EA% i TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE' Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to (Tasha and frost P yinq Ciestornters, JOHN K1DLL _ SEAFORT'H WOOLEN MILLS. WOOL WANTED Ta Card; Spin, .t1fanufctcti re,. or in Exchange ange for T)'oaten Goods. CUSTOM ROLL CARDING Always done to take home the same: day. Si'I14N N i-, WEAVING,: COLORING, CL(YTif FULL1XG, DRESSING, Ant t every other branch of the business well done on short nothm, TWEEDS -5 FULL CLOTHS, BLAH K1ITs, SHEETING, G, Flannel, Stacking Yar'Ii, &C. All of our own manufacture, facture, A d made Out of good wool, cheap for cash or wool. Il WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 4:ny hind off Woolen Clods mane to order out of yoltr owwre viool. TERMS—Cash, or 20 per cent, extra. A. U. -VANEGMOND- :,•f th,. dX* 24 1876. 412 E x RON E i, t IT .. °Wer s .for tt}e 1.441rgiint gyps "So olir table--* whole i O8eg, Table. . t ,a: flower on rya ;if yoncan t.it, pr but two:►4r , thr ,;ora single lower, rel0, l pig a d .18 . , Bringlaefew, s or butteruul from your 1a4 -field, work.and keep 'Chu -., vm, in a .! little seater; if } i ervp bub r; Ooh, of : clover. handful,of-#dowering # grass—one of' :the itelegantof Nature's productions,. andyou have something on your table -tbet rcminds,you'of Go�de 's'creation; and •ve you satnhe itb th u a rose, for ve y, it mo. honor, your table, d . ou . �y, or a violet J', . d Lord Baoon J)a"e a cuetou►, in cola• .hoe,for this greattand wise man was lit' the habit of having flowers in season set ,upon his table, we believe, mornings nook and night—that" is to Bay, at all 'peals, seeizlg that theywere growing all cls . slow -here is a ashion that will haat you forever,if you please --never change with gi .ks, and' celvets,.and silver forks, nor: be 'dependent. Qa caprice, or some doe_gentleman or lady who have nothing but caprice and , changes, to give them impfir tante and sensation, glower's on the morning table, are especially suited to them. They look•• like the happy wakeaing of the creation ; they bring, the breath of Nature into your room ; they seem the very rcpresentativ anL1 embodiment of the very smiles of. ' your home, the graces of good morrow,' rel order that But .1 shit comp 'a when.yof until" dea A.Brock last winter other day..i wrote --"I on to thy r anything to will'vitl<e i u'an. i� I do '.t f e 1 at : all natural. lie ilfdn o° ° ills `to -day and Ed ,ei rr'iyoiu p rimae r' w tight, sea€ fiat T love yo*Yours "Nashviffe z fine tfPa a dry .goo s store`. The woman ord 1i girl who was "converted" no in Saratoga, and the a letter to` her another, she Lind, it impossible to : ng li iiii a here, but don't say Talmage about it,` 1 all up when -lot home." excitement** t was ate • in. ew,dysago bythe • ; ucolninonly ►ledy coup in red the b the of s, for a large stet rt man pa'ui. after a pars rustics we muffins, c with a win Havelock at Oawnpo� . Great as have been. the succesees of mere handfuls of British troops skillfully led at all times of the Indian history; it: may reasouably be doubtful whether any services have ever equalled those of Havelock betweenthe the 1st of July 1857, when he assumed the command OL 1 Alla- .habad, and the 25th of-.Septeaiber,! when he relieved, for the first time, the " garri- son of Lueknow. During July the whole of the Doati vas in the hands of the iu surgents Cawupore had fallen ;, we were besieged at the very'capital which we had marched do(vn to take ; not gleam of sunshine illumined our politicIhot- izon ; and peaceful. . and prosperous provinces were in the Rowse.on of mutineers; With forces tht never ex- ceeded two thousand, and which were soon reduced to fifteen hundred or a thousand men, Havelockfought nide actions and won them all ; and it Was no pedantry that led hint to record the fact that the battle of Cawnpore was. gained by a flank march similar to thee, `oeuvre of his favourite, Frederick , al, 1, Leu - then. He had treasured up; ready for use, all the legacies of military command- ers andcritics, and at the age of sixty-, two he astonished Europe by appearing as a General whose first campaign was as masterly as if it had been the crowning success of a long series of victories. of ''fixings," for which She, then aiiked a clerk n, and upon his arrival married amid a pile Iicoes, and linen go ing group of passers -13 SP OIaL NOTIOES. Ei.'PS'S C _ft -By a natural lir 'of digestio ful spplic we Wec .vi ed our ly fiavohre many hea judicious a constitii until stron deney to maladies a attack wh rWe may e keeping Q i blood, au Civil Servi ets Isbell i ineeopathic St. ,and CCCONFESSI a warsr and others wi ofManhood nhood after under mailed free velope. A Box 153, Br c QPECIAL ity Of Dia Phosphated Dowels in all use of Spirit: nerve exiian paration of that will stet invalid ove which mast Grass and Leather. .A. citizen of thelOass farm has a vacant lot fenced in to preserve the grass, and notwithstaning his many signs of "Don't touch the grass," posted on the fence,,he yesterday morning fouhd a man mowin_ away for dear life, while a boy was loar the grass into a wagon. " Who gave you permission to cut that grass ?" she,uted the owner. "Nobody," replied the man as he rest- ed from his work, " Grass is a natural product of the soil, nursed and cared for byname, re, and it is as free to one animal as another." "Leather is a_ preparation made from the hides of grazing animals," said the citizen, as he stiffened the muscles of his legs. "It is made by tanners, worked up by shoemakers, and I'll give you all you want fur nothing." The old man kicked back, but right and justice must ever ever triumph, and when he went over the fence his eyes had a Wild expression, and he yelled to' his boy: '° Git that horse on a gallop, .Sam; or we'll neer see home Again.'—Detroit Free Tress. • 1, 'oA.—Gratefuland con►io ing horough knowledge !of the which govern the opei'at ons and nutrition, and by a 'are-' ion of the fine properti'.- of cocoa, Mr. Elis has f ro- eakfast tables with a deli • ate- beverage,which mew to e us doctors'' bills. It is b the e of such articles of diet hat on may be gradually bui up enough to resist every ted- seese. Hundreds of s btle floating around us re: •'yto' Fever there is a weak :,point. gape - many a, fatkI- aha r by selves well fortified with sure a properly nourished fra u e." Gazette. Sold, only in ack- 1- "James, Epps & Co., Ho - Chemists, 48, Threadn = edle Piccadilly, London."; 4.1.52 DNS OF A VICTIM.---Pnblis' :d as rg and for the benefit„ of yonnmen so suffer from Nervous Debility Loss. &e., giving his micee of Self Cure , lug mach suffering and e.cpens , and n receiving a post-paid direct d en- ess.NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, P. 0.2d Myra,N, Y. $ , :,r, ? tendon is called to the great aetiv- i •W'nsur Eit's Componnd Eli er of nd (Unsays in restoring the vital orms of debility arising fro . the ,' 'obscad, Opilan,• and that fo.', of Mn from depraved habits. Th s pre - I, i the only agent nown sin the ner$on system and ti a the that period f mental depr.:ssion e passed bettor recovery takes place. • THE GRE T FEMALE Ii MEDY, Job ogee' Perio al.Pills-This nvalnable mddi ine is unfailing i tha cure Of ell those paint 1 and dangerous ceases to which the female iso, stitn- tion is subj t. 1,16 moderates all excess a d re- moves all o ructions, and a speedy cure ay be relied on. r • ma.riedladies, it is peculiarly : cited. It will, in a . host time, bring on the mont • ly pe- riod with re ularitl . These pills should of be taken by Fe • . ales daring the first three onths of Pregraneyy, as they are sure to bring o Mis- carriage, but at any othr time 'they aro oaf . In all cases b Nervoii� and Spinal Affe tions, pains in the balk and limbs, fatigno on all ht ex- ertion, pulp talion of the heart, hysteri s, and whites, thee pills will effect a enre when all. other means be failed; and, although a • p • werinl remedy, do •t contain' iron, calomel, ant moray, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each p ekage, whieh shoal be carefully preserved. Job egos, New Yritk, ' ole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12 , cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyme •, To- rontoinsure general agents for the Do.Iinion, will nsure bot le containing over 50 p s by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hie. son Co., S. S. Ro•erts,'and -Il. Lumsden. 197 California, Losing Ground. The San Francisco Alta of July 15 says "Immigration to California seems to be steadily diminishing. The net gain to our population, during the 'first six months of the present year, is a little more than a. third of the increase from the same source during the correspond- ing period of 1575. The figures show 9, 294 gain .i n 1876, against 2(,149 in 1875. -The passenger movement by sea shows brit little difference 'between the two periods mentioned. After i careful comparison of the immigration: returns for the past three years, we ma><y safely conclude that the total decline this year will amount' to upward of 40 per cent. of the net gain of 1875. This is not a very Oheering prospect for California, which stands in such urgent need of population, to assist in its .progress and develop- ment ; and, should the decline con- tinue, will. be very apt to embarrass us seriously.". - '" • Poisoned by Tainted Meat. The Philadelphia Ledger of Saturday says " On Thursday last the entire family of Mr. F. Sohrnidt, No. 1,020 Columbia avenue, consisting ;of Mrs. Schmidt, her mother, and. five children, sverei, seriously poieoned by eating tainted meat. On Wednesday ,Mrs. Schmidt bought in market a shin ofbeef, of which soup was made, and the whole ' family partook of the soup without in- jury, tplowing that at th4 time the meat was gpod. On Thursday the dinner was made bff the beef, and immediately after the dinner the whole seven persons who I had partaken of it became violently ill, LAR -with constant vomiting and intense pain and prostration. The family physician was called in, alid. under his- treatment all were in a fair way of recovery yester- day excepting one of the children, a lad twelve years old, whoee recovery was considered doubtful. An examination of the meat showed that it had spoiled after the soup was made from it on Wed - WHAT TE Y. SAY or IT! A. FEW FACTS P PEOPLE.—'r • ere are but few preparations seines which have withstood the impartia ment of the people for any great length o One of fries is Dr, Thomas' Eelearte Oil. the foliowinr and be convinced: Bo Farnham Ce tre,P.g Writes, "I have been ed with rheumatism for the last ten years, duct bavo tried many', remedies without any rel' I tried Dr.''l.'hemas' Eeleetric Oil, and sin hare had no attack of it, I would r em:aru r all." JAI: ;drle, hotel keeper, 'west She Q., writes," plaint for ee medicines v. Dr. Thomasaf Eeleetyie Oil, whieh gave me i ate relief, a d I would Ray that I have used with the beg effect. No one should be wit I have tried t on my horse in cases of cuts, &e., and Of • k it is equally ass good -for horse as it is for man.', A. Mayboe, morehant, War worth, writes, "1 h ve sold some hundreds of bo ties of neleetrie 0 1, and it is pronounced by th. �rublic .ono of the est merlleines thoy ever used done wond' .s in heeling and- relieving pa throttle, & and is worthy of the greater once." Jos " I was per for a lamp four years, curing lam A. M. Muni I was troub ed me very dneed me bottle wsis remarkable dealers. Pri N.Y.And N Sole Agents —Selected E. Hickson den. It TEE f med. judg- time. Read inson, afflict- D E;O, V ,{ICH D ilsessesssosseasss THEY HAVE TH EI EF ,AE TATD INA a1� 11 E ;�, 4 O ' Tk 1VI ENT { F ALL CLA SES OF 'DRY GOODS ARE DiT' ' •LOW MINED TO OFFER FER AT THE VE Y - F.IST PRICES hs THEIR STOCK OF GROCERIES, WINES & LI VERY COMPLETE. .I An Ealy ' Call. Solicited. BE.AITTY : CV, Carmichael UORS Block. Y, YOUNG SPARLLN cH SPR,zMTC4. AT THE I have been troubled with fiv vocal years, and have tried ith little or -no benefit, untl f, until e then .1 itto'i ord•, P. 's r Com- erent tried medi- ,r t since Oa it, ounds OCD A.RMERS' STORE, SEAFORT.H. FLAY, YOUNG '8 W I W 1 Good Advice, The newsboys and boot -blacks of Poughkeepsie recently received ,,every one a hat from ex -Mayor Eastman. On the.crown inside, neatly printed in gilt ort a circular piece of black paper was the following advice, which is goo'd for everybody : "Don't drink, don't swear, don't chew, don't smoke. Be industri- ous. work hard, study hard, play hard, and you will never be, 'hatless.' With the best wishes for yotii: future welfare, The follosving note, written in a pen- cil on a leaf from a memorandum book, Wa8 picked up in Minneapolis :—"Dear Ann --I have just got. your note. Don't think about last.rnght, please. It yam% becauee I didn't love you that I didn't talk and laugh, I felt se that I couldn't tay anything. My stomach is so out of 1 has u, sero eoufid• ph Rusan,.township of Percy, writes, naded to try Thomee' Baca .le .Oil, nee which troubled me for t . inc or. nd I never'fonnd anything 1ik: it for nese. It ie a greet public .oneflt." ton, Warkworth, writes, `_'k'•r weeks cd with a swelled ankle, whie annoy- uch. Mr. Maybe°, of this pi co, in; o try Ecleetric Oil, and bei re ono " used I was cured. It is a most medicine... Sold by all 1 edicine .0 25 Conte. S. N. THOMAS, HELPS , RTIIROP & LYMAN, Toron o, Ont., for the Dominion. NOTE.— i electric' ndEleetrised. Sold in Seat rth by & Co., J. S. Robertod and r . Lon$ s- • SMOK LIAM HILL H A S M IS NOW SPRING L T RANT SPARLING. 1,11 0 lir I P 13 L TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, SEAFO�tTH, II t II CEIVINQ• A LARGE STOCk OF ALL KINDS LATEST STYLUS OF T Y; OF TIE FEEDS, WORSTEDS, ANDi GENERAL 117RNISHIff GS !HATS;, HIRTS, COLLARS, &c., THE LOWEST QUOTATIONS. T A little gem, 18k cases, full jewelled, and warranted for fly yeara. A large stock of English and Genuine Silver, Watches o hang, 'alb a full stock of the Elgin Watch—no ogus° Swi imitations kept. Buy your Watches from a relic le practical hand and you will know what you are getting. Jut Received, at M. 11 COUNTER'S, a good assortment of El ctro Silver Plat di Oct from the celebrated manufactory of Rog rs, Smith do Co., sue as Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, Butter Co lers, Pickle Cas rs, Syrup Cups,,Spoon Holders, Goblets, Mugs, Fish Knife ad Fo k, Cruet tan s, Napkin 1{iigs, Vases, Card Receivers, Table, Des- sert, Tea: M u tarsi and .alt Spoons, Table, Dessert, Fruit and• Butter Knives, Ta- ble rks, WTaiters' Trays, &c. Remember th above goods ares Dess rt, Tickle and ie foboug t di ect from the anufacturers, nd will be sold at Toron Wholesale Prices. • Iso a .corr,plete stock of Jewelr , Clocks, Spectacles, Com is, Brushes, Pines, V Bolin;, Violin Strings from 50c per undle of 30 strings to 40e per single stringy- Vat hes, Clocks and Jewelry of 11 kinds Repaired by practical hands. Satisfact'on guaranteed or no char e. Cas for Old Gold and Silver. Sign of the Tree of Silverware in window. 11. CO -NTE., Masonic Hall 131oak, Seaforth. LADY RUSSELL WATCH, U1 0.00101111114041111 11? YO 1IsTCOTIC E TEAS_ 4. r NS ANT TO GET GOOD G OM AND CHEAP GOODS GO TO EE'S FLOUR AN !SEED STORE, Just A rive a Fresh. Supply of Grocerie81 Glassunre and Crocker .kreserve Jarsiof all 14nd4 and very cheap. .FLOUR .NO FEED CIIIIIISTANTLY ON HAND, AND DELIVERED AS UNA CASH FOR 'EGGS. SU AR,' vtitY arEAP., ! Give Ira Tr at and be conv need of the Fact. 0 G 0J' 0 C.) 1.--", i rn r Fat W 4. t (1.)• y 5 5 y 1- 0 0 c+ f. o 0 t: -, 1-3 1‘ tif is y0 • e+ a • o, crQ 0 '1. o 0 0 es G CI M e-444,4 0 - 1� N i� o o t y C7 w Q rm 52 .444-41 • A LOT OF DY'. 7 FFS of1"11suety 1U4 refar34 at s .ROS TS :RUG STORE,'. Consisting in part of :the f riiow;ing MADDER, MADDER COMPOUIND, COCHFNEAL, CREAM TARTAR, FUSTIC, ALUM, INDIGO, INDIGO COM ALSO A LOTOF HAND PACK' AGE DYES, SUCH AS YELLOW SUITE, •STARLET, ' BLUE, GREEN' i nd RO*E, and intact nearl' all colorst which are gnaran- tce& to oduco beautiful a fast co:kit,- if direct - f r roue are faithfully followed. . J. S I RT ROB Oppb{si:te Poweli's,Temperai fee Howie Seaforth CD 44.21 Illat 0 rfn 41444 MARRIAGE LICENCES OK cEn,-TiriPitrist •E s (Under the new Aet,) issued at he EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAF RTH; Under authority of ,.,hetr lecutenant-GOvernor of ILI EST, CHEAP ST AND BEST E D LL AND SEE. ASS CA RP AG E AN -D TEAll 'HAR ESS Tirst-Class Plow Harness at 0-. E. H All COLL RS Warranted at 0. E. Tip-top T 1,UN!KS and VALISES on AU artieleis pertaining to the business Sion 01 the Large T unit. EN DE hara always GEORGE E. BUT Eit, BUTT;ER 0 HAMS_ AND SIDE- EAT. :Have on band a irrantity of WE L UFtED ,UAMS !IND SID MEAT, Which tYey will sell Chelp. ply at ec. PAY TheY 443.16 FAI Al A CASH PRICES .FOR 000P RY BU TER, QU F ICE; CH STREET, F.AFORTII, At. 0. E. HENE SON'S. 0. E. RENDERS on hand at LOWE • • ERSON'S. pi EAFORITH. al: HAND over 1,000,000 feet, Lumber, cut and sorted, ing Draining and Fencing. For ViRY LOWEST' itable for Build - Sale at the Also a quantity of Infe or anelity, Suitable for S eeting, At $3,50 per The Best Quality is So led so as to ork Without (ate. 0 0 0 0 ssrl 0 less 0 • 0 r07 - AO CO LI SO 0 rn 0 (..) 1 -"- slid DAIRY UTIfIttill „1.., 1 snit allwho want it good artiele, i Call and See Wh4t She WISHES to inform the Leasi4 Of Seatirth and In the market Veltolesrde vicinity that *bells preParatOteeke ilp r , i id 7 WIN' MISS AMANDA. STARK..1 1: TH.! 17ES:fir:ID BE rri EGfl Win form his friends and t public in .a.e &nem' that he has a Large aid Complete Stock of LIGHT SI:NGLEII HARNESS Tr nks and Valises, Vhipsy 2.20481 C07722)81 faa anything appertain' ways on hand, cheap as BD Snap g to tile Trade Al - ha the triads, for earth. Despat4h. N. b.—Cedars a Speciality. Co tars of every deeeription made to order in trstee ris style. Remember the Place : Tiic doors north of the Commercial Hotel, Seafdrtla jOHN WARD. tion of the Uterus Ovarian Dieerrees, 4:;" Abseut Menstruation, and all dieaeres known as pc greatest care, under the pal sonaT s pervielon Of a study for many years and bey are a Medicine nu which. MARRIED LLDIE elm d pend 4 4 in the '1••°- honr 'end time of need" as an rinte ling FEMALE BEttliLAT teee t.,e-a Sold by all Druggists eVerywhere. Price, one box $1- six boxes $5 • sent by mail free of /lost "1„,..4 age securely sealed from :observaiion. For full particulara wilt° tor our primphlet, winch we will eeipt, of Post stomp to prepay return postage. WILLIAM GRA & Co. Roberts, R. Lumsden, end hy all druggists. N:ORTHROP L.:MAN. Toro to,: ):24 W. H. 9U , Harness, Saddle a ANUFACITU til • Wholesale LA RGE d Collar 1,74 i.-',..1 l on ,krand. Repairing promptly a t; (1:1W .! SMOT:c; t 01 MANX' INFERIOR IMI ATIONS OF 1.1•2 THE MYRTLE NAVY OBACCO 0 OLLAIL heavy Ilerneart, kept constantly tended to' and 11. OLIVER, ARE NOW OFFER D. LOOK -OUT FOR THE STA ON THE GENUINE, FARMERS MIP -rs ALWAYS ready to stirWil Seafort CANS or every kind pit'. es that mill CaTuetts: B4 - T COAL OIL SWITCHES. CURI,S, BRAIDS, , ke., i mod or .3 ode to8 oeil a ..r°' Collganal/ 4174 I moderate, BM all orders portetusily Atte/aided to ;I 40418 463