HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-06-09, Page 5ar. • A- JUNf 91. 187g. moommioniammommomili Moved by J. Ittasem Britton, that $300 be ex avel road north of Cilia ly distributed on said township, provided said road ed by the County Connell, be expended in grave ' .reetion of the Reeve and ried.. Moved by J. Bei, J. Warwick, that the Doi. n McMillan- and other* be 1 that $50- be expended y line of Hullett and MoRtn, d that the Council of Me • e same amount; and that tttn on Side Ronda 5 and 6, Cont. I that the petition of S. Shaw be granted, and that $60 he the boundary line of Ra eels, provided that the, petn the same amount to be ex. er the direction of the Reeve: at $50 be expended on tit 'ons. 11, 12, 13, and 14-, 1 under the direction of the ried. Moved by J. Warwick y J. Mason, that the petition' ice and others praying .for ate a sidewalk from Lonnes. the railway station be nit Ferried. Moved by J. Maio; y J. Warwick, that $15 be Ca Eason, who met with an awards paying his doctor'a 4. Moved by J. Brittoa, y J. Warwick, that $600 be a roads and bridges duringthe r as follows, viz.: $200 on the livision under the direction eith aucl'J. Mason. ; $200 a )ad division'underthe &tree, :a8011 and J. Britton ; $200 On tad division, under the diree. Varvviek and J. Howson ; and easurer be authorized to pay regal(' work on the orders of id Councillors for their respec• divisions -Carried. Council were then adjourned until 'text, and the Court of Revi. gain opened. Moved bv J. conded by. J. Warwick, -that be now disposed of as follow, Fisher, Thosi Palterinan (ap- it Ball), J. Upshall, E. Man• dU to remain ag assessed -Car - Court was then acljo rued. th at Londesborough an Friday, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Hay. MEETING AND COURT ea RE. he Court of Revision was held, to notice, in the town hall, Saturday, May 27th. All the resent. After taking the usual Lice, there being no appeals assessment for 1876 the Cond. 61lowing alterations in the as. ells. Moved by Daniel Mo- lded- by J. C. Kalbfleisch, that ing parcels of land be taken oi resident rolls and placed on it rolls, viz.: S of Lot 22, Con. es ; S. of Lot 23, COM 10, 50 ts 17, 44, 67, 82, 16, 18, 20, 27, 34, 85, 8, 53, 12, 13, 14, 15, s 45, village of Hensall, Lot 7, ,ndary, Lot N of 3, Ocha. 5, n. 5, W of Wt of Lot 5, Con. 11, of Lot 9, Con. 5, X of Ni of m. 7, of N of Lot 18, Con. I. Moved by Wm. Wilson, by J. B. Geiger, that the tol- erations be made in the resident 6G, village of Zurich, name o Jacob Zeller, Wt of Lot 26, hanged. to David Kropf, that licks be assessed $400 iecome • Kercher, Lot 18, Con. 12, be to $4, 863, and that the follow- s be assessed for the Na of Lot a instead. of Alva Baker, viz.: en south east, corner, 5 acres, lifer, two-fifths acre, Fredrick r -fifths, Cornelius Pardy, two- ( Thomas J. Wilson, balance of acres=Carried. Moved by Coll, seconded by J. C. Kalb• iat the Court of Revision be to meet on Monday, June o'clock, Pe M. -Carried. all of the Reeve, the council 'clock, M. All the mem', at. Moved by Wre. Wilson, y Daniel McColl, that Nicholas pathmaster for the village of nd that he also be a pound- 'arried. Moved by J. C. Kalb- onded by J. B. Geiger, that be and is hereby instructed to hael Zeller to remove his fence ideline between Leta 5 and 6, ily-Carried. Moved by J. C. b, seconded by 3. B. Geiger, dlowing gentlemen be appoint ssioners to regulate the manner travel shall be taken out of the pits, viz, : Geo. Thompson, on 2, 'Wm. Campbell, Lot 9, ristan Sehrader, Lot 18, Con. lien, Lot 2-1, north boundary, ItJt 15, Con. 9, Christian ot 19, 'Con, 13, Louis Walper, ne 12, and Wm. Bell, Lots 4 on. 1, Tuckersmith-Carried. Dania McColl, seconded by bfleiseh, that the auditors be im of $8 each,for their services, "red lless be paid $3 for mak- ' line fence on town hall prop- ried. Moved by Daniel_ Me- lded by Wm. Wilson, that the a be granted for prize Books itive examination of the pub= • in this township, on condition . Miller, Inspector, make the f prize books or appoint parties --Carried. Moved by Wm. cconded by J. C. Kalbfleisch, w Jae. 1, of 1875, bo repealed Bowing substituted All per - e Dames are on, the assessment . sed up to $400 shall be liable to Lute labor, over $400 and under ys, over 'S'00 and under $1i200, er aria under $1.,800, 5 ,-..;1,800 and under $2,600, 6 $2,600 and. under $3,400, 7 83,400 and. under $4,200, 8 it1,200 and under- $5,000, 9 for every additional $1,000, 1 all males over 21 and. under 60 go not assessed shall perform 2 te labor- Carried. Moved by Sen, seconded by J. C. Kalb' let the statement of recounts st year as handed in by the received, and the accounts hi tirer be filially passed by this lid that the Clerk be authorMU copies of auditors report 'arried. Moved by Daniel cc:ended by J. G. KaIbfleisch, olas Diehert be paid the sumoi ening Jas. McGivenay 9 weeks, • his leg at the village of Zurich Moved by Daniel McColl, bY J. C. Kalbfleisch, that the d Deputy Reeve be and are thorized to employ any means secure the conviction of the iity of giving J. McGivenay the Sunday on which he brOIF tarried. Moved by Wm. Wil' ,". Juin 9 1876. TH H 0 son, seconded by S. C. Kalbfiensch, that this council do now adjourn to meet in the town hall, on Monday Jnne 12th, at 10 o'clock, A. M.--*-Cirraed, Tuckersmith. &goof, BOARD Marrana.--The School Board met on Saturday, June 3. Present -Messrs. Sproat, Walker, Robertson and MeConnell. Letter from the Inspector read, requiring acre of more land for awls No. 4 and 8. Mewl. Sproat and McConnell were authorized to purchase the same. Messrs. Robertson and Sproat reported, having examined the abets in No. 1, and having found them very un- suitable, were authorized to have new swats and desks put in the senior divi- sion. The Secretary was instructed to apply`to the Coancil, at their next meet- ing, for the sum of $1,250 from the OahooI fund, in addition to the Legislative grant, to pay salariesdueteachers on the bt of August. COUNCIL MEETING. -The Council met on the 26th ult. as di Court of Revision. There being no appeals, after a careful examination of the assessment roll,it was moved by J. Macdonald, seconded by W. Sproat, that the assessrnent be confirmed as the revised assessment of 1876, and that this Gond do now adjourn --Carried. The Council resumed. the transaction of ordinary business. Moved by4. Lang, seconded by D. Walker; that the asses- sor be paid $80 for his servicem-Carried. Moved by J. Macdonald, seconded by D. Walker, that the following accounts be paid: B. Philips, refund of statute labor, ; J. Brown $4 50, Wm. Curtis $16 50, for teaming; G. E. Cresswell, disburse- ments as charity, $20 85 ; that the path - master in Brucefield be supplied with 5,000 feet of plank, of Egmondville with 3,000 feet, and of Harpurhey with 3,000 feet for the purpose of building sidewalks and that the Reeve be authorized. to pur- chase the same.; and that the following • jobs be ler by,tender: Gravelling between Seaforth and Egmondville, 55 cords ; Mill road, west of Egmondville 25, cords; near Brucefield, 15 cords ; Huron road, west of Seaforth, 50 cords; London road, near Clinton, 20 cords ; Kipper' road - south of Egmondville, 70 rods ; near Buboy's, 40 rods ; Leatherland's, 30 rods; Scott's, 20 rods ; Moore's 20 cords; Dobbie's, 15 cords ; Kippen, 60 rods ; L. R. S.- Con. 2, near lcoat's 20 rods • Con. 2, near Plewes' 20 rods ; Con. -3, between Lots 5 and 6, 40 rods ; H. R. S. -Con. 9, near McIntosh's, 20 rods • Con. 2, between Lots 30 and 31, 26 rods; between Lots 5 and 6, 20 rods; Con. 10, near Pybus', 20 rods ; that the Clerk be instructed to have 50 bills of the above printed and distributed, and that the same be let on Thursday, Jane 15th, at Wilson's hotel, Egmondville-Carried. Moved by J. Lang, seconded by Wm. Sproat, that the Council do now adjourn to meet at Wilson's hotel, Egmondville, on June 15th at 10 A. M. ---Carried. sonmemnsiennisom Huron Notes. think the high price of 240. and is yOt used for agncunral the purchaser must have od ho future Qf this town." The 0 Vew sh •not have annonuced this sale unt the Equalization Cimmittee ported. ' l Sod -At a meeting of the Direct West Riding Agricvlturaifi in Goderich on Tuesd4y, the qriei the place for holding the fall ,sho up, and after some discussion McDonagh's proposal to furnish accomodation at Smith's ed. It was further offeret to exhibition free to all charged at the hall. -Building operations are goin briskly at present in -Olyth. 15 forty buildings have been contr already, among which the foll the principal ones :- Handsome b deuce by Dr. Sloan,hotel Cook, hardware store by Mr. Win which will be finished in a general store by Mr. C. Flo Roman Catholic church, which great ornament to the village. III -One day last week as a Kin Dyer, of the Exeter Planing M. working around a circular saw, reaching past it while in mo while doing so, the saw which M revolutions in a minnte, caught sleeve of his shirt, and in a twin arm, a short distance below hi' was almost severed, all the flea cut, and the bone just untouche oare was taken of him and - me4l sistanoe at once rendered. He is! ing will. Good potatoes were selling on- the streets in Wingham last week at 20 cents a bag. 'iWho wouldn't eat potatoes when w e -Several of those Who purch enjoyed the right to sell liquor Wingham Driving Park during' , he of the races, having forgotten tc{ c with the reqiiirements of thbn st were brought to account by Mil Scott, Inspector for East Huron each case fined $20 arid costs. tors of Driving Parka should 'if the sale of liquors on their groht trifling revenue deny booths is no coinpen occasioned throughthis means an ful and unobjectionable institnti n discredit cast upon what might loe -Some time since, Mr. Wilspn, Brussels Foundry, mailed a le te taining po to Messra. Wood & Leggatt, a city firm, but received no acknoviledge- ; ment of its receipt. 'Enquirieslwere set on foot by the Post -office authorities, and the whereabouts of the missingIletter heti been traced. It now appears 'that the iatton in Ott ptit it has. not nowledge ey ofbi a hmoettvd hen they this the old Bir ter :Pea re- Potft ! g heat, per bnehei.• Wheat, per bushel s, r bushel... . . e , per bushel 0, er bushel 0 0 te 1....., ..•••....•.,..,.....1„.•,••0 ,,., 1 .▪ 1 1 V -• 4 0 .erten, i. 0 9 4 LINTolf, 3' 4-• • • 0 0 o the eld of .T. rent pt - the t6 or 11 ar te in ck a ery of for are resi-s R. gg, ays, d a be a of Mr. lis,was he was on and k • 400 he ight :11 go;v8, •eing . very ic 1 as - no do- e 0 d from th ation for. and the days mply tute, nald d in prie- allow The le of evil the use - f the con - 1 • • a Pr ids th Beef. Wool F Sp o8 1. money letter reached its desti due course, but that Mr. Legg in the pocket of a coat which since worn, and forgot to aek the receipt. ThiaiS an instars post office officials are frequent, for negligence or carelessness NV are entirely innocerit. -The Clinton Ned) Elyt has it ing : "A case which is providin able food for the goesips, recen red. in a place not a' great dist . Clinton. It seems that a cert they are so cheap? lost his wife, -by de th, about; -Mr. Davis, of Usborne, has a hen since. She had se acely been capable of laying eggs measuring 6 by in the cold ground, ;before ;lai fii inches, and weighing 44 ounces. This man --commenced paying hia hen should be sent to the CentenniaL --Mr. Anthony Rayman, of Grey, has an egg layed by a black Spanish hen, and now the recent idower fin which. measures 61- by 81 inches. This in the, unenviable, id, doubtl egg is now in process of hatching, and ed, position, of bei g the subj ct of th r. Rayman expects to get a mammoth sneers and " congr tulatory 'I remarks of chicken out of it. all the townspeople, many of them ex -Rev. J. Grecnway, who has lately been " on trial" as a minister of the Bible Christian denomination. in the southern part of this county, was ordained at the annual Conference in Oshawa; on Satur- day. to a person scarcell yet out ofwere md ie follow- corisid er- ly OMIr. nce from in Mr. B. ur weeks aid away -an of ttention er teens. one flesh, s himse as merit u Th f w 1.1 o$ Lonnon, June 1,1 wheat per 100 lbs $1.5 g VV heat, $1. 68 to $1.74 ; Peas, $1.11 to $1.1 to $1.05 ; Wo�l per lb. r, 15c to 17c- ; Eggs, 10c • TORONTO, June re were in to -day abouk2, eat, at $1 10 to $1 13; to $1.11 for treadwell, .09 for sprin;01t00 bush 7 t to 74c, an 2 bushels Hay was abundant, pri $12 to $17.50. Straw so d at $10 to 12. 0. Butter sold. at 17c to24c fo ou rolls. Eggs were w rth 11c 1-1C1 C. ro e 8,1876. 00 1 cis 9s.6 -1 00 25 026 40 @ 0 40 60 01 0 65 15 di 016 20 025 00 10 00 10 011 50 (??) 6 00 25026 8, .1876, 3 to 1.85; ; 0 ts 860 30c 31c; 1 8, 1 76. 00 bushels for white, and, $1.08 is of peal of oats at es ranging TOP ONTO LIVE 1TOCK P jces have generally be Firs class -farmers I cattle scare. and their plebe has be by s fed hav clas and Thi eba bee to fed you eve car 5 tha wa ha 110' qua wa the se. are -Mr. Wm. °mini -ore, of the London react, Stanley, has just sold a farm he late- ly bought at a Chancery sale, Lot 27, Con. 6th, Hay, bo Mr. John Jerratt, for $6,000. He makes considerable on his purchase and sale, besides this year's crop. -The crops in the neighborhood of Londesborough and the west of Hullett never looked better than at the present time. Notwithstanding the late spring, there has been a very rapid grpwth and there is every indication that -a very boun- tiful return will reward the farmer for his labor. -While Mr. Brnwnlee, of Blyth, and a couple of his children. were out driving the other clay, his horse took fright and commenced kicking, and very scion made kindling wood out of the shafts and dash board. Some inen happily kept the buggy from overturning, otherwise a serious ac- cident might have happened. -Mr. Dixie Watson, an old resident of Goderich, has resigned his position of Deputy Reeve of that town, and intends removing to Wingharn. Mr. Watson has been appointed Clerk of the Division Court for the Wingham Divisioinerecent- ly formed. -Mr. Coburn, a temperance lecturer, who has been blind since his youth, de- livered a lecture on temperance recently in Whittielcl'snhurch, Grey, and so elo- quent ancl convincing was his discourse that at its close some 50 -persons were in- duced to come forward and sign the tetot- al pledge. -A meeting of the inhabitants of Blyth was held in the Oilange Hall last Friday night, to consider the advisability of having the village incorporated. A resolution was carried almost unanimous- ly in favor of incorporation. The neces- sary steps are being taken to have it in- corporated forthwith. -At th6 district meeting of the Can- ada MethOdist body, held in St. Mary's recently, Exeter wasniade a station, and withdrawn from the circuit, which will, in future, consist of Centralia, Fairfield, Zion and Elirnville, Centralia being the residence of the ministers in charge. Sextmith will be added to Kippen cir- cuit. 6. • -The large new brick store of Mr. Drew, of Exeter, and occupied by Stanley & German, had a narrow escape from de- struction by fire one night last week. • The fire was discovered in time, the fire- men were promptly on the spot, and the ilanaes were quenched. The fire is sup- posed to have been the. work of an incen diary. -The Exeter Times charges the village assessor with being influenced by political motives in the performance of his duties. He has placed names on the roll of per- sons who had no votes, it is said, for the purpose of making some Reform votes ; errors have been detected in consid.er- able numbers, and, something peculiar, none appearec'l as assessed upon income. -The .N ew Era says that : "As an evi- dence of the confidence entertained in the stability of Clinton, and its prospective progress, we may mention that a sale of an acre and a half on the extreme outskirts took place a few days ago, at what we pressing themsave plication of a coat or a ride on the board." as3in teeter of an ap f tar and feathers, " narrow edge of • • - Auction SaleS. Thursday, June 15, on Lot 24, Con. H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm. Stock, Is plements and Household Furnitur John Robson, proprietor; P Brin auctioneer. - ! ' BI-F7lig. WALsn.-In Settiorth, on (lune 2, t wife of Mr. Ja els Walsh Of a son. xrir BOYD. -In Seafo th, on May 25, t wife of Mr. S. liloyd, of a.,e01n. • CALLAGHAN. -In eaforth,;; ,ri May 2 the wife of Mr John Caprighan, of daughter. BEAM. -In Seafq th . on M y wife of Mr. A. ' am, of a au ANDREWS. -In S wife of Mr. daughter. aforth, on u Valter Andre FARROW. --In Bf evale, on ' [lay 18, t wife of Mr. A. arrow, of a d:ught . MARRIED. --At the resi ewe of er, by Re . •. Boclle, on May 31, N . J. Lyn o James- town, Morris t Wnship, to 1:43 Louisa Eckmire, of E hel, Grey tow ship. MODONALD-PA fERSON.-- In ay 23, at the resider' e of the bride Archi.- bald A. McDonald, to RebeccaPatter- son, of the seedind line of Mo s. GILLESPIE-BUR$.--At the res dense of Wm. Gillespie Hullett, on J ne 8, by Rev. M. Barr, John Gilles ie, to M y R. Burn, of Fi eshire, Sep lan • FOWLER - BARR.----In Lon Ion on June 5, by Rev. D. Oarelin, W lte Fowler, iron moulder, to Mary an Barber, all of London. BUCKLEY-HOOD:.;-4t th eadence of the bride's father, on M y 31, by v. A. McLean, Blyth, Pa k uckl y, of Paris, to 04harme, e st daughuer of George Hooial, of th to nship of Morris. i a • IARKET n steady aye bee n sripplie 0 all fed and eveh by imp rts of corn from Chicago ; prices of all thea been firm at 75 to $5• $econs have continue to be in fair uppl 1, •have sold readily at to -$4 75. $sl -class have la- en. scare d u - ged at $3 50 to $3 75. Sal hay few; a car of tall -fed 8 ld a equ 1 75 here ; a car of Ch'eag corn t $5 ; a car of ririxed, averaging 95 • ds, at $41 25 ; ourcars f stall - aging 1,200 ponlads, at • and two averaging 1,200 pounds, at $ 8: EEP.-The enquiry was less acti e *previously, but all o erin were d, and a good many ore would been taken had they been available; save clipped are now to be had, and tions are for them. Fi st-class are ted and readily bring from $5 to $6, latter for choice only. Second-class at from $4 to 50; butthird-class not wanted, aijd if pressed for sale wil not bring ove 11$3 to $3 0. . MBS.-First-Ohss are n demand; brclught about $4, and or pickings gh as $4 50 has been pa d. Secon e25v.417Tlisiiro w - lot as cla a are plentiful at $3 to $ cl s are not waited, and a of ale at $2 to $ , 00. 14, te hter. e 5, t e s, of a e r. zxPosrroR. TatrizaR4A.Er, Popo THE NEW LIQUOR S • I beg to call the attention of the HOTET., KEEPElkSt FARMER PUBLIC of Seafdrth and vicinity, to the M 0 T 1\T A. 1 H O.T That I have Opened Oat NEW LIQUOR STORE SE)4FORT11-1, THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF THE POST OFFICE, TORE and GENERAL • And directly opposite the Consolidated Bank of Canada, -where I have remove ENTIRE STOCK of Spirituous Liquors. T MECHANICS AND LABO :EB -House -a- and Lot on Soki.1 side of Mark t Street for ale. Easy terms of payment Applyto Mo - QA 1 GHEY & TIOL STED. 489- 1I1 USE TO LET. To Let, the mostoomft, able and well elnuaaed brick ouse, and four on linron-streeti With hard nd sOft water, ..; 1 PEENS, British otel, Seafo th. 421 every convenieneipi necessary Apply to IT. ENDERS WAN ED. -The u ' receive Tender nail Monda en tting a deep drain 'trough the H rpurhey. Particidare can be alooliention to either df the under O VENLOCR, JAMES SCOTT. dersigned - will , auric 19, or nriii ground, at obtitined Rion igned. ROBT. i 444-2 APILE FARM Co f,y of Idn- ES 'AY, JUNE at ORG by vi ne a cn4ain m rt - he ale, the fol- ge 1 om Andkew Lo Numbe'r 7, d wnship of e ant Three nts re said to Fr ins ineTamlery Fra e Stale. has mone to anc ,ternisWill fn tiler pa ie - RS Solicit re, E SON,8 sq., L YNN-ECKM1RE the bride's at S htiterIA N.At cihis moth Grey, on Jun fi 5, y1r. Brussels, aged31 3ears. SLANE-R.-In thp to nshi Kippen, on Jthie W 73 years. I, • D W. -In Usbone, en M Ainn, youngest ,claughte De, aged 2 ars and 3 • 1 11 THE MARK UCTION SATM OF A VAL in the Township of Stanley, ro .-There will be 'pd. on WED 21t, at 1 o'clock in Le afternoon H TEL, in the Villt.ge of BAYF of a Power of Sale cpntained in lia,Iwhich will be produced at 1ov1ng Property : Under mortg B Brownson ; The ,orth part o in'Range F, Bayfiel Road, of ea ng improvem Stley, eontainin ' by e.dmea Aces. The following be on the premises: A two-story ai1 Dwelling Ho 4, and a T RMS :-One-ten h of the pur bet paid on the day I sale; for ba be made known at tie sale. Fo uJ.ra apply to JO ES BROTH M sonic Hall Toro to, or to JO Ba old. r s residenee, Strachan, of f Hay, near ed . y 29 of mon TS ter, Marha. Mr. John tbs. SEAFORTH, June 8, 1816. Fall Wheat 1 C5 to 1 06 Spring Wheat, per ashel . 1 CO to 1 04 Oats per bushel.. 0 80 to 0 80 Peas per bushel. , • -.100 60 to 0 68 Barley per bushel. , • 0 44 to 45 Butter, No. 1, Looeet... , 0 14 to 15 Eggs 0 10 to 10 Flour, per barrel. . • 6 EO to 00 Hay . , 9 00 to 10 00 Hides.... 8 CO to 50 Sheep skim.-- -4, .. 0 30 to 00 Silt (retail) per bs.rerl I ' 65 Salt (wholesale) li/ ba60 rrel ii Potatoes, new, per nehel 0 15 to 0 20 Oatmealr brl.... . 0 0 00 to 50 Wood •.. j, .. , ..... , , 2 00 to 50 Wool , „ „ ....... . 0 7, 1 • , _ 1 I Hove also Imported Heavily in the Following Lines: CHAMPAGNE, NOTIO HE Annual Examination of Cajnd.h1ates for Public School ,Teachers, FI RS SEC0N ad THIRD Class -Certificates, illl be held in derieh, common ing on Igo adv', 1OtIi of July, next, at 91 M. It is ' die ensable hat CIirdidatee shoul otify the und isigned not 1 ter than the 20t1 f June, of het] intentiqn to present themselv H for Exa o•ina ion. 'Ihird ease Candidates ft erder to get : ce tificate must o Lain one-third o he total ma ks in Arit tie, 1 an3mar and Sp ng, and 50 per cent. o the gregate. Candid es who hay obtained a hird ass Certificate in o her Counti e sball not e al - 1 wed to compete i this,Co • ty ..or the ame ase of certificat e Candidat e fOr First and peend Class Certifi ates will fo • a d the n ces- ary certificates ofis Geese in t ao ng; an all are required to 16r ard 'eerti mat 13 of n oral Examiners,i' a et el , , P NoTdEe 't ADAMS° , Se retary wird 0.1, June 2, l 876, 44-2 BURGUNDY, HENNESSY BRANDY, NI6RTELE -BRANDY, MADEIRA, • CLARET, JAMAICA RUM, JULES ROBINS' BRANDY, SAZARAC- BRADY, OUTARD DtTY'S BE TOGETHER WITH A. LARGE CONSIGNMENT OP SCO CH AND WHISTEY. Guiness's Celebrated Dublin.Stout, anir quantity f Bass's, Carling's and Y ung's • • Ale, in half and quarter barrels, to suit purchasers. 111 DY, SWi *ANY INFEtl MYRTLE • ARE LOOK OUT ON T. IOR IMI THE LIBERAL INDUCEMENITS TO HOTEL KEEPERS AND i'ARMER.S WHO WISH TO BUY IN LARGE QUANTITIES. PURE ND UNADULTERATED LIQUOR GUARANTEED. ,, ATIONS OF AVY TOBACCO OW OM ,,Ed OR TB_ ,'.TAM • E GEN IN OYAL 0 NADI f I' SEAFO TH B OMINIO LOC , 1 S. AFORT IS1 rafts on i'4w York ank in the Unitid States. Bills of Elleimeige #tt all Chi0 Cities of the Unite TERiST IMID 0 ! I ' 111 BIT TrtER M. P ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Give nu a Cali. BANK. A C AIN - THOMAS KIIID. CROOKERY AND LASSWAR WILLIAM ALLEN 1 HAS JUST OPENED OUT A I411,Y CAREFULLY SELECTED STO T., Peiyable ai any Grocery, Glasware, Fruit Jars, &c. But New Goo LOndon p yabIe Ki;ihgdom. • 4EPQS1TS. FkAYESf DelANAGElt. SAMUEL T n...Tas now on hilt at the Se 1.1-1- a 9.amber o'f s well and adz/me TUrned Bu, These Packag a are the be ive satisfaction 1 SPECIAL INDUCE • , LARGE; PURC Mr. Trott expo-3th in a shor t he in annfactrn e of Ws sh Tu 37 1 SAMVE ECLIPSE OATM NOW IN FULL Pat Meal, SplitPea. ,Con4 Meal C And All &vide o4Mili Feed Co Choppigdononesdays a,n ee hanged for Nts. Highest pi,a and prirloy.. L. • • ' OBS. • OTT forth Tub Factory favorably known ter Fackrtges. t Jig use, and vriU TS 4‘0, AS RS. tTotToie,onansfr,feonttsbe be on a large' scale.. • COILLO. !,1 PE RATI9N oedt eta tly on Hand. F days OatniesI pin le paid for Oats, Teas, Prunes, Sauces, Canned • Oatm NO OLD BANKRUPT STOCK?. New Patterns, C4se Prices, to which he invites the attention of the public. GIWOERI5. K OF IR0 oNEtif BR L'SSE The uncle tio up the v the have to ffer grea ter es, to tho ro oney t in &nada. 1St.- Any at any time T enty Yea OEN . Per oods, al, • FREE DELIRY. Sugars, Mustards, Hams, Baclon, Cornme 1, Dried Apples, Pickles, Spices, Flour, Mill ILLIAM ALL 0 THE BE EXAMI E THE T _TAING YET.* ARC ER HAY R IT IS TH SIMPLES AND BEST. The Best B cause the Simple t Self Du ping Hay Bake in the T does away ith all Clutches, Clamps, WI es add Springs in the A• Gear, no S x,diien or Exira Flog upon the hor e in Dumping as in other rak Dr aft Dierdish* the niCnient the discharge beglns.I Only Fifty of the Archer Bak Se nd in 3nu]- Qjdeis Early or on may not be ble to have them filled. • J. W. WE HER.ALE, Agent for the County of THE ARCIIEJJt RAKE C N BE SEEN AT A. M. Campbell's Aplicultural Implement Ware at G. WILLIASON'S Plow Factory, SEAFORTH. aisathastrainitnta and BewingMachixiea as usual. A LOT iQF DYE STVFFS • Of very eu*lior quality inet receiwid at J. S. ROBERTS DOUG STORE Consisting in part of the follow MADDER, ; MADDERICOMPOUND, COCHINEAL, CRE.A.M TARTAR, FUSITIC, INDIGO, INDIGO COMPOUND, ALSO A LOT OF IFIANDYPACK. ' - AGE DYES, SUCH AS 1ELLOW SLATE, SCARLET, BLUEll GREEN and ROE, and in fact nelerly all colors, which ere gnaran- ted to producbeautiful and fast coldra if direct - leas are faithfilly followed. ! I J. S. ROBERTS, ed, &c. N. KE, • is of is 'Market. timphtg 8, but the s on. hand, uron. • • MONEY I June 1, 1876. signed beg to ,call attestry favorable artangemeists e by Which they are airle r advantages nd better e wino may h to ber- an halve ever inen offered sum equired can be had Or ai4r term n t exceeeing s, anl at E GHT PER 1 COM iSSi.011: iS Charged on nun *d. No part nf the 'I' required to be repaid li t143 whole te for whilh the money borowe,d. ' I 1 *th. Any part of the rincipal mat b repaid t a 'timeafter the first y ar, in suleh sunas as the Borrower ay choose, from time to rine, without Y prior n tice wbatevenI and intereat pen the s ms s paid ceases inunedi- a ly upon uch ayment. ' incipal sum til the enct 00MS, 444-4 TITTER, BUTTER. E DV/ A R D WILL, AS USUAL, OtASH PAY FAIR PRICES FO Olt GOOD DAIRY BUTTER, ANY QUAN AT :IIS OFFICE GODERICH STREET, ORTI, ITIES R T,UMSDEN'S DRU 4 5th. N asked o any • 5th. l*terest year or half -ye he borrowier, no ortotter may h yin the year hu a having the t Payable after • ther time as he v enient, and alt xpectecl to be imp chosen' by cha e or brtus whate4r uch pa. Iment. is pay rly, at inadv ve it p as he advanta harvee mayfli ble only men the option rite, and the yable ori any may choos0 ; e of making , or at Such most eon- ough Cie interest is aid punetually at the the boL•rower, there are no fines or other charges on defanit, Besides affording unprecedented ad- vantages to aL who may desire to borrow money for any purpose what- ever, it will be at once seen that it will pay those who are unable to meet their liabilities on account of the hard ti mes, or other causes, to borrow auf- ficent fonds tpay off their debts, • (having then ai opportunity to buy in future bit cas and, of course, intieh m re cheaply), leaving nly one fund • nd thu saving much trOuble, beside paying less interest, the general cuStom arnong merchants and others no* being to charge Ten. Per Cent, on all unpaid accounts. t c pay into, The Strictet privaey will be main- ained asj to all transwitions. No Conne4ion wil ciIeties: IMORGAGE, • Debentures Purchased. !•1 • Building So - BOUGHT and APPLICA IONS MAY! BE MA E TO . $QUIER.80c. :BAJaisn BRUSSEI5 .AND OR TO COLL, 414, ODERIGH, R. cooP ER, • BO, USOLS-•