HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-08-04, Page 3AUGUST 4, 1876. CHANCERY SALE ar A VALUABLE FARM • N THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. RSUAINT to the Decree and Order for Sale made in t be inetter of the Ett of 3010/- • LAMB HENDERSON, deceaged, end ha a- can. -of SHORTREED ve. LAIDLAW, and bettelag • 41ate the 7th day of Ante, 1a76, there will be Rohl. with the tipptobation of Thomas Miller, Emnire, .1laater of the said Court at Milton, by JO.SEpee P, BRINE, Luctieneer, at PARKER'S HOTEL 'N THE 'VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS At the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoo,a, ON TUESDAY, AUG. 15 NEXT in one parcele-the following lands and peerniseo forluetly owned by the amid late john Larub Here. dereou, being the Santa half of Lot number Six_ teen i. the Ninth Couceesion of the Townehip of Morris, in the County of 'Huron, ceintaioin g °nee, llundred Aeree, more or lees, The land Is me - terming land, about one-half ie cleared, wen fenced and under cultivation, the remainder 18 covered with good Itradwood amber, It is within four mike Of the, village of Blyth, on the line of the London, Huron fuel Bruce Railway, emu utilee of the village of Bruesele, a eta UM on the WellingtOn, Grey and Brice Railway, end thhe teeh ranee of the village of fietaorth, aetatiOnort the Darrel° and Goderich Railway. There are on the said enemises it frame dwelling beim and inane bean. The above property w'II be offered eubject to a reeerve bid. to be fixed by the gala Maeter, Rea aline= said subject to a mortgage made by the said John Lamb Henderson, deeeaged, to Eliza, Thames, to secure the pa3ment of $1,75, and fin tercet thereon at the tette of 12 per cent. from the first day of reeptember last, and alga to a leage Made between the fetid John Lamb Henderson, deceased, and Wililem Nesbitt and Sereniith Illaehill, for a term Metall will expire nu the that day of Nosamber, 1878. Onetenth of the purchase money is to be prtid down at the time of Kale to the Vendor or her eolieitor, a .nfflicnt sum aith such depciett to make the sum of $2,000, without interest, within (me 'smash, ana the belance In five et/nal annual inetalments, with interest nn the whole temtnint unpaid at the rate of 7 per cent., payable with each instalnicnt, to beeeenred by a mortgage upon the fetid land& The piaci:laser will prepare the conveyauce and mortgage at hie own expense. In nil other regpecta the terma antt. conditions of seewill be the standing conditions of the Court of Chitucery. For further pertiettlera a pplv at the law r fleet; of joint lawar, Esq , Vendore"' Solicitor, Milton, Wm. 1,nbJiaw. Esq, Milton, John Hoskin, Q. C., Toronto. and Mt :ism Baleen. & Meyer, Seafurth. Dated Sat July, A. n. 1e76. T. ertrel,M, 'attester at Ilfilton.' JOHN DEWAR, Vendote'Solfeitor. 4140-4 WOOL, WOOL. TEE Proprietor of the Woolen Mille. eule ye -Fee -tinny tetidfr his thanks to the publie. Red florae's in pertieular, for the very Libezal Pat antege dm ing the bet season't nd in. (allies so would eall their attention to the fact that having le:releaser ale el ove it ills, aud being dc tee -mined to build up a custom trade—if good wo4k, fair dealing and etriet attention to business eitide it— awl heving epent 0 good d& tel fel time fend money ;tn. npaiiingeted buying new nieehin- ery, he is now pepered to do all linds of Custom weak in the very beet style and on the ehortest melee, tee eepecial ttttci tien will be paid to the Cri%itna Wotk this iteetson, - My stook of Goods ie now -complete In all bra ochee, Espeeild elite has been taken. in the umenfeettne of these goods, which have been made for my own retail trade!, embracing Heavy Tweede, Team Pulled Cloth, Scarlet, Grey and White Flannels, aud Fancy Flannels unfairness - lade, Union Flannels and Stoeking Yarn in vari- ety, ell of which 1 um ow selling elect), for cash, or trade for wool, a cent it pound more than mar- ket prices allowed. Manufeettning (Ione at the following rates : Tett d, 47c ; ulleo Cloth, a5c ; Satinet, 80e ; kc ting. 2r.c, ued I find cotton ; Ftmey hirt g, tee ; Sitha-tieg, 14e per etemd, aed rerteds ef yarn given ant of 10 pounds of wool; Carding, 5c ; and Paim!, 10c ; Coloring,`loc. ecte (lone wider ro clSlnrerio1n1I1.nIerv1a- and ell -week se turanted well Clone or no charge made. De II. DORMAN, Proprietor, Mitchell. TH Ac,* EA le0 RTH DRAY" To The People ofeaforth. MN CAMPBELL begs to return t Unice te the t aneehates and Duminoes men, of Sea form for the lawn' po.21/211142eaV.a.r6ed 1111a eines he neeeire- i .1 cleave ot tin. Denyiug Bustle:et of Seafort1i. lie would eleo etute that ho is tiow better prepar- edthat, ev er to attend to the wants of big cu. -torn - erg haring piece d another team in the eervice. Goode by mil etlivoted el/meetly. Helve Furnit- ine rieuovol certfully teed on reesonehle term ! Gatelees plowed. and all alt€r. chores in this line iittet!ticei ro cm the shOitect, notice, Promptitude, Cis ility, ami moderate charges aye the cal dinal 'Mare e hich he observes in his bueinese. To the Traveling Public. The old Dt.yel Mall Stage still alive and neur biog. Pet rive 11,411111illg to trevel betwt efeeSea" orth and Drasl:ele will find. the MAIL SaAef. the atter end most comfoeteble. The drive, aro eatelnl end sober, the beret 8 fast and retie 41e tend the co.,ChtS %V arta 24.od emnfortable. JOHN CAMP - t 1ELL opr. tet o r. 441 :11{E...:CCMMERGIA.L.._ LIVERY,: S .1; A .F .R • GEORGE WiliTELEY, -jr....viNG rurclutSed the Stoe'L end Trade of the k iContmeecial Teenthm y, fen netaly Ilee frok .14:egs •ui. ti ismi & Co., bto state that he in - 11 lite ea . ing en the bueinees in the abl stend, .; a III lute added NPVCrIll 1-411M1 We home; A nd VOI11C108 14. the Iowa( tly huge etock. None but ' e f;/-ee.e fines ( loin tin,lable Vehicles and (load ',Viable "Iorses IF ill be 'Kept. 1, a foul Open Doggies and Carrieeee, and setble taut Single %teem; Alwaes Hetolyr'at tee. :'tteueial Arrnateetearettle with Commer- cial MI en. aitiV1.8 It It at the Ettablee or any of the Hotels le tit ee 1 reneetiv tetteLded to. 4115 ITOTTO 0 ; RANG E RS, FA It :NIERS AND OTHERS. S TREY, ()miff the attention of el', these Imre theca, the eubstril er i detendoled to ; !et', t them aft ring g(1011, i nch H( 1o' " not 0,17,44,11,y sof4-i foi inch," at the following I afar: / el( t Ilexaieek. ta ea 6 50 per thonsl, ud ; 14 foot mieg , et S7, fur Cash. All (0(101 1+ UN er 4,000 . 4 r ee111. 1,111,2'01:11t. Call and see if .you eon, ;r C•hkt 14 repiegented„ Aeeounts over s months will be charge(' e ler cent, !1 he subeeriber thanks his numerous customers .t -r tie ir lilt ref eepeort, end solicite 0coo:tea- - eine. et the 11 favore, JOHN TrroMPSON- . ees Steam Raw Mills, MeKil.oe. BUTTER TUT3S. • SAMUEL TROTT tee now ou hand at the See forth Tub Factory 1- et Lumber ta his well and favorably kretwu . h.tacente ..l'arned Butter Packaym Theee Paelseas are the best in use, ana wlU ve satisfaction. :-=PECIA.le INDUCEMENTS TO LA II (-;L PliTliCHASELLS. err. Trott ovvects 111 er f,hoit time to see !renee reeLulactele t leis (se s 1R1 ,etll ealUEL TRW. 1 . te1n:4h ECLIPSE OATMEAL NOW IN FULL OPERATION. Oat --T1Pd4 Split Peas, Pot BarleY, Corn, Meal Chopped, - szda11 hamlet of Mill Feed Constantly ort tand. Chrippine done 'Poet -eines saia. Fridays. Oatmeal \ changed for Gana Hietetst price paid for Oats, Peas awl Barley. `ln CUrERIE & THOMSON- - AtT6usir 4, 1876. Gaieties. "I've known dat mule for three yeabs, and I don't think dat de animal would hat a lain, eanse--" This blank indicates where the lecture wain inter- rupted, and the darkey was forwarded to the other side of the fence --by the sone mule. _..Hc was too solemn a prerie er ; he didn't suit in Nevada. The chair an of the faresvell committee expressed it well; stad:he "Now you can git, pard ; we ain't &gm religion out here, and it riles. us to see a feller spilin' it. Git. • —'°Ow'o raother ?" asked the Prince of Wales after be had kissed ha -wife and ' all kound. "The Hempress le her. At the same mionient a red c er her head and face, the least herritistieti, chair.; Death -and she expired wit was placed o then, without jumped off the instantaneous, oth nd she ost out the least appa ent struggle. Unfortunat ly the ,effecte Of this y ng lady's self-dev tion bot end with her life, for so deep an impression did her conduct Make on POMO boys who had witnessed the spectacle that they amused themselves on the following day by plait- ing believe to *ollow her example. By a misadventure while one of them was adjusting the rope round his neck; his playmates ra off, and ; on their return they found t at he likewise had "ascend- ]] the ha* of , a stork."— zete. ' f thePrince Consort. 'orrespon ing story not 3oco esirous to of hirbse the Trin etion. W or himiel the pride ade it, a ba ed. to heaven replied Alexandra. ':Ilempress wbeeittan"ged," retorted, the Prince. "he Pall Mall Gc ong ve, and then she might talk about bein' 'Impress," and he gave his' head a tem tuous toss.—chicago to 'ave knocked around Hindia as Anecdote y boy," said a solemn -,visaged Consort wa Evangelist to a lad who had- 3.ustemerged genial and from a hair-pulliN match ssirth another an anecdot "do you expect to rove hereafter in meetings o will bear re being built he, kuowin chieftains, them and morning he Farquhars without eli deep bayin hounds. - sive door and a bro shaggy m forth bet "What f shock of r din this "I desire answered don ? arson A London for the follo y, a land of pure delight ?" "No," said the lad,' "I've bursted another• button offin -e trousers, and I expects to get 'forit." (to Jonsey, who is deep- ly in arrears for board) "Mr. Jonsey, won't you step into the parlor a moment? I wish to speak with you." Jonsey : "Really, 'Mrs. Dipper, I should like to accemmodate you ; but what will the boarders say at peeing us alone? Think of the scandals going through the papers, Oh ! no ; excuse me." —Numerous anecdotes might be col- lected respecting farmers grumbling about the state of the weather, but few could equal the following for quiet' sar- casm :—A Dumfriesshire plotighnian, hearing his master complain of tbe effects of drought upoh the crops,dryly observed —"It's a peety-that guid weather ever did harm, for it's aye heartsom - - —Donald, after, consuming liquid grain, entered a provisio purehase a few -substantials. -a littic. shop to • On the shopman requesting him to taste a • sample of his meal, Donald, toesing his head knowingly, exclaimed, "Na, na ; she may look Hielan, but . she's no sae Gaelic as to put the taste o' her dram oot her moo for a wee tai3te o' meal." —Bob Longley (with modest fervor)— "0, Jack! 0, for a woman's love 0, for a -true hearted woman once, once in one's life, to throw her arms round one's neck, and tell one she loves one !" Little Jack Horner—"Ah ! If you had as much of tl3at kind a thing as I have, you'd be preeious tired of the whole concern:" —The late Dr. Robert Burns, a long time of Paisley, latterly of Toronto, Canada, preached- at Corstorphine, near Edinburgh, on -the forenoon of a fast -day. On leaving the church one old woman said. to another, "Was nae that a grand sermon ? think I never in a' my 'life, heard a better ane. I wonder wha, he • was that preached it?" "Do ye no ken? It was Dr. ,Burns,- of Paisley," replied the other. "And he is to be married • this afternoon to his second wife." "His second wife!" exclaimed the! Doctor's • admirer. "He west deserves three wives r Vba be ea the d the visit behind h replied, husband 1-1 iel and ; ent is respo —The late P e, but he please. fie Lf at one o ty Board, en Bahnora and the Q of the Hig Lpoint to ea ay his respects. Earl went to th castle of th n and knoc ed several iting any .eply beyon -, of some ersevering cautiously 1 zed face, sit • ss of red ! een the iclo' r," asked, ' d hair, lye nearthlyl he to see the the Prine i "Are ye hat for oheuld the M rise tae see 'siecanas loon el" And here the gillie or to its , fullest extent, 1 ✓ see four. or five big dogs m. In real alarm the IliI am Prince lbert,the Q " The • na ural hue • o an's face be ame incarn with ind.gnetion as 1e exclaimed, a prince! A prettychiel, you, prince ! Gang awa' tlhe noo, or the dogs on ye." .Btit here the M quharso himself, Who had hea voice of his servitor,' rushed, half ' ed, to ti e rescue, and the father British ings to be was saved fro member eut. Nothii* New. astiff and he saw the pened just rrnounted w air, thrust r and the he owner o mak' sic a d ✓ o' the m lacFarquha • The Holy Land. Dr. Newman, who hasbeen a traveler in The Holy Lend, recently delivered a lecture in the Centenary Church, Hamil- too, on that interesting country an ex- tract of which we give below. 'Dr. Newman describes the various routes from Paris to Egypt, and, starting from Alexandria, the capital, he pictured each place of interest along the entire journey te Jerusalem. An amusing incident was ail Egyptian wedding which the Doctor witnessed at Cairo. It takes place at midnight, at which hour the bridegroom goes to the house of the bride, whom he has not seen before'but who has been selected for him. His approach is an- nounced by men going before and shout- ing—as mentioned in the Bible—"Be- hold, the bridegroom cometh !" He at once re.pairs to the bridal -chamber, and lifts the veil from the face of his bride. Lf she is handsome in his eyes he says, "Ccood—thank God !" If she is not, he says, "Bosh !" and the wedding does not take place. Divorces are Obtained ,by - the husband simply taking his wife before a Magistrate and pointing at her with his finger, while he exclaims "Bosh!" H.e described his ride on the camels across the Desert, and his hospitality and politeness to the people, for which, however, they make a regular charge, an item of so much "for politeness" appear- ing in their bill. ilia encounter with the robbers was also very exciting aiad 0 interesting. The Doctor paid a high. complinieut to England in concluding his lecture. He believed the destruction of' the power of Mahornmed Was entrusted by 'Providence to Great 13ritain ; and, with a magnificent peroration, in which -pictured the coining events of the next fifty years in that countfy, he con - chided his eloquent lecture! A vote of thanks was moves]. by .Rev. S. Ryckman, and seconded by Rev. 1'. Lewis, and the National Authem, followed by the benediction, closed tile entertainment. In tl the Fat followi Lachla ter— in 1819 : Macke • against hearers would of dece Lord s proof o esty, h currefll had be wh ich e Reif . Dr. eeennedy's " ers in Rosa -shire,' °cc g story relating to the Maesenziei well -know oss-ehire, born in 17 "On -another occasion, h zie) Ives bearing • te dishonest dealing, assur that..sooner or later, th 1 ' ible ince Was told the hich was een, land who pretend41 to be in searc 1 on work, boarded train on th and Chicrigo R charge of it in of the conduct them to the n ter a short fi 1 sun. If ifei headache or e immediately, cool plade, ap cold water ov one is °vete° person cool d tea or cold co the skin is ho pour cold iva and apply t wrapped in a there is n� ic on the head, well as on th 'If the p rso pulse feeble, stet a few second , o of aromatic wit. horn) in twcp t with a little tliug ling of UM e, haustlon occurs ie down in ly cold blot r head and ne by the inksl of wate f able dry, s o er the e he el or o and ke our col dizziness, ease work had and s • an pour nec If sty hea give' the or col black alto . If ong w th. or ;1 dy and .punddice her do h. If p col cloth wa er n itas fai mo eas ee, 011 to at nd bo y.. is pale, ver im inha e a give hi a ts of a blespoo r." t, and ia for oanful monis 1(harts- fUly o water In the W to be Medic who wander boarding rai on the inhabi they halt, Tw p in the IN st. tet States he eopte seem w th a pia e of tramps, ab ut from pia oto place, wa trains a id 1 vying food nts f of ti e ilace where hundred of hese tramps of harvest St Louis 'away last we k, and took spite of the r mo strance r, who was ob igcd to take xt town. Th tremps,af- ht were "hug led 'off the of them being severely as a regular iiundation of onville, Ill., o le 4ay last arrested and lo ked in n for petty ffen es, but ey, were turn d loose the and given One ur to leave fact, all that c tit(' be seen to leave *•w on pain of (1 into a ebaii gang, and ik on the streets. Many of ered work bu refused it. es they are as numcious and t their intenti n is,Or where m, the mdst of them will nd the stories of those who to saydo not harmonize i hey go n quadsstb houses, , and if r fus d especially are no Imp about the prem. it, or help themselves to y want in thp way' of food , and: puristic] their journey 1 trains pestling through that untry; are being arMed and fears of b oo shed are en- one Mc- imes the stag- Mitd• train, sever ajar, hurt. Ther th a them at Jac week, 65 wer the city pris having no no next morning the city. In were order being form made to Wo them were In other ple unruly. Wh they came fr not divulge; have anythi very well. begging ,fop where tber ises, deman whatever th and clothi itself am b. the evil's rn ?" tion,e daft, eFar. otsri 33:g il le! close ret es '•the dined "You for a 11 set cFar- cltIseonward. mt-crizmAx-i. PolRi THE NEW LIQUOR STORE are - section of c 1 f the guarded a ' dis- tertained. ays of rs the Rev. minis- , died (Mr. imony ng his Lord unish all who held the lalaiices- t. Al an eXample of h w the metinies, ev' in this lif, , gives his markingthe sin of dishon- repeated an at the tim n engagedili she always anecdote wh eh was . A woma who mi k, with mingled a hird Of water, and who had made some money by her traffic, was going with hr gains to An erica. Duriiig the voy ge she kept ler treasure 'in a bag, w ch was alwaysl illow. Ther was a monke was al- lewed course of its wanderings milk- woma s harnmock, in rummaging which under her p on board the ship, that o go at large and that ii came to th it founil the bag of gold. Carry' g, it off, the in nkey inounted the riggi seatingitself aloftlon a spar, op bag an began te pick out t Passing 01 ud Passing village residen e Where the, game of c quet is very Oeely indulged in, we stoped to listen to the following very excit conversation : "You think yen re cun ng, but I'll beat you yet." he Said. You'd better ea to play the game ed., "I k you- do." did'," she r any fairne have that slipped as know any excitedly. say I did play the house an voice in sharpest pitch. "Don't you dare to t 1 to me that way, you imper- tinentIt he sy, of I'll -nialte you sorry for it." "Iluesy ! hussy ! You tight to be ashamed o hussy. ible apol in that off and ix for you, gn'edanthde' shhilne 846 thrc:at, quet ag house, s a every wor eg to 'pall the attention of the HOTEL KEEPERS, FARMERS and GENERA PUBLIC f Seaforth and vicinity, to the 14•T A. 0 re Tha EW LIQUOR I have Opened. Out a STORE IN SEAFORTI1, • THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF THE POST OFFICE, And dikectly oppositegrTeCon olidated Bank of Canada, where I have remo i 1R STOCK of Spirituous Liquors. Have also Imported He HENNES CHAMPAONE, BURGUNDY, st," she pertinentl suggest - )W as much about croquet a... (Successor "You don't play s if you torted. "If there had been s abciut you, you d let me stroke over. :You know' 1 vell as I do." "No, I don't ing of the kind," she replied MALN.T STR "I say you did !" "And I ! and if it you ain' going to e you'd better o into the 1 TN THANKING the Public 1 or the very L hut Up," she ens ered, her -1. bueiness of Strong & Fair17, and by stii have a continuance of the game. I have- no MADEIRA, CLARET, AMAIC 1 NIETO SCOTCH MO RUM, R WITH A AND vily in the Following Lines : "Y BRANDY, l'ELE BRANDY, ULES ROBINS' BRANDY, T E BEST P A0E. TR TJ IT AND pROVE rr. THE S,EAFORTH MUSIbAL •INSTRVMENT EMPORIUM. WILLSON -& sooTT Beg, to direct the attentioxi of the public to the following facts !They make a .Speci4ity of the Best Pianos and Organs M the Canadian market, ed I THE ATHUSHEK & CABLE & SONS • CELEBRATED ..P,IA1COS. SAZARAC BRAID, OUTARD DUPY'S BRAND LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF IRISH WHISICJIY. GU. esti's Celebrated. Dubli Stout, any quantity of Bass's, Carling's and You ,Ale, in ha f and quarter barrels, to suit purchatiers. LIBERAL INDU EMENTS TO HOTEt KEEPEFIS AND FARMERS WHO WIS TO BUY IN LARGE QUANTITIES. PURE AND U ADULTERATtD LIQUOR GUARANTEED ORDERS G re Me a Call. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. • THOMAS KID • M . ENERALGROOER p Stong & Fairley,) AND PROVISION DEAL 0 coins. The fir t it threw out into the ea, and the se ond and third it dropped on the -deck, 14 third of conten ocean, ed to had fa'rly earther milk." 41m nd so on, ti s of the b the owner o ether off th g had sun the bag bei deck just Is Lager Beer Intoxica, • Mr. WmeSaunders, a °hernia don, i his ,evidence before trates in that cit', isolves th that has been puzz mg the' judi t in the a •worn : I am ceivecl last on a quart ose of anal Lt contained careful tests n 2& and 3 for s He sa by pr Inspe beer ascert • Public Suicide of a Widow in • China. The Overland China Mail gives an ac- count of a strange 'suicide which was • lately committed at Fuh-chow Foo. It seems that a young: lady, an inhabitant of that city, who had the lois, ortune to be ti, left a widow wisile yet in her teens, was • urged by some injudicio relatives to enter again into the bond e of wedlock. The thought thus, suggested of supplyieg the place of her late husband was so repugnant to her -feelings that, in order to escape from the pelsecution of her advisers, she determined to "ascend. to heaven on the hack of a stork," or, in other words, publicly to cOmmit suicide: Having arrived at this determination, 1, disp se. I a day was fixed for tie ceremony. tbos3 worki • EArly on the fatal morning the lady, het een th • dressed as the Queen of Heaven and Mor mg an surrounded by a large follewing of admir- On ing, relatives and frienda, started . from as her late husband's house in an open Ave sedan-ehair for the scene of her self- fati inflicted death. By the why she •visited - the ler parents, to bid themd farewell, and is ' stopped occasionally on the way to taste " the viands which were placed at inter- vals by the side of the road, as at. a funeral. On arriving at an open space at the back of the li ai-ehaou Temple she • ruouuted on scaffolding which had been erected for the purpose, and, hay- ing bowed to the vast crowd which had assembled to witness the proceedings, she cried with a loud voice,- "Heaven and earth! and my friends ! I am quite satisfied to die ir• this manner." Having said this she stepped on to a chair on the platform and thrust her head through the noose of a red cord, which hung suspended from a croesbeara above e tune pa s, on being fession ; I r tor Render 4er the pur in whether after epeated and it eon ained betwe of al ,ohol ;• the percentage in ale v in co the d to th spirit 'nigh very hol. dith c prod thiul into. drin toxic by li 'its u toxic men it is ries from about 6 to 9 inon beer, from 6 to 7 fference in itrength is chi ✓ beer is c • It is nay itoxication usceptible to the infiuen In other cas tit for Parti ce that effe that partie mating liqu enough lag tion; but uor might e. I sho-ul ting drink ed liquor, b • malt liquo age; lege ous produce 11 es, I think i esto take t.• Cross -ex in the habi ✓ would not r beer to p parties easil ecome into look upou it Lager lIeei t I don't kn or not. ow to_ T T1 e report of of the Board of • "Sunetrok • says heat and eSpeci 'muggy.' seco d, thir ter than on t y exciteme all the in the g aliow hat she bag? of- Lon- e magis- enigma ial mind rmative. chemist eek from of lager 'sing, to alchohol; I found er cent. ordinary er cent.; )er cent.; fly owing rtainly a pinion it n 'Artier; e. of alco- would be nOugh to mined—I of using e able to oduce in - affected icated by as an in - is a fer- w whether 1' yourself, callnig y ur wife ti old villain contempt, y for a mao ! o speak to me a , after me ever mg my fingers ii erable sheeing all these years ald-headed puppy, Theie ii ed, throwing her mallet k that and shove itdown youe don't ever dare to play cro- " and she bounced. into th ming the door as if she mean she said. ---Co )t. 1 The ,p1. their °rig considqa farm-hous and W hamlet n Black o the sug e be found. raents ha is safe to are rat e and in o ture, tha The mod however, their Wor keeping t are unex material in cloc -s ent m t of tha p in the ca ed iii he woode c influe ce estimete were an regioni, a Europe time he eat Suns roke. he Sanitory Committee ealth upon sunstroke e is caused excessive allY if the weather is is more apt to o cur on the , fourth day4f a heated e first. Los of sleep, t, close slee ing rooms, use of stim lants pre- man, uch more apt to attack don' w.or debi ot day ool sleepi d loss bf s ue. wo e is arti,Ificia ell ventila f worldng a 19 ooden Ole e where wood , at least as a le trade value, in the Black yore mblirg. There LARGE STOCK OF C hich I will sell for a Small Adva eas, Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Pot Barley, Split P BET, SEAFORTH. Ne'ver before has any piano been sub- jected to such close eriefeism and severe le tests- by friends and 1 s as have the above named instrume ts. The scale, being so radically difrerent from any other tio ingenious in ;its construction, and producing such wonderful power and purity of tone, has attraeted the atten- tion and admiration of mechanics, phil- osopliers and musical critics ; and they have therefore been lodked. upon as hum- vatiolis by manufacturiers and dealers in other Pianos, who, being -unable to find in them any weak points for assault, bavee endeavored to storm them by unjust as- sertiers. But after ten. years of thorough trial of the one, and Tlwenty of the other .3.a the Manufacturers are en.abled to prove that they have more t n ,vindicated the highest hopes of their friends, and are test silencing the gun* of their enemies'. A trial is all that is required to thorough- ly c4nvince the publie of these facts. beret Patronage I have received since Begriming the t attention to buSineSS and upright dealing I hope to on bend a 010E FAMILY GROCERIES tee ou Cost tor CHIIII3 comprising in p rt of pices, Sauca, Currants, Raisins, •?ice, as, eind Biscuits of all k,inds. CANNED •GOODS. • Tiff VOCEL & LINCOLN ORGANS Are universally acknOwledged to be the best in the market, and each' instrument is fully avarranted for five rears. The following are a few of the niany advan-, tags we claim for fills instrument over! all ethers made: The PATENT PIANO! ATTACHMENT is a complete success ;1 -4 is fully proved and! tested,. Sparkling, Vivacity is by this imparted to the mu- sic. Is alwaysin 4ne. T e Manifold Pipe gives richness And purity of tone, equalling the best Pipe Organs, is prov- ed, and. above competion, and stands nue equalled and. alone. Science, experience; good stock, skilled. workmanship and holiest purpose mak, these Organs. They cothmend themselv s. The are beautie fully voiced and tun d. Pianos and Orgau of other makes supi 1 plied an order when desired. The Trade Liberally Dealt with. A :few Second Hand Instruments al. ways on hand. Remember the Place, and don't pass us, by. I have just received a largostock of Conned Goods, consisting of Peaches, Strawberries, Rasp ,berries, Pine Apples, Tomato as, Plums, Marmalade and Jam, Canned Salmon, Macierel,Lobsters, sta Sardines. i'LOUR d FEED Constantl on Hand, and Delivered Free to anyiPart an of Seaforth, larpurhey Egmbndville. n clocks took_ POTATOES FOR 20 CENTS PER BUSHEL. article of any was in the st, in Baden Rem ember the Plaee, Strong & Fairley's Stand, South side. is hardly the civilized world where th est clock, (none' made upo tion of thatoriginal, may no And thouigh.various improv e been introdneed, perhaps it sarthat these inprovements in the mechanical constructiOfl sequent cheapness, of -manufa in the quelit of the article. st wages of the Black Forestere, still keepdownthe prices qf , and or accuracy of tim e best German Wooden 'doe s elled by any o he The compens ti of metal work Is, is not the inciple. Diffe e and in the w better classes ock, in order of tthhaet vt2e0ai,hooe ually mad in 41 A r gg yesterda street as before a ed unde ed and ked clean aye `.1.c) 3 ou feel any pa "Lots of it ; my le poke 8.' " he sun affects legs. I guess you are "N el , 1 know w wi h -a. good deal pe in for a • me a te ter." T grba of the sa e g pendulu ; ade bf diffefr our applicati n en sort of wee rkf: are emploY- of 'the German o unteract the . In 1842 it w s Wooden cloc -s he Black For st d thence foun 1 their way over nd America. At'the present anhual produc bove 700,0 Various Kinds. a. and forlorn leoking man as seen to i fa down on S te if overcome y the heat, ut y one couldye ch him he cra l- a shade tree. When approa h - ked if he was ill, he replied : by a sunstrok . n ? ' was asked s are as stiff as the sun, an ho rs of 11 o'c 4 O'clock in •th wear thin clot especially. ous ock in the over afternoon. stink ing. Have g- rooms aS possible. eep and all unnecessary king in door and 'where heat, see that the room IA V the sun Wear a light 1 hat (not black, as it absorb e heat) and 1 "I ai put 'nside Of it on the head a wet cloth 1 ven ra 111 or hat is dri Up, fro 08 um bo or 11 ho laige green from the h et. D6 n k what wa as petspi being' ove heated. H ible an additional shat rella, when walking, rd cover when working en much fatigued do no e excused from work, es 'clock in the morning on very hot days, espeCially if the *ork is in the leaf • frequently lift the 1 whont get de n' ad and see that the cloth check perspiration, but er you nee to keep it ation preve ts the body ve wherever , as a thin canvass or in the sun. go to work, ecially after wot tak • • mo' Fre me a f 14 do 'au Ina e head—not ot suustruck.' s," said the of spirit. " haps knov that there are v s of sun tro e, but there y different sp cies, all liabl man at once. If you could s -cent piece J te1iiveI'dfee1 i itizen pa sed o and left .—Detroi Fr e 7'658. . ctird of t an 't.wotin' lis le daikey to e hail soli ite ole_mg,g r dis year, ca dei commani fn f olin' wid po oted de nip 1 di4an Bank. D terlong." " bout it ?" qu boss ! W'at ckle we'eu him offen de uldn't face t 14 • • he ofd ou ri- are to Ow et - 11 im - TO M. MORRISO THEi PE PLE OF HURON. 1\/1 1\ILT31-11:=2,1=i-c2- HE PEOPLE OF HURON THI1 AR IVAL Y LARGE STOCK OF • • ESIRES TO ANN0'61CCE TO F A VE TEAS, Of various Brands, Su • ply of all a Freedra n's ear, boss," sad ra a 'gentleman om ten cents "je:'te, dram ;" "I in se I seedeygine Giner'l Gran iti s no how. D on4y I los' inda yuz jes a ., hy didn't you ak ✓ ied the gentle•san o eezin de '111: er come 'u10111 The g ,nt1e nuudrum. 2 HIS STOCK • SUGA erior Quali tides usual ALL S AND TOBACCOS and at very Low Prices. .Also a Fre y found in a first-class Grocery Stain OLD CHEAP. F CROCkERY A.'&D GLASSW h Sup - Is now very large, well assorted., and much CHEAPER than usuril. J. MURPHY therefore the publin c LI I a TT is not so anxious to make money as he is n rely upon getting good. bargains at JAMES MURPHY'S, WILLSON 86,scorr., THE FARMER'S FAVORITE. o. C. WILLSON'S make sales, EA AGRICULTURAL 1MP1 EMENT EM- PORIUM, SEAF RTH. ORTH. IZ S! Q, T.T 0 WHpLESALE AND RETAIL. S2 All parties wanting to buy Liquors of the best quality are invited to viit THOMAS D. RstAN'S NEW STORE,I ON MARKET STREET Wlere they w 11 find that they can get good value for their mey. • and ()tillers buying in Large Qiintitie The Best and Cheapest Place in, the County to Purchase,Agricultural Implements. • When you get an Implement from Will- son you can rely upon it being as represented. STILL THEY COME. if • Another car load of Sham's Pelf-Duniming Horse Rakes, 700 of whichhave already been ieold this spring. As there are only fifteen hundred being made this seasonefarmers bad better Call early as the stock will soon be run out. Woods' Self -Rake Reaper is in greater deman this year than ever before. 1•Tone other sten the test of time so well. Woods' Iron -frame Mower, the lightest,deaft, and most comnlate working machine made. - 7 Johnson's Self Rake Reaper, too well known t need recommendation, , Tho Buck -Eye Mower, which every person ad mite, can't be beaten. 1='1.30WS, 01 all descriptions. Another ear load of (home perfect Thistle Slayer's, Massey's No. 18. 1 _Something New in Gang plows. The Guelph 'Wrought Iron Frame Gang Plow. This le the Boss Gang Plow in the market. Came slid -See it and try it. • Tnrnip Seed Solvers, Hemel Hoes and Weeders, 1 andall classes of Implementg. The -above implements 9,1�. all warrant e and evi:1 be given on trial. Satisfaction guara teed or no flee. as 0. C. believeg that In impl meat • that won't stand toting ain't -worth bn7ing • Hotel Keeper E SPECIALLY REQUESTED TO CALL. Any Orders left t Killoran & Ryan's old stand will be attended' to on the shortest notice. I 21. D. RYAN, 050firth. SEWING NIAOH)N. What everybody says must be true, and sensibleperson now admits that oven' THE FLOR,ElgeB Has no equal. All kind s of machines in Stock, which will be sold if people will angle& on buying them. Plow Points ahd all kludge,' Cestings and Re- pairs slwos on land. Sewing Machine Oils, Attachments and Be- dairs always xeadyA. . fa -Stook Butterick's Patterns. O. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. •