HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-06-09, Page 641 43,4 1 . Berl Ria n ,. Why is it that fol who like to do et thing are not conten o Ado it, and leave others unadvised to : t for themselves ? Why should they ins dkton pefiting every body into -their pint ure,eed condem- ning all who happen trot to fill it exactly? 'This peculiarity is elinrr iouous in. social habits, in the • routine of everyday life. The man, who oonfi s, himself to two meals in 24 hours, • es he has cause of grievance against a man preferring. three or four meals. be woman who en goys society and travel, feels uncharitable toward the entirely domestic stay-at-home body. In nothing is this gait mare observable than in getting up ii the morning, about which people differ o very widely. They who choose to lie late are amiable enough leve, from a queer hat they ought to Fat the dawn would ley should co-oper- it in countenance ng. But the early- cl y or . so tolerant. steal to the late lier, Fye of him, and are wholesome counsel toward those who ! sense of hospitality welcome the dawn ; 1 be distressed unless tt ate with it, and kee for its premature cox risers are net so. leIf not positively in.E they,greatly-clisappl inclined to give hi against his habit. Can any one tell being up at or befo man an assurance What specific and leaping out of bed in the dark ? Whit ferrel on the fellow in the morning, bou vertise such inca questiona,and their mysterious root of be no question t rider conceives tha ments are eonsery an ample system of pears at breakfast, ask those at table ung ignorance on takes particular Having been told 7, or 8 o'clock, he with grand gusto, .honrs before any ceeds.-to patronize, ner, the inferior ashamed to confe prejudice in favor o die of the night enjoy this exalted thrice or twenty t le plumes himself question, and each worth and person What offense is protract it in the ited upon us so informed us that except in sleep, si be ardently encou _ after dawn. Do tl the Seven -Deadly y the mere fact of daylight yields to a moral superiority ?• 'fling virtue's there in d dressing one's self own of honoris con - ho, unable to sleep es up betimesto 'd- y ? These be subtle ewers inhere in the rigs. But there can he habitsally early he Ten Command - in him in addition to thics. When he ap- is very likely to en -they rose, feign - int on which he s to die • informed. t they rose at 6, or variably announces, Wh►,,11was uptwo out.' Then he pro - a very lofty man- rtals 'who are not that they have no ettingup:ini the mid - r is he content to humph once, twice, es. Every morning Anew, puts the same 'rue adds to his moral onsequence. ere in•sleep, that to rrning should be vis - rely.? +Casuists have n.is always sinning, lrlich should, therefore, • edewhether before or eeven Sleepers typify , or does -the early riser design to bait oozle our theology ? We suspect the later for he is an incom- prehensible, wholly inconsistent person, who obviously thin : that his matutinal self -elevation shoul atone for any and all ether defects whets° er. It is not sleep but sleep in the m Ring to which he is hostile. He is fon of saying that we cannot be in bed tc, 1 P ng before midnight, or too briefly after ybreak. And then there is some sort nrquity appertaining . to the bed. He i self will frequently ' get up at 4 or 5 o' •l' ck, and, after dress- ing descend to a library or sitting room, Chow hims 1f on the lounge, and be dozing in five 'rites. He does not feel any shame for t� is • either; although. at breakfast he. will ready to hector his sons or brothers -i -I w, who' .were at' the 'same time inaudibl, engaged asleep over- head, for being ire: eemable sli}ggards. It is noticeable the the early riser often compensates hime'e for his greeting • to the dawn; by frege naps between that hour and his requ : bed -time. He gets up, but only to lie; wn again ; he is' not up for all day, no there need of it, in his . judgmen:t aft has performed the one important du y, r I The whole mat i ies in this: it is good for persons to rise lea ly who want to do so or who have soma hing to occupy them, but they who hav n necessityand enjoy sleeping,ought to be rivileged tolie abed without discredit of,e ndemnation. This jts rank heresy we are. ware, but we are averse to fanaticism, even on this time- honored subject. T ere are virtues al- together independent of the hour of get- ting ting up,,and some on who haste slept late have gone to t ei graves with blame- less records, and eft large estates for' el over. To get' up getting up is not of ce, and vices might they are deep and of expatiate. Late een bullied and per - book, down to to much you can mete. After t weelrb ! you, will much more you c could at first. So of concentrating with cultivation. About e 1 To prevent the a bruise, take a root, moisten it place it on tie best done immei the action of the is said to be inva To color m� dye of one pout enough to cover two pound cloth. Let the a' icle;rem for two hours Wring out the dye a sufficient quantit. of indigo to melte t of the ed. Let the cloth remain i hour. -An English jo ~nal giv ing advice to hop keepers are in danger from the att; " Takes west sb or othe upon the carpet, ' d then iron over it, so a conrve into steam, whit enetrat beneath and deal ys the lif ate math."- --To bleach cl ' hes : Di ful of refined b " ax in water • boil the c thea in 1 r • t 1 their kindred to guar merely for the sake o necessity a saving gr be named -it is true dark --which it will n sleepers have so long l secuted that they would seem to have earned indulgence. The inexorable early riser should compassionate them at last, and permit them to go to perdition if they will, on downy beds of ease. • Even if they be resolved to mesh upon destruction from hair =tresses 10 them rush, while he may seek absolution for non-interfer- ence by getting up for six menthe at 2 o'clock in the mornin . It is well not to . b beguiled by saws and counsels on the s bject. Most of them had their origin in a , intent era, and un- der conditions totally lifferenf from those now existent, Our re ate ancestors went to bed early becase there was nothing else to do. Their de cendants of to -day go to bed late and g t up late for very.. much the same reason. Country folk seek. their pillow from shoe fatigue,from wear- iness, from want of mental stimulant. City people avoid t eir pillow, for at .dark their recreation egins, and the joys of the night are poetic and manifold. The latterhalf of the nine eolith century is an age. of gaslight; of mi night suppers, of nocturnal pleasures, o turning night into day. He who goes bed early cannot see the realities or the ghosts of the time, and to rise early would subject him to a splendid isolation, besides fittiug him ere. long for a sleep in the cemetery. • P Loose Reading. $came people are inveterate readers, yet they rarely remember what they read. They peruse a book or paper, merely to while away an idle hour -not with a view to . mental improvement. p a Tien` tem of whet yo g it regular pl to remain p = r t apidly, d Tone's th®�P__. It he $o 10- 1 kin's•disc ori le dry sta c h o nth cold. a Jared p: rt. rely, so a. to qr upon tl u.ble for b nick 'edge:gni :o : 'of fusti , an o of ee in and of d Itchy for ea .,.boor n you e habit grow after arrow- • r, and This is revert . This es. ake wrr arm: or thee dye 'add to ex tract reqnhalfti tin th . follow- • op . carpets `hs o moths:: Tole h, lay it hot flat= e water! carpet •inchosI. 'n t. way : One ouuee f oxalioa. 'd of water ; a tum er of thi :• to t lens of water, i.' t in the lot well ; then rinse twice. 1 To 'brown cloth, boil n weak ly =, a day and night to he sun a d n keep the clothes • ell sprin . ed. -The followin_ plan is "p several persons o have • relief of burns Or calds T of finely powered alu thoroughly with e whites • f and one teacup'b fresh lard.; a cloth and appl3 to the • : its It gives almost i tent relic and, by excludin' the air flammatory act en. 'Thi should be change at least -A lady write eif profes gives the folio ing ,advi whose children have the get a piece of a pais skin bib, cut out the eck and to tie it on ; th ;n melt tallow and pine !tr .; rub s the chamois, an let the ch the time. My b 1 had th ever she took co , .and si the chamois I h e 'had no Renew with tar ccasionall -Fine cheese always outs smooth b has a roughness of su ce.; yielc] sure of the fin~:; brealk does not crumb' rind ; 'breaks do with no harsh fee and thumb ; di mouth, has no st: leaves a relishable good cheese, but fancy that cheer relish -To make har lime sal soda an pounds ; dissolv boiling soft wate a hand lions j of •dnothec a pint ree gal- es.; stir whiten d expos ht air ed b t for th ne dram nd mi wo eggs read on burned? fr+m pain, pre ents in a+plicatio'+ ce dar.• perieno moths ere p : Fire e a little n taper er some f this: in ear it ll pw e . put 1r trouble; ose grained igh regula to he pre'', lily, but las A 'etnoo h, elastic n mellow end rich, and ling betwe n - •he finger ssolves ;re it in the Gong or ra fi vor, and taste. M t • :le Tike seldom g. tin: itop, they has fort m • o spec I I 1 soap : • 'res slacked • tallow, +f ach . two the soda + o + e galylon •,; mix in. < ►, a me, s'.tiri ring occasionally -for a fe • ho rs ; after which let it settl::; pourin P , ff be clear liquor and boilin the tallow u til it is all dissolved ; •c.i+l it in al at box and cut in bars or ca . es as des ed. wish it flavored, , efore it i coo little sassafras of . A chea ora soap is to take I tash si pd four pounds, ros quarter of Beat up the resi' , mix all tdg set aside for fi e days, ' en whole into a to -gallon c : k soft water and et r twice irid da days, at the end;, f whicht have one hundr d pound soap. e to iii 1 a If stir to m ` ke nds, 1 r you d they d put he f war for ten e you will of excellrt� Alleetiees4etfte right th ng The frit.' Dn int w'41 grow ear , until fi al - doing rieLetta cit, •and do th''ir F ree1n an 1 elute •-rpm {+' ity. C 'rr;nd Trunk rains 1 dye Seaitrtl► Station (1 nqa W, ay '` igl t Aimee Met Egg� netting Express !Day Express a o' I To ei B0�' We want to ; ay fe r or P to the boys. It is not he fortuny of : very oy to have parents ho are a : a + d will ng to send him to' college, + e : he; an pursue a regularcourse of s + d , have he benefits of literery societie ,, a d be in ;contact with cultivated in.s. he 'greater number,tf boys ;be on; to t is class,. and whit; from pp un : ry and other causes they may not e a le to en- joy these advent ges, and t re : re many ways by which t ey can i fore ,them- selves, andin th end reach he goal that should be'the en and aim of : very lad. It is unnecessary) to the buys' + . w many of the most eminent men of eve age and country commenced at the lotto :+ round of the ladder, and by persistent u tiring ef- fort finally reached the top.! t .s : means of stimulating the youthful nd, we sug- gest the establismeet of 1 ce ens -de- bating clubs in very neig r + ood. Of course, the olds men in be + eighbor• hood should take part in 4e xercises. The ladies shoul lend thei re ence arid assistance. Thee exereis m: y consist of declamations orations, I o,+positions and debates. 'ese we ly meetings will cause the oys,; tyre en and the women, to read nd think r t emselves and this will pro . e a great ref:'ng to all in after years. y these man: boys ac- custom themselr es to pub is peaking and are better a le to do eir part as citizens whenowrf; to an':. estate. We have noticethe effects of these or- ganizations, and he self-reli nc: learned in these schools is visible lin all after years. Boys wh • attend these societies learn to read, to write, to .thin : and to speak. ..It is her.among the seool-boys of the land, that the future s tesmen, orators, philosop ers and thin ers will be found. • Do the - ight Thin Whenever you two things to do, that which is rig not parley ; but s I and do the right divide that apple be careful not to yourself. Youn of the basement to escape your •far One of . these loose readers once said he let not the most had recently read ie some paper -he rent in those littl couldn't remember wir man named Johnson -h was Johnson- who barrels of potatoes t lieved it was barrels, ere it was -of a sumof your life:] believed his name are, what your lo v, ad raised 1,000 cannot afford . to d the acre -he be - it .might possibly re in doubt let your cle(eisi t. Do. not • uare up Ito t ing..Boy'! with your littl keep the lar:. man; ! don#t s oor because, y her's eye. fling deceit .p acts whiolr No matter or where you ch is IIppi t• that whi The only way to obtain ht have been bushels h w rite pleasure yoursel , is to cc�� thing. Was potatoes, though possibly g You may not a ways hit i pp , seemed a good deal you should, nevertheless, ai hh a mistaken about : with every trial y (:possible, it must Whether you are an acre ! Now for it by others ; ingly make you whether no other knows of your ac • hich of .n beidr aver, do Pe mark. hen you sister, eat half eak outs •u went] adame !i :s cur ake the] ho you ive, you wrong. ess` and e right he ,• ark, but n a it, and crease. blamed 11 seetr- rer, or ourself ys, and ur skill • 1 o be prat cid 0 Whether t sit richer t person but ion, still t;lf N IF I W Y.- foll s .08 P. .55 P. 05' A. .00 P. 55 A. 1. A. .. ..,g. .. .. ......� rein xea i .... ...:. Mixedkmoo ,........•.... Morning Mixed Afternoon Mixed i... • Leucon, uron = • d B x`e sour ' ... 7.M"il. 1 B l�ggrrave�s ' d� . 7.40 A. „ 1: +Blyth.....~... ... 8.05 A. . 1 Londesborough. '.... 8.20 A. , . 1 'Clinton............. 9.5o A. ' Brucese ...., . .... 9.15 A. Nippon.. . ....... 9,80 A. Hensel''' Exeter......... .....10.05 A. London, arrive. ! 11.40 A. 0130 NOsfis- Mix. London, depart 7.80 A. MM. Exeter......... 114:8055A. $ensall.. Nippon : 11.10 A. Brucefeld . • ...11.85 A. Clinton...... .....,12.25 A. Londesborough , 12.55 A. Blyth.....]... 1.25 P. Belgrave - 1.55 P. B� i1 in�m, arriV.. 2.80 Pi GET A TH CARRI I Is the .00 P. �uoet lied A. .40A. .15 A. I.55 A. .001'. .25 P.13 . .50P. :05 .05 P.g. .00 P. . Mail 5,00 P. 8.85 P. 7:00 .' . 7.10 P. 7.25 P. . 7.55 P. . 8.20P. M. 0,85P. 9.00 P. M. . 925 P. M. TYLI "N- ' IC SEAFO ' H • GE WORK1S iglit Place to Go. • t AN 8c C ., Have this season sold ove 14 nd have:still o' if hand a ehicles, and are making ore. Several Phaeton Buggie and D c crat mons of the latest sty es and neatly nished now r. ady. Good mate and good work are rat Inake our vehicles,sell so rapidly. , For a neat, Stylish and Substantial 1 oh we will no class ourselves -second to + y' in the tra Repairing of all kinds( promptly nd :nded to. Our Prices ar PI frwo GO Bug ies, ew %rat-' ass 1 e,. em H Low. L1VIAN D REQ► WHY ati- Jo:: IS THE EST PLACE E T YOUR O S BUY OLC THI;N'G - FI RST1 You get the Best V or your money. ue ei be had SECON You are always sure 4 a PERFECT f'IT. W. HILL, Opposite Commercial Hotel, R. LS All orders sent by manor othcrwiee p attended to; A discount of 8 percent on rt Aces before purchasing elsewhere. 18 GARB OW ROT large ning and ERS. HAS 1 THE ARGEST, IN SEAFORTH. NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW ‘131)ST OPE DRE cloorie DREeS TRIMMINGS TA-E3SEL;1.E4 FRINGS BALL FRINGgS 'NEW DRAB ORSETS NEW WHITE 0ORSET1 NEW KID GLOVES NEW LISLE GLOVES NEW STRIPEO HOSE NEW COLLARS AND 0111FFS NE NEr/ FRILLS Ain RUF NE04,13.44.. VEILS NEW BGARF VEILS NiW LACE TIES NEW SILK TIES 'NEW REAL LAOES NEW Minn An FEAT ERS NEW ECRU NETS NEW CRU SILK ECRU LAOES, LES N. B. -A Few Real Hair Switches at a Large Dia Orr ieeiMitSv Cheap Cash Store, U NRIVALL!ED IN BLACK SILK PARASOLS, la tion -See Them. Choice Stock of SILK UiRRELLAS BROWN caul 9AY LUS RES 'at 2F) Elegcvnt Assortment of LINEN COLLA Piks of PRINTS at 6 ands 7 1101 I Yards GREY COTTON. cet • 5 HATS that axe HATS, SCA.RFS, HO Bottom Prices, I a' Polund,s SUGAR for Si, 6 R. P. ROGE TRACT. ON 1*1 lack, Brown caul een. ents per ycerd--Pironcletful S, CUFFS cimcl LACE TIElf. lents per paircl. IEIRY and GLOVES 4t Rock " Noted " for Popular Prices. HAVE DECIDED TO REMAI slc 0- • ,- AN C' Rik MANX1 ACT>li O Mast MOWER GrestleXatere AD CLAI IOWA -Steel ,Cirsuk Boxes, Me ,Pitmen atts 14 �j yo' 450 years ago or the oeked at the gatses of geion the Elbe as stroll ashad ever leeZu seen lel There were ZOO t mewled leer of children. T kin with jet blaek woxe strange _game bed and edirty, limits tolerate& by ring eitizens of Luneb them horses, donkeys re ;led by two men who as Duke and ouots., alcine Were" dyessed -some kin 4or, aria rOde richly caparison y *ere, most courteous in ey scorned careful to concir talked among themselves a*Ste age, ata they undexstood th the Country. All they ask the gates., All the Lunebur • Out to gaze openonouthed grims, while the Duke -and I told the -eu.thorities their tale, wild and romaritie even &de bus, kindly, Iteeriti lortie TgD eta mid gi tineouesiPtinh:itangbelin:vi: tinging resat orifee,0,I HE BAST * IORITY ARE: sterrwienwilth ox Metal Mini and most durelge yet melee s ar, never warping, of shape. 117" e steel linger tato *rty.eight neh Driving e, giving 61140 ightlyiefies a earingvegc dine lel dust and i dirt fro . th Working pa s of the machine. 1 stria control ', 11,ttinolsiev:iticirsaltd and !tibial tely No Side Draft, Guaranteed to rhe fast or s ow, and under in. the driv teattorm er teeming sew= instant °mar of , . . t Dir.i."*7 1lerYtnadiliaertof filet Ilr•esolaLtehiEHevelnatioilial 0,.;01 NO 0 HER, ot Out die Best Oa- ,NOX9 PRESIDENT. MaChin pry Beat TA DARK) both Mo g and Beep T Fir LD :TRIAL R18 1871, thp !I Jet kid eYeceeee 4/tinee bat The J4. ES • f r the Sale of the above and All:';01i,er Kinds :et' ImpleMeni‘. THEY HAVE THEREF E • N SEAFO Fer LAID Ig A OF 'ALL OLA,SSES DRY GOOD WHICH THEY ARE DETERMINED TO OF ER AT THE VE EST PRIC S. THEIR' STOCK OF GROctRiE LOW - IN ES 8L LIQUORS IS VERY COM LE E. An Early Call S ligited MAD Und the pu above bran HAVIN 11 717 RE. uo-rip PRI ES. tit S, ROCER ES, RE Ye 0 THIN BOOTS ,AND tic to the fut tha ht Is dealingin the hes 9 businegei is selling at 1 Su ay LO PRICES.1 AR E STOOC OF OD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. All parties wanting to buy Liquors of the best quality are invited to Ivisit THOMAS D. RYAN'S NEW ST9RE, ON M AR 15 Err STREET, Where they will fmd that they can ge go d value for their money. Hotel Keepers and Others bu m ARE SPECIALLY REQU ST Any Orders left at' Killoran it Ryan's el sta shortest notice. in Large Quantities D TO CALL, nd will be attended to on the T. D. RYAN, SecVorth. ch • the 14 at Prig s Seemly Covering oat of Pro notion. FI CLASS HIE AL 0 KEEPS AN stol FL 14hifh ;re sold; OUStO cel it vs Just ope d out for tt Spring and Sum- mer de Large au hoiee Stock of 00 AND HOES, 11 MLOCK Ousand ONSTAN LY FEED, oil Gristing IF YOU WANT. TO GET "OD GOO S D CHEAP 'GOOD GO TO LEE'S FLOUR AND S ED STORE. Just Arrived,..a Fresh Swpay of Groc rieS, Gvela4swohaLpe .amd rockerY, Preserve jars of all ND DELIVERED AS USUAL CASH FOR E GS, FLOUR AND FEED CONSTANTIIY ON liAN SUGAR§ VERY CHEAP. Give ua a 7'rial and be convznced of the Pala. THOMAS L.I4 1 A.1.1 CAMPI3M1.11", MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTH MIR, SEA FOR 1.1, IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE STO K F ALL KINDS, OF THE SPRING TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, AN GENkRAL FURNISIONGS, AT ?THE 1.0VtlEST 9VOTATIONS;* • Ali, of whic wil be sold at Very Low Mmes. atte tion to the ioregoing advertise - a the pnb c -g rally for tle Liberal Patronage ex nded h in the past, hoping, by sk.riet at ention to bud ass, to meri the same in the fu use. A. GOVENLOOKI WINTHROP AW L?GS AW Mil; OF ALL KINDS. tit ef ELM LOGS suitable fox the of oops. ufaeture tiveltoggi ata ad &alp sea useilse of L and Pi' kets est Any other Mill. ' ry description, also Shingles, ways on hand, and the testy POSTS FOR SA4. 441ain while, the tears of iftoodaatTa7eln .olek.0:_nferanyeablirtetbh: Coohrini nd Fin 11,1,:0:._7"Iplii:enitygeshiellombeertuzliode:foiy:Itil out Of f hien tor more thaiel ;and o e still told of -dresie gypt as well es iee gmYraiteteinvle434,-Irti r:Olites ander .filie Ju: fitran en, came from'Egnet land. f cenix. It was ons; of . Pecater ry of the Satacen were then a happe T' their valley ,g,ole th 'eer inie artteen evw,il°reouiprPiton! peeseentione of their 1i1 I -he e they turned their fac( mor e to deep fell npon -the- and o rney to Rome ie ho wee ation with - the Oh -were graciously , -received le wia0 prOmised to admit the Wa ering. They had let fro. Ning Sigismund -won, ir 1 Yid :oaf potiduct and recommen the protection of all honest Lu ebiirg folk were touched al Of so much suffering in ' they granted the request of t 'Tbey allowed them to en -watched in callosity whilst weeepitclied, the -asked. bab on thole. rass, the donkeys the lariiis kettle slung ove kie.d1 Ere ; then they wen • next y the strangers visit In, the evening a geed man ustseam eggs doub a in their owners gazed at t found. Could it le that th -these esting con and t a al ne eekerit after holiness Ilia pilgrims, so gentle us and Im hie, we ieves1 The next day - because the gentle s en tbe aet, red -band bow to meet a ease their 41£1 and the picked, purloined poultry. -Then D unto him his brother Ver knaves. -This w ' the firs fell to thankingalod th a,rance of Gypsies, It p ace to appear ine • The lbe is aleng way pone ou tra-Vel by sea, ,whiele have been the Case ; an nd would not only have , ere fatiguing, init wO think, have lea to gonna ne_ ever,' the 0 ypsits Certain] ; f, and henceforth history On severel flting near appeared. In some parts -eaten 30 per cent, of the The Inieel whieh are in - in ail respeets reSemble ;Ordinary field niousee; tilt to four ineheeele- and large arf3 alMost are 'oroven.coloreel on colered en the belly ; of the few that '-e-tere .vegetable matter only, 'Club have appointed a tioni Of weasels ant; bird ,geseed as the beet reme painful ine ten rOft to the ROA. A lett ; he very moneent of 1 fo Intihnge graanyd ibl,anianq-ai,iret ,Ibtdihr(MAg°heaftdabebrni: 1 lky- et t 0 il thlYril,ezoterie; ' i of Chantrey's the ex was rejected, he 1 ii ,A cable message an organic Union w Rof, tfuhoennetFvrodroeepgrarCeshnilinsetlbriaof have long been one lemma. Thtis,too, 0 Ithe old world are ,for Christ's