HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-05-26, Page 3JUNE 2, 1876. 7A iQ ikheston,of G saga of stock dam' r • M€ uday tell, Grey; NO021,2tan okras. Tuesdayproao tastd Loadesb€ li ]Myth; night 6O1.1 Stand, Wingh rr Tnrnberry. Friday; chie`e, l:Iowick ; night F, noon stand, James ;sols. The above route onlay, May 1, and will riug the season, health BY JOHN G. .wittrr*It. e meet,to-day, united, free, thauk Thee fOr the 'era (tone .A.nd truet Thee for the oPening ono. Here, where of old, by Thy 4esign, The', fathers spake that word Of 'Thine, hose eoho is the glad ieffaiia Ott -elide/ bolt and falling (slain, To grace.our festal tiine, front all The'zones of earth our &eats we call. 33e with us while the New. World greets The Old World, thronging all its streets, thivailing all the triumphs. won gy art or toil beneath the sun ; And unto common good ordain The rivalship of hand and brain. Thou, whe haat here in concoid furled The war .flags of agathered World, Beneath our western skies fulfil The Orient's mission of goOdiwill, And, freighted with Love s golden fleece, Send. baok the Argonauts of peace. For art and 1.ahor met in truce, For beauty made the bride of use. than.k Thee,. while withal we crave The austere virtues strong to 'save, The honor proof to place or gold, she manhood never bought or sold ! 0 ! make Thou us, through centuries long - ln peace secure, and justice strong ; Around our gift of freedom dawn The safeguards of Thy righteous law, ,And, cast in some diviner mold, Let the new cycle shame the old I t6[ hands high, is well superior traveller. Re Warrior; he by Boys (See American Stud arra was a ihoroughbrec ed by K;ctpt.'Kerry's f u «he watt noted for her ung Warrior is sire of n Canada, among which yes -which took the first .London, in 1576 and which took the first ting Lamb's t10 mare, prize in the Western roe yearns in succession, awe been entered for There are several ilr it is unnecessary te. , invariably good tem- `- for the season, $10.t the 1st of J arraary, luid by note at three of service. All mad - Parties disposing of time bo hold re - whether with foal or Ove one or more mares n thorn regularly, will [whether in fol or not 'NSTON, Pr< ,rietor. VVALieti. HANKS. a thank my numerous -patronage for the last ;;been doing business :entinuanco of their are rectiveel a Largo )ry Goods, Groceries, ware, hardware, Coal 4letliriues of all des- - taken in exchange. h intimate to those accounts, due Jen. 2, re, either by cash or tt1ement. Please call LOAF. oney on Real Estate raze before going else- .he Left Loan Socie- tis �:Eaa,s��y^^t.. [ ti:.� CSE.. •ed gnu me a cal=f,: as ctuail Life Iusnrance `,f the best artd most lilies in the Damin- deist economical prn- tee to Business-. (*cell. ? h Post Office Store FMEI S AND ntion of all, these let r i. c eteriuined to incl; Hemlock, •:r not the following, rates: :r thousand ; 14 feat All orders over 4 000 Rmi see if you, don't tJrs will be charged 1urnerons easterners soiieits n continua - X THOMPSCN. tw;Yi ilio, McKillop.. -oned Accounts to r:ft'rmed that our old can make the most upon them. Those s11onld look them idea that tttey are really for him, and ;id. Saw Mills bleKillop A RTNE SHIP. e subsisting between fefirm name of, WIL- liasolved by mutual €trea£ter be carried <hts contracted by. by J. It. Williams,: m will be cc,lit;et- i, It. WILLIAMS, CLUFF. .. • sick ontoideath •.we' Bs his !f anti Valid frietvlkn;gatlie to hug, hut ,wiOliotit' ettect„. said flu= nieaUd peuld devise,,we4- e) itWas, that .he-tol,a, the Story Of. eyes he admitted he had dpuill trusting wile, hia .confiding lean Ilia light ;canine fie aaid, WeajZieg ho already had a wife. and -then Corner under -44 neme of Aver gave his first wife'e adOreact that she might be te1eigraphed o glect and suffering he 'had pause ..to said be. wae ,Major, in a Conn regiment, had- served. with &lying the late war, and had heal Ale gave no reason why he had de his wife and little ones, and ccas pr ed! by weakness from explaining hi of !playing the mute, lie soon aft ant: was buried with:all honors: co rse of time his &it Wife 0rive of Sh ablishing her identity, teek eV er husband's death. ',She ididn' ch of a to-do about the mat the seem heart -broken at hie was very calm about thel oce and explained that she was more d of procuring the evidence ot his and securing a pension of $3,000 t in some way due to him from th ernment thair of recalling him -t After having attained her obje quietly departed, leaving her sif in peaceable posisession of *hat' world's goods had been ae,cutpula the capital advanced at her marri4 Avery. The affair has oceasforied excitement among the deniSensylo usually quiet village, atid the s of the entire community goe out much -wronged and loving rs. and her unfortunate children: they condemn Mrs. Ziegler, who regard as another victim of nian's What prompted his assumin to and dumb, and so successfu y gut the freak, will probably ne known, but that the statemlents above are true is beyond all doubt From Poverty to Honor. Matteo Batucca, an aged Italian, who 'for 15 yeers past has led able of extreme poverty in New York, received, not long ago, the welcome news that he had been elected inember of the Italian Parliament with an annual salary of 30,000 lire. In a letter from a member of the present Cabinet of Victoe Emmanuel ' he Wes in- formed that provision should be made for him at the expiration of his Parliament- ary term. This is the tardy recognition of the disinterested servicea which a pure and: gifted man rendered his "country. Forty years ago he espoused the cause ef the Carbonari. In 1837 he succeeded in captaring Ferdinand II.,afterward known as King,Boraba, with his whole family. The Neapolitan tyrant was frightened out of his wita. Bat Batucca said to him : " We are no assassins. You shall go free; but open all your political prisons. Fer- dinand pledged his royal word to do so but violated it as soon, as released. treacherous member of their little band delivered Batumi), up to the royal troops. He was sentenced to death. He was standing already near the fatal block when a pardon arrived. His sentence was commuted to penal servitude. For a whole year he remained chained to a gal- ley, Then he eicaped, was recaptured, and. again sentenced to death, This time a fhll pardon was granted him on condi- tion of emigrating. He went to- Algeria. Then he travelled to Egypt and secured a position under Mehomet Ali. ; But it was impossible for him. to keep away from It- aly, and so he returned in 1844 to Cala,b- .riaanci raised the standard of insurrection. At one time the movement assumed for- midable dimensions, but finally the in- surgents were forced to surrender. Bat- IleCa wrote a letter to Ferdinand. "Once I gave -you your life," he wrote, " now I ask you to take mine but spare the lives of my men." The Iiiag sent orders to have four of the insurgents shot in Batec- e,a's presence and then let him stand for a certain number of hours with the noose round his neck ender the gallows. This horrible mockery was carried out to the letter. Batucca underwent the ordeal' with the utmost sang froid. At last he was taken back to prison, from which he effected his escape. He fled to the moun- tains, wbere he remained unti11848, when the revolution called him to Naples. He became a Miniater of the Democratic Cab- inet under Poerio, -but resigned. At g the reactionary rising of the Lazzaroni he was taken prisoner, and sentenced to death • with 89 others. All of them were par- doned. In 1857 be was released, and in the following year he came to New York. For a few years be gave lessons in Italia,n and French, but gradually pupils gretv scarce and he had to resort to humbler pursuits. He became a carrier of a Span- ish newspaper, a peddler and the like.' Recently some of his countrymen inter- ested. themselves in his behalf, with the gratifying reault 'stated above. — .New York Mercury. oun •i1 tits r4W The lif h an .lif r,a ldr ken 13 k e he die ,cti no l erte ve free rdie nd an len mak r, n mis time +fir dea at w Go li t Cele f t fro e w 'nten th pat o t Ave Or th rfid eel rry er rltt been a ed i lW n e. cd is, d. e. ad en 's. A ed and ne r. ut on. r cel. d nt- , k d ue d, ce e or e. e, ons th as v- fe. he or I 4.141705 011 tta filgu ernelrt ,m187 said, asi, viontld-:- a is! Lior., 0D'Airrumg., eliVould Alt the; alb) tinn, 41,4 interes d ,to an artWle Tef 'undatibted merit, and .whibh wo ti (lets an, Arahlan- Healie Keine y," now largest orse dealers in heeount y; these and liv t all that prevents thei healthy ircipro td appearance of the anim 1,*hicb use it, they are thus enable. to get better rices,land at the game me give their e stomers tound.ird healthl horses. - the si aturd of Hurd !lc Co. i on each medic e dealers. ,OPR! A,N -Pg ds N NCAN, LIMBER/ FLOUR, AND F GOODS, .,,GRopilluks, ALOE OLCiT poo SM.A.Pd)R AND 1 HAND 4NOTHER LOT OF iliOSE -L. the public to thelicivtitat he is 4 above branches of hosinesstena Gain CHEAP CO ON GOODS, ion of n in the upoitua 1.1.011.PRIGES. HAVIN os HAND A VERY 1LARGt STOOK OF For which their Store is Noted. We with Weekly are keep g our Stock Fully Assorted rrivals fr OAK, and PI RRY MONTREAL A LIAM •H LL D bROtkITO. Cotton weeds, worth looking at, are HAS THE LA GEST, C114E-Ai;EST, AND BEST A Large Stock of those Cheap Duck a to hand. Which will be sold at PH - 1 the Cost of Pr Beare vering We are showing this week a new lot of Black and Dark Colored Prints, cheap. itk180 a nice Lot of Hosiery in Clerical rey, Oxfotd and Cambridge. A Fine Lot of Sewed Muslin Trimmings. A New and Cheap Lot of Black and C lored Kid 6 -loves. A Fine Stock, this week, of Canada, T eeds and Cloths. A Large Stock of Boston Tan Duck A Weekly Supply of Millinery Goods the Latest American Shapes, &c. ecked o that c A further Stock of Hats %id Caps to h Our Stock is all Fresh and in Good 0 served wilh the Latest and. Best A Fine Lot of CLOTHING, and C Shortest Notice. • to the undersigned frons customers and' Urine the manntxe- Feinterna as hereto- now ;heli facilities+ `ta better article for • tablihnrent of the weak' say that an e tl, at, he is urgent - ed and wolf -known i:, WILLIAMS. I A�C``Y . LXD The Detroit Tribune of Wednes the following in Connection With t nouncement of the &lath in hat nit that morning of Mrs. Ad laide sop, and the eldest of the childrela ago she was attacked With Oysip disease ROOD assuming a slue f0 m locating in the head. 'A sli ht bl * the eye, occasioned byi Mrs, Tho suddenly rising up and hitting an ant who was bending over ber, n the eingular result of id.eterining flaramatory malady into an absces (II the optic cavities, which bec arming on Sunday last and In t proved fatal through the brkitt be affected. The announcement o -ories of onr readers he 'slire in! ay ity of as, tfe xt he as on sh p - he nd ear on ad in- ne al- nd ng er- of ke en of and, whic er, and c at the M CK At 'rem $13 to1$6 50 per HE ALSO ItEEP$ and Plain. stomers will be sure to get *ill be cleared ont cheap. storners eau depend on being rket can afford. !IFL41U. R Which err sold a housand Peet. Ac QNSTANTLY Custckn 7ork ,n; risting I have juit opened out for. the Orrin and Sum, BOOTJ AND S. OTHING MADE TO ORDER on the ATS 4$411111 OA .A4 a Fine +lc of GjI,OCEti All of winch win he rible scenes that followed the coll sio the Pewabic and the Met or o Huron 10 years ago. 'Ws Brus a small pleasure party who iad in de the round trip on the Pew;bic, and er on boats were under the same mani em at, were Ott the lookout for ea h ot er, lad th,e propellers collided with great ore: in 'utson the broadest part of • akellI Hu mi. ed, and the boat at ore cbmine ce to unexpected and appalling cat tro I he, presence of mind and judgment on rib - cation, which were taken by her elf and. friends. They secured Ife pre era ers, and, repairing to the isitern of the sin ing vessel, leaped. into the la e aft r it be- came evident that the boat was !I st, and from the wreck. One of he party, Mr. Calvin 'Wright, was seized in th av-: ter by a drowning woman, NOD dra ed im to dea;t1r with her in her fra tic 0 ug les. His wife (now Mrs. Mans eld) b e her escape to Miss Brush's cal,. nese in rep- idity, and skill as a Swim is er. ' By the help of some timbers, whi h MI s ll sh aided her distracted hien to re eh hey kept afloat until picked u • by t e ats from the Meteor, being t us n mb red lire of the reports of 'the calam ty and the story of the ' heroine o the 'ew: sic ' was copied generally by t e pre 8 o the country. Miss Brushlalso after ar re- ceived the gold medallcon erred by -the Life Saving Association. rs.Thsm 'son, born to wealth aad high si)cial )081 ion, and possessed of usual native 1 orc of cf complishments, added t by ; ons ant study, adorned a disPesiti n of ma ked simplicity and amip.bility. Her circle of friends was large ail 4inceire, ant! th do - charming and unaseu mg xpon nt. Her marriage took place about ine y ars ago, eafcrtl. `am thanks to the art cjf Seaforth for na since heasstun- zness of tloafortb. :aw l,t tterprepar- k of Iris eu.ttom- . $:$1 in the service. k . house lfnrnit- +. as.n.able terms.. i.ore:. in this lino r e. l.'r'ctnrlr t i t tr cl e, sire the cardinal Lis lituiness. Publjc. h aline and flour tve1 between Sea- tn STA GE the [ he drivers are - :arid re.iuble and JohNi (DAMP 4:11. t One E CURTAINS UNC N & DUN9AN CAMPAIGN IN SEAFORT!.1. IGRASS THE SPRIN AND T. KIDD'S EMPO IUM OF FASHION. Th atten inent,„the subseti 13V, begs and the pUblic generally fort attended to him in -the, p attention to business, to me soldi very ow Fignret. [thank his friemie t the sane in. the 00V NLOCK, A. S MID GM Ii\T THOMAS KIDD'S E P ORI UM, AS USUAL, ON IN MILLINEFY, e Latest and Most Fashionable Siyle. e the Ne est, Styles the Latest, P "eel; ountry ar;requested to call and exa ine LEADS THE FASH IN OOD SUPPLY Over 100 New Patterns Trimmed in The Ladies of Seaforth and surrounding. before purchasing elsewhere. Goods a the Lowest. Van Ranken's Corners, :Watervliet, comes to the front with a sensation. Some years ago a well-dressed, prepos- sessing young man, who introdue.ed him- self as a Mr. Avery, went to that village and registered. at the hotel. He was a handsome appearing young man, and never was known to utter an oath or a profane word, In short, he was deaf and dumb, a fact that did not prevent him from playing the agreeable or mak- ing love in the most orthodox fashion to the reigning belles of that region. He soon established quite a reputation as a lady-killer among the fair demoiselles, and what soft things he Was unable to say with his tongue he uttered but too eloquently with his expressive eyes, Cu- pid smiled. upon his endeavors, and his love -making at length culminated.in his leading to the altar one of the lov•eliest of the Corners' fair daughters, and—what was 'more to the point and to our story— an heiress' in her own right to a consider- able -amount of money. Not a response did he respond while the ceremony was being performed, nor did he even_ inti- mate that he could talk vntil he had. taken a position on the daneing floor at the gra.nd ball given in their honor,when he betrayed the fact that he had been acting a, lie, a,nd could speak and hear as as the best of them. His new.made bride was only too glad to discover an additional chant' in her heart's chosen one,. and her love for him only strengthen- ed with the discovery. He managed in some way to explain his tidinost unaccount- able actions, and. satisfied her relatives with some plausible story of a vow bind- ing him to silence until a given time—his marriage. The newly -wedded pair soon settled down to the humdrum routine of practical married life, and Mr. and Mrs. Av.ery were the model of connubial bliss. 141th his wife's money the model bus- - band bought a farm, near Morrisville, ing. Two chil ren were born unto the pair, and they were gliding down lifeis fitful streana a staid, steady couple, be- Inoeviegtboof reaLeh other and, respected by their And now comes the sequel. About three weeks ago Mr. Avery wae taken LIVERY, 11 . rE LEY :.tutTrade of the city hell's; from ,,,tate that he in- . the t.lal htaud,; As and vehicles but t;e4': and ! ooct * Kept. t.' .r'ticages, and Ready for Ilse. - Consoler - y of ons ler- of the Hotels 418 VNALD it they Lave re - the t+,t between. €t s rks and ;filar- . a guodaAsort- "I.It, caressed and III:tiE LES, all of the Iowest pos- it any quantity ;to their advan-. ertain our prices' are in a position chasers. e.'.:i AT BARGAINS THAT ARE BARGAI Dress Mods, Prints, Black Lustres, Gr Shawls Blaek Silks, Colored Silks, Kidi Rock Aottom Prices. OLD SEED STORE, REM S in the y Lustres, Gloves in 41owing Lines : Dry ods, I,iustriens, Millinery, Man, les, 1 reat variety, and all than at NEW MACH1E SHOP. AVING fitted up the prethisee re prepared tqui!.sR.s & 1E:NG:Mai" MBE I keep the Largest and Best Stock in th County, a d sell 20 yards of Good C4tton for $1. -Splendid Assort ent of CANADIAN TWEEDS FROM 5c per yard to $1.25, c to 40c per yard. CO EDWARD pN, CORN, AT ORN SPLENDID COTTONADES from 2 GR DOMINION BLOC HATS AND CAPS IN GR VARIETY, Of the best American m kes, direct rem New York. BOOTS SHOES ' ajeddiLig an d. Stave S Ili N AND GENERAL PE H WORK ended To. ORATE BARS AND In numberless variety, to fit from the baby th pradle to the largest Gra Special Drives in a Job LO of Dress Goods at any Price. MA GOLD AND CARRO SEEDS. CASH pin FOR E OS. TED, A QUANTITY 0 The best Tea to be had, 70c per p Rice, &c. ASS BuTTER, FOR FIRST - HIGH RICE E HIGHEST WILL BE PAID. BRO RTE S STEAM SA E FOR equally ger. ROBEIllI RUN 13eaforth, Feb: 2,187d, 214 fituael RNIB AND M UFO 1JRING [Poi. IMAN, 'Manager. House. 4261 N TOWN. 4701-1 11 To LICENSED HOTEL KEEPERS—I say co 43 to me and bay your Br Wine, Rye, Malt, and all other Liquors at Cost, csr Ten Days. Remem Licenses expire May , 1876. THOMA.S KI r all D. TO THE PEO PLE OF HURON. for Clas no bad deb ,11 all business GrangeisM won MILL ti.A.1VIS !WED - DESIRES TO ANN0UNCE TO MS PEOPLE OF A 'VERY LARGE S office of a life assurance agent la t L eek, of about nineteen sunimers, call d a the and asked : "How long will a and that eats peas With a knif , li e ? " "according to our table, Madam, ' re lied the agent, " he should, oh the ave age, I survive 11 years, 3 menthe, and "That" said his visiter, `i'vvou the 1st of August, (il.881 ,? " madam." "And ho much c say for $50,000," he answered, said the young Nyhma , `II thi that I'll marry him.' "Insurel mean ?” replied the agent. ' N Herbert, and Mr. Da kilts is ol e ough to be my grndfath r. !But erb rt is poor, and I just wo hip the rne lots that Mr. Dawkins "1 on. &Her- bert is very patient, and' say' th4 if I 11 be recieely uld in - amount, , king out -1 614 umber, o raining a r 1,000,000 feet of od Hemlock t and sorted, snits le ter Build - Y LOWEST PRICES. TEAS, SUGARS Of various Brands, Shperior Quality, is! ply of all articles usually f A ND K OF , and sell for Cie in gives custom men weld pnrs soon die a natural GRO RI f every description. Fe jor , New a Bright, Beant Sugar from 10 or One Dollar. re thebenefit. this systent I death. ge ASH- FO BIT d other Farm Produ Remember the New [Weir's ;Hotel, fiestorthf per pound in t.o 12 pounds EIED own Free of D EGGS, arly opposite Als a quantity of Inferior quality, ui able for Shee4g, ALL SO BOUS-SteS TOWN & PROPIU TO HIS . STOCK OF CRO9 Best Oitality.is Sorted 80 as to 11,o4 Wiihout 'Waste. JAMES J. CARTER. ERY ND GLASSW Is now very large, well asso , and mu CHEAPER than usual J Mt RPHY is not so anxieus3 to mak= money as he is t make sales therefore tlae publiccan rely upon getting good bargains at JAISIES SEAFORTH g8ribeeztiododscribers ta:th -a• thanks to theiznum LIME [BUR a bushoit.-7 kilti,ssikeent.4,. Brusselii MO 2,7104 ty to return for the