HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-05-19, Page 7A« 1 RED UCTION PRICES. UR AND FEED, DR ERIES, READY. THING; BOOTS AND TS AND CAPS, &c. would tail the attention of s fact that he ie derlingin the sinese,and seIling*t ,11 LOW PRICES. HAND A 'VERY STOOK OF PINE, MAPLE, glIERRY at Prices Scarcely coved* of Production. AS4 HEMLOCK 50 per Thousand—Feet. g,E CONSTANTLY N HAND; A FEED, :the Lowest Possible Prices. - 'ark rices. rar in Gristing' r. Special Attention. ant for the Spring and Sam :arse oral Choice Stock of GFOOD S, IDE CLOTHING, AND SHOES, 41D CAPS, C., a Fine Stock of CERIES, oe sold at Very Low Figures. .ion to the foregoing advertise. ter begs to thank bits friends erally for the Liberal Patronage in the past, hoping, by strict ma, to merit the same In the VENWOK,. WINTHROP'' kOHINt. SHOP. [ up the proruis_ ex formerly oe. ;AY & SCOTT, we are prepared 01 ENGINES, �LOItiN (, CD SAW . IILL5', GLE; Stave Machinery, &c. #TH WORK AND L 'REPAIRS, ciy Attended To. aN i OTHER CASTINGS JRNISHED Nn MANUFACTURING Co. AN,. 141anuger. B,. near Mansion House.. 425 CHEAPEST SPOT TOWN. DOES TILE BUSINESS. ROOi"7,it1N. DEALER, FORTK na Kelly for Cash, and, having wisee hire customers the benefit, would pursue thio system. (sr, die a natural death. ERIE.Se Fresh, New and Good. lea at du cente per pound in fun 10 pounds. 5ti; ar, from 10 to 12 pounds AND FEED • a I;::livered in 'rows Free of it;T`I`E1t. AND EGGS, "roluce in exchange. for Goode aw firoecry, zrearly opposite rth JOHNKYLE:, DRAW KILN, 1RR OW8 l"akc this, r_plfortueity to return - mt. roux_ ctietoruors for the to tlttm during the past Ha- zlet atte ea-zletatte Ition to beef:nossrand t article, to merit a- voodoo: - R g D DAILY. *teed. Trico 1d- cents: Par 1:..15 cera, on care. it'll 1.C`€'ICY f:ASH. MAY 19, 1876, elaniesmolloolaseemass The Man Who KiWalssed Dr. Mary Dr. Mary E. Walker's peculiar walking dry is certainly a very convenient cos- tume to have an when descending into the bowels of the earth and taking a trip through the alines. She visited the Crown Point mine lately in company with Miss India Sheets, Miss Lena Smith and Ed. Barris, the party being in. charge of Mr.:Balch, the foreman of the mine. The Silver City Reporter thus gives some in cidents connected with the little episode: "Barris, who, as every one knows, is a firat-class assayer, and withal au invet- erate joker, played all manner of inex- cusable tricks on.the innocent and un- skilled doctor—such, for instance, as mak- ingher believe that a piece of barrenquartz, was real bonanza ore, and that some sul- phurets of iron were pure gold. He even went so far as to try to palm off a piece -of crystalizednartz as a ruby ; but this was too inueh for evil the doctor's cred- ulity. While clown in th e mine, 'i,700 feet from the surface, Ed. did a thing which no other man on the Comstock but he would ever dream of attempting. Ile had the audacity, the nervethe courage, the heart, the stomach to kiss the doctor. Yes. to print a kiss on those Iips which had been strangers to such a token of re- gard ever since the time when she first pother maiden legs into a pair of breeches and tried to be a man. The doctor let on to be mighty indignant at the familiarity and said she wanted no one but her hus- band to take such liberties. (wonder when she'll get one), but nevertheless liked it pretty well, which fact impresses us more favorably than anything we have heard about her for a long time."—Gold Hill (Nev.) News._ • A bad Bootjack. It is a Wisconsin paper, namely, the New Lisbon Age, that tells the story following:— " One day. last week, a young man in one of the rural districts, went intra the woods to do some work, and, while there, one of his boots felt uncomfortable, and he resolved to draw it off to see what was the matter. To do se, he thought the crotch of a sapling that stood near him, would answer for the purpose of a- boot jack. Ile placed his heel in the crotch and gave a pull, but he slipped and fell on the broad of his back, with one of his feet higiain the air, sticking fast in his new fashioned hoot jack:- From this uncomfortable position. he was unable to extricate him- self, and he laid_there struggling until 10 o'eloek the next day when he was dis- covered and released, by a party of friends, who had been hunting for him -all the previous night. Since his sus-- pension, Lyman does not consider the sapling boot jack n great success, and he will hereafter; draw off his No. lls, with a, convenience that will not serve him such a trick as the sapling did. Expenlaes of Moody's Meetings. The hex Tenses of brother Moody's three months' revival in Philadelphia smounted to $0,000; the expenses of his ten weeks' revivaiin New York, ran up to $42,000. The number of Philadelphia converts was estimated as 12,000; the number of converts in New York, is be- lieved to be about 8,000; his revival in Brooklyn brought in between three and four thousand converts; and his revival. at , Northfield gave him a .few hundreds. May be caleulate.d,therefore, that the whole number of -men and worsen, who. —as has been said --have had the auto- graphs of Moody and Sankey written on their hearts since the beginning of revival operations last September; has not been far from 25,000. If these converts, dr one half of them, or ono quarter of them, have really been r&xnuecl from their evil ways, end transformed in their lives,l here must be some interesting manifestations of the power of practical religion in the community. His Love for his Horse. According to the Worcester 82'y, Gen. E. W. Pierce, a citizen of Freetown, Mass., is calmly waiting the time when he and his horse shall lie side by side in theVame burial lot. Once when he was in the Army, it says, he was without food for a whole day, and at night he took ono ear of corn from six that had been given to his horse, and, having roast- ed it, made his supper on it, while his horse disposed of the other five. - During the meal he resolved, if his faithful horse lived to get home he would keep him till he died, and then bury hire in his fam- ily cemetery. When he had . got home,' this plan was firmly opposed by his wife, who didn't care to be buried beside a dumb brute. But he replied that she couldn't -be buried with hien then, for he would be buried with his horse if she wasn't buried at all. The wife bas since obtained a divorce, and there is now no obstacle to his cherished. desire. Poisoned by Wearing Colored ' Goods. The London Lancet reports another case of inflammation of the feet caused by wearing socks with orange -reel stripes. Poisonous substances seem now to be employed recklessly or ignorantly by dyers of wearing fabrics, An instance is mentioned of a gentleman who bought a new bat, and, after wearing it a few days, was troubled with very severe headache, and small ulcers appeared on his forehead and the whole upper port of his head be- came swollen. ' Examination showed that the btown leather inside the hat was colored ,with a poisonous aniline dye, and was the occasion of all the inflamma- tory symptoms. in a epeeist train for is advertised to go this 80 hours. This, tisst Chic*go`over the Pen Whence nt will 6(9 'fn a ' cial engfnea milder Stennett. The en in .Chicago n0 10 ger transfer the.:train' to Nortlhweilrtern roam. the newspaper party to Yokohama, and teed to Calcutta, ,Caii► o Mediterranean to F proceed td `Qaeenstow bark for New York. SPEOI AL Errs's COCOA.—Gra —" By a thorough natural laws which g of digestion and nutri. ful' application of th well -selected cocoa, vided our breakfast to ly flavoured beverage many heavy doctors' judicious use of ouch a "conititution may be until strong eaaugb to deny- to 'disease. II maladies are Boating attack wherever ther We may escape mane keeping ourselves well blood; and a properly divil ,Service Gazette. ets labelled- •' James maeopathic iChemists, St.,and 170, Piccadilly fici8CO3 W tis that 011 will trays o nia iioe,1 "to Gosha Irectio t'q ' tag will'rei tray f t San Franc I ; take a etea andthey twill ..throngb • They Mand,; and 1011113. rid con fo mug: O ledge of the: rnthe opera ions , and liy a da e-1 properti s of Epps has with a'deli a - oh may sa' I.It isb: iees cif diet aduaily bui r1st everylt eds of s nd us' re a weak p fatal Oafi fled with fished fra only in p ps & Co.,1 Threadn Ibndon," 4 (ONFE$SIONS OF A V] c IM.—Publish ' a warning and for the .orfeflt of yo and others who suffer from N = one Debility of Manhood, &c., giving hi: rales of Self afterurndergoing much stiffe rig and erpen. mailed free on receiving a velope. Address NATHANI Box 158, Brooklyn, N. Y. 118' eP oes, re ' nst. st-paid directed en-` L MAYFAIR, P 0.!. 26E TN consumption andseroful there is defective nutriao formation to repair the rata vature of the opine or iickels eneyof Phosphate of Lima in hip disease, in enlarge% the neck or King's Evil, in scald bead andother varlet' Diu. WHEELER'S Componn and Calisaya is recommend ical authorities in Europe many cures of these affectin estimation 01 its great val. z. ne ulceration, end imperfe pf disease; i whore there is In white ewe nt of the glan 16 rheum,;in ec s of skin dig lixer of Phos by the highest dAmeriea, an justify this THE GREAT FEMALE Periodical Pills—Thi unfailing in the cure of dangerous diseases to whi tion is subject. It macre moves all obtraetione, an relied on. To wattled ladi It will, in a short time, b riod with regularit; . Th taken by Females daring of Pregranoy, as they are carriage, bat at any other all eases of Nervone pains in the back and lim croon, palpitation of th whites, these pills will effe means have failed; and remedy, do not contain i or anything hurtful to t directions in the pamphle which should be carefnlly New York, Sole Prroprieto for postage enclosed to N ronto, Ont., general age will insure a bottle eon return mail. Sold in Be Co., J. S. Roberts, and 13. WHAT THE Pnorez.—`hero are but 1 icing which have withst mint of the people for a One of these is Dr. Thom the following and be convi Farnham Centre, P.Q., wri ed with rheumatism for t have tried many remedies I tried. Dr. Thomas' Eelec{t have had no attack obit, I a11." J. H. Earle, hotel k Q., writes, " I have been plaint for several years; medicines with little or Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil ate relief, and.1 would say with the best effect. No I have tried it on my horse &e., and thin k it is equall is for man.', A, Maybes, writes, "1 have sold some Eeleetrie Oil, and it is p one of the best medlefn done wonders in healing throats, &c., and is wort ewe." Joseph Rogan, t I was pomaded to try for a lame knee which t four years, and I never fo curing lameness. It is A. M.1•Iamiiton, Warkw I was troubled with a ewe ed me very mach. Mr. duced me to try Eclecti bottle was used I wat remarkable medidine." dealers. Price 25 Cents. f N .Y. And NORTHROP &; Sole Agents for the Domi —daoSelecte.d and Eleetrizei E. Hickson & Co., J. S. t e a DY. -Job Mo nable inedic� lose painfu o female co s; all excess a s edy cure m t poculiaily sj onthe month pills should n e first three m re to bring on e they are sate Spanal Affec' fatigue on slig. eart, h eterie , and; cure when all o her. lthough a pow: n1 , calomel, anti m • y,, eonstitueion. all and each peek: ger, served. Job lit • es $l 00 and 121 •nto hrop & Lyman, To• fl r the omfin'on,; nig over 50 p by hbyE. Hick • & m den. 7 Y KAY OF 3T 1 ri.w FAO/8 FO HI: preparations o ed•` the imp rtlal j dg reat length of t'me. Erlectrio 011. Fall d Thee Robin on, , "I have been aet, o last ton Iyeare, and ithout any relief, , ntil c 011, and since born uld recommend t. to or; West SheffOr i, P. bled with live nom, have tried ant benefit, until I c� ich gave me I ,• ,, edi• t 1 have Used i 8 nee should be with, , t it cases of alts. • . nd good for hors s i erohant, Wark are ndreds of bot of ounced by the bile hey over used, ha 1 relieving psi , , or f the greatest ao fid, ship of Percy, wr tae' etas' Eelectrlc Oil, r hereo = i• d anything like it to bled me f eat publ a befit.1' , writes, "For w:ekse ankle, yhich n • oy bee, of thi a pl a in Oil and before one tired. Ifs is of ost Id' by all me eine THOMAS, PrrE r/{, MAN, ToFronto,1 nt., n. Nese--Edle•tri'c Sold in Seafert, by berts, and 11. I, me- re4 11' ur ei. 8e,'' ell tee! ed -if igh es' fs ad' t lt- d re - be ri ed. ly Pa- o be the In ;f ' as, rf1 ex-, c 0 1 0 le MILLINERY, MILLqs3 7271M - SEA F IM SEAF ERY, LLIl�E¢� MANTLES, MAN Blind, but not Helpless. AT A Massachusetts paper says that some three miles from Westminster village, in W. HILL'S, S that state, and about half a mile from any other house, an old lady has lived entirely alone for more than 15 years. She is 83 years of age slid wholly blind yet she builds her own fire in an old-fash- The Millinery and ionecl fireplace, makes her tea, and man- ages to prepare her meals and do the gen- - eral work about the house. A neighbor carries her a loaf of breadoccasionally, chops her wood and maintains a distant oversight of her affairs, but for the most part se does her own work. She owns a valuable timber lot and some other real estate,but prefers to live alone in her darkness and old age rather than pay to bo taken care of. j A Voyage Round the World. Several newspapers, including the New York Ilerald and Times,' HIarper's Week- ly, and. If'rank Leslie's Illustrated, have organized an expedition far the purpose of encompassing the earth in` 80 days. - The London T;mies has joined the enterprise,' and will send 13r. Russell, known as " Bull Run " Russell, nd an artist cos - fleeted with the Il/atRtr t)c1.Newa will also accompany the expedit on. The expedi- tion will leave Now York about June 1, 1 W . HILL'S is filled' CALL AND fs,ntle Roo, at tla Choide Go dui SAW LOG Messrs. COLEMA Will pay the -Hi SAW LOGS Mao a quantity of Bill manufacture of Hoops. Custom Sawin and as cheap as at any Lumber of every Lath and Picketo awls 6 10Weet market prices, :1 5000 CEDAR COLEMA 417 ANT t Gash Price fcir ALL 8. LOGS suitable r the 0 O 0 CD .CD v) f) 0 {D 1-4 ip 0 CDb Xtd -. I tca i --r w 0 tteuded to pro er aripttea, ipso 01 blued, and atit TS FOR GOID441,0 est very CD r • l tri 0 z r Te. opilx\ aofai r DA IENI beantifyi rranted tb e E SAYER'g CE'LSIOR L CRAM. nd p eserving the eomplexi'n ad#c to E4CKLES i'R 'TIONS OF Tel K N, OTH, SUN RN AND TII.N..1 oat excel! nt Toil t Article e'er offered o bile. It ha gee the sunbur ed gee a • d to a The the pi hands 1"tisl trial. harm esti, Heal hat every lay This is en it ass mater al, an hi-1Loolcing Tex tyre COM'L Beer offered for sal se f r yourself; di pe a with it MA E THL S is ving al: Giv this -a cl bl wj11 use afte y new, and s certainly t I! giving a composed • f ire beet N .TOILET is no hum ho - e who have u t w'1i z m's rial i SOFT & ►es and disc+ d You ut It. FOR SALE S. R b :r' Dru Allo i KTH. I� T INSURAN E jA 1 AL N s I8 AGENT for S nd Life I sur ed t take risk on OST A Alio Agent for dietis. Alio Agent for and Village proper UMBRR ROVE. 0 FICE—O er ,Sbef:•rth. ss NY 'INFE A,FORT LAND STR ve Ile he ever ho fay y. 1 First-CIa Companies, ABLE ng—try, a • d ed it will et MOOT lorations. ill lint T Ston, AENCY. N • S eek, ' ire and Is pre toe ER'MS. .1 of the estiLoan 'So- le and pur hat of Farms .FIRST -OL SS A MS PO Morrison's S one Maini 6, IdR IMIT THE TIONB AIRE VY NOW OFFER E LOOK UT F R THE AC 0 ST MP ;. SEAFORTII LA.NIN subscriber egsrleave to the, mai:mere ger he liberal petit hi since comma eines bugbear's i tru that he nifty be -layered wit D ovine to E LUM s salt, ss BRING He feels con b Mel favour but Arot-slasswo Particular tt it E fa DS, MO 11 , LATH ion paid to II. BR • AT THE 'FARMERS' STOR E, 8 OFpkY, YOUN SPARLING. 0-00D S • §PARL NG. 00. VE DECIDED TO RE AIN THEY HAVE THEREFORE "Nr•FtY, FINE #SS WRICH TREY AIRE DETERMINED TO OF; EST PRICES. THEIR STOO • 1 7 IS VERY 60MPLE n Early Call Sol ID IN A • Y GOO DP R AT THE VERY LOW - E. THE LADY RU SELL WATCH, A little gem, 18k c soli, full jewelled, and' warranted for five k of English and Genuine Sliver Wadies on years. A large s hand, also a full s ck of the Elgin Watch -4 -no bogus Swiss imitations kept. uy your Watches from a leliable practical hand and you will know what you are getting. Jutst Received, at M. R. COUNTER'S a good assortnaent of Ream Silver • Plate direct from th celebrated manufactory of Rogers, Smith & Co., such as Ice Pithhers, Cake Ba,skets,113utter Coolers, Pickle Castors, Syrup Chips, Spoon Holders, Goblets, Mugs, Fish Knife and, Fork, Cauet Stands, Napkin Rings, V s, Card Receivers, Table, Des- sert, Tea, Mustard' ud Salt Spoons, Tatle, Dessert 'Fruit and Butter Knives, Ta- ble, Dessert, .pickl and Pie Forks, Waiters' Trays, i&c. Remember the above goods are bought direct f om the manufacturers, and will lie sold at Toronto Wholesale Prices. Also a complete stock of Jewelry, Cloc 0, Spectacles, Combs, Brushes, Pipes, Vioiins Vio in Strings from 50c per bundle f 30 strings to 40c per single string. Watches? lecke and Jewelry of all kind Repaired by practical hands. Satisfaction guaranteed. or no charge. Cash for Ol Gold and Silver., Sign of tbe Tree of Silverware in window. M. R. COUNTER, Masonic Hall Block, Seaforth. ILL F CT BY hil•nnm one Se forth, and ecrtended to do Well to give ea on hand 6 FI First -Class PI All COLLAR Tip-top TRU All articles pe CAILL AND SEE. ST -CLASS CARRIAGE AND TEAM HARNESS At, G. R HENDERSON'S. I Harness at G. E. ENDERSON'S. Warranted at G. Ei HENDE.P.SON'S. KS and VALISES d hand. at G. R HEND:ERSON'S. Migu of the liar . Trunk. fse On to those renege, SO 6,06.8 tt• etie JUST. VED, A.' LARGE STOCK OF • • Building Hardwa0, Which will be sold as FEN CIRO WI0i A SPECIALITY) 4t.i, OHN KIDlids. -7GREAT ENOLISH REMEDY1 ci "ii4 IE 321 Careii all NervOue Diseasee, each as Tremont produced by o'er in lgence in the use of ece co and aleoholie sp tS; but the Specific M eine 18 more especially r ;mended AB an nni ng potency, and all discs es that follow as a a ente tude, Pain in the Bo, la Dininees o4 Vision, Pre- mature Old Age, and many other diseases 'that h.turletaGgroanceve,.all, of wid h, so a rule, aro first (*need by deviating from t peth Of nature and later study and Muny ye If ot ex rience in treittInif te:eptme ospeeine. al di s.' F particulers in nr pamphlet, whieh we aesire to amid free by mnil, to 64 itTi be- aire WHO WANTS COOD AND STYLISH JOHN WAR Seaforth, -Tho Das to in form his frien s and the public in j'" general that he has a Large and Complete Stock of seC LIGHt SINGL ttORSE CLOT Trunks and Va In fact apything apperta ways on hand, cheap as an GRAYwintsoelr ztct. Roberts, R. Lumscleri, and by sli Druggists. NonartoR Lymmi, Toronto, Who Dolce e rn ises, Whips, g to the Trade Ale in the trade, for cash. Repairs Executed DeSpat N. Bel -Collars a Spec deseriptibn made to order Reteernber the Place T h Neatness and h. ty, Collars of every lirst-class style, o doors north of the OHN WARD. CAR'!ER'S STEA HIAND over 1,000,0 Luniber, cut and so ing, Draining and Fencing VERY LOWE SAWMILL, CENTENNJAL. MONROE HO AN, OF SEAPORT Are onlymanufaetnneel in /I had collage to *end a plow for to the CentennialExhibition. They make a Good Article an they are . not afraid to show it Onr business has extended so re idly tbat we are now forced to en-losge our Pran3 We have sollaesInentlY erected a new Facteey on Main Street, opposite Wiles Hotel, Wit • re ave have Urge additional facilities foe doingg• = • work. PLOWS. Oar First and best Plow is the G EAT CEN- TENNIAL. Th.% is an iron beam rid wooden handle Plow, with steel land side, a is princi- pally adapted for sod, It is- warm to do as good work las an iron plow, and is eh cheaper. feet of good Hemlock , suitable for Build - For Sale at the T *PRICES. Also a quantity of Inferior quality, Suitable for Sheeting, The e8t Quality io Sorted 80 mg 'Rork Witit ut Thug& OUR NO. 2 PLOW Is a Hill's Patent, or General Purpo ePlowa and is the beet of the kind in the Mark t. bas s wrought iron beam and wooden hart les, and tan be furdished -with either wzoright east iron • Is the Celebrata Thistle Outteroeit or without atee1 land side. We make two kinds of this plow, the wellknown No. 13 and an OVelllellt-011 IL Three Shears, ent 9 to 11 Judie wide, with teak of these plows. These are the dent shears now made. PRICE, sr5 And sm. Scuffle -re, both iron and wood ; on Harrows and Other implements. Plows and other Farming Imple te repaired ne atly6n4 quickly, and as cheap go& job can be done, Castings for Gray and AleT vish iron Plows Always on d. Reimember our New Stand, Sp osite Weir's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. THE CHALLENGE LOW. HO FARM SHOULD BS' WITHOUT II . WILLIAMS° 'S CELEBRATED Thistle Cutter' FRICE, $15 AND UP 'ARDS. GRAHAM _WILLIAMSON, TS now manefacturing two,kin ▪ trated Wronght Iron Beam Plows, with or without steel land ei lowing parties are now using the can be referred to by intendin Henry maul, 8, Rogemon, A, Ea Stant y. He also begs to direct attention ed Iron Beam and Wooden Handle GENERAL PURPOSE! *litchis so well and favorably knO qUiresi no puffing MraldrILLIAMSON -wen Id also d to the feet that he has receivedi plows:from California and other for Iron Harrows, gorge Hoes and S • han G. WILLIAMSON. FARM ER AND DAlilYMEN. of his eele- hietle Cutter es. The foi- e plows, and purchasers : Mceloy, Mr. T. McCann, his eelebrat- LOW, n that it re - met attention rders for his sen countries. rs always; Mrs. WHITNEY, TS ALWAYS readyto supply Mi and DAIRY UTENSIL on the Shorteat Notice, and at snit all who want a good article. eaforth of every kind e.es that will Call mid See What She 0 in Bo Be- fore Petreha8ing Eke "'here. THE PUREST AND BE:ST In the market Wholesale' a Every Kind of Tin War, Hand or Made to Remember the Plaee—Corner 4813 MRS. COAL OIL n8tantiy on ohn and Main DISSOLUTION OF PART ERSH1P. THE Partierstill heretofore fells the urdersigned , under the consent. The blueness will berate on be. 2. R. Williams, Ali debti• the late firm will be liquidated by and all debts dne the late firm ed by R.1 IWO isting between name of VIL- ed by mutual ter be tarried -contracted by R. Williams, be eollext,- TIO. connection with the above 6 undereigned -L. desires to state to hi6 IIIIIIKTOR customers and friends than he intends to cordite the menufse- foCe, at tbe old stand, Helms no such feeillties as will enable him to turn out a ttei. article for Med in this section. To those indebted to him be ar Id eay thet au immediate settlement is Celdred, s he is =gent,- ly in need of money,_ S forth Pump Factory; BUTTER TUBS. SAMUEL to trAli now on. lisnd at the '1"1' a number of hie well and lif whine Tterna But Then Paclieges are the hes give satisfaction. LARGE runes Mr, Trott expects Ina short. and tis- Islyknown Rte -to itr.1•0617C4 •