HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-07-07, Page 8—Cs
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Goo 1) • PHOTOGRAPHS, -Dear - Sir :
Lave lately Keen some Cabinet Photoraph:I of •
several 'imminent bovinsmen 'ad residents of
the neighborhood executed at UOORE8 Gallry,
Seaforth, which will bear favorable comparison
with those of the best City artists in that line. 1
wouldrecomrnend those desiring photographs to
call at Iloorss's Gallery and to inspect thoee
bautLcf tat for them:selves. SAltalati. 48
Lime, Lois. - The Seaforth Lime
Kilns are now working full blaet, and will keep
constantly on hand a stock of eood., fresh burned
stone Lime, which for cheapness and quality can
not be equalled in the Cciunty-Price, 15c per
bushel at the kiln or 18c delivered in Seaforth or
Egmendville. Orders addressed to J. G. WthsoN,
or left at Wilson & Young's store will be promptly.
attended to. 448
FRUIT AM -Gem Jars, quart and
half gallon ; jelly Tumblers, low prices for these
now; a lot of handsome Flower Vases, just in,
from 2 ie to $2 each; Wine Glasses, Goblets,
Tumblers and some cheap lots just in, and a good
•stock of Stone China, Wheat Tea Seto and Toilet
Sets at Moasotes. 447
Paats GREEN, Pure, for the benefit of
Potato Bugs; also Hellebore and Chinese Insect
E ()greyer, for the destruction of caterpillars and
insects on currant and rose bushes, at R.
LIMSDEN'S Corner Drag Store. 447
WILLIAAt A.LLN announces a nice as -
ort meet of Crockery, Glasaware, &c., to whi oh we
direet attention. See advertisement in this is -
sae. 444
SUGAR. CURF.D HAM, -A choice lot
arrived this week at FAnir.sy's Cash Grocery -
thy. are going, off rapidly. 447
JARS. -A lot of the "Gem
Glaas Jars in quarts and half gallons, for sale
cheap tit, FAITILY.:Vff. 447
POTATO BUGS. -Paris Green, -the only.
Imre thing to kill them, for sale at Hroxsoars
Drag Store. 447 - 1
CA31L PAID for Good even . colotired
Batter in Tinnets Hicasoreti Drug Sore. 440
ALL GOODE bought from J. Etienne -
delivered free of charge. 447.'
Bi -v your Preserve jalS at M. MORRI-
sox's, 448
• 1
Goof) Feax..-We were shown by Mr.
Fovler, af the Huron road, a sample
of flax grown on far, whih- Meas
urd 3 feet 4 inches in length,
ouese.-The Ladies' A.id of the Meth-
odist church intend holding an ice cream m
festiva•1 on Monday, July 10h, in Mr. bt
J. Beattie's grove, Le ,oream and cake as
'erved from 6 to 8 P. M. All are cordi- th
ally invited. ' ru
. m
Ti TilltAllfiNAIO6. -The ex- 12
aninal-,if)asfor first,second and third class
cer tifleittes °pone at Goderich on Monday
next. There are now in three. applia- ef
tions for first class certificates, 38 for ca
secend, and 152 for third. The exami- se
nations for third-class ceetifieates com- tu
mence at 9 o'clock A. M., on Tuesday
morniug nex.
ed nd delighte& is audience. In his
sev ral characters he display d an equal
apt tude and. his' trformance were alone
th twice the co of idmi sion. The
lugs of Dr, racey, of lyth, jwere
as they dee •ect to be ell receiv-
The doctort• ye &T:.. a a . first in
lish and se a • in the br ad Scotch
ect, and in h he sho ed himself
plet ely mas ofhis voice and artic-
ion. He will et make hi sl markaa an
utionist. Mis Ratteiber y and Miss
nohoe each s ,ng .a coup e of solos
y se catty, dis , laying goo vocal pow -
and taste. r he duet, a o by Mr.
C1i e and Miss o aggie Foste , was well
ex cuted and w s deservedl encored.
Th Misses Meyer gave an i struatental
dut, which showpd muchs 11 and good
training. As pleasant and cIrrect pian -
is these ladies an hardly ile excelled.
T Quartette lubt coml. sed of the
Messrs. Cline, J. 'cott and S. Roberts
ga e several well chosen sel ctions in a
m utter showing t once care ul training
an ' accomplishemusical t. lent. ' The
pi no accompaniments wer well i and
El asantly render d by Miss ssie damp-
en and Mr. Lee The Sea orth String
ba d, under the eadership if Mr. Hol-
lis d, also gave a eral musical selections.
11 on the whole' he entertanment was
on of the best issr placed b fere a. Sea -
for h audience,. d the only arise for re-
gT t is that it not liste ed to by a
m eh larger audi nee.
• w
• Nees` Ssious-Mr. Thomas Lee has
leased for a turm of years the prem
isee oil' Main street formerly used as a
hotel, and the property of Mrs. Markey.
Mr. Lee intends fitting up the building.
for two stoes, one of which he will occa
py himself, and the other he has lease d
to Mr. Allan. Mitchell, who intends ope n-
ing out a general stock of mrchandise.
Acet DENIT. -0,n Monday last Mr. Wm.
Cline met with rathers painful accident.
ire was cutting a bar of iron .with a coal
• chisel, when the implement flew out of
his hand, striking him on the wrist, cut-
ting one of the arteres. it was with cone
Siderable difficulty that the medical at-
tendants succeeded id stopping the flow
of blood. Although yet very painful, it.
is getting better. • -
Nciv. Mon? -The Listowel Reds will
again visit Seatorth on Saturday, July
15th, for the purpose of engaging in
another championship contest with the
Stars, of this place. This will be the
fifth ehampionship game between these
two nines, and will no doubt be the
most elf -mealy contested match of the
series, Play to be called at 1 o'clock P.
M. Adinission to grounds, 15 cents.
PREE,NTATION. -The ladies in oonnee-
Aloe with the Methodist Episcopal church
ee matches on
t ivas played
I3lue Stockin
ple Leafs, of
he defeat of
to 7 in. five in
• -sided game'
ng rejuvenat'e'.by the
barber and, is razor.
tch was also, layed at I
en the Rica g Stars,
the Rising Clippers, o
ioh resulted favor of B
re of 19 to I in five in
a more even y contested
proceeding, a d if the w
gs had been p ayed there
t Seeforth vvou d have bee
by wild thro‘ ing and car
• y a. lowed the r opponent
•s in the firet
tch will be pi
h of July.
Yed Goder
ks, of Gocleric
Seaforth, Th
y victory ov
ur juvenile
at Irishto
s, of Seafor
our boys" I
ings. Thi
the Cerro
lubs played
'ay. The
n between
h, and the
y a sPore of
Was a very
brook men
sistance of
he second
shtown be -
f Seaforth,
nets by a
nge. This
game than
ole nine in
no doubt
the victors,
less playing
to score 11
innings. The return
yed at Bru sets on the
The third match was
ch between the Sham-
, and the ow Batters,
Seaforth ys Well an
r their opp nents by a
ee of 24 to 9 i fiveennin s, The re-
m m etch will 1 e played on the 12th of
ly in Seafort . There was also a
tch between 't e Hopefuls of McKil-
he game,
regard to
and some
ly broke up
, and the Ha 'makers, of
when half ti rough will
re was some lispute wit
decisions of the umpir
er trivial mat ors and line
oge her with 't o decided a &vantage On
her ble,-CoI.
CO ipa
le t be
la id,
u ay,
• as eml
• b3e, a numer
prse for a saf
r. A, 0. M Deno% ac•
icd by hi eldest da ghter, Miss
IcDougall and Mr, J. C. Laidlaw,
'6 on Wed esday morn "ng for Sent -
They sail from New
and expeet to be ab
ontbs. A large num
led at thestation te bi
us were th
and pleas
• M ss Meyer,
Eq., eft on ' k
• Wuni eg, Mani
to vied her siste
•lie t be gone
vi Go( erich arid
of he icara tri
on of the most
• W notice t
tioa of the 13
lege, Miss
ghtier of &N.
Shed herself h
he firstidiviei
also *ice t
of this team assembled at the residence th Acad.emy of
of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Griffin, on Wed- names of 't Miss
nesdaye yen i n g, and presented Mrs. Griffin Louisa Campbel
with anaddress and a handsome and val- The latter itookl
uable rocking chair and sofa. Mr. Griffin, gr
• in beha,f of Mrs. Griffin, made a feeling for
reply. At the conclusion of the wenn- an
• tation proceedings, a few hours were Oh
pleasantly spent social converse. a
--` • • ,
-At a meeting of the committee of #.1.
rectors held on Monday last for the pur- se
pose of passing applications, over 100 aa,
plications for naembershia were consider- ma
ed and passed,. This company has now. do
a membership list of about 275, and has he
•property insured to the amount of about ra
0.60,000. Considering that the company
has only been in working lorder for about o'cl
two mnths, this is not la very bad re-
cord. 1• •
AN() l'ITER FIRE. -0/1 Monday oVenitio sc)
• last, between 7 and 8 o'clock, the cooper .con eqUence the
shop at Volumes stare factory was dis- which was to b
covered to be on fire. The fire had made had to be aband
consi(lerable headava3r before if was no_ wh had cougreg,
Cht , atter bei
tictele ;Laving burned quite a hole in the
_ •
ber les and. crea
roof. The fi re enai ne was promptly on hand
awl the if sines werestibdued without any Sev ,ra , who inte
tow p c-nic to a
the is t, 'some 0
daughter o
ohm. Miss
Mrs. Heap
bout a year
Duluth. A
to Manito
njoyable t
at at the r
antford Y
• Goldsm
T. Golds
taking a
n, instrum
at in the
hy, while th
istorY, Frei'
istan doctri
e sedond it
e honorary'
forth passed
nin opened
y oung anc
btf 1 forebod
rs ight brin
ant with su
m and, disa
ck all doubt
est. A stea
continued n arly witho t intermis-
until late in the aftern on, As A
Sunday sch ol pic-nic,
old in Pa3ne's grove,
ed, and the children,
ted at the resbsrterian
g regaled ith straw-
", dispersed for home.
ided goingt the Irish -
end the (, , postponed
them entire y and oth-
e principal
as at the
7, and, 8
st of them
assembled (or the pur-
the chea excursion
When he regular
'time along there was
er car, an •that was
few who could hang
e platfori $ could go'passage by
next tr' ti came alo g about 9
On t i train the c were 15
were cram ed be-
• After th s two oth-
mmed, pas ed up, and
the stati n was in
han dimin shed. At
I o'clock, a train came
and altho gh some 12
ch.es were yell filled a
rs were a ded to the
vd at the tation was
and loud ere the an -
the Greed Trunk for
°dation 'a orded. We
r ever, that t e fault lay
cxnnpany. The crowd
eh' stati was very uch larger
y perso ticipated. The com-
re comp' tsil
sulm. ed. It a
thingto, a commo ate excursions.
excursio s may be h Id and half
ecommod tion rnay n t be taken
Ile °Wing to unfores en circum•
the thirte nth may b tar large as
letely ov rtax the a ailable re -
of the Cc pany. Bu it was not
le to exp ct that a d ppointed
ge, stand ng for hou s under a
'ork on Sat-
nt tvo or
er a friends
thorn good
wishes ex-
t journey.
L. Meyer,
orning for
Meer, goes
ler,- and ex -
She went
this aeason
a would be
could. be
cent exam -
ung Ladies'
th, second
ith, distin-
igls position
ntal music.
lonor list of
the Sacred Hart, the
wney and
•m for geo-
on, reading
ral success,
y conduct,
s Annie D
appear p
rst premi
former too
leo for gen
e, exempla
dallion and blue ribbon
- Domini
if rather q
rather glo
ngs as to
forth, wh
shine and
on this se
y soaking
n Day in
idly. The
my, filling
carts + with
hat a few
thet a day
pleasure or
About 9
re were set
ain set in,
liCrivIlb damage having been done. The
origin of the fire is not definitely known,
but itis supposed to have been purely ac•
nt 1 the aft rnoon. T
cid, lit el. Tt is fortunate that it occurred excite ent in t e morning
so early in the. evening as had it got a rail a) station. Between
goad start serious results might have en- o'clock about 1,01 0 people, m
froni e count -r
• pos o going
WAY.- On Sunday last as Mr. trai o Goderic
Robt McMillan with his; wife, son and pas an er train
daughter were coming Seaforth to only o e passen
church, the horse got frightened at some fine( s that onl
object on the road, and gave a sudden on •y t
spring off to the side, running the buggy it. Th
into the ditch and throwing the occu- o'cl ck.
pants ."-,ut. Mr. McMillan had one of his cars al of whic
iees badly sprained and Mrs. McMillan fore re .hug her,
V-. considerably bruised, but the other er t ait s, also 0.
oeen pants of the vehicle were uninured, still th • crowd a
The horse tot free from the. buggy and ereved rather
ran a' ons." arable distance before being l'eng h, about
securs.i. The horse, which Was a young atoll a d. stoppc
and fractious animal was uninjured, but or 1 p ssenger
the buy was badly snaashed. num e of box
tail, a clthe co
THE COcERT. -The concert, given on carr ed off. Man
Thuralay eveninee last in eid of the Sea- athe a burled a
forth cricket club under the management the lac of accoM
Mr. . W, Cline, Was rather meagerly do n t now, ho
attended. Le fact, it is net creditable entile15 with tie
the peeple of Seaforth that an entertain- from
meat of such merit should be so poorly than
patronized. It is also very discouraging pan3
to those who go to the trouble and ex- diffi
pense of getting up an entertaintneut of A d
merit that their efforts are not mare • of th
highly appreciated by the people. How- up,
ever, we are sure that those who failed sten
to attend this Concert misSed an enter- to c
tainment, the like of which they will not sour
soon again have the privilege of attending. reas
Mr. Kennedy, as a comic singer, eharm- asse
drenching rai, and morhfied by seeing
train after t ain passing along without af-
fording th . a relief; could be. expectO to
think f the difficulties and risks 'which
the co nen have to encounter, There is
on? t !ave
owever, that the company
shduld Wive lone. They should have af-
forded arge extra accommodation on the
regula 'nor ing train. Had thig been done
much clf the disappointment and delay
complained f would have been avoided.
held it
m rni
ou -do
1 o'clo
refres ment
fot wh ch t
received jus
been s rved
suppli d. t
at rac
he rishtown
und y School pic-nic, in connec-
th t e Irishtown Church, was
Mc ann's Grove, Irishtown,, on
on ay. The weather in .the
g be g rathe unfavorable for
r 'ex reises, o account of the
rai, a large n inberilbf persons
d f atten ing, but about
k th rain ceas , and the people
ouri g by he hundred from
B ythe Morris,Seaforth and
roo until, about 3 o'clock, the
of rsons or tile ound Was.
d be close
which ere first•class, and
e ladies o the congregation
and mer ted
and th
on to 3.000.The
praise, havinif
ir_ner man wel
e amusements of the day
on or. the ming folks was
necl earnest. The principal
dancing, which was ell patronized all
th aftiernoon, there b iu a lar e plat-
e ected for that ur ose Willie the
rentb of'
used the
itinz of
aid si
the gr
e cbildre a
elves b
the dial
d their friends
lietening to the
stes, recitations
g, bythe di erpnt schools on
net. The exelrcises in grammar,
and general pro6ciency by the
's ehool, Carron
id duly appre-
nt, and it also
rough training
heir respeeted
some very good
inging by
ool McKil
iums pas
ir 'teacher,
which t
of Mrs. Fly
were excellen
y t 'e people p
the Icare and
stowed u on them
het. There were
dings, recitations a
p pile Of Mr, Phelan's
a d high were the e
both /pen them and
t exeelle t manne
re ren ered.
s, w re deliver
tlemen : Tho
Jol+ O'Salliv
Mooney, of S
1 II
speech s o
where 1 well
and w ich
at tim
ing ge
Brown, of 'Juan. T
capital songs by Mr.
Carro broo
inichael, of
receiv d
of M
si es littin
es ing part
was reserve
the sh pe
popul r yo
between th
tlibbe # a
a gold
the a
itnhe i r
net in
(143, w
the oc
to go i
everyt ing
the satisfa
cident to
pleasu eseekers. W
to, me tion that the s
nip ways due in no s
energetic and untirin
by Re. Father McGr
coanplient d on the
all the) dis vantage
one of the ost succe sfl pic-nics
held ini this section of thecow try.
, a
ev ral excellent
t s bjects, which
those present,
onidera.ble mirth
td by the fonder-
Ilna, Knfingg,acCaurlinon
af rth, and Mri
ortwere also some
Thomas King, of
and r. Robert (.arr
Seaforth, w toll were Well
d elicite t e highest ap-
mit ; the singing
specially causing
he most inter -
in s, however,
from those pr
. Carmichael
f the pro ee
for the 1 st, which was in
f an elec ion for the Most
ng lady. Tbe contest was
township of McKillop and
d was v ry close and ex -
the successful andidate receiving
watch and cha• . This concluded
usernents of th day, and it being
7 o'clock, the e eople dispersed to
arious home, eaoh one express
self Well satis ed With the mad -
which the pro amme had beeii
• out, and the I ay in which the
18 spent genera, y. The music for
asion was sup lie by Holland's
Ile Band. A pace will not
a to give verba in a report of the
ingta it would e perikuous hero
to details, an ce it to say that
mooed off mo t pleasantly tit
tion of a without any int.
ar tbe nj yment of the
ust not forget
as o the pie
degree, to the
efforts put forth
th who must be
erneination, taking
into account of
• ver
Wrox ter.
loudless mOrn-
ised a splendid
illOM DAS.-T
ing of he 1 t of July
day foil a ce ebratiete 1
eri pro ises, before lor
for thc sky gradually
and ab ut the middle
drizzli m rabegan
tinned with i
h short nte
t roug out the whole
but slIht1ylinterferin
ing ou1 or the prog a
standing th unsuitab lit
feCt eq
the Sil
first th
the Sill
their fi
ot rtohde
b r it I l irio an
ijhAfter ti
cease, t
were c
geed ru
The p
11 inch
feet 9 i
38 feet
A. Scot
4 feet 8
A. Scot
1st A. :2
25, feet fi
(nren,) 1
il ute' .i
der of t
the dust
cellent o
Dme= ; Secretary and Treasu
gt was broken, , like many oth-
J. ;Clark ; General Agents, N.
and John Carmichael. In lditio
stumble, and throw the rider heavily to
the ground. Though stunned and bruis-
ed considerably about the shoulders, - he
luckily escaped without serious injury.
Running race, haif mile heats, best 3 in
5, open to all, purse $40.--lst John Gof-
ton's Kitty Webster, 2nd Thos. Ralph's
Lucy Fray, 3rd J. Kearney's Deerfoot.
Trotting mho, half mile heats, best 2 in
3, open to all, purse $35.-lst Thomas
Hill's Gipsy Lass 2nd John M Lecid's
Dusty Miller, 3rd W. Norton's Shoo Fly.
Farmers' trotting race half -mle heats,
best 2 in 3, open to jarm horses only,
purse $5.-lat Thos. Mosgrove's Plow-
boy, 2nd T. McIiroer's Biondi'', In the
evening the brass band, which had con-
tributed greatly to the day's entertain-
ment, gave a concert in the public hall,
which was not so well patronized as it
would have been if the weather be been
at all favorable. The celebrati in con
cluded with a display of firewor on the
square, and the Crowd dispersed doubt-
less well pleased with the way i which
they had spent Dominion Day.
Bussels-. , I
. _ I
OONCERT.-ThB members of t e Inde-
pendent Base Bail Club intend : ,ving a
concert in the Town Hall o - Frio . y the
14th inst.„and have seem- the rvices .I
of. M.'lle..Inei Feenandez,. t e gre t color-
ed vocalist, for 7e occasion
BASE BALL. -he Luckn w b . t ball
chile played a match game "th t e Inde-
pendents of Brus els, on th grounds of
the latter on Mo day last, hich result-
' ed in -a score of 2.I
to 32, in f vor of Leek.
n6W. From our knowledgd of t e game
we can not say Much in favor of he fair-
ness of some of the decision of se Um-
pire. • e 1 1
Roan IMPROVMENTS.- he ontract
to the amount of $400 for re akin: gravel!
road north and south of ruse as was
awarded to Richeird Bennet , of owick,
for $3 per cubic 3,ard for no th1Brus-
SelPf and $2.75 pr yard SO tb o Bras-
Bele. The cont acts wer let by the
Reeves of Morrist and Grre th town-
ships expending ifqual aumsj of t e 8400.
mer examinatio4 in the ubli# school I
was held in the principal an seco . d divi-
sions, Tuesday and We need y last. 1
With the exceptien of readi g, t a e whole!
of the .prizes were decided =con ing to
written examinaions, cond cted during
the last two weeks. The a hool will be
closed until August 16th.
THE FIRST. -The First passed ft rath-
er quietly. Several games of b se ball
were played between show rin shoot-
ing match of Brussels Rill Ass elation
was held, but the great qu tity of rain
that fell greatly marred the proc edings.
In the Association match the fo lowing
lathe standing ; 1st John! Pou d, 2nd
C, Bethune, 3rd John Wilson, th W.
Wilson, 5th C. Wilson, 6th, W, obert-
son, 7th Jas. Sperling. All Comer match.
---lst John Wynn, 2nd C. Wil on, 3r4
Jas, Serling, 4th C, Bethune, th W.
Wilson, 6th John Ainley, 7th W. match.--Ist homes
son. Consolation
Engish, 2nd Malcolm Moore, 3rs F. • S.
Scott. The best aggregate 'score was C.
nacieting of the embers of the
insurance comps y for the :town
Hilbert and Usb rne was held at
har on the 23rd It. Mr. Alex.
was appointed c airman. It was
that the name of the company sh
the Usborno and, Hibbert Mut
Insurance Company; that the he
be at Farquhar,and that seven
be appointed. Upon a ballot bei
the following meinbcrs were found
pose the board of directors 1: Me
Gardiner, A. Duncan, F. McC
T. McKay, J. Halls, R. Creery
Worden It was resolved that
nual meeting of the members be
tho first Monday of Febr
year. At a subsequent m
directors, held on Wednes
ult., the following gentle en
pointed officers of the company
current year: President, Debt. G
Reeve of Hibbert; Vice - Preside
hips of
uld be
al Fire
g taken
to com-
ers. R.
nd W.
he • an-
held- on
n each
of the
e 28th
re ap-
or the
er, N.1
to the
arge a
her re -
ary i
y, t
beanie Overcast,
f the forenoon a
to 'fall, and eon -
vale to come down
he day, though spethis company will
ith the carry -
me. Notwth-
, of the daY, a
an seemed to
hly, and to t ke the occasional
wh. h they r ce ved ;with per.
ani ity. A b se ball match, be -
he thletics, of Winghain, and
er aples, of ' Tr, xeter, was the
g n the p og mme. When
er aples wer 1 the middle of
• h nings, the ra u -put an end
ga, and th vetory was de -
o ret with th h4me club. No
pla was ma e either side
the Maples er evidently the
anetean. The 8 or steed as foil,
lo Silver Maples, 17 Athletics, 12.
e base ball m to was over, and
interval alto d or the rain to
e athletic ga es began. These
rried on wit vi:or, and sdme
ning and ju pi were made.
'ze • takers were as , fello*s
jump, 1st W. Pi cenix, 11 feet
s; 2nd A. Se tt, 11 feet 10 in,
jump, 1st T cLaughlin, 17
• 2nd J. Mc auhlin, 17 feet 8
nileg hop, ste and jump, 1st T.
hlin 39 feet 9 in. 2nd A. Sctt,
in Runnin igh jump, lst
, 4 eet 9 in. 2 d. W. Phmix,
•11. Three atnd ng jumps, 1st
32 feet 5 in : nd Thos. Mc-
, 3j. feet 11 i . Putting stone,
ot 26 feet 6 in. • 2n4 D. Scott,
in One hu'.d d yards race
t 11 /vIcLaug ilin 2nd Jas. Mc
1 Two • hur dr d yards race
lel T. McLa gh in, 2nd J. Mc -
i. race, 10 yards, 1st G.
rse racine w s the next or
e day, and th ra n having laid
the track pr ve to be in ex -
der. 0 A ing pa tly to the un
guard.ed atate of the ra and partly,
no doub4, to the carel ssness of the par-
ties coneei d, sever 1 Accidents took
place, t. bug , fortune ely, none of them
resulted in oss of li e or very seribui
damage p operty. tie second heat
of the -uniiing race Goton's colt ran
against t4nd lightly ixi ured a man stand-
ing on tIle e4lge of the ra k, who was so
interest4l i4 the lea• g ¥orses that he
did not ee those beh' d4 unseated the
jockey, 4nd collided • ith several other
persons efole brought to i stop. In the
fourth h at Of the sam
len dog tan directly
ney's DerfOt, causi
agent's, fee of $1, the comp
percentage of five cents per
to cover working expenses.
the same as other mutual i
panies on the premium note
company makes a very goo
witness the
ment, having 110 names
enjoy them
books, representing an
ny c
Ie co
e an owner-
nt of J. Kear-
tbe horse + to
01 it
ce corn -
nee of
Sunday school pic-nic of the1 seve
byterian schools in McKillo was
Govenlock's grove On Saturd.ay la
wet weather in the foremen pr
many from being in attend nee
layed proceedings. When the r
ceased about 150 Parents and chit
sembled in the grove and af
of the bountiful supply of
provided, were addresaed
Simpson, of Westminster
Thomson, of McKillop. There
excellent singing by a choir com
children from N6.- 4 school,le
tacher Mr Hartley No
r p
nd R
see so many present. There was nothing
so gladdened their hearts and nothing so
encouraging to them as to either
member or adherent, young or old com
ing to spend a social hourAt the Manse.
He trusted that they wOuld 4ener meet
together and seek more to ,a ow each
other. better. HO assured t that
during the time he, had bet,. lemon
them, Mrs. Thomson and he . ehjoye
much happiness in their intercOurae with
both congregations, and their! visits to
their homes were much prized. There
was no part of the Ministerial work 80
pleasing to them as to talk of the Savior
at their own firesides, and he :hoped if
God saw fit that they both might be
spared many years to go out and inamong
them, that there might be much useful-
ness and happiness for them in McKilIop.
He desired that all might obtain the
blessings they so much wished for Mrs.
Thomson, and hoped that when all their
social meetings were ended they might
spend together the 'everlaating Sabbath
above. After which each one pattook of
the good things the ladies had pr pared,
a very pleasant eveningwas spent, all
being well satisfied.
• Hullett
Council of the township of H nett met
at Londesborough on June 25th. All
the members present. Miiiutcs or4 former
meeting read and confirmed. Mdved by
J. Howson, seconded by J. Bri!tton, that
the petition of -John Churchill andi others
be granted, and that George Warner be
paid at the rate of $75 a year !for board
nig and clothing Mary Conley, au indi-
gentperson from the 14th If pril--
Carried. Vioved by J. War i k, sec-
onded by S. Mason'that the u of $3
50 be refunded to Lawtonoe for
statute labor tax for the yea 1874, he
having both paid and performed the work
for said year -Carried. On neo ion of
J. Britton, seconded by J. :Howson, a
number of accounts wore ordred to be
aid. Moved by J. Warwick, see+ ended
y , J. Howson, that the eve and
Treasurer be authorized to bo row from
the Canadian Bank of Coniine ce or any
other chartered bank the su e of $1,500
until the taxes are collected, i nicet the
current expellees- of the tow # ship, and
that a by-law be prepared and passed to
confirm the same -Carried. :. •I w was
read and passed. Moved by . Mason,
seconded by J. Warwick, that his Coun-
cil do now adjourn to meet aga n at Kin -
burn, on the 31st of August !nett, and
that the Court of Revision be now open-
ed pursuant to motion of 'adjournment of
last meeting of said Court -Carried. The
Court of Revision was ' then �pened, J.
Mason, chairman. Moved by Mr. Brit-
ton; seconded by Mr. Warwick, that the
assessment of ichard Adams Londes-
borough, be reduced from $500 to $400
real property -Carried. Moried by J.
Howson, seconded by J. Briton, that
the aesessment roll as revised be now
passed, and that the Court of Revision be
noes closed for the present year -Carried.
. 1
• Walton;
14‘NTJIR1'AINIIKNT.- M'lle. Inez Fer-
nandez, the famous colored prima donna,
wilt give an entertainment in the Orange
hal, Friday evening, the ItI. 'I inst. A
crowded house is anticipated:
SCHOOL AFFAIl1=-The average daily
attendance of pupils et thie Walton
school, for the six months ending June
30, Was 108. The quarterly examination
of the first division came off inat week,
and was conducted in writing.F
Pic -Nae. -On Dominion Da a Sunday
School pic-nic was held in Mr.i William
son's grove. Notwithstanding the heavy
rain that fell through the day the pro-
gramme was successfullycarried out.
Feasting, speeches, singing, swiinging and
ball playing occupied the time:,
ACCIDENT. --At a barn raising on the
Fourteenth Concession of McKillop, on
Thursday of last week, al bent fell, com-
ing in contact with Mr. Ilumqston and
Mr. Gardiner, in its downward course.
Mr. Gardiner escaped with sllght- in
juries, but Mr. Humersten was era seri-
ously injured as to require medical aid,
which was immediately scut fr. Both
men are recovering.
, . 1
SABBATH ScHoot PIC -N c. ---The schol-
ars of the Methodist Sabbath School,
Londesboro, accompani d by their
friends, held their annual pic-n c on cm1)o-
minion Day, at Point Fa. , four miles
north of Goderich, to w icle lace they
were conveyed by carriages. Notwith
standing the unfavourable weather, a A Shad 0,
manner. One thing which always tends
very pleasant time was spent i/ the usual
Z' A. T
777 7 7
7 777
500 peers Kip GLOVES, at isli plias
and shadesfrem 50 cents to $1.
PARASOLS .at 25 tents each..
1 -
SIT,‘IT PARASOLS at 50 +cents, a
cents, 4!) cents and 95 cent.
. I -
A Lot of iNew AMERICAN CO..1#1,Allg
• I
for Ladies.'
A Lot of New DRESS GOODS, EXtr$
at 5 cents, 6 cents, 7 cen and 8
cents a
yad, Guaranteed
These are much WIDER than the
, •
A LOt of i Childrens and. Ladis' HOS-
IERY, White, Plain and. Ribbed, •
from 10 cents to 50 cents p r- pair.
' -
Fag qENTLE11 N.
This Week We Offer New LINEN
COATS in' all the New STYIES
and F413RICS.
all sizeL from 12 to 17 inch
In the Latesti BROADWAY STYL&
Also the i1evel ENGLISH
.14821B HAT;
Splendid fpr SUMMER WEAR.
to make a pic-nic successful is the sup
ply of refreshments, and the 1 dies who
Union provided for this one certaiulj deserve
al Pres- praise for the ample, varied 4nd really
held in t. The Si°11*--Ntm Bra.
excellent provision mad on this occa-
Gents' GLOVES, all
froM 75 cleats to $1 25.
nd de- Hay.
in had SHOCKING ACCIDET. Tuesday
ren as- last' a young man named lJohn Hilburn,
rtaking employed at Rannie's ea irnl11 while in C4 0 T, f IAT
hments contersation e.t eome fricni1, tripped
v, Mr. and I fell on the 8aW eellile iji motion,
v. Mr. Before assistance could be ren ered one
as also of bes lege awl oleo of his arMB vere liter
osed of ally sawn off. The uuf rtun te young
by the man lingered in fearful gon I for four
the ending hur, when death ended 1 is uffering. Assortmeiat, of the Ribest GLISEc
Is now COMII'LETE with the BEST
the unpleasant weather, tiose ho at-
tended, both old and yeung, spen a very
pleasant afternoon.
Tuesday evening a large uumb
dies and others connected with t
gregation of Duff's Church, usse
the manse and put themselves in
session of it for a time, And aft
1 social conversation Mr. Wm. J.
wee called to the chai4, who, in
happy and humorous:styl, di
justice to the position for which
well qualified. He firat called o
Kerr to addressAhe meeting.
did so with great pathos, contras
social home here with the Eve
Home above, showing how that
ering the continued goodnesS of
ought to be social and happy here
wise we cannot attain thehapPines
and concluded by a powerful a
each one present to seek Endre
to be led with Clhrist in God
peace which paseeth all eiders
r of La-
e con -
bled at
all pos-
✓ some
s usual
e is so
Mr.- J.
n. gKtehr
od, wi
• b
peal to
d more
ncl. thet5
After which, in the nanTe of the ies of
the ce,ngregation, of Duff's chu ch, he
read a most flattering and co 1 entary
address to Mrs. Thomson, aidpr sented
her with a well filled purse. Mr Thom-
son, on behalf of Mrs. Tho on, banked
them kindly for this token df the esteem
and regard which they had left for Mrs.
Thomson and himself. He then assured
them he was more highly honored than if
he had received the purse and oontents
himself. Be ba, been completely taken
by surprise, but was exceedingly glad to
HbnEtalli 1
of unel amounted- to 806,69. Pounds, have ever had. 1:; entlemen laving
STATION . BC1NE3.- -The freight for-
warded from 'Tense% (luring he month
realizing to the company for charges the
sum of $947 45. Purina the Imonth of
rtrfrom this
r, 1 his deis
dlandnoshtso their Orii. rs can be guarantee4
bad for Hensall.
SCOTCH aixd 'FRENCH 'Ca.()
THS we
Tuckersrla h.
ander, of Tuckersmith, has burchased
from idr. Hotham, oflIi ert,pat hand-
some imported carriage s " Pride And at
Of England." The price aid yeas $1,100
cash. Mr. Alexander h now got pos-
session of the horse.
on our ow
Some ex• citement w created at the
close of the races at G.dcrich on the
Drivring Park, by a horse attached to a
buggy occupied by a young la y, which
became frightened -when the h cl began
to play and ran away fromhboutggythea
centre of the grounds,
=able Priese. W
premises promptly
rk dow
upset, the young lady thrown out, strik-
ing on her shoulder and bruising herself
severely, but receiving no serions injury.A. CS MCDOUGALL & CO,
The horse which belonged' to Alex. Me -
Into h, Colborne, who had left it in
charge of the lady for a few minutes, ran
towards the carriage exitra,ncei but the 777 -SIGN OF TR E-777
gate keeper closed the gate and i the ani-
mal was brought up with stunning sud-
denness. The buggy was completely
NEsT sit vim& .
leratobIll No. 449.
lett, Coantj of Huron; well im
foil' buildings. Prieo0 $5,400
STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth
A.11)1S FOR. BALE. -East
also South 50aer
con, 10, morns, -rstifoiniag the
sirEBIlart131attirstriot $1?8=CloATh-
-L-‘011 SALES'" tli half Lot
• containing xsexes0 adjoin
43j -easels ; said Iot is auitable 10
with g75#3
VARN FOB SM-acorth
well ttrjbtr&1d,
isle them? antl on easy terms oTto .
31c• oso73:1:1; the()LTIloT Town IDARK LYrs FOR SALE,
raostdessrahlo sitaatio for .1)
Term reasonable, with Immo
Applyto IL Ws. C. 2:1B/B10 B
xvoo r to osLrw, ;.:111 $21: 00 1)- 7r 13
Main street, fsatertia= A good
,inwhich are two stores. with
t la iPe ir°3 rt 13: IGIlosed iPrEri c°Ahl )14814t r2:3 3er ti 3a41 'e get:
iehlslanufs.turing Conapanyas
Also dwelling/louse-and lot adio
property wall ba sold op. easy te
biro apply to (*RAY I SCOTT=
-kJ nd saiubrioas ,of Bk
band, With hOtite4 bean and sti
choice fralt trees in bearing; ne
of hard and Sat wat,er Ou the pi'.
ion se agreed ittpon. CO
••11•7 COLEILAN„ havingla.
reeently ocaupld ist Driving
.111; Lot, ie prepared to slisposev
able terms to Any wto nray deth
del:sing to pArthase S14001-4 nut
.atOry frame bkoseltua. but
Market ! Bgnstro, Sealorth,,Tii
been used as an egg peeking eel
are -adapted for any publ
Issramilars apply to tbe proptle
VON, -Beatorth, or to -eV
10, Con, b, Hallett; there az
ireproved aud underdrained, the
well timbered with hardwoot
buildings on the premises :hi
Seaforth and :Clint
1243h2 Rinburn, on a good gray
thin particulars sivily to GEOI
istance P. O.
3; Tuakermith, sontaint
40o1 °whih are cleared and in
tivation; the lems,ittclta' is WI
valuable letrawood ; there le
and other excellent eittbuildin
=ties from Seitforth, on a goo<
tner partientars apply to JAI
Egraondville P. O.
VA.RI± FOR SA.L.-or Sal
104 1lorri, containing 64111
Me cleared, well Lend and in
ealtlYststiou; the remainder
There are 4 acres of ohoice fro
good log house and frame s
from the 131-jth station -of theL
Bruee Railway. For futther pa
LAIDLA.W 03i tha prernisee,
ing Lot 27,(,n, 4, L.
acres, 10 acres cleared, 180 sor
of cultiation, 20 acres extelb
fenced and waere, has good I
-1330t eelle,rs fox 209 loads.
miles from Seaforth station, 6
:ftgladbl'elifPensretfj:i:rr2:443114 412 t)4'16
11:r 1;T 4411 ':1 °..1 .1711- 3es ;lel 30:eS1 1,1
tontaius seven rooms beside:
itilpropAavertaLe:Ntsti.. liard and loft
10 acres, alsoall
{ 4R060:1V:ilfS81:1, eer: 0 rouiSsi:7L 1 -isv):Wts,iii r:ocilszsutt st:1
abso south 119.11.61 4..ot 19, Con
ee, Ir4t0'.WCi
BELL, Seale,03,
PARM roat; SALE„ -For Sal
Hallett, consistingoi 100*
cleared, Alla bahmee well ft
wood. There is a log house,*,
and outbuildin8, a good well,.
4118 orehard of ehoieeiruii. treei
Troln Seaton/4 t. miles from
Rinburn„ TerME jandelcnown
the premises. Possession g
ELIZABE nAtilvEY, tons
VA.11111 FOR SALE.; --Por Si
Riaaert, containing .100
are Cieft.Td. tree of stomps, ‘1
Ant -class ealivatbn, A barn
abed and stable 604:80, a Aril
brick root house Ana 11 splen'
house, and la -oCier 0gee884i
good Qv:bar:land well waterell
the most nesie.ble farms in 11;
trY; Terms easy. Apply to 11
premiSes,or to Egraondvige
beit.1:0redfelZ;B:. Yr i 36: : 3:)1A( '• ( I Ja:Etf: Art 1.wx:elhrbS' 94 3a 11:
lislia‘Itel jicsfhgi:e# oh. 1 4efieljttlot tV112:1
CAX IVI:i ;1 i 18Y Ern:5i 7:4 1;1 : 1` taaZia in:
tanla 1'74 and * good CO
1 I PEA. EN.
roads leading to each plaee;
1'1 iblirns.coLltlaaln:itlii.e1e0,tilaji ten i ry sr .114 tte brlor i,1 Exilid: ;11`tiraltt: eclii:ean lel de ab stet
'14 1 I FOB, SA LE..--FDr
i tirgt.e1833B eahis:RW.)4i and Ire:
il :oafteertnn-a):::::::CAO:o.sin2,Sg‘1):
1 A111/0 ell watered :, within 11
farm nd is &ars ing the atte
Appl, -013 the premises or to
uoarooko 0 aur e:inel n itaesri dVii andrt web]szitn uwoht so,:rt4a9gli ratn. 6rotabloilatiedln through
sre4:;:;tfe, earl aett:iothh: ame eereae:ritels:;
, exec ,
and frena Ithlblarn
best soros tha Huron; terms