HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-06-30, Page 3Jima t 1876. I. EGA Elit# I{ , n i'rrb;ti•r, Attorney, Sojfettor (#fflce in Lealett new ljlock to we mut Waterloo street, (Icit3erich. 417 .IoFA1711EN, Barristers anti errs in Chancery, (3oderich. ka110$. W. n, MCrADuZ LM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commit. •r in. B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer Arroountss and notes collected t 1vi.,E, Banister, Attorney, Solicitor la ems, , e., Goderieh and Seaforth. t 1. Joruwn's Drug Store, Goderieh, sib re Seaforth.. 854 McCOLL, Barristers, Attorneys-at- 5olieitors in Charee.'ry, Notaries Public, ieh and Brussels W. R. SQImm:R,. God - S. 'McCe LL, Brussels, 4.15 IISON & • WATSON, Barristers, Attar • Solicitors in Chancery, air., Clinton, 'cc—First door cast of the new Boyce Yank building. Money to loan on farm =sox, 404 G.A. WATSON. .t, MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, t:, Notaries Public, ate. (lfilces--Hes. r;t:,•sels $s23,000 of Private Fundis to e, at Eighter cent. Interest, payable =xsox. 58 it vv, C. MEYER. HEY & 11OL 1E )TED, Barristers, At at Law, Solicitors in Chancery -alas :lot -tales Public and Con eyancers. the R. C.' link, Seaforth. Agents for i.e Assurance Company, rtr,(00 to lend at 8 per cent. Farttrs, Ct L,,t,sxfn.: t.•ble. L. eta:pieta-ea I JTT, M.D. &c.,Physician, Surgeon, and rich€nr, Seaforth, Orit. ()fries and rest- th side of Goderieh Street, first door k=vyteriarr Church. 342 fEr cOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, tiv ete., Coroner for the County of Huron. Residence. corner of Market and High `t to the Planing Mill. Zzll>I:II & BURGESS, Physicians,, t xnr,, ..u(d Aecuttciteurs. OFFICE—Main raforth, near the Station. JOHN. Gimp - t., Coroner ler 'futon ; Jordr A. Bun- 424 RELAX, 3I. D., C. M., (late of the firm t- haver & 1 belan, Stratford) Graduate of J1%crsity, Flay set iau, Surgeon and Ac- Seaforth, Ontario. Office—Rooms in. .:ocl}, formerly occupied by the late .Dr. ;sid€ince•--Commercial Hotel. Will at- nrroithook nu Tuesdays and Fridays.' 393 T G. BILL, L. D. S., Surgeon s Deniist,&c.,Seaforth, Ontario PI re work, latest styles, neatly executed. 9.11 surgical operations carte and promptitude. Fees as low obt<tiaed el:tew.bere. OMee hours from _to 5 1'. M. ItoF.mh over Mr. A. G. Mc - • re, )darn-st. 270 NAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gracia_ . 01 irtario Veterinary Co11t:ve, Seaforth, ce ant Residence in rear of Zilloran & Calls promptly attended to, night or stc•cl of veterinary medicines cat hand. rttts.•nalde. Horses examined asto sound f eertifarates given if required. 407 CAMPBELL, V. S., Licentiate and Prize- t' c f Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., and Le of OntarioVeterinary College, Toronto,. ti permanently is Varna, where he willbe :tidy att•I willing to attend to ail kinds of in 811 kinds of animals (man excepted), weather, and at all hours. Regi- na- c C.cz ttti o dews east of Cook's Tem- 11.1,11. - - 319 W. EIDER, V. S., Graduate of the tt mile Veterinary College. After devoting :vs to I rectice with Professor . Smith, of t>, has settled in Seaforth, in the office eeepied ivy tir. Burgess, Main Street,. € will be fe laid ready to- treat all diseases ' rat stie•srtedanimals. AlI ee11- promptly tl v.* 1 y day (1r night. A lar;re stock of .t3 it+i.aCiTt+coustlntly ofthand. Eforses ke,t(ti,.nti . and 11rut ' en tr.S .l,nven. l . ,:_lit and sold on eel -find -=acre. Res)- Fcarlc op i e.-itethe E:ti-o:;i.cnt Office.- 424 BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the runty of Huron. Sales attended in all 4 the County. All orders left at the Ex- it Office will be promptly attended to. - . CAMERON, Piaetical Watchmaker and welt 1, 1itcltell. Custeruers will find it to € rt t to (111.1. wi:L tree_, as the'• will have t ,:t of toy long i•ractical experience in the 403 NlEitCIAL. LIVERY, Seaforth,_Ont, T. A. (A111',1'i(=I:tjet or. Comfortable and elegant -,es, and first-class reliable horses always Charges moderate. Oflico and .stables on street, sat terve' (door cast of Main street. lett at arty of the hut .!la promptly attend-- f { // Z l RAY i X73999 E...1.1•tOttTIi J)R�AY A�'YD- k I A GLs B' USI.iTY1 AYAS,. To The People of Seaforth, CAMPBELL betas to retort' thanks to the erchants and Business men of Seaforth for ai rat patremar e awa rded him since he assum- rtrd,l of the ,raying Business c=f Seaforth. dict also state that he is now better prepar- L:n ever to attend to the wants of his cuxtant- a it g piaci d anottar team 'it. the service. t b} tail (kilt ed promptly. :House Fnrndt te•v,..4eatcfu 1y and w. reasonable tettdss. 's'u'it 11. and all other chow F. in this line E a to on the shot test notice.. 1'roinptitude, Ey, and moderate charges are the cardinal les which he obr€res in his business. : To the Traveling Public, sc ld Royal hail Stage. still anis and flour I'rrtie. s requiring to travel between Sea- r,ttd 1-rrtssels will find the M.t,i.L STAGE the. ate(1 1,101-1 comfortable. The drivers are II and rt,Ler, the horst f) Iasi and reliable and f Leri wain) and comfortable, JOIHN CAMP- , Proprietor. rietor.. - 44I EA FO R'll PLANING MILL.. COCA AND BLIND FACTORY tb it Del begs 1< <rre to thank LIS numerous 4 mixers for the liberal patronage et tended the t:e'e commencing business in tSGCfortb, and : that lte may be favored with a cont'nuance inte=nding to build would (do well to give ill, at- he will co>tttinue t o heel un band e tele ofall kinds of 1rI:I PINE 1..UM1}lirR, s A m Ill .- - MINDS, MOULDINGS, 111 NGLF S, LATH, ETC. - •.: t.: •ltti&•rit f f t_lcit*,•?1tisfaetiau to those __,1 i•tvo-.1rhim with their patronage, as none f c far?• wort rut n are employed. F1aIIi»g .t: tr. I ttoo Ira ` toCustomu JOHN If. .Bl O'ADF0OT. •RE; COMMERCIAL LIVERY, 1 110lzl'1I.. INC put e ta' ' '. theStoc. `: and Trade oft be s H=��rr�'reiit1 laysxy, fitrrnc1ly bells, t � rt:sots 1ti CO, beg% to matt that he i` tiera r utt the 1,u.;Ii.:ssi inthe old. stand' till ..tirtablc hors) arta W1110106 1011#,,E.1ly latgc )stock. :tions but ▪ 'ft€4.1 Com fit/table l t°titelF, aid (s00(1 (• lied lt. Jlc rsim Will be ,(,'opt;. e dl ar, ('pen l tigi.ae=t and Carriages, e , and ingie Wagons Altvays Ready far ;int. even genterrf ss'Iill C- owl" (" elt€1 oteis ersj.:ft tat the Stables or any€:f the 413 zt l'1 by atter..led to. RORSE= WANTED. '•, — _4 CAB. �0A10S ' cif good sound horses -weighing not less ing ► pOtizids each, for w titcb the highest cream will be paid. Apply t1UEOE0E A.• fJTiBr , at ROSE'S Hotel Seaforth. sm 30i ism - Sporting Notes: —.The Irish Nine, of Lucan, defeated the Deaverir, of S. Marys, at base ball on June,.by a score of 28 to 15. :.:The Grand River base ball club, of Galt, were defeated by the Exceleiors, of Woodstock, by a score of 15 to 22. The Blue Stocking base ball club, of Watford, last woek defeated the Silver stars, of Strathroy, at Watford -by a score of 52 to 21. —At a base ball match at Watford on June 23 the Silver Stars, of that place, "k in " the Red Stockings, of Sarnia, to the tune of 35 to 21. - The Clippers, of Elora, - visited Fer- gus last week, to have a friendly game of bill with the Athletics, of that town, win - fling by a score of 32 to 26. --The Milverton base ball club visited Listowell Iast week to play a match with the Red Stockings, of that town, . and were defeated, in a one-sided game, by a scare of 52 to 21. Lon- don, Tecumseh base ball club, of Lon- don, now on a tour through• the United States, defeated the aEtnas, of Detroit,on F June 19, by a score of 12 to 3 ; also the Mutuals, of Jackson, on June 23, by a score of 14 to 5. —The number of games won and posi- tions occupied by American professional pities for the championship pennant up to June 22, inclusive). is as follows : Chi- cago, 20 ; Hartford, 18 ; St. Louis, 14 ; Louisville, 10 ; Mutual, 10 ; Boston, 10 ; Athletics, 8 ; Cincinnatti, 4. ' R, e isms ; and that the s ron' er must b tle and helpful to the wee or or the love the honor and glory Oil seem possess lower. The little girl should boencourag her natural tenderness nd its p ra. S it st ng end e nee no for hOp or tha e 'ways n 04388 er is co )ties for anline ess o p ry-day 'sauce in even lite manifestations to he happier in believin than in a consciousn with it herself. Au be instructed that s character. When s e m tect herself, she sho ld bas reserved forces t at as in waiting for the time of the family circle the mot' ly in possession of opport ing out and perfecting th her boys and the wominli girls ; and she can and ou this instruction just as so understand her words. broth in th ss of lie yet ,st eh st no ero. gen- will S to in etty e is ngth wed not e of pro - she o be In tant- ring- s of her t to commence n as:they can Good Enou - h f " Why do you pu on dress ?"_ asked Emmy cousin Lydia, one Imo had spent the night at L The dress in question as faded, old silk, which oily More forlern for its once trimmings, now crumpled an " Oh, anything is -good home !" said Lydia, pinnimig collar, and twisting up le ragged knot, she went dow fast. —The Star club, of Seaforth, would Your hair is coming r ha n di like to hear from all clubs travelling east Emily. and west on the Grand Trunk for the pur- "Oh, never mind, it's go _ -- pose of arranging for match . games for home," said Lydia, carelesal ., which liberal shares will be given. All , Lydia had been visiting at E communications should be addressed to home, and had always appe red i .D. Hogan, Secretary Star ase Bali prettiest of morning - drowse. and Club, Seaforth. neat hair and dainty toll rs� and come forlo ere .o after 'q hou as looke fashi0 l fray enoug �n a hair i to ol her she tted, the able for oiled in a reak- own,", said enoutrh for ily's the with uffs ; mong her any - t un - her lite ; all; er ma ners - s; an she and kind- ome ear, for like olv ire some- ters ; e all any It s the the arest —The following clubs have joined but now that she was bee the gain Canadian Base Ball,llssoeiation : Maple her brothers and sisters,la d wit Leal, Guelph ; Standard,t&1amilton ; Te- parents, she seemed to t' that cumuli, London ; Clipper, Toronto ; To- thing would answer, and; went abo 'routo, Toronto ; St. Lawrence, Kingston; tidy and rough in soiled fin ry. A Star, Newburgh ; Royal Oak, Bowman- uncie's"ahe had been pleasa and 'vine; Excelsior, Woodstock ; Grand and had won golden opinio fro River, Galt ; Silver Creek-, Guelph ; but with her own family Beaver, St. Marys; Independent, Dun- were as careless as her dre des ; Tecumseh, Dunvile ; Red Stock- seemed to think that court Ings, Cobourg ; Silver. Star, Port Hope ; nese were too expensive for and that anything was good enou Ottawa, Ottawa. The Stara. of•Seaforth, should also become members of this As- sociation. —The following are a number of the most important match games of Amer- ican base ball nines for the week ending June 24: Star vs. Buckeye, 2 to 0; Louis- ville vs. New Haven, 11 to 4 ; Chicago vs. Mutual. 10 to 3 ; Athletic vs. Cincin- - natti, 23 to 15 ; Philadelphia vs Buck- eye, 4 to 2 ; Hartford vs. Louisville, 1 to o ; Live Oak vs. Lowell, 6 to 5 ; St. Louis vs. Boston, 12 to 8 ; Olympic vs. Star, 12 to 7; Boston vs. Harvard. 7 to 4; Fall River vs. Live Oak, 7 to 0 ; Harvard vs. Yale, 14 to 9 ; St. Louis vs. Lowell, 1I to 7; Alaska vs. Qlympic 6 to 4; Crick- et -vs. Ithica, 14 to ; Harvard vs. Taun- ton, 5 to 4 ; Arlington vs. Brown, 9 to 5; Stocks vs. St. Louis Reds, 10 to 9 ; St. Louis vs. Cincinnatti, 11 to 0 ; Os- ceola vs. Lafayette, 10 to 8 ; Chicago vs. Mutual. 5 to 1 ; Chicago vs: Mutual, 5 to. 6; Neshannock vs. Philadelphia, 10 to 3 ; St. Louis vs. Boston, 20 to 6 ; Bos- ton vs. St. Louis, 10 to 5 ; Hartford vs. Louisville, 4 to 0 ; Hartford vs. Louis- ville, 6 to 1 ; Confidence vs. Magic, 3 to 2; Olympic vs. Howard, 8 to 7 ; Louis- ville vs. New Haven, 3 to 2 ; Mutual vs. /Etna, 10 to 6 ; Chelsea vs. Resolute, 4 to 1 ; Athletic vs. Cincinnatti, 20 to 5 ; Athletic vs, Cincinnatti, 11 to 6St. Louis Reds vs. Stocks, 8 to 0; Mutual vs. Star, 6 to 5 ;;Mobile vs. Forest_6 to 15 ; Amherst vs. Rhode Island 9 to 9 ; Amherst vs. Princeton, 18 to 12 Am- herst vs. Lafayette, 20 to 4 ; Taunton vs. Live Oak, 5 to 3 ; Taunton vs. King Philip, 13 to 7 ; Chelsea vs. Resolute, 4 to 1 ; aineters vs. Winona, 18 to 8 ; Brooklyn vs. Mutual, .6 to 3 ; F1y Away vs. Black Sox, 7 to 2, - Married in the Snow. - A writer tells a story of a runaway couple who reached the parson's house in the dead of night, when the snow lay on _ the ground and the winds howled an an- them for the wedding march. They suc- ceeded in arousing the parson who had been snugly tucked in his warm bed for several hours. The good man reluctant- ly raised the window and asked who was there? With chattering teeth the would- be bridegroom answered his errand. Not even the piety of the parson prevented his uttering a few impatient growls at this unseasonable interruption of his dreams. He>did not tarry to put on the wending . or any other garment, but in thundering tones ordered the shivering couple to stand well off in the moonlight and clasp hands. - Then he demanded both their names. - "John Williams," he said, " do you swear in the presence of God, as you will answer in the day of judgment, that you will take Eliza Catharine to be your own, your true and holy wife, and that you will freeze to her as long -as you both shall live ?" The promise was given, but the cold was growing so intense that the lady was spared the question that had been given to and answered by the man. "1 pro,bounce you mnau and wife and the biggest fools I have ever met," con- cluded thisbrief and all -sufficient cere- mony. - The banging of the closing window in- timated to the loving pair that they had nothing more to expect from that quar- ter, and they soon disappeared, wondering at the strangeness of the situation, and doubtful if they were as much married as they might have been under more favor- able circumstances. • I,3 home. yt There are too many peo j 1e wh Lydia, seem to think that anythin do for home. Young men vtho are ty are and.si gers, a ✓ mak fami and pleasant in outside a3oei times rude to their mothers and girls who, among stra gayety and animatiou, nev exertion to please their own is a wretched way to turn alwa smoothest side to the viol Id, an 'roughest and coarsest to fine's n and dearest friends. A Girl's Chan es,. The Cincinnati E,i jui-e gives queer statistic s thus : f' very young lady of the West E d, w evidently been giving the s bject reflection, gives the folloviing ta a woman's change of between the ages of 14 and 0 year 1,000 women, taken witho t select'on, it is found that the number m cried •t each age is as below. - Or if (by an arithmet- ical license) we cali a woma>i's cha. cos of marriage in the whole comae of h r life 1,000, her chances in each two yea s will' be shown in the table : Age. Chances. Age.; 14) 28) 15 j 82 29 ) 16 . , .104 21 f 18 19j• 20 21} 22 23f 24 25} 2'3 so 27f We hardly think it a fait thing or our lady friend to stop at the age of 39 as there are very few ladies ho ha a ar- rived at -that age of single-bl ssedne : fief from whose hearts have beech extinguished hopes of ever seeing the dh fa sen one. No ineed ; so long as thea is still an old bachelor left, we say give t i e old aids a chance, and don't blame them f r still clinging to hope." s a some sweet o has rious le as rriage Of 219 288 ........165 88 fl 35 -'' 86' 37; 102 89 c ancee• 45 18 14 8 2 4 Shape of Han An author divides lha sorts ; the first sort havin pointed tops ; the sewn square tops; the third, ting shaped tops—by " spade -s fingers that are thick at t' a little pad of flesh at e nail. The first type of . fi characters possessed of ra things—to extra -sensitive ous, thoughtful people; to and to all poets and artist ality is a prominent trait. type belongs to a scientific sible,self-contained charac type pertains to those who material ; to the people w' ous for commerce, and a high a tion of everything that to ds to ease and comfort ; also to eople activity. No matter ! ho the shaped. each finger has a j int re ing each of these. That, he di the finger which is lea est t stands for the body, (a d cor with the spade -shaped type,) th division represents mind, (the sq ped,) the top, soul, (the pointed. top -joint of the finger be long, it a character with mach t!inagin ideality. The mniddleypart of th Boys and Girls. Martial happiness has come near to perishing utterly out of the world through a raisapprehension of the relation of the gotta, and it is for the young mother to restore it again to the world by properly training her boyeato love and protect his sisters, and. for sisters to be unselfishly loyal to their brothers, It is as much a mother's duty to train her son to be a good husband as her daughter to be a pod wife, and no hearth is the paradise , it might be if there are in it conflicting opinions, in regard to the natural duties of husband and, wife. To begin when the boy and girl are first able to express their preferences and pleasures, and. also the might-niakes-right opinions, which the lower nature always endeavors to fetch early to the surface, is the only safe time and plan for the mother, if she ex-. pects to perfect the characters of her children. The boy should be taught re- spectful consideration and a proper re- linquishing of his personal comfort for the sake of his sister, and the reason for this small sacrifice should always be giv- en te hiro. He should be instructed that it is noble and manly, and that there is 8. ds into three roger with , finge �s with rs wit ape" i e end, h side gees b id insight into 18,tai spade - meant having of the Ion ¢ to p eop • The second rs. TI e third pbroedciilay- and is t resent- , esponds middle denotes tion or finger, if large, promises a logwal, cal ulating mind— a common-sense rson. The re- maining joint, if long an thick, denotes a nature that clings more to the luxuries Grand Trun tion as follows : Triaine leave Bettor* St GOItG WEHT-4 ht Expreas M ruing Mixed ernoon Mixed EAST— /1g Express Express ruing Mixed Go -M BI 7 55 A OIL ondon, HuroU and rum. desborough 8 A.M. 12.55 A.M. o Noura—r Mixed. Mail. desborough 12 A.M. 8.20P. M. A J. LOT OF YE TUFF Of very superiorqns ty just received at DRUG Consisti DDER, LUM, ug in part E !:? T S ' oil the foLowing : SOO AS BLU an in fact n tee to prodn ion are fait AO E DIY ES, , GREEN and OSE, ally followed. • WO BEST CIA 001i REirtIN IS THE PLAOE YOUR You get the Bes Value fie, your money. 0 BUY to be had SEC?' ND You are always fture of a PERFE EAFORT BU TER, BUTTER. VVARI,D CA'S FILL AS UlIAL, AY F IR. PRICES OR GO 111)1 GOD ICE sir BET, BEAFORTH, D IRY i3UT1TER, AT HIS OFFI E, ANY 1876. THE BEST .FOR THE LEAS't MONEY AT THE FO OD D UN oobs 18i6. NT IN HEAD FOR BARGAINS. CAN D ving concluded that Large Sales and .Qaick turns will not only pay better than having the Goods lay on the Shelt es, and enable us to CONSTANTLY SHOW A GREATER VARIETY, We have marked all our goods down to a ve and are prepared to show the inhabi MAGNIFICENT LINE leiv figure, and have !tow in Stock is o this town and vicTity a OF DRY Gq0DS, Fcvncy Goods, Dress a/nd Millinery Go ds, Prints, Notionsi and Small Wea/r, Boots airul Shoes, II Is aincl Caps, than to the refinements lof ife—o e which 1, of Eg pt. MANY INFERIOR IMITATIONS OF appreciates the flesh -pots Court Female Many a man has gorle the hour when he first s ciety of good women. Y gerers, who are suclein billiard cued all night, cal insipid. Poetry is as u inspir yokel ; beauty hat no cbalrms fo svho does not know one tu e from but, as a true epicure is hardly ter, I protest I can sit fo , a wh le night DOMINION ST4AMS1pIP COMO'Y of water, sauce and btowi bread oeie unwnried the so- !AYRTLE NAVY TOBAOCO the uttt of ARE NON4( OFFERED. 1 female society , a blind another; , ON THE GEN INE. ver tired and but - 11111E ' 1.4DIES' WE W AND GENTS' FUR ISM GOODS, CARPET ULD CALL SPECIAL A ENTION TO OUR Fil\TM OLOtile1INTC1-,• Having a large stock of the latest styles and moit desirable goods in the market. We would call special and particular att ntion. to our TOCK OF R CERIES, &C. All AT TFIE GHOST OF 0 Rememlier that we take Eggs, Butter, • I beg to pa he above Goo& are offered exchange for all kinds of DUN AN & IlliNCAN. 1-11CTRRA. FOR N,EW LIQU R STORE. the attention of the HOTEL K EP RS, FARMERS and GENERAL PUBLIC of Seaforth a d v to the That I have Op ned Out a LIQUOR STORE IN SEAFORTH, THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF T E POST OFFICE, And direc ly opposite the Consolidated Ban of anada, where I have reinoved my I Have ailso Imported in AMP GNE, HENNESSY MORT CL ET, JAMAICA RUM, TOGETHER WITH A SCOTCH AND IR the Following Lines : DY, BRANDY, ROBINS' BRANDY, OUTARD DUTY'S BRANDY, ONSIGNMENT OF S WHISKEY. e, in half and quatter ba rels, to suit purchasers. 11 LEN MILLS. Zce,i 114e Goods. GUSTO ROLL CARDING AllOsys d to take heine the same day. SPIN' IN WEAVING, COLORIN, CtOTII FULLING, DRESSING, And eva!'y oth r branch of t,6 busioesi well done OU short Otiose. TO HOTEL KEEPERS .AND FA MERS 0 WISH TO BUY IN LA ,GE QUANTITIES. PURE AND UNADULTERATED LrQUOR GUARANTEED. OR6ERS P OMPTLY 4TTENDED TO. THOMAS KIDD. Give ine a Call. Sy FULL C4OTHS, TICETS, SHEETING, Fia4nel Stocking Yarn, &e. ood wool, cheap for cash or wool. WIIOL RALE *AND RETAIL. Any kind of Woolen Goods inade to Oder t of your own'o wool. TER4S ash, or 20 per cent. extra. A. G. VANEGMOND. ay 25, 1876. 442 ORO KERY AND WILLTA HAS JVST 'OPENED OUT A VERY A. LLEN C[T STYI.ISH RIO. aHnadv eh se s Wag ins of Good HE SEAFORTH Right Place Go. LMAN & 00. • eason sold over 14 Buggies, on hand. a few first-class d are making more. haeton Buggies and Democrat the latest styles and neatly w ready. terial land good. work are what makei our aides Sell so rapidly. rot a at, Stylish and Substantial Job ltte wi I not class -Ourselves Second to any in the trade. Repai g of all kinds promptly at- tende4 to. AREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF NO OLD BAN RUPT STOCK, Rut New Goods, New Pattercs, Close- P ices; to which he invites the attention of the ublio. Non( ACHINE SHOP. fitted up the premises formerly oc- enpied y GRAY & SCOTT we are prepared to contract for BpiL RS 86 ENGINES, GRIST AND SrATIT AND GENERAL REPAIRS rOmptty Attended To. 11 - GRATE ARS AND OTHWR CASTINGS FOU DBY AND MANUFACTUBING ROBERT UNCIMIN, Manager. ls)oy Frank, and like the evenin, s enter - man can derive from 112i10 en's s•ciety is that he is bound to be re pectf 1 to her. The habit is of greatgOod to yo r morals, men,depend upon it. Our ducat' on makes us the most eminently sel h m n in the world. and the greatest enefit that we have is to think of som body whom 1 we are 'bound to be cm tly ttentive and respectful. • NTESSELS Sail Wee V pool, calling at 8teerage, Seaforth Seaforth to RECIVEPD DI4EC FROM MANUF4CTURE.RS: RI AN CUT NAILS, PA ES, SHOVELS; FORKS, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. ENCIN1G WIRE' Every De ription Cheap,. TROUGH -7—S AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Spociat inducements to Cash .and JOHN KIDD. EA VE SA LOGIi! WANTED, ill pay the Highest Cash Pries for A LOGS OF ALL KINDS. uantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the e of Hoops. 050 • as us Sawing attended to promptky, asniber of every - riptlon, also Shingles, Ls hand Pickets :alway on band, and at the very lowpst market prices. 5000 CEDAR P STS FOR SALE. 1 Seaforth, PSE OATMEAL MILLS- y from Quebec for Liver elfast. Through 'Ticket Liverp 1.: Liverpool., 68 A few thousand do Ts to loan on im arm property, prim! I payable at any t in any mums to suit e borrOwers' eons Some very nice BuIldi g Lots for sale 488 A. ABMIT GE. Prunes, Canned Cioods, FREE DELIVERY, GROC Sugars, Fruits,. Bacon, 40 Dried Apples, Mill Feed, WILLIAM ALLEN. eal, Split Corn, M L 'OPERATION. Peas' Pot Bairley7 voisantly en Mitt : !Fridays. Oatmeal • 10,09,4111 10V -h-0,