HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-08-04, Page 5_ - - AUGUST 4, 1.876. circumstances of his story, 8h0Wed g hesitancy of expression which hie inter - y viewers- were uncertain whether to ae eribe to bis manner or to the conscio,us. nes that his story was a fiction. The grandparents of the little girl were then called upon. They appeared to be ret 61 spectable and well to do people,' and e,ee., t tainly not of a character which would /ead to the suspicion that they were en. e °enraging the girt in a course of system. atie deception. They aver that their grandchild is of a truthful disposition 3, and they firmly believe her story. The' little girl herself was next seen, and re- peated in detail what had been said by a the young man in his various converse. - tions with her She was shown the pho. tograph of Jesse Wild, and at once said that it was the picture of the young man she had met. She was next shown the ; pieces of cloth of the same kind as that of which youngWild's clothes were made, t andstated, very emphatically, that the corresponded in color with the clothes worn by the young man. This was the first . of her statements, in the course of very - close examination, that led to suspicion, . for she had previously been asked to de- , scribe the clothes worn by him, and her description did not quite tally with the aopearance of the clothewhich Jesse t:titild took away with hirn. As he stated that she had seen hine on several mornings about the same place while she was watering the horses it was deter- , mined to telt her story by sending her out to the spot this morning, while Mr. and Mrs. Wild kept watch at a distance. This was done, wad she came back, stet- ing thet she had seen the young man and f talked with him ; that he was weeping, [ and that she urged him to come to the house, hinting that his father, whom he had expressed a wish to see, was not far off, and that, hearing thia, he had hurried off to the swamp. This was very short- - i ty after sunrise. Now the position of Mr. and Mrs. Wildwas such that, while - it was barely possible that suoh an inter- view as the. girl speaks of might have taken place without their seeing the man. " arrive or depart from his accustomed ren- dezvous, it was very improbable. An- other circurastanee, which seems to throw discredit on the girl's story, is that nn trace of the young man's course was afterwards discovered in the tall beaver ineadoiv grass which skirts the swamp, and. through which, if the girl ; Abby tells the truth, he must have passed. There are other circumstances which taken into consideraticin with the above, seem to belie her extraordinary tale, though they are not entirely -incon- sistent with its truth. Mr. and Mrs. Wild, who narrated the above in con- , vcreation with a 019be repor•ter, to -night, after their return from Kinburn, seem to - be in a state of uncertainty, though strongly inclined to disbelieve the whole ; .- but highly improbable as it is, it seems • equally- turaccountable that a girl of her age, respectably brought up, should in vent the whole affair, persist in its truth - hiltless, and make no very important e0n- tradiotion in the course of a rigid exam- .. ination. This is how the case now stands, but it is likely that further inquiry will shortly be made. Mr. Wild states he has little 'doubt that his HOU was somewhat derang cilia iatellect when he disappeared so mysteriously." About Trout, To the Ltiitor of the Huron Expoaltor. Sin I have been going to write totyoa some time back on the only canoe why our rivers and creeks are ahnoet depleted of speckled, trout. As there is a ,Protee- tion Society started in London township = for the protection of game and fish, I thought I would, through your papencor- met an idea the society has about the bnicding of trout aud putting them in the , rivers and creeks. First, I will show why the trout have deserted or rather diedni OW' rivers and creeks and. it is this The woods having been cut away, - the sua is allowed to shine on the water from morning till night, making it too • - hot for Cie tiout to live in, Put a trout, or live trout, in the Thames river at this present date, I don't think it would live est hour, because the water is 20elegrees I hotter than it can live in. A trout cannot Live in water over -60e or 65' of heat, If hotter it has get to find colder water or -die. It is only at the extreme top of the spring creeks that tioutcan be got at all, unless the streams are covered or partly eovered with woode, or where sem° cold epringe run into the streams, Itam hap- py to say, however, that there is a rem- edy, and an easy one. Plant willow limbs i•iong the water's edge, A man or boy • an plant thc breadth of thew. lots, 80 -eds, in one afternoonhave been talk ng to a number of farmers about it, and -ethout an exception everyone I spoke o expressed willingness to do this, one -emarkiiig that it would benefit the ountry. Without using this means to hade the water it would be in yain to ry to replenish the river or brooks with ptekle(Itroet. As it in trout will soon -,e something of the past, but plant the iinbs of willow trees along the anks the. 'water would be - da to be graded in four years, f a law tan tie -passed „poking it empunory to ietee these etreams sheeted e this way it would be a good thing. notherittea that most people have is that he Faw ci us t from the mills kills the fish. tow.sir, f wilt prove that this has not rich to do with it. I can show any per- m -where two ..saw mills are, end I have tight trout 30 rods below one and 50 ids below the other, but in these places ie water is shaded by the wocels. The raining of thu country has more to do ith it than the sawdust; the volume of 'iter being so much less than formerly. 1 e the Winehanopeoale are going to stop e sawmillers from letting their sa,wclust to the Maitland rivereblaming them for iving all the ihh out of the river. But ey don't say elle-thing about many of e rivere and moetly all the creeks that ver had a saivraill ora grain of sawdust them, just like the Maitland, can'ttget out in them only where there are cold rings naming into there, or shaded with • e woods enough to keep the water cool- ean give lute of proof ot what I say, if aired, but comae.: at present. ellARLE ; Seatorth, emesemeaseaceeelasemee Two hutelred and thirty Smiths had exerde at Niagara. -Rev, Henry Ward, Beeeher has been gaged by the., Young Monte Christian eociation to lecture on one of the' enings of the Western Fair at London,. ,-The wife of a reepeetable mechanic London has made three attempts of • to commit suicide by poison. Each e she was reatrained, but she threat- s to do it yet. -Last Sabbath afternoon a man when lking down Youge etreet, Toron- - wan bitten in the lip by a fly. The immediately began to swell,- and. in at tea ruinutea it was shoat the size , stela • • of a man's fist. He was noticed on the street by a -policeman who took him into 1 drag store, where proper remedies were applied and the swelling was considerably reduced. It is supposed that the fly iodrreeently been feeding on one of the Taw dead dogs which were lyink about the streets on that day. I _Jam Brush, wife of the- absdonding ,cashier of the Intereolonial Railway, re,eeived $300 from her husband in the -.states. She sent the money at once to vie Government, saAing that she did not want money from such a source. Brus 's *licit is about $15,000, secured by a • , ginfahlnre"-. Archibald McLachlin, of • . 'Thomas, has been appointed Registrar the County of Elgin, in the ro of the late Mr. John McKay, w died so suddenly last week while on elay to the Atlantic, coast. Mr. Lachlin his been editor and proprietor gt, Thomas Home Journal for ma years. He is a man of ability and hi character ; and has for thirty years tak an active share in the politics of • County on the Liberal side. -Rev. A. V. Timpany, a minister of t Baptist denomination'who has been missionary among the Telagooes in In during the past nine years, has brou , home with him, to be educated, a you lady, a native of India. This young la is aged 16, is of exceedingly dark co • plexion but purely Anglo SaXon f • tures. 'It is stated that it is the in lion of the Baptist denomination to e • ate her at Woodstock, to prepare her . the raedical profession, and send her ba to India, where she would certainly be ' great use to her sex. , • -M. Pinagore formerly a farmer in Eastern Townahip near Montreal been supposed dead these eleven yea His widow having lost one , hand had struggle with great poverty in bringi upTalarge family. Several of them w in city institutions, and three were some time with Dr. Carpenter in Guy - The "drowned" nian has however, peered in Montreal, wishing to m his wife comfortable with his savinas. He has advertised in the French papers, •consulted- priests, and caused an enquiry • b be made from the altar, but it is be- lieved that all the family have left the Catholic Church, and track has not been - kept of theta. 1 : -A sudden and sad death occurred in -the township of Marsh on Wednesday morning. For several mouthe past Mrs. Berry, wife of Wm. A. Berry, brewer, re- siding on the Ottawa river about five miles from Aylmer, has been in very del- icate health, and. she went to the river in company with her husbancl to have a bath 1 She had been out but a short time when she eomplained to her husband, who was Tear the shore at the time, that the wat- er was cold. Mr. Berry told her in re- sponse that she had better come out then. The next moment she fell over on her eeide in the water, which was about three or four feet deep. The husband immedi- ately went to her rescue and brought her ashore. Before he reached that , point-, however, she died in his arms. -The Globe Printing Company an- • nounce that they have succeeded in dos- ing a contract with the Great Western Railway Company for the despatch of a special Globe train from Toronto at 5 o'clock every morning, running direetly tbeougti to London, for the exclusive die- . t, lbution of the Globe newspaper through- out the west. This arrangement will place the Globe on the breakfast tables of subscribers in the city of Hamilton aft 7 o'clock; in Dundee; at 7:20; Parise at 8:10; Brantford, at 8:50; Princeton, a,t 8:30 ; Woodetock, at 9 o'clock ; Inger- soll. at 9:25 ; and London, at 111 ohileck -three hours in advance of Flea Ma 'es- • ty's mail. These arrangements ill i =menu° on Monday next, 7th Augiist, on which day the first G/obe ttain will leave Toronto. 1 ' , . -The Beacom says:.On Tuesday, of last week, No: 1 express on the Grand Trunk Railway, left Detroit tee° hours and ten minutes late, being detained waiting connection With the Michigan Central. it arrived at Buffalo only 15 ie:nutes late, connecting with the tr ins • of the Erie and. New York Central. 'he run from Stratford to Fort Erie -113 • miles --was mede in two hours and 57 -minutes, including 11 stops. On Friday night engineer R. Hinchey, No. 365, took No. 5 express train to Fort Erie in three hours from Stratford. We fancy that this time can hardly be exceeded by either the Great Western or Canada Southern, with all the advantages they possess of a shorter route and easy grades. The Grand Trunk is now • carrying a large share of the American summer travel, and is becoming a favor- ite route. -The cultivation of hops is a branch of agricultural industry very suecessfully carried on by Mr. George Moore, of Wat- erloo, tvho has fifty-nine acres • of !•4 ;•,.7;•;•4•1,4 THE 41-10R0:11POSITOR: a in ht by •• a- n - 11 or ck of an as LS. to re or t. P" ke CURRIE---SFYLES.-On July 26, by Rev. W. Day' incumbent of St. l'aul's 'Church, inghant, and Rural Dean of the Cou ty of Huron, Mr. James Our- rie, of urnberry, to Mre. Styles' , of • Wingha . I REID-Ito INSON.-At Varna on Aug. 2, by V. M. Danby, John - second n of Mr. C. Reid, to -Pike,- beth Ro inson, second daughter of Mr. J. Rob' on, all of Stanley. STEWART MELDRUM. -At the residence of the bride's father, Morristort on the 5th inst., by the Rev. William Meldru • ed by Crieff, of M eldest Meldru mon and low grades, 36s. to lish cheddarsells for 76s to shire,'needi in, 45s. to 54s.; -84s.; S tc ,60s. to 68s.; Du 56s. to 8s. The iaten position to follows: D 106s.; Nor ican and Can per cwt. I- 408.; Eng. 90s, ; Ches-# ne, 728. to tch Edoms, u butter. •The prices are ftS eiheat has clsecked the dis- r rets, 136s.; Jersey, 98s. to dy, 112s. to 122s.; Amer- ian from 908. to 105s. • MONTREAL1 LIVE STOCK GABRIEL, Au This market continues du , father of the bide, aSsist- there being v ry few mil,* c he Rev. • Mr. McDermid, of and still fewe sales made. he Rev. James S. Stewart, were sold to- ay at $20, 25, nitoba, to Margaret Jane,.• each, two go d country cows aughter of the Rev. Wm. Sold at the liatter price. formerly of West Zorra. were not very plentiful, none • • DEATHS. 1 LEYS. -In Clinton, on July 31, Margaret, wife of r. Jas. Leys aged 82 years. MCKENZI -In Tuckersmith, on July 28, Th s. McKenzie, aged 60 yea +. MeNictio .-At Brucefield, on July 30, Wm. McNichol, aged 8 mont ' . 7 DODDS, t Blyth, on July 18, Ge rge, infant on of Mr. Jas. Dodds, ag d 11 days. i SKINNER -In Clinton, On Aug. 2, Wil- liam J. son of Mr. John Skinner, aged • 18 yea • MCLAGA . --!- In Clinton, on Julyi 28, Annie, ughter of Mr. John McLegan, aged 2 years. 1 Fall Wheat Spring Wh Oats per bu Poas por b Barley per Buttor,No. 1,Looge Eggs Flour, por Hay Hides. Sheep skin Salt (rotai ) per barrel............ Salt (whol sale) per barrel........ Potatoes, pr bushel 0 60 to Oatmeal IP brl • 0 00 to WOO d . • 2 00 to Apples, pe bnshell 0 50 to THE MARKETS. SEAPORTH, Aug. 8, 876. 0 95 to : 0 98 at, per bushel .. • 0 84 to ' 0 90 hel. '0 28 t0- 029 she' 0 60 to ' 0 65 ushel 0 44 to 045 0 15 to arrel • 0 10 to 5 50 to 600 to 800 to 0 80 to 0 16 P 10 000 7 00 8 50 100 O 65 060 O 75 5 50 2 50 0 75 OnstoroN; Ang. 8, 876. 0 98 090 0 80 • 0 50 0 65 0 16 ' 1 25 0 10 900 Fall When , per bushel 095 0 Spring What, per bushel... 0 85 0 Oats, per b shel 029 0 Barley, per bushel 0 45 0 Peas, per b shel • 068 0 Butter.• 0 15 0 Potatoes • 1 00 0 Eggs Hey, per to., Fall w $1 70 ; oats, 85c barley, $ eggs, 11 20c to 50e to $12 per .0 10 @ `7 00 gl • LONDON, Aug'. 3, 1876. i eat per 100 pounds $1 50 to pring wheat, $1 50 'to $ 65; to 87e; peas, $1 10 to $ 20; to $1 05; butter, 16c 20c; to 15c per dozen; potatoes, 5c per bushel; apples, reen, 1. per bushel, Hay, 8 to n. • There street y $1 04; t wheat was non TORONTO, Aug. 3, 1:76. the ,ht at pring there s 18c was some fall wheat o sterday, which was bou is was for good white. ould bring $1 to $1 011, on the market. Butter pound. Fresh eggs are 11 • to 22c pe 5c to 17c per dozen. Hay was in mo erate quantity and sold at from $8 to $10 per ton. N 80c a bu There is fering ; wool fro paid. 6 11 w potatoes bring from hel. Apples $3 to $4 per till some quantity of w ommon was sold at 23/1 good districts 27c wo ld be STRA, • The la ford was in Liver week, h men and charaete kets the cable ba anything the boar much m were be bulk of ies sold of Down e cheese factory was s 9tc, the highest price paid for th' son's -elle' se, TO ON • Oe to arrel. ol of - for FORD CHEESE MAR t cheese market held in exceedingly depressed, th ool quotations to 46s duri ving discouraged both f buyere. The Same feeli zed the leading A moria • resent week, and althou advanced 6d,, the outl but bright. The offeri were about 3,P00 box re was represented, -Th een 1,500 and 2,000 box hich went at 8c ; a few t 7tc. A. choice lot fro 1 ing aboite t ird qualitee; are gaining fl sh, although have not ea ugh to hinder hopping iwell. Thirteen he ter kind of c butcher; at $22 each, t $15 to $1-8 ; $28. MARKET 2, 1876. as usual, ws offered, Mllch cows 27 and 30 aving been ef critters f them be- asshoppers et of theni them from of the lat. ttle were bought by one rices' ranging f om $11 to general price being from a fair-sized bull as sold for There weir a great man sheep and Iambs, espec ally the latter brOught to }ii ' the city by he market boat , yesterday and this me ing ; butchers boneht so largely yesterday evening, that they did. not care for buying nauch,, to -day, and a good many lambs remained un- sold at neon • sales of mbs were rnade to -day at from $2 to $3 each ; a lot of twenty-four lambs and four sheep ere sold for $3.25 dach -.GREAT RE,MIVAN ALE I ON, ‘ • - 1 1 ET. trat- drop g the tory- g has mar - h the ok is gs on s, but sales s, the actor - Gore Id for seal 1 II 4 1 C 11 1 B3EVE of aetivi market 0 LIVE STOCK MA .-There has been a goo y during the past week ere. A lot of 200 were s r, to the seaboard for shipment to with a p ospect of realizing better than cou d be got by selling to A buyers. For home consuroption th also bee an abundant supply. car loads brought loads,av • bearmg, being the largest hop' yard in brought Twenty hops, • forty-six acres of which are . Canada ownecl by one man. The hop class 10 crop this year is considered fair as corn- of choic • sold at $ yield from present indications from 800 to pared with that of other years, and will to city b to 1,000 pounds per acre, although the prices ra weather at Inez tut is not at all favorable i SHEET te a rapid growth. The weather best cal- [during ti ciliated for hops -is said to be frequent $4; 3rd showers, with warra weather between but LA dry weather it would seem is preferable MB.-- There were received lo to continued Pickiug will commence 2nd, $3 o $3 25; 3rd, $2 25 to $ wet. ads in ast week; 1st class, $3 5 al tut the firtt week in September. Last year hops were worth from 18 to 22 cents LITTL FALLS DAIRY MA LITTLE Eines, July 31, is a large representatio here to -day, but on acc 11 KET, deal 'n the nt off ritain pr ices erican re has • Two 49 head, weighing 12 cwt. each, 58 a head, or about $4 75. Three raging 11 cwt. each, brou )it $4. head, averaging 12 cwt each, 52 per bead; 40 head of third - wt. each, brought $3 50; a load heiferseaveraging 12 cw , were 75. Ootside of these, a cl sold itchers, probably eight I ads at • ging from $3 50 to $4 50 -In good eupply. Six c reloads e veeek; 1st class, $5; 2n class, lass, $3. 10 car- t° $4; 50. 11 per pound, brit the price at the present tune is only from 8 to 10 cent, with no There roeitect of a rise as the crop in Europe factories and the United States is very good. But the low even at that figure there is a profit in position producing them, although not a large one. to hold BIRTHS.• Promme of the It Riessea.-In Seaforth, on Sunday, July York fo 23, the of Mr. E. Hickson, of -a limited dter. 1' they Say RoBINSON.-In McKillop, on July 26, hot, and the wife of Mr. S. Robinson; of a son. goods at 'terrine -In Seaforth, on July 30, the must in wife of Mr. Henry Ruttlet, of a son. to care f FEROnsON.-in Wingham, on July 19, The off the wife of Mr. James Ferguson, of a reach 1 daughter. about 6, FLEUTY.-In Wingham, on July 21, the quote lo wife of Mr. James Fleuty, of the Ad- the.bul ranee, of a daughter, 'Butte 1,1oRLEY. -In Wingham, on ,Inly 22, the , though i wife of Mr, W. W. Morley, of a daugh- the heat , ter. from 22 Aleivrin.--In Hullett, on July 1, the and 23c. wife of ?Jr. Joseph Martin a a son. We h lelcLecne-In Seaforth, on 'July 4, the third w wife of Mr. J. McLeod, of a daughter, respond Bo -theme -In EgmondVille, on July 20, handle , the wife of Mr, John Bowden, of a ican and daughter. ed. esp THE AT GOLDEN EAFORTH INSOLVE A.CTS 0 18 9 and 1875. In the matter f JOHN Mc N US and 'WIL- • LIAM P TS, the yonn a, trading under • the firm of McMANNIJ$ & P TTS, both as individuale and as co -p rtners in the said film, Ingo' elite . •-1-L A FIRST fin Final Dividend heet has been prepared, open to objection til the 28th day of August net,after which dividend Will be paid. THOMAS MILL II, Assignee. – Stratford, IA g. 8, 1876- 452-1 1 INSOLVNT ACT' r 1875. 11 In tke M iter of Walla*, larten, cc Inzolvent. NO CE TO DEB A LL Part's indebted to the '4 "IL above-ne ed Insblvent, are r • up within 80 fd or their aceonn In suit vilthont fuither notice I Mr. Marten to we've the sa an or it can be re itted to my a es JOHN S. POUT Seaforth, July 12, 1876. tKET, .876. from unt of • one, of the market there is a dis- among some of our best factories heir goods over anothei: week. bnyers from the city (in view rge rrivals of cheese i New the last few weeks) advi e more hipments for the presen ; and if the weather continu s to be the factories push forwa.d their the rate they have of lat vitably go lower,as it is r and place the goods p rings tonlay are estim ,000 boxes and upwar )00 of which changed han est price 81c. and high going at the latter figur continues to come f • limited quantity, on ac The prices to -day here . to 22tc, for good to pri for fancy." ve letters from England ek in July. Our Lon nt says the weather is nglish cheese,old or new Canadian cheese clears cially fine and the low vals are expected to be ad prices'it is thoughtea The quotations are as the wife of Mr. George McGonni/e, of Amerie a and Canadian, extra fi 11 Kemen-In Seaforth, on July 26, the wife of Mr. Walter Kemp, of a son. MoCroxiout.-In McKillop, on Jul 31, The arr quality, lowest. • - a daughter. fine, 528 to 548. good,42s. to , prices ifficult operly. ted to , only s. We st 9c .• rward, ount of ranged e lots, 11 ORS. state of the quested to pay will be placed vesuthorized grent receipts , Seaforth P.O. R, Assignee. 450-4 ROYAL ANADIA BANK. SEA$RTH BR NCH. DOM NIQN BLOCI4E, SEAPORT H.' Bra on New York Bank in he United States. Bills, oil at all Chief Cit INTE 411- 4A1 o.yahle at any xelr n London payable es ofa e linited ntingeom. PAID ON pEPOS1TS. M. P. FIAYES, MANAGER. EGG EMPORIUM. ,Tho 44tbscri er hereby thanke hie numerous easrdme s (mer haute 'and others) for their liberal patrona e duri4ig the past se en years, and hopes, by strict integr ty and close a, tention to business, to merit their cjonfiderloe and trede in the future. , Havin the wint gl'ea ,ly enlarged hispremises, during r, he is now prepared to pay the HIG E T CASH PRICE ty of good fretdal eggs, delivered EGG EMP M. in 511 For anyi quent et the ' Wanttld by 1, le snbecriber clean WHE T STRAW. BR TO D. RIUM, 'treet, Seaforth. no of good dry WILSON tha patron son, a by sup awe of LI A good buslaeli SSELS D AW KILN. N & B:URROWS, • IrROP RIETORS. ubsCri ks to go ext d bnpe lying the sa articl at the ers take this OpPortunity to return eir nnrneronS enstomers for the nded to them (hiring the past see- by,strict a ttedtion to bu MUM, and good ar1ic1e,1to merit a continu- e. BURNED guaranteed. • 14r" din; 15 cents, oe ars. THE MO NTREAL ta4 - e--. ' 1 • ; mow HOUSE OF AUGUST, We have pleasure in, announcing that we have fixed ./TURCIAY, T SIT AND WILL 0 E GOODS ENSURE AS! THE PUBLIC ARE HE 5 TO COM NT1NU H DAY. NCE OUR FOR THREE WEEKS. ILL B THA A SPE ; STOCK IFOK SALIE. "L'Olt SALE—A good driving family mare, and •I: mare 4 years old, by Sir 1Archyoand 1 yearold colt by Peacock. For pourtiotilars appl y L. MEYER, Harpurhey- , 445 ESTILA.Y • PST AY SHEEP.--Careelinto the premises of -•a-4 the tindersigned, Lot 151, Con. 3, MeNillop, on or about the 15th of July, ;Ewe and Lamb. The owner can have the same bY proving property awl paying -charges. JOSEPH ENN1N, • 45244" (.'STRAY HORSE. -Stray from leot 6, Bay- ' field RoadNorth, one two-year old filly, color bay, with white face and One white hind foot. Any person giving informatii011 to the owner, at - Varna p. 0., that will lead to its recovery will be suitably rewarded. Any person found detaining said animal after this notic will be prosecuted by JAMES GALLA.GHER, Varna. 45044 , DRESS4111. XING 1 I I MISS BORLAND, Dimes and Mantle Maker. OFFERED AT PRICES Rooms over the Bank,1Seaforth.1 N. 13.-441- • RESSMARING. - MISS QUI N, Dress prentic,es wanted. 1._ __ 10.8 Maker, Seaforth. Drespmaling d e in ell its branches in the room e over Thos. Ridlr,s store. A good fit and perfect sallefsiction guaranteed. Ap- prentices Wanted immediately. 1 WILL DY CLEARANCE. SO WELL OODS, AL FILLA...1a\T WILL olkilLY QU and Colored Lu tres from ACQjJAINTED MARKED IN lack and Colored Gr nadines fr Wkite, Striped and Checked Mus ins.: 11_,FdISS BRYDON begs to announce o the ladies .4"-- of Seaforth that she llas engage _rooms over Wm. Campbell's, to give anstractio s in the fol- lowing different branches viz.: PIM and Fancy- ; Sewing, Stitelaing, Braiding, Fitting, Embroider - WITH OUR 'HEAP, net Work, ranch Wool Work, Cuteng and Fit- ing, Cootehet Spatter Wont., French ml. German ting, Hair Work in all styles. Cuttin and Fitting done at the rooms. LadieS can see iss Brydon. at the rooms to arrange for their ls to take instruetions. Apprentices wanted. Hours from 1 45244 9 A. M, until 4 P. M. ' • OTE A FEW PRICES: Twelve and a NW cents.. Fifteen cents. folored Mv,slins from even, cent i .414 .the Summer Dress - i Peirmants of Prints a I .rdirase/s at Cost and Biautiful Costumes tri Cuis and Co I in, Great Va/riet Goode will • WANTED 1 ARETAKER WANTELFor toe Seaforth — CPublic School. Services to commence Augast 1 16th. Applications, stating salarye to be left with the Secretary, WM. 11. WATSON. 451 I 1 m.:..tNeaNdVANTnEtD.dzi—Want imme tely, a good e t ra and do eneral faian tl work. GYood wagoes and st ady employment. Ap- !I1 448 ply to JOHN BEATTIE. 1 t 1 MILLER WANTED.4Vanted, at the Win- steadrworkman the highe t wages ill be paid. • throp Mills, a first- lass Mil If a good 113 Apply to ANDREW GOV NLOCK, inthrop.452 1 1 Wanted. by the 143th ohool tesohers bolding r School*l Tneker- CONNELL. Secretary aforth P..0. 44.9 TEA0FIERS WANT D •t. -a- of August two 11 secondj-cAlapspeicye'rtotifi47,ef • 13 be Offered at Desperately Low Pric'ei' s. TownshipsmithSchooleoard,S • Dress oods Very Cheap. nder—T ey Must be Cleared. med witl Very Wide Heavy Lace—New. lars, Glov at EXECUTOR+ NOTIICE. 1 vxLCUTops' ,NOTICFl.-AU peIrsons having -1--4 any claims against the eatate of theLate John s, Hosiery, Lace Mitts aud Sinallwares GREAT Y RE OCED PRICES. Shirtings, Sumner Tweeds, Gentl men's Summer Coats, Bats and Caps, dc,, at Prices tir.ct will Cl then?, Out. I i , 1 ai!.pets in Tapestry, All Wool a d Hemp, undas Cotton, - Yarns, White and Colored Carpet Warp, at Rock, , I Boger?, Prices. • i r — • – I 4 BEST SUGARS, DUNCAN & DUNCAN. THE CHEAP IS NOT THE BEST GROG ARE TO BE At tha Small Fairley i8 C Ten pounds of Good Tea for Tea put up in 5 or 10 pound pa Tette bought from me guarantee towu, don't send your CASH RIES AD AT T st Po CASH 4ROCERY D FOR THE EAS AND COFFEES! HE MARKET CAN PRODUCE HE CHEAP CASH GROCERY sible A vance on Cc:4SL Wing Pri 2 50 -this Te k ages as chea • to be as ret to a foreign n • es Close. Him a Trial. - is good valne, don't despise it because it is so cheap. as can be got either in Toronto or London. All resented or nioneY refunded. Patronize your own arket when you can do as well if not better at hone. FLOUR FEED AND PROVISIONS CONSTAN LY ON HAND. J. FAIRLEY, Seafollth. DAILY. FREE DELIVERY; co 14 cents per ERMS STRICT N CASH. e • Bras el's, May 2,1876. • 439 • 1 1 . Miel.JIBE ce; Mc DO NA LIY,S P , • : PLANING MILL And Salt and Door _Factor!' VALUAB ROPERTY F BY PUBLIC A RSA CTION IT S4FORT SEAF RTH, ONTARIO. , EEl& leD,ONALD ha4ing established in onnectl n with their L niber Yard a Plan- Ing Mill and S eh ahd DoorFaelio;y, are prepared to excel:rite' w rk in this line ;n a satisfactory manner. Pln. ing and Lumbee Dressing of every descrintion done to order. i • Doorn, Seel; s Frames, &c., always on hand or made to order p the best ;nameer and of good material. 1 , . Lumber a all, kinds on hand I and for sale as usual. •1 Estimates fuIrnished for b il Inv of all kinds. 449 MA.B E & McDONALD. for the on cor- hot to Amer- land - r sorts' of good e at the ollows : e, 56s.; • ; com- 1 GR T in arrang 1\/(0 HOUDAY. . There will be sold by Pnblile Auction on HURON PLANING MILL. TIT7 undersigned hereby inform their Many customer* and the public genotalIy of the Ru- n:loyal of theie Factory and Lumber Yard to new and more commodious premises on MONDAY, AUGUST 7 H .1 AT 4.0'CLOCK M., That Valuable Property, owned by Mr. Sea ter, Fettle ted on Main Street, Seaforth. The property is 4 good business stand, on which are two stores, with a dwelling overhead. TERMS, SH. P. BRINE, Auejt joSnEeeArTTER, Propriet r. 451 NDI EX'CURSION. ! LIUMBER. Sundasi School Teachere of the Presbyter - n and Methodist Churchep of Seaforth have i ed to have their Excorsima to 1 THE CRANBROOK MILLS On "S' '"*/%113SDAY, AUGUST 9, 1876. A T ain1will leave Seaforth in the morning at. , will thus give eixoursionists Abe9 hours to spend around the lake and beautiful bay. , Fare to 1G erich and Back, 35 Cents. 140E40 11m e Ito by the Magnificent 7:10 A. 111.,1arAving in Goderich about 8:80, and Thei Teich its have also arranged to have emu - 06E4 ER HOLLAND. TiOtets: ca be had at the Stores of biessrs1 Gray, Yung SpartIng,i ilDa.alloBffinahstrownn fur°, t rs, Hill, 1. Luxneden• or any of the Teacb.4 olanson Brothers, ere. 1 THE UNDERSIGNED woul4 beg leave the attention of the pnb c to their Stock of Lumber of all kincie, and Shin ahe best quality, and at the etre Lowest LUMB K MIL I SIZED HEMLOCK ALWAYS ON HAN 1 From 10 feet, up. I A11 orders sent by mail or 1y/attended to; A discount of °ans. Interest charged on wirer 8 months. Make enqufrl prices before purchasing elesw WU GAI1 call rge ces.i • otherwise pr rapt,. 8 percent on large accounts s as to quail OW 13 .7 1 e NORTH MAIN STREET, I i i Where, with ncreased facilities and eome new machinery of he best make, they will continue to manufacture and fill all orders for ASlashes, Doors, Blin,ds, Mouldvng" 8, And all kinds of PLANED LUMBE At Prices to Suit the Times. 1 Farm Gates, Hay 1?acks, Cees Boxes, &c. A Large StOck of Seasoned Lumber on Zan LATH AND SHINGLE,. Jig faisawing rind Custom Plani4wi Rective Prompt Attention# The snbeceibers hereby thank their nunaero veustomers for the liberal patronage extended them during the pest, and hope,bystrict! int zit,- and cloee attention to busmess, to Merit continuance and increase of the To all Owe whOse accounts are overdue Re gi a eordialinvitation to pay up. GRAY SCOT 2. 8, -pains and Speetnitations toe Beimfii tazuishs4 onapplicatioa. nr ILO .4. augarL, ittaxuati,7 sot/. *4-44.--o T-------- - hereby notified to present the same for liquids - Lion to R. Pattison, Walto , on or before the first lay of October next, or eh undersigied will not be responsible therefor, and. all pore ns indebted tvthe said estate must se tie by sai4 date, as all !Jaime then unsettled mu t be put i to the Court ror collection. ORRIN 1.cTAGGA1T, RC,J3E1i1.1 PATTISON, Executors. 1 450 • ________ -.t---- _ E.:K.OUTORS' NOTICE -All pekons haviniz any claims against the estate of R013ERT BELL, late of the Townsaip of Usborne, in the County of Huron, yeoina , decea d, are hereby notified to present the same for I quidation to either ofAhe undersigned Executors on or before the first day of December next, or t .ey will not be responsible therefor; and 11 person. Indebted to the said estate must settlo by se • date, se all claims then unsettled must be pat nto Court for collection, JOHN B ; ClIFOR in THOMAS CIIDMORE, WILLIAM 1, ELL , E ecutore, Rod- gerville Post Office. July 7, 1876. 45148 FO' SALE 1 IL TO LET. TO LET. -Six Upper Ioms. Apply to ED - "1" WARD CASH, Seafort i . 446 11OUSE TO LET. --To et, that most comfort- able and well situat i brick house, and four lots on Huron street, wit • hard a d sole water, and every convenienee noeessary. 1 Apply to T, STEPRFNS, British Hotel, Seafor h. 421 , i CO' BUILDING T FOR SALE. -For ale cheap, a corner Iot in Sperling's survey, on John Street, Seafor .h, vithiI4 10 minutes' walk of the bueinese part 101 the town. Apply to WILLSON & SCOTTOSIn leDealer , Seaforth .447 - . CoTORE AND DWELLING HOUSE FOB. SALE. F . -I- " -For sale, or will be rented, inCinse.danrst, a large frame store With tomfortatle dwelling 331 connection, together with,a quarter acre lot. This is in the centre of a thriving agricultural country, and Is an excellent stain4 for a eonntry store. The post oftiee is in con ection with the store. Terms easy. For particolars Ropy to the pro- prietor on the premises or to Chi elhuret P. O. WILLIAM MOORE. 45044 tg PECS VIC 'urn; RS. (NEDAR POSTS FOR LB. -Fur Sale Cheap, I--1 a quantity of good e dor fenc, posts. •Al ply at th p Exrosrron Office, Seafortb. 449 GWEEN FEED FOR SALE.-Selendid Crop of Peas and Oats • five hundre• weight for$2. A.pply to THOMAS VAR\ TIN. Benin -W. 451 'VAUNTERS, A.TTENTI N.---Cheip Feed at the --a- Seaforth Mills. Bran $9 per ton ; Midd linge, $12 per ton, Sereeningl; $10 per ton. A. W. OGILVIE & Co., Seafort . 40-4 VOTICE TO BULLDE S. -Any person woof, -LI lug Sand, Gravel or Stores, eau leave theo orders at THOS. LEE'S Groeery,and It will be de livered on the shortest notice. Tti_03_1A! E. 48 .7_7_, RI1 "VEIN THRESHING 311ACHINE -The subscri -LI ber token this opportunity o thanking tb. hunters of Hay, Stephen and U borne for th. libeeal patronage bestowed upon hllm during th past six years in the threshing bueirees, an. would also inform them t at he fi purchaeed r. new ' Glaegow & McPfer on (011 ten) necidne and therefore will be bett -r able than ever to g.vi satisfaction. Your orderi3 are solicited. CILEIte ALDWORTH. 4 r. t. ----'—'-'-'" HORSES it/I/ANTED. WA. NTF.D. - T %V te Clititil I, OA D v V good sound horses v eighlia not leee the i,10 poroode each, for -sv e;e1; the highest merle pri 0 will be paid. Arploto GEO1'.JE A. IIOUGI ROES Hotel Seatorti.. -41 BRICKS, BRI1DKS. _____ OR SALE at Sproat's Brick Yard, nickel Ismith, any quantity of . fi rst -Class White Br illkk,i Ti • These 13ricke are thebest that have veer bete turbed out of this yard, and will m eold el.o44, These Bricks will compare favor bly wtto the!. of any other yard in this County. , .1. 449-4 JKIN sPROAT. ..1 , GOOD NEWS. JHAVE come to tlae conclusio that I wiT.1 ec those Two Dozen Seveing Mac Ines at rocteo prices. Come now if you want to • t ke 1, A BIG BAR tAIN And save your money, (tome elo n, as they al trolog out fast, and make A BIG DA'S AGES. 'Will hold the Agency Jor first- lass reachito Fo further particulars a1rpyat . Iliad's Liqn Store. THOMAS D, **CONNOR-. -, Third door south of the Poet 0 r. , Main Stres Seaforth. 4 -- DOMINION STEAMSHiP COMP1 , ...____ 1, SSELS Sail Weekly from Stuebee fcr 1 pool, calling at Belfast. 4I'lerougb. Tido iserted from SesiorthtoLiverpont. • . : Steerage, Seaforth tte LiverPooleit- • - $ e Cebin, Seaforth to "Piverpol......... a .4. auurraGz., Agent ••••,...dr,te+.m. re 1 .9. few thousand dollar to loan. On improi farm property, principal payable at any time. 1 1 il3; any sums to welt the borrowers' tonvauti• rri 's Some very nice Buildln Lots for sale infiesic and Egnaondville. Gall n45ee1&D*flLget el tannin. et 444 Ite ABIgniel f- ee 32 S 48. f- ee 32 S 48.