HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-06-16, Page 6`00ndf, tion ofthe Weal Market. From the circular of eae of the leading wool houses of Philadelphia, dated May 1, we make the following extracts: Wool it dull, with prices droo,pin„g and much lower1. than at the beginning of April. The feeling is quite general among 'manufacturers and. dealers that more de- cline must he submitted to before wool can be freely sold. The great* decline has been in fine unwashed grades, which are offered at '25 cents. Tkis includes due fat sheep wool, and -Otte California, such as were freely sold one year ago for 35 cents. Medium and coarse unwashed clothing teems sell at from 30 to 33 cents. Prices for unwashed wool are quite un- settled. Forty-four ceats may be consid- ered an outside price for fine Ohio; 1Mich- igen and New York fine are offered at 37 t and 38 cents. Parties are now proposing to deliver Ohio fine fleeces in the astern markets during July and August at 40 cents, and offer to .contraet at the ,above figures. If these prices continue it will be necessary to buy nnwlished wool in the country at from 20 to 22 cents, and 30 to 33 cents will be outside prices for washed fleeces. There has been no time @Mee 1861 when the wool manufacturing :business has been so much depressed. If this unsatisfactory state of affairs continues, and the bulk of the clip of Texas land California thrown on , dull prices must be muith lower for the coming clip than they have been sinentlis spring of 1861. A very amen proportion of the goods manufactured are selling at ti profit, and in many cases they do not realize the cost of the wool. 1 Since oar last circular, wool has been ; dull and declining, with trade in an un- satisfactory and demoralized condition. Prices are admitted to be low onouglebut as goods do not sell, manufactarers de- cline to buy. The stoppage of a large amount of machinery is now being felt by the trade, and the quantityof wool that will be 'carried over plainly shows that the clip of the Unite1 States is in excess of present requirements. As sup- ply and demand regulate prices, we may, look for lower figures during the coming season, - Prices that we should have con- sidered safe at which to contract ten days ago now seem too high, and until there is some improvement in the manufacturing business wool must continue Ault an drooping, withprices in favor of buyers. We are receiving calls front manufactur- ers from all parts of the country, who are in this city arranging their goods at the Centennial Exposition. Being: in this extensive wool market, they iinprove the opportunity by looking through our con- signments of wool., Nevertheless there is nothing in all this to give tiey real trouble to the owners of sheep, when sheep are grown with a view to selllambs or mutton. If cows or beeves were grown for their hides'we might la- ment when the leather trade was de- pressed, and hides were low, but as it farmers rarely care about the price of hides. When a lamb- can be made to bring $6 to $8, or a sheep 59 the value of the wool will be a secondary matter. As it is, the wool ina,y even now be made all clear profit, Something Worth Knowing. FOR BEETLES OR Reeones.---Mix equal _ parts of brown sugar and Indian meal with Paris green. RATS, --A handful of fresh chloride of lime sprinkled in rat holes will keep them away for months. I have tried it. To CLEAN Areteestene-Wash with soap suds, if stained, whitewash the stains; let the whitewath remain on sev- eral hours. A RELIARE REKEDY.—For freckles, pimples, or spas, water-cresses bruised, and the juice applied to the face or other parts troubled. Menuaez FOR CHILDREN IN SPRING.— Give a good dose Rochelle salte, and fol- low it With cream tartar and sulphur for a few days; dose kteas,poonful. To PREVENT JELLy FROM ADHERING TO THE MOLD.—Put ice water in the molds until just before you pour in the jelly. Pour hot water over the mold before tak- ing out. 'HEAP PAIN:r• —Cheap paint for rough woodwork or fences is made of 6 pounds melted pitch, 1 pint of linseed oil, and I pound, of brick dust or yellow ochre, It iS excellent and will stand for years. To WA§H. COLORED TABLE LINEN. — -One teaspoonful of sugar of lead_ dissolved in one gallon of wator. &ilk the article to be wished thoroughly ins the solu- tion, then dry. The color will be set 80 that the articles may be washed in the ordinary manner. TO tlitilte HAIR GROW ON A DALD SPOT. —Ram and, sweet oil; mix equal parts; then wash the spot three times a day. Rum conetantly used to wash the hair keeps it very clean and free from disease and promotes its growth, and is also very ntrengthening to the roots of the hair. MIME wAsluNU-. —Take a lump ot lime and slack it with boiling water; cover it during the process.- strain it and'add a little salt dissolved in water, half pound of Spanish whitening and two ounce a of glue. This is good for ceilings, walls, wood, brick, or stone. Tut: EYESIGHT. --To preserve and make bright and Inca/klieg, let there be an oc- casional pressure of the linger on the ball of the eye; let the pressure be toward the temples, and wash the eye in cold water two or three times a day, in which there has been a little cream of tartar and tine sugar dissolved. To CLEAN FURNITURE. —If W. W *ill Scrap a lit tie CAStile soap into one pint of water, add three tablespoonfuls of sweet oil, heat it, and uze while warm to clean the piece of furniture, the result will be quite astonishing: Good for an kind at rnrintare, polished or not. For carved furniture, it _must be put on with a soft brush, and of course always well rubbed with cloth or .chamois after, OrsTER STEw.--Save the liquor in op- ening the oysters, wash them in the liq- uor and drain them inacolanderotrain the liquor, set on the fire and bring it to Et simmer, stirring to keep is from burning;. then put in the oysters and heat them till t scalding hot, or till they jest eommenco to aimmer. Mike from the fire and add t milk to the taste, butter, arida little pep- 0 per ; return to the tire and heat a little more, ;hen dish. 'To FEED A CHILD 18 _MONTHS OLIl. —1 , have brought up two very delicate ehil- a dren to be strong and healthy now at the I o ages of four and sir years, and they have = P never had. a day's siekness with the ex- ; fo eeption of slieht eolde occasionally. Feed k the child mainly on fariitaceous food talc-. I it ing care to change it every day to keep h the bewels egular. Oat meal, ernahed le whelf, farina, and 17,eininy are laxative, ht while nee, OM Stareh, Ite. are constipat- , SO 10. Evory day- at noon take a piece of co beefsttak as large as your hand, heat it through ever a boiler, but not cook then put it in a lemon -squeezer and press th the juice out overbread or farinaceous food. Never givea ohikl any petit es until it is through teething. You c eviveit plentyof Milke-condensed milk 1 it agrees t t if not, m lk from o cow. Al a s give a very ight, supp I prefer bread and milk A night. fresh and rfeetly ripe f it during early pa th day is lthy exc grapes or nges Let the ild he ta iav summer, th sun eh' ; during, out every ning and site oon, and the winter uriag the; mid le of the being well rapped up. Pre g 001 fo Market. 1 Perhap e few suggetst ons upon above eub etet me be of in rest to readers of 7 wr. It is, no dou the,pn e fat wool-gro era to put their wool i thatway whi h= will br them the most eltioney fo each flee From observation, and so e experie in handli g, we find there is no male method pr deed in doing up fleece wo each grow r has his own piteticular not --some do* lip tigh ly with a la amount of s ringasoine wit only a m leratequanti , and oth rs oing-up th iteeCes too with on s ring suffiei to hold tb eece toget er. It is a d i cult matte fo a wool bu to determi a, accurate' t e value of ferent lots of wool in t e s me neighb r - hood ; an still more di cu t to buy th of the gro s aecordin t their act value. (wally, eitili . rower—e though If Mee a ha d it and.put in a stove manger—It in ,or prete to think, t t his wool s good if n a little bette than any i to n,and wa a the highet market pric fo it. And e generally g ts it toti ; for if he first bu r that comes round make an difference n the price a avoids th he vy lots,. t e next one o ton buys the h avy wool • t full prices. 1 1 1 From an experience o thirty years selling wool, we fled th t fi eces done loosely, and made to a pe r large, u formly sell the best. T ko three the that aro as early alike- sp ssible,wei ing, say ei ht pounds e ch the first will put in wool press,an tie up tig ly; the second, tie up os ly, making bulky; the third Iwo ill split in t middle, tie it lemony, an make wh pou ds each. T purihas a I care n appears to be tit() e eS eighing fo whether he be th om . on country bu • 1? er, the woo stern , or he nufaetur r himself, wi I make three pri es for the10 three fleece of woe —vs yi g at least ti e cents per und b twe n he . first a third fleece, If wool g ow rs can deri e any advent go by: divi tin - their lar e fleeces, is it not their ri ht • avail the! Selves of th privilege? It may be sa that it woul be decepti n, that it wou not be hone t, In, ans er we will s it would be tong to di ids fleeces a represent t em t be w tole ; but we inform ti buy ro te fact, the can be no w ong a tach d to the wo grower. The feet that he al rge fleece pressed into sine' co/ pas and tied tight, it-- ap ;eves , to he he vier than t should ; the vool-buyer is eceived, a d the grower d es net Frecei e fair pre f such fleece. We Would n t be uncle stood to as ume that . he wool -grow r who has he Sr fleeces ms le up of il and filth, do 8 no get a air price for h ' wool; nor • w reco i m ud splitti such, for w beli ve ti at his class f wool oftener ells for mire, rather th less than its alu ; but t i _from shee that have en ed it a view 0 grow a larg amount • el nsed woo, and only a i derate qua tit of oil, that we propose t • advoTo he dividing of fleeces. To make •ol show to th best advan- tage it is i cessary that the shearer should under tancl his b sin s—keepin the fleece fro 'helms tor o kicked t pieces. Our ea° co is t sh ar one -hal and put it ou of teach ' f arm. Th t, or one side, id tear it o al nig the bac sheep is then timed on ; th other aid taking care keep the 00 from bein torn or stretc ed. art, and here is n reason why should n 1 ave a goo looking fleece Fl edes ad heavy b undue proper lone of oil au filth, ma as well be d ne up wh de and put b themselves at d sold- at c rrespoudin price. 1 If necessar we could tat some fact that would su tain our po itio that hav come under the notiee o at old Woo GrOZOCT in Olti Fa •9) er. Traveling Thr Bahl • g aehinee le t, 8. ir al 1- 1 The traveli g threshin -in ,iline seem to be indispen able just w, and yet i is the source f a great d al f vex atio few fareners c 3 affOr 1 to purchase and and trouble in!farming op rations. Ver own a threshii-g-mlichine or he sole pur pose -of thresh lig the a ou t of grai they alone g w, ani th y nclure the infliction of a odY 6 eig t r ten men and as many Orses for fr in one to ten days every y ar. The g vat evil, how- ever, .to whichpod farm rig. is exposed by these trave ng thresh e, i the carry. ing of foul s ofis from lac to place. There seems t be no mea s f averting this evil. If one far er 1 rows Canada thistle or red -root, the se ds re sure to be carried and deposited a on the road- sides and in the yards of o her farmers by the threshing mechines and clover -hul- lers. The onl einedy is for good, tidy farmers to club together and purchase such machine f r their wn , use. The large, or whit is terme ' mammoth threshers, w til I not be eed el, nor the cumbersome ho se -pewee t t accom- pany such machi es. I A g od rea,d-pow- er, as they are; I/ w made, wi • a level tread, With th re hey ,whiei a ill thresh 200 bushels in a lay, With • ne team and three men, is far safer, in re rofitable, because less expcinsi v 0, cgs in not more than one-half, shme say eft i lore than one-third as muchper bus el to thresh grain as with t110 travell ng machines, 1 and it relieves th house of a 8 nall army 1 of men. As Ion as travel ing machines ; are used from far to fa , t ey should ; be brushed and s vep from to to bot- 1 on] before moV ng !from eac station. This is the only roe Mien th t can be ak en to guard af a,iu t the liSs mination f foul seeds, ex .pt the pl n bove &T- ested. To Owsrms HORSES. It is a well ttested fact con nal d by t e xperienee f thousands tha " Darley's sondition owders and Arafbian Melte lemedy r horses is supe ior to anything of the ind now or ever 1 nowt). We 1:1011' that has been used ii nia;ny (miles Iliere the orse has been co isidered almeA worth - ss Urith the mos satisfaeto y r sult, the use havine been testored t • perfect anduess or so mtch bene6 ted that the mplaint could iCaree1y be ol erved.-- any such hoi'esI have afterwa LIS been Id for from $50 to Al an -they ti • leo. e brought, a4J wore ence t let Sill in Remember the the signature of. package.. Northr Onto proprietors f medicine dealers. 11 worthjethie d remember this, e, and see that d -&• Coe is on; eaoh & Lyman, Tittonto, made: Sold by all THE BE TRY IT AN THE SEAt'ORT INSTRU 1 WILL ON PLACE. PROVE IT. US CAL NT 1 EMPORIUM. Beg to direct the alt te the following Speciality of the Bs izi the Canadian mir MAMUSHE C ntio ti: Pia et. CELEBRA D Never before ha rny p jected to such clos4 riti tests by friends above named inst being so radical' other, so ingeniou and producing such purity of tone, has A tion and admiratip osophers aad mune have theiefOre beenll other Manse, who, vations by Manufac; in them any eveak p i endeavoredto stor sertiors. But after trial of the one, an the manufaCturers a that they have morel highest hopes of th tad silencing the gui Atrial is all that is e ly convince the publli, en SOOTT of the public They make.a os and Organs BLE & SONS AN S. ano een sub - m aid severe as have the he scale, iffetent from any in its construction, onde ul jower and e atten- ies, phil- and they as inno- ealers in to find ult, have njusb as - thorough he other to prove ated the And are enemies. horoughs acts. tr d t f midis 1 critics; eked upo rers nd m• g nabl to fo ass them!by n yeales of wenty of enabled han Vindi ir friends of their uired to of t coo THE YOCEL & LI COL Ate universelly aekn wled best in the market; a d eac is fully warranted fit five following are a few df the tages we 'claim for is ins 'all others made : Th PAT ATTACHMENT is comp is fully proved and ttsted Vivacity is by this i .arte sic, Is always in t i e, T Pipe gives richness •d pu equalling the best Pi1.� Org ed, and above compe on, a equalled and alone. ciend good stock,1: skilled ork honest parielse make hese commend themselves fully voiced and tuned Pieties and Organs plied on order when The Trade Liberal' A few Seiondella ways on hand. Remember the P1 • WILLSO 0 ed t In Ye an rum ete to •8. ity ns, d et , ans rga They ar f othe sired. Dealt Inst CANS be the trument re. The advan- nt over PIANO success ; tkrklin g the mu- anifold of tone, is prey, ands un- orience, up and s. They beauti- kes sup - rw11; a 61u al. e, and, d n't pass • SCTT. THE FARMER' FA 0. C. WI LS N AGRICULTURAL 1 PORIUM, SE PLE E FOR H. The Be8t anifl Cheal at P ce County td Parch, se c Implements. ITE. TEM - I beg to call the attention of the HOTEL PUBLIC -of Seaforl UOR 8TORE1. KEEPERS, FARMERS and GENE h and vicinity, to the m a rr i•T. fr LA.CT Thit I have Opened Out a NEW LIQUOR. STORE IN SEAFORT THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF THE POST OFFICE, And directly opposite the Condolidated Bank of Canada, where I have removed ENTIRE STOCK if Spirituous Liquore. Lommommi.m. I Ham also Imported Ileax7y the Following Line8 : CHAMPAGNE, - BURGUNDY, MADEIRA, CLARET, JAMAICA RUM, '1 OGETHER- WITH A. HENNESS BRANDY, MORTELE BRANDY, TILES ROBINS' BitANDY, SAZARAC BRANDY 1. , I I OUTARD DUPTS BRAN ;I 1.1A.RIGE CONSIGNMENT OF SCOTCH AND I ISH WHI It Guiness's Celebrated Dublin &but, any q entity of Bass's, Catling's nd Youn 'in ° Ale, in half and quarter reels, to suit purchaeers. - ; LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS TO HOTEL KEEPER AND FAAMERS WHO WISH TO BUY IN: LARGE QUANTITIES. PURE AND UNADULTERATiD -LIQUOR GUARANTEED. 1 ORDERS PkOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Give ifle itCnII. THOMAS KII)I) HAS MEr1114.4.1.1•M•04 CROCKERY AN WILLIAM GLASSWARE. ALLEN • JUST OPENED OUT A VERY CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF Grockery, Gldsswa e, Fruit Jars &c., NO OLD BANK UPT STOCK, But New Goods, New Patterns; Close Prices, to which he invites the attention of the p blic. Teas, Prunes, Sauces, Canned Goods, Oatmeal, FREE -DELIVERY. °Roo Sugars, Fruits, Mustard Hams, Cor RIES. Bacon, meal, Dried APples, Pickles, Spices, Flour, I Mill Feed, WILLIAM 1ALTJEN. — LUMBER?, FLOUi. GOODS, catq MADE CLOT ND FEE Day TRIES, tit G, BOOTS OD SHOES, IifAT AND CAPS, esia. ; trIttE rndersigued oi1d e'en the 4- the public to ' the tthat he it de r lingi UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, HAVING ON gAND A. V LARGE STOCK OF ILEMLOICK, BASWO6D, PINE, JIA Ry OAK, and CliERRY wfietie sole st Price/ Scarcely Co ring - the Cost Production. FIRST -OLA S 11EMLO4K At from ,$8 tO $8 per Thousand iteet, HE ALSO KEEPS CONST ON HAND FLOUR AND FE Which are sold at thil Lowest Possibl P Custom Wor in Gri Receivert Sielcial Attention, I have just opened out+ the Spring a d S mer Trade a Larg$ and Choice Stoe of DRY pops, READ yffiyip CLOTHIN NTLy BOOTS ; AitD SHOES, HATS ANL CAPS, &s., And tie Stock of G R 0-0 R I E All of which will be scl1t at Very Low P In calling attention t. ment, the 'mime tiher b and the public genentillY extended to him III z attention to business, t future, . ' the foregoing ad mil s to thank his rie or the Liberal Pstro uo past, hoping, by st et wit the same lin he A. GOIENLOOK, • WINTIERIIP THE VERT-OlfigAPE.ST T N TOWN. READY MONEY Ir THE URINES eT01-114 3=K.-N2w1..JM GROCER and PROVSION DEALE SEA. ORTH, RIMS for Cash, an1 sells for Cash, and, ha no bad debts, gi es bis customers thcbene Orangeism would.sou die a natural death. If all business .Mtn ;vould pursue this sys GRO Of every description, resb, New and Good. Pint Class Green Tea at 46 cents per pound packages Of not less t1iai 10 poniuts, ' Bright, Beautiful Sum from 10 to 12 pun for One Dollar. tto. 1 11 FLOUR A: D 'FEED .1100hIsErgveery Description Detered in Tostat Free MASH FOR BUT*, AND EGG And other Partners PrOduOtin .exchange for Goo as Cash. Remember the New r eery, nearly opposi Weir's Hotel, Sesforth. nltural the THE BEST HING YEfr i. When you ge an Imp ment fro Will- son you can rely pon i b ing as represented. STILL THE 0 Another car load of Horse Rakes, 700 of which this spring. As there are being made this; season, fa early as the stocli will soon arp's, elf v e sire uly fit en ers b b e run'nt. El EXAMINE THE ARCHER HAY RAKE E. The =ping een sold undred tiler call 1 Woods' Self -Rake Reaper 1 in gr ater demand this year than ever beforol None uthe stands the test of limo so well. Woods' Iron -frame Mo e , the 1 and most complete working 'achin Johnson's Self take Rea need recommendation. The Buck-Eyo I Mower, w mita, can't be beaten. r, too ch eV ghte t draft, mad own to ry pe • on ad ell Of all descriptions. Anot' e • car load cf those perfect Thistle Slayer's, Ma s rs No. 13. Rest liecttume 1 IT IS THE SIMPL ST AND BEST. the tlittip I Litt SelfD TT des away With all Clutchm Clutches, Claps, a- G aVI I -r no Pgdden or EX/1111. Pull upon the h Draft Iniiiluithes the moment the discharge begin Sena fa your Order* Early or yon may not b 1 cawing Hay Rake in the Market. , fret. and 14priugot in the bumping rse in Dumping as in lother rakes, but the . Only ritty of the et roar Rakes on hand, able to have them filled. J. W. IVETHERA D, Agent for the Cminty of Huron. 1 THE ARCHER RAKE IAN BE SEEN' AT M. Campbell's Agricultura Implement Warerooms, - 0 at G. WILLIAltISON'S P1•w Factory, SEAF91TH. Musical Instruments and Sewing Machhies as usual. TK CHEAP OA Something New in Gang lows. The Guelph -'• Wrought Iron Frarne Gan Plow:i This, is the t . _ NEW AND SEASONABLE GObDS ARR VED AND OPENED OUT TIII8 Boss Ganr, Plow in the ma ktCame an see it and try it? 'WEEK AT FAIRIIY'S CH. 'AP CASH GROCERY. Turnip Seed Sowers, Hor e loos and eeders, and all classes of f plemen s. The above imp) meats a -e all Warraua nt w1:1 be given t Sa . tisfaction ganteed Comprising Fresh Apples, Fresh Peaches, Fr or no tioAe, as 0 4 believe hat an imp ement Apple Jelly, Black Currant Jelly, iRaspberry, that won't stand t lting a t •orth buyin . 1 Keeler's Dundee Marmalade. 444-4 H GRO ERY. A LARGE LCYI!' OF M What everybody says mu ensible person now admits THE FLO vhich w 11 be sold if people as no lentil. • All kinds 0 ; hem. HIN t a true, and every tb t PEI4CE e chit vil insib Plow Po".nts and 4111111(.1s of Cast tairs alwaTs on blind. Sewing Macbinji Oils, .r cher irs always ready, 1 A full took of 13 C. peritke P t a 1' o in on 028 ANNED GOODS, Wanted by the subteribe sh Strawberries, tiesh Pine' Apples, Clean WHEAT STi.r.W. Strawberry, and -Bleck Currant Jam, OHN KYLE. FARMERS ANO DAIRYMEN. Mrs. WHITN Y, Seafort Ion tbe Shortest Notice., it d at prices that isuit all who want a good a lele. IISail,(AliglYIlaff di j' !sli ,, 1Y MILK CAN i Et SILS of every. i - • ;:C:CL/4. and See Wiwi iiWte Can, .to Be fore Pearehasiiil• Elsewhere. , „ , 4 , THE PUREST AND, p4 EST COAL 01- 4 • In the market Wholetale and Retail. 'Wirer!' Kind of Ti Bro,L -constantly o ,I i - Rand or 2Ia11 to Order. 1 Remember the Plitee—COtiner of .Tohn and me ll,leetrt. . 56 ‘ MRS. WHITNEY. IG 0 EM PORI The subscriber hereby thanks bib numerou cuatomers (merchasts and others) for their libera patronage during the past seven years, and hoptof by strict integrity RD dlelose attention to busin o merit their confidence and trade in thefuture I • , Having greatly enlarged his premises durin e winter, he is now *reared to pay the tithe IGHEST ASH PRIG or any quantity of good fresh eggs, &awe EOG EMPORIUM, ain Street, Seafortil 25 ions ol good SA IT 0 S, A i i IC I JD0 s, (excernee TONGUE SAUCE,) PICKLES in Endless Variety, including Captain White's Pickled Walnuts, &a. Goa, uying SARDINES, LOBSIIERS, SALMON, FRE I BUTTER: Lr ; • JrSON T UBS. SAMUEL' 'TROTT -f_a AS now on band at -alit:Salo-1th Tub Factory a number of Inc tweli and favorably -3030M 4 .Iffachine Turned ...6'utter -Package& Oriental Pickles, 't gclelles:teifirfaellaionge.s are the best in. tise, and _TM ; SPECIAL INDUO- MENTS TO 'I LARGE PURC ASERS. - II BASS, OCEAN TROUT, &C. I. 4,1 34'; I/ 441 T:1 F Mr. Trott expects in a Oho t to ocnimen ce f-,19-411 and Re' Christie, J1rown Co' .'s Celebtated Soda nd other Biscuits aiways in itock. Pie Nickes wishing oily of the above goo4s will be liberally dealt with, te, tee Re. A Full Stock of the Best FAMILY G OMIES, TEAS, COFFEg8 and 1 SUGARS in the Market. 8. t 1 Flour, Potatoes, Side Meat, Hams, &c., kir sale at the Cheap Cash Grocery. 1 IG:ood4,pd•ihrierpd -ire oY clisrt'. T'. r!LEArl SEAFoRTFi. , FOR SALE CHEAP. P,ob-Sleighs, Wagons, Iron Ilarrowe A NCI laBnEdR 40P7tellEe::::owND:N3EZ 1 goer Safe ehenpo_gkr n be Eeektutift I Apply to De.d.Miro.N7 A Gel* T, Seaferths t. 0 A Re litr i - e ffrVect t itine, 0 V i cial3t. George Casten a t ralloostvind ce 130r AlG e hATiak, -4fArrimvii-eciv 'fl ca °Y. ?b 4:1 o're; 1 r°kre ee di rill; ;II: eblte:IhmSoti 1**ohi nleets rgh'ilat:: gir te Inbe si s° 4 IF:t i°,t1:te' his andnaiIlrseb:1 eeuit t: ::ell&intig:lisiesiters°',tcYbcieflutratrst‘ediru°7;dte:rell:sea:te134111'rustia:ud'eisriti:t81:111 00131Ple%leite-(1, 'a suPerh Pima elite tongue, and in the panel T4aittsit aid rtr-Siant languat speaks a. little French arid Germs sisfre reawtaisehreadle; i Isi ivilis Iii°Eennilte lid,: isia' owith .twl 1 .1 ien over ' . ;kr: ehre. Pbeswitilsinamfl V and A *IOW pair ef gloves MI n s 'heavy beard only pertialli theta,ttooing ort his virther-bea 'tnet;:y6te,Alullateall'eula,sn'es.eairTYHe hilletistParY* lwa' he Os% 7treeiar se rAlt°. ietf;f:ttri trta:t. e da r ee . b- Ce lihsai,n el .;;6h7eT' pa 1;1 ar .,, ofitattooin s-biiett only two e slic,:tistutt.hirled::e..44:1:vrejet,rweosTettrbbenithitr::::t:tiro Capt. •Costentenus and la Spathe . Sixtv1,,-e tel i t I:lite I) huerat, silt, b'a st t oiar ant: iiltenle'Cgvdwaabgni 11:w. : P et9::::113:Tal:Ina, coOeltli5ien. if the operation he mg; ,i lataltb., an stead of netling his 'eseape, asper tett, 011ie tatiesing WM dime to xv, side barbetiaus of thelideseger treeing theTartari domains. evtl:retbleieburrilielielnteltilhzenfaat4tteinincisoupue e es t. thiesideef jlis embelli iiielLthIsO,afsal::(1 ia0igillotva:fat:::::tar13,-St: f8 int° l',Iiisignciiicau. The: predueing a black and ;the lat At a first glan.ee the eaptairi's, ed to be covered With a Turltit but 0, closet!' examination shows' ietitres itt1two eolers are produe winiberedt.einte. , On los for artituals ar toseriptitms, and o ' st' r -like figures. On the band/ in rens rea points, and figures r scielptures as well As ktirg-tail like ehapee. The can are Abse only part if the body free fr-OM tafell she &Cali) being embellis the neck, chest, abomen. bae treinities, , the skin is a MASS oi.T, Tially Arranged mid Admirably Beres of; monkeys, tigers, 1 phants, peacocks, storks, sna di', ;swans, Ezell's, sti artowis, leaves, flotvers an Ween the ',fignres are words in in.f blue aul red letters, ends' or eters atideirelee. The e invisible. ! On the Imbue of th inideseribaible figures, and r nileon the Inside of Ou the baek- side e of both fee aii blue point,s, enct from the odils are tied lines. Altogeth sqs tatto&ed pictures On the ---ion the fiirebead, tt, ; neck, S ; latek, 37 sj abdomen, 52 ; neip ittes, I01 lower cxtrenitieS .the captain is in perfect Ilea The mstrument need ba - captain sayin. was divided intot The pant holdiug the finid was-. pen four itacties long, and 1.4* °m-il'gt a:1.-evlyllit:tatr-of134.binrtast; ewa lona,1and, on top was A third inChes long, of ttein, with A k exid. T1/. three pelts were cuttpa:lt.e.:,,e, iTminheetii:etsr:ilet:0?cM, between the thinnb and fore left hand. to guide it, arid the pilirrrts3r10;en aease)tIaiiiiileol ("ems ()sievillat Lai. 11 g talent!, and. theee sh through ,the tattooing, e;erhyibiettlio,ean.try in the -1.,orill ex_ hie, He 'is now going to the :t 1 , oosegeniality, , Girls, in marrying,if you w happiness, elsoose a -congenial tope who is iinick toeatehyt --whose thoughts are your good -company " alrays. lit iemh ainudea 1,3 niieew, yhoouu solo able to offer you a fortune, you df mita, to say to each ethe the conventional cooing and .i.lt.,(1300nrdneesaoolrt:ey::f.,0,11.agtiolietinthituri:s;:n1:31-e, earticpe nzeary_yhia lovemaking there is a' eort t)CtWee:i ',you—mark iry not be happy together. P hill and stoo a great deal after 41f ,1,tie ad71 as igrfroe4ti,t)get° ey. :etherltiesmntie nrai_eaiitY nd. al i---tvittbheouhtiiptpirnesatIlypaa-rtplofair,it wI d a doubt of theminelve Ourtshiit was upon' them, themselves, if not dead, di thing to escape the dreary they are are, forced to spend tog Exchange between th 8UL:tee and Great ii-elahanLedugtseelld.::btelaots°:-eheetiattuhnetil:terdiVsism: United States, Great Bri 1 ending .1oue, 1574, gotalitto I $137,295,218. Of Clio rear . 4)02 maans(tinfaesteeturisti.deeei tto 13 ed ridrinsoing'45:1113/Icej-sU2a'moTtePd:5811tarjkatess'EprIg I$106,!114,l;43$106,!114,l;431)02;11were value of °49' ° 40,000,000 for cotton woo for beef, bacon, butter, e industries of the United will be teen how very small I .raw nrtterial used ititthe , f100 for Bela Consider this out of exports amounting to 000,000 for PmanKinuucfae° t°ufrest the agricultural populate) $325,000,000, From: this Jot' by the manufacturers Tortured o It is related that ee olden times Chose $00 frone whom th model Jil among them all be ; could eent eels of toes, If he h wbat luck woad be *Itle buttoned boo