HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-07-07, Page 1JUNE 300 1876 �! (TO BE SAVED BY:CAL1.04...AT THE 7 7: 7 fa KW GLOVES, a all pekes at -LS at 25 cents each. PARASOLS at 50 cents, 60 80 cents and 95 cents. f New AMERICAN COLLARS New DRESS GOODS, Extra Wide ENGLISH PRINTS, cents, G cents, 7 coats and. 8 a yard, Guaranteed 4ST IN COLOR, are much WIDER. then the White, Plain and Itibbed, ceate ta 50 cents per pair. Offer New -LINEN the :Nevi- STYLES New MANHATTAN from it2 to 17, inches. NEW AM E N HATS, ENGLISH RISTIE BAT, ' SUMMER WEt R. 10 75 cents te °5 ER DEPARTIVIE T FOR PLETE with the BEST ad. ;entleruen lea uroro 710t GUA - ONTARIO. eamiammuigisummaimisminm }WOOLE NO. 44.S. SEAFOR711, WEAL ESTATE FOR SAILE. A BARE OITANCE.—For Sale Cheap, three very -Z3- desirable building lots, facing on Victoria RIGESON & Co. 447 rARM 'FOR SAT:E.—For Sale, a good Two Hundred Acre Farm in thb Township of Hul- lett,CountY of Huron ; well improved and with air bnildings. Price, $5,500. Apply to A. sTRONG, Land Agent, &aorta. 447 VOUS FOR SALE,—Easthalf Lot 11, Con, 12, ; also South 50 acres of -Lots 1 and 2 00/00, Morris, adjoining the Village of Myth. 425 ft—tia--oteE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE.—For on John Street, Seaforth, within 10 minute s' walk of the business part of the town. Apply t o 'r013. SALE—South half Lot 1, Con. 11, Grey , contaieing 50 sores, adjoining the village of j3ressels ; said lot is suitable for park lots ,• f o r further particulars apply to W1kT. GBAKAM rat SALE OR TO RENT.—The promises or, ▪ eupied by ilia subscriber, in the flourishing village of Blyth, suitable for a first-class grocery or dry goods store, for either of which there is no better opening at present in Ontario. Dr. SLOAN, Blyth. 448-8 pARli LOTS FOR SALE.—Containing 5 acres A- each, adjoining the Town of Seaforth. The most desirable situation for private residences. Tema reasonable, with immediate possession. ,Apply toll. W. C. MEYER, Barrister, Seaforth, or to L. MEYER, Ilarpnrhey. 441 pROPERTY FUR SALE.—For sale on reason- ▪ able terms, a desirable property situated on in which are two stores. with a dwelling over. Apply to the proprietor or to Wm. Campbell pROPERTY FOR SALE --That valuable prop - A- erty on Godcrich Street ()coupled by the Goder. Mannfactnring Company as a Machine Shop. Also dwollinghonse and lot adjoining. The above property will 43 sold on easy terms. For part-len- lars apply to GRAY & SCOTT. 489 BLIND TOM, THE WONDERPG CAL PRODIGY. The following interesting partic of this wonderful individual are giv the reporter of an American netwsp It will be remembered that Blend who is e negro, gave.' most wonderf hibitions of his musical talents jat teinmente in sever of 1 the Can er in question expee sed a desire Tom at his meals, ased was, accord taken to his room. l I "Sit down here,P s id the the slightest sound, and often put ple• out of his ro m, under th premiere that they mean to injere The reporter seated hi ner of the room, and in a waiter brought in T placed it upon a sten& ward 'Tom was led i fro The agent then wit dr and the reporter alo e. When the blind, rausi his features could. be st died. et 1 His head seemed to b from the pictures of id the phrenological Wor scarcely any for6head, la and flat, the mouth a brutal. His yellow continually in the whole aspect of his and animal. Iremedi himself he began to ldru upon the table, as if fi of Deplane, at the ftam an air in a low tone. tips of his fingers ,ove touched in' succession a of asparagus, a cup bread and potatoes,. . SI- QUALL FARM FOR SALE—In the thrivi • and salubrione village of Bayilelcl ; 20 acres of land, with house, barn and stable ; orchard of choice fruit trees in bearing ; never -failing siipp ly of hard. and soft water on the promises. Posses 8 - ion as agreed Apart. C. R. COMMANDER, B ay - 448 're:TIT:DING LOTS IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE • —Dr. COLEMAN, having laid out the grounds recently occupied as a Driving Park into Enid- ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of lots on reason- able terms to any who may desire them. Parties desiring to purchase should make immediate ap- plication, 864 pROPERTY FOR SALE.—Two lots, with a 2 -1- story frame house and barn, situated on the Market Square, Seftforth. The prernises have been used as an egg packing eetablishment, and are well adapted for auy pnblic business. For particulars apply to the proprietress, Mrs. MAL - COM, Seaford:, or to D, GORDON, Goderieh, Ontario. 481 -1* R. S., Tuckersmith, containing '75 acree, about M°ti°138 of playing' akin ' il°1 11°ti - 40 of which are cleared and in ft good state of mil- whatever of the articl s whi te he knee tivation; the remainder is well timbered with ed off. Suddenly he ushe back to t valuable hardwood ; there is a large frame bar n table, and made a ra d on the dish miles from Seaforth, Gil a good road. For fur. asparagus, eating the stem entire, t knd other excellent outbuildings ; is situated 5 ther particulars apply to JAMES CUMMING , white stringy part as ell a • tht ted Egmondville P, 0, 4484.4 extremity. , tars n by r. om, ter- dian port -- see ngly, gent, tects peo- im- self iKt one cor- few Imo so seats Shortly after - side the band. tan took h s seat isure. a literal cops ots one s es in s. Ther was s nose wa large d jaws sig dess eyes rolled ftely on eating i111 with his hands time hu ming ext he r n the the sta d, and beefsteak, a dish f tea., an some that a grace was warm, itable, e 't and re e grace k in both outh, to fragMents betWeen hie teethe see swallow the pieces wit. out Mast As soon,as the steak w, dispose began seveeteniug hisl tea wit tea sweet, for he put 16 ordivar of sugar'into his cup, nd then, the mixture, drank it owii with of satisfaction: Whe this was tittered a ery of der ht, and, from the table, rubb o d his ha danced about the roc) Going up to the mantelpiece, he ent hrohgh the ce he of he der pla hea end ed -an rep Pia not alr on me he wh 'lug the hote from ;the played the laie untill he e ,which • had been tam when he Struck B 11 t hi . He fingered the Iseveral seconds, an as umed. a frightful as he ' bounded from his eat :et the reporter with the pa ther. The reporter ea this new mc•veme to face the music, th e lady alternattve. ToM is that figures but bei g so in wrestling the ehaiace ed it backwards. om shook and played the pi e in the usu remarking 'lYou began at the wren this Was played im rter being but an er, and feeling that od• y-, whick IS flat pr ,00k al tuning key: faom 'eh he had brought 'oath a nlight Sonata, ordinary pian Tom had n determin domina his ,pock e string instrumen e same wa A and tonishe ' et of ferocit tteral noi and spra agility of not anti mg no ot very pow 200 pount avity is far we ewr he ant opt Tom sem ed a body g e loosened hi hold to • One, the i ter lower wh as to get 1 is back to T one over on mo To 110 bu ga fo a fu lo fr a et calmly a as said b hands, e it in itag to cation. of, he little es his cubes stirring smack done be turning de to- spread his hands over short grnee in a revere slowly. The instent he clutched the beefste an& lifting it to hie 01 ni equal. ee, but as id seeuri d liftbd the shady Tom i mediately sec red lc: l'ghtui. g, he bore the nte oor an 1 planted an i me loin i me iately rel nqu shed his ad be an umming aisee nd' to the t was not Pleasant to he e Tom sq this position the two remained the reporter is rue up the " Waltz," and n an instant ' the flop? dsliacin client time to get up nd s re did without much dela ancing arid singing 'n th Meeting the agen orter returned to g me fresh tests. Pr ti the original text f VA.E.11 FOR SAL141.—For Salo, Lot No. 7, Con. "3-. 10 , Morris, containing 64 aCreff, 25 of Which He next clutched a are cleared, well fenced and in a good state of hand and. placed it There are 4 acres of choice fruit trees bearing, bu.t sudd.enly chang a good log house and frame stable. Is 1 mile coating it down, lifte frau the Blyth station of the London, Huron and the ceiling, and. agai # LAIDLAW on tin premises, or to W. CLEGG, in a position to play. 13race Railway. For further particulars to JOHN ' Blyth. ' 425 M lonless for some acres, 15U acres cleared, 130 acres in a good state ' finainnedY. WhOi:IciasiWoana:11cyl rARM FOR SALE IN TUCItERSMITH.—Be- of cultivation 20 aeres excellent pasture, wen ment wadi nis uanus fenced and wit'tered, has good barne and stables, to stn. e a chord, b miles from Seaforth station., 3 mules from i in, - , • , 'and bit his li te as i root collars for LOU loads. This le a good farm, 4 held cheese factory, on a -good gravel road. For n is Lace woul 1 se it further particulars apply -to JOHN LAWRENCE, and, as his eyes turn Egmondville P. O. 413-4t inspired. Final y h VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BATA. ' For with his foot, a said Y sale that comfortable and commodious resi- tures, and he went deuce on John Street, the property of Mr. Albert of playing a passage contains seven rooms besides elosets together Suddenly he began sesseee. Tee house is -new, le well finished, and with a wood shed, cellar, and all necessary im- composing • as he w prevements, Hard and Boft water. Two tots naelody was full of 13 plantel with choice fruit trees, Terms easy. Possession irnmediate. Apply to Mr. ALBERT SPABLING. 444 Lot 18, Con. G, Morris, Huron Conn y, eon I the .agent, for the 14•LRMS FOR SdLE.--West half of South half of ing 50 acres. The above lot is all bush, of the best quality, and is only six miles from Brussels ; also south hair of Lot 19, Con. 13, Morris, Eturon Comity, 100 acre alsoail bush and the •es soil, 6 miles rom brussels station, Groat Western Railway. For price and terms apply to 0, re against it and. tried COOPER., Brussels, or to CALVIN A. CAD1P- 1 it resisted all his e large potato in his his eyeS toward plae d his hands H.e old his head mirm es, Ss if en - eine tray mesical s if be were about Went. Then al lie pression, war , seemed n be ting time th motions aud the os ; then , he rushed up ing room and d he Tom o d his ,reach. 'hiding that( he leaned while o im bru d u beg lato hrou to sing, range pat etarting up from the tabl to the door of the • djoi tried to open it. I It had ease was in the next ro m, a takes his mealtel he requ eat unless the piano •s 'be Finding it locked, he th o force orts. BELL, Seaforth P. 0. 4430 he could not force the do pees FOR SALF1.—For Sale, Lot 12. eon. 6, Hallett, consisting of 100 aerosol laud, 40 acres his eyes fnoistened s ith ears. 1 taalte, cud the balance well timbered with hard- i At this juncture he t potter a arid outbuildin.:e, a good well, and a young bear. I slight movement, . nd , en,i's al ' lag orchard of choice fruit trees Situated 8 ;via: I W1c4 attractec nun a y. from Seafca ch., 6 miles from _canton, fe, from i his heaa qua: Kinbura. Terme, made- known on application on i porter made the premises. Possession given immediately. de a ution rked ELI:LABE Ell IT liRVEY, Count, nee P.O. ,P30 elight as to be Tom's face ass 9, Hibbert, containing 100 acres, 90 of whieh a shed aud stable 80x60, a driving shed 26x40, are cleared. free of stumps, well fenced, and in tirst.ciagi cultivation. A barn 60x40, nearly now, brick root h ntqe and a splendid brick dwelling I / htAteu, timl all elite- necessary outbuildings. A - good orchard. and well watered. This id one of I premises, or Egraendvill.! P. O. GEORGE 442 1, Stanley, containing 97 aeres, more or less, , :ill Of Width /LYE! cleared, well fenced, and in a I state of good cultivation, the balance is wall am • berod. There id a frame barn mutt stable, and 4, good new frlint }undo with stone cellar, kitcheu,, wood tam:demi all other convediences. A never - milt,. from BrueefloLl Station and 4 miles from Cludou. A 4raNel road leading to each place. , an listened— The re - the sou ie hands together and nakieg ni d, ubbing otions 1 with when a man's ead is in ehaacery. No epotter resort t a lit le ruse. Throw ng the stub of ale d pe oil iri the air, I fell in a remote car er o the room, an Tom rushed tdwarc the ; scaled, but wa sointwhat disa 'poi tea -When he grapple( a truuk. The fun now began. The re porter, by roll g p wads of paper an casting them abo it the room, had n eicitatabout in, came neer the his chair dire sou e- a er A ar a se- rl- he es his po the to up th th an fi ab fo ea at a 1 a fresh clu eh ore whic it viewer to the se knee on his jig wn ly, rip air. at - but for ets. lue om in exee lent middle o the VAL:11 FUR SALE, --For Sale, on reasonable ' Tee outran terms, Lot 4, eon. 2, Stanley, containing 1u,) 70 of w' icla aro cleared, wall fenced, in to the cireasi tirw-elass cultivation and free from stniaps, 111( qUest of the halaace timbered with the best wood; buildings access to the comfortable; a good young orchard of fruit trees ; lee (Trans, wi 1,6, well watered ; within 1.1, niilea front Kippe4 from Soaforth, Clinten and Exeter, with ansvel pd a few mitt leading to each plitee. This is a eholee passed frone marked : "I will le farm and is th..,nving the.attention of purchasers. A1113' on the premises or to Kippen P. 0. WM. BLAIR, Jr 446 ing any repo ting he Musical prodigy direction. He neve ter, Who eat quietly i dor nanc and at the r • the sovg he had improv llis mind The agent r few minutes, and you an pet him to a se himself of t lasted the opening la 4- 6, Hallett. euatainiug 100 acres, about 89 aeres tests you ma The repor eterta, sten feneed, free from stunape and in good crativraion and free from foul weeds ; the bal. 0 portunity, a • good orchard; there is .0. never -failing spri g sely striking o0casiorial ffilse notes a tome, and good barns, sheds and stables, also a best farms in Huron; terras easy; apply on the mediately aUd re eated exactly the premises or to Oonabance post °Mee- 3101B 8 aagei with a th alteratioas and o Clinton, ane 4 from Ifinburn ; this is one of the nd wee t las anub ern g a Greek play Pm ibrary, the reporter read ive pages uite readily, and Tom repeate it entire ith- out mispronouncing, a w rd, except in words' beginning with the letter "sigma," which caused him t stut er terribly, un- til he finally skippe the " sigma " sys- tematically. Porti ns of "Richaid II." end Doti Jaen" wiere rel. eated wit e the ere then read. bac war, s and rep ,ate y TOM With perfe t ace racy. very interesting d tails relative t th wonder. Id s bid place is Georgi' an he began to xeite attention as a mu icia at the age o four ears. All soun af ford him d light ; even the cryin of child cauees him to dime about in stat of e tacy. When at h rue he oft n hi mak them emit cr es of )ain. If ept as ay fro a ot no, be wi agai st the all, rag hairs abo hin London flute jwas roeured f ing 22 keys He frequ ntly rises night and lays t iug upon it all 'so may hear t the t nds of butter eaph day and, that highest figure and. pay for the milk qual the cheese. If any of our fa- ns butter makers think they can come tu that, we would like to hear from m, for the next three weeks or tor season giviug the weight of milk number of pounds of Butter. Tills) ve mentioned e,ow calved about the t of May and is on poor pasture with at a gallon of' bran each clay. We e all the milk, keeping from Saturday tiing until Monday morning. An4 the benefit of those who think the not keep milk over night I might te I can keep it when the thermometer nag at 80° by placing the vessel 04- ing the milk into cold water changieg e water eaery twelve hours and stiornig e milk well at the same time to keep e cream from rising. One patron hals nt his milk to the Winthrop facto y "tie cool during the warmest weath r is summer, a distance of six miles a d half, by co -citing the morning milk h If hour before mixing with the previous 'lining's milk and it never had any mptoms of being off flavOr or sour. If e ebove is of any benefit to the readers the Exaosaron, or ifl it will cause a ial between Butter and cheese makers, am amply repaid. Yours. Canada. is c4nsidered to be iusane, and determin- ed to ta e his life. One morning recent- ly very violent his shout being Institution for the deaf and. du Belleville, has been clo3ed 'fin the er vacation. One hundred and eig ven pupils left the Institution for holidays last week. — he evening of 'Friday, Jutie 23rd, Re . McQuarrie Was presented with tiel the members of his congrega- Th sum ty s hei On at Re 1•13 p elle tan On nFeo es -Wt ne sed the ceremony, and over $400 was subscribed towards the -completion of the ch irch. -1—J. It Smith, who was sentenced to five ye param wararievaed was on boat b of 1:1_Tu Mr, H. Carey, of Mornington bas ax. which measures 3 feet 2 inches in —• Prof. Isinder, the eminent phrenolo- ist, is doing a large business in London, eking examinatioes and giving charts. —An animal, eupposecl to be a cross be - ween a dog. and a wolf, was ehot by Mr. go. —The merchants of Belleville refused o elose their stone on Dominion Day;as equested by the proclamation. of the —Mr. Geo. Lees, pork packer, Guelph, orses which he intends to export to Eng - and. Mitchell, ieft for a pleasure trip to the lower Provinces on Wednesday of last week. —Mr. Parr, of Teeswater aged 78 years, has living at the present tune1/132 children, grand -children, and great-grand- • '1—The well-known running stallion, King Toni, die,c1 in Hamilton on the morning of July 1st, from inflammation -of the bowels. ye at th pol • Wm. Bid s for the last two e, has been appointed to fill e of pastor of the Metro- hurch, Toronto. Saturday the 'corner stone ores. sleyin church Was laid at Mount co ar tr a rs' imprisonment for ehooting his ur at -Prince Arthur's Landing, assenger on the Manitoba, whieh at Sarnia on Sunday last. He his way to Kingston. The same ()light in a cargo of 8100,Q00,worth son Bay Company's furs. e steamer Saginaw, Capt. Kirby, s se nred the contract to carry a large ing • ment of toW from Port -Stanley to eveland, A large lot of iron and rails e vel p. e co ron ing brought [into -4 Canada from nd bylhis steamer nearly every Rails from the Mahoning works signed to merchants as tar east as r. Ford, teacher at Dunn's school use, North Oxford, was summoned to pea before the Magistrates for un - was rily whippingaive of his scholars. r in ubordination. E The case; occupied --Three horses 011Mr. Thos. C. Allar- dice, were recently killed by a locomotive, while easing through his farm M Nichol, near ergus. —The New York National Boa Trade has, by a considerable maj declared in fa,vor of the renewal of vocal trade relations with Can 'a. —About 50 members of the Canadian .Press Aasoeiatioia left Toronto on Friday last for the Centennial Exhibition. A number of lady friends were with the —Caterpillars are seriously dadiaging the fruit trees in Hants and Kings coun- ties, N. S. So destructive are the pests that many of the trees are as bare of leaves as in midwinter. —Mr. John Watson, of the Ayr Agri- cultural Works. returned. from a visit to the Centennial last week. He has sold a lerge number of the machines he has on exhibition,to the .Australian Commission- ers to go to that country. —The County ,Couucil of Lambton, at its last session, vested the village of Ar- kona with the dignity a,nd: importance of incorporation as a separate municipality. The - census of the village, previously taken, showed a population of 783, , ----The only type foundry in British America is to be opened in a few weeks Torento. Mr. John Whyte, the Man - ging Director, and Mr. P. A. Crosby, eputy Manager, left for New York and -Philadelphia to complete ariange- -Mr. Joseph S. Carson head master awarded a silvet medal by the Education Department at Ottawa for general pro- ficiency. We understand it is to be pres- ented to him by the trustees at the com- ing examinatiora —On Tuesday night of last week, Mr. e" Samuel Miller, Cod. 6th, Ellice, wa • suddenly seized; with a fit of sickness ant expired before eny sense of danger wa. • realized. He was in the prime of life. II 8 leaves a wife and childrento mourn hi untimely end. • —A bear which has been committin it3 raids on the strawberry farms, near th u lake shore, at Sarnia? chased. a boy th other day, for the purpose, it is suppos ed, of getting some cream and sugar The animal has been loafing around fo some days, and will come to no good. d of rity, eeip- 1 bea t the Vhe r hi ha up is instrument, mita s of sounds which me. Once, when t ing piens) a high-toned hot 1 at o'clock in the moi fling, Tom seizcd h' rougi the deo room, When in a building 3.b use, and there r uo, pitying all ssessed with in n effect upon his 11 who came nth hi in Georgia he live yards flan the h u[ alotie ;with his pi night, like one p Dat1S1C Ill minor sun shiees and th in waltzes and li he will ha mer a , the most horrib chan s in 111 'u fro well at th. age of seveu as he do s n but now his repertoire is much 1 rger he can pl y anything he has ever he . Ho now plays 4bout 7,000 pieces picks up ew outs everywhere. It curious f et th 't be will not lay Sunday Fahool male .1 he eau help having a 'mat (1 slike for it. To the E litor oi the. _Huron .E.1.1 het Butter or Cheese pa -ienee ie. the cheese me king ne COW' gave 1599 lbs. of onth, and that at six nt e it would be 60 lbs. nd, tb.at the refuse mil is in the aoonth for pigs r e g the'oheese at the lo est • rainy demons he plays birds sing, he inclul Suddenly he iudulg- the matte - stai t ho mai ay a dn a ree sts ates se t r. 11115 sid ran ack 1 cart lays, when it as dean sed, with n the plaintiff. Two of the magis- were in favor of the above decision, e third was in favor of sending the a higher court. anitoba papers record the death of which Wok place recently at his nce, St. Norbert, Manitoba. Mr. only recently ;paid. a visit to On - and was married, taking his bride with him to his narthern home. at time be appeared well and and his •unexpected death ust have proved a shock to his numer- us friends. n the 25th ult., a young man, tram - Lein Crandle, attempted to put an his life by la.yieg down his head e rails of the Grand Trunk Railway oman residing in the neighborhoo the occurrenee, and, with grea rice of mind, ran down and shove olish youth off the track as the trai pproaching. The cause of this ras pt is understood to have been a dis ntment in love. ed end t rac saw ores he as tte • S. MuS C, om re es ht masie. Sometin es ay for hours pr due'ng e discords ima le. a of h tion he loss whe best Wit ' tray exec t, gallon w • ed two d same ti at 15 ce will al:o 1 60 cents 11 So plea. —On Wedoesday, 21st ult., a ma named John Honer, while working Mr. Bundschot3' planing mill, at Milve ton, was struck in the abdomen by piece of wood which was violentle- huele of from a circular saw which be w s atten klg. He died in great agony on aturday —Mr. James Lindsey, of Tiillamor as w ;!, peel County, has lost six children with As. the short space of two weeks, all havi died. of malignant scarlet fever. T three lest as follows : On Thursd.ay eve 7( morning, Annie, aged 14 ; and. ou W aged 12 yeare. in —A very singular robbery took pi 08i10 ; last, Mr. Derville called to Make a rive to sign a Cueque. NI, hen 0., u for round again the money was gone, ilk no one was teen at the counter in per meantime. The -money disappeared rag- the most unaccountable manner. the —McQuillan, the murderer, has a that attempted suicide. He first tried to n We himself with his bedclothes, and a orth when these were taken from him Ives struck his head forcibly. against the ppo man He ope men whe sist win him worth speaking of. He has not been a rested yet. —A gunner of tbe battery, name below the King's Bastion, at t del, Quebec. The coroner's inqu ed that he left the Citadel theatr re his comrades gave a •performane t 9 o'clock, and was not again se . It is supposed. that he went while sitting or lying on the top wall, and rolled over, a distance eet. He was 'a printer by trade, a efrom St. Catherines, Ont. e gatee of hell shaRsuot prevail. against .' Twen -seven years fro that time —Ah ex opp0,13 ha entWorth ther crop he fa mers lague, eon rops trill een antic' —On Tu lack* of is ground on, it litt ppairtly ale the hen take lad kn sual resto tndee — inche been wash Anal We neve o i▪ ilio in I do as rstb eliev befo t boys ;put t To 0 011 ed bay • ureh was create up,* this hange says that thei gnu e begun their Work of -de- the towuship pii Beverly, eonnty, mid whete they find y are. attacking tlie oat and . This is disheartening to and it is jpt poi.sible if the inues to Marease that the ot prove so a.bundant aa has astcleady. last week; while John he was etartled to his e lad, lying quiet an still, dead, at the bettoml of the Mrt Black immediately reS- child, who was uncoils -dolls from the water, but we are w that by resorting ;to the of young fish, ftom la to 11 nittb, and apparently- having or sonie time, were ohserved n the Detroit rtver, 'or were ore on the rivet a nd it is possible these are yowler fry placed in the river lofts breeding establishments. e morning of July Ist'o twelve eh was lying at aaehot in the onto, and boarded her. FM& in the VCS8e1, ti1Cy r34 all sail, eastern pp out into the lake. The arge reached. be wharf in see his veseel , letting the tgot a tug add. started in ertaking her aboat 15 Miles off. ter he American Houte binnibus had disc rget3. its passengers, the herses at- tachled. td it ran away clown Sta_lienry street in0 King, and thence across Com- mon; street, when they plauged into the eamil ba in, and were drowined. At the lam -p hod es a lowing d lel Was ag! T hu in the hors Th mg repo thes Pro tthn ee. zi4 kg ra ei :no f been at aceount MeKen ces rah re f a above on last, at hail neigh - time to n Tuetday night of last week, attempted. to rob a house in Sarni for ventilatiou, and had just com ed to go through the valuable one of the inmates of the bed sa and conamenced to shout for wi- nce. The man disappeared -by the ow just as the water jug stzuc on the back. He took nothin sho wh abo ali sle the 40 ea Clba Sunday week, two children f out of a thin; storey window in Montre to he ground belga-, and werepicked for dead. However, after being exam. ed, iti was found that they were not mu h no fel fo bo ep Gi ho ot. hich Toronto B brae become so pother of those Irating ancidents in iota, aud the fr queney of which el ase a pair of geldings. ; These orders the approach of, a holiday almost fr ni such long distances show that Mr. asrea ed in Toronto, tdok plaet an Satur- G ant's' fame as a horse dealer is not i day nfternoon about 1 lock. Four men, --A Sunday School Parlia,ment will be 1 awilayt wi)12teoeustafinthae2i ra -Tay local, with the pro )0 • 11 13 t, no bones bein.g broken, -and as well as ever. The distance tb was measurea with a tape line a nd to be 42 feet The children and girl, were three years of age -Weak before last, Mr. James no fie in the belt fi the tat wts 0 al ng ceasio pears neigh catring A erne ife, r side who • in their mad car er.- The y. The propri tiers f the ho- d $400 for the tetin a bort time e driver, named La beet, was e ineffectual. en aver to stop Nee PrCS8 gives ver eneourag- R of the crops in Ma itoba this It eays : From every uarter of ince the most el:cones •rig re - the crops coin in. enneth farmer is in th it)/ who says - th is hater now anlit has ever his season since 869. . Similar are heard from 11 sources. Mr. ie brought with i m an excellent of timothy gra* , MI which he uple of acres. other evemage of wool was s 1 ekrfnr'istif.aranm,rL. mote ch,ern had 29 toied in his granary twenty of l'; ere taken: Thaele ags of peas and on some logt on the sideroad t prowlers had sto en the peas, ding the more valniable booty, ss weight, in theellwaol, preferred r. The recent t ack, of a buggy served leading frem the sideroa.d he road betweea th First Con - and second ran* As there ap- I be numerous thi ves in the 1 Orhood, would it to be well for s to look strictly to se proper so - of their granariesl* a late hour ode ening last Mr, Wm. Talbot, f Friendly s, NisSoUri, was !at ng with his wakened by a nein utside their ee. On going to the window they couple of men bi- ak open_ the peered. to be ver r ugh custom - of batter and bread. .',11 e they ear - take Wayside, leaviag tv, at they did not manage to eat by the r4adaide. MT. and. Ars. the burglars uld scs td Pr, 41. •s,meiville, Buffa o. &dam the better part only get eatab Talbot, knowin dot d turb them. No een ite horses, ono matched pair of ge oae black mare and a saddle po e Grant also has an eider from seph McKay, of Montreal, to p of y. r. f va.lor, and did turither eine haw 11 tote teak a as night. ti $136 left lit on ys the teller's counter whi e he turned. his b 111 11 a. he ck ed nd he in ain am he all a gure four times, injuring. himself sena sly. two He is now watched night and day, as he ousancl Isles of the St. Lawrence , on Jely 18, closing ,fuly 26. nouneed as " international and un rian." Two teachers' institutes • held each day, It ith popular serv 1V- iluain v ts boatel and there be ng ,a pretty high ao- 1 21,771 lila and the Bay rouala the boat keelel. will 'I bYers, precipitating ail l'olour int0 the water. ery afternoon. lectutes by istm- 1 ;0ffi et, Great Weeterd Railway, manse - jelled clergymen will be delivere on I led save bis Efe lelieellibz eeebe boat The Best Sunday Scheel Machine names of the three. 4.fortunate aten Ilunt'l rescued from his poilons situation. Western Ran- t for the pur- ere mac - management of .‘ Normal Clasees. ellesley nd is four miles below Clayton, in Jef- mon county, New York. --The lot of land in trispeetor s 4 lontreal, upon which Rev, Mr. Mas e -w church is situated, once belong man named George Oetrout. Th laree years ago this emarmer Mr, Os as building himself a house on th A the present church. • While en vith some workmen in, exeavatiri arth wherein to lay the founda ne of the old-fashioned stone chi came up= a large flat stone three feet below the eurface. land in that locality is low and yie and he wished to lay the foun deep, he dug away the earth for distance avowed in order to remo stone, but it proved to be so lare he finally concluded to let it lei,. al build his chimney upon it. Ta large sledge hammer he gave the stone is- I dro tied were S. Hvlbert, libel' Forbes and Wm. aleGee. atter for the town ss plan which must beneficial results. been served with of the habitat:II drunkards, and ned not to tell tla Shop keepers hat t 11 parties eenearaie eats business, and hello, The eon- () general shak- es, iand so of the eet, of eya3 le to Ev rty- rout site aged the ne of eys, bout the ding, times SOMO e the that The License luta ertb has adopted - a tat importaut art Th Sa ens another glass. $11,10 received the f the affair is, are well aware th to t1C1108 i8 that the Up of the dry b st confirmed. to 11 ilave ..- minced d their names n 4 t 4 t:eAshornatel:krbile tgven;e.r" •ifierriningdefrotemrmint ab ,7:tbone:::moibnuidignantdeyfaforerwtetetoli e. . Other part rmined to etyma wort of their