The Huron Expositor, 1876-05-05, Page 1•
L 28, 1876,
7 7 -==-
[AY, MAY i,
of Seaforth and
LI' NEW Striped
rill's for
WHOLE NO. 439.
(i cing Colors :
Park Green, Light
ark BrOW711 Dra&
trk, Tiauve, Light
Ecru., Ashes of
Shades, which we
Siventy-1 ive cents-
-,they are
One Dollar per
Iras there such, a
, (-
rare Mantles, from
to Twenty Dollars,
PA ever o ered in
cents per yard,
ar and Twenty -Five
Assortment of every
es at Fifty cents per
:e cents per pair,
qats per pair, One
One Dollar and
,nts per pair, One
ij cents per pair.
_TOODS, worth Thirty
y -Two -and Twenty --
rd, in Checks and
Value we have
aired Patterns to
...V(-;aiest Designs
Guarantee then&
zmtneing from, Six
Eighteen cents a
To the Ladies of Seafort
aftul Checked SILKS for
in the States, We
get «CHEAP Lot,
rf,1-Sit Inch Wide .
Ten cents, worth
vi --A cents, worth
at Twelve and a
FifiePn. Catte ; at
rth Eighteen, cents -
it cf New
Begt Quality, 11;' e
One Dollar and
n_s a „yard, V,T
N l'aPty-Five cents
In the following Colon :
Light Green, :Dark Green, Light
Brown and Dark Brown, Drab
Light and Dark, Mauve,
and Dark Blue, Ecru, As
Paris and other Shades, wl
will SELL at Seventy -Hy
per yard, Cash—they are
And Cheap at One Dol
yard. Never was there
Chance for a Bargain.
Le8 of
ich we
r per
uch a
In. New Cashmere Mantles
Three Dollars to Twent,y
the 1Richest Goods ever
Seafirtit for the money.
ojered in
Mite MOODY'S 76111K,
An Examnaittion of thc-LaY)PreaCh-
• er's Oratory and Methads.
On Wednesday, -26th ult. Me' Moody
6 0
brought his services in the H 1 drome,
New YOrk, to an end, and on today he
left the' city. %% hat is the ecitet of his
success?—for it is certain t14 he has
been successful. Into the !Hi poirome
he has gathered day bf day4 largest
At 'ffinety-Five cents per yard,
worth One Dollar and Twenty -Five
cents per yard.
audienees ever cone° ed i this city.
Lawyers, bankers, merchants,some of
whom scarcely ever enter al elthrch, are
just as 'much a part of his dongregations
as are the second-rate aeid third-rate
boardi g-houee people ment'oned so con-
spicuously in a -recent analysislhy a morn-
ing journal. ' All classes andIfignditions
of men have Nen represented,' in these
great ; revival meetings.
that prim and proper ol
presiding goddess of the Lo
has delivered herself of
that "no one who has witj
service can doubt their p0
for gad." .
One man will tell y
Moody,'s secret lies in the
has reeeived from Christ "
evangelist," and that the li
accordingly led him into
stances as shall make the
An Immense Assortment of every
shade. All Sizes at Fifty cents per
pair, Sixty -Five cents per par,
Seventy -Five cents per pair, One
Dollar per pair, One Dpar and
Twenty -Five cents. per prir, One
Dollar and Fifty cents per an
And even
1 -lady, the
the opinion
'red these
ertul agency
u that Mr.
fact that he
Ile! gift (4. an
ly Ghost has
uhla circum -
presence of
reault of wilfnl and
is not enoughfor hine
as Shelley, foi. examP
that P
oet mti
tr me case—
b lieves, in •
t e world wit
tains it fro
a ove ;" the
° a
that gift manifest both to hinnielf and to
others. Another will tell you that the
professional teachers of religion are too
abstract and recondite, but that Mr.
Moody so treats the Bible—rabOok which
alone has in it what responds to the
spiritual needs of man—in such a way as
to make its lesson* intelligible, interest-
ing and applicable to the ordinary mind.
In this critic's opinion the it clergy are
over -fend Of finely -built charches and
fineleeldressed pew holders they consult
too much the building -up of iheir owd
honor and dignity ; socially, they do not
go out to the masses ; e cleelastically,
they assume theocratic aiid divine -right
prerogatives ; horni1eioaLly, they do not
strike out straight from the shoulder. A
third philosopher will explain to you
most sagely that "it isn't \lbOdy at all ;
it is Sankey and that organ." A fourth
will s.aeeringly remind you that fanatical
rantiag—like Fourth of July fireworks—
always did " draw." And a: fifth will
atterapt no explanation .! whatever,
but Simply pronounces the eermons
vulgar, ungrammatical antl thought-
less, and wonder how in the name of
common sense a whole commolhity-ean be
so easily deluded.
Who shalt decide when doctors dis-
agree!? why, men of penetration and
of conemon sense of course. 'let US in
Of NeW DRESS GOODS, worth Tjairty
cents, for Twenty -Two andllTwenty-
Five cents per yard, in Checksand
Plain—the Best -Value we have
Offered yet.
Over Three Hundred P
select fro9n, all the Hewes
and Quality, we Guarc
items to
tee them
Fast Colors, commencing from Six
Ge76t8 a yard to _Eighteen cents
pard. Owing to the
Of Cotton Goods in the States, we
have been able to get a CHEAP Lot,
and now offer Thirty7Six
ii hite Cotton at Ten co
Twelve cents; at Eleven Th.., worth.
Thirteen cents; at Twel e. and a
Half cents, worth, Fiftee cents; at
spectl Mr. Moody. In the hrst place,
and most obviously, he is, apparently at
least,' sincere. He seems td Speak what
he believes, and because he , believes it.
Then he is an orator.; that to say, he
knovo how to persuade. IN ext, he is
earnest, and his magnificent physique,
his rugged health, his bodily strength,
enable him eonstantly to shOw it. He
is sniple, natural, unaffected'. unconven-
tional, unreserved, direct, bhsiness-like.
He is not Colerid e's "fat; sleek, oily
of God," nor ennyson'a. ''snowy -
ed, dilettante, delieate•handed
," nor, least of all, Chancer's monk,
easy man to give penance ther as he
to have a good pittance,?' preferring
ultivate the society ofi, "all with
and sellers of vitaille." He ad-
dresses himself to people Who need the
truth, of whatever sex or Class or race
they may be, and he seeks to do them
good ae a Man seeks for hidden treasure.
Still further, he is authoritative, intense-
ly dogmatic, even opinionative, if we
please. He admits that he
n l cannot by
demonstratiorefute the o jections of
the philosophic skeptic'. e does not
make the attempt. TO hinithe Bible is
the veritable word of God. !Why should
man discuss a truth whichl infinite wis-
• dom has promulgated ? Dees mau ,know
more than his Maker ?—know better
than his Maker ? Away with hermeneu-
tics; and apologetics, and 'biblical criti-
ciairl• The Bible is not thefluid, Mere-
ary, poetic, oriental diction that Matthew
Arnold sees ; it does not reenire culture
- in a reader in order that it imey be 11 ; it is not the expreseion of an
effort to grasp at the truttei ;Its nun...
tives of miracles are exact sc entific state-
meets—not the allegories O . Origen, nor
the 1 myths of Strauss, nor the pious
frauds of Renan, The God and the here -
mai ' unbelief. - It
that a poet such
—td take an ex-
nd says that he
wer which wields
wearied love, mis-
lead kindles !it
t subscribe to 061
gma of the verbal inspiration of the
riptures. It is no enough for him
at an historian 1iko lIr. Froude is melt
philosopherof unselfishness as to cle-
cltre that " to serve!
isj higher auki bette
t ough it be with
bleeding brow, and I
s r
row ; " the histor'
q alified assent to th
ti n of the firet three
S ch laborions scholsl
Frederick Robe
ley and Arthur Stani
si ply promoters of
orthy of th
o course, no
abodys an
among th
at leads eli
m of God.
e first con
s nal purity,
Moody sone
his ground,
which clearl
ample, he sa
o , and, o
ai peaceful an end
ti.kcn God at his w
t ue in all cases; S
eace, while !Rev. Jo
bears even
t ose scars h
but Paul say e that C
le a glorious body, wi
dr any such thing.
iAnd so we mig
1r . These quotatid
rom but a single'
t random, land di'
ften speak e at re
he truth.
Mr. Mood's defia
ray is
is con
ir profe
m, are
the' se
what f
nd te
is not
s that
re Moo
now at
indley Mu
matter as
f—say, W
espect in b th cas
is lack of early
nd of his peocrastin
ommon school edu
Perheps it is unj
r. Moody Sometim
ng a little I overbea
Et is the besetting;
oubtless he is as fr
✓ successy men
-khat, to mention o
inportant and dee
;if woman's ' place
hristian vineyard
rather tartly an
he Gamaliel of th
ention. _
Mr. Moody is a
ersistence and so
ncy that it is scar
e should. greatly
hat—to use a bibl
should cha ge its
is no prosp et wha
conform. eit er hi
demands of propri
ments of gramm
frankly confess,
good-bye, that we
there is none. II
he is what he is.
him. Male him t
in the world, and h
half his power. S'
elegant abstractio
ron, of Tillotson
his style wOuld be
but tame. ! Put 11'
training in!system
fasten big! logs of
wheels of his engin
tering of logic, and
sumptions,i beggin
noratio elenchi an
step forth and soli
school -bred hearer
English Grammer
again be charmed
work as he is—ori
He has not, it is
or of light for the
er ; but. en the o
knows toe much
or of any huma
eternal mysteries
address hineselt to
the skeptiic's sou
his -audience wou
ments which Wo
memories than W
tempted refutati
clouds themselvels
and black as ever
are not philosop
believe pretty mu
to believe; And t
reaches the Rio
because he is one
cause he has not
faultless by the t
processes of a libe
. 1
solecisms' sound
His familiarity
ners please them.I
• and his eernestne
gain with them,
1 -le is trying to c
• the world's bitte
shelter, end he ti
asisayance of a F
sit and liaten—t
the afflicted,the s
fill of deep and 1
all ill." ;Life bee
The future assu
t Moody touches
pastor on Sunda
er home. He no
society i"B more r
from the Hippo
e strengthened. T
so does .almosti
would not upon
o change himself.
n plicity and his
s downright indiv
culating natur
✓ his " had ought
, "they eome an
e there," and his
nch Wide
ts, worth
after of which it speaks are ',indisputably
eternal verities.' He would pity a scholar
like Mr. Greg, to whom t existence of
a Creator is only " alms eertainty,"
and a renewed life after death only "a
solemn hope." His convictions are ale-
solnte. 'lie has as vivid eenceptions of
hell and of imps, of co areal burning
in literal flames, and o a personal
devil, as had Jerome an Chrysostom
Wesley and Whitefield, t Spanish In-
quisitioeists and the Scotchclergy of the
17th century. I
We must not forget to pmention als
his, executive ability, his
meta his immense common
a single illustration : He
than any clergyman in this city how t
get persons to stand up ancl ask to b
prayed for. He 'says just enough in th
way of appeal, and shows just enoug
apparent indifference as to reisultS. Le
his sinning hearers rise in their seat
and manifest their good intentions. Mr
Sankey ; will sing e. soft end low, sof
and low" as the wind of the wester
sea." The audience will eemain, seate
with heads bowed in silent prayer. Al
inf uences of soul and sense, ofeheave
an earth, of ,memory and ;conscience,
fitness and duty, permeate the atmos
phere. The effect is irreeisale. The hear
shapes itself into a temple, and every a
piration ends in God. -
Of course, Mr., Moody 'has his fault
like the rest of us. ln therfirst place, b
ing an unread, an uncultured Man,
has no sort of appreciatime Of the iete
lectual troubles and cliffietelties scho
are who, do not, because. they cannot, se
doctrines as he sees thein.' •If m
does not believe all of the cardinal trut
of 1what is known as evangelical' Chr'
tialaity, Mr. Moody, like many an earli
and much . more intemperate_ dogmatisit
beholds in that person s condition th
Fifteen cents, worth, Eightem cents.
J:ust Received, a Lo ii of Yew
Tapestry Carpets, Best (4uality, we
guarantee _worth One .1?ollar and
Twenty -Five Cents a /god, we will
sell for Cash at iVinety-IFive cents
per yard.
A. G. McD OUGALL & Co.
Sign of the Three Sevens,
nowledge o
'Sense. 'Tak
?-ersows' bettei
od and love H m
than happiness,
outeded feet, and
eart loaded with
mast ive his
literal interpre a -
enters of Genesis.
and honest nen
n, Charles Kin s -
y are, in his ey s,
!infidelity and n-
;don- Unitaria 8,
•ow many Geo go
oopers there i ay
n the broad. r ad
han to the ki g-
" soundness," re
; morality,per-
nd. Indeed, Er.
uently mistakes
es as truth tlpiat
e truth. For ex -
infidels won't try
they do not have
the man who has
d"—which is not
uss' died in great
n Todd's end was
says that Christ
the throne of God
her for oursakes,"
ist'i ascended body
out spot or wrinkle
quote abundant -
s are all of them
sermon picked up
that Mr. Mopdy
0113, and mistakes
ce of the canon's of
t nearly so serious
mpt for the canons
Abbey. The dia-
ls a consequence of
time in picking np, a
st to suggest that
s shows signs of be -
ng and tyrannical.
in of success; land
from it as are oth-
But it does sem
• one instance,: the
interesting subject
a laborer in I the
Vi4S disposed! of
diecourteously, by
ecent Christian bon-
! I
n Of so driving a
ma,culate a conaist-
y more possible that
ange himself than
al figure—a leopard
pots. Indeed, there
ver that he will !ever
elf or his style te the
or to the require -
cal rules.. Let us
n, as, we bid him
e heartily glad 'that
is what he is be&talse
e would not change
best -read preacher
would instantly lose
him to imitating the
of Burnet and By -
d Stillingfleet, and
me :not only stilted
through a course of
ic theology, and you
'fuel to the driving
. Give him a Smat-
orthwith undue as -
of the questio, ig-
t the derision f his
anibiguous middles
Even lend him an
nd we should 'never
his naive provencial
is just right for his
mai, dashing, careless.
ie, One word of solace
sionest matured doubt-
er hand, the deubter
expect, either of him
being, a soluton of
en ;' his ” meracles, 'and his "heavuni"
his " Ja-aye-rus's " daughter, and his
" C -eye-phas " the high priest. Wie
come to desire his frequent "thadk Gods"
and !his oft-recurrin "but thens," his
inte 'locutory ejabula ion'
s and hisilecodng
gest 'oulations. We 'ov to listen to the
sto es of his wonde little boy,"and
We mire his child faith, and his witted negroet.
of h ' marvellously 8
unqtestioning trust, e are delighted
witiji his quaintness ich 'makes meln
smil and his patho • ich makes mem
cry. •e same sort Of
feel for Charles
rts and rests as
rds—" our spir-
sick nese of the
noises of the
Carlyle, whoise
yle is sometimes
ess it—like "! a
end torn by np-
ur mud -swamp
are thankful to
en rather, than
rments ; work
salvation of sin-
ation of saints.
orget his incone-
ad undenomina-
mmer gestures,
h stops neither
; his trueneis,
nventional ; his
er whines; his
in and of ecclesi-
s Mastery of his
If -confidence, his
We feel for hm t
t w
real affectionth
b, whose oddity
—to use his ow
e sore -fretted e
ings and none
or for Th
roils and dement
' himself would
flowing channel
orce, through t
of o ' r existence."
him. for preaching
helle love rather than
rather than church ; th
nere rather than the d
And we shall not soOn
parable frankness,hiS br
tionalism, his sled e -h
his Profuse diction,
for ' colons nor co ma
wh'lh never becomes c
nat ralness, which ne
abhiorrence of Phari eei
oat' al Machiavelis h
8 8
d s
ect, his glorio
eless life, and is nswerving fealty
is conscience .aid toI his work.
w YORK, April 27, 876.1
4nother mail has bee put on betw4en
Lofidon and Stratf rd.
McLeary, for 1 years, collector
of inland revenue lin London, has been
su rannuated. I
Mr. Angus McBean's residence, near
Gat, was totally
F 'Flay morning, 21
A new organ f
hedral arrived a
land a few day
Should Mr.
ifting the cloud
the greater p
learn atheistic
stay louger in
ld Mr. ilood i's at -
of them, add, the
ncl be-
t and
estroyed by fire i on
r t e Roman Cathelic
St.! John, N.B., from
age, costing $7,090.
eaTwo new post ffices were opened in
the county of Gre on!April 1, Flesher -
station, in Art meSia, and Lamlash,
entinck. I
It is announced that 15 converts,
made by the fem. le ' van chats, Mrs.
rt of
Brown and Miss
baptized in a mill -
a few days ago.
1 --When a Bock
te 'cher, and the se
bo in a pond, th
fin the teacher $1
le -The libel sui
Mentreal Star by L
ba a been settled—a
appearing in all th% Montreal papers
e -.-A farmer na ed I Richard Ben
living on Con. 9, athirst, Lanark c
Med on Friday las
his Wagon, through
running a wa
last Friday,
verdict of $3
a 4sLight Comp
would hang as
The masses o
ic disputants.
what they are
se inasses Mr.
surely and
th m himself,
made elega
aso , of Dundas, were
ace IM St. Catharines,
y c
oystones a school
teacher ducks the
11 it assault end
brought against the
.Saladfield Macdonald
n al4dogy and complete
CEABROTHERS, Publishers.
, el 30 a Year,ba advance.
ing the act in every possible Way ; but boundaries of Guibora's lot, and peek
he determinedly struck at these who slabscriptions in order to defray the cost
tried to reach him, and, getting into deep
water, sank. There was no boat on the
dam, and some time elapsed before his
body was recovered. It is supposed to
have been the result of drinking,
—Winnipeg has witnessed two execu-
tions since the first of the year. Last
Friday morning Louis Thomas, an In-
dian, was hanged for the murder of
Henry Cornell ; and. on January 7th
Angus McIver Buffeted the extreme pen-
alty. The scene of both crimes leas some
distance from Winnipeg.
—Reports from the River Magdalen
and Cape Chatte, in the Gaspe! district,
Quebec Province, state that great desti-
tution prevails there. The people are
reduced to potalibes only. Relief is
much wanted. Pabos is reported to
be badly off. The whole !coast is
feeding seed grain and potatoee to save
the cattle. ' I
—The school board of the town of Perth
having applied to the town council for
the funds necessary to purchase a site and
erect a high school, the latter !body re-
fused to grant them, and appliestion has
been made to the Court of Queen's Bench
by the trustees for a rule nisi for a writ
of mandamus, which was granted by the
Chief Justice of Qntario.
—During the past month of April 238
immigrants havearrived at the immigrant
quarters in Toronto. Of that n‘unaber
125 were English, 40 Scotch, 40 Irish,and
33 Swiss. They were all prov*decl with
places, or else forwarded to the Free
Grant districts. Fifty arrived n Thurs-
day of last week, and were forwarded to
their destinations without delay.
—Mrs. Flora McRae, of the great age
of 100 years, who lived in-Lakefield, Vic-
toria county, in a house by herself, a few
rods from that of her son, Collin McRae,
Was, one day last week, foundIdeacl sit-
ting by the fireside with hr clothes
burned almost completely off . her body.
She was not very severely burnt, but
when found life was extinct. '
—A letter of complaint hae been re-
ceived in Montreal that the Canadian de-
partment of the Centennial is:in a back-
ward state. This was before the arrival
of the energetic Commissioner for On-
tario, Mr. McDougall, of Berlin. Now
that he is on the spot, the Department
will 'eery soon assume a respectable and
creditable appearane,e.
etraction from th publisher of the
was instantly
ng thrown from
'rse taking frigh
Halifax c
emaine recover
inst the Halifa
fo injuries susta;
e plosion of gas a
i—Mr. James
Vlil-aterloo Near
f m to Air. Mose
$�,000. The fa
arid is in excellen
—On Monday
man ventured o
boat which was
that it immedia ely
aiid he was oblige to
—A gentleman jut
fornia brings the inte
B. Cook, at one time
Toronto fielegraiik,
in a dispute with! a-
cOlm Cameron, o w
—We regret le
Were very favorable
days since, conti ues
t °se attending
—The Council
un -
t by
ed y his wife by tile
the r residence.
llis, of the township of
espeler, has solcle his
inger, M.P.P., for
mbraces 126 acres
est week, a young
the Saugeen in a
h a leaky condition
filled with w ter,
swim to the s
returned from
ligence that
part owner of, the
as killed recently
nhat Hon. Mal-
ose recovery there
indications a few
very low, and that
re somewhat a pre -
r. J.
—A meeting of the creditors of Mr.
Thomas Greenway, M. P., was held last
Week at the Walker House, TOronto. A
, large number of the creditors were pres-
vat. The liabilities, distributPd over 30
creditors, amounted to $23,538, and the
assets sum up a total of $18,558. Doubt-
ful debts and notes are not included in
the assets, and amount to $4,472.
—A man's finger was removed one day
last week, at the City Hospital, Hamil-
ton, by Drs." Hopkins and James White.
The cause was only a small eplinter un-
der the nail, some weeks ago which, un-
heeded, kept getting worse, and when
advice was sought the bone was found
exposed and black. To prevent further
trouble, its immediate ampatation was
thought best. -
—The neW Methodist Episcopal
church in London, a fine brick edifice,
a a new and durable monument to be
placed over the grave of the deceased
1-02 Wednesday a '
fietrnoOn last week,
at; Thomas Campbell of WestWftwanosh
Was nearing Glen's Hill, he had occasion
look over the side of the waggon at
t1ie tire and in doing so fell to the ground
Meeting with almost instant death.
' —On Tuesday afternoon of last week,
While Mr. Johns, of Exeter. was for a few
moments absent from his shop, someone
entered it, and carried off three revolvers
and twelve boxes of cartridge. No clue
as yet been obtained. Mr. Johns says
t ey have gone west, to exterminate the
oble red man.
i —The congregation of St. Joseph's Ro-
man Catholic church, Stratford, recently
Presented their pastor, Rev. E. B. Kilroy
. A, with the handsome sum of $600—
e proceeds of the offertory collection on
Easter Sunday, Rev. Mr. Kilroy proposes
to take a trip to Europe shortly, where
he will be absent for four months, visit-
ing England, France, Germany, Italy,
rind Switzerland.
of the city of Toronto,
at a special meeting, refused to subynit a
1y -law to the r tep yers, authorizing a
bonus of $250,000 t the Credit Valley
ailway. The in+cie Committee had
/*commended th grant.,
—Inspector H glees the other morning
Confiscated a basket Of butter which. was
exposed in the London market for sale
y Mrs. Wm. Beattie, of Westminster,
or being less thfin si teen ounces to the
pound. It will; be distributed to the
City poor.
—A novelty I se % ing machinesis re.
orted from Mo tre 1. It is the nven-
ud will sew buttons,
borders, laces, bind-
ty of difficult' work
n compassed by any
costing $10,900, was dedicated on bab-
i bath last by Bishop Carman,' assisted by ada Southern -yard engme was shunting
heavily loaded train, and in approach -
Rev. Dr. Webster. In the evening Rev. a
S. G. Stone, editor of the Christian Ad- traiing, on ac the crossing, saw the Great Western
n and endeavored to stop but •
count of the great weight , behind her,
could not do so in time to avert the col-
lision. The Southern engine was 'slight-
ly damaged, and four Great Western
empty cars the track. One
of the cars was badly damaged.
—Mr. James Mullins, dyer, of Lind -
aye Ont., has invented a machine for
he purpose of renovating and purifying
eather beds, mattresses, bolsters,. Sec.
he invention is spoken of in compli-
entary terms by those who under -
tend the- manner in which the ! ma-
hine is constructed and worked. Mr.
nllins has secured a patent, and will
hortly afford the public an opportunity
f judging of the practical value of his
—The managers of the Great Western
ilway, have lately introduced a novel
in the shape of a Hotel car on their
line. Attached to the two principal
trains, one each way, is a vehicle fitted
bp with all the requisites of a first-class
restaurant, where all, great and email,
Can have their tastes gratified while fly -
lug along at the rate of forty miles an
hour, with plenty of time to masticate,
and at a reasonable rate too.
—Mr. Alex. Drummond, who is said
Ito have left Mitchell some two months
lago under a cloud, was up before a To-
ronto court on Spturday, charged with
the larceny of WO Watches, Mr Joseph
Kitterson testified that he knew pre-
oner while in Mitchell, and that he had
the reputation of a good watchmaker,
and an honest man, but that he took a
"glass too much" occasionally, He was
found guilty, and sentenced to imprison-
ment in the Central Prison till the 5th
of June.
—Some time between the 13th and 17th
of last month, some persons broke into
the_Grange storehouse at Kirktoa, and
stole about 300 pounds of sugar. On Mon-
day, after the theft had been discovered,
the door of the storehouse was carelessly
left open by some one, and a number of
school boys went in and used or destroy-
ed about 50 pounds more of crushed su-
gar. Evidently Some people around. Kirk -
ton intend to have a sweet tinae.
—A collision occurred at St. Thomas
one morning last week at the point where
the Great Western and Canada Southern
Railways cross. It appears that the Can -
ion of a Mr. Page,
utton-holes, caepet
Ing, furs, and a lrari
Whiah has not yet be
;single machine. '
—The County of
mm ng and rest
towns, employs si
al e ucation. IIiS very School teachers, 36
we tly in then ears, ial, 15 first-class
d c nliveehistn
rsatidoniraleman- 183 third-class, One
mit, three with as
e is driving a bar- two monitors and
e "talks euse." der -153 M
info t them, when from —One day la
wind they are eeking way lorries w
lls their souls elth the ton's vinegar
tiler's love. The'e they
golden syrup an
are informed th t n
kciiisnr‘e‘sthseedir' tity has been shipp
qui rest, forglast three or fduretful of I
mes pleasanter tp them. times turning sclur 9
s a hopeful as eel t. Mr. —G raduates I of
resident in TOr0I1
Hon. Edward pla
Chancellor. The
Wardlaw Taylcir,
Farlane, M. A. ; T
James Bethune.
Hume Blake, M.
whom to select thr
—A latia,entable
red in Galt o
last week, whe eb
Grant, of Glen or
ore ,chords tlia
does. Ile com
rishes them mor
4res1iin They
drome rig1iten
ey like Mr. Tvloody; and
Verybody. B.ence we
any 'account have him
We enjoy his nide sim-
11-mell earnestness, his
• uality, and hill uncal-
ess. We think 4eicious
• have done," nd his existence. Hew
said ": his "'on was Hume's dam by a
Pilate, e was a heath- were made to
s near-
. His
ra away
vocate, preached. The co lections of
the day amounted to $2,000, leaving
an. indebtedness of $4,000. 1 The name
of Grace Church was bestowed by the
—Mr. Wm. T. Jennings, one of the
engineers of the Canada Pacific Railway
! Survey left Toronto last week for British
Columbia. He has charge Of the party
to he engaged during the season in locat-
ing a line for the western terminus of the
road across' the Cascade Mountains to
Dean Channel, by way of the Salmon
river. Mr. Jennings is a son of the late
Rev. J. Jennings'D.D. Thns will be his
second season in British Col7mbia.
—One evening last week a ady belong
ing to Pittsburg, Pa., wishing to get ta
her home purchased a ticket from some
one in London to go via Port:Stanley and
the lake. Ste reached the !station only
to find that the boats have not yet comi
menced running. As a consequence, sh
was compelled to pawn hee watch an
chain for $13 50—the price ef a ticket
Pittsburg. It was a mean piece of busie
ness, and whoever sold her the ticket
shoulcl be called to account if discovered
Waterloo, including
first-class Public
second-class Provin-
old County Board,
teaching on a per-
istant'S certificates,
wo of a religious or-
• ek twenty-four rail-
Oaded at Mr. Charl-
s Hamilton, with
er vinegars, end we
Hon. Samuel
omas flodgins,,M.A.;
e eSe,onfatf:sc'ide
•1. A. • Laughl n Me-
e as their chdice for
d every day for the
ays. Are the dull
names of thomas
rly as large al quan-
oronto Uniyersity
have united' upon
are proposed from
ednesday evening of
a man named David
s, put an end to his
seen M tbe water of
asserby, and attempts
nt him from committ-
—The first boat of the season arrives
in Winnipeg on the 25th of April
with twelve thousand bushels of seed.
grain for the grasshopper su erers. This
is the earliest arrival of a steamboat
from the States ever known. The near-
est was April 28th, 187,1, the next
nearest April 30th, 1875. Freight
rate from Duluth to, Winnipeg—First-
class, $2 25; second-class, $1 75 • thire1-
class,. $1 50 per hundred pounds. No
discrimination between bonded and Am-
erican goods. , 1
' —Allie Miller, a woman who formerl,
kept a house of ill -fame in London bub
who at present ie residing in Toronte'ah
offered the corporation of that eity $5,000
on the conditions that Toronto furnishes
$15,000 more, to found a' honse of refuge
for abandoned and dissipated wome
During Allie's experience she has found
that hundeeds of the wretched women
with whom she comes in contact, would
live different lives if they had only sone
retreat in which to hide themselves, but
as matters are now, without character,
friends, money or health, they have to
drag on a miserable existence almost lu
spite of themselves.
—The death is announced, at his resi-
dence in Belleville last week, of Charles
F. Jordan, formerly of Brantford, afte'r a
short illness. He was employed on the
Grand Trunk Railway for a period of 20
years, and -during that tinee built a large
number of bridges for that road. He
built a large portion of the Grand Trunk
Railway, and has also erected many
buildings in the country. The late Mr.
Jordan was widely known, and esteemed
by those who knew him best. The . re-
mains were conveyed. to Brantford for in-
—A visit was, a few daps ago, paid to
the grave of the late Joseph Guibord ly
a Witness reporter. It was with difficul-
ty that the grave could be picked alit
from the surrounding soil, for, instead of
forming a mound, as is usually the cai
it was depressed several inches below t
surface, as though the earth had settled
after the excavation had been filled
No headstone dr monument marked
spot, and it wore a seneral lair of neglect.
Near by were the pieces of IVIadame Gui-
bord's cross --splintered, ; muddy, and
well whittled up by curiosity huntees.
It _is now proposed to mark out he
—A correspondent of the Lindsay Post,
having learned that those who had, al-
ready obtained third-class certificatee in
the County of Victoria Would not get
them renewed without passing another
examinatien, at which they would be re-
quired to obtain 60 per cent. of the marks
given, wonders why new candidates
,should be allowed to pass on a smaller
percentage than those who have had
three years' experience. The editor cor-
rectly replies in effect that if third-class
teachers cannot in three years acquire
the additional knowledge necessary for a
second-class they must have mistaken
their avocation.
—At the close oi_ an able sermon by
Rev. Dr. Ives, of ,Auburn, N. Y., on the
occasion of the reopening of the St. iPaul
street Methodist church, St. Catheemes,
on the evening of April 26, the sun of
$11;000 was subscribed to defray the
expenses incurred m refitting and
. •
proving the interior of the building. The
interior of the church now presents a
handeome appearance. The seats have
been cushioned throughout, and. a good
organ has been placed. in an alcove
behind the pulpit. The church, which.
has I been heavily involved in debt
since its erection, now starts clear of in -
cumbrance, with some thousands •of dol-
lars in the treasury.
—A petition, eigned by 476 ratepayers
and 1,450 women, was presented to the
License Commissioners at Brantford late-
ly, praying --(1st.) That no tavern li-
cense be_granted 'to any person who does
not provide the full accommodation for
boarding and lodging, as required by
law, and that no exceptions be allowed
in this respect. (2nd.) That all persons
holding tavern or shop licenses be re-
quired to close their shops or bar -rooms
by 10 o'clock each evening, (3rd,) That
no licenses for the sale of intaixicating
liquors be granted ,fo persons who keep
in connection with their business any 'bil-
liard or other gaming tebles, or who al-
low gaenes of any kind to be carried. on
in their premises.