HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-06-30, Page 2meemeammessme .-Ituft() -E)EPOSI AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. BY JIVI,Ett VERNE. Now, the detective had good reasons to fret about the infernal luck w Welt was pursuing him. No warrant ! it was evident that the warrant was funning after him, and that it could reach him ' only if he stopped sorne da,ys in this city. Now, Hong Kong being the last English territory on the, route, this Mr.- Fogg would escape him finally, if he did no succeed in detaining him there. "-Well, Monsieur Fix; have you. de- cided to come with us as far as America?" asked Passepartout " Yes," replied Fix between his closed teeth. " Well, then," cried Passepartout, shouting with laughter. " I knew very well that you couldnot separate your- self from us. Come and engage your berth, .come !" 4 Aid both entered the ticket office and engaged cabins for four. persons. But the elerk told them that the repairs of the Carnatic being completed, the steam- er would leave at 8 o'clock in the even- ing, and not the next morning, as lied been announced. 1 "Very good !" replied Passepartout, " that will suit my master. I an going to inform him" At this ent Fix took an extreme 1 1 him. "At step. He determined to tell 1assepar- tont everything. It was the only means,. perhaps, that he had of retaining Phileas Fogg for a few days in Hong Kong. 1 Leaving the office, Fix offered to treat his companion in a tavern. Passepar- tout had the time. He accepted Fix's invitation. A tavern opened -on the quay. It had an inviting ,appearance. Both entered. It was a large room, finely decorated,. at the back of which was stretched a carnp bed, furnished with cushions. Upon this bed were lying a certain num her of sleepers. Some thirty customers in he large room occupied small tables of plaited. - -rushes. Some emptiea pints of English beet, ale or porter, others jugs of alco- holic liquors, gin or brandy. Besides, the most of them were smoking long, red -clay pipes, stuffed with little balls of opium mixed with essenceof rose. Then, from time, to time, some smoker overcome would fall down under the ta- ble, and the waiters of the establish- ment, taking him by the head and feet, carried him on to tho camp -bed, along- side of another. Twenty of these !sots - were thus laid side by side, in the I last stage of brutishness. Fix and Passepartout understood that they had entered a smoking-hoese haunt- ed by those wretched, stupified, lean, idiotic creatures, to whom inercaetile England sells annually ten million four huralred thousand pounds' worth of the fatal drug called opium. Sad millions are these, levied on one of the most destruc- ' tive vices of hunaan nature. . The Chinese Government 'has tried hard to remedy such an abuse by severe laws, but in vain. From the rich class, to whom the use of opium was at I first formally ref- trved, it has descended to the lower classes, and its ravages c411 no longer be arrested. _Opium is smoked everywhere and always. in the Middle Empire. gen and women give :them- - selves up to this deplorable passion'and i.when they are accustomed to inhaling the fumes they can no longer do without it, except by suffering terriblelcramps in the stoma* A great 'smoker can smoke as- many as eight pipes a day, but he dies bank notes I in five years. slew Fogg and putting his money their pockets." ' I "Ah ! that is the very thing i we coming to." -who was gate g I Passeparte l' But it iS a t ap. fluence of the bean Wa8 plying hinil '.a without noticing i tlemen ! colleagues Fix began to 1 e I untied "Colleagues ! ' cried " members of thefot must know, Mo si r Fix ter is an hone t an, a he has made a bet, he int fairly." " But who do y u thin ed Fix, fastening partout. "Parbleu! an a of the Reform Ctu interfere with im which is singela although it has ,be since I guessed. taken good care ri sieur Fogg. ' 1 "He knows queic, N.Itloyt.hiiii ,,, 1 emptying his glass The agent piss forehead.. He he ing the converfsat to do? The erre ed sincere but it difficult. 'It was. man was speaki filth, and that he accomplice-whic " tVell," he sai is not his accomp The detective h ond theill.B si time to wait._ At arrested at II "Listen," s "listen carefie y you think, that i bers of the Refer "Bah !" said him in a jocose w "I am a poll with a mission b , ernment." _ 1 , " You -a dete " Yes, ,and I N Fix. " Here is i And the awn his pocket -book, a commission. fs. siener of the Ce tout stunned, tin looked at Fix "The bet of Fix, 'is °nit.' a at are the dupes : y the Reform liub in assuring hinis complicity." . " But why ?" Listen. ITh uftimo, a robber pounds was obin England; by a scription they w look at this 4 se for feature that " Humbug !" striking the ttbl "My master s the wotld !" " How, do care iyely under, the n - y with wbicb d which he drank a real trap! Gen- . . Passepert ut, e Club! on , that my s- nd that, w en ends to wi it I k I am?" k - is look upon Pa se- ent of the mein ets , with the missio to master's joar ey„ ly huiniliating. o, n some time ale dy our business, I ve to disclose it to on - thine ?" asked ; b 0 an wered Passepar ut, once more. d his hand over his aged before con um - on. What ough he of Passepartout 8 em• endered his plan ore viclent that this'y ung g with perfect ood was not his ma, ter's FIX had leered. to himself, " in e he cc, he will aid met" dethe advantage spe- cs, he had no, ore •: any cost Fogg mut be ng Kong. id Fix. in an abrupt o me. I am not ' aGnluabg-ea't1 of th°, assepar tout, look Y• .e detective, ch the Metropolitan I I 4 of the young wone much kindnese : It is the interest is n my programme. he _ purchases in young woman r dined at he tab ptuouslv. erved. I • tive ill prove it," 0 y commission." , taking a paper howed his corn geed by the Co tral Police. Pas ble to articulate Mr. Fogg," con pretext, of whic u and his colleag for he had an in lf of your uncon ried Paseepartou 28th of Sept of fifty-five th itted at the B indie ideal who re able to obtain. iption, and it is 'f f Mr. Fogg." cried. Passel), with his clench he most honest It u know ?" repliee "You are not men Acquainted wit You entered hisl service the day departure, and 1 e' left percipitate dee a senseless retext, without t and carrying wi 1). him a large s nd you dare to m. est ni n.?". repeet3d the pot that he is an bo Now, it was in one of the numerous 'Yes, yes !" smoking -houses of this kind, which mechanidallet swarm even in Hong Kong, thet Fix and " Do you wis Passepartout entered with the intention of refreshing themselves. Passepartout had no money, but he accepted willing- ly the politeness" of his companion, ready to realm it to him at the Proper time and place. They called for two bottles of port, to which the Frenchman td fell justice,: whilst Fix, more reserved, observed his companion with the closest attention. They -talked of one thing and another, and especially of the excellent idea that Fix had, of taking passage on the 'Care natio. The bottles now being empty, Passepartout rose to inform his master that the steamer would leave sev- eral hours in advance of the time an- , nounced . Fix detained him. One moment," he said. " What do you wish, Monsieur Fix It "I have some serious matters to, talk tO you about." - " Serious matter? ried Passepartout, emptying the few drops of wipe remain- ing in the bottont of the glass. "Very well, we will talk about them to -morrow. have not the time to -day." • " Remain," re.plicd Fix. "It ooncetns your master." Passepartout, at this phrase, looked attentively at his questioner. The expression of Fix's face seemed singular to him. He took a seat again. What have you to say to me ?" he his accomplice ?" Passepaatoet hands. Ile mei He did not lobk leas Fogg, the - , them to be arre lroppe 1 his head no longer be reco at the detective. delive er of Aou brave and gene ous man, a robbe _yet how many 1iresuniptions thee against him. 1nssepartout tried back the susp cions which wo into his mind. in his master's "To conelud me ?"said he t effort. " See herd,' tracked Mr. Itegg to this poin eived. the warren I asked, from I me, then, to kee ou !" He would never , what do you the detective by repli 3d Fix, have not yet ee rest, for whic You must help Hong Kong-" " I ! ' Help . " And I will share with you ; ward of two th usand pounds P by the Bank of Englelid !" " Never t' I r plied p asseparto wanted to Iris and fell beck, his reaeon and is stiength at coping him. I Monsieu he said, s ing, " even if e ing you h me should be t my mate be the robber yon seek- deny-eV:have een---lam in his -I have sen 1 im kind and ge eryth ue-if hom betray hint -Ln asked." gold in tte N Fix placed his hand upon his cone lage where the panion's arm, and, lowering his voice, he asked him : bread t" " You have guessed who I was." .t " I refu " Parblen !" said Passepartout, sme- vette I plied Fix, ." Then 1 am goiog to tell you every- All rie ht thine." Pa ssepaetou " Now that I know everything, my more overeom friend! Ah, that's pretty tough ! But understanm e g go on. But first let me tell you thet separate h m these gentlemen have put themselves to finish him On very useless expense." filled with opi " Useless," said Fix. You speak Passepar ut's hand, confidently! It may be seen that you it to his lips, liehted do not know the size of the sum!" " But I do know it," said Passepartout "Twenty thousand pounds !" " Fifty-five thousand !" replied Fix, grasping the Frenchman's hand. " What !" cried Passepartout, " Mon- sieur Fogg wouldhave dared Fifty- five thousand. pounds Well, well ! All the more reason that I should not lose an instant," he added, rising again. Fifty•five thousaml pounds !" replied Fix, who forced Passepartout to sit down again, atter having ordered a decanter of brandy,-" and if I succeed, I get a re- ward of £2,000. Do you wish five hundred of them on condition that you help rne ?" Help you'!" cried Passepartout, whose eyes were opened very wide. • "Yes, help me to detain Mr. Fogg in Hong -Kong for a few diysrr "Phew !" said Passepartout, "what are you saying? How, eot satisfied with having my inaetcr followed, with Pet ting his faithfulness, do these gentle men wish to throw new obetaeleam his Way. I am ashamed for them." , Ah ! what do you Mean by that? asked Fix, "I mean that it is sim' ple indelicacy, It is about the same as stripping Mon- " Y41.11 fuse e. f t as 4 I ver -no, not fot orld-1 am fro don't eat that ?" if I hLl said noth d let's take a dri et's take a drink felt himself orc an by intoxicatio . Fi hat h.i must at al hazer om hie mastea, w onted the to. I were a f w pip m. ?ix slipped who took it, took a f th an 811 a 1 ttle tiredwent up. into her room, af- tet having ,sh. ken hands Zeglish fashion with her ith4irturbab1e deliverer. He, Fog, was absorbed all the even- ing m reaAin the Tillit8 and the London Illustrated If he had anythin*, ve seen hi Mg. Bu steamet one; hat nem - n, confused by so of my journey ; e, Mr. Fogg and rneil to he hotel, d'hots, which Wit8 Then Mrs. Aouda, g at rged Gov - at ti b fore the n erwise bothe morning Pas Mr. Fogg's! r What the on learning rned tote s id. Mr. his carpet- aiid sending It was then 8 o' nCa out r hut o u ems. een a Man to be t woutd have be servaelt at the h knOwi g that th as not to leave Ji xt mo • ing, he d himse f about it. epaxto t did no ng. onorab e gentlem hat hi servant e hotel no one • # ogg c tented hi ag, ca ing for It for a p lanquin. lock, and tic was.t through If.past 9. uin arri Mr. Fogg comforta followed er the tr lad, and he Carnat plied from anion. tunis- epar- ord, inued you es of erest eious mber, ukancl uk of •e de. Now, atu re ttout, d fist. an in Fix. him. f hz un- unks, m iii intain ellow ted. as • which th ntage tb as put de When th dor of th Aouda got and their b wbeelbarro Half ad mounted o Fogg leare the evening Mr. Fog tlie same ti servant, iv oth. But not a in his nized. Phi - •a, the ! And were: e force 14 slip believe ant of strong hay hut of ar On don him in - paten hooa gttge eh g l, t our la the w that before. who e bot s com ent app lien Mrs. • neasiness, lYing 'It is Ore." At this een watel hiin. It. N turned to 1 "Are y the passen lived yeste "Yes, s r, re but I ha -e not t "Pardo me, b end your errant 7 he re omisec t, whcl• feeling' i.ce es ared u Aouda he con ounted on the stea died to sign of on his looked a nted him 11 n incid nt, Made momen a perso bag laim closely as the detectiv iin and said,: u no ke in ers o he Range clay mmer e told should vhich I service rous- all the a vil- dud of ng," c. and fell ovee, influence of Ith "At least," partout OUt will not be inf parture of tile he will at leas Frenchman'!" Then he left is -Willele FIX. WIT is hea flare said f the rmed arna be after APT COME. PRI 16 one int it, lift w puff ied Mr. e honor t I thou ere." "Do Yo know where h he young woman quickly. " Whet !" repli d Fix, f rite, "s e not ith you ?' " No, t plied rs. Aoud. ot retur ed. sine erhaps e barke par natio ? Fix took 4,, good long breath. mmeans to arrange it I " added the pilot, "there ight, per faapt, be a `ntlijOri*,:" - tonished n not to ur for re- Yokoha- ong Kong not oth- Tke next come at n thought d not re- ould have self with rs. Aouda high tide, take ad - he passes, ed at the and Mrs. le vehicle, hem on a velers dm - there Mr. c had left finding at er and his o without disappoint - ace; and, him with elf with re - e, nothing who had ame up to Fix, who 0')c aid not breathe anyimore. "How ?" asked Phileas Fogg. • "By going to Nagasaki, the southern extremity of Japan, eleven hunjlred e miles, or only to Shanghai, eight un - axed miles from Hong Kong. In this hist journey, we would not be at any distance trom the Chinese coast,which would be a great advantage, all t11e more so that the currents rein to the north." "Pilot," replied Phileas Fogg, -'I lust take the American mail steemer at Yokohama, and net at Shangh Nagasaki. ' Whrnot ?" replied the pilot. ' Sen Francisco eteamer does not from Yokohama. She stops there at Nagase Shanghai.'"You a ing ?" "Certain." e' "And , when does- the steamer Shanghai ?'' "On the llth, at 7 o'clock h. evening. , We have then four days us. Four with an a if we have to the sou , sir, one of n, who ar- • coldly, ht I would is ?" -asked 0 \Yith r" But, exc then to le -yeei ,".I. too, appointed pieted he Ileum sob and we m other ste Fix felt nouncing week! Kong! the warra last decla law. It inter blow he r Fogg say " But Carnati e, flong Ko , AndM Aouda, search Of Fix, stupefie have beet said him to tF is man. igning our- . " He has yesteeday. Has he without us aboard the ut you, madame?' replied Fix. ise my question, ou expected ve by t ir." madam The repair er wit at no nen" his heart jump f these words, " og,g de mined a w here w s uld be ti t of ar 'est. Cha •e for t� e represen at steam r ?" e, and. I a Carnatic, , left Ho out warni wait a e jedg d then wl ceived, when he 'n his e lm voice here ar4 other ve it see s to Me, :Fogg, offering hi urned towards t a vesee leaving. f ollowe Howe % ea ch abandon iim wh up to th t time. hours, tr versed tion, de idecl, i charter vessel ma; but he zaw ing or nloadi quently, could n to hope 4gain. But 14r. Fogg was not and he was going to search, i when he end of a "Yah said the hat a., th ce seem mit had Phileas the pert i it was o take hi only thre g, and t set eat he hall to go as was ac osted by ier.' honor is lookin for a sailor to him, eking much dis- having corn - g Kong 12 g any one, eek for an - r joy in pro - week." A ek at Hong e to receive ce would at tative of the i, but her port of depart certain of what yen ar at a stunning ieard Phileas days, that is 96 hours, erage of eight knots an good luck, if the wind heast, if the sea is cal can make he 800 miles which se us from Shanghai." " And you can leave-" " ' an hour, time enough to bu provision e and. hoist sail." " It is a bargain--ydu are the of the boat ?" " Yes, John Bunsby, master o Tankadere." _ Do you wish some earnest mo "If it does not inconve ience h' onor." "Here ere two hunched p ands sels than the n the port of arm to Mrs. e docks in . It might ead attached counte-HeSir," added Philea, ing towar{is Fix, if you n edtantage-" "Sir,"' answered Fix reselutel , was going to ask this favor of you. "Well. In half au hour we ill b bn board. " But this poor fellow-" said, Mrs. .Aouda, whom Passepartoutle disappea ince worded very much. ti "1 am goieg to do all I can t , dm," replied Phileas Fogg. And while Fix, nervo4s, fe angry, tepaired to the pilbt-boa two others went to the police sta Hong Keng. Phileas Fogg gave Pa epard toutte description,' an suffic sum to find himl Th forinalit as carried out at the cousular ent's, and the palanqu n ha ing storm (Fat the hotel where the ba gage ha back Th boat, her to se She Fogg ish t OT The tart and re is say- eave the efore and lour, • eeps we arate sista th ey ?' you n ac then tak t I d really to •erved so well ogg, for three every direc- necessary, to to Yokoha- vessels load- •hich, conse- . Fix began disconcerted, continue his ar as Macao, sailor on the boat ?" off his bat. You have a ed Mr, ogg, _ g Nr...s e -37011r 43, the est in " She oes fa " Bet% men ei hour, riehrlyth at her?" "You for an' e. " No • A v " Yoe Yokoht The t, arms ex head» hone cursio for a yage ?' will n a ?" ilor, a ended ed -5t8 hono 1. "No, I have s' Cann& and. I 0 the lith at- th er forSt Fra •` re ret it, it is irn ssible " I o stupified utter the' tew, an a rew It I am eare boat reade honor, a he flotilla. t ?" ht and latter. will be oyaget, dertake these w nd eyes is joking missed. t muet be latest, t cisco." ' replied a ex you one -Irand rd of two e." • earnes •tic. "Yo Fix, seein / Passe- . way, „ -5,.0gg pile,tieer in time of the de - ie, and if he leaves, ithout . this curse paying his R XX. ' IN DIRECT EAS 1000. During this seen . which m haps, seriousle inter ere with 1 Mr. Fogg, ac ompanying Mrs Amide, " Wi was taking a alk through the Streets of the you the English own. Since Mrt. Aoud4 The e accepted his ot er to take her td Europe tlenian he had to thi k of a 1 the det Is neces sary for so ng:journey That a Englishmen 1iI. e hu» should take th tour of the world wth a carp t -bag i his hand, rel.& t pas:; but a 1 dy coul not undertak such journey eater the same conditio a. ence, the necessity of buying clot nig a d articles I ecessary for the voy F?' Ir. Fogg ,equitted k with 1# e .quiet himself of is 6: characteristic of hi , and he i variably- Fog. replied to all he ex uses and bjections 11 t Fogg. The p looked betweei siim an was ne CONTAC1.1 • turned ght, per. "Yo s future' he aske in his h " W "We "1 ean nor you boat of the yea in time Kong t4Yoko 5' Six the s me thing," MUC lot wi t the the d the fe ortal g this o Mrs. will -h you g wo ilot ha gain, nds. I 1 m earne to sail ?" ask - Hot -boat, No. inc knots an Yin you look Is it tiefied. eris , t e ion the e left a' fsa e renc 13Z/TISS MONEY 1 MONEY 1 convey Fie to ds, stood wit arting from hi been taken, took the tr e outer pier, ee o'clock struck. The No. 43, her crew on boa oOsions stowed. awate was sell. s a charming little ache ner twenty 3,tons-this '1ankadere--with sharpeht-water, very grtleeful shap and lon water -fines. She migl t ha been cal (1 a racing yacht ' Her hini copper ; heathing, her galvaniz d ir work, hr deck white as tvory, how ow r t . S ib, a ndi o ' he said. sailing of th Yokohama o ake the steam/ e pilot, "but I o ed pounds per undred pounds • If a BRUSSELS, Jun , 1876. The undersigned beg t/i call atte tion to the very favorable arrangemen they have made, by which they are ab to 'offer greater advantages and bett ternts to those who may row meney than have ever in iCa,nada. that Master John Bunsby knew o keep het in good condition. H o masts teemed a little to the rea e carried brigantine -foresail, storm-. d ly standing -jib, and could rig up spl for a rear wind.- She ought il wonderfully well, and, in fa t, s ee had won several prizes in pilot -b at i matches • The crew of the Tankadere w s co - posed of the master, John Buns y, a d four mei). They were of that lass of hardy !sailors who, in all weathe s, v • n - t ture on in search of vessels,- nd - re thorougl ly acquainted with th se s a- sons.'John Bunsby, a man al out 45 , 1 years, yigorous, well sun -burn , o a lively lixpression, of an efierget c f e, self-relient, well posted in his b sin ss, would tave inspired confidence in he most tiltiorous. Phileas Fogg and MrstAouda ent board. Fix was already there T went down by steps in the rear of schooner into a square cabin, whose w bulged out in the form of cots. above a eircular divan. In the middle, there was a table lighted by a hanging lamp. It was small, but neat. "1 regret having nothing better to of- fer you," said Mr. Fogg to ix, ho bowed, without replyinge The detective felt somewhat humil at - ed by thus taking advantage of r. Fogg's ldndnesses. '1 " Sueely," he thought, c he i a v ry polite rogue, but he is a moue!' At t ri minutes after three the s were hoisted. The English ag as flying •;t the gaff of the sehoon r. he pa,seen era were seated on de k. r. Fogg and Mrs. Amide cast a eat I ok at the -wharf, in hopes of sem g Pa se- partont. Fix, 1 as not without apprehe ion,for % chance might have brought to t is'p ace the un ortunate young man N hon he had se indignantly treated, and theA an explarletion would have tak n pb ce, from Which the detective would not ave got -.out to advantage. But the Fre &a- men cltd not show himself, an , tlo bt- less, the stupefying narcotic till eld him under its influence. Finally, Master John Bu shy or- dered to start, and the T idea ere, taking the wincl under her b igen ine, foresail, and standing jib, flew ut i the sea bounding. CHAPTER XXL er ish to bo been offer d lst Any sum requirel can be hied at any time for any term _Tit exceeeitig Twenty Years, and at EIGHT PER CENT. Per Annum. ----.--- • - 2e.d. No Commission a Loan. Charged UNE BO 1876. T. GARR') V, Beriister, Attorney, Solicitor, A arket se.guarOfileca ianl,:-..1,:17;itLADeearitin0,5:13:tmr,:euw:t:a(3,1:doocridsee;Dri,rsezeohz.1:74.,dr c. OAMBE0 AMERON Solicitors Chaneery, Goderich. 848 ILsiLonTeAlyituS Crle.onxveetyearucAernagtialionCeeommur ppraiser. Ac unts and notes collected on 888 r asonable-te s. 1141. L. DO , Barrister, Attorney, Scdieitor in • Chancery, &c., Goderich, and Seaferth. Of- ee, over Jor an'e Drug Store, Goderich, inad 'dd's Store, S afoith,•354- QUIEB."& cCOLL, Banisters, Attorneys -at - Law, Solicitors in 01313.nce17, Notaries Public, &c., Goderich tind Ertl sels. V. R. SquiE8, God- • ctriehALC;AO.1111: Ch°85:LN:Vot01.1 rurT8seGleNsits: oBfa.rtrhise tueresw, Anottysier. ieitors in Chancery, &co, -Cliuton, tie • aniattaill°aIfifinee' a-Sno building.4ubloney too_.1Ao..al:AoTusofliann. 1 „s, r.s°.ProiertanYo. oxso i or:ohs:ant 013nrcuor 6etlEs .igh$14)8,eorocoenoft.Piinitv:rtees tF:1)naydasbtiee Onveyancers, .'"otaries Public, etc. Offites--Sea, early. .u.s. nnxsoN. ENSOli & 1BYER# J3arristner.siva.mcl. AxtEtyorn,Exe.ya at Law, So 'citors in Chancery and Insolvency, Ion • 3eid. No part of the principal slem is reqpired• to be repeid until the end. • Of the whole term for which the money it borrowed. • • 4th. Any eiart of the Principal be repaid at any time after the year, in such sums as the Borro may ehoose, from time to time, wit auy prior notite whatever and intliest upon the sums so paid ceases immtdi etely upon such payment. on ey he lis , iia may rst wer out IN WHIM{ THE MASTER OF TU DERE RUNS GREAT RISK OF REWARD OF TWO HUNDRED P This voyage of 800 'miles, u ? asked the, in a &eft of 20 tons, and: esp that sas don of the year, was yen 4, replied m The Chinese seas are generall eos d -to terrible blows p during the equinoxes, and th. the first days of November. hdrew to one side. He sea, evidently struggling sire to gam an enormoue xP 3 r of venturing so far. Fi It would. have very evidentl u speuse. . the advantage of the pilot to time, Mr. Fogg had re- passengers so far as Y okoha Aouda. was paid so much per day. Bu ot be aftaid, madame ?" have been great imprudence 0 his - to attempt such a voyage under such no, Mr. Fogg," replied ditions, and it was a bold act, if an. rash one, to go as far as Shang i. come towards the ger John Bunsby had confidence his lid was twisting his it kadere, whichlode the waves r ke a and, perhaps, he was not wron • D th h f this 6' TA LOSE •UND dert hill res ro mei be tak • 11, pilo ?"said Mr. Fogg. , 1, you honor," eplied. the pilot, risk n ither my men, nor rayself, self, i so long a voyage on scarce y 20 tons, at this time Of . Be ides we would not arrive for it is 1,650 miles from Hong erne." n hundred," said Mt. mug tilelater ours o the Tankadere sailed through th piicious channels of Hoeg Kong, m all her movements, from wha querter the wind came, she be ved handsomely. "I do not need; pilot," sai P eas Fogg, the moment the schoon r to ched the oien sea, "to recommend, to y u all possi le diligence." (To be Continued.) KA- 0- A 5th. No charge or bonus whatever is asked on any such payment. ken in me. gh, ally in • caA.UGHE & HdLMESTED, Banisters, At torneys a • Law, Solicitors in Chancery ;Ma Ensolvency, Otiues Public and COTIVeyaneRnl. olicitorsfor t1ie R. G. Bank, Seaforth. Agents tot he Canada Assurance Company, N.13. -V0,0 0 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms uses and Lots fon stile. 53 .11E ICA . . SCOT ,1L D. Physician, Surgeon and • Aecouch ur, Segforth, Ont.-Officand real - Mien Olutrch. ence south le of nroderiee steet, tirst doe est of Freshr 842 VERCQE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur- - . Coronerfor the County of Huron iClence;, corner of Market and High the Planing 11111. • geon'et Office and Re streets, next t 5th. Interest is payable only nce a year or half -yearly, at the opti u of the borrower, , not in advance, and/ the borrower may have it payable on I any day in the year as he may chcIose, thus having the advantage of nieking it playable after harvest, or at s.ue 1 other time as he may find most 'con- venient, aud although the intere t is expected to be paid punctually 4 th time chosen by the borrower, ther are no fines, or other charges on de ault. n to his he ould part con- ot a But an - day, nd a, ver TIRS. CAM -5-" Surgeons Street, Senior PELL, M. D, GEsS, M. D. Besides affording unpreccdentOE ad vantages' to all who may desi e t borrew money for any purpose h ever, it will be at once , seen that will:pay those who are unable to ince their liabilities on account of the times, or other causes, to borro% ficient funds to pay off their ar suf ebts (having then an opportunity to bay future for cash, and, of course, mile more cheaply), leaving only one to pay into, and thus saving trouble, besides paying less in the general. custom among merehant and others now being to chare Te B. PRP, • of Sbav ,r & Phelan, Stratford) Graduate of MeGifl Unive nity, ,Physician, Surgeon and Ac- t ocuchour, Seeforth, Ontario. Office -Rooms in Meyer's Block', formerly occupied by the late Dr. Ring. Resideace-Commercial Hotel. Will at- tend at Carronlitook en Tuesdays and Fridays..228 BELL & BURGESS, Physicians, and Acconcheurs. OFFICE -Main h, near' the Station. Ants CAns- Oroner for Huron; Join.; A. Rua - 424 AN D., C. M., (late of the firm T. G,BULL, L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist,&c,Seaftarth, Ontario plate worlt, latest styles, neatly executed. All surgical operations performedwith care and promptitude. Fees as low as can be obtained elsewhere. °like hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. MI Rooms over. Mr. A. G. Me- Dottgall's Store, Main-st. 220 • McNATiGlaT, iireterinary Surgeon, Gradu. • ate of 6ntaTi(60 Veterinary Colleg,e, Sealoith, Ont. °like and Residence in rear of Elliman & Ryan'sCa11a prompt') attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medicines on hand.' Charges. reasenable.i Horses examined as to sound nese and certifizatea given if required. 407 IA.man of CornellUniversity, Ithaca, N.Y., and M. CAMPBELL, V. S., Licentiate and Prize- ' Graduate of Oritturio Veterinary Collet;e, Toronto, has settled p rmanently in 'Venni wherehe wine, I found ready and w' ling to attendto all kinds of I 11 1 diseases, in sli kin s of animals (man excepted), in all kinds hf wea her, and at all hours. Resi- dence and Wilco two doors east of Cook's Tem- perance Half , 812 _TAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the " Ontario yeteriiiery College. After devoting two -ears to practice with Prefeasor Smith, of Toronto, 1ms ;,-tseti3ed in -Seaforth, in the otlice lately occupied lair Dr. Burgess, Main Street, -where he will be fetind really to treat 9.11 diseases of the domesticated animals. All calls promPtly attended to by day or night. A]ie stoelt of Veterinary •lediciples constantl,y on band. Horses examined as to somidness end. certr cates given. Horses bought and1 sold on commisfion. Besi- dence newly oppOsitethe ExPosrlon Office. 424 1 1 o i Alf ls90. 11.41LANE011.P.S. T P. BRINE, ;teeneed Auctioneer for the u" • County ol Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex- posnon Office will be proniptly attended to, Per Cent. .on all unpaid accounts • The strictest privacy Al be tained. as to all transactions. • mai No connection with Building S cieties. MORTGAGES BOUGHT Debentures Purchased. APPLICATION MAY BE MADE TO • SQUIER & McCQL_L BAliTISTERS, BRUSSELS AND GODEI4CH„ OR TO O.R. 000PI BRUSSELS. A LEX. CAMERON, Practical Watchmaker and Seweler, Mitehell. Customers will find it to their interest to awl with me, as they will have the benefit of my long practical experience in the trade. - 403 I RCIAL: LIVERY, Seaforth, Ont. T. A. SHARP Proprietor. Comfortable and elegant carriages, -turd fi, t -class reliable horses shop ready. Charges ro derate. Office and stables on Huron street, see ud door cast of Morn street. Orders leit at any Of the hotels promptly attend- ed to. 899 THE 15EAFORTH DRAY AlVD BILSVIVE#Y#5, To The People of Seaforth. J0313N CAMPBT.; al. begs to returnthanks to the Merchants and Ensineas /nen of Seaforth for the liberal patron ge awarded him sincehe assum- ed control of the Draying Brisittess of Seaforth. He would also fitate that he is now better prepar- ed than ever to at trial to 'the wants of his cutely- ers havin p)itctd anotlacr team in the service. Gods by 1j4i1 deblvercd promptly. House Furnit- ure rano ed earefuny iind or. reaf ozable tellnao 1 Gardens p owed, and all other chores in this line attended o on the shortest notice. Promptitude, Civility, tad moderate eharges are the cardinal principles whichhe observes in his business. • To the .Traveling Public. The old Royalllail Stage stil1 alive and dour- , ishing. P rties requiring to travel, between Sea - forth and 1118641s will find the Alain STAGE the safest au most I eomfOrtable. The drivers 'are eai-ecfrolaeh lg-n 8 rr Rw0abeondinf ll.at)Ie heoerseosrtfaabstiea.JOHNureCAMPible and the . BELL, Pr prietor. al. SEAVORTII PLANINO MILL. , SASH, DOOR AND BLIND ' FACTORY • - - . THE sub cribert ega leave 0 thaalk ids =maw -'" custo rs for he liberalpatronage extendedte him since 15nnmcrning business in 8 eaforth, and trusts tha he ma j be favored with a contintranee of the ,341m43. DRY 'PI.NE LUMBER, eutoebontitilindilvefetiolt kirel.)woeull illy: himPlIraticeallill, at:Ithe largos tock of nil kinds of _ S A $ 11 lE :4 , DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATII, ETC„ who may ff"Avota him with theirpatronage, so most risetilzko:swfido:).nknat oenf gairv:algoiltyisedf7t1011.to those bilt:tofiei 1 .10iiN ii. BROADFOOT- cas-Part1eulat .L t: paid to0ustomPli3ning THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, S' E ',A ri ORTIT. GE R 4E WHITELEY, tuen:vei: purehased the Stec -and Trade bf tbe IlesErs, orrisOt & Co., begs to state thailhe -1-1- Co mercial livery, formerly Bell'a frpm 3 inger1y 0111:ghee fibtuose:a. e axs of: et:et old stand, rd has a de d several valuable horses and s-ebielea to the fo Fir 8i- C 8 Comfortable Vehicles and God • 1? -liable florses Will be Kepi, 4DC4poTticebrele dei na Dd., taSr n°0gPle:g1 Vanig ot Buggieslsi. Im and1 henaecrgeY ug e ° Tea* cial .111,rn. Orders eft at the Stables or any of the llotelc will -De p nip,* attended to. 418 RSE !;. WANTED. ivaNTI• D. - TW CAB LOADS ••g sontauierses .weigbing not legs OW 1#1100e0 • de each, tor w Vide the highest niark•A price be paid. Apply to GEOlit3-E A.110110* TON, at 082i'S Hotel Sesforth. . Spottitig Notes. wite es:e,broiyds 41)11.fscosit meo,,facery2sf zL,,.inuacatntir, a 4.- e Grand River base ball e werek,debfyeaateadeohrye ,othfelE5x.:21toct he Blue Stocking base ball ,elef' iSa stir awthereokmdeafteattelirdattfohre , e ta- e T-2 311e, 5, tG2h.1 ie:Sp e2i Irivs' e, r 0 fStBarsio,rao,f:sha t k in " the Red Stocleings, of 1, -At s. bese.ball match at Wat. tGith:ttuhlitel:fe 35 to of that to last week, to have a friendly ateg by i SCOT0 of 32 to 26. I --The Mil -Vert -on base ball club Ltstowell last week to play a mate elee Bed Stockings, of that _t,e) were defeated, in 0,„ one-sided gam dsciE Tlintiofe:loe?aut2t01;euhrbtasherobeagilhelabe' , .3-' . 4 08 tar et ee si:91(.1, 1 defeated ib: raot; as5 e, theoreeirtina82 esf 1); e, .14:_tuaThi:!ilionf I :it:: ce number seof ng, =no nesd-wennen :n fe us occupied. by Atneriesu prof es for the championship pe Vi goJune2! 0 2' ,115 Tr/ fl 10! 3/ tl .7 41 81 is - a SS follow O U . 4 7 ... 1 j kit -11 iliSii?'I 7 ISI 8611' °;;CeMil: cubiFLoallSre a4i01:118 . iitEe to hear r4ottt all clubs travelli .stid west on the Grand Trunk for t pe of arranging for Mat& ga which liberal shakes will given etnmunneationt Amid be addr 0, Hogan, Secretary Stay Das agnade41-ubTs h'Sia,e,f°Blats°_wilen.niB711°I.A'eisobsbacia7teionj :i i tireaf, Guelph; Stanclardattamiltt ,etunseh, Low" Clipper, Toron rentoeTbronto -, St. Lawrence K1 Star, Newburgh ; Royal Oak!, B ville ; Excelsior, Woodstock;' River, Galt ; Silver Creek,- * Beaver, St. Marys; Independent ds; Tecumseh, im-villa ; Red • legs, Cobourg ; Silver Star, Port Ottawa, Ottawa. The Stara, of should also become members of t st-iaTtilic'en. following are a number • • Most important match games' of it;au base hall nines for the week /nue 24; Star vs. Buckeye, 2to 0; ville vs, New Haven, 11 to 4; ve. Mutual, 10 to 3 ; Athletic vs. natti, 23 to 15 ; Philadelphia vs etee, 4 to 2 ; Hartford. vs. Lnuisv , Live Oak vs, Lowell, -6 to uis vs. Boston, 12 to 8 ; Olyen ter, 12 to 7; Boston vsellervar au River vs. Live Oak, 7 to 0; is, Yale, 14 to 9 ; St. Louis vs. 11 to 7;. Alaska vsettlympic 6 to 4 et Ye. Ithica, 14 to0; flarvatd vs ton 5 to 4; Arlington vs. Bro A ; 'Stocks vs, St, Louis Reds, 1 $t. Louis VS. Citteinnatb‘ 11 to 4eola vs. Lafayette, 10 to 8; Chi Mutual. 5 to 1 ; : Chicago vs, - to 6 ; Nesbannock vs, Philo -dell) 1 3; St. Louis N43. Boston, 20 to n ve. St. Louis, 1.0 to 5; .1 -tar *vale, 4 to 0 ; Hartford ve., ille. 6 to 1 ; Confidence. Va. Ma Olyinpie vs, Howard, 8 to i ; vrlle vs; New Haven, 3 to 2; M Etna, 10 to 6 ; Chelsea VS. .1303 to - Athletic 113. Cilia:Matti, t%del :7118. vOs.hICIalic a, 1;1 , t#0; kili8 ; I SU) 1C.8 S to 0 ' AM. 81: ae 1:31t 61713i' 4°. Princeton,5;Mi1718". F° 0 ; Amherst vs.. Rhode Island - mat vs. Lefayette, 20 to 4; ve Oak, 5 to I 3; Taunton hilip, 13 to 7; Chelsea vs. R o 1 ; .Naineteres - vs, Wininia, I isar.00Bklueynk vsso.xlVidittonal2,...6.to 3; 1' 1 5 Married in the Sno A writer tells a Story of a iron -pie who reached the person's ithe dead of night, when the tam :the ground and the minas hovel ' been snugly tneltea in tesi.yheercl.1114eis6af°iarnttall:eeolvitiwstini:gdolatwlag.ehis mari' parlaserh-st'o: ;several hours. - The good. Mall ithete Wit1j chattering teeth th be bridegroom answered hiserr !even the piety of the parson few unseasonableitneiTupt ansonlrryto weuandrergin 13.gto ries ant ordered.°tlh rgartine the !eutbpltehtean, standilaneesv„:ell it: the ° al; ands'el :jet; arih:i t :1 'he ai le:t 1117. :511'07e:Te befen°s said, swear judgment, • will take Eliza Catharine Ube your -true and holy Wife, alta f,r,eeze to her as longas you live? The promise was given, but • was growing so intense that th tapered the question that had b t43the4aldy41Pariistw°1111eftoe.°1bYIY°uhtah',Ine./eamlieavallen*ed 1 eht this brief and all-strffie tinl:YTnaedt The banging baii:-.1thn!ltigtuhe pe that at Ilt:li;grri°ret4at1:t'aidtheY1t:'aP1::ea ttt8traneli:::lt; • ubfUlifth1:et heYalght;i3eiin:rbleeireemaes 3ota- and 01413- conm 11, Sri) ea .8e :xt sacs:ar t Ina Ping:: :I leahl3tgi at eteaPrrnP$17; f o:t 0:nri t:tthfh:tollf:wtye:o ewo ungr ld training her boyeto love and -sisters, and for sisters to be ; loyal to their brothers, It is ; good wife, and no hearth is t ni„ otpotaitnhife;n'tss bdiuenti yfr ottghoaertrdreatianosr e:hie:tr it good husband. as her daughte tthu hf ebosn and gianradareveififer.4 arbetieb their preferences and pleasu the might -makes -right °pint the lower nature always ett fetch early to the surface, is 't time and plan for the mother, 't8ell'Pen ePeetlitilltsaneraifilltskt:giLee':PfnTeha:fhifisiedeee;r:48;Yteti:P ersi r 1:inanda:etheba ttp it sacrifice sliCulit al en 10 -him imuld be ins It is noble artf manly, and th