HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-07-07, Page 7trtna- 7 I re- HURON PLAffilia -MILL mem undersigned herby info= thi, - easternets and the public generally of tett _hY meal of their Factorend Lumber 'riled amore commodious premises NORTH MAIN STREley 'ellen, with inereaeed facilities ancl no machinery Of the best make, they will _ • to reameencture and fill all orders for Sahes, Doors,13jjnd, Mo And all kind of PLANED L.UNIBIER At Prices to Suit the Times. Farm Gates, Hay Racks, ph4,84 .Boxes, &e. A Large Stock of Seasoned lipurber• on. Ine4, LATH AND SH1INGLES; ,_14g Sawing. and esmtem Platting win iliteeetve Prompt Attention, The eubscribere hereby thank their numerotte customers for the liberal- patronage extended to theradnr.ing thepast, and itope, by strict Wee. rity *loge attention to businese, to emirs Continuance and ineroafre of the Bartle. To all thoee whose account! aro overdue We give a cordialinvitation to pay up. GRAY & SCCOTT, P. S.-Pigrts si.rni Specifications for farniehed on application, TIIE VERY CILOAPEST SPOT IiV TOW2V. READY MONEY DOES THE*BUSINESS, T01 -13T .1-,r*Y"1.4Z GROCER and PROVISION DEALER, SEAFORTH, BUYS for Caah, and sells /or Cage, and, biting • no bad debte, gives his euetomers thebenellt. It all baguette men would pursue this system i •Grangelem• would soon die a natural death. GROCERIES, .01verydescription,Fresin New and Good. First Close Green Tett at 45 centsper pound in packages of not len than 10 pounds. Bright, Beautiful Sugar, from 10 'to 12 pounds for One Dollar. FLOUR 'AND FEED Of Every Detteription Delivered in Town Free of Charge GASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, Ana other Fumanti ProducGjn exchange for Goods Caoh. Raniember the New Greene', nearly opposite Weir's Hotel, Seaforth. JOHN KYLE. CARTER'S STEAM SAWMILL, SEAFORTH, N HAND over 1,000,000 feet of good Hemlock Lumber, eat and eorted, suitable for Build.ing, Draining and Fencing. For Sale at the • VERY LOWEST PR ICES, Also a quantity of Inferior quality, Suitable for Sheeting, m $a.50 per M. Me Best Quality is Sorted 80 as to 'Rork Without Waste. Patronage fa reepectfriliy eolicited, and satie- action gnarauteed, JAMES L CARTER, BRUSS:ELS DRAW. Mt. rOWN & BURROWS?, PROPRIETORS. et.E. Steinteribere take thia opportunity te, return thanks to their numerous cue -inters for the etronege extendeato them during the past eese na, and hope by strict attention to busineeter id t• supplying a good article, to merit a continu- co of the same, LIME BURNED DAILY, good article gueranteed. Price 14 mints per altele at the kin; 15 eents, cars. TERMS ISTRICTLY GASH. kIrnseeis, May 2, 1870. 482 FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN. rs: WHITNEY, Seaforth ALWAYS ready to One& MILK CANS ,und DAIRY UT ELS N Slof every t the Shorten Notice, and at prices that will Irt. all who want a good article. ilt and See What She Can Do Be-_, fore Purchasing Elsewhere. E PUREST AND BES -T COAL OIL In the market Wholeealeand Retail. fry eVind of Tin. Work Conatanay (4L Hand or Mad to Order. ennenther the Plaec-Corner of ,Tohn. and Alain MRS. WHITNEY;' GG EMPORIUM...-. • 14f- oubscriber hereby thanks his numerotte tuntersfuterchants and inhere) for their liberal :Gringo darieg the paid seven years, and hopeni -trict integrity and close attention to btasineast -orit their confidence and trade in the future. eying greatly enlarged hi premiees• winter, he fa now prepared to pay the GH EST CASH PRICE A I; Ared any quantity of good froeee-v-- ah eggs, EGG EMPORIUM, Mairt Street, Sesiortbe anted by the aubseriber 25 tone of good dry WHEAT STLANV. .D. 'WILSON 111(ED HAMS AND SIDE -MEAT. &J. PETTY, H E NSALLI Have on band a. quantity oi L CLItED HAMS AND SIDS Which they will sell Cheap. ey arewarrantedof first.class qaallty,4414i t cr....(c, • 0•0•018"i Qum of England suctiVer Runny. Appropriate to the 57th anniversary of gtuera Victoria's birth, the London Ob. oar remarks ,that " there has probably never been a sovereign d ilagbut4 who could look around so onnerOni a circle of deseendfints a her majesty." Since the Prince Consort died only three deaths have occurred in the British Royal family, and two of these bac been eibildren inithe earlieskIttageis of infancy, namely, the third child of the Noes of Wales, who was born on the 6th and died an the 8th of April,,1871, and the child of the PrincesiChristian, iitto died on the 20th of last.April aged oily eight days. The other death that of the second son of the Princess Alice of getge was the result of an accident. The Observer stimulates in this wise • ''.The eldest child of the,Crown Prin. cesi of Germany (the Princess _Royal of &Owl) is now 17 years of age. Hen majesty is 57, If her eldest grandchild were to marry within the next year, and bave a ehildin the ordinary -course, that etud might arrive at man.hood, and have Odra within the next 20, years, thus making ber Majesty a -great -great-grand- mother before she reached 80 year% of age. Wedo not say that this is probable& but it is by no means impossible, especi- ally as the children of the Queen have, unlike those of George IV., all rnade early marriages, and it is likely that their ebilclten will follow their example." Two Classes of Conversers. Arouncl and above all other distinc- tions: there are two great classes of con- . velvets; those who make you feel that _ you are of some account in the world, and. thoe who have a subtle way of con- vincing you that you have; no right tO exist. The latter class is small in num= ber but what they lack in quantity,' they make up in sting. Sometimes they , are gifted with a sharp tongue and an un- erring faculty of saying the most grind- ing things. Sometimes they are- appar- ently suave and considerate in manner and phrase, - But, in -either case, you go away from them with a feeling that the world is stuffed with Raw -dust, that you yourself are an imbecile and an imposter, may take days for you . to recover- your proper standing with yoarsolf. Then, if you ask your soul what fatal gift has the tirmenter, which carries with it this power of making lajs fellow -mortals mis- erable, you discover that i is the gift of selftliness. Tho person to whom you havneen talking is ungenerous. A gener- ons man, a generous woman—you cannot come near such a one without receiving something that makes amends for your r own disappointment with, your* own ill otinion of, yourself. An ungenerous person adds the weight of another to your side of the 8c1110, and down you go.— Scribner, Frank People, They are to be avoided, as a class. When they boast of being frank," we always feel inclined to shudder,' We know by experience that they mean they have taken upon themselves the privilege of saying any ill-naturecl thing that comes uppermost, and expecting people to swal- low it like a pill, without resistance -and without retort. Pleasant things the frank person never says. Your mental failings and personal deficiencies, what there is wrong in your house and in your manners -these bring forth his comments. When people say anything against you, object to your size and height, your good-natur- ed weakness, or your hot temper, he is impelled to bring you tidings of the same. His frankness over -masters him ; but be assured, it never will if he hears a com- plimentary remark concerning you. Su ch speeches are loeked in the recesses of his own bosom, and his frankness never pumps thein up. Never be beguiled by the pretence this frank creature makes of being the best and most genial' fellow in the world. A good heart will manifest itself in some endeavor to make those around him feel happy, and howsoever true a cruel thing may be, a gentleman will not like to say it, or a gentle woman either, Journeys of a Steel Trap. The Meriwether (Ga.) Vindicator re- lates as -follows the adventures of a steel trap " Mr. Mark Crowder, who resides a few miles south of Greenville, has a small steel trap which he placed in his chicken house se veral months ago to catch the minks that were troubling his poultry. One or two minks being caught by it, the trap disappeared without any one on the place being able to explain the cause, A. week or ten days after the trap was miss- ed the dogs caught and killed a minkatin the swamp near Mr, Crowder's dwelling, that had the missing trap fastened to one of his legs, After the minks, the owls becoming troublesome, Mr. Crowder placed the trap upon the top of a tall pole awls usually alighting upon the tallest ob- ject in the vicinity when meditating a de• scent upon the poultry yard. Ten owls were caught by this arrangement, when the trap again disappeared. About a s week afterwards, Hal Crowder, who lives three milefrom his father, Mark Crow- der, heard an unusual commotion in his poultry -house. Repairing thither he found on owl in the. house, which, on be- ing killed, diecevered the missing trap fastened to one of his feet. Mr. Crow- der has his trap again. A RemarkableRace. On the 26th ult., there arrived at Liver- pool two American ships, the J, B. Brown, ant er the command of Capt. Kezar, and the Southern Cross, under command of Capt. Ballard. The two ships towed out throUgh the headsat San Franciseo at 6 oc,leek on the morning of December 31st, 1675, side by side, discharged their pilots at the same time, and passed the Fara- loue Islands together. Met -each other the next day and parted conpany that night., Met again on the line in the Paeific, and again in the neighborhood of tl s and of Pitcairn, in the South Pa- cific, and did not see anyth'ng of, each other again until in about- three or four degrees of south latitude on the Atlantic side. Here they had it nip and tuck for a week or ten days, watching each other as a cat does a rat. Finally, a circum - dance took place which the master of the Southern Cross says he never experi- enced before during a command the ast India trade for 26 consecutive years. in by side, bearing by comdu pass e cast and Both the equator side t, ships arrived on and on working up their latitudes they found they had no latitude at all__ not a fraction either way; in fact they were exactly on the equator. From this point they parted compfny. Met again in the north east trades, sailed in corn- PanY for a 'Week or so, then parted. Met again off Holyhead, and took tugs from th same company. I Towed up the Mer- sey side by side, and had the dock gates been wide enoug they could have enter- ed side by side., it was, the, yolks led the way in, the rown fadowing within a foot of her all t e way. A Itemaria le Resern13,140e. In one of the , don police clourte„a man was charged with some offence not of a very serious 1Attu' . h was stated thatheluad been evi usly convicted at the, Mansion se and at Worship Street. He, admt,ted hat he had been at Worship. Str t, b, t stoutly denied that bs,had ever been at the Mansion House.; Hd wa4 idef, tined as having - been there by his pho • aph, by jhifg hav- ing (mar over la' ref eye, and having lost the first joint of t. forefinger of the left hand. This ertai ly apw.aited good evidence of identi y. 1 he prisoner -was renaanded for a eek, and during that week another ma w had a " 0,..ar over the left eye, who ad 1. of the forefinger f th left ha d, who 3 the fit; joint equally resemble the photograph, and who wai, in fact, he e an who had been at the Mansion 1ous was taken into custody. The tw me a w o had no con- nection with each othe ere pia d side by side in the dock bef re the ma 'strate.' Such a ease as th s is probably unique, and we should h ve een din sed to doubt its truth h: I it ot come from the magistrate before who., the mein were brought. SPEOIA. EPPS'S COCOA,— rate —" By a thorou h natural laws whit s go -of digestion and. n trit ful application of the well-serected coo a, M vided our breakfa tab ly flavoured beve ge, many heavy doe , b judicious use of s ch a a constitution ma be until strong enou h to dency to disease. H Maladies are floating a attack wherever here We may escape .1 1 n keeping ourselves ell blood, and a prop rly Civil Service Gazet ets labelled-, "J mes mceopathic Chemi ts, St. ,and 170, Pipe illy, ONFESSIONS -0 A VI a warning and r ,the and others who suffer rom of Manhood, &c., giv ng after undergoing mut suffe mailed free on receivi : a velopo. Address NATI: AN Box 168, Brooklyn, N. . TICE& ul and comforting -nowledge of the ern the operations on, and by a care- ne proPerties of r. Epps has pro - es with a delicate- hich may save us lis. It i by the tides of diet that radually limit up resist eV ry ten- ndreds 0 subtle found us eady to s a weaint, fatal a aft) by Ortified w th pure ourished. frame." old only in pack. Epps & Qo., Ho - 8, Threadneedle i London," 421-52 TIM, --Pu lished u benefit of y ung men ervone Doh lity,Lose 8 rules of olf-Cure, ng and cep nee, and oet-paid di tasted en - File MAYFAIR,4041'..206. SPECIAL attention fe call :# to the great activ- ity of Dn. WEIZE BR'S Compound plixer of Phosphates and ,Calis ya i restofing the vital powers in all forme of 'debt! ty arising from the use of Spirite,Tobace , Opi in, and that form of nerve exhaustion from dopra ed habita, !This pre- paration of Phosphate is t, e only agent known that will sustain the n trvon system 1=4 tide the invalid over that pe od 1 mental depression which must be passed efor , recovery takes place. THE GREAT FEMA E R MEDY.- b Moses' -1 t - Periodical Pille-fhis 1 valuable in digne is unfailing in the our of a 1 those psi ful and dangerous diseases to whie the fon:tale onstitu. tion iii eubject. It in dem s all execs and re- moves allebtractions, and speedy cur may be relied on. To married die!, it is peonlia) y salted. It Will, in a short Um., brin on the mo thly pc • gild with regularite. Theo pills ehon11 not be - taken by Females dor ng t • e first threI months of Pregrancy, as they are s • re to bring on Mho carriage, but at any ot er t «o they aro $fo. In all cases of Nerve s an, Spinal Affectlons, pains in the back and limbs fatigue on tIight ex- ertion, palpitation o the cart, hyo es, and white, thee pills will effect a cure when all other means hove failed ; and, lthough a powerful remedy, do not eontai iro , cOornel, a titriony, or anything hurtful tlo the congitutio . Full directions in the pamphlet a mend each package, which should be carol Ily p: eserved. 3" b Moses, Now York, Solo Propr etor. $1 00 and 21 cents for postage enclosed t Nor hrop & L • an, To- ronto,Ont., general gent for the D 'minion, will our° a bottle ontaining over 50 Ole by return mail. Sold in Scaf rth by E. H ekson & Co., J. S. Robertn, and R, L minion. - 197 WIIAT TIM SAY OF T 1 FEW FACtil FOB THE PBOPLE.—There are b t few preparation of med• icines which have will stood the impart al judg- ment el the people fo any eat length of time. One of those is Dr. Th mas' electric 0 . Read the following and be c Irvine d : Theo, I oblation, Farnham Centre, P.Q., vrite , "I have be n afflict- ed with rheumatism f r the last ten y rs, and have tried many remed oil wi host any re lei, until I tried Dr. Thomas' E 'nettle Oil, and s nee then have had no attaek of i, I w uld recommend it to all." J. II. Earle, hot I kee or, West Sh fiord, P. Q,, writes," I have ben tro bled with It er com- i plaint for sovoral year , an have tried different medicines with little r no bencflt, tuiti I tried Dr. Thomas' EcIetris pii, w fell gave in immedi- ate relief, and I wonld ayt t I have nee • it since with the best effect. No on Ohotrid be w theta it. I have tried it on my ho so in cases of eat , wounds &c,, and think it is eine ily a good for h rse as it ie for mare', A. Mayb e, merchant, W rkworth, writee, "I have Bold so e hirndrode of 1 ottles of Eclectrie 011, and 11 18 pronounced by t e public ono of the best medic nee they ever utte , it has done wonders in heali g and relieving e am, sore throat, &c., and is wo thy of the greate t (maid. once." Joseph Rusan, township of Pere , writes, "1 was persuaded to t names' Ecle brie .011, for a lame knee whic . troubled mo for three or four years, and I never found anything like it for curing lamenees. It is a gloat public enefit." A. M. ICannIton, Wark ortli, writes, or weeke I was troubled with a s Tiled ankle, whie annoy- ed mo very much. Mr. Maybco, of Elio I law, in- duced me to try Bele ttrie Oil, and ho ore one bottle was used I as cured. It ii a most remarkable medielne."l Sold by all °Encino dealers. Price 25 Conte. S. N. THOMAS, • HELPS, N.Y. Aid NORTHROP k LYMAN, Tori # to,Ont., Sole Adents for the Dorainion. Nouu.—ti °lenge -Selected audElectriz 4. Sold in Sea nth by E. Hickson. & Co., J. l. Roberts, and .Lums- den. 440-8. POST OFFICE STORE, W 'CARD 0 HAN T BEG moat respectfu ly to thank my. pustomers for their ind patronage to eleven years which I avo boon doing among them, and solid a emit/nuance favors in the future. I have received Stock of Boots and Shots, Dry Goods, . Provisions, Crockery, elassware, Hard oil, Paint Oils and Pat•nt ldedicincs Of criptions. Farm Protuce taken iii 1 would aleo most reap ct!u3ly intimate who have not paid up t mounts, 4 1876, to tail and do so t on e, either b note, as I must have settlement. P1 without any further not co. MONEY 1 0 LOAN, If yon want to borro m you would do went° ca 1 on w here, as I am valuator for t ies in the Dominion. e LIFE IN 1U If you want your life 1 sur I am Agent for the Su M C cm pany, of Montreal, ne p roe porous Ineurance C mp ion, and conducted on t e eiples. I am Always At ent Give; ilf ca 484 R. PAT ISi LION, s. unierous the lag business of their a Large rocoribs, are, Coal all des - )(change. to those o San. 2, earth Iler ago e ll may on Re 1 Estate me before g ing else - ho best Leal, Sage- s Easy. ANCE. d give me a call, as tnal Life Insurance si the best and most. nies in the Domin- ost economical prin- 11 „ ve ./..1248 :neBL N, Post °flee Store EXECUTO Si A let PERSONS havi Estate of the Lute for merly of Bruseelp, f fled to present the sem CO OPER. Binssels, on ar b July next:, or the nndert ign Bible therefor, and all per said estate must -settle by s then unsettled must be put tion. All persons ownin w ith Mr. Kerr are requeste of C. R. COOPER, Brits ele Brussels, May 18th, 186. I HUGH COO ER CHARLES R rn NOTICE. ne any claims eeeinst the JOHN WILTOA KERR; ceased, aro hereby nat- io liquidation to 0. R. fore the First Day of d will not be reopen - one indebted to the d date, as all claims into Cour for collec- any doctintents left to call at the office and take them sway. Eetito:s. • BLACK S arm— H. P•. LE N. EXPOSITOR. D ATTRACTION AT R 0 R Si, • o' IN , L.K AR4SO4S, rltI.25, 'bought at a Great Red/tw- ee Tithm. choice Stoc of BTMC UMBR'ELLy1S Blfrtek, Brown and Green. „BROWN G4AY LUSTRES at 20 aentsdper jw—Wovderfid • Value. Pegaint As One t of OYER COLLARS, CUFFS mid .LACE TLES' Piles of PRIINT:,,S' at 6 nd 7 Cents per 1,011 Tar s G EYCOTTO V (4; 6 Cents per yard. MPS that afre? RAT'S S0ARkS,i1OISIERY -and GLOVES at Rock Bottom Pytices, 13 Pourndo SUQR fir $1 P. ROGERS, " Noted " for Popular Prices. St 00_ HAVE DELI • ED TO ROAAIN IN SEAFORTH. VR T EY YFI AVE THEREFORE LAID IN A NEASSORTMENT 8 OF DRY GOODS OF ALL OLASS ICH THEY ARE DETERMINED TO OFFER AT THE VERY -LOW- EST PRICES, THEIR wrack OF GROOERIES, WINES & LIQUORS IS VER An garly BEA COMPLETE. all Solicited. & Co,, Carmichael's Block. GRAY YOUN 4•44.elmommmtomme4444r SPARLING. 1 -EJ? SP#T1\TC+ Goons T • THE 4 ARMERS' STORE, SEAFORTH. AY, YOUNG & .SPARLING. p B tr F LUNTON WOOLEN MILLS • HE Subseibcr would to? this opportunity of thanking his nu:wizens customers for their liberal patronage the pee , and open by close attention to Wittiness to still secure a large hare of blic confidenc , Ravi fitted up his machinery in first °lase style, he is pow prepared to ard, Sp n, Wctv1, Full and Dress Cloth ; Manufacture lanket Flannel Shirtin Cloth and Stocking Yarn,&e. • e has also eo stantly o6 hani1 a large as er %nun :11 OlTneweekeeTianCelloths, , reillialthrhae% ankets, Stocking Yant, Grey Flannel, Stri do for Wool, or sell ehe p for Cage. The Subleriber'e persona1 sup4rintendence will 'be given to Cnstom Roll Carding, and satisfaction m y be relied on. Persezjs Jfv1r at a diets ce from Clinton may expect to get their wool corded w le they wait. 20,00Q NI. 1 r which tho H'gheat ma linton; May 28, 1876. f Good, lean, Fleece Wool Wanted, kat 'nice in Cash, gill be paid. E. COR.BETT. 4413 THE: LAY RUSSELL WATCH, A little gem, 18k easeB, full jewelled, and warranted for five vers. A large stpck of English and Genuine Silver Watches on a d, also a full itoek of the Elgin Watch—no bogus Swiss im tations kept. Butt your Watches from a reliable practical. haid and you will know what you are getting. Just Received, at jM. 1 COUN ER'S, a good assortment of Electro Silver Plate direct from th6 celebrated manufactory of Rogers, Smith & Co , such as Ice Plehers, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, Pickle , Calitortn Syrup qiaps, Spoon Holders, Goblets, Mug's, Fish K ife and Fork, Cruet i Stands, Napkii Rings, Vases, Card Receivers, Table, Dee- se it, Tea, Mustard. and Salt Spoons, 1abl4 Dessert, Fruit and Butter Knives, TO bl , Dessert, Pickle ane Pie Forks, iters' Trays, &e. _Remember the above goods ar bought direct from the manufactu ers,. and will be sold at Toronto Wholesale P ces. Also ,a complete stock of j welry, Clocks, Spectacles, Combs, Brushes, P'pes, Violins, Viplin trines from 500 pes bundle of 30 strings to 40c per single st ing. Watches, Clo ks and Jewelry of ;all kinds 'Repaired by practical hands. S tisfaction guaranteed or io charge. Caleb for Old Oold and Silver. Sign of the T ee of Silverware in tvind w. M. R. CQUNTER, 'Masonic Hall Block, Seaforth. r 4141 AI First -Class ilow Harness All COLLARS Warranti Tip-top TRIINKS and All articles ipertainig !Sign of the flays* TrOink. /11/iM, 411111M11111111111111 • !CALL IAND SEE, FIRS -C ASS cA.RVAGE AND TEAM HARNESS At. G. E. HENDERSON'S. at G. E lInNDERSON'S. lIENDERSON'S. on hand at G. E. HENDERSON'S. ss always on hand at LOWEST RATES. - _ at G. ALISES the bus' GE ROE E. HENDERSON, Seaforth,.. THE DOMINION O. . FIAI D ESSING111 AlD I S MING ALOON1, §EAFiRTIN. _ , 1 HARFilf ROBINSON AS purchased the ebove;i] est lishment i m ) Mr. IVilliara Newman, ind i hfiaving it ted find -class n in etye. G ' d Work, eaten ion lo d Civility is what Reny d pawls upon to setinre bnafnmze. end tie 1a ane be w 11 eneeeed. Rem be L. Lana swede 445*4 HARRY' ROBINS i BUTTER TUBS. SAMUEL TROTT 1 HAS now en hand at the Seaforth Tub Faetoty a lam:ober oir his well and favorably known Machine Turned Butter Packages. These Padkages are the beat in use, and will give satisfaction. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LGE PURCHASERS, Mr. Tiott eepeett lu cin t lime to eery -menet • . thereo:10Hr IfIP 1 ' I hi Fergie- _ !c#•-# SIGN Or THE -nsolonnetemmetimmus 1 LIAM HILL r 0 t -t 0, 0 c HAS IsT THE L*R6EST, CHEAPE*11; • AN BEST STOCK OF AcE CURTAINS IN SEAFORTIHR WHO *ANTS GOOD AO STYLISH A.IRAVES ? C) c 0 HN WARD, Seaforth, R,E4s to in form his friends and the subtle in eneral that he has a Large and 4' upleto Stec of LiOHT SINGLE HARNESS, ..,.,, M = 1 ItORSE CLOTHING, ,&c. ! a... 0 Trilinks and Valises, Whips, Mlibirlcshes, Combs, Snaps, &e., .... . CD In fait anything appertaining to the Trade' Al- waye on hard, cheap an any in the twit+, forcash Repairs Executed with Neatness and m Despatch. N. :1B.--rCollars a Speciality, ',.1.ollere of every n< deseniptiott made to order in &at -elate; style. Bernember the Mee: Two doors north of the ComMercial Hotel, Seaforth. , I JOH WARD. RRIAGE LICENCES oik CERTLFICATEM, iUnder thenew Act,) issued at the EXPaSITOS ;OFFICE,' SEAFORTii .- Dinder authority of the Lieutenant -Governor of Onterio. SIGN -OF -THE- GI; T ENGLISH REMEDY. 4:3 fto cI3pp Before $dug, AfteI. Taking. , . SPgCIFIC. ME ICINE Cure, all *ervons Dieetuceie such as 1.1'remors, De- bility Penetration &c., which, in many ;casco, are prodniced la over indulgence in the niie of tobacf co and ale hone spirits ;but' the Speelfie Medicine ecially recommended as enunfailing minal Wealmees, Sperrnaterrhea, Im- d all diseases that follow ae a sequence Abuse, as Logs of Memory, UniVernel Lassi- #2" el mil rn le o"r cA3 c P=I . IvotaidtSeeen, 3A;:iba in the Back, Dimnesa of ;Viion, Pre - MI matu o 01 Age, and many other diseases that lead t 2C In enity or Consumption, and a Prpla- n, ture rav , all of whiph, as a rule, ar first caused as by de ati g from the path of nUtuifc and over 11- TitilheiSelipeci. ific Medicine is the result of a life 41=) study and ,.mnny yearn of experience in treating C, these spode &sense& Full particalers in our PC pante) et, which we desire to acrid freo by mail to • every ne. i • Tini Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists t.. at $1 per Packageor pieta -gee for $6, or will be - FLA sent 1y mail onreceipt of the money, by address - t/1 ing WILLIAM GRAY & Co., 'Wndsor, Out.' S e old in Seaforth by E. Hicksien & Co., 4.-8, ne.2 Roberts, B. Lumsden, and by all Draggists. tea, NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Wholesale Deal, 138eow TO ITItE PUBLIC Ale 471ARGE W. H. OLIVR y , Haness, Saddle and Collar \---‘ MANUFACTURER, :#1141N -ST., SEAFORTH. til /-4 0 ,SIGN OF THE SOOTCII $0J4AB. ne, 1.1-1 A choiceatotortment of light ar4 hen y Maness, O L(Whip0, Belltelforee Clothing, &ceekep ccnote-1We 4...3 on hand. I Repairing promptly tomod to' and cbergIM m* keine. Rememberthe place.ign ol the 8 igoten W.H, OLIVER. 'tX1 ,eW IMM -A -1\T HEAP PASEiAGES. TN/4N LINE of Steamships, iaiu,g EVERY tent SATURDAY from 1 LT VERPOOle. NEW YORK FOR QUEE$STON .AND ri) r lyursieoutseoeloped g is othdaribgyertbthe fiteOrilel11 p1 tbe lino, tb le eberve ad fogo. Pereons con ittplaitileg a het TRIP TO THE OLD C6UTRY crl IR DRESSING. MISS AO(ANDA STARK is s to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and IfE wi ---Y that She Js Prepared to nuke up V init MRS, CURLS, BRAIDS; &c., n the TAttet l'aphior from Combings. Prima (Aerate, and all Orden; pundit11y intended to. A ll Solicited. to- nein str4t 6isforth 4: Oele woula consult their own intejests by taking paesege by this favorite line. Ticketsold and full information given by :IJ, 5. ROBERTS, AGSEA'ORTIL N. ickets for New York, via Erie Railway, in connection with above line Of Steamebips, is- sued pt.t. reduced rates. 482 ROYAL OANADIA114 BANK. EFORTH 13RIANICHH. IN ICON BLOCK wAipdsT., SEAFORTH, on Neer trot* Belot ' ri the United States. 1641 ft* 10,15 I* of Exchange; On SD all 'Chif Cities of the United INTEREST PAID ON 11 M. P. 411 at any agnaodoi4paytable EfiO1TB. as, irre Liman, •••