HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-06-30, Page 81' uran txpooxxax. DISTRICT MATTERS. GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS -.—Dear Sir : I have lately seen some Cabinet Photographs of several prominent townsmen and residents of the neighborI i1 executed at Moon's Gallery, Seaforth, which will bear favorable comparison with thoge of the best city artists in that line. I would recommend those desiring photographs to call at Moor's Gallery and to inspect those beauties of art for themselves. SsepoRTH. 456 FRUIT JARS.—Gem Jars, quart and half. gallon ; Jelly Tumblers, low prices for these now ; a lot of handsome Flower Vases, just in, from 20e to $2 each ; Wine Glasses, Goblets, Tnmblera and some cheap lots just in, and a good stock of Atone China, Wheat Tea Sets and Toilet Sete at HIoxsoN's. 447 A GOOD CHANCE. —MR. SOHN HICK - soh, who is now in town, is desirous of disposing of his eligible building lots facing on Victoria Square, before he leaves for the South again. These lots are a good property and will no doubt sell readily. For partioplars read advertisement elsewhere. 447 PARIS GREEN, Pare, 'for the benefit of Potato Bngs; also Hellebore and Chinese Insect l estroyer, for the destruction of caterpillars and insects on currant and rose bushes, &c., at R. LmSrSDEN'S Corner Drug Store. 447 CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE.—WILSON & YOUNG have received their Spring Stook o t Crockeryand Glassware, which for quality, quan- tity and price beat anything ever offered in Sea - forth. 440 . SPIN NTNG WHEELS. -A Large Stock of Spinning Wheels, Reels, Baby Carriages, and the Cheapest Furniture in the County, at Ponrnn's— Matt. Robertson's old stand, Main Street, Sea - forth. 443 W'VILLIAM ALLEN announces a nice as- sortment of Crockery, Glassware, &c., to which we direct attention. See advertisement in this is- sue. 444 GIVE FAIRLEY, a Trial and be convinc- ed that you get the beet- valve for your money. Special Drives in Teias, Sugars and Rice at FAIR - LE Y'S. 447 ~SUGAR,—The place to buy the best and cheapest Sugar is at J. FAIRLnY's Cash Grocery— formerly Laidlaw's--ono door south of the post office. 447 MARMALADE. --Another lot of the cele- brated Dundee Marmalade arrived at FAIRLEY's Cheap Cash Grocery,; Seaforth. 447 SL'G&rt CURED HAMS.—A choice lot arrived this week at FAInx nv's Cash Grooery— they are going off rapidly. 447 PRESERVE JARS. A lot of the " Gem 'P Glass Jars in quarts and half gallons, for sale &heap at FAISLEY's. 447 POTATO BUGS. —Paris' Green, the only sure thing to kill them, for sale at HlaicsoN'S Drug Store. 447 FLOWER. SEEDS. -100 different varie- ties of the choicest Flower Seeds at.WILsoN & Youxo's. 440 CASH PAID for Good even coloured Butter in Tinnete at HYoxsoN's Drag Store. 440 THE BEST Teas and Coffees in town are to be had at FAI.x LEY's. 447 i ALL GOODS bought . from J. FAIRLEY I deli'.ered free of charge. 447. • CRICKET MATCH. —A cricket match, between the Seaforth and Clinton cricket 4 clubs, was played on the grounds of the former yesterday, resulting in favor of I the Seaforth players by 16 runs. • CODIM UNION SERVICES,—Rev. Mr. Mac- donald, of Elora, _formerly of Clinton, will assist at the communion services in the Canada Presbyterian Church of this town on Sunday next. He will preach on Sunday evening, and at the thanksgiving hervices on the following Monday. • CUES FARES. — The Grand Trunk Railway gives notice that return tickets, good for four days, will be issued each Saturday, from Seaforth, at the annexed extraordinarily low rates : To Goderich, G5 cents ; to Stratford, 75 cents ; and to London, $1.50. .Who wouldn'ttravel when return tickets can be procured at this low rate. i r Eiadthis ne establishment bee ed it woul c have begin a serio only to th : proprieto -, but to The fire • mpa Iy W: . promptl with thei engitle, • t their ser not requir d. PERSONAE, -- the firm of Lo Scotland on from New to be- go Jamieson pleasure wish him return; —Mr. John De Monday wish our y and a pros. far off, ho FARMER enlock inf he was goi ing along ton, he ov • rtook an son of the • • an who ing stolen his cattle vidual was leis rely road side c ose th doubt, bee e Mr. Gove rec once, and mutual, as lock lo'okii his eyes a might be warning in over their f or e a He ple icha e, t en ung erou e. bent n & 'meson le h ' y las t. on'S turday, an Out "o moat coma ins busin n th old count sant journey d Dennie, so nron Road, lef cute for Austra friend a pleasan e futiure in his BE` rmsf eto ro rA BE —Mr.` RAD �s that a short ti Clinton, and w cd o this side ld friend u he suspec st fall. walking a fence, an' ploring ex nized th on lock she r cogn'tion was whe he found Mr at oliim h : pulled hi own; his h r farmers eep a sha erds. n id h ►s w� time locks ld;; 11 f and and NOT DE YET. he . Seafo Oak base all cl b as reorgan this season, at a eeti • g held on evening las , wh n thp followin,, i were elected : W. ardno, Pr A. Cardno, Field Ca tain;. G. Secretary and Treasu er ; Geo. Sills and W. Car ich el, Managi mittee A meeting o the mem be heldl at the Mansio hotel this evening, at 8 o' ;lock to trans: nese of importance. a under is the intention of this club to c 1 the Stars t play a g me for the cup about I the _ith ofJuly. ' club is composed of se eral good I their chances of giviin: the " bi a hard tussle are very good. STRAWBERRIES. —M WHO CAN BEAT IT ?— On Saturday last Mr. J. P. Brine, the veteran horti- culturist, of Harpurhey, kindly presented us with a basket of green peas which were well filled, and the peas of full size. Green peas, grown in the open air on the 24th of Jane, make a dish sufficiently' rare to please the taste of the most fas- tidious epicure. . destroy- loss not he; town{ on hand ices were leson, of here for e sails expects e.a' with y. We d a safe tof Mr. here on ia. We journey ew, but I I ert Cov- e ago le pass Staplae- the per�- of hv- his inthedi� bag had, no editn. man ioat vidently Goven- hat over ad. It to take p watch h Live zed for esday officers sident ; Vatson, n1s, A. : g Com- ers will Friday) t busi- tand it allenge County this .layers, boys " . William " • bort- son, of Oakville, ille, and t . e senior me .. ber of the firun of;William • obertson & ICo,, of this town, is one of th : largest a • ld most successful straw err growers in the Province. He does a ery large • usiness in this delis' ous fruit, annually s ipping to Toronto, Hamiltoand oth: large towns and cities. Du ing the se son he employs a large numb.r of men, omen and children in cultiva ing and ga hering the fruit: This season his yield h s been mostr lific and the • uality of : is ber- ries are i uch that they re always agerly sought after in the market. 1 n the midst o his hurry, h • wever, M . Rob- ertsonlnever forgets h' friends i i Sea - forth, aid many lure b ve to tha • k him for his generous annus donation. SHADE Tiu.is DESTR YET).-1VIr no informs us that oh ednesd last several handsome apse sha• growing around his resi ence were and complete;y.clestroy d by horse were running loose thrpugh the This isertainly most annoying, a Cardno is not the only! citizen wh have to make a similar complaint i animals arenot restrai ed from r at large thro gh the stn etss We stand that t ere isl a to n by-law forbids horses and hogs from beiu tured on the street , a d yet, no standing this fact, he citizens are ually annoy° by tem, and those business it is, and •who are paid ► , to see t hat these 1 ws are obs evidently might stfiinbl over one c, animals on th street fi ty times and nevem i sae nth slig test atte ►. nforce the lr.w. very horse an found pasturing` o the streets or mons within the own limits sho e phounded be the authorities. It opeci' the the e whr property is done. ose busines will . attend to th s matter ere ft amage to lif i SUJ)DJ Dr: TH.—Frank Ryan, ne f Mr. 1.'., D. Ryan, merchant, of lace, died u exp etedl► early last ng for � 1 y f pain the ar. This wa no eon�idered as }ling eleii;a,ncdi g p rticular attentio SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. —The exam in - e ations of the Seaforth public sehool,prior to the mid -summer holidays, will coma- . meacs on Tuesday next, and will°con- tinue for four days. The junior divisions b d 0 p will be examined during the first two day's. Parents and others interested should endeavor to attend as frequently as possible. and by their -presence .add interest to the occasion and anicourage- ment to the teachers and scholars. DOMJ N Deer.—Deer.— To -morrow (Satur- i day) being Dominion Day, it will be'ob- served as a general holiday, anis all the e stores and other business places in town h will be closed. Should the weather be fine, the day will, no doubt, be spent o Pleasantly and profitably l)y all, fe both old and young. Pic -nicking prom- ises to be the principal source of enjoy- ment. and a better or more congenial and harmless way of spending the day could scarcely be devised. urday mo' •nin , . e had been coma soec _s in t o had been s.ubl et at intervals ears with paiti in the s me ear. r five days bcfor his death, a ver of ai`i intermittent typecame and continued; ill wo hours befor. death.' His d ath occurrin so u pettedly, and her being so much certainty as to the eal cause, the cal men in tendance det rmine possible, to ha ' e a examine ion. consent of the; frie ds havin been luctantly obtai • ed, the brain was fully examined an death fo nd t clue to the bu stin of a la • e ab into the latera ve tricic of the b ?.'here was ma ked evidence of 1 standing diseas3 of he structi res in head, in the nes ghb rhood of the r ear. The dece sed • was a mo • el y• man, and was u • ive sally!! and highl spected by all who know • im. funeral was one of the lar est and respectable eve seen in Sea orth, carriages exteno ing over a; mil :. Thane Pru -1\I(;, A union plc-nic of the children attending the Methodist rind Presbyterian Sabbath schools of this town together with their teachers and parents will be held in Payne's grove, near Eg- mouelville, on Saturday (Dominion Day.) Short addresses, music, social converse, and general amusement will :be the order of tile, day. The children and teachers will meet at the Presbyterian Church at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, and proceed from thence to the grove in procession. A D.%NUEn0Il PRACTICE.—We are in- formed that• a number of boys and young men are in the habit, in the evenings, of enjoying furious horse -back exercises on Goderich street from the agricultural grofinds to the Mansion hotel, and. that on more than one occasion the lives and limbs of small children, while playing on. the street, have been endangeredby this dangerous practice. While, therefore, parentis should endeavor to keep their children from such a dangerous play ground as a street on which there is con- tinuous traffic, those wishing to try the speed and metal of their steeds should se - led a lees populous thoroughfare for that purpose. l�'XRE. -On Monday evening last, about 10 -o'clock, considerable excitement was occasioned in towieby the sounding of the fire alarm. In a short time the streets were erowdcd with per ons eagerly 'run- ning "hither and thither enquiring "where is the tire ?" Tothis question none seem- ed able to give a satisfactory reply. Some said it was one place and. some another, and many more with 'equal confidence af- firmed that it was a false alarm. At length it was definitely ascertained that the new oat meal mill was the place in danger. It seems that one of the journals of the shafting became over heated and ignited a wooden beam near it, the fire communicating from this to the floor. Fortunately the lira was noticed in time, and a few pails of water quenched it. 1 STRAWBERRI Good Templars intend holding their hall, on Se CHURCH OPE: pal church is to bunday in Augu expected that t pleted. SUDDEN DFA the . Twelfth Co; pped dead in the Monday last, j room. The :decea disease. SCHOOL EtAMI mer examination will begin in the nesday next, and of the week. Th, given; • 'SASE BALL. sols, played: the London, on Thu Clippers were def to 17. On their 1 played a match at club of f that place„ 48 to 18. ' RESIGNED.—Aty `hoard on Moneta teacher in the four school, tendered he rusets) - .411 -ND :10R M.--' l f Star ledge, Bruss 1. st awberry estiva i urd y eveuin . next. Ix0• e, : �e o enedTh:onne t o eEpio sec • d t, b which :ime i e e urch 1 Will be c Card- night e trees ►arked which treets, 'd Mr. will these nning nder- Inch pas with - 1° ntin- hose the_ .rued, these day pt to • hog coin - ids is to it is rt1}er hew this Sat. n-. ht as dor bur igh on, his ex- un- di - if � e $'e - e8 iu. ng - he .ht eg : is est he n II. Casper F lgler, cess on of Gr y, dr ourt room, Br sscls, en s ist fter ' me 'ng e ed as sf}bjec to he, rt X i ' 1 ai s p0 W di 'd §t es. ' B B d ea tlI a s'da este, t ated by a score of 0 fa 'ayhome ;the Clippers w Exe r with the senior ' d win ing by a score 'f a THE R IRON EX acceOte ► , and her engagement rminate s on the lit of July. The Boarnow re- quires t. o new teachers, one f r the sec- ond and one for the fourth div sign. MEG NILS' INSTITUTE.—T a annual m:.@ting of the members �f t e Brussels echani ' Institute, was h d in, the until hamber, on Wednes y evening. last, wh .n the on ofifi err were elected : John Shaw, Preside t ; James ilson, Vice-PresidentD. Stewart, S creta -Treasurer. Dire rs —Dr. G ahem, Dr. Holmes, D. Scot , Alexan- d r Hun r, of Grey ; W. T. anter, of B seals ' F. S. Scott, • Thos. dbeater, J. Lec ie, John Broadfoot Morris, A ditors Rev. J. Ferguson nd C. R, C per. Varna. TEACHRS' INSTITUTE. — T e regular m eting f the Varna T hers' District I stitute will be held on Sato y, July {8t , at 1 A. M. A ful ' atte dance of iII mbers is requested in order torecive th it tic ets of member hip f Central oeiati n. • Hibbert AINF L OPERATION. D s. Hor ibrook and Ho iv re';call d upon to remo fr m the eek of a little m nths o d, belonging to bf Staffa. The operation ly perfo ed, but the c of rward from exhaustio which is very large one, Call's dru store, Mitche alcohol. �nSu ge, of e a la hild, Hem fe 81 ld die ie nc pre cgillo EAL" . STAT CHANGE M narey as p rchased t Lot 19, C n. 1 contaioi • $2,000, his i an excell: but the bu ldins on it it Menarey s so' d his own. Coli. 8, to r. ,' • best Ad: This farm iso ontained - Ic-Nie. T' a Sabbath pu heyy, D ffs' : • d Winth ian Churc s w 11 hold a Ro t.: Go n1o•k's grove ma se; of v. r. Thome ro (Domi ion Day.) meat has ben • ade for t tertainmen -of children Both paren s anchildren spend a ve y pl asant clay • PEST: tea ing the L YAL LA ed it>%h tea doll g Quee DOMINIO our itizens tag of the no ublic d her IF NERAL Mr. Caspar in russels on Tuesday ten ed. M segs, preac Ger an to P'e byteria O anbroo ., My 'ads of ran • rookites OR. Our etre s a work 384; •or. D Y.—As th av : decided xcu ions on mon:tration w SE " VICES. —T 'ng e, who die n onday las venng, and ▪ J. W. Knee ed he funer la ge congre chu rch. B1 SE. BALI,, ball ook p1 a of bet eeo the ball Formosa on he g resultuig in vie score at th clo For •►osa, 24 B BE i ORE. F. Ro'iusen,.. Law R. Ro • inson... .. . . Gotby .. 3 Irwin Phcen'x. • ... ..2 Hoist • n 1 .8 Laino iby . ..2 Fryfog ©.: . j.. •.4 Tot:l.,•. .;.. 27 gs, 1 Belmo a ....... 1 Fortno.a..... ..... 2 lmore. friendlygame Saturday last, layers of Map ounds of ti e latt ory for B Amor e stood : elmo low is the : core SA n nday last, Mitchell, rge tumor about 18 y Norris, Iccessful d shortly • tumor, w in Mr. Served in •-1 Ir. John'. e welt half of g 50- ores, nt to of land, e poor. Mr. far Lot 22, cue fo $3,000. O acr shoo s of Har - op P eabyter 11 is-ni in Mr. opp ite the n, o to -mor - very arrange - e pr per en nd al others. ill, np doubt, osqu'toes are ightl its ar throng- en this week mai city of takd advan.- ominihn Day, 11 take place e funeral of ddenly place ely at. i3rus- • on in in the 00 Elu ,-tool as la tel, o 1 ser ation 0. R. FORM 8J.Bowm ▪ .8 2 A. Bow an.... 8 Campbe 4 Seitz... 4 5 8 8 2 29' Total . .... . . 27 24 2.3 4 5 6 7 0 6 0 8 9 2' 3-29 1 2 7 0 0 4 5-24 of base une2,4, e and r club, . The e, 29 ; M. Meye ...... L. Meyer Brick.......... Good Miller .. O. R. 3 1 ▪ 88 38 • 4 8 • 4 2 2 5 • 8 4 2 3 30 lyth. UN ON PIs; -NIC, The M Presb teria,Sabb: th school: ,tend oldie a uni • n pic-nic of Ju y. W - O'S TO ISE RE i v L�?—As now i : cor'po ated, the next q be : ' ho ill be •ur Reeve Drum olid i spok'nof asthe Or pier :oil;, w o, if e consent: "be ele ted without doubt. SAD A.!'CI ENT. On Satir ay m as the se do men • n the Lon on, 1 and B uc " ailwa were fir,.ceedi their ' orcin two " jiggers ' they mencce. r cig. V hila thus ngag hill c r tru k the : ront throwing o Jams St w t and seriously lnjurii hes celel r: ted h re in spirited mann a sple • did pr gram • e has beegot which : large numb r of prize: are o for the succe ° sful arty in a varie games. .Ye Era. thod',.t and of Bl th in - on th 5th ur vi l a4a is estio • will Mr Wm. • t ani • prop - to rule, rill TEE receive Mcss s whic site M the ITn Ame tic prow t the ' John This is culty. ly to mains course i nee t pecially ie drifting only La e the ffect ready bi ter fe ling. h CIxtn • ano Rob hey - . Mur tet Pr at VA e !ch urch slop, he pr tis a Chin efore nucl evesp; as the into 1 • W: ton. if DI her rt ant noun hie sbyte alton, rges essio me aper w fatter the au more per c t con erson of all cope rued, we further nevsp= per bject �-ilt be void u 'ATI N.— he midsu of e B ussels sch first division 'on" W cont'u the e re i to be $GO in p - Tippers, f Br rs, of Lo don, last, w Valtbn hulk he r res ting of the sch t, Miss Mo vision of Brusse s. ould your hureh tej ould 11 • belie y, bu like rning uron g to com- d, the Mr. g his ill be r, as p in cred y of FICULTY. We have ommunica ion from • afore the • essie of ian Churola of orth and requ re hi to ber of th Ch rch. pertain ing prine pin - 1 should b disc Bed, urch Cou his; dvisable han a utroverst mor 1 abuse w ich c f embitte ing a For the bene on tro vers on d. e to be , with yo o ay f lty, as he s all his o to the la tolerably oven all our s diffic t th ake a that Bong him ut if hat give not ere he h in the fo so bold it was a eat us tak avored us e has bee me great ood r per pa t on seem guage ter air fig ity. teme done il to mer 1 halle him so co lesus POSITOR.- UNE r• A_.V TI to meet him at the Church at there verify all my assertions impossible for him to produc which will confute facts, he will the niecessity of swallowing hi If hei accepts this challenge, 1 him timely notice as soon as w, minister to act as moderator of sion, iind he can have no obj that ass he is still a member of th In co respo he wl elusion, I would say to dent that as he seems to o has the most brass in hi abuse in his language, will (ha of the discussion, I willnot con take any furtber notice of him th ough alto nd. evi be ow ow will e h th ecti e Ch y-ou hi s fac e th Lesce and itis (Mce nder pill. give ve a see- n to rah. COT. that and. beat dto Clark 8 hotel, Ethel, on June 21 t. hers 1 present. The Reeve in he Minu s of last meeting read an con name f Simon J. Clark. The a sees Com unication read from 0; one boundary between Grey and El a, site Cbas. 10 and 11. The R Deputy Reeve were appointed delegates from Council of Elm inst., with matter of opening s dary. I; $200 was granted to be on gralyel road between Grey an amount to be expended, under t vision of the Reeves, north and Broome road and 11 eve to on id b xpe e s sout ls, the Reeve to communi ate tween Lots 30 and 31, ;under the supervision o $75, to be expended on s betw n Lots 15 and 16, Cons 17; under the supervision of Hislop and Slemmon ; $25, to b ed on Ethel station road, under McNai road, the fol the au and 5, 34, Co by Mr. and others for repair ivision 6, Cons. 13 and 14 islop, seconded by W. 01 owing bridges be put i tween Lots 5 and '6, Con. on Mr. de 16 Me exp the n of to ver, re ervision of Mr. Strachan • Lo s. 3 and 4, and bridge a fo Goderich Township t at em - air. rm- ent ted. 1 of ning ppo- and eet 7th un- ded said per - of ith side oad and ars. nd- SU- D. ide ved hat I air, der ot ks, • 10 Frita.--On Wednesday morn ng st Johnst n's hotel, situated OU th Hu on Road a the junction of the B nmi ler ly dest yed by fire. Mr. Johns on nd his wif arose about four o'clo k, nd after li hting the fire the former sta ed out to ring home the cows, In a ew momen s Mrs. Johnston noticed sin ke puffing through the board .ceili g i to the kit ,hen, and presently the sm ke filled. th , room rapidly. Mr. J hns on had not ;gone far wheu he nog ed he smoke r ing from the kitchen ro f, a d returniog at once he made his _ ay up stairs when he found the upper pa of the kitchen in flames. The kite en as built of rame and the main buil ing, of its way to the main building, an when Mr. joh iston got to the room wh re is two you gest children were sleepi g, t e bed was en fire. The children a I sl pt up stair , and 'they escaped wit gr at difficult . Mr. Johnston's two u h - ,when a ()used the youngest ran do n stairs t rough dense smoke a d tl e flames which had attacked the ha whilst the eldest daughter, hesita ing o the roof. The eldest son saved ms lf rushing through the smoke and am ;s. Mr Johnston, in endeavoring to et o t his children, had his whiskers an h. turned out to render all the assista ee n their power, but the building wa CO and a few other articles in the arl r were saved. The loss amounts to abo t $4,000 ; insured ler $2,700 in the es ern and Waterloo insurance comp me . The origin of the fire can only be c nje•- tured, but it is evident that it ha bee smoulde ng for some time, pro abl from the vening previous.—Signa Turnberry. • • 011 PUBLIC meeting o at Lower ported ha IMPROVEMENTS. —At th las hel S re ross .30 vert re the Turnbeiay Council ahg let a job of covering way and making culvert, 10 ro rods cove ng crossway and two cu for $14.50 Job finished. Mr. Ilo ported let al itn e752c0. toe road elle handing it streets, $.1.00 per rod, Mr. John, Godkin. Messrs.. nings and Little reported letting a 3 building aPproaches to Gray's brid Andrew Reid for $49.60, bein $1 rod, 'and also sold timb r o nee to Peter Deans, Sr. fo is note for the amount, an to the Treasurer. Mr. Go tting a job crosswaying an e same on West and A ber to en - b of e to for filling,39 feet from the bri ge, vest end ; $37.50 for filling 50 feet from east end of bridge to culvert. It was res that $25 be expended in gravelling o opening up Bide lines 10 and 111, Con $25, in gravelling on the B line, Lot and 32, Con. 1 • that a culvert be I ing down and spiking the planks ved po- in 12; 31 uilt • • ay - 011 of ad opposite on. oh- 9 ; that $15, be expended in crosswa ing on B line opposite Lots 29 and 30 ; 25, dly OD side lines 26 and 27 ; $50, in COVC ing uld rossevay, Chns. 6 and 7, Lets 14 and_ 15. al- I he Council meet again on the 28th of ! ion of the school in Section No 1, T erry, took place on June 26. chool has been under the charge of laggie Smith for the past 18 months, s, during that time, made woncle rogress. The school house was hea he. fully ornamented with flowers and e to greens, having been decorated by i hands of the t,eacher and pupils. Th re of was a large number of visitors and all na , the trustees present, The pupils were re examined in the various branches usually' e ; taught in public schools by their teacher, te Miss Smith, assisted by the trustees, so I Messrs. J. Stewart, R. Douglass, and .! Stewart, in all of which they exhibite .highl degree of proficiency. Their 8 • ling was reausrkably good. They to17,1 geography and grammar, partic larly; geography. The manner in whi h they acquitted themselves in arithmet c e certainly reflects great credit on the is - his iss nd ful ti- r - he teaehe . Their lessons were interspersed by singing. After these efferciSes were over, *number o dialogues, reclations, 86e. were rendered by the up' , whieh were highly appreciated by he aildience. After which addresses were made by the trustees expressing their s tisfaetion in the proficiency of the pupils wheh all e - parted for home well please wit the e amination, and slim with M' s Smi h, who is, no doubt, an excellent acher oR. GLEANINGS.—As nearly verylvdy interested in the crops, I 1111 : I, as *ell be- gin with them. ' Conside $ g tile late- ness of the season, they lo k excleeding- 1Y welt Winter wheat out," and wherever it has n"sktining above the average.—Our ol frieMls, the Canada thistles, are making apid strides towards bloom ; pow is the time to cat them. The stalk is now hollow, and every one cut nowt will be al t ure ta Vement, day. Canada this les re too aremore numerous than 1 t y r, per - pr misea to be as good as las year4 some haps on account of the rail ess f last good a prop as last year ; the erage yield will not be much more than half a bushel per tree. It would be use ss for me to try to tell the various ,ways which the people have of killing them but, perhaps, a few of the mos su ssfUl might be interesting to any you read-, growing at some future time Some trY, to frighten them to death by oud aoises e some smear them with tar some wit , coal oil ; some sprinkle with hot ater Cheap. their hands 1 Would not a few oldi email Spine kill with sticks ; and some alas ;1. for human depravity, squeeze the wit try sparrows be surer and -te icker thaU; all the methods ? —Some of the people here woul lik to know if meetinge of Coun il held out; ; side the municipality are tgal ? also, 1 why $20 were granted to bu Id a side-, walk in Brucelield, while the vil agere of Varna would not be allowed o dd , their statute labor in their o 'vn vi lage ? ; also, why some of the peopl of arna were allowed to do their wor on roa4 — ymen has not yet become de‘net, nor even su rannuated, bit is still busily at wor , especially am lig t re- licts a-nd school teaehers. American. —Some of us think that the 1 shot and the powder too strong, for such game A as the teetotalers, for the sho seeMs to take no effect, and the gun ki ks b‘dly. I think that after a, few moretishot 1 like the last, the poor, rusty, wor -out hing will burst, flying into pieces, and and- _ where, lying upon his back wi h hi face ! upturned to the heavens, he an siatch I the last of his six Month arg ment (be- ing lighter than the, atmosph re) aieend ' in a sheet of thin blue smok towards the Zenith, while the sound f the ex- , plosion will be echoed and re-echoed to every corner of his township, c using the staunch friends of whiskey to weep and ery aloud ; Alas,_ alas, our gre t guri has burst !—SIMON SLOW. MONEY TO BE SAVE BY ALLING AT THE 777 500 Pairs GLOVES, at prices' I and shadesk frm 50 cents to .$11. PARASOLS let p cents each. SILK PAR:2,1S LS at 50 cents, 60 ; cents, 80 and 95 cents. A Lot of NeW A RICAN COL for Ladies, A Lot of Neliv 11)RESS GOODS, Etat A J.Jot of Wilde ENGLISH PRINTS, cents a yard', Ouaranteed These are #mell WIDER than A Challenge. To the Editor of theilluron )osit SIR : The Star base ball chi , thraugh. the agency' of your Well eircula ed pa er, beg to notify clubs that the S ars, -bow being in possession lof two sil er caps, of Huron, and the other for the Courities of Huron, Perth; 'Briice, Grey, nd Wel- lington (except GuelPh), are desirou of receiving challenges. ! The Stars will lay clubs here !or the former cu wit out three of their Star nine, taking ot ier m - hers in their place. The Stars, hope to hear froth some of the immense riumb r of clubs organized in this County. Y urs pf respectfully. , D. HOGAN, Secretary of the Stara. SEAFORT11, June 29, 1876. 1 —The receipts of farmer's gra n at Harbor Mills, Goderieh, during ast and 5 bushels spring. The ehoo E. Davidson arrived from Mtlwau with 0,900 bushels for the Ogiltie pany, part of it going to the eafo mill. Oran here will be a large gath ring emen in Kincardine on July 1 next. About 50 lodges will be rese Sever 1 of the lodges; Nort Hu will s end the day with their bre hren Killed dine. The lodges in the. sr sels Brass Band. —A ease of Atrill vis. Macke zie, journed from Goderich, came up in t court of chancery in Toronto, be ore brought against the inister of Pub Works of Canada, to suspend t e co struction of a breakwater and th ope ing of a new channel at the Goderi harbor, and for the reinoval of h p tend as e ha the ox v ow Ir. ruse e Br of the breakwater as has been constructed. The plaintiff co that the effect of the bieakwater throw the spring ice oil his prope damage it, and prevent,access to t bor. All the evidence Was taken, gument being adjourned until af ment is given in the case of His Lauder. Hon. Attorney -General and Mr. Garrow appeared for the Moss' for the defendants. —A recent number of the Detr Press says : ," Thos. Passmore son, one of the oldest painters t died at Dearborn, Thor' day eve since the paper was est lished, a relinquished his case a out a for ago. Previous to his connectio the Pod, the deceased Was emplo years in the Free,Press. , and the tiger and Tribune offices. " Old as he was familiarly called, was a s faithful employe and a uoiversal with his associates, who learn wit cern regret that he has f picked u last take," and that hiS form" " locked " in the cold embrace of d The deceased was brother-in-law o Wm. Campbell and C. Crabb, Esq., h and for about four years was em n the Signal. After leaving that o or a time kept store in Bayfield e remained tor a short time and th mated. to Goderich to start a news he Times, which made its first a nee about 23 years ago and from riginated the Goderiel;-$0r. He he ek at, er ee th of th t. in ls is ic h. o it Fr icki e cit yed d nigh wit vorit sin noWl Mr. oder- ce he' here pear- hich WAS hort "me, when he -removed to Detrott,where e resided up to the day Of his death. I 1. the Lot of Childre&s and 'Ladies' HOS.* IERY, White Plain and feom 10 ceirtli to] ceuts per pair. FOR 'This Week WS COATS in all and FABRICS. Also the New MA all sizes froni; 12 isTEW TIES AND NEW STR NEW n the Latest BB, o the New /IN Olffer New LINtli he New STYLES RATTAN SHIRT„ to 17 inches, W HATS, MERICAN HATS, ADWAY STYLES. xLISH 8plendicl for SUM ER WEAR, A, Lot of Gent ' KM GLOSthiS, Shades from - ents to $1 25. THE ORDER DEPARTMENT FOR CLOTHING Is now COMPLETE with the BEST Aasortment of the Finest ENGLISFfe SCOTCH and• FRE CII CLOTHS we have ever had. entlemen leavin,g their Orders can Ile uaranteed d at Reasonable Pricss. Work do= on our own premises A. promptly and ATISFACTION GUARANTEED. G. McDON LL COso 777—SIGN OF HE -777 EtFORTH2 WEAL ESTATE VO A BABE CILOICU.--For Sale cites aaairable building iota, lacing katm 'FOB SALE.—For Sale, a Hundred Aore Farm in the Tow itt,County of Raton; iraprov TRONG„ Tama Agent, &gm*. flAnalag8111170:;Rela-SAJTISBon'Th.Eatfitallaarea ;T:c.:10;,Boldivristeezrriusi,rtaw,diao:4, snutegattlbrieup70' sale eh" a -corner Let in pAr Jan. Street, Seafortli„ B BALE --South half Let eP obrytotheO:aBb.::::Bilio,Bth SALE Oil TO RENT.—The age of Blyth, snitable /or A falst- 13111 OTS VOR SALZ--COn each, adjoining the Town ef *Lost desirable Situation for wive. tO L. AMER, Flarpurhey. )10.abrIZeRteTIFtOuleliALEratio.—vVroopr :rat Main -street, Swarth. A good b in villa are two stores. wit)a Apply fo the proprietor Or -Vir • BOFERTY FOR SAM—That erty 46)140darith Street occupied eh Manufacturing Companyas broperty will be sold on easy terms. fats Apply to 0-11,,AX & SCOTT, 8MALL FARM FOR SALR—In. and salubrious village of lits,ylial ehoice fruit trees= bearing; never. lof herd and sat water .onthectrenii. !ion as agreed upon. C. IL COMM !RI:nun-NG Tons LAI SEUX3R3 —Dr. COLEMAN -1 having laidn reoelatly occupied as a Driving P# lug Lots, is prepared to disposed - 1 -able terms to any who natty desire t -1- story frame house and barn,* !Market Square, Straferib. The 1 Ibeen. used. as ton egg packing estab are well adapted for any public particulars apply to the proprietre COM, Seaforth, or to D. -OORD " R. 8., Tuckeramith; :containing 40 of Whittl art cleared end in Ago tivatiour, the remainder is well valuable hardwood s there is a lar and other excellent outbuildings miles from Seeforth, on a good / ther particulars apply to ZAME Egmendville P. !O. WARM FOR SALE.—Iror Bide, -I: 10, Morris, ,,containing 64 acre are cleared, well fenaed.! and Ina caltivation;" the remainder is There are 4 acres of choice fruit a good log house ItUrt frame stal from the, Blytb.atation of theLon Bruce Itailway For further parti ing Lot27i Con. L, a acres, 150 aerel eleared, 130 acres of -cultivation, 20 acres extelleu fenced and watered, hair good bat root -cellars for .200 Wads, This ranee from figeorth station, -3 ut field cheese factory, on ra goOd fu,rtberpartievilats -apply to 4.01-11 Egmondville O. sale that, comfortable:gnat Aimee on John Street, !the 13rePo Sperling. The house is new, tiro contains seven rooms besides witla wood shed, ecilar,snd Vtcivements. Bard AO. AOit, planted with ehoice- fruit WI Possession immediate; Apply t VARMS FOB RALE. --West ha hag .50acres. The above lot is best quality, and Is only eateeno also south hail of Lot 19, Con. •County, 100 acres, 0,1806.11 bath Railway. For pric..e and terra COOPE13,, Brussels, or to CAI BELL, Staferth.R. 0, VARN FOR SALE. For Salt Hallett, Jetansistingef 100 aer cleared, and the balance th Wood, There Is leg helm, and -outbuilding!, a good weil,1 ing orehard of choice fruit trees from Seaforth,,S miles from ; Rioborn. Terms Inas kw/n- VARM FOR SALE.—For Sal 9, Ribbed, containing 160 are cleared. Tree of stumps, v. tint-6mm cvativittion,, A. barn shed and stable 80.00, driv brick root house and a splend house, and all aher. necesscrl geed orettard and well watered he iltSitEbie 18.-173343 in th premises, -or to EgratradvilL; VARM SALE. --F I, Stanley, eentaining good new frame houSe with ei wood shed and all ,Aber eenv* Jleiling well And A good hear reile.3 from 13ruceilell Station' Chinon. gravel roed leadi Aim' 7 to ib-Oprotait-fra JA. j -toores, 70 of which aro eieet balance timbered with the be also -well watered ; Within J./ from Beaforth, Clinton andi roads leatling to' off" 110' APFly on the premiees or BLAIR Jr trunott.A0atAinino 100 -.(11 Val feneed,lree /ram tiou, lona free front f!. , Race is well timbered; thos, sad good berns,,,etteds orchard,; titere az es 'creek running through theta 1v141# within utiles hf Clinton, and 34- from KWh- unl best farms in Huron& &Shull a premises or to Constanas