HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-06-16, Page 88 *urn txpeoitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. LIME, LIME. — The Seaforth Lime 'Kilns are now working full blast, and will keep constantly on hand a stock of good, fresh burned stone Lime, which for cheapness and equality can' not be equalled in the County Price, 15c per bushel at the kiln orl8e delivered in Seaforth or Bgmoudvri le. Orders addressed to J. G. Wh.soN,. or left at Wilson & Young's store will be promptly attended to. 448 FORESTERS. —Members of Sherwood Forest, No. 6,065, are all requested to attendnext summons Court night, oh Thursday, June 22, for the purpose of electing new officers. By order of the Chief Ranger, W. B. SHAW ; R. yours, I Sec- retary..445*1 Now IS THE TIMI;.—CHARLES M ORE begs to announce that, under the managete t of his new Operator, he is new prepared to f ish first-class work, second to none in the Do ton: Call and see his samples and judge for 'our=° selves. 439 FRESH DYE STUFF'S Madder Indigo Logwood. Magenta and all -colours just in—rt full stock of all goods in this line constantlykept. Prescriptions and receipts carefullycomponiided at HIcxsox's Drag Srore. 1 440 - I CROCKERY AND GLAsswARE.—WILSON Ybe.rc have received their Spring Stook tf Croekeryand Glassware, which for quality, quan- tity and price beat anything ever offered ° in Sea - forth. 440 SPINNING WHEELS —A Large Stock, of Spinning Wheels, Reels, Baby Carriages, and the Cheapest Furniture in th County, at PoaTEik'S— Matt.Robertson's old sand, Main Street, ea - forth. 443 ' WILLIAM AL -LEN announces a nice' as- sortment of Crockery, Glassware, &e.; to which we direct attention. See advertisement in this is- sue. 444 ! A NEW Stock of American Watchea and Clocks waranted correct time keepers hand reasonable prices. AtHI'pxsoN's. 440 ` FLOWER SEEDS. -100 different vale - ties of the choicest Flower Seeds at Winson &; YOUNG'S. 440 C.Lsn PAID for Glood even coloured Butter in Tinnets at Hzenses's Drug Store. 440. POTATOES for 20 !Cents per bushel at M. Moinirsox's. 445 A- CoxcERT IN PR C SPECTIVE.—It ; Is in contemplation to have a concert in aid of Seaforth cricket club on the evening of the 30th inst. The particulars have not yet been made known, but the whole en- tertainment will be under the manage- ment of Mr. George W. Cline, which is a enfhcient guarantee that it will be a sue- cess both in point of excellence:and at- tendance. • OUR MINISTERS ABROAD.—Rev. Dr. lire, of Goderich, preached in St, An- drew's Church, Toronto, on Sunday last. Rev. .T. Goldsmith, Seaforth, preached in the East Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on Sunday last. Rev. Mark Danl y, Bayfield, preached in Spadina Avenue Methodist Church, and Rev. F. MoCuaig, Clinton, in Sherb pp erne street Church, Toronto, on Sundak last. Rev. Mr. Mc - Leen, Blyth, preached in Spadina Avenue Congregational Church, Toronto, on Sun- day last, •I WHAT SE1%FORTH CAN Do. -As an i stance of the business being done in Sea - forth in the one item of eggs alone, we m y state that Mr. Wilson - shipped, this week, six car 'loans. Each car `contains 140 barrels, and each barrel 70 dozen of eggs, thus making 58,800 dozen of eggs shipped from Seaforth, in .one week. We may state further that this shipment was' not the accumulation of several weeks as Mr. Wilson has been shipping regularly near- ly every week since the egg season com- menced. If there is any other town in Canada that can beat this we would like to hear from it. - Pr:c-� • '�Tzo,,—A. Sic -ills under the aus- pices of the Irishtown Catholic .Church will be held in the grove, in rear of the church, on Dominion Day. Addresses and music will form the intellectual part of the proceedings, while various.amuse- ments will be furnished for those who may wish to take part in them. Every effort will be put forth to make the af- fair pleasant and interesting. Thee will also be a grand base ball match fora prize of a splendid ball, between the Blue Stockings, of Seaforth, and the Bog Trotters, of Carronbrook. The game will commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Alit exciting time may b- e expected. STREET WATKRINc . --The- contract for watering Main Street has been awarded to Mr. John. Campbell, who receives $3.75 per day for the work. A new wat- ering tank has been built, and sprinkler procured, and the town is now in posses- sion of a very complete street watering apparatus. The contractor entered upon his duties° on Monday,' and since then. there has been no dust on Main Street; much to the relief of the merchants and all others whose business or inclination required them to pass along it. On Wed- nesday there was a .couple. of heavy showers of rain, which put the dust out of sight, and_whieh wilgive the street waterer a rest for a few days and save to the merchants who pay the cost a. hand- some sum . , Nor. -s A..D BUG v� S'ro&w,.—On Tues- day morning of last week a ..young man,' calling; himself Thomas: Jones, and pro- fessing to be an agent for a nursery, engaged a horse and buggy at Whiteley's Commercial Livery, in this town. He said he required to go` to Brussels, but probably might go ten miles further. - He wautecd a good rig and said he would return on the•fol'lowing day. Since then nothing has been heard of the mai, or the conveyance. Mr. Whiteley started duty it will;be ticks oho a have previa s1' will be poin d notbe cons dei hibitore wall mind, as itis such as thoe the notice CORRECT Advocate a head of "Sea regret should e our columns. fhe al hit at Mr. ` m, C and Mr. John ! c14 account of the r re t or to;examine thevarious ar- dany e.found which be on exl ibition, they ut � the judges, and will ut,:. on competition...Ex- do t well to : r this in ot 1 ely that ny articles ined !of. • it mmittee. ite Appeaed Orth"—wh�ich er hi►vefo'un• writer too ampbell, illan, of igiaus op r respec 0 TOR, has iter seve ►ups our publisho y as, foil : ws : The t wthout Isar tinizing it uld '.never hay been pub - n published e believed re as intima :d was ac- tale glade, - -We find, he'` whole t in was • we observe th porary, Tsl E. ourselves an in the mat Per do us the ju ti to, tion, which is Sim e e r. itenr was i closely, or it w fished, and wh that such ae tally going however, teat hoax.—kite tel Gob]) W !lock,' of Mc lof -fall whe stalks of wh inches in len us that this field. Theiv promises a the whole, t may be cons' Prop. Whi Which do no having been many more v ful appearanc rich soil is •a could be desi look well. I has been was whole seldo this season. o large yield of escape I e- of. the funder the ire; deeply 'a place in a person- Seaforth, ullett, on ions, and contem= ken -both ly to task ;Frere will explana t „ g a Adlrvocate. E .Mr. Tito •• as Goven- ill • p, his shown is a sample t own on his farm, the c s each measure 4 feet 44 h Mr. Govenl • *informs fair sample of the whole is nicely he • ed out, and t prolific yiel• `1 Upon, e all Wheat in 't : it section ie edore than : average e here are is ew fields t ' , remise well, 1. rge spots, vi ter killed, the a are very, 'hi b ppresent a m at beauti- e. That sown a dry and on a rul looking well as ed. e.spring crops also game, it places the grain ea ou , but the raps as a or ever promis:. better at the year. Ther • will be a s e: :•o: SOCIAL. It musical and cial given `in ;t• a Episcopal Church do T esday evening 1 far as the. en • rtainment wa eminently su cessful, Th a however, wa: net large,.owng to the exces : lire heat of he Readings we iven by Mis Logan and M g ie Aargau, al Gracey, of Blyth, Ca}}n�pbe an and Mr. C: A mstrong, of eaf readings wer all good, butt: by Misses Logan and Hargan Dr. Gracey were parte larly dered and effective. The nch Presbyterian ohiirch,-ander the of Mr. Cline, g 11w e several Bele manner most creditable to phem, well deserved the plauditsl awar chairman. Miss Bessie Acott George Cline each gave well and beautiful' solo. . Mis w, ell Camp, bell pi esidecl at the melod o . he chair was occupied b ltevi M . '.� pastor of the congregation, who i : ch • rged the duties in a most pleasin an. 'efficient manner. Uponth w o e t la enter- tainment was o e of he in st enjoyable_ held in Seaforth for oma In and the only regret is th t it as • . t ofe large- ly attended. rary So- ethodist t, was, so oncerned, ndance, no doubt, veiling Maggie o by' Drs. Burgess, th. The ose given allso by wel ren r of the eadership ions in a nd which ed by the. and Mr. ,rendered PERSONAL.— Mr. -Joh Mrs. Hickson a ived in. S Virginia on Friel y last. T a visit to friends here an i ing to. the South in 'about We are- glad to notice th t looks well, and he speaks i terms of Virginia as pl a live in. —Wetake pleasur in esteemed townsman. D again. The doctor havi covered from a: severe atta tion of the lungs,has been of weeks trying torecu e many friends will be pleas c1 he has returned almost a ti tohis former health and Dig —We are happy to be•alolf to our readers that Relv. Ft of Irishtown, who has had of inflammation of the lu at one time threatened, to tor - ly, has at length recdverefd to be around again, thong from the effects of his sick cierstand that the Revere intends shortly taking a for the benefit of his healt that his most sanguine ex be. realized, and that he tirely recovered in health on and h from. came on return- nonths. iickson highest lace to g er pa of i fo ate to 1 rel Or.. to ler_ ev ,a l an s. gf to at re 1 st ,eg our , home t ally re- ffamma- a couple. :und his rn that restored " eenouncie e attack d which n to fatal - is able yet weak We un- ntleman 'Europe p hope es may urn en • - -1 ngth. $.tsP BeeedVLITCII. -A died persons assembled grounds on Saturday, June the fourth game of the seri Stars, of Seaforth, and th ings, of Listowel, for the championship and silver cu a hotly contested game, re of the home club by a se Before the game a dispute to /the umpire, the Red Sto ing Mr. Fishleigh and Leonard, and afterconsid ling both were rul d out a Schofield, of Guel h, was that important p siti.n, with credit to him elf'. nd iicl bs sof he nave bac t • ow, w ay ; wo es we eu. cie nter as s be bs. satisfaction of bo in pu r:mit of him on Monday mornin thorough knowled the Listowel club an, umpire all thei umpire of the first fault to find, but t game was sadly de better to get a, clis outside clubs, sue• umpire all games, giveu to both cl HHa,rgerdon was ex ings being unable but we have not learnecl.,that he has ob- tairiea any clue as to the whereabouts of the property. Jones is about 25, fair hair and light moustache. The horse is a Iarge dark bay, with two light hind feet,; and with scar on fetlock of nigh hind, foot. The buggy is new, painted black,; with lrnmstrong springs, and patent round tires. ,Harness was new, without check_ line or martingale, and fiat russet lines. The: rig was an excellent one, and if not recovered, it will be a heavy loss to the proprietors. '1'rrr Sou•rir f,rnrNc; I+'.cr�i, STLOW.—At a meeting of the Directors of the South Itidie,, and Stephen and Usborne Agri- cultural Societies held' at flipped on' Monday last, the prize list and rules of the exhibition were thoroughly revised and corrected. It was decided that, in accordance with the .usual custom, the show should this year be held in Exeter, on the grounds of the ';tephen and Us - borne Society. The prize list this_ year will amount to about $800, the Branch Society contributing $450 of this sum. It was decided that the show should be held en Thursday and Friday, the 5th and Gt'.i of October. On account of many - complaints having been made in the past of exhibitors showing the same erti- `cies year after year, it was resolved to make to effort to -prevent the rules of the Society from being violated in this ,R way on the occasion of the coming show, ac and a Committee was ' appointed whose in much effect, while trouble in batting of Paulin and Sane the, walk, few bal s 'p ssi uuihberr�� of good fly cat es g both sides, notably a h t one - from the bat by 1=T rger on ; bet of very good do ble- lay in es—In the first i inin.-,.s ti to bat first, and were re irec in one, two, three sty e, i making 'first; Steele, Kdc Sangster and Godfrey, o th ings, by fair batting, sue a run each to their Icre t. ings—Rogan, Paulin and Stars, by good bac-hits, making a run each 1 and Kidd, of the (led SStocki_ ing in one, two, thr e style wit Third Innings—Ho an, Haig► Paulin, of the Stars, then In each; Smith, Mackin k and S t th ce'bun .n. th. Stars 1 I , to wanes s et een th e . Stock e � auntie hi h, aft tilted in favo re of 1 to 10 r. se i �regar k ngs propos e Stars Mr r: bugs wrungame dM.J h se to Ill ich he did to th entir xhi sting a.. e. So fa e c oiceof ith the ave no •f they third n it i much )la Cr from S ho; ad,, to a:isfa tion is ite' ing of er ' Stock - hi.. with ou d little e c itching ill jup to itli;er. A e madeon land catch iso a' num- e s Fi stlnnwent - .ta ' w'th: blank{ nI o r man uth, 'ed 'tock - ed in :lacing Secon Inn- al�nb, .;f the uccee. d in Shill, Steele gs, retir- i a lank. rd . ' and: le run er, of k, the both ► s e • a er r d •s 1 e a r a s gi fi in d hi in d fo al in M de po he in de so lI th ho D on sai SO ho br to e cur thr the we a 'ste Mr ter Th elle t, t io to l?unih he. eta s mith;' Tl ster wen c gs the c:.-..eiLuitait was tense U ON clubs playing rema kably well, but the Stars took the lead nd kept gradually' inn en ound until he close of the game. nn rt fnninaa._ml, ,. n�.mero, Sills and Baird, of the. Stars, made aj run each in this innings ; Hac • ing, df the Red Stockings, succeedin _. in breaking a goose- egg by scoring a sing e. Fifth Innings— Lattimer, by a goo hit to right field, succeeded in makin y the only home ran that was made throu bout the game, also runs by Sills and ' : mb ; Steele, of the Red Stockings, say • g a goose -egg by placing a run to thei total., Sixth Inn- ings—In this innin.s the Stars w=nt in for heavy batting, • : e base -hits by Sills, Paulin, Lamb, Latt •• erand Henry Cam- eron, 'oy which they 'laced a run each to their credit ; Smith :: • Sangster, of the Red,Stoekings, also • • aking a run each. Seventh I Innings -P: uln, of the Stars, succeeded in breakin a goose -egg by a well-earned run ; S ..ith, Hacking and Sangster, of the ' • . Stockings, retiring in one, two, three o : der with a 'plank. Eighth Innings—S' :, of the Stars, mak- ing a run to their er dit; and the Red Stockings again reti : g with' a blank, Ninth. Innings—In t is innings Merger - don, of the Stars, a d Godfrey, of the Red Stockings, succ:eded, in earning a run each, thus makin. the score stand 21 to 10. The play of bath clubs in the last thtee innings' was tilt. best we have ever witnessed, and equall • d- the play of the best of professional ci bs. Here it is : STABS— • .- 11. A. Cameron lb... ... .. J. D. Sills,'8b Henry Cameron, cf... .. George laird, rf. . . D Hogs ,1f .... Owen Ha gerdon, p . William Paulin, c.... , John La b, es R. Lattither, 2b Total RED STO: KINGS— A. in. o. Steele, as 2 8 1 Kidd; lb 1 2 8 Smith, p ................ ... 2 2 8. Sangster c .. 2 5 2 Hacking,tcf........ , 1 8 6 Godfrey, rf 2 2 2 Hay, 2b... 0 1 8 Douglas, 8b............ 0. 1 8 Hemphill, If 0 1 4 1"ot�►1 Innings,... -1..... 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 ;g 9 10 20 27 Stars I 0 8 8 4 8 5 1 1 1-21 Red Stockings... 5 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1-10 Umpire -Mr. James Soh • eld, of Guelph. Scorers—Stars, R. Camp ell ; Red Stochinga, J. Harvey. ia. 1B. o:. .. 1 2 5 4 5 8 .. 2 5 1 • 1 8 8 • 2 2 4 ▪ 2 4 :.. 4 4 1 8 8 8 ... 2 4 4 21 82 27 . . Bruss le. MARKETS.—Fall wh wheat, $1 ; wodi, 27c. RAIN.—eVeryi heavy section on Tuesday an Crops of all kinds coul I at, $1 03 ; spring rains fell in this Wednesday last. not look better. CRICKET.—The Win ham cricket club play the Brussels club, or the ground of the latter on Saturday next. Wickets to be -pito ed at 9 A. . BAND TAND;-(fur tc wn band have erected a very nines nd on the old market sr uare, from w ich they intend to play very. Tuesda evening. They played ou last Tuesd evening for the first time, and are d in remarkably well. NEW D IVING FAR .—Brussels driv- 'ug park association w s duly organized n Wednesday evening list. They have eased twelve acres 6 of the best of land rom Mr. Wm. Armatr ng, adjoining the est side of the village and the ent knee Iis only on -quarter] of mile from ► Ma .street, in the centre of the village. - Mn. 'EDITOR. -Sir : n your last 'asue you have given a repo of the base ball Match which took plac in Exeter last week, of which you;m t have bee in- orrectly informed. T e match bet een Parkhill and Brussels r salted as fol ows: Parkhill 29 ; Brussels . It was ar ang- d that the Exeter elu • was to pla the Dinners. Time would .my admit o two nnings being played, which resu ted exeter 3 ; Brussels 2. Will you p ease to the honorable in yo r ext issue and blige, yours &c.; .. I: iNDMAN, Secretary of Exeter as Ball Clu . , I' Kinbu. A S CCESSFUL ELATE ren meting of- Conde' emplalrs, held in thjeir esday evening, June 7 psuccess. There were resent and somethin ized. There was a ye om S aforth present, lendi pieces of muni oeive by the audienc 'whored. The broth lyth Iso gave some d rec'tations. The g's en-ertainment con ngs a • d recitations, bi is al : ost impossible me of the performers ung a • d inexperience fiicien ly loud to be( rge a uilding. The a erabldisappointed eery f: e of an old fi nee, o Blyth, on the e glad, however, to le vering from his sever ► doub but, at some.. f has ecovered his u s- frits, hat he will gi b inbur another exhibi e_ s as a entrilogbist — Hay. s r d INMENT. Thf - lodge of cod hall on ` ed - was a dec ded ut 300' p.ople. ar 145 wa: re xcellent oir gave se eral ich were • ell d were lo dly •r: Gracey rom Rent rea . 'ngs es of the a en- ist•d of dialo-; nes t 11 did so •ell to particula ize. owever, b: ing lid not s . ealr he4rd- all ove so idi nce were : on - t ot seeingthe ie d, Mr. w - p tform, - - Ire r that he i : re- in ess, and ' ave re time w• en health nd he peopl of of his pew I, SUIci . E.—During 1 T es ay night of 1 at wee . a case of au ci a occurred in the tow ship of May, t e jictim being a 11-kno n farmer. !It ap ears that V. illey, he person in u scion; visi ed eter o Tuesday mor. in and appl eci the tore of- C. 'Van us n & Co or ►e str ehnine.1, The cle •k would.. of e it nless the appli a t was ide ti - 1. This was secure , tl a farmer e - well known. Afte rocuring he th d aling drug, ' w is was gin en with the understan in that it as ended'to be used in ill ng rats •d Ye, th latter hr vine ill'd ten la. bs ,'him._ Willey Ireniainedlaround.to •n ld onal that he: had not taken an g. Soon after' he and his wife we ie. Thile preparing fo found Willey near a tli th s sho ed ex hen t d the wn th alanc Loan upon goi er pile, w eaning p en into serting and nyling in t had taken. oigon. Sym ed theniselves oo and he eedingly sorry let he rash no Id them where e had pr - strychnine, and hat he h d bottle behind lo , he havi • SPC SITO . was immedi tely sent for, but an his ar- rival, the an was quite dee,d. Dr. Ilynd an, c roner, held an inquest on ,the, y, eitdence being niven as above, ,trith verdict in accotdance. The only reason that can be assigned. for the rash act is that he had beeu living an un- happy domeStic life. ACGWERT TO A DOG.—A few days since a dog belonging to Mr. A. Elcoat, of Tuckersmithf met with a singular and painftil accident. In starting to go after something in the yard, it jumped on the point of an upturned sickle, which entered at its throat and cut a deep gash along its breast and over its. shoulder, of about a foot in length. The dog being a valu- able one, and not wishing to lose it, the wound was sewed up, but it bit' all the stitches out soon after, and it has been left for time to heal up, which it is gradually doing. CALD ACCEPTED.—At a meeting of the Presb tery of Huron, during the sitting of Ass mbly, in Toronto, Rev. De B. Mc- Rae, o Parry Sound, intimated hie accep- tance ad the call to Cranbrook andl Ethel. His iaduction. was aelpointed to take place 41 • Cranbrook on July 18, l at 11 o'clock A. M. Rev. Mr. Jones, to pie - side and put ,the questions ; Rey. Mr. Scott, 'of Egmondville tie preach I; Rev. Mr. _Prichard, of duevale, to address the people ; Rev. Mr. • Fergusen, of Brussels, to address minister, and Rev. Mr. Danby, of Varna, to preach at Ethel on the same day at 3 o'clock P. M. NE GRANGE.—A new Grange, under the au pica of the Patrons of Husbandry, has be n organized in School Section No. 1, in t e towpship of McKillop, and the following offieers were elected : Peter O'SuiliVan, Master • John O'Sullivan, Overseer ; John, McFadden, Lecturer ; James Carlin, 'Steward ; Joseph Dennin, Assistant Steward ; Patrick O'Neil, Chaplain • Jlames Devereaux, Gate Michael McCann, Secretary; Mrs. James Carlin,'Ceres ; Mrs. James Devereaux, Pomona; Mrs. Robert Devereaux, Flora; Mrs. James Murphy, Lady Aesistant NEW STORE.—Mr. Chas. Smith, form- erly of Clifford, has opened a firet-class store, and has laid in a large and well as- sorted stock, with .prices cut down " handlomely." He is making a " big push " n order tb satisfy and please all who may favor lum with a call. SIDE WALYSI. —This village can, now boast of side walks, equal to any iri the township. They were built through the energy end perseverance of Mrs. James McDonald, who raised the money by subscriPtion, let the contract and super- vieed the work, -for which she justly de- serves the thanks of the inhabitants,— Coole--One day last week a tramp walked into Me. John Sanderson's store and .tirli e the attention of those inside was en agecl elsewhere, he quietly pro- ceeded o doff hie own worthless coat and appropeiate a valuable article of the same kind frem thestock on exhibition. Hav- ing ac,ccimplished this he put on his own coat and was walking cooly off with the going o t, collared the thief and made stolen o e when one of the clerks canght a glimp e of the new under the old and him diagorge the appropriated article. The fellow, do?tless, was a " traveller" whose ambitio exceeded his honesty, and we Would Warn storekeepers to be OD their guard 'against like characters, becauseiat this eeason of the year needy tramps as well as infant potato bugs abound. . MEETING. —A: meeting of the share- holders pf the Public Hall joint Stock compan was held in the hall on Tuesday last, wh n a Board of Directors was ap- pointed nd other business done. ton, -has purch as d from Mr. Thos. Ward, of Con. Stanl y, his farm of 50 acres, for $1,4 0. The farm is a good. one, has a numb r buildings on it, and is al- most all cleared.1 vol. Dem.—There is a COW in hat is favored with a constant t and faithful protector in the a dog, which will not permit any pt the owners to touch. his Both animals belong to Mr. H. Mr. Richd. Carter and Wife, of et with an accident of 'a se- ure. They were on the gravel took fright from an un;brella e using, and became unmanage- h great force out on the side of Mr. Carter fell underneath his her arm passing through the were dragged along the road a ble distance in this position. becoming loose, the buggy er them, and was soon after y demolished. Persons who the aceident hastened to their e en it Was found that altheugh ere broken both were badly sec FAIT attencla shaped one, ex Murphy PAINE noon lae road nea the hors they we able. pants wi the road, lines the cohsider The line pearled o complete rescue, w no bones ini ti red, the face are pleas are in a f TEACH inst., Ex birchen r surroundi ing of the wee held r and practical lesson on the uee of the Terrestrial Globe. On reas- sembling the afternoon, Dr. Hodgins, Deputy iN mister of Education, read an able pape advocating the -teaching of the elements of Mechanics and Natural Sci- ences in our Public Schools, or in other words jet trying, the late Council lof Public struction for placing these subjects o the Public School programnie. Although he great majority of teachers, (and it is ey after all who have to bear the burcle ) consider the programme is entirely t extensive. The remainder of the af moon was occupied by W. J. High Scho 1, with " Difficulties in Anal- ysis and P rsmg.'I The teachers present plied him for about two hours with a great nu ber of peculiar grammatical oonstructi ns, but he invariably made r. straight." We hope that this !is not the time we shall enjoy the honor of Mr. Strang s attendance at our Institute. The meeting was the most successful one ever held at Exeter, notwithstanding the ab- sence of Messrs. Turnbull and. Dewar, who had agreed -to take part in the pro- l ceedings. After the usual vote iof thanks 1 MONEY TO BE SAVE h Id on the second Satnraay of October. 11 o' lock P. M. The next meeting will be : JrrT. 18i 1876. F' ,A. O T ! !PROPERTY SOLD. —Mr. A. B. PrOW118011, oflBayfield, has dispdsed of his handsome 1 re idenee and grounds to Mr, Samuel 1 Is fu ly decorated wit ornamehtal and I fr it trees. It is one of the haindsomest I re idences in or about Bayfield. Mr. 1 he intends retiring from farming in Me- Killop and taking up his residence in RA.NGERS. —Stan* grange talks of sh ting it present place of meeting to th lodge room in school section No. 10, St nley, with the object of Obtaining m re members. This, in the end, may be penny wise and poand foolish, as some of its present members will, doubtless wi hdraw from the order if thel place of of Stanley, near Varna, sheare on the fit inst., from six sheep, 47 potinds of go d wool. Some of the wool easured 16 inches in length. Mr. Peeren has se t us a specimen of the wool, land it is as line a sample as could be desired. Th se are the right kind of sheep to make , novs, &c.—Both s ring and fall crops loo excellent, and ive promise of a tar e return to the husbandman. - Hak is xtra ; the crop will be coneiderably ab ve the average. —Farmers are . busily! en aged in hauling out their griam and th ugh the energy and mtegri . of the' of he country. , FREAK 07 NAT RE.--Twn apple , tre 8, belonging to M . Peter Grant, of' th Second Concession of Stanley, this opr ng presented quite 'an intereSting ap- pe ranee. They were planted 1 a year ag last fall, and darilug the whole of , las spring and summer looked as* dead, ' not even as much as the buds 81 -Veiling - but this apriug they showed mimistak! abl signs of life, and lane now Icovered wit foliage. Mr. Grant will be happy to how those oddities to any one who ' ma call. EMPERANCE. --The eause is progress- ing wonderfully in thie localityi .Stan- ley temple is now in al very floarishing con 'time receiving a great many hew me e berg, which it co tinues to hold. tee i and skill with whic it is coaducted. Thi and the neighboring lodges, " No Sur ender" and "Royal Oak" contemplate has ing a grand union pic-nic abeut the lot f July, which it is expected will be pro uctive of much good, giving mem- ber: of the same order n opportunity of bee ming more intim tely acquainted wit one another. las Court of Revisio at Vatna, on Sat rday, the 4th ins Members all pre ent, the Reeve in the chair.. No app als but the Great %, estern Railway Co e pany. The members took am sub - seri ied the oath of office. After hearing the olicitor for the road, the coart de- cide to receive further inforMation. Mo ed by Dr. Woods, 'seconded iby Mr. Cas le, that we meet s an adjourned cou of revision on the fourth Monday ter half au hour th A Council Met for 1 gen ral business. Dr. Stewart and Mr. H. ameron appeared as a deputation to solic't aid for the purp se of building a side alk from the villa e of Bricefield to t e railway station. Moved ley Dr. Wo ds, seconded by Mr Castle that we mak ng a sidewalk in Briteefield film the gran $20 in aid of the und ma'de np by priv te subscription for the purpose of Lon I on road to the entrance of 'station tle, econded by Mr. Keys, that Dr. Woo s and Mr. Grebe be authorized to d al with difterent parties for gravel far t e several beats in which regnired— arise with the Treasurer of the railway corn any about $300 interest from July onde by Mr. Keys, that the Cletk ap- ply the Treasurer of the Londo , ?ler- tures granted by. this tewnship to the ill pons for interest due on! $15,000 , eben- corn ny, as, in terms of one by-latv, the ro as not built to the extent specified and oVenanted for in by-law,. on he lat have it ready for the me Ging to bi.:t held 1. of J. nuary last : further, that ai the stric sense of the by-law, the r ad is not y t complete ; also, that the clerk be inst eted to ask for a reply, so as to on th 26th inst., to ena le this Connell to ta e action as may 'be deemed . ad - ham, econdecl by Mr, Keys, that th taxes on L ts 14 and 22, Dinsley Terra e' for 1875, be cancelled, and that the Clerk notif -the County Treasurer to t at ef- fect Carried. Moved by Mr. lastle, on ed. by Mr. Key4 that Mia Gra- m 1 receed to let the job of a bridge Co s..3 and 4, the coat not to exeeed 50 Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, on ed by Mr. Castle, that this Coun- do now adjourn to meet again at Var- o i the fourth Moeday in June, r he close of the Court of ReviSion— Us. Carter b'eing bruised. about ha lmost beyond recognition. We on d to learn, however, that they $2 ir way .of recovery. see a ell Exeter. na, RS' INSTITUTE.—On the 1(Yth Car ter was! full of knights of the cl, wholad flocked in from the --- g country to attend the meet- Lond mai Teachers' Institute, which Tuesd n the village school house. In a trip oh, Mr. George Baird, Sr., gave Large • g, rough places smooth au 1 lc d is • n excursion, train passed along the n, Huron and Brnce Itailwate on y last, conveying excursioniets on from Wingham to Port Stanley. accessions to the Oarty were taken • BY CALLINq AT THE 7 7 7 77: 500 Pairs KID GLOVES, at all prici and shades, ham 50 cents to $1, 'PARASOLS at 25 cents each. SILK PARASOLS at 50 cents,. eat cents 80 cents and 95 cents. 1 Lot of New AMERICAN COLLARS for Ladies. Lot of New DR1S GOODS, Extra 11 Cheap. A. Lot of Wide E at 111 niTehriecearia.re much cents a yard, Guar nteed FAST IN OLOR. DER tban the Lot of Children's aad Ladies' HOS- IERY, White, Pia from 10 cents:to 5C1 I FOR GEN This Week we Offe n and Ribbed,. cents per pair. New LINEN COATS- in all the INew STYLES !and FABRICS. illeo the New MOTH 1TTAN SHIRT,, , all sizes from to Nr TIES AND BOVIVS, NEW STRA.W NEW AM RICAN HATS, I the latest BROAD AY STYLES. o the New ENG -LI 1,7 inches, CHRISTI SOendid. for SUMMER :WEAR. THE ORDER DEPA CLOTH TMENT FOR I lnow COMPLEE avlith the BEST' rtmeet of the Fineet ENGLISH, TOIL and FRENCII CLOTHS we ever bad. 1(4m:411cm:en leaving Orders can be guaranteed the r on at ach station until reaching Loindon, by wh.ch time the party numbered over 1,000. The weather was pleasant, the 411 accom °dation furnished all that could be des red, and the excumionists spent a very pleasant and enjoyable day. —T at the brothers of the Brussels not belong to the Benedicti class patent to readers of the follow- ipped from that sheet : The of infants who now attend con- ocials, lectures, &A., in order, we Poet d is a fa ing, num be certs, suppos frightf no obj going and k chief, kind. to the Ad , to take care of their parents, is Hy on the increase. We have ction to a good natured youngster o an entertainment of this d eping the old folke out of mis- fit preserve us from the shri king We hope to see a notice similar Cowing on the next lecture ibill : sion 25c:, children in arms 60c croo e paths and 5c. per squeal during lecture.' " A GOOD FIT at Reasonable Pricosl Work done- ur own premises proniptly and mcDoucA4 & CO., . 777 SIGN OF TI -7 777 §E.1tFORTH, - ONTARD1 ,1114 AVSVALTE Fon " 41,Bigs you sAm—xast Mu, Let ; and West half Lot 19, p; ablo.Soreith 50 acres of Lots I a pat LOTS, FOR SALZ.*--0011 sirting5 043,14 adJeiaing the Town of esiorth. TarMitiTeASOW111#31 3 With immediate Apply tea. W. C. INTFIYER, Barrister, s ingaul'Ipply;::h1 et 07te 112 "StttlYheSellta: f0410°Toehritos.:1-;toureAsb:Twer 1 goiri: be 1 tYm.wi :lei ra mts: an g-41 v TY FOR SA.LE.--For sale on 413 so TY' FOR SALE., ---That yalnable cortloeleriel4 Street, occupied hythe ttflieturlDwPOD1r1Dy AS a Machine elliughousesudiot adjoining. The will be Bola on easy terms. For I I 117. 3;ipa X lrp 31: e:ve djalla:E ac4 .1; gx p nil al431:Parno kit titi to $13.Y -14110 may. desireiffiem. P to purchase should make '1 n. roma it 41 DROBERTY FOR SALE.—Two aOry-lrame bnuse slid barn, tali itartnilquare, Seaforth, The remises me adapted for any public business. portiouisro-opply to the proprietress, mu., VAR FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot No. -7, 10 Norris, containing Si sores, 25 of are wellieneed and In -a good. eta eultivation; the remainder is well tim Therelroe -4 *Ores Of choice -fruit trees b a good g house and frame stable. Is Brabe TriallWity. For further particulars to LAIDLAW on ths-: premises, or to M. CL VAI# ABLE PROPHRTY FOR SALE. sale that comfortable and commodious deuce op. John Street, the property of MT. apasil.ne. The honse is new, Is well finish eonte. seven rooms -besides closets to IN▪ OTSMODtS. 'TAO and soft water. TW ! with &dice -fruit trees. Terms n immediate. Apply to Mr. AL OR SA IN TOOKERMIT Sere., acres cleared, 1.10 acres in a good of 'ration -20 sores excellent pasture, famed dwat'erea, has good barns and sti root for 200 loads, This is a good fel miles itom &storm tastiest, miles from )3 Egraondvillo VA/tliS FOR 13' .—Weat half of South .ing Mitres. The bove let is all bust, -k Lot sfi, Con. 8, lorris, Huron County, co test qualify* and i only 4% tulles from B e Aso soirth half of ot 19, Con. 8, Morris, CountYy 1.00 acres, - leo Ali bash and the lla• ilwak. For pri -and terms apply to COOPBR, -Bruesele, or to CALVIN A. C BELL,ISeaferth P. O. QT0HE AND DWELINtlir HOUSE FOR tit 1-0 —Vor 'ale, in Chiselkuret, a large Store '' tli- toinfortiable dwelitng in -corm toga with a 4 iteracre lot. This is °flee in tarmac n. with the store. easy. or partic re applyto to the propr tux= theildporamoiles Or to Chiselinust P.O. VIALtAIILE FARM FOR 13ALE,—For v Lot No. 6, Con. 7, I:Collett, consisting acriaHwith the exception of some Yillage I behrg -a first,elass farm, situated close by t from - nton; good gravel roade to Market ; lea go barn alla Stables OD the premises, VARld FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 12. C ' Hallett, consisting of 100 acresollardi-40 Ideare4, :and the /Wanes wen timbered with la• idandou buildings, a good Well, and A young Xiiihinn. Terms Made known on apploati 114 ,E Teas . HAAPOsvzoesystoznisgiLleimr.ota.e4 :bricatAllh. id, . T al : 'wo :Ito do soi A. r.dt a oitrEirm.e--iseFboto:11:sari,geselhLevotta :stood: 4 - state 4f eultivs.tion, the balanee well :i1.5 l'1114.. Bch. Sar"elretullsarkeed,r8132141114fwenucedttfrialnYir ands ether neeeesary outbuildings ; it ilia go Irtedusorachzirud outf phese 01 gseafriftiortt h.treafitr/ lily FA141 Ton sAft,z.---Fox sac, Lot No. nia.deared. $ree 4/ stumps, -well lensed, Ad stable 410s.80s. driving abed 26 _wick eot house and S. splenibi brick 4 110711e#1 and ell other necessary outimil rod chard and Well watered. This - II* t desirable farms in this section of emu -easy. Apply to the proprie.tor or to Egmondville P. O. az f# Stanley, Containing 97 acres, more date 'of good cultiratien, the belsnee le Imr8_, _ There is a frame barn and stab goodpew frame house with' stone zellar, ki well Ana. _ goo& hearing orchard, eal ..., _from Bru cid Station and 4 mil ljuritOn. A grave road leading to .eaeh Ili to the proprie.to.r at Varna P.O. TH 11 ABEL I rir1 FOR IS4LE,—Vor Sale, on -04. reS, 170 of- wbieb. are cleared, well fen - sts4lass caltivagon. and free from stem Warice timbered With the best wood; bu Also Ivell 'watered t within 1.i miles from 1118esisrtti# Clinton and Exeter, with 201* leading to, each place, Tills is 11 kppik on the pretniscs or to MO= r- Ai' FARM FOR SA. E.—For Sale, Lot No _e_t3i Thruett, ten wining 100 sores, about '-'4107 wt11. fenced,free from -stumps and sultitution, and free from foul Weeas; . "'tuella well timbered; there is a twootor ..„., .Pana good barns, sheds and stables 'w""4,,,„.„..„1 -orchard; there is a never faiii,T ,'442uti211# and it from Xinburn ; this Is -014 3,0st Anus in Huron; terms oney; aPPlY iaes or to Constance reit Qtriee- hip of McKillop,