HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-08-04, Page 1JULY 28
LOST ----Lost, on Saturday, July 8bee
Grieve's bridge and Seaforth, a Black
e finder will be suitably rewarded oil
g the game either at the ExroerrOn Ofliee
orth, or with MRLWILLIAM TIOGGaire:
BORLAND, Dew and Mantle etlakoz,
ma over the Bank, Seaforth. N. B.--Ap.
Ennead Dressmaking in 101 its branches ier
the rooms over Thos. Kidirs store, Seaforth.
good t and perfect satisfaotion guaranteed.
orenticea Wanted immediately.
It SALE -A good driving family mare, and.
re 4 year old, by Sir Archy, attd 1 year -0111
by Peacock. For particularpply to L.
r'YER, Harpurhey- 445
41- signedhas an Ayrshire Bull I yeer Old for
we, Ira first-elass trim for tire seagon'S I/entic0.
eedigree guaranteed. For particulars apply to
Le proprietor, Kinburra,, or if bymail to Constance
it. R. N. ADAMS, 48f1
Et/WM.1C terrOttlii.
WSTRAY COLT. -Strayed iron Scraforth about
La the first of May, a 2 -year old filly, of bay color,
nth one vrhite hind foot Any person giving such
L. formation as will lead to her recovery will be
ratebiy rewarded. JAMES BEATTIE. 440
TSTRAY XI:ARM-Came into the preraiffeg of
ee the undereigued, Lot 5, Con. 5, Stanley', on
illy 15, a dark browie mare, with black legs, mane
dtail, and star on forehead. The owner is re-
uested to prove property-, pay charges and take
er awav. JAMES LOG -AN.
4eateav HORSE. --Strayed from Lot 6, Bay.
field Roadliorth,one two-year old filly, color
ay, with white face and_ one white hind foof.
ny person giving information to the owner' Ed
arr-s P, O., that will lead to its recovery willbe
aitably rewerded. Any person found detaining
aaimal after thig notice will be prosecuted by
tw, JAMES GALLAGITER, Vanm. 4.504
ZXaCUTORS' NOTICE. -A11 pergone heving
ei any clairag against the egtate of the Late John
teTaggart, formerly of Walton, deeeeeed, are
areby notified to present the game for lignicia-
en to R.Pattigon, Walton, on or before the first'
ay of October next, of the undersigned will not
g responsible therefor, and all pergong indebted
- the gaid estate must settle by gaid date, ag eta
img then unsettled must he put Into the Court
r ccillt tiou. 'EhIN MeTA,GCIART,11011ERT
ATTISON, Executors. 450
-471ECUTORS" NOTICE. -All persona having
any dating against the egtate of ROBERT
ELL, late of the Township of Usborne, In the
ounty of Heron, yeoman, deeeased, are hereby
Allied. to Present the same for liquidation to
ther of the undereigned Executorg, on or before
e firgt d&y of DeeeMber uot, or they willnot be
sponsible therefor, and all pereons indebted to
Ire said estate must flettle by said date, as
laima then unsettled must be put into Court for
t:DMORE, WILLI/tM BELL, Executors, Itod •
nville Post Office, July 27, 1876. 451'68
-tEDAR POSTS FOR SALE, -For Sale Cheap,
et a quantity of good cedar fence posts, Apply
t the EXV(Arrog Officer Seaforth, 448
• EEN FEED FOR SALEr-Splendid Crop of
Peas and Oats, five hundred weight 1orS2.
pplyto TIf OlfAS DARWIN. Seaforth, 451
47A1XERS, ATTENTIGN.--Cheap Feed at tha
• Seaforth Mille. Bran, $91per ton, Midcllingg,
12 per ton, Screenings, $10 per ton. A. W.
GILVIE &..Co., Seaforth. 4494
rTOTICE. TO BVILDERS.-Any pergon want, -
hag simd, Gravel or Stonce, cau leave their
'dere at THOS. f ME'S Grocery,and it will be de-
ereil on the aborted- notice. THOMAS CUR-
IE. 488
'-• -For gale, Cheap, 1 Combined reaper and
Ower, made by Elliott of Loudon, in good or-
e; 1 lumber wagon, patent arra; a sot of double
eneee; 2 pairs of wooden harrows, 1 pair of bob-
righe, and a fanning faille, The above mildew
n beaten at Kinburn, on applieetion to the
ilersigned, W. L. SCHOALES, Kinbarn. 446-4
Faun SALE one TO _LET.
• LE -T. -Six tipper R001111/. Apply to ED-
WARD CASH, Serie/rile 446
r OU -SE TO LET --To Lot, that most comfort,-
t. able and well situated brick house, and four
it on Huron street, with hard and goft water,
it every convenience neceefrary. Apply to T.
TFIIENS, British Hotel, Seaforat. 421
sale cheep, a corner Lot in Sperling'sgurvey,
' John Street, Seaforth, within, 10 minutes'
of the businege part of the town. Apply to
ILLSON & SCOTT, Mnsie Dertlere, Seafortit.447
mem AND nwene_ana HOUSE FOR SALE.
-For gale, or will be rented, in Ohigelinerst, a.
re frame store with cemifortable dwelling in
me -tient together with a tjuarter acre lot. This
n the metre Die thriving agricultural countrer,
tis an excellent stand fur a country titer°.
r poet officals in connection with the store.
'nee eaey. For partiCtilfeal apply to the oro -
tor rro the promises or to Chisclharst I% O.
LLIAX MOOItE. 450 td
Litli TO BENT, --To Rent, for a naraber of
e !us, Lot 21, Mill Road, Tackersmith, being a
:-.lass farm. Tile &ran co/atelier 100 agree, so
er cleared arid without a stump, in a high
,i) of cultivation, the balance is good hardwood
h. Is situated. within 1 mile of Braeofield
:./onione-hmile alf from Brueefield cheese fee-
and5 _miles from Seaforth, Convenient to
At/16, eiturches, kte. Buildings good, Posses- _
given about the feet of August. Apply to
c SMITH, Proprietress, Bracelield 11. O. 451
:atETAKER NVANTED.-Fr the Sertfortit
Public School.- Services to corarrience August
Applicatione, stating salary, to be left
ther....#_eretary, WZI. N. WATSON. 461
wANTED.-Wanted immediately, a goodady man to drive team and do -general ...arm
Gotal wages and steady employment. Ap-
NVA,NTED„--Wanted immediately, a smart,
tearly, boy, from /4 to 16 yeaes of age, either
J.ppreutieu or by the Month to- do chores.
a at the Bea -use -am Office, Seatorth. 449
LL WANTED. -Wanted, a. good, reliable
eervara competent to cook end do all
of house work, Good wages and ateaciy
a. Apply, at the Ex eustron 0llieeiSeaforth.441.1
eCHERS WANTED --Wanted. by the 160h
tit Anguet, two reale gehool teachers holding
clasm certificates, for Set/Quiff in 'Tacker -
L;. Apply to WM, NeCONNELt, Secretary
Lipoffl. oard,Seafortli 1'. 0. 449
?.,NTEIY -A third - class Male or Feniale
Lachex for School Section No. 4, Monett,
ey of Huron. Tenn to begin on Auguet 16.
a.al algae/akar teak Ira JOHN
. lee 25, Com 6, Secretary Board of School
TEACHERS WANTED.-For_the second
-olfourth departments of the DIlIfInI/5 Pah/ le
• Applications ---personal preferred -with
riortials will be received by th( undursigned
August kit. Duties to comxnexwe on Augursb
Atkin:es JOHN SHAW, Secretary School
I, Bruen:Is, 44104
'WE is hereby given that the list of ail per -
era appearing on the beet revieed ammo/lama
the Municipality of the VI go of ?in *:•e"
the Couety of LCuron, to be entitled to vote
said mueicipelity for the eleetion of mere --
• serve in the Legiglative Assembly, waif
mted up in my office, In said muuleipallth
th day of June, 1876. Any pergola aDra-
at of any error in said list must deliver to
within thirty day* after the OM day of
t, a writtennotice of hie intention 10 applY
Judge Of the add Couuty in r iecethereof.
wir,Liau SiAXL, Plea'
trELOLE NO. 432.
A etanE ClIANCE.-Vor Sale Cheap, three very
Xi• desirable building lots, fazing on Vietoria
- goers, Seafortio For particulars apply to E.
eneee eel - 447
teRM FOlt SALE. -'.?or Sale, a good Two
• Eandred Acre Farm in the Township pfIrul-
iett,Connty el Huron; well improvedeand with
far bui1dh3gs. Price, 85,500. Apply to A. -
MONO, Laud Agent, Seaforth. 1447
veRelS FOR SALE East half Lot 11, Con, 12,
; also South 50 acres of Leta 1 and 2
eoe,10, Morrie, atljoiniag the Village of Blyth.
Forparticalarg apply to McCAUGHEY &HOWIE-
Eva, parrieters, &c., Seaforth. 425
VOB• SALE-gauth half Lot 1, Con. 11, Grey,
• conteining 50 acres, adjoining the village of
Boo& ; said lot ig suitable for perk lots; for
father particulars apply to Wel. GRAHAM,
proprietor, or to C. R. COOPER, Brussels. 448c
-VARM FOR SALM-North half of Lot 12, Con.
18, MeKillop, containing 75 acres, 40.eleared,
Warne well timbered, with good buildings; fox
sale cheap and on easy terms of payment. Apply
to MeCIUGHEY & 110LMESTED, Seaforth. 449
apABII-LOTS FOR SALE.-Contaking 5 acres
AP each, adjoining the Town of Seaforth. The
need desirable situation for private residences.
Terms reasonable, with immediate possession.
-Apply toll. W. C. MEYER, Barrister, Seaforth,
or to L. MEYER, Harpurhey. • _ 441
•-peoennev FOR SALE. -That valuable prop-
erty Goderich Street occupied by the Goder-
• ich,Manufaeturing Compsny as a Machine Shop.
Also dwcilinghouse sauna adjoining. The above
property will be sold on easy terms. For-.particu-
• Isei apply to GRAY ee SCOTT. • 439
-14 -Dra/LEMAN:, having laid out the grounds
recently occupied as a Driving Park into Bidd-
ing LoVs,iS prepared to (Reposer)1 lots on reason-
able terms to arty who may desire them. Parties
• desiring to purclutee ithould make immediate ap-
• plication, • 364
DEOPEBTY FOR SALE. -Two Iota, with a 2
• story frame house and barn situated on the
• Market Square, Settforth. Tar premises have
be,ea used as an egg packing establishment, and
are well adapted tor any public balances. For
premiers apply to the proprietress, Mrs. MAL-
• COM, Seaforth, or to D. GORDON, Goderieb,
Ontario. 481
• tion in feeafortli-There will be sold by Public
eaction on Monday, August 7, at 4-o'elock P. M.,
Mat valuable property, owned by Mr. Scatter,
eituated on Main Street, Sesiorth. The property
lea goo& businegs stand, on whieh are two stores
with a dwelling overhead. Terms Cash. S.
SUTTER, Proprietor; J. P. BRINE, Auetion-
ter. 451
'Venn eon SALE. -For Sale, Lot No. 7, Con.
I! 10, eeerrig, containing 64 acres, 25 of which
are cleared, well fenced and in a good state of
cultivation ; the rerasinder is well timbered.
There art 4 Beres of choice fruit trees bearing,
• s good log homer and frame stable. Is 1 mile
from the Btyth station of the London, Huron and
Brace Railway. For further partieularg to JOHN
leilDLAW on the premises, or to W. LEGG,
• Blyth, I• 425
11A11MS FOR SALE. -West half of South half of
1415, Con. 8, Morris, Huron Comity, contain-
ing- 50 acres. The above lot is all bugh,- of the
best quality, and ig only miles from Bruesels ;
also south half of Lob 19, Con. 8, Morns, Huron
empty, 100 acres, aleciall bash and the best of
soil, 6 miles front Brassolg gtabion, Great Weetern
Railway. For price and terms apply to C. It.
moms, Brussels, or to CALVIel A. CAMP-
BELL, Seaforth P. 0. •448c
PAM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 12, Con, 6,
Hullett, consisting of 100 acres of land, 40 acres
eleared, and the balence well timbered wibh hard-
wood. There is a log house, sided, a trarno barn
• and ontbuildings, a good well, and a young bear-
ing orehard of choice fruit trees Situated 8 miles
from Seaforth, 6 miles frora Clinton, 15 from
Milburn. Terms made known on appliestion on
the premises. • Poggegsion given immediately.
ELIZABETH HARVEY, Constance P.O. 480
• Improved and underdrained, the remaining 10 is
• timbered -with hardwood; there' are fair
• buildings on the premigeg ; a good orchard of
• bearing trees, also a number of yeang apple trees,
end a good well and pump : is situated alma 8
130681WD:1 Seaforth and Clinton, and 15 'Mice
from Kinburn, on a good gravel road. For far-
ther partitalars apple to GEORGE MANN, Con-
- Mance P. O. 4494
10 Con, 8, Hallett ; there are 40 acres cleared,
(Conducled frora 1 t Weal&
We reached Silver Islet about 11
o'clock on Friday forenoon. The village
itself is situa d on the edgelof a rocky
precipice, and is cornposed of a string of
probably 100 buildings, most of them
frame cottages, and inhabited by the wo k -
men of the p1ace) Thcre1 is one gene al
store, which belonge to the company, a
ehurch and a school house. . The is et
itself is s d in the la e abOut th ee
-meters o a iii1e from the village. It is
composed ent rely of woodwork, and is
covered withi large buit ings. This ia
where the di ing is carried On, the work-
men being co veyed - froni the mines to
the shore night and morning in a ferry
boat. These1 mines have in the p t
proven imme . ely rich, and notwithsta d-
ing the eno • ous sure which has b en
expended in erecting in the lake et is
wooden island and in the construction of
the other ext nsive work, have enriched
the proprietor . For several months,ho -
ever, the yiel hats be4n sinall and th re
is conaiderabl fear Lllnong these inter t
ed that the s
and tbat the
to be abandon
that the •-" ru
only a dodge
Manager of t
others who ha
allowed the
deprectate th
the impressio
mine is exha
gentlemen wi
by others th
absolute pos
lishment. S
this it will b
• VARM FOR SATE. -For Said, Lot No. 28, Con.
• 1, Tuekerernith, London Road, containing 100
• acres, about 80 --of which are cleared and In as
• first -slags state of cultivation; a new brick house
20x38, with kitchen 1826; 2 frame barns and all
other necessary out-bnildingg ; plenty of water
and good orehard ; within half a mile of Bruce -
field Htatiori, and 6 miles from Bee,foreli and Cl
pply hs been , exhaus d,
ines willhortly have to
-d. By others it is id
ning out ”Lof the mines is
that Major ' Sibbley, he
e Company!, and one opt o
e the prineepal charge,
ne to run down in orde
value of the stock. W
becomes general that
sted, and t e stock of
mes next teivalueless, th se
1 purchase all that is h Id
n theineelees, and sec re
ession of the whole es b.
soon as they accomplish
tdund that the . mine is as
productive a3 ever it was, and through
this dodge these few indiniduals will have
become possessed of this Vast property at
a mere tithe of its proper value. But, be
this as it may there is one thing certain,
that the mines -at Silver Iskt do not now
pay for working. If they should run out
ll soon be deserted, as the
e only industry on wlicli it
ajor Sibbley, the principal
rid manager, is a stoat, "
kingan kee, probably about
s of age. _ _ He nap a fine r Bi-
nd spends most of his time
the interests of the. place.
He is a very plain looking man, who evi-
dently likes oocl living and indulges con-
' good •ligeore, and from his
SAFOR,T11, !'itIDAY;
'MUST 4, 1876.
to •
en -
the place
mines form t
55 or 60 yea
dence here,
looking afte
be either a
of business.
often decept
very much s
round Thun
no would ict take him to
illionaire o it shrewd Mall
Appearanc s, however, are
ve, and in his ease they are
Leaving Silver Islet eve
er Cape, an immense rocky
me 1,350 feet high and enter
. On the opposite side of
otice out on the shore what
number of large white stones,
told, is the town of Prince
ding. Thit place, like the
built at the base of a rocky
reely room enough between
the water for the town to
is a smart little town of ,be-
d three thousand inhatin
is a splendid wharf, and a
t of freight Seems to be land -
)oat which cells. Even in th
ts the rock projects tbrouah
either mace
eminence, s
Thunder Ba
this bay we
seem's to be
This, we are
Arthur's La
former one,
diffwith se
the rock an
stand. Thi
tween two a
ants. Ther
large amou
ed byeach 1
principal str
and renders
walks unne
east of this
steep as to
man or bea
wards Fort
the Bay,
land about
ing from the Bay to the moun-
tains. Thi land is not cultivated,
but is covered with a stinted shrub-
bery of cedar and sptuee. The town
depends entirely for its, maintenance
upon miners, Government engineering
ton. Apply on the premises or to Brucefield P.O. parties and contractors, and what si-
Lot ha Brueefield for sale cheaplso a 20 -acre i
. r,4,4 neSs s brought to the place though
ny For a time
Con.. the hopes of the people n this town were
ilieh buoyant in prospect of the landing b ing
n- a
• To t
plaee are m
amizing or
e rear and tel)
uncle of roe
e almost in unnountabl
William, l ng the elm
t. To the Southwest,
here is a etrip of allu
a mile ite I width, exte
• by
to -
•velar nen SALE. -For Sale, LoNo,
4- 9, Hibbert, containing 100 acres, 90 of
the Hudson Bay Compa.
are cleared. free of stamps, well fenced, ad. 112 th t•f the Fo t .starr r
firseelasacultiention. A barn 60x40, nearly new, e erminu o
a idled and Amble 80x80, a driving shed 26x40, a of the Ca ian Pacifid Railway.
house, and all other uecesgary- outbuildingg, their joy, in view of this prospect,
brick root house and a gplendid briek dwelling
turned into mourning when the Gov
good orchard and well watered. This is one of
the most desirable farms in this section of ec,un- ment selected the preseet point on
Carainistiqua River, aboeut seven
from here, for the ternunus. The
ple at the landing are , now living
rious unceitainity and
y still hope that the Go
hange the te
cate it in or n
d not be doee,
little hope, th
he trade will
int. In the
siness is doe
ease until t 'e r
oon as that
folks will
and. flit.
1 stores, on
• an inn=
deed, it i
ess the
nd, judgin
try. 'Terms easy. Apply to the propnebor on th
preneees, or to Egmoadville P. 0. GEORGE
BALE,•• 4
'pater FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot No 24, Con . state of gl
-11- 1, Stanley, containing 97 aeree, more or less penge. Th
In of which are eleered, well •fenced, and in
state of good enItivation, the balanee ig well Lira ment will
nee new frame boufie with atone cellar, kitehen If this shot
wood ghed and all other convenieueog. • A never
failing well and a good bearing orchard. '19
mIrea frora Brucelield Station and 4 miles fro
Clinton. A gravel road loading to each place
pApEpAilytEtoNthe proprietor at Varna P.O. Tii0MA
bered. There is et frame barn and stable, an di road, and 1
VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, on. reasonabl
• terms. Lot 4, Con. 2, Stanley, containing 10
is now ver
ruined, as
the rival p
- principal b
; will be the
ed, but as
the landin
Acres, 70 of which are cleared, well fenced, n their town
first-class cultivation and free from stutnps, thO . large gene?:
balance tirabered vrith the best wood, buildings•
elle, well watered ; within 15 miles from nieeee -I saloons. • 1
•bets, with
romforte.ble ; a good yonug orchard of fruit trace ,
and 4 mils from Brucefield stations, arid 10 mike i
from Staforth, Clinton and. Exeter, with tgavol saloon busi
A4)Ply on the promisee or to nen= P. 0. wen is
erviug the attention of purchasers. I and .appea
.•446 , • „a
I the place,
; that it
roadg leading te each place. This ig a choice -
term and is des
- • MIMS vi a,
pen FOR SALL-For Sale, Lot No. 1, Con.•From the 1
• eouteining 100 acme, about 85 aereg - is a carria
• cleated, well Seated, free from st mape aud ia good ; from one p
minus of
ar tb,eir
f which t ere
place wi 1 be
e diverte to
eantime the
ere, and this
ilwa is a art -
g in
ad is
f t• he
r, at
mile.r ntheec
as the mouth o
and made navi
hops of the L
way terminus
Fort William
buildings, all
Bay Company
stores and. offic
ly laid out in a
river, and pres
posing appeara
done here is wi
there are great
on the flat greu
two miles *Veer
to the Gown -mile
minus of the
The valley I of
is about I a
side. Th:s
on each ide-
the same as ,t
the north shor
Government has
store -House an
railway is' ad
this point ant
engaged in ayi
be a long time
• be completed.
to be located.
tauce the c
tainous tha
for the engi
and most e
cate. Tho
country ea
of the ro , ay
through the, solid
ter how faver4
tliere will b at
of tunnellin ' t
this our rea
the difficul
G o vern men
point we no
celebrated s
has recentl be
piled up in rea
road -way it
This river ii a
soon as the. an
ed out it wi I b
vessels. • It is 2
pax t of it. • Thl
in making the
a boat can lan
point instead o
mg has been v
the Opposition
been broadly i
the choice, the
fluenced by lat
predate the Wi
the absurdity i
charges, one h
Fort William
In the first pla
abundance of r
way grounds,
twice the road
this river is dredged out
able for all boato, the last
nding people for the rail -
will have. vanished, At
h ire are some 10 or 12
el nging to ' the Hedson
• nd occupied by.. their
These are very neat-
• uare, all facing on the
a very neat and im-
The principal trade
h the Indians, of Whom
mbers camping around
adjoining. About
up the river, we come
t docks and the ter-
ada Pacific Railway.
th i river at this place
I, ile Wide on each
v lley is closed in
y, rocky I c Ifs , the
Os which, extend along
o Lake Superior. , The
erected here a large
splendid dock. I The
or about 20 Mileafrom
rkmen are now busily -
the track. I will yet
fore the will dee
or a considerable die -
portion a it has yet
r is so roc* a d moun-
work of great difficulty
s o decide on he best
c nstrueted ' i -s to lo-
hohave gone over the
t considerabl portion
11 have to i . blasted
rock, and tha no mat -
the location may be
1 ast from 30 50 miles