HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-06-30, Page 71 _:,aasseaas 4 JUNE 30, 18'76. inemesame. NON PLAN= MILL underaigned hereby inform their Minty stomera. and the public generally of the las. of their Factory and Lumber Xard to new ne commodious promisee on RTH MAIN STREET, orith increased facilities end gorne iery of the be make, they. will eetttaun. mfacture and fill all orders fOr Door,g, Blinds, Moulclinges, And all kinds of ANED LUMBER At Prices to Snit the Times. 't Gates, Hay Racks, Cheese Boxes, d.c. ;.e. Stock of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. ATH AND SHINGLES: wing and Custom Planing win Receive...Prompt Attentio,. otbseribers hereby thank their numeaues ,ers for the liberal patronage extended to taring the past, and hopet by strict integ- ti close attention to business, to merit a ranee and increase of the same. those whose accounts are overdue we give a invitation to pay up. GRAY & scorr. „—Plans and Specifications for Buildi ied onapplication. U4. VERY CHEAPEST SPOT IN TOWN. I' MONEY DOES THE BUSINESS. DI= ER and PROVISION DEALER, SEAFORTH ; for Cash, and sells for Cash, and, having bad debts, gives hie customers the benefit. business men would pursue thie system - ism would soon die a natural death - GROCERIES, desariptioroFresh. New and Good. Class Green Tea at 45 cents per pound ha es of not less than 10 pounds. - It, Beautiful Sugar, from 10 to la pounds Dollar. LOUR AND FEED ry Description Delivered in Town Free of FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, ier Farmers Produce in exchange for Goods Dreher the Neve Grocery, nearly opposite :Rotel, Seaforth. JOHN KYLE. ITER'S STEAM SAWMILL, .-;EAFORTH. RAND over I1C00,(00 feet of good Hernia* umber, cut and sorted, suitable for Bail& 'aining and Fencing. For Sale at the IY LOWEST PRICES. Also a quantity of Inferior quality, 4,Titable for Sheeting, At $3.50 per M. Qualitbiis Sorted so as to 'lark Without Paste. nage is rest eetfully selicited, and satire guaranteed. JAMES T. CARTER., LISSELS DRAW KN. VN & BURROWS, PROPRIETORS.• ubscribera take thie opportunity to zeta= ke to their munereue cuetomers for tha ee extended to them during the past sea- t hope by strict attention to business,and ying a good article, to merit a continue he some. (IE BURNED• DAILY. article guaranteed.. Price 14 cents per 't the kiln; 15 cents, oncars. ERMS STRICTLY- CASH. Is, May 2, 1873. MERS AND DAIRYMEN. \NrHITNEY, Seafbrth, (AYS ready to supply MLLK CANS )AIRY UT EN SILS every hottest Notice, and v.t prices that will ho want a good article. See What She Can Do Be- te Purchasing Elsewhere. -UREST AND BEST COAL OIL the market Wholesale, and Retail. ,Vi11(1 of Tin irtz/4ctingtanllyvn - 1 1 anti or Math_ to Order. rher the Place -Corner of •Tohn and Maim MRS. WHITNEY - EMPORIUM. ,bgeriber . hereby thienkil fro, ourneromg inerckfinta and others; for their Libera1 e during the past i1vezi yVid•!, and hopea• I.tegrity and clock :Wet ti Y bligitleSas• !air confidence Rua trade in the future.. greatly & ularged his premises, durixia r,he ,i2-• Low prt.,:•:.re _I te ey the 4EST CASH PRICE itiautity of goed1r1iLogs, deliver EGG EM PO RIUM, Main Street, SomfortiL. by the subscriber 25 tons of good drY EAT STI,a,,W. -WILSON ED HAMS AND SIDE -MEAT. PETTY, HENSALLI _E[9,1, on band a quantity of CRED HAmS AND gIDE MEA'rs, Which they will sell Chearp. e warranted of first-ciass quality. Division Court BOuridartes. At the last sittings of the County Court sit Goderich, the crier read the following , ogee in open court :. L , gr, Farran gives notice that he will at the next General Sessions of the Peace to be held in Goderich in December next EPPS's COCOA.-- and conifo ding Gr—g=---ratefu introduce a motion to alter and rescind —" By a thorough kn wledge. o the sii former resolutions affecting the num. natural laws which gove ' the operations ber andlimits of Division - Courts in the county of Huron , and that the following 1 of digestion and nutritio an by a n'care- umber and Inuits of such divisions be ful application of the fin properties of 511bstituted in lieu thereof from and after well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro. or such other and further vided our breakfast tables with a del cate- luch date, limitsati then b e in such may, en e ly flavoured beverage,wh eh May s ve us gloved, that is to say: I let Division Court -- comprising the judicious use of such arti le4of die that a constitution may 'be gr lly b t up many heavy doctors' bill It is y the town of Goderich, the township of Col- borne and all that portion of the town - until strong enough to r shit ever ten - of Goderich north and west of aline dency to disease. Hun reds of ubtle commencing at Lake Huron on road al - maladies are floating aro lulus rely to lovience between Lots 25 and 26, thence attack wherever there i a weak point. oast on said road allowance to its inter. We may efscape many a fatal sha t by section with road ' between Cons. 9 and 0.. thencnorth on said concession road ke,eping ourselves well fo tified witl pure 1e blood, and a properly no rished f ame. to cross between Lots 87 .and 88, on the Civ/Service Gazette. So:d only in pack - Huron .road, thence on . said crosa road ets labelled- '' James pps & Co, Ho- mceopathic Chemists, 4 , Threadlseedle easterly to Maitland. river. 2nd Division Court-- comprising the St. ,and 170, Piccadilly, =dons" t21-52 town of Seaforth, the township of Me- PONFESSIONS OF A VIC yboliti hed as Killop, all that portion of the township r a./ a warning and for the b nefi't of of Grey south of Con. 11, all that portion of Manhood, &c., giving his rvous Debili and others who suffer from N of the township of Morris east of the after undergoing much Buffo nigals7dtpSee side road between Lots - 20 and 21, and of Con. 6 and all that portion of mailed free on receiving a • Ht -paid dire south ; HANI L MAYFAI Box 158, Brooklya, N. Y. the township of Tuckersmith east and velope. Address NAT south of a line commencing at the Huron PECIAL attention is cane to the Nr Tend, thence along road allowance south= IV of DR. WHEELER'S esterly between Lots 25 and 26, II. R. '-' Phosphates and Calisava i :In 8,, and Lots 35 and 36, L. R. S. to i all forms of debiliO aricPsinigg t where it intezsects concession' road be. 11),Zearsgapai nerve exharintesti fromoiaesdllatred habits. , Tobacco, Opium, and that tween Cons. 2 and 3, thence southerly on paration of FL"; soli coneess'on road to intersection with that will sustain. the ner:otu:fs)?shlY ageh tem and side road between Lots 15 and 16, thence invalid over that period o mental d on said side road i westerly to London which must he passed before receivery ta road. 3rd Division Court— comprising the town of Clinton; the township of Ilullett; Ali that portion of the township _of Mor- ris south of Con. 8 and west of side road between Lots 20 aricl 21 ; Cons. 1 and 2, East Wawanosh ; 1 all that portion of riod with regularit:. These' pil a sh West Wawanosh c st of Maitland river taken by Females during the first th(r)ell and south of Con, 3 ; all that portion F.raeffero,bnucy, ats they are sure to bring of Goclerich township east of a line coin. of t Naneyrvootahaer atirr Etihey are all eases ofa 1 a t ?giunea 10 1 mencing at Maitland river on side road pains in the back and lima between Lots 87 and SS, thence westerly palpitation of the heart, hys on said side road tol concession road. be- ewithii°tens', means th11:17 Pfilljevd11.11 :net algre whe caelhomghela tween Cons. 8 and 9 ; thence south on remedy, do not contain trona, Bald concession roa:. to side road between or anything hurtful to the constituti Lots 30 and 31 ;. thence easterly on said d wihrei: 8 should bo Lanlihillet around each side road to concession road between its'120 eerveda. dJ New York, Sole PrOeplrlijorP.tresi 00 Cons. 9 and 10 ; thence southerly on said for postage enclosed to Noithrop St II., • s ncession road and road running from ronto Ont. general agents for the 1 Lot 58 to vhere it intersects Bayfield ray- will insure a bottle containing over , II er between Lots 28 and 29 , • all that por- return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. tion of township of Stanley east of road Co., J. S. Roberts, anct R. Lumsden., extending from Varna to Bayfield river WnAT THEY SAY OF IV A PIA' FACT between Lots 18 and 19, and north of PEOPLE. -There are but few pro aratio es which have withstoed th impa gravel road from Varna easterly to Cou. ment of the people for any gre t lengt 2, including Cons. 1 and 2 ; all that por- One of these is Dr, ThomaS' Fetectric tion of Tuckerstnith Ea iricluded in Di. the following and be convinced : Thos, vision No. 2 ; and the village of Blyth. Farnham Centre, P.Q., writes, "I haveed with rheamat•ism for t e last ten 4th Division Court,- comprising the have tried maty reineelies •'thout any village of Brussels; the township of How- a tried Dr. Thomas' Eclec ric Oil, and ick ; all that poi tion of the township of have had no attack of it, 1 would room all." J. II. Earle, hotel k eper, West Grey not ineluded in Division No. 2 ; all Q., writes, " I have been t cabled with that portion of the township of Morris plaint for several year, a itt have tri north of Cola 7 and (mat of side road e- medicines with i e or i Dr. Thomas' Beleetric Oil, whieh gave benefit, n tween Lots •20- and •21. ate relief, and I would say hat I have n . 5th Division. Cciurt— comprising the with the best effect. No o •e should be I have tried it on my horse n eases of 0 village of Exater ; the townships of Us- le..-er.4anmdatiNnkAit 1A:quail as good fo borne and Stephen ; an d all that portion ybee, merchant, of Hay east of corbession road between writes, "I'imve sold Home hundreds of onounced b Cons. 8 and 9. they ever 6th Division C.: nd relievin township of A.slifie y of the gre of the to nshias o Hickson Go J. S. Roberts, an nship of P amnesia west of th west of thc: side li 33, and n,,rtli of t start in the met:fling and alse one round . across an entireownship and back (12 miles) before dinner, and he ame in the afternoon -24 miles trave 10 each team every day. All for wheat ex year. SPECIAL, NO ,DOES. 'RCN gXPOS TOR. v..•••••••••••••••••••••.. UNREVA.LLED ATTRyk.c:TIpN IAT pzi 1=1 WI L (-) LIAM H Lt G E R IN BL Cl CR SILIf IIARASOLS, tion—See Thein. t'ce Stoela MBRELLA OWN coul Gl?AY LUSTRES at Value. • . 1.25, bougl •rnE GREAT FEMALE R MEDY.-Jo Periodieid Pills --This havaluable m unfailing in the cure of those poi dangerous diseases to whic the ifemale tion is subject. It Moderates all ems moves all obtructions, and ri speedy cur relied on. To mairiodladiea, it is peculiai It will, in a short time, bring on the mo El Pi ant Assortment of LINEN COL 8 of Pim PRINTS, at 6 and Yoirds Gli.EY OTTO., ng men en lf-Cure, se, and ted en- , P. 01 404-2( t activ- lixer of e vital om tfai form of his pre - known tide the ression es placff. • Moseie dicine is n1 and onstitn- and re - may be y suited. thly pe- • not be` months on Aflo- at°. In eetions, light ent- ries, and all other powerful •ttmony, n. Full package, b Moses, 12f cents an, To- ominion, pills by Jason & 197 FOR THE of med• ial judg- of time. e. Read Robinson, ecu 'Met- eors, and elief, until since then end it to hefford, P. liver com- d different til I tried e imitiedi- sedit since without it. es, wounds horse as it arkworth, bottles of the public Bed, it has' pain sore test cohfid• my, writes, leetric Oil, ✓ three or like it for ie benefit." "For weeks ich annoy- s place, in- before one is a most medicine 8, PnEnrs, ronto, Ont., .-Ecleetrie Werth by R. Lums- 44043. 1 11 1 TS that are HATS Bottom, Price,l, ' Pounds UQ4R for • in Black, 20 Cents t at a Great _kedue- rown GrOn. er yaird--Wonderful ARS, CUFFS.aind LACE TLES. Cents per y at 5 Cents pe yard. GLOVES at Rock SCARFS, liOSIERY an acleetrie Oil, said p one of the best medicine done wonders in healing throats, &c., and is wort ence." Joseph Ragan, to "1 was persuaded to try Thomaa' E for a lame knee which tioubled me f four years, and I never to'd anythi curing lameness. It is great pub A. M. Hamilton, Warkw rth, Writes, I was troubled with a swe led ankle, w ed me very much. Mr. b ayhoe, of th dnced me to try Meet e Oil, and bottle was used I wa cured. I remarkable medi ine." Sold by it dealers. Price 25 Cents. S. N. TH011l in Division No. and all that portion N .Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, T of Hay not included_ in Division No. 5. Sole Agents for the Dom pion, NOT 8th Division Court,— comprising the —Selected andEleetriae . Sold in E & village of Wingliam ; the township of de'n. Turnberry ; all that portion of the town- ship of Morris not included in Divisions os. 2, 3, and 4; and all that portion of Eaat and West Wasvanosh not included in Divisions 3 and 6. A Camel's Hair Shawl Swindle. The San Francisco _Bulletin of the Gbh inst has -the following : "A natty little Frenchman called. 'at a drug store in the Vsrestern Addition yesterday, and inquir- ed in passable English if there was a lady residing in th at vicinity who spok e French. He was directed to the house of an attor- ney not far distant, There he proceeded and Mrs. Blank was surnrnonecl to the noor, and the stranger, all bows and . smiles, stated that he was an officer of a .French vessel lying in the harbor, and was obliged to sail ot 3 o'clock. He Lad an elegant camel's hair shawl which he had purchased. in a Joreign port, for -$80, which would have coat another $100. He exhibited a neatly done up package, and proceeded. to display what appeared to be an elegant shawl. He said he ;had been unable to find the lady for whoin it was purchased, and not wishing to carry it 'away would dispose of the article for the trifling sum of $60. Now, Mrs. Blank was wanting camel's hair shawl, but, like a._prudent lady, said she would prefer COTlatilting It( r husband before buy-. ing. With the consurnate art of an complished salesman he dwelt upon' the beauty and value of the goods, and final- ly offered to take on account, and 1 allow the balance to remain unpaid until t his return. The lady could not resist ; such a tempting offer, so handing him a ; WEIN- double eagle She secured the prize. The obliging gentleman complimented her on 1 CHEAP her good forLute, and with _a low ; bow took his denarture. When; left alone the NAIA.N LINE of S better judgLment of the purchaser led ber 1 SATURDAY from g the transaction. i NEW in- FO to reflect that there mYORk might possibly be ! urt --- comprising the d. and all that portion East and West Wa- _Maitland river and e betsvcen Lots 32 and e river. 7th Division CI nit-- comprising the village of Baylield. the township of G Divisions Nos. 1 a of the township of • all that portion of cicrieh not included in d 3; all that portion Stanley not included It 2�no'1 I SA331 LIV Perhaps the shawl hr.(' been ;stolen, or perhaps it was an inferior article. Hastily As the roost southe putting on her hat and walking -dress, she ; steamers of the lino, took the article to a large dry gOodii icebergs and fogs. house doWll tt 3V'ri 1ere she usually traded. and inquired its value. My dear Mrs. Blank,' said the proprietor, 'are you sold. too?' Be then said that the shawl was a first rate imitation, and. that the 1 same fellow had sold a large number un- 1 der similar representations. - The article was left at the store to be sold for her ac- count. She informs her husband that t ahe don't think a camel's hair shawl 1 would become her, and. they • are not 1 It a be safe to fashionable anyway. m y predict that when Mrs. Blank next airs 1 her French it will not be to a fascinating] Gaul who is a,nxious to sell a shawl worth $100 for $60, and be content with 33 per 1 cent. deposit. . • A LONG FURROW. —The Fargo (Gal.)' Times asks; "-What do you think of an nnbroken furrow six miles long? That's what you can see any clay by going to Elm River,where Messrs. Dalrymple and Grandin are breaking prairie. The teams TRIP TU TH would consult Chei passage by this favo full information give J. 8.. AGENT, - N. B.—Tieltets fo in connection with sued at reduced rat I1NT SS GES something wron. eaniships, sailing EVE QiluEE1%TSTON AN R. 00L.I $1. P. ROG RS, ". Note(' " for Popular Prices. IF.3.11' A_ ECIDED T _IA E REI/141N IN EAFORTH. THEY . I ; V., RA' F I OF 4‘LL iTICH THEY 41E D AVE THERTIFORE LAID IN A cr) Zs' LTJ 0 t= tc?, g'tt Ft" 5 HAS THE t-( —1 01 LAO LARGEST, • HEAPEST, AND BEST • STOCK OF • E RT.4 I N.S- NE ASSORTMENT LASSES OF DRY OODS • TERMINED TO OFFER A THE VERY LOW- PRICES. S & LIQUORS EST HEIR STOWS OF G ROC IS VER An ly r hue ers ERIES, WIN Y COMPLETE. E. Call Solicit SEAFORT WHO viSNTS GOOD AND JOIN WARD, S BES to in form friends and Stock hf • , general that he has a Large H. ,STYLISH B ? afolth, the public in nd Complete rno C1) BEATTY LIN14011 HE Subeeiber word take thi patronage in the ast, and albite confidence. Having fit( 1 , ard; Spin, WI ea Full 13lankets,Flanne Shirtii w0 d. & Co., Carmichael's Block. OLEN opportnnit of t opes by elo e atte d up his machine He has also constanOy on ha lankets, Stocking Yarn, Gre rade for Wool, or sellgeheap fo The Subscriber's personal su nay be relied on. Persons li hile they visit, 1 , 1 i 20,000 lbs.= of 1 FOr which the Highest market et Clinton, May 23, 10. a large Flannel, St Cash. erintendenc ng at dist ood, LIG. HT SINGLE H RNESS, HCIRSE OLOTHIN • &c.c. Tr*nks and Valises Whips, Brul,sites, C was, A97344 )8, IT., In fact anything appertaining to the Trade Al- ways) on baud, cheap as any in the -trade, for cash. Repairs Executed. with Neatness a-nd Despatch. nking his nnmerone customers for their liberal tion to business to EMU secure a large share of In first class style, be is now prepared to anZ Dress Cloth; Manufacture loth and Stocking Yarn,&c. N4: B.—Collars a Speciality. description made to order in first- ROnember the Place: Two doe Comanereial Hotel, Seaforth. 1 ssort ent of Tweeds, Fnl Clotho, Shirting Flannel, 'ped Checked Flannel, &c., &c., which he will e will be given to Custom Bion.Caraing, and satisfaction f nce om Clinton may expect to get their wool carded Cle n, Fleece Wool Wanted, rice in Cash, will lie paid. oilers of every lase style. s north of the .. JOHYARD. E. CORBETT. 443 GRAY, YOUNO SPARLING, ute is idopLedb t y e lessening the danger y ns contemplating it LD COUNTRY„ 0s1n interests by taki le line. Tickets sold a by BE RTS, SEAFORT 1 Ne W York, sia Erie Railw bov line 011 Steamships, 8. THE DOMI IO 0. K. HAI IDRE SI G mu) SHAVING S LO SEAFORT FARM ORAY, SP‘Ri (31-00]bS ERS' ST THE RE, 'SEAITORTH. YO N SPARLING. THE A Y RUSS LL WATCH, A httle gem, years. A lar hand, also a f imitations ke hard and you at M. R. CO Plate direct f Co.!, such as i Castors, Sy Knife and Fork i Cruet Stands, N sert, Tea, Mustard.and Salt Spoo ble, Dessert, Pi,eklean are bought dirqt from Prices. Also L4comp Pipes, Violins, Violin string. Watches, Clo Satisfaction gu*rantee/ or no charge. 1 Tree of Silverslare in Window. M. R 8k c e st ills t. will NT om t cm P. pki s, T Pie Fork , W the manufactu ete stock of J trings from 50 ks and Jewelry 31, HARR ROBINSON II -AS purchased t e above establishment 14 -"- Mr. William ,owmxn., and 03 having it fi d np in first-class Btyle. Good !Work, Atten ion (did Civility is what Harry depeuds upon to : :,_ }we business, and he Is awe lio will WNW& I •.' ber the old stand.I ...._ . _ 445*4 ••• 727 I 141P 7C M MEROHAINT T Is NOW 111,13CEIV SPRINO TWEED HA AT !T 1 NG A AR L TES , WORSTB ses, full jewelle ck of English and ock of the Elgi ny your Watche. now what you ar R'S, a good. ass( e celebrated man chers, Cake Bask s Spoon Hold and warranted for fiv enuine Silver Watches o Watch—no bogus Swig from a reliable practica , getting. Just Received rtment of Electra. Silve factory of Rogers, Smith ets, Butter Coolers, Pickl rs, Goblets, ' Mugs, FiE Rmgs Vases, 0. d Receivers, Table, De ble, Dessert, Fru iters' Trays, &c. rs, and will be s, welry, Clocks, 8 per bundle of 30 of all kinds Re Cash for Old Gol COUNTER, M and Butter Knives, T Remember the above goo ld at Toronto Wholesa ectacles, Combs, Brushe . strings to 40c per sing aired by practical hand and Silver. Sign of t onic Hall Block, Seaforth .4•••••••••••••• Q M .1:2 13 OR AND 'CLOTHIER, FORTH, 'E STOCK OF 'ALL - KINDS OF T STYLES OF 3, AND OENBRAL FUR.NISHIAGS, MARRIAGE LICENCES OR CERTIFICATES, (Under the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH Undeit authority of the Lientemint-Governor o Ontario. e 1 ei I e l IRTS, COLLARS, &c., ST QUOTATIONS. CA L AND SE*. FIRST -GLA S CARRIAGE A HRNESS Vint Cl.ss Plow Harness a All COLLARS Warranted • Tip- I p ITRUNKS and VA 411 rti1ei pertaining to t sign 0 the Large Trunk. G. t G. IS e bu D TEAM Ati G. E. HENDERSON'S. . HMIDERSOI !S. E. HENDERSON'S. on hand at G. E. HENDERSON'S. iness always on liand at LOWEST RATES. (•.; 0 ROE E. ILI' „V ,ce:a ford •••• • Q. Go0 02 r-4 p to. t.< 0 0.‘ 0 020 0 2. • • 13 7Z) rrl -o 7.) go 0 (i) —1 0 c3J 0 r - co , i.,. A. °PIC Lentorrhma tor Mattes), Pianful Menstrua- tion, Ulceration of the -Mem, (.5vai iat Dieeaeea, Abaent Menstruation, and all diseveee known as test v . err aale, under the pereonal u srervielon of a Frale Weakness. They are praeoed with the . Physician who has made female diseases a special study for many years,a nd they are a Medicine on which MARRIED LADIES _can del Ind " in the lieur :nd time of need" as an unfailing FEMALE REGULATOR Oold by all Druggists everywhere. Price, one be, $1 ; six boxes, $5 ; sent by null -free ef post- age seer .ly *sealed from obsevatioia. Fox frill psrtcu1arH write for our pamphlet, which we will ee id in a sealcd envelope to any address on re- ce pt of ost stomp to prepay return postage. Address nil letters for pnplilets or pills to WILLIAM GRAY & Co., 'Windsor, Ont. ...4 R erts, .Lnresden, and by all druggists. cold in Seaforth by E. Hickson el; Co., Z. S. iNORTI BOP & LYMAN. 'foronto, Whelesele Agents. 386 -cow o riii PUBLIC AT LARGE W. H. OLTIIVER, Harness, Saddle! ,rid Collar MANUFACTURED ;LUDT-ST., SEAiORTH. 7(1 4,4 et -.4 0 • "• SIGN OF THE SCOCCH COLLAR. • ; A chOiceassortment f gbtfLfl31hfaTy HaTricati, Whips:, Bells, Horse Clothing, i&e., kept conetantla W on hand. Repairing pronapgy attended to' anal 0) charges nio lc -rate. Rememfeer the place.sion of ihe Septet W. 11. OLIVER . w C ROYAL OANAD AN BANK. $EAFORTH BRANCH. 1.41 DOMINION BLOC!(, W SEA FORTH, Braila on New liTotit Payable at 1 Mils of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of tbs.: 'United Kingdom. tri • INTEREST PAID oN DEPOSITS. M. P. HA7T,SN,..r sac yE VA 411 BUTTER TUBS. )•ri Bank -in the United States. SAMUEL TROTT CAC , HAIR DRESSING-. 1 MISS AMANDA, STARK wIssEs to inform the LSdies of Seaforth and Vicinity tbst she is prepared to make np SWITCHES, CURLS,BRAIDS In the tateat Vasbim frorio Ceembfags. moderlt te, ow! all orders per.ct n017 teL A Call Solieited. ;!`, , atter eaforth. PriessJ ed to. 4. TTAS Low on herd at the Seaforth Tub Factory .1--r- it number Of his well:end favorahlyknown Mach,ine Turned 'Butt& Packages. ... These Packagesare-the best in use, and will give satisfaction. • 1 $13ECIAL INDO - MENTS TO LARGE TIM H.ASERS. *. Trott expecta Ina! Ott time to con.mextee , 4 3 ,„,,i,.--rp rf V.14,4,h Illbgen s large scale.. .. i 1