HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-08-04, Page 24 A usT 41; --:VX'P_0S1TGR@` t, lere condd6two Un ter jai y other. '8A I ria; three chf eris IERY AROUND THE WORLD IN ZIONTY DAYS. mon* �en, who, ithotiti _�ere gi avt obliged you, countinA he delay, saw themselves, t is Sioux an I I Awne" gave n In Rao, eir"tostances, I, OW, Barrister d1d h J, T. GAIRR 9 - obliged to foo; it ,15 il Indian batt, a ; t; iere the IrewOrks Bak . afll�i alls, * 8 not, the n Wlbeanlar k cornet P r A V*LVAPLE VA'231 kul BBC you a 66, Wroll the! IV OU Ut By JUXIEN VERNIC. 6 0"�re#nd Waterloo. 4od;z 174 On r*re(r,w-,ith-snowi' There was u ere set off 'th( re, 11 hally, ws 5 at A time to flght here, who hin(ars ka# from IN TBE Towp-SHIP'OF P,� 0 f, b f a portable prin ing fi tb Vuabi U-= i x 01 atws, loud and dee V 'a bting-W ile train is it, wotio6V FRO MtVAftg), Barrimtets' ArA I tch uld leer Pe t gen. CV die And now, were there any means by whi fisinI3 have attracted" p ei in$ th "cit 46 Clianory, Go, ed4b. $48 URSUAN to tho Deace and 0 in, i 'reti t r, um6.r of the Ra' rhaps that will not i nt the rder for FAI, tr. Fogg coald. be detained in philea h 'roe will a K.UC. CA XqjG H. MCFAil)EX. mode j" befnetttw of 1be Ristate tleman I" said4 C Dlojitel I t6r] which M _a gg's tenstioi if tha,t gentle-� f wer. Thus 1 vas lebrated the lo Mae, d ra h A o, be&ia his; game. a iguratio LA30 N, decenged ind this car, so to prevent any encounter MjL n 0 thi i g riilroa& an ' air 4 M SMALL, Con a*11-6ininlei: oi SRO all between.him. and the colonel ? That and civilization, That suits �e perfactly/1 replied, W 111m, im a ment of progms f But mpg I sioot In B. U., roete AndinOer atid Asite the 7th -day of une# M. 6 tb�,re ;e tout fou d h' self com- C Id not be difficult, as the gentleman pplled t nfo with droop- t wti acrom s the de desti nyd Phibuts Fogg. wth tho-app 6 ti of Thomas Affl on Appraiser. Account 4tek e0ected on" Wilton, le PR Ire, Aim t 0 -Ilost-cr of t maid urt at wag not naturally excitable or inquisti. tow a and c ities not Well, we are decideli dAmerica. reasonable terma, .- Z. i h.��,JjNiZPA � - he he urried, warsim thc car, bin& toge her P. BUME, action" 1--st 9'. ce. istle -6 You ingent th ngi eer of t '0'* train, a genu-! t in existe The wh (if th Wr. W" tive. At all event the detwtive w 410- thought Pas.separtout, " and thei condue. By, S I Itor in had found this -means, for a ine Yau ce; namd F ster, raising his� c a otive, na powerfa' I than the , yre tor is a gentleman of the fir it order," L, DO IME, Barrister., r"4 0 , .. ;;id 4— - houglil he B.. V Va IV I is t of Chane my, &e, Go lah and Seafort b. Of- PA 'S HOTE W mome later he".said to -Phileu voice a id is mas- fice, over Jordan's Drug Sk re, Godeic h, and fe nts 0! LMI hton, as soon to make hem rise Having *said this, he follo, red: A I SSE, e e Seaforth. U+i THE VILL A6GE =001�r'.01 "Fogg "Gen�f.m n, there might be a way of fj Ora se Am rican soil. ter, X144' Stor. 854 OF BRVI Theist are long and slowoum that At 8 o'clock in the morning ort ge- Thi two Comba anth and t hei si�onds -he h p0mijag.1 :ter, we pass that; on the railw ' 11 :6 uger.. Thee Jun -d by the�condactot, rq)aired to QQIER,1L XeCOLL, Barris ;erg. -Attorey-g-st- In tbe4afterlloo.- of -V'VAjes A It' �ri- - On he bri*.?" oA k ed a, passe Pherson was left behind. Th ee J ' precedt ,J law,-$:IHOUarginobanwly#NotaAeolPubliat i Atifich rof! oclock i Itound. it 19 the rear of he th h -- Indeed the)i p ted the gen- il r are re i6n he" bridge." dreil. and fifty-sei,en miles sepa e b the rain, passing-, roug &-c., Goderich and Bruocls. 11. R. SqjE�, God-" N T -V S. jed 'tleman, ":but they pass." ON T ALIG. �15 kLrXT Wit i our train? 916ked the colonel. p)iiit from 0 nabs. The railroa foll aw. the cars. The -last car was on, y occu- erich; A. J, McCoLL, Brusseig ti j! I � retorted On board. the steamers," continued ioiis w nd- pied by about ten! or a dozet p��engers. e knor lands and S With oar train." lef t bal k, t4e capric al one parce -the owill b slu 1, on its ters'! late :ohn lArab Hell. thedeteebie, flyouueedto takosturn P"sepat, and deyour- irp� of theSouth Fork of Plafte tier. The conductor salkeil them i they would MALCOR SON & WATSON,i! Barris -jemarly owl ed by .111, '.Ut �out stopped, ; in Clinton, Pose neys, Solfeltoill dergon, beiri, � M �fi nth half Of Lot: rS Kid t It th,_ 814t ��of the nel at whist" the eng neer's words At 9 o'clock they ar ired at t1i e im )or- be kind enough to'vacate fo a ew mo: 0, t e--Firsst door telen I_z the. I it t h cetsion of Cd th a To i,11p iul PrI, 7 - , . . I go Morris, in t -b 3 Co- y of- Hilivin, emiltis Yes, replied Phileas Fogg, "but #,But tl �o bridge th extens to fall !-,j tariltowlaof"I'LLRorAP te,builtbetmeen ments for two gentlemen wl lud an af call Inank-building. U� no e conductoi-. in strearil, which fair of honor to property. Hndred,Aj, e 0 . or lem, TheJan here it would be difficult. I have ne.ith contin the two arrmm of he sottle. te 1 '44 �V s. XAL00: ISON. 4" A. WA 179 0 boy7 er cards tiorpartnersis.11 we fanning lit , abot t One-half to e) d, It don t matter," replied Forster. I jJit each oth �r atound it, forming a sin- � Why not? Th sellgers re a isa v - en and tidcr i ultivation, t indEr is ced and Oh I as for the cards we will find it beheye t i large tri 01 utary—w hose wv^ only too happy to: be W� to accommo- RVAti a - by rushing the train over at g'e artery—a It, J3arrfs'ers and Atiorndyp covered witl good b irdwood dx4N n - A, e. - - A, .'easy, to buy them. They *are sold, on all its m: BEN ON 31EY-B iftroma. axinitm. A speed, we would have ten mingle m ith thosej of the A] issouri a date the twozentlemau, and ths�y. retir- at Law, Solicitors lu,Chlw bryaid Insolvency, four Miles o the viI Itge of Blyth, da the lino,61 A its 11 1 ! . . -Pevict, - -0, - Conveyancers, NotaTes Publih, et.e. Offtecs-Ses- he Londot, H-urob slid 73 ,40 trains in. America., As for partners, if some U4 es 4 t sin Ii �t e above C malla. I ed on bhe pl;ifor' Mee b. V4 e (evi, forth and Brus8elo. $28�000 oj Private Fliginds to mileoofthelvilloge perchance, madanle—" eypeflimed Passepal­. I 'he one h- ind -ed d first neridian The ar, 50 fel -t ong,, ast Corn odated coni Intel -cot, paya bit Ivellington,01rey jut Brice BAD itself iently to Investavoil e,atEightpor nd t1dr. butii. SiLr," replied� the 'young tout. vory convev ;he purpose. rw teen miles ot tbeil a t Ud* Certainly, w tu paamed, yearly, e of Seat t rousers, woman, quickly, 11 1 lauderstand -whist. But a 3e tain number Qf the passengers I In- Fogg i nd isp-rtnerbadreau ed Thetwo adversaries, mighb m4rch on JAS. H R NsqN. T)zl,. tile Buff -W I dG a I or ThereaW;;th fi franledwellijlg them coi aplai red each other in the aisle, -j I- � I - This is part of the English edu von.' tad fire�t theie joke were im rn diaoly earrkd away by the ti ie.r play. � S7,ei er MoCAUG] IL, Y & H-OL!3TEST 4",D,B=jfit0rp,At hotiod andfrAme burl. Dipper And V' c6ntinued Fix, thave some tor 6 " he length of e rdute—not even t4e, ease. There nev :r wass a doel easier to n ChfineOry nial The above. rope w-11 be offereKI on propomit on, It pleased Colonel Proc tornoy): at Uw, Solicitors I aeet to a for b -o and Colow ly Fo cerg, reserve bid. Obe 8111111 r into vreteristons'to playing a - good game. cal rl' Insolvency, Notaries Pfiblic and, Convejftn ter, and � r. That hot -head found the d it imy. NJ r. Fi) had -won a fe,% gtiti ieas arrange. Mr. �.l Procter, ed by tb p"ro ! will be sold nbject 'to u won't ici h( nits for Tollu ow, with us three and a dumnly—" even, a; I Irst, wh was ;iin a fair way to each furnished 'thi two six- rrelled. 13011citorsfo r the R. C. Bank, Se tforth.. A0 ozld Johu Is udersou to E1124 thin , vei fe"ible. H recalled, lease "sir replied Phileas �t ly y intej -est. revolvers, enter the car. T eir see- theChnada, feAsourznicc_qom)ary, As you p hall;6111gluters,hadhad ;heideaof pass- Ic as �, but be i vas A less deepl. M Di`u- 0 per: frora the Fogg, delighted at resuming his favor N. B.-eW,000 tcr lend ati 8 er cent. pa.ring Holmes, to Plecure 4e payment of :e"Jj d- ing riv Itan Uri Fog During this I p sI nds -remaining iftside, sbut t �RM'Ayt ers without bridges, with trains ei I etar in. Houses and Lots for vole' 68 ot thereon attbd rate of 12 ru -me, even on first do r la*t, and sko to v lea" �nade betw 'the j aid John Lanio Benderso seelt ga the railroad. closely cot IeO, rushin g at the height ig Chalice oil igg rly favored this gen. At the first whistle of Oki loc�motive, of eptemb! AccomM of their d, &c. And, f 'ring. hen af- Pasgepartout was! dispatched in search inally, all tle nan. Trt rn and honors were A �ow- they were to commence fi ITIED-kcA it decensed, it id Blasbill -and 3cre� of %be steward, anil lie soon returned -those i ies with the an- ere into his Far! s. t a certtin mo- ter &.1apse of t tes what remain- Of ni err sted took si( Blashill, for & te M� -1 rhich'Will the Irst oil 0 T, If. D1. &c� -On And day of.Noveknbero IE 78. G. SCO with two complete decks of cards, coun, gineer's viewsf m e t, fte -Ixld- com- ad of the two ge lemen wo ald taken Phy-h lefflu, Surge r 1xv g n: ade a J. rth, On;, 01ftep and r"l- One-tenth'of the par-ohase moil Is 0 lie pAid ters and a shelf covered Wt.& cloth. it W Accoucheurt Besto rous anec "Pee ti 'Nothing was watiting. The game com- said one, when behind the eat i. voice was haard Tmly, there uld be notl ing �impler. east of Presbytetian Church* dence south side of Go4erich Street, firot door d tiole of sale to he 'Vend r -or -her e ha e fifty chances for passing," bi ition, he was &boa, i to play sp ade, out of the car. -tile lee Own at iv solieftor a suffinient snm with such �pogil to menced. Mrs, Aouda understood *hist I? sx�id another. ke, thy -2 mit e on of $2� sixt sa3 ig: It was even so simple t at Fix and hout irstere nosin L VE RCOZ, 3f. D,, C. X., Pbysicia 3, Snr- 4 th well enough, and she even waa compli- one month-, e alaticeba Ove-eil ;onund E, Ninety Out of one bun- I should pla3 a dO onid; Id Al the f�6U Passepartout felt their heartsbe ting al - 't eon, te., Coro) uto with merfor 04 County of.'Turon. erest on the *bo anionlit Dumft men-ted,.sometimes by the sei�ere-Philoas dred I I d r. F, Ogg, Uri Ao da, and Fix rais- most as if ald break, 9 cornef ofj 31arket an I 111gh r cent., Office and 14osi unpaid at the rate f 7 per c 1 -pa __ e ith 'As for the detective, he was sim- They were w iting for the whistle nex� to thola-Wrig Nil caoll mPtal"i,en be Fogg. lattoult was otreetp 15"UrCd by a i&rtt MZ� upon pe exed, alth ugb cd their bezAg. Colonel Pooc�or was t UpOli t, and Worthy of holding his -to accom- tuddettly ge cries oply an adep he was wiijing to try an ything r them. agreed upon, wh n sava the said land"- Th p rchafier mill; pri pare he n gag CA PbELL & conveyance and wo _e athis owneil anse, passage 0 but Stamp Proctor and I Pbileas Fog( accoml 4nie them 9 DRS -in fill Other respe 163 @,andAcconcbeura. OVYI-M.-Mi r.- harm head up with thii; gontlerrian. plish �thE Me( icine Creek, re- �'refiiounded., Re rt Lin the 'terms and �v ) ry �Mjj � �0 seemed to aim. a little C( other at�louce. e froin the i car ra- 119id PAdIdepartotit.to himself, too I but they did not co;a did gnized each trect, the atteml trct, aforth, near the stai [on, iAolrm CA.31p_ f of sale will !be the standing conditio of the we will -keep him. 1 Hu u; Zblix A. Bur.- Court o1chaucerv. -Don after: lie will not budge Amerivan'." k All, it is pm, Vnglishman," cried served for the d ellts. Tese 1 reports PYLLj- bl. D., qoroner "If AB M, D. any more Besideo," he thoug t, ths: colonel ary, "4 rporti ply at tite w f,&ex liquid I . For furthe 1; -e)2te)r there is a it's you who are goir g to continued, on the contr as f�r as the of TobnDc'ffar,Ejj lilt or in i(f, 81 r thing to f th -ton, i? -he whole i At 11 oclock in thip m 0 the trxin in front, okind along hne� of the pirebose, -s- uch do, and the play a Win. Lgidla EsMq. kBI eistv _T B. P (Inteof the Arm the dividing ri ge 9 And who plays, it repI ed Phi- train Cries of f right inade them 1 " . Toronto.un had reached e ple don' e en think of it.-Mousieur,". selves I of cS3h ver & Phelan, Jfo,d) Orad ate df �qu - L .1 - meal' I Dated waters of the two�oceani. It was; at assengers, the le Fogg,'coWly layiogdown a of -he cars"." ':43argeon K 8th. July, A. D, 1K-6, sam said to ne of the bear4 from the ifiside of t e sit, PbT A Ae h 11ALEU, MaRteir, f waypropose&by the engineer seems a I- Proctor and. Mr, r1o. �Omce-Ro re# ;n LSOIftiWr j 310GM Uni n, T. 3 MOL Bridgar Pass, at a height of 7,524 Eng- that- color. Colo Fog -th, on tit ne g, with oeuchear, afol f Cot ab( _. I 1AIn �a J0 lux DEWAR, vex 'dors 47704. )Ve 71feyer's Blo formerly owuphA by he la Dr. look Ifiel I a , ,Well, it, suits in to have it dia- their retvolvers in hand, went out f the lish, the love -L of the sea, one little haz rdous to me, but-"-, King. Ruesi nee-Commerci I HoteL W R a 0, Sol -to put of the highest points touched by the pro. El igli t, mon( 0 y C .0 for VL chances !" replied theripas Is," replied Col. 4el Proctor, in an i car immediatel , And 1`118fied forward tend at C i;brookou Taesda., sand Frlday& 893 W I noo Was senger, t avaing his where the reports and eris resou in this passage ac file of the'routo back to hirn."� ir tated voice laded Dot., Wo 109 b ie the Rocky iNjountains. AfWr going G. BULL, L D. S., 81 rgeon I kn )w very well, lied Passepar- �nd he made aj motipia as if to pie c up more noisily, 4 40-3, for I Rroprietr of the WooJen1WiIIv,.M about two thousand � miles, the traveller tout, addre"iug &no ier gentleman, t! card played, adding They tinderstood, that the tritin had Plate work, lat�st styles, u8nay T would i -epeetfu)jy tender his than ko �t* the u a hearted tinally found thernselves on the yat for -a t but a h imle reflection You don't understnd any bin of been attacked by'& band of Sioux'. executed. All # 0-giscal opez Public, and farmels. in particlaUr' for Ibe very to ormed Liberal Pflt1fonfiLge dining t throw plairis extendifir, as far a4 the Atlantic, was noCthe f -first atten I he Is fit 81 No ieftection it is iseless replied is game." it ipt of these Pei tb care and prompt Itude. Feet; as lo%v eason, und In elsewhere. 0111ce,bour; from :doing j -o v6uld call their attention, to he faAA as can be o flined tell me and whic tire made so propitious for the Anaarie�lan addressel, shrugging his Perbaps will be more sk Ilfu I atl daring Indians More than otice�alrcady 13 1. A. M. to 5 e r. P. 31. Rooms 0 ier Xr. A. 4 L Me- bovenillsft-ndbeing Xuk laying rilro shoulder 3, tsince the 3agineer Bourean anAt rsaid PhileasFogg, risi 3g, they had *.,,d the trains. Aicordin, Dougall's 8 ioro,lkiain-o -0 -if good dher owpp( 4 �y to Pry it, so of t"ohn to the in th' work, $air d6aling anidstri hat Jind a On the slope of the Atlantic basin al- aft t1lat ire �will pass !11 27 dt ned to build i ip a custom trade1 Yon have oil ir babit, w1thout wait' g for the stttvnti�n 0 of t� )TcNA,.TGRT, Vet6illftnr iSurgeon. will do it -Ad lurving fpent it good deal of ;!me ready ppearecl the first streams, tribit- I I Wit 10 lit dou-bt," continued Passe- Mal replie.1 tlxe coarse,zfello* stopping of the train, rushir g upon the I D be taries of the North Platte river. The pal site of )jutarfo Veterinary 10ollegil?, Sedforth, find money I repid ng and LnyiDg: ue* inoebin- -tout, 11 �we will pasp, - but it wuld.' 11ro. � Aouda ecla e pale. 11 the steps to the nurt: ber of hi trid md, they I _Tbe Ont. Office and RtFidenc in �ear ofRilloraa cry, he if- no W pr d to -do all Idt as )e'miore prud went 0 1 er Cart, Sh-, icized bail scaled the cafs like a c,owti does a 06 Of Custom entire northern and eastern horizon: w, perbaps blood t Calls prompt:13 attend -ed to, night or work in the very be;t style and on� tb�ifihe;rtest time 0 covered by the ir�rmense semi-eircular 16 What I Drudent cried Colonel Y I 'leas lFogg 8 a My and "he ge itly re- bore at fall gallcp. I nay, A stock of veteriary m(WeInes on band. notice, ecial i ftel. tion will b pi ld to tbLe grea-ched t with guns. er. Paseepartoub wa3 -eady to These Sioux ule pro Chiariges rea onable. 14orses c-XIL �niued aesto sorind- Custm this se isOl. the curtain which fb=4 the. southern, por-. Proctor, jttm�ing at t bii word, heard by, Vulsed Vide Viibui all., ness and ce�tffieateo'glyen if red Ired. 1 407 31y stock of Goo, Is Is now r a -all tion of -the 11ocky Mountains, the highest ch an e. n0 'I'At full speed, yoli have been VE r cm, ll�imsel� 011, who was lookii ig at his Thence the repo to, to whi h the pas. On le, Ug the th beiii.& Liamie's Peak. . Between. thi . I 1 .1 1— branches,. Tspecial arehas beent kc In the 18 told. lim t you undarstand At full adversary %vith the most insulting air. sengers, nearly a# armed, r lied sha rp-. A 31, Lis��ntiate and Pize. mallufateture of the;� goo do, whIt, [a 1 ave 'beell said to d Bi Fix�had Dg to Col oiiel ly by shots f their re: olvers.. At man OiCornell , niversit N.Y., and mado for my own retkil trade, en14�� ig Heavy Curve and the line Of the road extended spee I risei arid� gol rot usl t i J.rey lku( ink beara a -ifully watered plains. 0 n "I know" ''I unders;and," repeated P ctor,� said ':to m* ft 11st the' I I Graduate of OntarioVeteii Tweeds, E-xtra Fulled Clotli-, Settrli -1 Vast and plen't Indians I ed upo the! a College, To roto, -=I engine the right of --the road rose the first s - i bag Settled 1, ermallently in wbeeliewillbe White Flann6ls, and- Fancy Flan'lle, 9 Umpor, Pa -004.,t, whom. no oae would allow Yml fOgdt t t you h&ve am, to deal Tne engineer and�llfi rein all We half atti ai 4 reacheld PI! ro found ready and willing 0 tte 'to all kilAs of able, Union VInnnel0and StoekjugTan ina4- ass, roanding i to Lig phrase; " I- ut it would be, with; me -h ni ou. have not onl in. Ded with blows fro ety, all of which I R tow of the mountaious ip )t, to win nk, the r diseo mes, in 01 kib4s of ial 1(man excepted), eal �for ta6, was r. y elling Wi Jbing to at( p th� train, cent a e sou udent, sir cc the word of - zed, but at er, at po re t itil mir- the -south as far a th recs of the if n' fly Ot III re pr sul ue I A Sioux chief, in all kinds V weath id hours. Rei. ortrade for Wool, a 99 ! r d of [lee V%yd doors ca:01 Cook's Tem. ket prices allowed. dence an Arkansas river, on: of the large tribu. t least moro'natural- AIr. Fix, said: "I beg but not knowing, low to ma armett, re the -this 00111 o fends yo r. Fo perance Y[n), 3js10uf8Ctn)il)jz d e at the followfig rates, tries of the Mississi pi. it e(neer alon handle of the regi lator, hadopen d wide Clot I be; u a JILDEl'Cottols; -,past tw6lve, the travellers lis fell)w w d'I In n tile matt rivith Q e in playing i the ate ad of closing it, and V%'ho ? What? Ow Xyliat ii r no m- 8 f Tweed, b7e- Fulle At half as hear lating hat 11 was wron a am valve ii iste JAMES W� ELDER, V. 81, Graduate f the Blanketig. a cauglit sight f6i all imitnt of Fort fla-1- A, ei� -de otIng ! iag,28e; Sp'llmiing,14aper nnd, 9 Vorind# Ontario VeteiVary Collogei ft Isp from all 'rections, a a ade the colc nel Jim Goul ted' me. I the locomotive-- beyond cqntrol, ran on 'i - i f j two yeaLrjj ith PrOfessor.SmiNli, of ofyorn�4,venc)tto leck, which cortantanils this country. A too f 0 poundo of W Cardlag, e pcor a all give m Toronto, lus oettled Ili& thy I'll the' 10; FulJ1n9,AlJP10h0Dg0e; C(,I(,' a., The B Th Jellow did not know whom an e and h 3 e atisfac. I With frightful rapidity, I and th6 crossing of the I I few houni more, to addresi ti, or At the same time t Ail m ark d ono n nd )ZA, he Sioux en tered lately ocen pied by Dr. B rgLLL a u 'a Itocky Vioun-b. - accomplisk- '66 Are you afraid V1 Polonel Proctor When you will, and wh. e u the cars, the onkeys where be *11 be found T-ca�lyuto � treat all dj cages ion, end fill �wojk rranc we]' 4, a or no ins wotilit be ,r yo y ran ile enraged I Dr, ed, It was to be hop4d, then, that 'IQ asked hi i nL, .1 the domw dscaW animals. All calls pro npIly hage made, ly attended W by day or night. large sts,ck of InTh 1101YL4114 w ll," replied the American, aid ith over the roofs, thi drove ik thp, doors wo ild mark the passage Of the. 1, afraid ?" cried Passeprtout, w, jatever, wea )on you please mud fought'lland t ]land with the pas. Veterinary L edichies constant1j,* es 4451131 lecture ju Ui ri A D acciden b I Pro etoi elIcIll PH on bond. train �b,rou,git-ftisdi,ffiCULI.breg,,iin,-, -The w:ell, O'be it I will allow these ro, Aoud vain to 1 restiain ea Th ' tru ak8 broken and Ined a to soundness and 6ertihessfes lveri. I peo- a era. e atoo, on lhat we -10roest bou bt andsol4lon eq. misimi. Resi.- 1 VIEV AMFORTIT N �h $now had stoppe4 falling. '�ho OP a (tence nearl ppusitetbcjEXPO� TOR Offlee. 424 1 ple that ji, Frenc-liniall, ca a be as A meri- t 1 r, V 0 g le 1, etective uselessly on- ed, Were thilown oil t d tract, sci f robt f " tie bag - became cold anti s, co as tb ey. dew ore to take ap the quarrel, on his age car on, the., rfad. Cries aii4 shots I g frigf litaried by tho I ocomoblve, were flying 9 ,'1 G -F, B, 114eweib R UKI All ab ard All 0)oat ried did not ceao:e. 0 OWL] account. Passep4rtout wanted to in. the 4 istance. Not a (leer, a bear, or a I IL iL I . the condi 0 r, thrc w the colc net out of the door, bt it a Bub e passengers defeudedl them- The Peole -of Se -udm To Alexa B11 coullag attended iepeated Piwgep a Selves reou8j Some f tl�le c NE, Licenced Ani-timicer fo,,r tbe wolf, showed itself of - i the plain, It was r- sign froin his in r a pped him. Phi. -ars, i J. )tea, all al-)oai d t Co of 1111ron. Sales -0 E iute"a the desert in ll its batenbass, barric like real I partsi �)egs to f�,) iout; 1 d ! and right away! le; a Fogg er, t ou t of the car,land the-,' aded liustai jed a filej, Of th Coulp ty. - A ordvpq lof t, fit -t I CAM�BZLL e, Ex- . A After 0very conlV)rtable breakfaFit, MerclAnts and Businehs men of for to jert Uttheye, t prevent me f roin thin king Ainorican followed Ili on the platform. moving forts;, borne on at a speedl, of 100 1 1081TOR 0-M will be p oniptll attended t Ai I an VIM J erv(,,,d up in the car:, 14r. Fogg and ll'k illat it A% 6al have been. more natural said Mr. Fog r to his adversary, miles an hour. ail t&'i� t LEX. CAMEON, cticAl Atebmak(riand At cpartners bad just re r. in er u 13 to la�e gone, over the 'bridge I iii. very much in it hurry to retUrn From the commencement of �hc at- A eweler, 311 ehoil. notoln re will fin it to ITO would -Also state tl�nt be is now ht, At whi or Y-nin t to, !,urope, and any ywho able whis whistle were oot, 81,11 tileu brought the traia after e d tbon ever t;o attenil to the wants of bi i;cli�stoja- t, when sh%rr Ac Ver tack UrB, Aouda had behaved courage- I their iriteresi to d I with me, a the will have th-a houix ers baviv- Anced avother team in Remenlee. 0 0 th p*enger e 00 te T_ Z11A ttb"i r L rj Sri ore W herd. The stopped vards W d be ve y rejudicial to my ;in- I ously, With rev(lvcr in band, ilie de- the benefit of my long pra atical 4�xper ence n the be ve Passepatout put his head out of -the 1) - rail 4elivered py-ompt1j.. ItenjeFuniit- y Goodslyy* -seen trade. 408 ers: But 'no oria heard this sage reflection, tere ts. fended liergelf h ng �larollgh ure removed carefully tind on reasonRbic ferms. door and saw nothill" which could ex- its 00413 1100 aid n ould havoaek�oiivleded Well what sloes that conceii n me. I the broken panes i hen some ijava!ae pro- GL*rdmis plowed, anti all other chores. wt s C9 sea - Plain the Stop. No sttion. was in sight. a. 1AL LIVEII�' T. A. I attended to on the obortest notice, PromptitMe, - - - - - - re A ed P ctor. sented bimijelf, 20 S$iouz mention Illor- I A1314i,' Proprietor. Oomfortable and eh%aiit 1, and mod-crace charges are the euxftal - n0 8, it id brbtehAss xelinble horoo priliciples which lie obyerv.6 fulils usiie.4s. The pa ars took tlieir's6ts iir," repliul r. Fog d f the tra4k, all(l cat,;fges, it _g,.very poli te- tAlly wounde 11 g in 13 - bold, staut that 'Mm Foo!a would think of it the cai�s ready C it ey; moderate, 011116c alid iRtab) �s oil lasisepowtout rautned his, 4fteroti, nic t, ati Fran- the car wheels cru lied like worm� those i out oil the trac Atit Hiiii-on, street, gec6Dd door east: of illu req. i�t; VIE01110115 s4L g allyV111111,1f OL %t Jjaj* naUL Oe- I fornict. the P a, to come back to that slipped oil to the ralls I orn, rifts -0 Le VAR re top Orderm left uL any of the 40tels 3pi1lyalitend.- fr6 Vroi] L to inan c intented hill J, With. saying eurred, �Iie �rs wc�re entirely ab- Aj ica, t J11 d You, as soull its L I wl of the platforms. ed to. '16 Iler 0 U Tjl(" om rwya:l Mail! Slage fitill allive iid Aeur If the playe his s(wirant sorbed in!thcir -alne, conil Icted the bu is rne 'overal passeng rs� severely, wound 1 0 P 8 e( Rhilig. Pit 1 -ties r,Cqu41.j-.j)g to travOl wtwt,-m�__ ee, thell wh it lis. Ire -lie s�ats, forth find l3rusf;e1j; will find the Alloih V4 The locomotive whistl igorotisly. to the Old MrIsIP by bullets or clubs, Jay upon 1, MAIT, ST t1le 41a is; This A - P ed v STjGR WALT -say zp�g� Passepwtout rushad out of the ca , i POST 0 FF1 C I i safept and inbi4 comfoxtable. Thel # "lie eng peer reversed na engine, all( 'Utit all end intist be, put to th I umd fio�er, the borsts fi3jzt an -4111 -T*11 able slid 'Truly pp int a meetin I combat had lasted already t(n minutes. D : sent., 91 ANK 41 the collelleo Warin and Comfortable, Jj)jl� wtp­ i' I and amonig thern. Colonel Stamp t 1,ke S leap. CARD OF TH, tho -j�fjr, "Will you I "AL'Ift ��, About forty -passengers had left their j' ificked for about njile—eburne(I like A., th e u an 0 Ito goln t in si months deduldonk BLLL, Pj priot I L, end to the a, Ivanpage of b, N giot� T "Hit 0 ­ __j . L jumper W;jLl Proctor. 7 w; Then 6 WON( whistle they com- Why not insi yearse" the, Sl!)ux, 'if 'the tj &in was n)t ' pped, I BE G most respectfu t Cho my nul oiew e.0 'J ttia hirvI stop,,)cd in front of a fact The tr. d which )Iocked the way. Thu c reased it soon be* Line frightful - bA F o g T Mj!et tWO mileL mrs which I ba been-d0frig brifteRs _C t? ove forward i, the - iipeod in- M�y sh, rnonth�s," repli(d �Ir. In Fort Kearney statica w4s not customer',; R �, �iD. �0 jt5 for their d patr4oage fol, f, I THE COMMER ]AL L11 HY, red sign, eleven ye and I will be �prornpt tj itary I D -a oat, 8 distant. There wa; a uW 1LjjL%,jng gr)t t bem and solicit c(4-nd the I r engineer aud.0011dU1A0l- A -single puffing wits hear( frofn the loco- you. post, but th,11 a886(j, be weeit V ort among t, V ununce of their F favoro In the juture. I:bnvo mccived* (L S E A Ft Q R T M e discu i8ad qui to excit dly,with. it signal I y and the iL Stock of Boots ana 6boes; Dry Gooda, Groe 1568, motive th e pistons worked 20 strokes. All Ovasio is cricd Stamp j?roct)ri Kearne ext statlo the S n 'whoui the station, maste'r xt -Alledi. ki Ma ho" ter. tho to the seo�nd the axles smok6d in the ill'odiately, or not AD all." 1 1 -would be masters c f the trail Proviiiions, Cro4wry. Glass, I L , WnTe lfarftare, Coal L y Gle oil, Pahat, 0110 and Paterst Wh-di6nes Of fill des - ;V1 itera-A so; '11 right axt siation,'had sent in GEORGE WHiTE f i Bow, tho ne j ruils, I They folt, Fjo'to speak, that 1A rel died INI r, Vi ogg. Y ou Tho conductor w#s fighting at M r. erfptiong. Valin Ilroduoe fy,ken In cxeb)2;gP_, �u a, vj �oe L -i 'their &ILICe of tIlC train.' Sorne of the Pas- rim hen i ball struck him a, d I wonld also woft ropect 1111gh ffnlaW, the entire! thtiii� moving at the rate of I mr( p pi ng. to N ,w 'Cork V' -br ill it fiv - a i Foga'is side w to jon the rybUm MA - i;j garg Xj'. 11 i 0 ,rria Livery, forinerly se n C I I to 'he hour, did not 16o, who have notpoLid np tbeir accotints, duaJ approwhed arld took part in the Bel N, Imut pwv fell. As he fell he cried soil & Co., beggs to 4RIA tb it 1)0 413 1 lie 187(5, to call and do go at once, Otber by "4h or discussion, atriong i)tihelrs the, aforefiaid crie hundred miles I i R tj r 1.6ar upon the rails, The speed destr.,,- o ChIca o V' 1 tends 6 lug on The buFlueps In tb a. Stand, stop- note, ng I nil.unt hilve a settlement. klesel all -colm imeut to We are lost if etrain is not MIL, R i d bflij -jidded oeveral valriable IiOrW�fi 1111i Colonal Proctor, witl b*ls Ioud,%-(�ice and_! ed the w6ght 0. ed inside of live inutes .1", without any further notice. imperious gestures. p ge stock. Noutbift t! 1. to the formerly lai And,th6y passed And it was like a TO Olymila Ib shall be top e %V` nq rejo p- d said Phi- MO'NEY TP LO the r )wer of V F Passepi.vrtout, ined the f ash of Ii�,nIljJqg. They saw nothing of It concerm you very little �Do leas Fogg, who sh: out of r,.,-ftl T�F[tfafc .0r8t-Clam (onrfortable Tehkleh ai f2 (,Wd you , If you want to borTow mon. wa about to ru 0e by idea A P9 group, heard the simil m&n Say i the bridg6, Tb6 train 11,aped, it inight ktiov, Plum Clee ation g - 1.eliable Horse8 Will be I t. 1111-Agnifi Az at. you -would do well to ca I Oe car. it 1 1 i bere, as I sin vnitiato dr t lkst Loan Rocie- V Ah: A there is n nleant4- of pass- He said, 6orh one btLak to the other, and �O, r-erridi dL 2\ Lr. Fo I . w I find Op CA -4 ges, And neur," Pipsepartout ties in the Dominion. j -j Coverr-d en Buggies and he 1, ietured tt 4 ly. - B tr. i 'it is my bpineos onsAl j"orr", e 4M . -for n cr. The bri(hr at Medicine Bow is I the engineer could not Kt)p hi's train ..t is the next, station. T4 Douh)e nnd8Jr)gJe Wsg in cried to him. Th 4i yea five miles b Op P. yond, the sbi ion. li sba-ky alid will-4tot bear tile weiaht of wi I )e there, in an hoijr. It, w It at LIFE I 11h CIO �.e Phileas Fogg had not the lime stop if you went -your lifeingored gIve wo aeflll,ffs I . the train." But -the train had scarcely crossed the ten minutes, In ten t e din PO cial .19tet in -ax in �01 v. I Ou ra I am Agelittor the -inn Mututill Life 111811rancla w -j mlru es the c geous. yo ing man Whoo open- 3 dge in q U E 81 spen-,- thaii the bridge. aheady about -to 1 exyhange, a few shots irith our e nt and mopt I Orders left n6 the Sta-hleg or any oh' tb P'Hot N10 pf 8111 on was a su The bri, ing a door without Com puny, Of" Montreal, one of tl�c bo a ze� by he 111- will usy romp.1 ON, Attended to. ver a ra id a, fl eing.ecen tJle s ipping "Prin re le rain a( sl dipleo bvue 'etrip wi at N Creek." ca h e e_ ggle eon b p�d. According ta the signal man, it 1 ktop TUTICES �.I1AkT1:',Rj XXIX. whilst the'balls we -e c-ro eachother I am Ahca!18 Attentire to BusinC4. e place NVIlLe: Bion bridoe o ta, -bout a k1l, went! down 1 witill. a arash into the! ert." diansf t i prosperou$ InjoiraneLCornpirsiJeO in the Ddinin- mile i succeeded ia Ii un r rapids of Mediailne Bow, Let it be io, replied Mr. Fogg. I de he I )n, and con4ucted on the moskeconrouileaLl, from tb r, Whilst t iLnucid, and soling threatened- to f&II, sever&I of the wires "Vn C. that you will' r,m, [ I beli�T r IN 1_N(,1fDE4T8 ARE Give, Me a. CaUi. A,\.D W.,- above. his head reco vering hits allu 1 NVITI-01t CFR�A - V�Mft n, with t n- IR31E having snapped, and it was, impossible to there added the At erica, with To GnAN r.S, FA the supplerie" of a. lown hemadehisway 484 L.,v r F, D,. 1p L v o r. F, 3 1 Fn iT ir o --ir I a E R. PATTI ON, �oft, or�jce !rAorc risk its passage. He (lid not exagger- i paralLeled insolence. I I I I OTHER& T underthe cars, C: inging to the a J1,,tfLlt0XD,11 QVITHE UNITED 'hains, STATES. . I I "Who knows, sir";" repli X r. 2 it -to i�ll an -y w"Y'L t1jen, in assorting that V V�` Fit k, ah -'al Lt� Of a Of vo e ;sisting hiLmself by the' er �f the i STHEY ocrupy the attention That sa!tne cvdnidg the train continued 4 Potg aud he re-ent A -ey coult]. not Pass DISSOLUTION Of ARTN th ass ver the bridge. red the car coo- ly ERSH] e(i jjps�,l to a 14 brakes and Xgoo of the v6ndow I hard tirrjes,,the subscilber Isdetle V t obstructions, pass M4. NN ith 7 late J. i d. -)esides, With- the careless habits of s coil: ineet them by offering good inch Ife An Oil not as Ila lal, sashes, climbing fr ni one cat to alnother I TH Astingbot Beer Is the Amm�riemns, -we may say that WI)ell 11ort San!ders, Jarossed the Cheyenne Thit gentleman commenced to ile E-Portri rsbip heretofore sub of ror iveh", at the foil( W. 7 uju;niiy 1�olfj .00 " I - h with marvelous the u rdej slizLed, under the fit m DLJLXL �1, t ski�I, he thus reach ed the- i C011VIL- � _2 Lfoot atit nd saying to her t t I by ' imity, vw .14 foot the are prudent, we would be ,cry fool.. I Us a a -rivod at Evans Pass. At sure INIrs.. Aouda, LIAMS CTAIFF boo bet-ri diftsvlved I de) 0 4 00 4eft y f rout of the train. If e had iiot bee,41 seen coDr a widow ralltu'll Fcircl�g, tit j�7j for Cpsb. Al f t,rerLs were ne i8h not to be so, t i is 'poi ntl tI ic -n ii I road re; tc hed the high -. blus ver to be feared Th n cut. �i� bum'iness will bc-r(411fer be ca'wed per e u t be could not have been.- ent. itil-O-onut. call or) see zo- oint or th), route, e., 8,091 fe hebegged Fix to act bi e Passepartout, et on by J. B. Williams. All debta contrficted by - bot di'linry 6 r,o to in- c It P s fid n get tbat iR reptet;t fLffo In: There, suspended by oil in w.'ill be liquidattil b2 Nvill�xmsjt, form his triaster, 118ta e( with set teath, ajo -h was going to ta 0 the H Book Acco I e cb_� �ej r again r tints over mo ve the level f the cs*ceili. The traV_ t1i( encoanter wbic eh a nd b4ween fr W 'h6ught plaaeL and all dcb tijl due the late finn will be coDvet- 8 per cen Th�d f e lem now :0111y had to (lescend to the �efuse, sill P I'the baggage car an6 the tend(r, with the ed by him. J. R WILLIA-NIS., IramOvd),leasaRtut X n The subigeriber than shis numproutl ex le !ogg resumed �liotly hialilit( ber he loosened the couphigis I)u CLUFF. for their blicrid Rnplyo the! PWP- lei and tolicit'al rep Ah, indeed cried Colonel Proc- -4 tlantic' o0er those lia-indlesss plains ai P r 6t t in, N01 L'�, lgtonier$ nneetipn with the above he dt 11 "naut to nce of tor. " we are not going, I imagine to l(veled nature. 1rul td gaille, playing a:spade with pc-rm consequence of the traction, he -would IN 110 it dt-mire); to �O te to his n flielin favors..- mlel, HCUK era , i to i k�sczpe fro to rernain here, and t.Lke root ita the oni the grand ,!fee; sereliltv. ne en le to pull out the -1 There was the branch fi vor hive be JOHN ti le I c a li 488 friends than he In teuds to eon U C- I V, -2 jL yoking -bar if a sudden jolt of the �i am'sam ibersil she snow- ti unk to -)on er City, the principal 11 t eleveri o'clack thfl� whistle of the pngine tnre of first-olass Pumps i(nd cis erns off bt re ill enab) e as w 11 enabl IRS. :y r words iT gold and �jilver mines, and morethan iner Plum' Cfeek station. Nir. Fogg trainj detached, mas left fhrtW rad erritory is rich joemrotive annouticed la I be 0 a Ven 7' Colonel replied the co�ductor, "we town of 0 fore, at t dotaud. IfehtLsnwjjj(_,bjsic 00 thi Ao This th, re had- ot made the bir juinp out, and the ities tbe3 we him to turn out a �.)0tcr artj otb e for I 37 have telegraphed to ORahn, for a tr r and I, less monev t an Bu EIR T U any other eftalilishment f 0 tile Vill ut 1. big g Ar -1 Is it is l`iot probable ithat it will arrive -ti ty thou aud inhabitatit have already ;rose, and follbwed by Fix, he wej�t further behind, while the Ideo notiVe flew Ind in t I ection, 4 al was ficine Bow befete sixhours.." ?out oi the platform. )?assepartOut a a- onld ow at Alei is.( Wed t4re.; on with new speed, To those indebted to jilm he,� -hat ired as he i4 u4ett- 4 A i - B - hi "Six hours !11 rxionanc ad been �cornpiniea hinj� carrying a pair of SAMUEL TROTT: ou -t cried Pasqepartoat. tthis t 1,382. iles..h, r Carried ou by tbe fore, immediate vottlenjeut iks Zoo AS now on hand a t the Scoforth +uls 700TY ae acquirM, the money. ly In need of e fro S F ticisco n three days volvers. INI Aouda remained th a H vora�ly) Dowu. Sul bout doubt.11 replied the con- -111 ad rs, e train still rolled on for fe%v nairintes, I Rpri3em.'ber the old established andwejlou�own 1 IL numberrof hifl wer, amd. fa dtietor "basides that titne will be and three nights, Four �iglitspid four car, 1) le hs deith. but tbehrAkes were illan(vairred f i Orn the round Seaforth'Pump raetoiy. V ncy interfere ought v) ut the door of t4e n 41r .1. R, Jlfachine Tyjrwe�l Butter -Pae�bflgo. re necessary for us to reach the station on days, if motrid be .11t ;his nlonaO eft inside of the cars, ad the train finally I f foot. Atiffleient reach New York. Phileas cair or, ned, and Colonel Proctor 4ppear. Thefle Pnekn9Rs trethe best in a 134 will stopped, less than one hulldred paces 'I ISEAFdIRTH PLANING give witisfactioo. set an -chair But it is only a mile from liere,�' Fogg was then still within his time, ed ik �wise upon the P atform, fQ11oweld from Kea ne stpti( 1 rl IPECIALI� said one (if the passengers. Durng the niallt they -passed to the by his second, a Yankee of M INDUCENIENTS' altil icteil: A Ow� The so'Ird ers of fort at,,racted by of Gar tb SASH DOOR AND ii iACT�Rv LARGE PURCIiXSEF� k k A inile, lit on the other* Id i?sta-pp, But lip in Act, b A til to the -a I tri. Trott;e 1+etp inla, sboit"time t TWO a4. P�ed OW -a Ap �Valbach, Lodge Pole at the inomenti th� t the the fit-irig, ran his in. The I is -p ioff 0 side the rival-." U -eek ran pirallei.1 to the -oad, following were going to ste th e Sioux did not wait for thern, tnd befo Piubme,ii�erbegaleiLvetotbq,Okhfonuyn,�ronF, j t 1*' mitliulls et U I U ,I "i fpi 'I �ul k V3 o I -lot r ran up to t fberal patro, Aandis v tt e straig] t boundary between the Ter. train, the c re THE L I customers toy the I rag(' eXtelsod t ond And cannot the river be crossed in a b m ani I the train stopped en irely tbewhole. band hisi. COL 0 e ri ;ories -o' yoming eommeneirig u 8 V Ae asked the I I nd Colorado. cri d boat; had decamped. traoto thuthe May be fAvored wit h a eral. c�lotrlb ':Id 40 eon n�ane Impossible. The creek is swollen A; eleven j clock they ent ared Neloraska, can't get off, g ntlemen., 13ut when the pas ie of the same. ngers c o 'nited each ECUPP"E 01 -Y)u M UL Mi. the -b -1 P., so to Vir SedpIck, and th At aek with the rains. It is torrent. and we Why not?" asked the colonel.' I other on- the platform of the station Partlesintending to build wonli Ao well to Ve Mi -On e at lei nty min iteg behind ti 1 they noticed that several were m' to" burg, �n the South rk of %V e are twe him a call, as beivill continue to will be compelled to l9ake a detour of 10 eeP on It"d i losing, arge stockof all kin4o of IN F -11 N h I b ri ereeW rd., th Platte Wver. "the train does iots�op.')- U LL OPE IAT ey tou6h: Fo miles to the nort to tind a fo an� n bowed -b and antong otheri; the aourageous Dk�Y PINE LLTM�FIRV in The Colonel launebeil a volley of oaths. i t was tt this point t iat th-eNnion B t I am gaing to I ht a du wit P 9 Frenchman, whose idevotion had, just SA f4 X1 _0t blaming -the company, the conductor. PiDific Road was.inaugirated on the thii ntleman. i IIZ to Oat Meal, _,�plit Peag .9arply, saved them. Gil orl eq, I regret it, re )lied the con'ducto cried and Paasepartout, furiolls, was not fa� 03 A of Cetober, 1867, b3 its chief en- DOO111.8, 1BLINTD8, mo TN I (To be Continvea.) G$1 Jf, I gi eer, Gm(ral G. M. Dodge, There b it we are 6 A,�d -earth from joining with hin'i. There was a gi SHINGLES, LATH C. on : 11alla. to rt again imme. n d f ie jtwo powerfr I locomotives, gcin bell Material obstacle against which, this late Hear 2 UdAllliij D Min q -Two cups on(yar; two 10, ag"Ati IfIction to tlog i Ig ro.VGE C.4,xl& He feels co4dent of gi d ing the nine cars of nvited guests, I he the trai who way favour him ir Ith theirpal ron 'time, all his master's �ank-notes would I bell was ringiln onful but flrot�elftFsirarkmen areein age, so note Chopping done Tuer4a,3L of fiour, seven eggs, one-half leaspib a and Vrld&7#, J04air ineut among -whom �ais the Vice- In d on, be of no avail. p 01 1 � ]RI103 ea., vows soda, one of cream tartar, or the jvilice Of 9-it'EartienuvartEn I oxeliangeit for Oats. 'Elgh"tpricej,�J& 1 012 a G W custorn rla�jz H i m reall) vei y s�ri-/, gentl men one lemon. 201 M- H nd Barley !.-road, "Phomas C. Da - The disappointme t was general P dent of th N .1 BIRC,ADFOOT. in udiznow. 5 41S cult= L J,