The Huron Expositor, 1876-06-09, Page 1JUNE 2, 1876, YrIRK GOODS AT -USUAL PRICES- AT RICES. t1(JNTH tegme. WOOLE NO. 444. AT THE QED TO -DAY, _ F MAY, 1876 EW SILK. TANALA. CHECKS elate, worth 45 Cen rFJ SILK WARP,. : all New lades and Patterns, at 40 Cts., fr yard --the Finest Goods ever ,wn. here. 1L REAL EMTATE FO'$ MALE. E S FOR SAI E. East half Lot 11, Con, 12, IeKiiloli; and West half Lot 19, Oon. 1a Egguiop; also South 10ggaeree of Lots 1 and 2 Con, 10,th. eulMorris, adjoining DieCAUGHthe E & HOLDIE- lorp�ls&pp .y D, Barristers, c., Sealorth. 425 SILK DRESSES, Striped. the Pomo vtlag colors : Blau White, Purple and Whit lror d Black, Green and - =lack. We guarantee them pure silk or no sale, at 75 Cents yard. 'LAIN BLAUK ,SILILS front O Cents to. $2.. Best Lot we - had, DARK LOTS FOR SALE. -Containing 5 acres each, adjoining the Town of Seaforth. The most desirable situation for private residences. Terms reasonable, with immediate possession. Apply WEL W. C. MEYER, Barrister, Seaforth, or to L. MEYER, Ilarpnrhey. 441 TuBOPERTY FOR SALE. -For sale on reasoar- • able terms, a desirable property' situated on Wu street, Seaforth,' A good business atm d in which are two stores. with a dwelling over. Apply to the proprietor or to Wm. Campbell pROPEBT-1 FOR SALE. -That valuable prop- erty on Goderich Street occupied by the Goder- leis Manufacturing Conspany as a Machine Shop. property will b3 sold on easy terms. For partieu- iars apply to -GRAY & SCOTT. 489 lOplYILDING LOTS IN SEAFORTIC FOR SALE • -Dr.VOLEMAN, having laid out the grounds recently occupied as. a Driving Park into ' Bald- ing ristoris prepared to dispose of lots on reason- able torms,,to any who may desire them. Parties desiring to parches° should make immediate ap- plication. 1364 x story frame image and barn situated on the mead, Square, Seaforth. -Thi; preraises I have been used as an egg packing establishmentt, and are widi adapted for ahy public business. -For particulare apply to the proprietreas, Mrs. Ali - COM, Seaforth, or toD, GORDON, Goderic 481. tARM FOR SALE,-Vor Sale, Lot No. 7 Con.. I: 10 Morris, coataining 64 acres, 25 of hie h are cleared, well fenced and in a good st te of There are 4 aeres of choice fruit trees bearing, &good log homes and- frame. stable. le 1 mile from the Elyth station of the London, Huron and Bruce Railway. For furtheraparticulars to JOHN LAIDLIVI on the premises, or to W. CLra G, Blyth. 425 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE -For I Mae that comfortable and commodious reg.* dance on John Street, the property of Mr. Albert Bowling, The house is new, is well finish° , and, contains seven rooms besides closets to ether with a wood shed, cellar, and all necessa y im- provements. Hard and sea water. Tv/ lots planted with choice fruit trees. Term ea sy. Presession immediate. Apply to Mr. AL ERT 'GUM FOR SALE IN TITOKERSUITH -13e- sixes, 150 aeres cleared, 130 sores in a good state of cultivation, 20 mires excellent pasture, well rm, 4 race - F Or fenced and watered, has good barns and s root eallars for 200 loath% This is a good t miles from Seaforth station, 3 miles from Held cheese factory, on a good gravel road further partioulars apply to JOHN LAWR Egmondville P. 0. VAtiMS FOR SALE. -West half of South half of Lot 18, Con. 3, Morris, Huron County, contain- ing 50 acres. The above lot is all bush, of the best quality, and is only' six miles from Blames ; _also south half of Lot 19, Con. 3, Morris, Huron Comity, NU acres, also all bush and the best of sal, 6 miles from Brussels station, Great Western Railway. For price and terms apply to C. R. COOPER, Brrissels, or to CALVIN A. CAMP- BELL, Seaforth P. 0. 443c cZTORE AND DWELING HOUSE FOR SALE . '‘' -For sale, in Chiselharst, a large frame Store with comfortable dwelling in connection, together with a rinarter-acre lot. Thia is in the -eentre of a thriving -agricultural country, and Is an excellent stand for a country. store. The Post Offiee is in collocation with the store. Terms easy. For particulars apply to to the proprietor on the premisee or to Chiselhurst P. O. 1 INTL =W AMERICAN f Pr PRINTS. Ct €arcing at 5 Gents per yard Thillaf FOR SA.LE.-For Sale, Lot 12. Con. 6, 1- Hallett, consisting of 100 acres of land, 40 !Lures cleared, anci the balance well timbered. witti hard- wood. There is a log house, sided, a f ramp barn and outbuildings, a good vrell, and a young bear- ing °tabard of ehoice fruit trees Situated miles ,froul Seitfoith, 6 miles- from Clinton, 111 from Kilburn. TOMS made known on applicaLlon on the premisea. Possession given immediately. ELIZABETH HARVEY, Constance P. O. 480 PARK FOR SALE. -.-For Sale, Lot No. 2Pi Cons A- 9, Hibbert, containing 100 acres, 90 of ;whiela are cleared. free of etumpe, wall fenced, end in firtd.class cultivation. A team 60x40, nearly new, a shed and stable 80x30, a driving ohed 231(.40, a brick root house and a splendid brick dwelling house, and all other necessary outbuildings, A good orchard and well watered. This is one of the most desirable farms in this section of emu - try. Terms easy. Apply to the proprietor on t he premises, or to Egniondville I'. 0. GNEORGE PARM. FOR SALE. -For Salp, Lot No.24, Can. -I; 1, Stanley, containing 97 acres, more or lees, 80 Of which are cleared, well fenced, and in a state of good cultivation, the balance le *well tim - bored. T'nere hi a frame barn and stable, an d good gew frame house -svith stone cella.; kitehen wood shed and all other conveniences. A never - failing well and a good bearing oreharcl. Is 2 miles from Brucefield Station and 4 utiles from Clinton, A gravel road leading to °deli plac e. APPly to the proprietor at Varna P.O. THOMA 1= to f J Cents.. .LE , PRENTS Gear - nteed FAST COLORS, at 'mai, Worth 13 Cent5 yard. ;#00011:1 l• 1/11t(711 wider than, and are TRY' SPECIFIC ARTICLES. The Walton Church D faculty To the Editor of the Jh'ron positor. Bis : I do not know wheth r it Ps ;n cessary to reply to the effus' ns of th persons who regard themselv ' as h of the United Presbyterian Church c f Walton. One thing I am certain ofr, th the minister will not condesc rid to tale; notice of them.. But as some wilf t#1 mit- statements (for I will not foll w t era i the language of Billingsgate' ads lies) have been made in reference to thechurch of which I am still a memb r, though resolved to leave it, I mutt again take u my'pen to contradict them. . In refer ence to the. Canadians being grrant asses, and the inhabitants ofHeaven b AFORTH, FRIIiAY, JUNE 9, 1876. ese same lean persons quake, 9. 'In ferenc to 'the Presbyterian Church of nada, I a n' conscious that its ministrs d me ber, are able to defend thepn- Ives a;•ain.t the accusation of broad ews in ref =rence to Gospel. In ene ord I y ; ay that I am sorry at being der t r e n cessity, of replying to the teme ' ts, ('he false statetnentsj,of your rrespo . de . !s, but in defence of my late tor, Indio the stice, m ur a esp ticat: or be th St speak gilt, ,even thou ndents should be unable digest what is.: avell-kno EMBER IOT THE 01(JRCH. ce greg sta et utte -f ity coulA nee aving were Mann en he rouilat e88 of basics 0 fi Of a 0 SIR :, it your permission 1 we e the use f a little space in your llent p pe to review the article -cal sited ntil he has concluded his w man ii til he has had his say, an d he con ludes as he commenc ith ab se. I have never known it other ise that when men under i 1011De pi. yOS nadn bt hu lane! loodu, wt hoeuyl d as not- n1 food, but by using it y one tha has been an , observer en an thi gs knoWs that the very mmod ty ver, k ma mild 0 er ink of ink tio ab trt the take the little end cif nothing, u coul th .n deposit all the nutrim tairie in illions of gallons of a runken ess, being denounced in ible, al d, donseque tly, the ono as i he ca show me o e man that has rallel case; But - can point him ol in a y of its form , and have don Oil liCh Irk ,as men that have used s ch fool :. or fanatics as he may,dee • 11 11 to • ed ve to ke to it of p - n the reSult. I know of no exhaustion it may be need in ordinary health needs no t his work, and he who e - about him. ho iving ,his horse or • than his ordin ry Ms usual wor ? amp class of en elves. If you w re nd it ir, nt as he ell v - a to as it, ad ot in he to to em er- nt tion . orship with such a set of people. 5, 'refer, ence to Mr. Mann's resignation, mey say that Mr. Mann had it in con empha, ,tion for some time past. It js n t trUe that he was asked to resign, hut When he- eaw th/ionduct of one of pal men. i leaving the Church vice because, Mr, Mann pine too -tightly, .Mr. Mann saw not likely to do much goo Church, and among such a therefore, at the clorse of se meeting of session, and told he du ecl hat sen - is toes e was in such a them that In reference_ to certificates to me bers, I may say that a large number f t em ap- plied for certificates on the Monday morn- leava for Toronto that morning, he gave away some, and olcl others: • But your correspondents seelti to °outline dict themselves, which I think plainfly shows the difficulty they haye in etting things to squire. For ex,empl , t4y ERGS FOR TIATCHING.-Ptire Light Brahmag -To br: had at D. meNanglit's shop from LEV/I8 CALDER, &Worth. 439 SINGLE WAGGON FOR SLCLE.-A strong single waggon, in good order, for gale cheap. apply at ALLEN'S Grocery. 441 VOTICE TO BUILDE118,-Any person! want- ing Sind, Gravel Qr Storm, MU 10111/0 their orders at 'mos. LEE'S Groceryrand it will be de- livered on the ishortest notice. THOMAS CUR - RIE. 488 pillTOGRIPTI CAB FOR SALE. -For Sale Cheap, the Portable Photograph Oar and all titecolls complete, forinerly used by Mr. .IQhn son. The car will he Hold. either with or without the. herse. Applf to the undersigned, Hallett, or CO Seaforth P, O. ALLAN HOBSON. 437 CLBEAGE PLANTS. --The undersigned has now any quantity of goodsound Cabbage and Tomato Plante of every kind, delivered in g ea - forth, or can be had at hie gardens. All order left with M. Morrison or 3. Fairley will be promptly attended to ALLAN HOBSON, i 441-4 • say Mr. _Mann urged certificat s up h, them'; and then, in the very hex bre la they say,he wished them not to l'ff th certificates, as the question pf rope was at stahe. 5. refe dnce to Grangers, I may say what krver ot or person in the congregation 110‘ s, t in the congregatibn would e her ave leave the Church, or those ho ere 01 posed th Grangers would 1 lave. • T at up red tha ithland er, xpe efe sa ntri iir • is ego ' ticS1 mind to eall them. criptur recommend strong diinks one ot erre - He saykit commends th i mod ration to men in health. annot ad it in the Bible!. The re me to nnOthy's ease was q:nie of w ommers used n those day;s, not our wine- of made of pirits of logwo d, hid in other dru . I know of n th- Ithe &Nand at' 1 is, entailing s ch n on the human amily as the 4m - on u oif ardent spirits under all ircurns 0,nces of e. It has re- aded, debased an celled into p ay tites and passi ns nd ci- es- nd nts ets nee cts for • was a question publicly br ugh 14d the annual meeting, 0 hd mouth -piece of a party, decl the Grangers were not dealt polled from the Church, he a leave. Another man, an el that if Grangers were to be would leave too. 6. In do your correspondents me not be Mr, Mann, as he c the manse -building fUnd of tion $S0 -a sum far larger t of the rich members o of this worldly mindednes money, and also contribute of the precentor, to the wo ling of the stove, and also t ing of a sofa for the pulpit, bution for all these object than any other member of a Churc supposeithat if he had given tributions and preached wi ing pay he would have ple them better. I May also Mann had loaned $400 to the ing Committee, and notwith 0, 8 led, h mice f wh t co uted ngre the c and. love and ki the pure Iii8 con tvas' hi ill these c out rec i3ed some rilly that tamling 11 • • 11 ast 111 1 0 some of the same men had the mean es to ask Mr. Mann to ask no inthrest fo te AaRieur,T URAL IMPLEMENTS FOlti SALE. his money. No wonder that. a mini 4er, ert Teak by Elliott of London. In grd or- reference te the shutting of lithe Chu mow -For sale, °beep, 1 Combined reaper and Cannot remain long among them. 7. • I lumber wagou, patent arta ; sat o double may say that every state ent I harness; 2 pairs of wooden harrows,- and 1 pair of bamdelabs. The above articles au ho 00011 at Previously made can, by other witnes lot:item, on application to the underlined. be proven, Mr. Mann to14 the el W. L. SCHOALES, Milburn. "44 that he had given up an appointmen - wrocit. iron SALE. the neighboring Presbytery, in orde say a few parting words of farewell to hi ors to gals° a Democrat Waggon and Buggy Mar- CollSithration. . But these same e late congre,gation. Money was his as Fiat SALE CHEAP. -A good driving hbrse, 14°8 APPly at THOMAS KIDD'S Liquor Store 13pirits told him that they w 44 be held responsible for $12 , they allow - A IIIRE LULL FOR SALE.- he under- yRs , T ed. him , to preach, 8. ' In ret,erenc to 8ate. sirn nedrilthar an tAimyrtilif iretillall 1 yca,r olrdvifeoer tiarybilainyg a little behind wit stip ed,, p ass r or e seasons so . that Mr. Mann newt ask d, no gee grotrauteed. For partieulars apply to the proprietor, Kinburn, or if by mail to Co steno.° ESTRAIT STOCK.. the first of May, a 2 -year old filly, of bay color, with one vrhite hind foot Any person givfng such baformation as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. JAMES BEATTIE. , 440 and never referred to it, .ffe *as way concerned about his pay, as I he had always abundance and Wa8 :Way .dependent upon his stipend. as regards the person who si,Vrites yvhat celled borrowed informatio May say that he is not yet done wit _congregation. He taking mess ;whish, when fully revealed, will no nd rem the res, ake 11 the sentral app hieh ok men bel ens of umanity, other , and scathe ren, d Min' by thei estroy not only th uin up the innoc w the' beasts ✓ large towns the shape of p ruaken fathers half-starved c unnatural par 'nk) into the str cal, Intemper health, but infl nt and helpless, 8 the famil and social cir le, t cuts d youth 'n a its vigor, eaves the oting atura &fie< tion, de rna.), opes and briingnsi down mpur ge in drrotv to the grave ; it prod ealth, It not life ; it makes w idow yspe araly ith i rime ; lms- he an age in its w father's heart, other, extingui h lent, blights • 1 ea mid all o is* the invites dis braces co a, And enco affections ; ness and it fills our hans, and fat them at last - vers, feeds rhe out, welcomes ase, imparts rages apoplexy it covers the verty, disease jails, supplies rnishes subjects osters juwels and cherishes riots or th scaffold ; it' is the life bloo he gal blenut the foo of the 'counterfe he p p of the hi hwayinan, and the assassin, th0 friend and the compa ion of the teepee blasp erence fames virtue the fa dren, and ai detest heave perju y the jud rtipts and grade stat terra not Male its fri havo ruins repu then it an- ak- be- hes ve, ing ces not ves ere eg- epi- sti- hes and and and our for ds ims of ter, brothel ; it c untenances the Jar, 9 t e thief and esteems the eme ;; • it vio sites obligations, rev - ben volence, hates. love, scorns and Alanders innocence ; it incites her 'o butch r his innocent chit- lp :the hu bind ta kill his wife, lif curse God, and despises subor d files th ei 1. ermine Oa gers our he ilegislatu an ; it brin olen of a fiend, it calmly surveys htf 11 desolation and insatiatc with • it ! poisons felicity, kills peace. morals blights , confidence Islaye urs 0 the world, laughs at the ruin tioikand wipes out national 'honor ; ibilieted upon the human iae-e, and damns the soul. In face of the above &etre! would any one only those who love igold as much as Judas (for the money made by the sale of rum is blood money) dare to perpetuate such a traffid ? I would like to continue this to a greriter length ; if I did, you would, no doubt, reject it. If permitted, I shall trespass some other time. A GOOD TEMPLAR, SEA:souls, May 24, 1878. The License Acts. To the Editor of the Huron Expositor. D4R SIR : Will you kindly allow me through your valuable paper to correct, as far as I am concerned, a stunor that is going the rounds of Seaforth and vicinity to the effect that at a Magistrates Court held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on the first I of June last, the Magietrates Bench was packed -that is the term used trate pose Sir, I on th lend Of ceurse, in this matter I can only speak for myself. I was there by request of the Mayor who had charge of thecae() , and if he bad not preesed me to go, I i would not have sat on the case at all, and I certainly was not biased in my judgment lathe matter, and although we had a much larger court than we ever had in S4fortti before yet, after hearing the . evidence and weighing- it over carefully we unanimously agreed to convict defend- ant, and the only real difference in opin- ion was in reference to the term of im- prisonment in case of no sufficient dis- tress eing found. The majority decid- ed on 2 days imprisonment, although fine and c sts were $24.25, Myself and 1301116. -othere objected to that as being out of proportion to fine and costs. Now, Sir, I am glad that the Magistrates of -Seaforth and vicinity, instead of attempt- ' ing to defeat the License Live, are a unit in its favor, and instead of having the Mayer and myself doing the -businetis of enforcing the law, I hope they will come out Manfully and take their full share of the cases that arise from time to time, and as far as I am concerned, I will give way at any time. if any other person wishes to do the work, as I often feel it a great inconvenience to me to lose my time in attending to those matters. Szaironney June 6, 1876. nd letake it to mean that Magis. were brought there for the your - f defeating the ends of justice, but, cannot believe that any gentleman commission of the Peace would 'inself to do anything of the kind. 1 Canada. Peur hundred houses were destroyed by fire in Quebec last week, and two livers lost. -LThe first god for the new foundry at Mitchell was turned by the mayor, on Wednesday of last week. --LA branch of the Cotisoliclated Bank, has been opened in Berlin. Mr. C. J. Brent is the new agent. -Hon. A. Crooks, Minister of Educe, - tion, authorizes the Public Schools to be , closed for the summer vacation on the sheared a 14 pound fleece of wool from a two-year old I..eicester ram. The Wool is 13 -inches long. -The tenth thousand of the book "The Dev,il's Chain " by Mr. Jenkins has al- ready been eilhausted in Nngland, and a new edition will shortly be issued. . -Fifty of the lunatics at the Asylum, in London, were transferred to Hamil- ton, last week, on account a the over- crowded state of the institution in London, -Two men were fined $2 each, London Tothiship recently, for illegal fishing, catching bass. Bass cannot be legally caught until after the 15th of June. -Mr. Jass Barker Centerville, Ad, dington County, h;,s set out 18,000 strawberry. plants this spring, besides nearly ap equal number c4 raspberry and blackbefry canes. .-1-Mr. George M. Pirie who has been assessor of Dundas for 'the last three years, died very suddenly of apoplexy one Morning last week. M.r. Pine was in his usual state of health. the previous hn Nesbitt, of the 9th line,. Beckwith, Ontario, is growing rich in herds, and cattle faster than any man we know. This spring he had two cows of ordinary breed which gave birth to five calves, one had three and the Other two. -A Port Hope sportsman,. possessed of more stomach than taste, while out shoot- ing with some companions one day last week, ate a chipmunk raw, on a wager of a dollar. Poor chipmunk, to be destined to Make your grave in the stomach of Buell hungey fellow. _ -A Mr. McComber of Dundas, sued the Great Western liailway Company, for $2,000 damages, at the recent Went- worth Assizes, for being put off a train while he had a ticket in his possession, an official of the road had told him was gooa, Inft lost the suit. -It is now possible to go from Sarnia to Pla,lifax by rail through Canadian ter- ritory, the last remaining link, that of the Intercolonial between northern New Brunswick and River du Loup, being completed the other day, and the first train passing over on Saturday. • • -Strathroy was last week visited by the most destructive fire that ever hap- pened in that town. The extensive agri- cultural works of_ Messrs. P. J. Craig & Co. were completely destroyed ; also the Roman Catholic 'Church, priest's house and several Other builcluigs, re witnesses, marses Week, Theobald Ruffridge, of jury box, and spains 'Last ; it bribes votes, cor- Downie, wits before the Mayor of Strat- ons our institutions, ford, charged by the Inspector with government ; it de- keeping h0 bar -room open 8,nd Bell- e, and dishonors the ingr liquor on Sunday, contrary to s shame not tenor, law. Charge admitted ; fined $20 and pair not hope, misery $4 80 costs. Mr. Bennett, of Mitchell, d now, as with the wee, also fined $20 and $3 95 costs. -The first shot was fired in South Lanark,. under the new license law of Ontario on Tuesday, 23rd ult., when three p;aties in or near Smith's Falls, rained resprtively Downs, Smith' and Mrs. Guthrie were brought by the li- cense inspeet4 before F. T. Frost, Reeve amessimsarran of that village charged with selling liquor without I the, necessa license, and, the char being sat- factorily d, each bf the offendiers was $20 and oats, or in all $25 551 on. Geo. Brown, last wee import ee short horn cows and ne calf, n Herd he pre - prov fined api ed pure ased. at the Durham La sale, t Dexter Park, Chicago, vious week, and Valued at $5, Coup duri Mare these ford itt r. C. Ma well, of Chesl Bruce y, has a bdautiful canary which, the year ending on t e 3rd,of , 1876, has laid 85 eggs, a d from she has rought out young Old Fol s' Concert held daily, an from an artist The co tumes were f 1 to the riod to be re years ago. Conf ence, has one on a ton Proyince of On o, with the " of viiiting the Primitive - on. John 1-11ohnes, Senate his re -dence near New Glasgo cease gentlema , who has len prom nentpolitic an in Pictou co 86 years of age, 1 1 Co g by way of Niagara F Hardi ton, he spent a couple of hours in Toro to, thence taking the train for Mon- treal, en route fo New York, ' -I-0n Thurs y evening, Ma* 25th, the Members of he late congregation of ered at the ch rch building in which they have formerly worshipped, to pre- sent their late Pastor -Rev. Geo.; A. Yeo- mans4 of Dunnville -with a token of their esteetia and remembrance, in the shape of a magnificent liver tea -service. ic in Strat- SUCCere c stand - ch, and DIcLFAN) BB Q. THER9, knit.' gibers. Ii SO a Year, in advance. ethedist of the tention ethodist The de - been a lls and • -During a ecent storm, the barn of Mr. Christian Kantel, near Wellesley was strue by lightnang, and in rt time ' as burnt down, together about 300 ibushele of oats; and400 ls of wheat. The neighbotirs came e spot quickly, and succeeded in extricating the cattle which were in the burning building. -The other dey at Mitchell, four gen- tlemen,-Messni, Thos. Mathes4, D.Mc Martin Filiney Hibbert,) were select- ed, Oonaiscuous , from a company on the market, and weighed. They turned the ecalea at MO potinds, making an average of 220 pounds each. Where are Sea - forth 0 four Weightiest men? Fetch them on, and pee the scales turn at 1M -A -11134h J. Macdonald, son of Sir John Macdonald, was' married on the !1st inst., in St Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, by ), Arch ishob Lynch, assisted by Father Harr s, to Mrs. King, daughter of W. A. Mur ay. The affair was quite private, and . ,after the breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald left for Niagara Fall*, en route for an extended tour in the States. -The inconvenience caused by! the want of fencers along the line of the Beant- ford, Norfolk, and Port Burwell RailWay, caused Mr. Austin Ballard to resort to the somewhat ' 'irregular proceeding of taking up some of the rails. He was arrested and is now held over for trial on bail. The affair will probably expe- dite the settlement of claims along the -Mr. Ronali McDonald, of Par '11, challenges the counties of Middl sex, Lainbton Or Hilton to a match at putting the atone, weig t from 16 to 28 pounds, to be thrown ording to the rules o 'Caleilonian Society of Toronto. mateh to be held at Parkhill, and stakes to be. from $1,0 to $100 a Thit challenge to be taken up on o fore 'the 1st of July. shor ly to star on a trip to Br tish Col mbia, by way Of ManittOba Midi the defati able tray ller, and should he con - thin' is resear hes in the future he has Iready done, there will be few sec- tion of the American or European con - tine ts with which he will not be per- fect y familiar, , -I-Mrs. Johnstdn, on the Eighth Con- ces far wh upo of die hav day , On Monday morning of last week, the barn of Mr. John Hodgkinson, North Embro, was struck by lightning, and it being imposable to extinguish the fiames, the building was consumed in about half an hour. In the barn at the time there weft a span of horses, two 'bulls, a large villa a ph with bus to t of the elute es of the law any sub soand .the fact is t at he new 1 far as To to is cor ed admirab ;y, I and th have recei;v d � license were justly stood that! to be • yet non 'tied to -Messrs, Thos. and i Fosseesion of $40, o a broth r, who has f S ptembere The Wes h been kppointed to the The the ide. be - 'on of Cainden, Bothwell County, a cr's wife, !alnd aged about $0 Yiears, being affected by some relikious , refused to eat any food, looking herself as entirely nnworthy of any od's blessings or His bounty,A.:1,She on Saturday evening, May 217, it.fter ng remained without food for forty -her onlY means of suppoit Wing a e cold water occasionally. nu gra we abo ber of implements and a quantity of n, &c, Only the horses and a buggy e saved. Mr. Hodgkinson's loss is . t $2,000. He had, unfortunately, I An Exchange says the crops in the one famous wheat -growing township . of Du fries, have not looked so won:using for many a year, as they do at the pres- enttime. Fall wheat presents a fine ap. pearanee, particularly • the new kinds brdught 1,0t fall, and. of which many of our farniers sowed largely ; the grass, also, looks splendid' , a wet May almost enSuting a good hay crop in this vicinity; while from the &IMO cause, all spring -,--The threatened opposition to the new liquor bill in Toronto, which has been talked' about so much lately, has fizzled out ; not only has there been a failure in collecting funds, but the Li- ce ed Victuallers' Aseociation ignored th thing altogether. The agitation 'vas ✓ y only set afoot and kept weakly b ramg by a, few -of tbe disappointed anti, who made a loud. talk of what they weuld do, but _when summoned before the roagistrate they were glad to get out 8 • • ern re wh of it. Ca n if has wink - re few do not r hose re eran has e - 'case should W Grieves, of ve tirae born Inc r re ibi at lst TA be bib- Hamilton on a;nd 22nd of air; London, Ireld on the th of Sep- tien, Guelph, Once onthe -On Saturday afte oo Of last w ring ease of pocket pic g OeeUrr the neighborhood of the reat W t - 'Railway depot, H n, where gentleman named ho • a Killen, of ontreal,, was elieved of wallet .11. ining $3,417 The ro bpry was at ce reported to th G eat Wes rn struck by -ghtnin d ng the re- med by, fire, ogyeetrheri iwit its contents, ich include bu llels of gra, dings wer I among th est' in he wnship,; and tre all eat new. Th re 11 not cover. per nt. fithe loss. mmer, as an expe emit He rem v - one jar the other • y, nd found he as buried. is plan wa tyoe4goenotgfacgl out an inch thick, t e er the Mont of the jar d bury he e elongin another di- ms that a p mon had, in- coppe in the hat of a hu instead tin CW Th little fellow b en made, nd ma accused ay • • 8 a -A min by r gold v dual. nded toss i a ten 011,14 coin. s w that a mistake ha fur about retrarning as snatched by the s id. it vas his Thla ave another -The Detrd t News 1 • i3ockburn, fro as been abou and L. doe ed o'n basin nally learns the cit st, enq burn, at her Columbus, IN braska, e peace o anied by f age. lots offered not one idders, most tet who housesel o his summ r. t of the ur 101 ; John cDonag onagh, 10 ; Mos roadfoot, $1 • Joh hat fam er daught t sale other The 1 hasers say Mrs. Annie a d Windsor for iri gl for her hits - ho formerly ear - sex County, 00., us and is now in en oying the Bo- nd hree children. y. She is acchin- r bOut 12 years )37 meeting there of illage lote in su e ss. Of the ow to bortar ts 'attained (*- nd he prices p id: R. Davidson, Jas. Ellieott, 171:5 ;; AAsilleoexx9.. ;Fp6o gie, 111 la ity to loo after his inte eds. The de - purchased it rem a se rid party ter $150, and hic the se on party bad got IA aTE: Wnbrciker on being ques ion - ed said it had been p wned by one Charley Bader, of St. Th mas-the s me Hotel. Id rmatio w sent to the authoritie int that wn, and short af- ter Butler w arres and, put in n- -Cheri 8 !Henan' under arrekt ill Montreal, on 1, a._ eha ge f lunacy, and he is the °tilling Ch t, utdhi: Suarc.d haEous been com an( ed to st for 40 days and nights. He I comme task on the 14th of ay, and sineu en, so his boarding mist ess says, has 1 aten nothing, th01igh 0 Wile vitd.11yto hadlia water. Henault is reg elsewhere; ak on b nig question he replied. that te was re larly fed b the angels. He was att pis tea by. God in keep his promise, h alleges has been subpisting for 17 lays soled On teotriahelrwrii.nnerili,ebuist d lin With 'think*. qatet. a self- Ilan: i su sd u ai S ve i ntr y say he is grctiwing t factgoing ant "eh I an ex rdinary