HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-05-26, Page 61 k z, 4-- 8 The: Island del;' St. 3S lda. St. Kilda is a very ,small --3,000 ,acres —very barren, very remote little island of the Hebrides, planted ill a melancholy and extremely riotous ocean, so far to the wcstwardthat it hate eon found in- convenient to include; it in' the majority of maps, and it has in all seriousness been totally forgotten by the .British Government. If a' murderer appeared among ire population, they would have to hang hire themselves, if there were. wood enough for gallows—which there is not ---for they cannot get to Inverness. Not onlyis there no official on the place but no one ever goes there. There delivery of the mails --not even • on month or once a quarter --and th absolutely no regular communic kept up With the `County of Inver]) which the island is legally suppose belong. The people ere too poor to s boat large enough to cross the 30 of rough. sea which intervene bet them and the nearest land ; the plac out of the track of steamers, and e for one single day in the year, who employee of the owner, Mr. MacLeod Dunvegan, goes to levy £80 of rent, i make -what profit he pan of fish and theca, the island is as unvisited as were in another planet, except by atonal yachtsmen and tourists, who, ever, for generation*. back, have n remained. for more than a few h Lately, however, Mr. Sands, an with a love for solitude and out -of way experiences, made his way t and remained on the island seven we living in a cottage by himself, sketc the natives, and apparently praetfor his own solace on the bag -pipes, his account of this -people, simple an pretentious as it is, has a singular pa He found the island I inhabited by 73 persons, remainei of a rather I number who had been severely vis by the small -pox, and who at first inclined to fear that the might bring kind of infectious disorder with him. The free Church of Scotland, howe which—to do it justice-- never shr from its duty when apparent to it has planted a minister even in St. K to be guide, philosopher, friend and to the poor people ; and the minid Mr. Mackay, the Only man who t English, does his duty with a will, st. ing there, M elSands says, as a perm ent sentry,to keep sin and misfortune of St. Kilda ; and al he exerted him to remove their apprehensions, Mr. Sa received a warm welcome, and a g many presents of their only fuel, turf. -'I he islanders indeed, so far f becoming savage in ;their isolation, h become refined by it, and .form a c munity resembling in many respects Pitcairn Islanders. Grime is absolu unknown. They are all Free Chur hien, and all communicants ; they serve the Sabbath with a more Scotch rigidity ; they contribute no than £2(l a year to the Sustenta Fund, a sum equal to a rate of 6s. 8d the pound on their rental ; •and all r lent'- _once nitrate' of�bismu l . powerful remed for ous membrane, and is ingredient hi,. esu tions two other, a qh of violent colds' t to these instane a we the present writ r, violent cold caning o tion of weight ► th nsuai disagreeable fee as well at; ordinary ea Dr. Ferrier's remedy got up on the follow is ee pletely free from co! ce a since recurred. i The .t the is creasing the tendency afros immediately begins to, es> to cion Spectator. k to The Man Who S all l miles Some of my read rs ween l'liom�nte a la jourcl ette, e is man who swallowed a fork xcept begladtohearfurther f th n an We have had two of the of ian, Cipriana, and t e yo and sear. Nearly.tdvo y ars fen- , table.with som loom ades if it versing about e ' I dia oeca• their trick of allo ing how- suer claimed t t it .as v ever to prove his as rtio , too ours. tines and push c it d•rwn artist -spasmodic cont do of -the- it from his ling rs a • d `F: here, the passage info, the s eks, long time effort! Iver m f a e t ping` fork by the mdeth, . ut i w ieing certained to b in hi . s • nia and suer was give up for, last. dun- shown at clinical lee urea, .ant thus. into the countr' y rep ' rt some be was dead, and I elide e ti la lished it as a feet. ited But as Lesuer' did not fail were and continued sistr n . and heap some a year, some of the a octo s t the fork could l a ije •dove • ray' and Drs. ' false, Leo sor Gosselin ung ertook t gguun some weeds 'ag , t bnreing down slowly to caustic, and determi • in -the coat of th istomr h edges of the hole thu- ma rosives. When this adh pieta an incision was mad ach and the fork dra n o It was as black as i k, any extent. Lester is i1 of danger.--Frorn a ctrl Eby f ,g e `a{hid' iii a=very larch of the aiue- he '� ost imports alt � F crier }ne s .w o : re: otl d •'a •.e smiff,'a mai dad' that virg a.v .,with he sen to plc : and n t • e thro rrhi m: de trial one! ev ming, ing n. or. ing c d, i hie • has miff, ins =ad of to an • e, alae dim nis rit.-- of he weld. a B' • c ay emem ter or he yb rens; an they •. ay, e si _` lei} e, ind ' the` �'1 ng clerk I' e- go- he w at wh = were • gn- j gglers = and s •rd. •- ry : impl�, r nd `� a ork by het fs hroat. A} to = rgant .. • ok ; dit'd+, n- h. F. a readh he' finall s - h, and Le -i He wase .then ant came hat; rat I r ub- ver, inks self, ilia, king ter, elks and- an - out self ade reat peat rem ave em - the tely eh- ob- than less tion . in cad the Scriptures. Many of them can peat from memory :long chapters of (Relic Bible. They never fight, they are studiously and almost supe tiottsly careful about giving oftenc each other. They are so united,— six families of the island being, of sou closely related— that they are able meet every morning and decide in co_ cil on the day's work, and they are ceasingly industrious. During th months of winter, the men weave rou cloth -tweeds and blanketing, of whie besides providing clothes for themsely they export a considerable quanti They vary this sedentary occupation Poing to fish when the weather perini n spring, they, scale the craga, and vi the adjacent islands for eggs and bir and cultivate their plots of groun Wherever one rambles one sees so proof of their diligence. Every little sp of ground on the stony hills that w yield a crop, is enclosed with a sto fence and cultivated. The women are as industrious as t men, doing all the work which ma Cars ago was dons' for them by the orses—now extinet—herding their cattle and 300 sheep, making' cheer spinning thread, snaring puffins on da gerous islets, and doing all the lions work. They aro fine, stalwart men an woniwri, but they have given up dancin and the singing matches of which th were formerly foncl,i have forgotten the legends, and have abandoned all sport even Swimming, and seers), if we undo stand Mr Sands' account, striekon wit a kind of melancholy, natural to peopl under such circumstances, who have neve seen a tree, never tasted fruit of an kind, could not distinguish a horse from a dromedary, and lave lived for year under some strange doom, as to thei children, many of whom die on th fourth, fifth, or eixth night after thei birth. The few children who survive grow up tall and healthy, are singularly bold cragsmen, are perfectly sober, a' sur sign of health of stomach, and will 'da any precipice in their search for thei game, the sea -birds, with which their Wand. and the neighboring rocks abound and on which they live. They used to use the heads and necks of the Solan geese for shoes, but - they have given u p that now as uncivilized, though they still sweep the floor with a goose's wing. The worsen oven visit the adjacent islets, and there, wholly unaided by men, catch the puffins in hundreds, barrelling their bodies for winter food and collecting the feathers for the owner's factory, who had este, belted a kind of monopoly of the islands produce, He, and he alone, in annual visit, buys the fish and the feath- ers and whatever there is to sell, and deducting the rent and the few articles they require, gives the people the bal- ance, with which they buy the little they attempt to import, and support their church. They huy little but a few bottles of whiskey for medicine, living on the seabirds and their eggs for food, weaving their own clothing, and for the orna- inents which the women cannot wholly lack, beating out copper pennies for broches, using the island peat for fuel, and for light burning the oil spit at thorn Y 0 e L a n ac ti re- in the is and 8 super C e to w the spr80, to un- un- ree gh ty08, by ts, sit ds d. me of ill ne he ny it 1e$ n- e- d ir the 8, r- 0 r y s r e r e re r in he Ith, ty for • ver ought hat` $arcs r- e, nd Pr fes - op ration be he bega ;b eat mach fit an dhesion o the outs e ith the cor a was Om in r0 the s Om t ith for eps.' ut•otwont v r garde ou ter. A Voyage pilau • d , ho Wor Several new paper ., in stud ng the ork Herald ed Ti zein J-Ia per's 1 y, and Frank Legi.'a i1'ius rcctecl, rganized an expedition fit e pure ncompassingthe ea th i. 80 days. ondon Times has j . fined ,th enter' ri nd will sendDr Iles •ell, know Bull Run " Russe , an l a artis e0i: acted with the Illus rate N ws wi I ale company the expe� itio rr, he e pedi on will leav New ork a out J ne a special train for :an 'lra cisco, hi advertised to go t. roti _�1i t that ity ` 0 hours. TLi fns • trai w ll tray el t hicago over the Pe• nsyl a ialine fro hence it will fo fo war Oma.a •_ ecial engines unde the dir tion �. f M tennett. The excu do ist will r ma leeger tha3' is ecess ry re,rn • tb tack . f t owl. A Sa. Fra cisc )arty -will' tal e a st am cull t enc 1 tl ey wi 1, pr i, Ca ro, nd through t to '"ran c. They wi nsto vn, rel: nd, an 1 e ark, 4. New; eck;;' hav se Th Th in Chicago no transfer the i Northwestern the newspaper to Yokohama) Deed to. Calcu t Mediterranee proceed to Qu bark for New Cooping h ib : rb. Rhubarb is best cut i Ile in water an sugar, a 'd boiled rico ro nd the des i; treated like "goose erry fo goof cream gi es it a deli ate it never has i udd'ng or to lowing are ex hent. reci es rhubarb jam . r mar a1 c. barb as if for arts, and to give one poun of god ri1Wis the sugar ove he r ubarb, 24 hours to d a ou ,the'jui method the pie es of rhtibar erate from ea other when is done, It lc pa good re Iye jars well -dries and ie a dry the marmalade, procure six them and tak' way the :wh pips, then slice the pulp int along with the : eel, cut ver thereto one qtr rt 'of rhuharl and from one Peund to one half of sugar. !Boil the wh the usual wa ; as or tithe Made in this anner it isne Scotch marcs=*le, hich is all hands to b he fi est any An Ent The Cinci Emperor of B memory, wha way of treati men. Darin hia party dr College, wher made inquiry f informed by t the college w s ago in Paris, d w nted to renew the equain an* college with fter t is ex ed the a/bine olleg been his o tell is ver may is la e to he r Dr jail not i • n tray melte s possess ibe rs the Mi in peter MuIrph tor in seasi t tiler lier the by the fulmar petre s. —Spectator, A Oure for 'Colds in the Head. It would seem as if the cure for those worst of small nuisances, colds in the head, which Dr. Ferrier of King's Col- lege, suggested in thZ Lancet, might prove to be a remedy of very great value. It is a snuff—a white powder—composed of the following ingredients : Hydro - chlorate of morphia, two grains ; acacia powder, two drachms ; trisnitrate of bis- muth, six drachms—the whole making up a quantity of powder of which from one-quarter to oue-lialf may be safely tak- en, if necoesary, in the course of twenty - Dr. Ferrier says that with this snuff he has twice cured himself of very vio- 4' • i i gths, soil serve, wi r it •lay b 1." lit I' taste, hi ' t. T,ef I for akin 'ut the rh =very qualm suga ; p and le ve e, B t ream n surf he pr ser r if kept = lace. J? range , p 1 to rinl a - pa small, add , finely cut, ound and a le do n it pres TM! rly eq al tq raga ed n here a of go. a; die cry, s: "T1 d said - f h igh co nc"1 exh y 23 see h Duri En je only the nam f th but also that to the examii he was comae tion the Dom various departMents of the as much intellest as f he hac to start a medical c liege of the banks of the A a,zon." bouring tow ,1 latel blush *his head in hurch. He his devotion Whil the se progress, very naeel and en head, spying im, rake a preoccupied ether, ren do I exclaiming, Oh anima, in SO gleeful trd lin n v whole church full f eopl led. The mhther nd ohil as a dashing Widow; and the honest child a, de father. ther known, that he you been paying hrden attent widow. Th devo (Mali e stop ed pert roe, a d the indu ed a burst of 4.0 soun ed foreign to t e Place man's devotiees w re lin him, and he left th eau° a and 3 Sit Vice ague ay fro th ice, t wer It vv g ma ens t ereisee ongre ked Lary ng s apa o h we WHY I L IS THE ONS $ ED SEED. ! SEED. $:FED. 9 R11 , BEST PLACEI TO BUY YoU get Best Vialue :to be had for yO4r Yon FIT. are lways surel of a PERFECT Di HARD EAFQRTH. WARE. ECEIIED AMEOCAiT CUT NAILS, SPIADEq, SHOU S, 'FORKS, HOE AND R4KES, FIE!YCING WIRE ND BUILDING 11".,A.RDWARE Of Every Description dbeap. EAVE 'TROUGHS A., ND COIN ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest N tice and Warranted. HURON PLAN1NC MILL. THE underfigned herly inform their many -a- customers and the pub ic generally of the Re- moval of their Faetory and Lumber Yard to. new and More comraodious premises on NORTH MAIO STREET, Where, with increased land lime new raachinery of he best maite, shoe will continue to ms-nufaetur and 'fill all erders for Sashes, Dpor8, 8, M 1d/img , had all ki ds et PLANED 1!3 E R At Pricee to Sni the Times; Far Ga e8, How RaCk8, Chee8e • A Large Stec of Seamed LuMber on Hand. LATH AND sHipilaLgs. ' Jig Attwink nod Cuatom pinning will Receive Prompt Attention. The subscribers hereby thank heir numerous customers' for he liberal atrona e extended to' them during t e past, and op), y etriet integ- rity and elm !attention t business, tp merit a e,ontinnance and increase the setae. To all thoec Whose ace° to are everdue we give GRAY 8t SCOTT. P. S.—PlanS and Specifications for Buildin s W AT l'AYS 4 - IT AYS TO GO TO THE i EXCELSIOFt MILLS EGM NDVILSE, ONT., To get your G feting done, and Farmer will in all cases get t eir own Wh at ground, nd good, Partiee wi hing to get the Excelsior Mills CELEERAT CO F1, -OUR Can de so at IS ill PriCOS, chante of McGinnis, jo eph Brown Pavey, Georgia Murray, Megarey— Any qnanti y of Chop BARI Y, and ether Feed, M. -CHARL ts for the 11 re the follrng Mor- s Laidlaw, James ed PEAS, OATS and arden City Middling 417 HA1,141. DR MIS AMAN WISHEs te inform the Y Vicinitythat she is pr In tha Letts Fashion moderate, a orders p A Call So Cited. Re A STARK Ladiee of S7forth an pared to ma 8 ne Comb . Prices dually et tided to. !donee— Street Successor td *tromps rahly, M ofertb, Is now leiving hm Stock'of FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS, which 1 e is deter• mined to sell a+► ' a Small Advance on Cost. 1 have now ern hand a Stock sof CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED, Millet, Black Tares, English and taiian Bie Grass, ALSIKE CLOVER, Lucerene or Preach Clover, Yellow or Tref il' Clover, Orchard Grass, Mixed Lawn Grass, &c. SWEDE TURNIPS—Skervin ed, Hall's Westbnry, Purple Top, Bruce's Selected East Lothian and perial. CARROT SEED—Long Orange, Wbite Belgium, Green Top, DEN SEDS—My Stock of Garden Seeds will be found FRESH Warranted as Pfure as can be got in any other establishment. CALL get your supply, Seeds ite Low as any other House in the Trade ; undersold. SEED OATS'—I have now on hand a quantity of those NEW ZEALAND OATS, yielding from 80 to 120 bushels to the acr feet long ; head 15 to 20 inches, ou the side ; they stand the weather wel shell. I will furnish Bohemian or Hulless Oats, and the Tartarian Oat I John Henderson, to anytperson entrusting their orders to me. I will i3lenuiiie Hulks* Oats and the Tartarian Oats as Low as they eau be market. CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PURCHASING ErA3 A Choice Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLO1TR and FEED alwa,y I Ag BOUND NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD and to give everybody sa M. MORRISON, s Improv. rtetts Ina - 11 GOOD ; RLY and won't Celebrate and dost't grown, by urnish the got in the Mink on hand. 1876. NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW J U -S Ti 0 F#!: E N DRESS GOODS DRESS TRIMMINGS TASSELLED FRIIGES BALL FRINGES COLOR'D PARASOLS BLACK PARASOLS DRAB CORSETS WHITE CORSETS KID GLOVES LISLE GLOVES STRIPED HOSE COLLARS AND CUFFS NEW NEW NON NEW NEW Nblif 18 7 61 FRILLS AND R BALL VEILS SCARF VEIL EORU TIES LACE TIES SILK TIES REAL LACES HATS AND BO NEW FLOWERS AND F ts/I/V ECRU NETS NEW ECRU SILK NEW ECRU LAOE &O • NETe ATHERSI Cheap Cash StoLe Seafo h. N. B.—A Few Real Hair Switches at a Large Discount. FARMERS OF HURON, AND BR OE. A GOOD ARTICLE ALWAYS CHEAP. JOHNSTON SELF -RAKE REAPER, CAYUGA, Ja, and SPRA ER, also our celebrated Enifire Seed Drill—Improved,:and new Patent Self - Dumping Sulktr Horse Rake, vvithout any doubt The Best eVer offered Aden; eishie she E. TINA TAN. Iola eier sunburned AU - : The most excelietiO-Tolleb -Looking T .itislois lashir ;Ifni USO after, iff elitirely USW, Ina 004PLEXION TOILET Ile vie are -heifer sale; It IS nOlurainig:-.4 see fOr Ourself: • Mote who have need it dispepse ivith it, It will , Give th a _Trial anal You Will nit I liVithotit It. .sidtr :no; ;:ecet eiv,_ed,e%st ,he. re, 1,, a:reatit:ed:shPasitctbh :isU417;:te—d17S:anitestle: t0118. tiered for the proteetiort of the le girt, who was thei in/10007A CAUSES he t171}rdbanteettle 11,11:13,440hcellztaddaetedoemita;e: woblistawetereeamrhue:p64,04r;Q:3b.sereouri; orr:o:filettheett:ad-,leAwnddnautehox:; er vr:weligrell'ianitttalbede The- o ul, informed', the -Governor of affairs,. and be sent troope teit , as besieged by the rabble. ins Ionic.% to the Ottomaii Ambassador at T ed,:floh7m4:edlleatiegsupVreorOtoet4dtetiMtoe:otheoaeolnnuirdiuedcii:t 14 arrived at 711.:1:taielemma--hbY solif antiTileeiris"C°00°151:trVitdaehPeninret. g7C4°tT0t:118121:0,eff:elietr:ve.manilelloraaniuhnil wm;nse: 04 and earned her hy fprce to the house eta t e United States h'ad aStemblederushedj or PabaCedinetiesiedtedtSthiahte trev-eciton?vre'fismsihoulder be' Fat brought thither. The Goveroor, hear- o Rig that the German and French Consuls the feonstils te evithdra Ana to Cairn ting, fell upon thpe Consulsse end perate..efforts of the Go*easnor to shield them With his own' perecitt. The troops totiniveranteorlYtedisf SPaelresset4leath°1e9gre%Pnieb; tT)thate order has been restoreelS and the -guilty pgrties hay, been, arrested." ;The Pans ,orrespondence Untverseile, owg:iiinedthoef hdh reee gdf uogv er7i rigr :Dace e oat: Jul 'oleic a fjtel Le* their Legation in Paris :4 --“The Ameri. eau Consul was at the railway station, whew his attention was aft -meted by . The Coneul took the girl -under pr tection„ While he Wile Seeking and French Consuls were seper- bo mation as to 4er nationality, the ee ately informed that a went= belonging tr their respective 'nations, had been „dragged. into the mosque,. They eonse- so ,quently repaired to -the mosque where ,--Se thelhwe ePmarisb6actoerliret:pcio:aLhn't" o'f the I:on- :1 fe. Time8 learns that ; the American Con - fearing that the mob would sueeeed ing his house, sent the girl to the an consulate. The mob in the e compelled the -German Consul au order for her delivery, and then murdered A apeeial dispateli font. Odessa, to the Leaden Times represents that the out- rage NVO,8 premeditated. . All the Consuls I -exeept the British, had wiarned the Gov- -emor and the Porte that 4, massAere was 'intended, The 844/10i -dispatch. says a feeliN of insecurity prevails among the :Christians and Buroheans in Turkey - The Paris -correspondent of the Tinl€81 •isays that the interchange of views at Berliu, on the Salonica affair, has result- edin a collective denahnd on the part of -the European powers,: for the eiecution -of the murderers, indemnification of the families of the ViCtitri8, a solemn -salute te the Fihnch and Gentian flags hy the Turkish authoritiei, and guarantee 1 rietFhifatvYe Pale:essx1.°1; ble.h11°at°1:ekstePda.rt the Cas ,40 41 E4P f—F---7-SSAG,g!, ricxpitootmstearships, sailing Mai NEW TORiC FOR 4ifEENSTOINAlit LIN -WOOL -1 ),,, TE P TO THE OLD COUNT y wontd- atilt their 4. interests In. WIN AG N. B. in conn sued at 13. BER-Tspl 4.1.71 482 Tickets for Nen- ork, -via Erie ction -With above pee of Steams weed rates. I Mrs TS AL AYS nudyte -1- and AIRY trit on the '12erteet Notice snit all ho want a good DAIRYIA N. Seafizth, Nliti&geteilVP4 and at prim dbatsill THE PUREST ANI) BEST CO.Jk OIL the market Wholesale and Ret4/11. Every, =Kind of Tin: Work Conetektgly os Rein mber the Plaee—Conter of John nakela 4gs MRS. Will pay the Highest -Cash Prkefor SAlift, Lode; oft ALL. PAD& Akan quantity of RriM LOGS suitable/0r* manuf Cu I lowest UE MOi.V 500 tom Stawittigi attended to rem cheap as at any other mill. i ber of every 4escription,elso'filibeglo, CEDAR POSTS FOR isALE. ion. We beg to say ALL the above articles by us aro perfectly reliable, and Settforth., 417 1 n the Domin- warranted to give satisfaction. PATTERSON & BROTH RS' Impl ments speek for themselves, and have earned a high replitation for their many exIcellent quail - ties throughout the country wherever they ,Itive been used., All Far ers ing purchasing any of the above will do well ito give them a trial. is unneces- sary for us to say anything in regard to the; s and our johneton Reap r took at the Great Trial on the London Road ha 1875, welt is well known by all i this section of country, and we may say it Will be still better for the season of 187 as weheve made improvements for this setilson's sales. ' REPAIRS kept at Seafo th, Brussels, Wingham, and Clinton. Addr SS Or WM. GRIEVE, General Agent, Seafortli, Ontario, UNRIVALtED ATTRACTION, AT GER$1, BLACR /SILK PARASOLS, a i05 bought at a Great Redrue-, tion—See Them. Choice Stock of SILK UMBRELLA in Black Brown a Green; BROWN amd GRAY LUFRES ed 20 Cents "er yair Wondeeul. Elega/nt Assorrtment of LINEN COLLARS, CUI*S an& L Piles of. Fine PRINTS ai 6 and 7 Cents per 7)ard. 1,011 Yard8 GREY COTTON 5 Cents per ywrd. HATS that 'Wre BATS, SCARFS, airq GLOr S at Rack Bottom 'Prices, 13 poun,d8 SUGAR for $f CE TIES, R. p. RoGiRes "N4ed" for Popular Prides. MEROHANT TAIL011?j AND CLOTHIER, SEAF9OTH, IS NOW RECEIVING A 'LARGE STOCK OP k KIND LATEST STYLES OF SPRING TWEEDS, WOROED8, 'LTD GENERAL FUI? AT THE LOWES4 QUOI4ATIO OF TF,TP, SAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASO, -DOI/RANO BLIND FACTORY THE eubscriberbegsteaee to thanichisitumered -a- customers for the liberal patronage extendedte trusts that he may be fatered with a c tinting* him since commencing lansiness in Ser;uth, ani of the Same. Parties intending to bnild would do well to gift hire a dell, as he will coutlnue to keep On baud 4 large eek allkinds e 'WWI PIN LUMBER; i SAS 1E14, 1 DO RS, BLINDS, MOULD 08, SHINGLES,1 LATH, ET . He f els confident of vingsatisfseti ntothelli but fir t-elsesSro kmen reemployed. 201 • HN BROAD 00T. EGG The subscribe hereby thanks hie einesrou retro arida the past seven rites, anit by ski t lute and elope attention to blioloolit Hew ng greatly enlargbd his prenci+ea del* the wi ter, he is now prepared to pay the . HEiT ,CASH PRICE at the EGG EMPOR I Main Street Self Wa ted by the subscriber 25 ions o good clean WHEAT STLA Vs! RO AL PANADIAN BAN SEAFQRT,T1 BRANCH,. Bank i the Uni ed States. at all hief ier of the nited Ring INT ,RES PAI ON REPOSIM 411 Bob- leig NCH AND Kiln Iron lientroto ed fO Wood. et ear Pat erti against massacres. - Don't be too SohahltiVe, -et:nag elfruri;rinogn tItliet rifacjirly iliniStehtisre`o tirselleoi i T r thefainily without finding that tome of- I fence is designed. 'They areas touchy as 1 T hair -triggers. If they meet an ttequetrat- ance who happens to be preoccupied. with it -nines; they attribute, hie abstraction 1 in some mood personal to ;themeelves,and i take umbrage accordinnly. They lay on I 1.1 ethers the fruit of their irritability, In - !ligation makes them see impertinence i everyone they armoire eontact with. ' ent persons, who never dreamed of g offence, are astoeished to find some liM40 word, or momentary tech; easftill, tishetabkaebniriTS at tl in f 01 nr ft ull n al k te .144 ig at i sY. l' es.lect iS open and direct. After all, too, e {)00:8Crortiret:ofuetrlalokr:evin-bthdetiie:'gZatnedhuarorit tas ble fieftwakeeasreitsfrhanukcsainud4g ge Le:lied: :ree6WfOrr°171 ; art sliplekioil'uds,13rnienifieTtntiltoc el:enlraldrY'alvitd ,' hintioue to 118 Let e son et the repu- ' Is* unnfle°r reseitnragin"tth, :net-11137ln" 4tahdisevwel7ayhethd3re ! B nebarliev)! Om ini. aginary offence are vastly 1 ea d girl and. her mother, who are 1 attre -23.71:e7majoria:itthLoese07::_ymo_lieiTni an: tie daughter became verymuch ha I al a s ta t' I lehe ti i ;eh'. ) Phe aYna drdehi ne oelsi 1 siCiet$ f°eet !lc elf' Tt v id° i- ena:n aY1 14 : 48upt lirongs- i II 111,41 e flit :8001;1 arri :whadr se ab eawn:hvf. a s: n: ahut g ett a' gr i°:bii:ivl i e 8:71 1 I: ewhati tl 3:11 ahde a°b:et hY :41 i ;teal °t ern ea se 1 ,, 1 weriPapplie:iee.ictocaet odioette0.--0 -Gefo r: ahlftee_r;unlEertplidpnrseLhur:feje:ptrisio; '1 Y. a thorough knowledge of the ' vy doctors' bills, it IS by the - 0 1 I 4. "oe zeivf ir i*m:of;:e gtyi sni thogehbte: 00: rgrr °tar a diti iessud; ulio:sfeywadiiebfe a di al. aryeurti mi yla ihebuti :ii, . ...;,..: ma ease. Hundreds of subtle es -se adRi'n: y i_4ii ntStiYweiintoll.Pae, PET-- ill perly 421-521 till 4 IISILT, .lired .°411 tt4ehe A ply p. Mo AUGHT, aha -Le- a numbs off _his we beat In 1NDUCEMENTi TO' P BASE heft- tirteite of it antsnuiisore give iT tighten SP C Mr. the TUBS lad isToroliknoll