HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-04-21, Page 3Anri1 21,1876 ___moliNNEFinuimm!uTs„ Ya.LAW. NO. Law to ,Raise lay-rIvIty. ot &the sum of Three Thotte E Dollars for the ittneeco ein Set forth. tgASithe Municipal Council of theTOI,,, Reeforth have reeolved to raise bylettir •,. sum of Three Thonsand Dollara for the of granting aid, by way of a Bon Ount, to ANDItEW WHITLAwne sat , ot the r rark, to enable the said ANDRE,. kW ter establish it Foundry end mum,: the Town or Senforth,-and tfi reh Ley it will be necessary for the henotete2 .11 the Ton of Rertfortit tO issue ..4ebe"Z - the sure of Three Thoueend eithintereit as hereinafter provided, —I v, TfEU' tile fetal at uount required to be • i ly by special rate for tho paynient, et.. : Three Thousand liellare and intent e ill be Five hundred and Tea Dollars. Vnxits:As, the emormt of the whole petty of the Mtitticipality qf Seaforthr if. re of any increftee of the sarne, atut irre. - of any itteurne to be derived from porary investment of the sinking him ter mentioned, neemding to the lest rt. a equelized Assessment Rah of the rality, being for the or 1875 wait Pose and Fifty -Seven %thousand:Two iferi. Tare, ' al.AA, the existing debt- of the litit clity is Three Thonsood Dollars', payable t. day tif Septa:tabor, 1885, with Intereitt per cent. per annum, pity:title on the , a Mach awl September in each you, 1st on which has been paid in full to the of March, le7G, and the sum of One I riallare has 'been end itt now Invested , td Manicipelity to provide for the repty. the 1,400 -ire!, tetra. i . ie, for paying the interest and equal yearly :linking fund for pa .pal of the debt hereity creatdff, there let to be levied in each year, until the add ` . teres.t he Pelle raid, the falra 'Of mu ,-attils ou the allay,. in_ addition to aI1 tes. to be levied la said years, Rierefore enacted by the Municipal Cons, : Town of Seaforth : . it shall be lawful for the Council of neipedity of the Town of fiettforth to raise of Iowa from any person or persoret, body orpottite, who -may be willing to ad. c same upou the seetirity of the dahlia. r '..dnatter mentioned, a garnet money not r en the wholt the Rum of Three Thou. iarr,, and to cause thu same to be paid of the Tearer for the purpose eitioned; t it Khali be lawful for the said Comiell e any number tar delientn reit to be issued I.:es than One hruidred DplIare eaditand be a.gg-reitate exceeding t he Paid atm Of hottiotrol DoIlitre, payable tit the thnettaud rummer hereinafter mentioned, and thst I deltenturee be etatea with the sod of the inielpality, eml be signed by the Mayer le Clerk or the sai,1 municipality. i %.f e-tid debenturea sled1 bear interest at ; t he rate of seven per centper annum r„c date thereof, payable on the Fifteenth faty in ercch and evety year at the oftlesof ettsorer uf the saftl municipality, in the ; a Reaforth, and shall ',eve attached to '..,ouporte for the payment of interest t the principal slim of slid debalturee ayable at the ofliee of tint Treasurer of imieieipality, at tile Town of Seaforth, Vitt et,utit da.y .1f lain_ A, .1). 1866. ,'..,at for the purpose of paying the interest feting an eug;LI yearly- sinking fund for the at of the principal SOTO Secured- by said de, es, a, epecial rate of one 4.1-1:0. mille in the ;11i addition to all other rates, shall be !levied and collected upon all tho rateable •-y in aft:. said municipality of Seaforth it ler urite; the currency of the said debut. -!Itt until the se,me be fully paid, hat it ebell he lawful Lr the Cuuneil of the ' tinietpaiity to prant aid by way of bonne to ,-...nint of the said sum of Three Thousand' to Antlrevt Whithiw,et the Town of to enable hint to eetebliah a roundryaud ue Shop in the Tewn of Seaforth. -t sha:11 be lawful tor the Couneil of the ',-lunicipality to pay to the said Andres ilv the sum, of Fifteen haudrair Dollars the said bonus upon the buildings to iie :1 by the etibt Andrew kcillitiew for the k: feel Foundry and Madaine Shops ee- ropleted, mid to pay the balance of the said of Three Thouliand Doilare to him after the oundry and Machine Shops shall Wive been ration at Itmetione vteek. Provided never. S that the said Andrew Vibitlavt shrill have tridoit permanent investment in eounectieu :Iell foundry arid roaehine shope of not less :Nig thoueandlloilars inclaitive of the three mei dollare to le granted to hint, and tibitil et.a.t 11 x_.r.i .tiitta di livercd to the Connell of the unit ipality it f en.1 anti ttuffieient bond with , to be afire o ted of by the said Council, is u, of thrt e thousand dollaira, conditioned ,:le s!i,1 FounitV awl meehine shops sball be oning Lima to tiperatiun by the said Andre% iew for the ternt or ten y,aro from the date •ereetiou sad chrevie.tiOn of the same, and win th o said term of ten years the pernni. lovestment in corineetion with the EA! :eltall not at any time be diminished or -re. below the sail sum of eight thonsand dol ht tiii4by,law Khan take effect and come Helitien upon, the ling day of July,. ens 114 eit,ht hundred and seventy.six,.." hat the votee, of the eleetore of the said- ipality entitled to vote oi-t thie by-law be thereon it!' Thontae Lee fe Oftree in the -Ward, at William N. Witteon's Office in the Vara, and at the Town . hall in the South ill tit} said umaicipality, on IM.Y, the EIGHTH Day of MAY, 18781 te, o'clock in the Forenoon, and that the le closed at Five o'cloek in the afternoon, at ThOinite Lee he the Iteturniug (Haver for • •Iii, Wertl, Wilhite' bl. Watson be the Be- i officer fcq tire En,et Ward. tali'. that Wil. I:bat be tire Returning 01lb:er1or the Synth , in the euid tatial$pality. TAK NOTICE, . '.i the abeve hi a true'eopy of a proposed by- •iw whieh -will be taken into coneideration by goeil cyf thi.t municipality lifter one moots Kr: 1 publication in the lit'uox Exvosi- Le (lett of ....likh flret publication watt fri. 4i° 7t11 day of April, 1b76, and that the votes :e1ect0r-4 of the Raid municipality will he ta roe: at 'Iliermis Lee'e °glee in North Yir 1111 00 N. \Nrateon'effice O 111 East Nitaidi • ti e 'L' owl: If idi tit the South AVard, in the innielieility, oil Monday, the Eighth day of 1w7S, at Niue o'eloeli in the, Foie noon. \ VI 1,1A AM ELLIOTT, Town Clerk, T OFFICE STORE, WALTON; IARD �FTHANKS. tuna. re. -pec trolly to thank my nutueeolif •-t• fee ti lr Lind patronage for the last I ars it, Well I have been '•:olog basitle0 tbeni, and eulleit a continuance of tbeir 111 tbc future. 1 }Jaye 11:e0iste1l a Lai`ge Boots ano Fibi,4!., Pry tioods, Oroceries, emelt! iaret ware, It urclware, ecifil tt Win ak.i Vat tut Iderlieinot of 411 4". F.Irm 1? t•;111WO taken in exchange, 111 '414/ moet re•.1 et fully intimate to those tod I aid up their necolititts, due 3e0,5t eail 111 1111, Al at once-, either by cash °Z 1 1;:in-t haect a settlemeet. Pleatte ca fititivir nottee, NI ON 1.1V TO. LOAN, alit 10 I'M rt -VI roomy en Leal Betide i.1.1 in, v. • il to 0011011 me before gOiogel°,e" I are vainater fra the beet Loan Seel& eler. 'It111113 Eaay. LIFE IN si RAN C E. tvtmt yenr inenred give 1T1 call, as A!" nt ft.r tbr Sea 'Alt -anal Life Ineurerice of Moetrea 1, one of the best end viteee 1.1..hlif Ot't COrt.parlict• ia the Dona' et nd 1ot the luOtit Lif01.10rakal. prin. 'IfI A illAt/Pair(' tr) 131141i -68g' `e: Me- a ea.. it. PATTISON, Post Office Store' _ KINBURN. ICE- -DIssaLuTtorl of PATITNEIISL5,1-V,r` - L e pa rtnerk hip exieting between IfOR.5,1„.&- MPSON a•nd 4AMES STANLEY, in the V;I: Kitiburn, lais this day been diseOleed T-..,1e.Peit. The business now is being ear' - ltea AMES STANLEY, of the late fte12' .-!aeley tekr 1 gecat pleasure in tett:100ff Fis tot e/albite for their liberal pritronege__„111 ht.t. 1 tau reeeiving large and Well agbui:x. ot In -y Goode, hats and Caps, Boota Grocetiett, Hardware and Croaker/. of inerehrilitable produce taken in exchel .c.r.ide. Cash tor any quantity of good Don't forget the crId etand, whore you w— iited on with tleaertro, 1-1.114 JAMES APRIL 21, 1876.1 gesmosimmoin""'"i , re.r.awen to runeor• By the Late Dr. Yiientecn McLeod. At ii= -Adieu ihe I fidaluts. Eirich agus tinginn, 0 Eirich eggs tinginny t) • agus tinginn, 0 Farewell, farewell to Funrry. The Ind, is fair, the day is 'One, And swiftly, swiftly runs the,tune ; The boat is floating on the tide, That wafts me off from k unery. Eirich agus, Ste. • • A thousand, thoweand tender ties, Accept tilt, day my plaintj+e sighs; My heart within inc almost dice _ At thought stf leaving Funery. Eirich agus, Ace. , • With pensive steps I've often strolled Where Fingal's Castle stood of old, And listened *hire the shepherdsttold The legend tales of Funery1 Balch gus, Stc- 14/Pften paused, at close of day, Where Ossian sang his martial ; And grieved the sun's departing ray, Virr a nd er i n g o'er Dun-Punery. Eirich ages, rto, ill of them, or of aisybeity, nnlese yea are , or r the ,teodernees. Oh how; stwee, res! .her et • sleep that night -44)W aoft`iltertm tiniest She liad plucked siMie preoa path of a little sinning but "Origins, • _,That poor boy r'nko""4 His foster -father- i dead. ills 4 sure they deserve it, awl I She poured from her neotliees nAw • CINI IA Per kind- wortbe-worde Ofe pouts* ,Pelt4 of • cessary for their *Mendip n haotY etn- heaetit of 4 'tiler Avoid, be your tkrditia ilea's, 'not only paths, but Cons and earneab protest • Forbear and jes &ions: or natural defecte Such offences leave a d and, they pften, cost a ma Be ver careful that, y proachfu , menacing, qr sp any preen; Good/ words bad words make enemies. prudencsato gain as many honestly can, eepecially done at so easy a•rate as and it is great folly to by ill words, which are toahe party who uses the are, oofnmitted, they neayr per*, they,must, repr, it be done without reproab otherwise it will lose itS use, and, ,inetead, lefis fence, it will exaspera and lay tile reprover jus proof. If a person be ant • yekt ill language, rat er Aultan Caluch's gentle stream, ' moved to. anger. Yoiil silimeee or very gentle That murmurs sweetly throngh the green, What happy, joyful days I" "en; excluisite revenge • they will either cure the 1 Beside the banks of gallery. &Daffy roa , and make blin Eirich agus, 1,1 p or•they will be Farewell,e hills of storin and snotv, The wild resorts of deer and roe In peace the heath -cook long may crow Mout the moors of VunerY, ti irieh agus, &O. 1 , • It's not the hills nor woody Vales Alone my joyless mheart be silk it But a mournful group iihi (day remains Within the manse of Fun ry., Eirich agus, Ace. Can I forget Glentrirret's ame ? Farewell, dear father, bestof men; May heaven's joys with thee remain, Within the manse of Fusery. Eirich agus, &e. Mother 1-a name to me so dear - Mast I, must 1 leave thy care, And try a world that's full of snares Far far from thee and Funery 1 Eirich ague, &c. , • Brother of my love, fare,11:: Sistels, all your griefs conceal Thy tears suppress --your! sorrows quell; Behappy while at FunerY. Eirich agui, &c. I Archibald, my darling c ildr May Heaven thy infaut ootsteps guide, Should I return, 0 may I find, Thee smiling still at Funery. Eirich agus, inc.- , 0, must I leave those happy scenes !- See they greed the flapping, sails !- Adieu, adieu, my native'plams ; Farewell, farewell to Funery, Eirich agus, &c. and putritiliment to him. Nerd utter any pro& make a jest °tinny Scrip When you•pronmince th or of Christ, or repeat a words of Holy Scripthre, etence and *Seriousness, for that is "taking the vain." ' I have little further time, but my Wrifill andi you will remeitiber the If that I ban frequently gi and end the -day with read the Scriptures often • be attentive to the publ4 Keep yourselves in smile ment tAfor idleness is th and einfirl thot4hts, w attd disorder the loving to one another. ister. Be not bitter n servants. Be respeetfu absence patiently and e as if I were present int ybu. Remember you Father than I am, who places, beholds you, hearts and thoughts. )t my love and care for o nese, observance, and ob count it an honor that Y portunity, by your at ness, and industry, to that debt which, by th . and gratitude, you ow in my family, but let t • and provide. conveniet I , — Counsel to Children. t 1 pray God to fill yo There are many young, as well as old grace, fear; and love, a , people, who will be benefited by reading the comfort andadv this charming letter of Sir Matthew Halt Hun, and that His IS Ei to his children : . * ence'and direction, DEAR Cnreenes : 1 tlank God I came andlover you all. 1 a well to Farrington thisday, about 5 father.' o'clock, And .as I have some leisure tune at my IimpI cannot spend it mord to my own satisfaction, and your benefit, than, by a letter, to givt. you some good counsel. The subject shall be concerning your speech; because Much of the good or evil that •befalls persons arises from the well or ill managing of their conversa- tion. When I have leisure and opFnortun- • , • ity, 1. shall give ton . my directions on other subjeets. , Never speak anything for a truth which ou know or believe to be false: Lying True , • .• One cold day in WI the outer:door of a c The snow had beenla the •poer boy look hungry: • "Mayn't stay, ma the woman who had " work, cut wood do' all your errands."' "You may come in my husband comes 111 is a great sin agaiust Gott, who gave us a said, "There, sit tongue to speak the truth, and not false- you look perishing iv hood. It is a great offerie,e against hu- she drew a chair up t manity itself, for, where there fel no re- ner'• then, suspielou gard to truth,od Caere can be no e ode- fanyfrom the corners ty between man and min. And it is- an tinued setting the ta injui y to the speaker ; for, besides the Presently came diegroke which it brings upon him, it oc- casions so much baseness of mind, that he can scarcely tell truth, or avoid lying, even when he has no color of necessity for it ; and, in time, he comes to such a Ws, that as ether people cannot 'believe he speaks truth, so he himself scarcely knows when he tells a falsehood. As you must be careful not to lie so you must avoid coming; near it. You must not equivocate, nor speak anything positively for which you have no author- ity but report, or conjecture, or opinion. Let your words be fewseapecially when your superiors, or strangers, are present, lest you betray your own weakness, and. rob yourself of the Opportunity, which ou might other Wi8C hate hod, to gain • ;COM; all I rIle. g be4COIlle, any person. gise no fro • ful ords t grea . - ends as w it" may good word; e an enona o .aelfrantag When fault's nd b a sat ved ; but let dourebi tea an mg, the of - the °Fender, °Pe to re- te, and gi him than ill find tlu ords, tere t teprotiche temper intl sorry for b evere repro t41 - • - mother is eseedennebetetrayebuttsei. icnOwa no went, s‘ Tht Wee ontenist " is .her support. Nobly does be repay the trust repoied' n him-. tl'Wh n thy father and irietheilfo'istike me the Lord will take me up. Standarq BeitAr. , • I - Has lila a van ? Iles a °exit, to be a h oiba:nd who thinks mpre of his home than f his if t ..„ I • . HAS lte call to a kusbatlfli who spenda,ix evenings tout of eek aw,ay from hume, complatifs, aosee his if iftl 'will go Tuesday evening, 'Prat. er.meesting Has he „a can to be a hu4blind I wbe spends $5,4 week for pigare and an ,o0.11 - mensal glass, but caul afford. to take e newspapinfor fe ily ? . Has that mass a .•1 't who nni1ses elegau e dies and grumbles • I = - , dtess ? • I Has, he a call 8 sWeire if the one 1 tobeah. ban Ailments to oth r la - h his wife wants a new tp 1,, a husband wit& hu read). but n is ' missing,' and never p aks a word, in com- mendation of the ninety and nine that rentaineth ifmnovable ? PREPAENG. FOR AN UNOEFITAiNTSe. 4 I.Tarei f, 1 netng tower jte$fl speeehes, n e expressiona. name of Gad y paseagee or o it with rev - not , e of God in add at t id t cou Be prayer; mm rmer n yo ivate nd ft is at ls n • ; rional ; orshi oftadd. seful empl ursery of v h eenottet e. Be kind onor 'snir min liars to y o all. Bear y rfrillyt Beh ve you, arid aw have greater way', and in all d knows your dy 03 req itis with dtiti dience ; and u rim e an o ntion faithrti y some part f laws of natn e 9 me. i Be frog il re be no wan ; , for the row heartis With to let you tage sing, y be your ' ,r he nd • f ser and with et lo . • Hys see ng res - Ott; Has -he a call te a husband who! never boys a booka iicture to, make: heme 'attractive, 'and 5411 wonders; why a omen cannot be contented to! stayat ome seven days out of the week,' an ev home , • .!. _ Has be a call to be a husband telio,, t• , now Receiv loses Money by blitting on Sans and horse r s, and when be be •oines mined to sell ory. r a lad Stoo at age in Seotland, ng vet), fast, and very cold and_ m ?" he said to pened, the oor, o for Water, and r singing " There's napla4e like; i 08 to whether he ealb obtain, a .Vew, Licence, hoie de* 4 to he lie the benefit of die pro' ent one while it lasts!, - tha Mtkif; *1Y 1 The Stodc ie of 2'EAS, Glassware is for Paoli, onl kaid Va Timothy and Olt CO8t. 11 tol luss olnintenc 'Selling Of his Stock- of., 1:AR447:1,:‘, S,. GINS, 04 all Imported ,Bottlisd -Liquors at Vest, . not large, but is' good, and going of slock . i } UGIAWS, -S-YRUPS, G,enerat areceriii, Crockeki i ' ' t '7 •• . - f. 1 • 'I , ' t ... , J " •if. Writ 'Orge, well ,iteeorted, ad well bout. ,04.# ,he se i - • i : ,for verm light' prgfas the public are ewe to, go e I lior` theifis' Mone,t1 on arrive- in a- few days/ ,elover, , other Field Seeds, wlvich will be run off a a' Small AdvanCi , 1 ;JAMES mccia Stied, Seaforth, SEED. invo ved 'attri utes it to his. wife s exe travagance ? I WtT C L A ' C MA.P CASH • TN ass ming ihe management of the Groce A-• Bu ince& formerly 'mu/lune& by Mr. 3. LALDW, I have Much pleosare in antImincin toall t patrons of the CLOVER an Grass, ALS' Orchard Gras 'ed, W perial; C • • DEN ,SEED GROCERY., 11 1 t any rate, util me," the woman b the the the w glen her e 1 for traoss fire ; old ;" and tmest' con ing a the es, sh , cpn- pper. • ! of heavy hoots, and the door a,swung open With e !husband. en ened, work) I ,Pas ed be een !. He h d loo ed at see' very well SS in e him come glee to se how per. I I and yet th boy ntil -mor ow ;" er d e con , dere- s lo as t was vorke so wi ingly • a quick jerk, and th wearied with his day' A look of iutelligel his wife and himselfi. the boy, but did pleased; he nevertIll to the table, and W heartily he ate his ste Day after day pate begged to be kept t so the good. couple, tion, concluded tha such a good boy, an' they would keep hi One clay, in the in dler, who often trfl called, and after dt geode, was prepari gi CHEAP CASH GROCERY ; - And the public, genetally that, it will be 131Y 414- deavor to conduct the business in all its branch s as formerly condueted by Mr. Laidiaw. 'Ihei e will be no depiecatiOu in the Quality of Stook. IN Ile ef inter d at ,the c sing•Of some knowledge, wisdom, and experience, by o go, 'when hearing those whom you silence by Your teethe vroman : impertinent talking. "You have a botl ut there' 0 Be not too earnest, land, or violent in wood. I see," Pointild to the yar —o'v him ?" replied the p she? What i d thin the is shoulder. s, I taw i lim se' ell t your conversation. Silence your oppon- eat with reason, not with noise. Be careful not to interrupt another svhen he is speaking ; hear him out, and you will understand him the better, and. be able to giA're him the better answer. Consider before yon speak, especially when the business is of moment • weigh the sense of what you mean to utier, and the expressions you intend to use that they may be significant, pertinent, and inoffensive. Inconsiderate perrsons, do "ye, do you k "I have seen hi ‘" Where'? Who " A jail bird ;" swung his pack ov boy, young as hel myself, and hear( months.' You'd d ly after him." .- Oh ! thtre was e in the word "jail. trembled as she la not think till they speak ; or they speak, I had bought of the and then think, % • I be easy till she cal Some men excel in husbandry, some in sured hifn that sit gardening, some in nitktrierriatics. In of his history. • conversation, learn, as near as ,yau itau• - Ashamed and d where the skill or excellence of any Por- down his head. 80II lies ; put him upon talking on that I berating with the subject, observe what he says, keep it in I quivered, . your memory, or commit it to writing. I " Wale." he ma By this meane you will glean the worth ing, a there's no and knowledge. of everybody you 0011- ; better ; everybo verse with e and, at air easy rate, acquire % met nobody care %dint may bi3 of use to you on many op- 'Tc11 said NV hen you are in company with light, cfualm'pela)cf°eu? tN°V1gi°e'rea Oaid0110, vain, impertinent persons, list the observ- Oh!" exclatme I hadn't no =the baby! I -only lx tinued, while tea - "1 I wouldn't hate kicked and euffe ing of their failings make you the more of grief that was lie cautious, both in your conversation with them and in, your general behavior, that you may avoid their errors. If any one, whom you do not know to be a- person of truth, sobriety, and weight, relates strange stories, be not too ready to believe or report them ; and down, wouldn't have b yet (unless he is olio of your familiar ac- and run a quaiatance,) be not too forward to c.on- cause 1 was hun had a moth.er." The strength poor boy, and. h leing great ehoki jacket, le careful that you do mot commend The woman yourselves. It is a sign that your repu- tation is small and sinking, if your tongue must praise you; audit is fulsome aid upaneapideatort e.0 others to hear such com- Speak well of the absent whenever tradict him. If the occasion requires you to deelare your opinion, do it mod- estly and gently, not bluntly nor coarse - I' ; by this means you will avoid giving hot tears away offence, or being abused for too much I credulity. - • meth i The away ddler; • the new tenc look g so poor he th nor c oy in hat filM111.6 r Will, be a Speciality as formerly'. 0 Values in a ped- ttage, of his e said itting SUGRS AND • , • GENERAL GROCERIES. Warranted get your underseld. NEW ZEA feet long ; he shell,- I wil John liende Genuine Hul market. 0 A Choice 5 I AM BOU Cojee Giownd on the' Premiees, Always.Presh and Good. In addition to the initial Stock of Giooerioi I shalt keep for sale a full igoek of 1 , FL -6U Ft ANC/ PROV ISION . • ' F , r 'SEED. SEED. SEEM- SEED. , Al IC5 Ro Ri .1,p Q ,1143 ,, Successor to Strong ilk Fiefriy*, Sentortfi, g Steels:of FIELDand GARDEN SEEDS, whih he de4r- at a, Small Advance. on Coat. I bave.inew en held a Stook of TIMOTHY SEED, Millet, 131ack Tares, English and Italian Itie E covER, Lucertine or Ii'reueh Clover, Yellow or Trefoil Clover, , Mixed Lawn 'Grasse itc, SWEDE TURNIPS--eSkerving's Improte • IRO ' . 0- IV A. ti • •- r-* 'r • E thusly, Purple Top, Bruce's Selected East Lothian, and Carter's IM: OT SEED -Long Orange, White Belgium, Green Top, Ste. G.A,11, -M Stook of Garden Seeds will he found FRESII1 and GOOD ; Pure as can be got in any other establishment, CALTI,• EMILY and y. Seeds as)Low as any other House in the Trade, I won't be BEI) OATS -I have now on hand a quantity of tliose Celebrited AND OATS, yielding from 80 to 120 bushels to the acre ;I stem, 4 14' to *inches, On the, side ; they stand the weather ;well ar,td flori't furnish Bohemian or Hulless Oats, and the Tartarian Oats, grown by son, to any person entrusting their orders to me. I will furnish the ess Oats andethe Tartisrian Oats as Low as they can be got in the 'LL AND, EXAMINf.: BEFORE PURCH,ASING ELSEWHERE. A of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED always -On hand. DWT TO BE 'UNDERSOLD; a.ncl ti'n give everybody: entiefactiog • . M. MORRISON, Seaforth'.. I HURON PIANINC MILL TEE herebiiirsferis- 'their Maiii chstosidemend ihe'pnWoivesigat of thelile.' ;novel of-th•lir .111 ry and lAulsb:1- Tart t,e new, and more com ons premised IV 0 Ferli "At* stilts...rt. ; machinery of the best niste;they' will Somalia*, svrierm iltri4r,o7ratzre4H,,,,,_ _ to LUMBER P LAN rit 1,0 gat ti;it Farm Gates, Hay lcs Crhee46 (Large 'ffieek Liniter AND SI4INCLES. 1- (P's_9! 11 6 :g LATH * *. 1111eaflira Prompt 4itesaiiisof. This aubsisribers hereby thank their =moron, cistomers for the liberal patronage extended to tliem during the past, and hope, by strict Integ- rity 44.ekva3 agention to business!, to merit * continuance and ineiease of the same. I To IslIftholfewhose accounts are overdue we giv* a oordislinvitotionto pay up. , GRAY ite • SCOTT,, reePolinapaliestlo87.°1ficali"g fc'r Billlang4246 furni7 . r*. • 1. .FA7MERS OF Ht.11:1ON AND BRUOE.': A GOOD ARTICLE ALWAYS CHEAT:. . ' 13111(4 PATT.E RSON Sr 1311.QT1-itRS THE SEAFORTH iistiRANO AND LAND AGENCY* ALOWZO STRONG T$ AGENT for Several Pirst-Cless Stock, ;Fire raid Life InSurance Companies, and Is prem- ed to WO en the MOST. FAVORABLE TERMS. Alio Agent for several of the best Loan So- cieties. " Also Agent fpr the sale and purchase of Perm and Village protaerty:, 11-UMBII.R.40, FIRST-CLASS-Lif- PRO V.&.40 FARMS ;FOR BALE. . 4,1 OFFicE--oster *Osson's Store, Main -St, &afar-W.- OPPOSITION'THE LIFE OF TRADE,. MR, -0EORCE FORSYTH 1, JOHNSTON SELF -RAKE REAPER, CAYUGA, Sr., and SPRAGU* MOW- ) • • • • I I ER, also our celebrated 'Empire Seed Drill-Imptoved, and new Patent - , . di - 1 Pumping Sulky tiorse Rake, Without any doubt The Best ver offered in the %mint , • • 1 ion. , We beg to Say ALL the abote articlei built by us are perfectly reliable, and ! 1 I warranted to givl satisfaction. PATTERSON it BROTHERS''Implements iteeritk Com rising Hama,pSide Meat, Potatoei, Ali es, de. harleaworthcs, and A. W. , Llr AIWA s in stock, choiee stock of ddler • he ?" eddler "That tourt l‘ten alfeful- etsdful [woman gs she uld she and as - part Fres be essed the bey hung is heeks seemed ot blo d, an red, his fra in my tryi hates and bout the !oma oung, th your Moth° to1y, wi rible fp beh ever ,iince d a Mother, gushed from been Itound nd hdrsevvh saucy sad y, an these . 0 1 It his lip • ti) do do fI esoisea how t dread - ha burst was a he con- , is eyes, I put, and ped. I knocked •stole be Wi Pr ARDEN in thie wee livered PrOM tly and free of t rge. . for themselves, and have earned a high reputation for their many excellent 1 11 FIELD, SEEDS., 4 I ties throug ,1 I Al? goods bout: et Me ;will I ents who septl their Clliklren jar Gil will receive as caneful attentitin as V the!' oaine -thern8eival • • • . A FEW -000D oas TTER frIAKERSWANTgD .1 h whom to make arrangements for the pply of Butter for.the towing seaidn. R. J LAIDLAW 11 be in his olti stand during the wliole 6f the sent' montli in order to dippose of hill TOMAillilag pTOC OF LIQUOR Wilich he Is Selling Off Cheap for Can.,. s all gone from the. on nk o his k eee, soh - Bobs, and rubbing the th th sleeve of his A Mo all her children sl pt un in the church-yaf sh still. She put r ban head of boy, an ldht said from that t mother. Yes you have the opportunity. Weyer speak the neck of tha er, tb WAS 'kin to 1° puld 11311 ptit her rsake des id though , cold sod A mother' y on the k up, and net ite her rms round d child. , T. FAIRLEY, Sea 'T rth, out tIlie conntry wheretier they have been Used.. All Farmers intend- = ,1 ing pureh ing any of the above will do well to give them a trial. It is unneces.' sary for 9 to say anything in regard to the fAttnd our Johnston Reaper took at the • Great Tria on thelohdon Road in 1875, as it is well known by all in this tection - • of country and *e may say it will be still better for the season of 15'76, as we have made imp ovennts or this season's sales. REPAIRS kept at Seaforth, Brossels, Wingham and Glinton. Ad:dress PATTERSON sk BROTHERS, Patterson Ontario. RIEVE, General Agent, Seaforth, Ontatio. TTAS much lean& in informing the intabi- -11-2- tints of forth and vicinity that be bats fitted up a If teClaaa SHAVING A:ND _HAIR DRESSING SALOON ill Hut etrond4lately occupied by bins al Idelt Emporitira,trst door north of the Conimercial HOU. tolartm has securedthe eervicssof FIRSTOLASS'BARBERS And` antirma4gistAitaction. GEORDIE will do Good -Work as cheep IL$ auy others in tins • Particular attention paid to tressing bliildren. busioess, Hair, - Parente would oblige .by 'sending their Children in the early part of the week, or if more convenient early on Saturday, 428 GEOEGE FOBSYTIEt. • ---- SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH DOOR AHD DUO FACTORY ILL'S fiiiiNS HILL'S a ILL'S 'LULL'S H LL'S ILL'S HILL'S H LL'S ILL'S HILL'S ' HILL'S ' HILL' ' HILL'S 1 kfla'. HILL'S HIL HILL'S III L 115 HILL'S , ILL'S HILL'S IJIIS ILL'S , HILL'S. ' ' LL'S IlLYS . HILIIS ILL'S IJIILL'S HILL'S ILL'S • $1Q $1.b : VY ONE OF THO. AND 13UY ONE OF rr AND, BUY ONE OF THO. AND BUY ONI1 OF THO • • - • • • Or WM.. 3E5.4zi TY - HAVE rrin Sitbeeliberbeige100eto -1-existomeis piths liberal patronage extended:to him A•-ern tte ekieinli g ttsInee ein Sesforth, and truststhat, he maybe Jawed with axontinuance of the same. Partiesintending tolinildwonld do well to give him a call, AO he will continue to keep on liand a large stock �f 11 kibdret DRY PINE LUMBER, , flOASII1E.10, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SWING -LEO, GATII, ETC. Jlefeelosentifidentof givIngpatisfeetion to .those who may fayouriiini withibeirpationage, polls but first-elilaworkmen are employed. , -I Partlonlitat4outiott egaloPastora Planing 201 - J01 H. BROAD/70QT. DEOIDI:t1 TO REMAIN IN SEAFORTH. 1 ! . , . 4 , . 1 1:1EY HAVE THEREFORE LAID IN Al V RY FIN Z ASSORTIVIZN OF ALL CLASSES OF EiRY GOODS WHICH THEY ARE DETERMLWED TO OFFE13, AT TIE VERLOW- ! ___, EST PRICES. 1 TWEED -1..rirrs. TWEED WITS. TWEED 5UITS. TW ED -WITS. TWEED SUITS. TW ED StTITS. TWEED giUITSI: TWEED 'MTS. ' TWEED SUITS, TWEED SUITS. TWEED SUITS. TWEED UITS. , TWEED SUITS. TraD SVITS. TWEED UITS. TWIll Do EMITS. TWEED BUITie. TWEED SUITS*. TWEED' SUITS. A T THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, BiAFORTIE. GEORGE WHITELEY, T_TAVINdrpurchaned the Stoc k end Trade of the Connauelat ,TAvery, formerlY Bell's'irons Messrs. Morrison & th begs to state that he tendirrying oil the lineineerin the old 'stand, ; and hp* addedseveral Taluable horses and vehicles to the fonnerly laigo stock. Ijonebtit I First-ClcosComfortabk Vehicles anelflood- Rgiable Horses Will be Kept, ,1 • . , THEIR STOCK OF GROCERIES, WINES itCLIIQUORS IS VERY COMPLETE. • An Covered and „Open Buggies and Ostriageo, and Double and SinglelVagons Always Ready toT Special Arrallip1120111101 Wflit G•113111C1r•- tial Igen. Orders left at the'Stables or any of the Hotels wilt oe promptly attended to. 418 THE SEAFORTII • _ LUMEER YARD. liefteommeerme.ier ' M- ;& MACDONALD In(0210. I the paw that -they have re - their Miller Yard to the lot -between en Salt Company's Works sp.4, Mar - REG to iflOVO. 'hind a gOodne They w 11 keep constantly on sort - merit of 1, IgNI4s 01? LUMBER, dressed and undresse . LATH AND SHINGLESLoil of which Oh yin inspired to edit a the lOwelet pox, eibia prig e for Cash, .Also, on hand any gnantityr ofthe ,„ esu e bet.ACTdOolleoLIMis willE. Gua 11 10 titer „Avail+ te tage l. sped, mijr• Stock, and ascertain our price* before ohashigoligewhere, solos are in-apesithns offergoo indocementsmtonicazshp,turmehakcpserpelttrz, _ 160 EG M PORI UM. The .sabecriber ,iscsreby' thanks his numerous oust° ni ;(indal:mats and others) for their liberal n= pladnrisig the past seven years, and hopes, by strict lutegrity,and close attention to bneinest,, to -merit their confidante and trade in theIntose. ; • . !faxing greatly enlarged his premises, during the *infertile 1 DOW PrAPIIrea to Pa"' the • HIGHEST CASH PRICE 14. .11 Eaky Call IS'olicitecii- , BEATTY & 0o., Carmichael's )310Ck. Yfttlftelal 41.1116":"TG ihrin 0:3TrIula;111;iverid % - •• Eie ° 4'" ; t_ I Winte-a14.fite anbiscrilier 25 ions "of tigooa dry • E VT ivr A. 1,./Lp cleaniitHEAT f3TEAW. IS N W SPR AfIEROHANT TAILQR AND .OLOTHiEil, SEAFORTH, EOEIVING k LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS CIF nik LATEST STYLES OF WORSTRDS, AND dEzymptp • 7411,071IgHtp:as, , SHIRTS, COLLARS, &O., E LOWEST QJiATIONS. T C.J1S• „ - • I SAMUBle TROTT TTAS noia.an band at the froiLferth,TutOstot,Ori npulbpli4of his wcU wad brorablyknown , • Mae 41-40:1612 'Btftfor ,Packages. Th4e Plrekkges Are the beet In tt50,.6114 wlU gve eqieteetion. , updx,AL ANDIT1.4•11TS TO 'L'ArE fUltplIASERS. ,Y•r. Tiptt eivets In a 1;bort time to commence the manhifaOt*0 uilFnbstt. larliesode.. 387 S e L TROTT; Seaforth A