HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-04-21, Page 1aRIL
mpieto wit
all the
e Imported Direet from
n-sisting of
[ Checks,
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roken Cheeks,
over 100 of
Scotch, Eng
EDS,. offering
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Listomers to leave their
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nadian Twe
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$9 00-
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&Suit for$12 50
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padian Tweed. Suit for 12 50
eadian Twe4d Suit for 12 50
to have A RUSH. We
WENTY I:ANDS at work.
get Twenty more.
our aleae re. First Come
•, and get t1ie Pick of the
ew Auieri an and English
11 Prices, rom One Dollar
attan Shir, The Diamond.
ntennial -ahirt, The Double
t, The Grange S
13 to 16, in White and,
;eta Silk S'carfs and. Bowe,
ew Check and Colors.
the Plac —777,
tiEt OTT ALL &' Co
of t
nr11101,E NO. 43/-
21, 1876.
{ :
/110611IAN -1111.10TWLE110, Publishers.
$1 30 a Near,its -advance.
WARMS FOR SAL—East half tot 11, Con,
I: 12 MeRillop ; and West half Lcit 19,,Con. 12
lifclaillop; sled South 50 acres of Lotw1 and 2
Con. 10, Morris, adjoiniag the Villa e of Blyth.
For partieulars apply tO MeCAUGHE & HOLUB-
STED, Barristers, &e., Seaforth. 425
mina LOTS FOR BALE. --Containing 5 acres
each, adjoining the Town of Sesforth. The
most desirable eitnation for private residences.
Terms reasonable, with immediate possession.
Apply to H. W. C. MEYER, Barrister, Seaforth,
or to L. MYER, Harpurhey.
-1-/ —Dr. COLEMAN having laid out the grounds
recently occapied as a Driving Park into Braid-
ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of lots on reason-
able terras to any who may desire them. Parties
deairing to purchase should make immediate
plication, 864
'PROPERTY FOR SALE,—Two lots, with a 2
•i• story frame Image and barn, sithated on the
Market Square, Seaforth. The premises have
been used as an egg packing establiiihment, and
are well adapted for, any public biainess. For
particalare apply to the proprietresq, Mrs. MAL -
COM, Beaforth, or toD. GORDON, Goderieh. 481
WARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Nerth half Lot
1. 16, Com 5, Morris, 100 acres, 45 imires cleared,
good log house and a line bearing orchard, some
good pine and cedar, and plenty of hard wood.
Is 4 miles from Brussels Station, Great Western
Railway. Immediate possession. Tor further
particulars apply to 0. R. COOPElli, Brussels, or
on the premises. JANET AITITN, Belg48504rave
"WARM FOR SALL—For sale on easy terms,
1 Lot No. 26, Con. 6, Township of Hay, con-
taining 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared and in a
state of good caltivataon. A good falame dwelling
house with log outbuildings, an orchard and a
good well. Is situated half way between the sta-
tions of Rippen and Ilensa;1, being I 5 miles from
each piece. Apply t� WM. CUDMORE, Granton,
Or to CHARLES MASON, Brucefield. 429
Brantford CorreeDOittence.
We are to -day enjoyin
rain, and your correspon
prove the moments by a
Toe EXPOSITOR. Spring i
building operationis have be
ous parts of the town, and, h
ent prospect those who hate
scarcity of work during tine
are to be rewarded by a Int
which certainly they kale
need of.
Our merchants have ape
new goods and decorated tb,
in spring attire, giving t�
inviting and fascinating ap
ery day witnesses crowds 9
ing trona one window to
from one shop to another, t
new spaing fashions, and
ing a good deal more ins
t will iin-
w lines for
pen us and
the p ea.
had such a
past winter
y Bummer,
greatly in
erent parties, who had been Mr: Wood'a
patrons aaPhilipsburg and Wellesly that
were, sent to some promiaent parties u
aere;to inferm them of the dishonest con
duct, of Mr, Wood whiht dealing with
them, and cautioning the. people bare to
be on. the look out. Mk: Wood's past
conduct, and not I, is !what is telling
againat him. May it teach him that
honesty is the best policy. . Mr. . Wood
Would also have the publac believe that I
aid not know him before I saw him' in
Zurich; well, I saw him, if he did not
me, at his meeting at !Philipsburg la
Mara, 1875, when the farmers cast hi*
Overboard; and refused to give their milk
to the fa4ory if Mr. Hanry Brodreclit
would hire him to make the obeese. Not-
withstanding Mr. Wood's t slanders against
me, which would have been so very a •
' himself, I nder was guilty f
ght in • Londo with another
000, &c.; neither Was Iiguiltier
Mr. Shraug, n ' ar Shakespeare,
d out their
ir windows
hem a very
malice. Ev-
ladies pass-
oother, and
speeting the
uently c10-1
ecting than
purchasing. Any one can , inspect, but
it requires cash or a good j name to, buy,
with, and even in this beautiful town we i
have some who have neither; still they I
must and will inspect that goods. Sure-
ly they may have this satitifaction, which!
will answer the same purpose, as that of
the boy who asked mamma. for a cookie,i
and when refused pleaded] , for half w
cookie, and when this wita denied him
said well if I can't have, 4 cookie, nor
half a one, do let me smell o a cookie.
The long looked for *od by ou !
townspeople, and those 10 g the line,1
has at length arrived, whe the Brant '
ford, Norwich and Port da rwell Rail-
road should be open for raffic, which
event took place last week, ? ithept eve
as much ado as a hen woul make afte
laying an egg. No one et notified o
WARM FOR SALE. --For Sale, Lt No. 7, Con. the feet, and the first that as heard i
-2: 10, Morris, containing 64 aeresl, 25 of which referenue to the matter 1 as that th
are cleared, well fenced and in a good 'date of train Was in from Tilsonbu, a with as
cultivation ; the reraainder is viell timbered.
There are 4 acres of choice fruit trees bearing, sengers, over the nevr road; since w ic
a geed log house and frame stable. Is 1 mi e time trains have been ruenn g regularl
from the Blyth station of the London, Huron and except when they have een off th
Bruce Railway. For further particulars to JOHN
track, which has occurrel twice in
LAIDLAW on th a premises, or to W. CLEGG, ,
Blyth. I , 425 week's time. No one hut , all aboard
I Off :fin ; but what astoae es us is th
FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 12. Con. 6, spe at which the trains: run ; no won
tier they get off the tried e for by ex
Halltt, consisting of 100 acres of land, 40 acres A
cleared, and the balance well timbeited with hard-
wood. 'There is a lo g house, sided; a frame bars amining the time table We i ee that th
and outbnildinge, a good well, and I a Young bear- road is open for 30 miles, nd, whethe
ing orchard of choice fruit trees Situated 8 miles the readers of THE, EXPOal TOR Will be.
from Seafoith, 6 Miles from Clinaton, la from i
Kinburn. Terms made known on applicalion on lieve it or not, it is a fecal i hat the trai
the premises. Pogreassioh given immediate% is timed to run the whole distance i
ELIZAl3ETH HARVEY, Constanate P. 0. 4 just three hours, which ie : en miles a
hour ! . What eblessing -911 it the days of
-11-- SALE.—Being Le 83, Con. 1; Culross, contain. travelling by ox carts and heelbarrow
ing 133 acres, 50 of hich are cleared and 4n A are over, ana that time an space are s
good gate of cultivation. The remainder of the near annihilated 1. Let glishmen n
lot is well timbered with wood of every variety.
The farm is situated 7 miles from rieeewater and
6 from Wingham. Is well watered load cOnvenient
to schoole and churehes. For further particulars
apply on the premiees or to ANGUS McDONALD,
Wingham P. 0. • 485+4
- --
FOR SALE. --Being east half of Lot 23,
-aa Con. 12, Turaberry, consisting of 50 Beres, 21
of whicla are cleared and.in a goodstate of culti-
vation, 4 acres branded and 6 scree chopped, the
remainder is well timbered with elib, maale,beech
and pine. This lot, is situated mile train the
faravel road leading' to Wingham and Teeftwater,
and is 5 miles distant from eitherfof these flour-
iehing villages. For further partidulars apply on
the premises or to ALEX'. McDONALD, Con. 12,
Turnberry, Winghaan P. 0. 1 385+4
WARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lolallo.24, Con.
-12 1, Stanley, containing 97 acres, more or lege,
80 of Which are cleared, well fe ced, and in a
plictible tc
being ca
man's $1,
f going to
to get him to sign [a ban., Lots • nor go-
ng to Cresshill, hiring /taller° of the tea-
ry,' and Making cheese on commission,
and smuggling some of it. I am sor y
that Such an unfriendly discussion shou d
take place between me and Mr, Wo
but he hat, himself to bl4me, for 1 Should
not have given him sudh an expositiOn
had he not maliciously ined to defa
ine. If he wants more; X can go more in
detail with him. In conalusion, T would
say to the fanhers before promising their
imilk,to rdake themselves' acquainted:with
the 'cheese makers' past 'conduct.
Beataz, April 10,1876. I .
[En. No E.—Appended to ,the above was a
of namee of patrons from the pea, ee where Mr. Strut-
ter had to erly made oheesea certifying that he
had made cheese, and that he had oett led
friends in arich and Berne inaerested in this eon -
with all th4e patrons to their ifatisfaction. ki our
troversy desire to air their grievances or &dye ise
their busi ess any further, they must do so at
their own
insert fat
xpense and not at burs. We shall anly
re communicationi on this subjectlast
Temperance and ilrohibitiosi.
To the MUT. of the Ekon Expositarl
No pu
of the c
the new
foeee. It is only a feva years since an-
pata,nt alterations in !, this law were
maae and stringent rues. enacted. I It
seeins as ite a morbid deaire for changa is
the predbminant spirit Which guides the
act ons of ,a, large numbar of men. This
lic question bed caused greater
t in Ontario t)aan the one new
the minds of 4*numerous class
tnmunity, than; that relatind to
license law snout coming into
longer boast of railroad ap ed at hom
exc tement is fostered gnd to a great 6x -
At present a temporary :a tion, on th
tent gerierated by trnding philanthlro-
west side of the, river ite used but it
the intention, as soon as a, bridge can
made to stand the watetia of the Gran
River, to -run into the reat Wester
station ani to connect 11 that roa
f pieta wit°, with eloquent appeals and
e statements, exaggerate and =sr p.
nt tlie real facts. A few weeks aao,
vVi ery gate -post anUnoccupied build -
ments t at tbe celebrated ttough
which will certainly be a was e se g
ence to the community sea
Hot maple sugar is Mew ys a luxur :give on
especially to townspeoplal and wben
was advertised last wee that a h
sugar .festival would be held in t
Methodist Episcopal chnia h, exciteme
to b en lArin advert re
rag eon von
h of us.
ran high ; everybody said iurrah for h
sugar; and the crowd tab. advanced
said church on the evenin in questi
I was like the Charge of the Light 13
state of good cultivation, the bale ce is well tim-
bered. There is a frame barn' a d stable, and
good new frame house with stone !cellar, kitchen, gade. And when the seryl ' g began the
wood shed and all other conveniences. A never- Was1 ,I
, ,
failing well and a good bearingi orchard. Is 2 Sugar to the right of
miles from Bruceaeld Station end 4 miles from Sugar to the left of the a ,
Clinton. A. gravel road leading Ito each place. , Sugar behind them, t i
Apply to the proprietor at Varna P.O. THOMAS Some one hail conjured
PEAREN . - ; 484 1
WARM FOR SALE.—Por Sale °neap, west a of
Lot 17, Con. 80 McKillop, containing 50 acres,.
45 of whieh are clear of stumps'*ell fenced and
in a state of good pultivetion. The wood land is
good hardwood. No waste land A good log
houffe and log bain, also frame ,igtable. Is well
watered ; good ye ng bearing °reliant Is situat-
ed 7 miles from aforth,-and the( same distance
from Carronbrookl Is la miles fiaom good gravel
road. For fart.hellpwrtioUlafli ap ly to the pro-
prietor on the premises, or to inthrop P. 0.
FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, iJot No.13, Con.
about 86 of svhichlere eleared and i in a first-class
of his inimi
lectures in Goderich.
cents to isten to the—t
really t
rapt att
weed f
one refl
a guars
one ma
he take
But when the crowd be ame so gre t
that it was whispered t. sugar would pealing
their fo
not hold out, those wile, -ere late f It tyranni
tional i
and ou
like singbag,
Sugar to the right of na
Sugar to the left of mna
But none Weide of me '
Some one has bhandere .
However, all were finaty supplied a
no fragments left, onlal as they we
carried away on sticky a ' ds, pants,
On Tuesday night 1.1.8 I a grand tr
was given our citizens jai the enterta
titute, whi
by the way, is very pop r, many s
5,11.11.S., Tuekeremath, containing 100 acres, men Of the Collegiate Ite
state of cultivation, the balance ia well tirabered.
Good frame house and frame oiltbuildings, two dents from other towns :eing in atte
bearing orehards Of choice fruite, and a flowing ance during the last sessOri. The ent
good gravel road.il Immedihate pemeession given.
well. Situated 2 relies from Seaferth, and on a taimnent was held ii.ii41iPalmer's II
oice farm,
which was crowded. sic, recitati
This is a chand as calory accommoda-
tion in the way of buildings. Terms easy. For and a scene in the trial of the new ch
particulars apply to macA-ua_may HOLME- of Venice formed the pro amme, and vi
STED, Barristers, Seitiorth, or tt the proprietor wen „sus
tained through°
on the premises, Or to Egmondville P.O. JACOB 1' 1
MeGEE, I . agei The Women's temperance society
i -- hard at work, detennineilt to effect w
ScaUPERIOR FARM FOR SALE—Farm for sale she Council failed to do; ;tamely, a redili
on the Lakel Shore, Goderich Township, on,
the Gravel Road leading from Gederich to Bay- tion from the full nupi er of licens
field, and withinlalf a mile of tire Bayfield her- granted by Parliamenti especially
, e
tains 149 fierce, about 100 eleared,and in a good
bour, which will oral be finished; the farm con- shop keepers. These laT,I.es are eired
state of cultivation, well watesed, fences good, ing petitions pledging wa en not to
soil rich clay loaan, a large concrete house, large groceries Or anything ele at those sit
frame barn and other outbuildings. There are
about 15 acres ofwinter wheat, a large orehard of
all the common varieties of fruit, raised about 700
bushels of first-elaee apples last 31ear. Price mod-
erate and terms easy, as the own,ter wishes to quit
farming, tiodrdss WILLIAM H' ALL, 4856
P. 0. ,
a a,
where liquor is sold. NI s. Judge Jones
and others of the first ladies of the tram
are engaged in the work, And are meeting
with a great deal of success.
A municipal temperance electoral as-
sociation has also been tamed, with le d-
-u citizens at its heailei the purpose of
n at the n xt
ill oppose he
hard upon ola
mber of wl
d during e t month, in nt.
x -
"-) SALE.—The I subscribers offer for sale their Which is to bring out
saw mill and farm, Lot 85, Cou. 5, East Wawa -
nosh. The rain' contains large eireular, edging municipal election *whd
saw, butting saaa shingle saw, edger and packer— liquor traffic in every W
all in good order. There are oh ale lot besides 'The spring is being 'li
the mill, two • freme dwelling *Uses and frame
°table. There le also on the lot a quantity of val- eople, a very lartfe n ,
amble timber, comisting of pine black ash, and have
hemlock and other hardwood. VI th a large steak of them over 80 years*. Of age. IT h
a busy one
able temperance
undreds paid 50
them—new but
readbare stone of his, and give
ntion to his pictures of the m -
giant Drunkinness that as
death and destruction, to he
r nearly 4000 tears ; but when
cts that this great man will only
nd to enlightea his admirers:
tee of $300 Or night, I thank
venture to dutpute the position
, and disagree with his conalu-
he whole doctrine of coercion i
d by teetotalers, and theaap- j
o the laws of the land to face '
lish views on I others, is wrong,
al; oppressivel and unconstitu-
What I meit by. unconatitu-
not any mer written lawsex- .
by judges, ut one far higher
ht to be neore spected, namely,
the lawe which govern, the rights of one
men with another. When an Act of
PArliament attempts to interfere in ny
way with the freedom al iedividuala, or
to, give bne set of men liberties denie4 to
others, ,it then becomea unconstitutional
and unworthy of respect. It is no Mat-
ter should that law be assented to by a
majori y or otherwise- even if onlytone
individ al should Buffet', a Dation hat. no
more right to commit a wrong the* an
individual, . unless it is claimed. on the
• Oanadmis.
, On Tuesday, 'April 4th, 'Mr. James
Brady,. of Ingersoll, soldi a herd of cows,
belonging to John Corrie, at an aver-
age.of $50 each.
1 --Listowel hall a spelling match be-
tween the profestonals Of the town, and
the metchants an manufacturers. The
3 points ahead.
m Oa eron, M. P. for
ho is new 68 years of
u�ly ill at Ottawa. Mr.
the three oldest mem-
der coming out
—Hon. M alco
outh Ontario,
ge, is lying seri
'ameron is one o
bers of the Hous.
—Wm. Donnelly, of iLucan, who was
Committed to the Central Prison,Londeon,
as reported ill at the jail of a low fever.
file is the same man who assaulted and
allot a constable
—Letters fro
antral Church,
iego for his hea
ton early in Jun
—A cenvict n
eceive 39 lashes
ottetown, P. E.
Ing 16, the flog
prisoner being e
—Youthful de
a pitch in Toro
Thomas Lind, t
dead mother's
tether and sold i
—It is said th
Prescott, has be
ithe Toronto Lu
'vacant by the u
p. H. Mooney.
—Louis Riel,
t Lu n.
Rev. J. McColl, of the
Hamilton, now at San
th, indicate a marked
e expects to be in Ham-
. I
med •Iphappell was to
the other day at Char -
L, bufi after administer-
er htid to desist, the
ravit has coin° to such
to, .t 'et. a boy named
e ot er day, stole his
eddirig ring from his
. ,
t Mr. T. ,T. Tracey, of
n appiiinted ;Bursar of
atic Asylum, rendered
timely death of the late
of Manitoba notoriety,
we understand,is an imitate of an asylum
!ii Montreal, a confirined lunatic. So
'pays the Free Preis' ,, and Louis Reil
must have been nsanefbefore he came to
I •
1 —The Mitchell Horticultural Society
has purchased a lot containing 14 acres,
:for a show groand, 0 a cost of $1,440.
!There is some nais-understaading about
the pprchase, but it will likely come out
!all nght. ,
i —Senator Perry, of Cobonrg, nearly
190 years of age, is on the point of deatb,
Jam' the absence of Sir dward Kenny, of
the Maritime Province, from the Senate
for two sessions, will create another
!vacancy .
—Maple sugat fromi Lower Canada is
!selling in Paisley at 20, cents per pound.
1At that price a well anranged sugar bush
of 200 or 300 trees wOuld have yielded
;$20 or $30 worth of sugar every day this
' week. ,
—A young m
erts, of Ilamilt
in a row boat o
his carelessness
gallant efforts
was rescued fro
—The rapid
have prevailed
raised the Cale
day last, that
rushing down t
Great damage
owners on the
—On Tuesda
Herichon, blac
Lt l..... SC of 7:
barbar4us one of migh
That drunkenness
sOciety: I admit, but o mtemperence
of any lkind. Intemperate eating leads
to gluttony, with its arain of diseases.
An intemperate desird for wealth heads,
to avarice and its attending sins. 1 In -
ate religion . leads to preju ice,
ance bigotry, find often insaaity.,
t the temperate use of spiritaoua
is wrong I feielessly deny, j and
iy teetotaler tolprove the coatrad
is not condemaea in the Bible;
held bY both ptecept and exainple
is right.
s a crime against
tam per
i n toter
But th
defy a
ry. I
but u
thereita It is not a:paison, nor is it in.1
juriou4 to health when taken in m . def.'
ate quantities. In fat it is most ene,'
ficial to a great number of constine iona
as we Ond them in ntodern society;. I
pervades every article' of food we eat
and w thout its preeetice the most temptt
nds would be ?insipid, and the ext
ing properties ef food gone. That
exemplified I have. only to en
iat wheat, corn barley, vege
its of all kiads contain adlarg
tion of spirialwhich, by a gimp
tan 4, lila le
this tion ti
aid f
It wo
factory reasone Oven for sealing. Possession given the present season Will
Inthe vicinity te last a number f years.- Satis-
at any time. For farther partic ulaas enquire, if your lively Town Of Se:
by letter post paid, of W. G. H NGSTON, Brus- cessful one or the ,
• Westfield P. 0. 880 POSITOR and his excellent- paper.
eels P. 0., or to A. T. HIN'GSTCIN & BROTHER, ,
teeth, and a
itor of THE
1_ f •
STOCK F0111 SAILE. The Zurich CiheeseiPactory D
( 1.0W AND HEIFER FOR SALE. ---The under- TO the Editor of the 1411iron Exposit°
a-1 signed has a milk cow and 3 -year old heifer allow me s
for Bale, Both animals are in calf. THOMAS DEAR SIR : Would. y'
- PENFOUN 0 , Lot 12, Con. 2, Stanley. 434*4 in your paper to defe 1'
, the infamous letter
T../ULL CALF FOR SALE.—The undersigned John lyood against 1110i
"1 has for Fiala, OR Lot 13, Con. 4, H.R.S., Tuek-
eremith, a yearling grade bull. , Will be sold on it to himself or his eclad
careasAoNn.ahle terrauf. Apply to WILLIAM CARNO- ich, In November las
I, 48244• to start a cheese factoi•'
A YRSIIIRE BULL FOR SALE. --The under- ly was very satisfactot to the peopl
' signed his an Ayrshire B 11 1 year old for they liberally promis to patronize
sale. In first-olass ttim for th season's service. I stated to them that 1 1Lwould be U
Pedigree guaranteed. For particulars apply to build a factory this sa ng. Mr. N
P. 0. R. N. ADAM,S. oag undoubtedly hearing of y enterpris
the proprietor Rinburn , or if bY mail to Collet &nee
prospects, first came to:Zurich a,bou
FOR SALE,--Eatire colt coining 2 years old 10th of December lasa s he stated .
' sired by the iMported hot -se, John Ball, lately letter, and canvassed , r milk, try
owned by J. J. Fisher, of Colborne, dam by the t 1
This eolt is of rich black, with white stripe on take adva
a mean sneaking way,
Prince of Waleff horse. Pedigree will be produced.
orehead, ar d bind feet whits, stands 15i hands
bigh, and girths 6 feet 1 inch. Will be sold on
reaeonable terms. Apply to JOHN TROYER, • a .
Lot 28, Con. 7, Nay Hill's Green P. O. 486+4 him, Now, it was t
myself aga nst
Wished by Me.
which is no ered-
utors about
I came to
, which see
mg -
of me in my absence,, d tben Ws
letter try to make tile public belie e I
had taken advantage t him and def 'med
letters of clir r -
s of the distiller, ean be extr
uld be nseless far me, in a let
ind (even if 1 were able)
tempt to controvert he scientific
meal and opinions o learned physi
that teetotal lectureas usually int
their brations, with proving by ch
analy is the poison° s properties o
hol, flowing their hearers don't uncle
stand it—and themselves perhaps made
stan less about it. II will just refer
facts , f everyday life. In the first lac
people don't drink p re alcohol. n t
place, peopl [who drink piri
rately live jut as long and ;are as
y as teetotal ,rs. In the j th a
rink more spits
er o
o at
ate not in a position at present 4o describe'
the machine in detail, but cap say that
t leading peculiarity of it tat that it
8W8 without a needk. Time alone will
test th,e efficacy of the new maehine.
—A young man named Thames Kes-
wick was accidentally shot in London on
Good Friday. He had gone out to the
Woods in company with sevisral other
y ung men for some hour's shooting, and
tijhen returning a revolver in the hands
o some one of the party was; in Some
uii*ccouutable way discharged, the Ishot
taking effect' in the body of the unfor.
tunate young man." He died at 8 o'clock
the same eveni7.
n nanied William Rob -
n, went out on the bay
got ca sized, but by the
Fridat last, and through
f MraThomas Cross he
itt a wetery grave.
thaws- and rains which
n this part for some time
on lakes so ahigh on Fri -
the waters have been
e river Credit in torrents.
as beqn done to the mill
of bat week, Mr. Felix
smith, Perth, between
0 A. Itt., and 2:30 P. M.,
for inner, turned out
—Mr. John ardlaw, of Galt, is now
manufacturing yarns equal, if not super-
ior to any manufactured in Canada or the
Umted States. His best fingering yarn,
accordingto the judgment of competent
persons is better than any yarns of Brit-
ish or American manufacture, while his
oheaper yarns will compare very favorably
With any of similar price. Mr. Wardlava
has sent 24 bundles containing as mann
different thades or qualities af yarn to the
—The general passenger agents of thei
principal Canadian and United Statea
railways met in Detioit recently, for the
Purpose of settling the fare to and from
the Centennial Exhibition. Tickets good
for 30 days. To Philadelphia and return,:
going and returning by Direct Line,
S. currency; $20.10. To Philadelphie
end return, via New York and returning
by Direct Line, $21.45. To P-hiladelphia
and return, going and returning by NeW
York, $22.0'
—One moriaing recently, the Rev. Joha.
Bear, who liaes about two miles eut of
the village of tHespeler, Waterloo County,
while preparing to leave home, diseover.
ed his buffalo robe and holdback missing,,
Search was made in every nook snit cor-
ner of the premises, but in vain; it is
now believed that some rascal, deeioid of
all conscience, needing the buffalo coaxed
it away the previous night, and took the
strap to lead it by, as Mr. Bear used it
the day before and left it on thebuggy ni
Abe barn.
and an additional amount for damages.
He bases his claim on twe grounds,
namely : That this 'ticket, though bear-
ing a prior date.ewas still good for the
trip, never having been used before; and
secondly, the conductor, having punched
it, virtually acknowledged its validity,
and by punching it, effectually debarred
him from getting its value again from Mr.
McCartney. The case will probably come
up in a court law.
—A couple of enter rising gentlemen,
Messrs. Cobdin
N.Y., have
its vicinity p
a drove of fort passed on their way to
Franktown, to be there joined. by other
droves, and st
on the way to
paid an averag
80 cattle they
and. Isash, of Goveneur,
en in Carleton Place a.ncl
rchasing milch cows for
dairy purposes.i7On Monday, 10th inst.,
—Mr. G. B. Drummond, an Ottawa
inventor, has sent to the Centennial Ex-
position a type -setting machine. capable,
he says, Of sticking type at tae rate of
12,000 to 15,000 ems per hour, ors feet
as ten compositors would be able to do it.
It distributes and sets up at the same
time, so that the eases are always full.
The machine is circular in shape and is
operated with a keyboard with ten kept,
each commanding so many letters, 6initen
points or spaces. One man can wark it.
--Messrs. King & Brown, of Teronte,
have got up two splendid pairs of slippers
to be sent to the Centennial; after the
exhibition one pair is to be presented to
Lord Dufferin, and the other to the Prinae
of Wales; both pairs have the annit of
Canada beautifully worked in front. On
the back and sides of those intended fOr
the Prince a maple leaf is entwined with
the Prince of Wales' feathers; the
others, a maple leaf is wreathed with the
shamrock. The value of the slippers is
estimated at about $100 a pair. I ,
—The death of Mr. Thomas &etcher&
less half an hou M. P. for North Middleseit, took plaee
100 hone -shoes fully finished except cork- at Ottawa last Saturday morning.' Mr.
ing. Thie may be coasidered very quick Scatcherd was 52 years of age and had
work. `been in public life for la years. He was
—A musical
of the leading
been playing a
with his frien
but also in Tor
now remember
having victimi
to the tune of
—A contem
other day Mr.
ville, Wentw
and killed at
crows. This i
ordinary shoot
and that man
crows ought to
What says Ho
—Mr. Jas. A
cardine, put in
J. &J. aylor'
burglar roof s
in height, and
a half, and is
over $500. T
quired. to con
from the stati
pay in Kincar
—The licen
Ont., haee co
tion to have t
Monday the t
of Napanee w
on Sunday, an
punished. Ti
arnounting to
ers are comp
• an a
hurch s in 13elleville has
eries Of confidence games
s, not anly, in that town,
into and Ottawa. He is
d. as the "dear departed."
ed his iconfiding creditors
bout 1,000.
orary informs us that the
R. S. Howell, of Jersey-
th cminty, brought down
ne shot no less than 1.5
eertaialy the most extra -
ng we Peeve ever heard of,
and leis gun, and these
be sent to the Centennial.
Mr.1Crooks ?
.cPaerleon, barrister, Kin -
his afice lately, one of
splendid large fire and
fes. It is 7 feet 6 inches
weight( over four tons and
autifilly' finished. Cost
vo spaa of horses were re-
ey the "great lock up"
n to Ole office. . Law must
e board of Lennox county,
mencell with a determinaa
e law kluly enforced. Last
ree leading hotel keepers
re fined for selling liquor
an tue' lic,ensed grocer was
e total of fine and costa,
bout $100. Several oth-1
ained ;Ed, and a vigoroua
prosecution peomised.
—Mr. David Forsteth, B. A., Univers-,
ity of Toro
Berlin High
practical tea,c
ity course ga
subjects he is
obtained Mat
at bis Degree
tained the hi
d organist in one a lawyer by profession, and had long
—The late
of Perth, On
who graduat
1847, in her
founding of a
of students a
to, has been appointed
and Seience master in the
chool. Mr. Forsyth is a
er, and daring his Universe -
e esp4ial attention to the
about ao teach. He twice
lematii-ml Scholarships, and
examination last May, oh -
h honar of a silver medal:.
Mrs. 1,/elargaret McIntyre,
widdw of John McIntyre,
d as Bachelor of Arts in
ill bequeathed $400 ,for the
Bursaty for the assistance
tenain Queen's Universitet,
Kingston, having t :e ministry in view.
The legacy h beeii paid, and the But -
wiry or sc,,hoLership iwill be announced.
next Calender under the name of "M
0 In—tyrme.r'.' JI0thwill be 4 close scholarship. i
, Ontario, has
e struction of
chine, whic
want long f
This is a ma
s thread with
proach to it
.ment that w
the ordinate
is now abo
made so far,
.s has suc,cessf
e. he had in
will come i
can be mar
11 more at vinous points
rescott. These gentlemen
e of $28 per head for the
bought, and disposed of
$1,500 in cash t Broom's hotel on Mon-
day forenoon. They also took away six
strong and heavily built horses.
—The discussion on the Sabbath ques-
tion in Parliament has ended without any
promise of reli0 to officials of the Govern-
ment and othe who are unhappily con-
orm unnecessary labor on
ntrary to the will of God,
, and the dictates of con-
science. It is unjust, unmerciful, and
sinful in the sight of God to deprive a y
man of the right of resting one day in
seven. We are aware there aredntie
a secular native which necessarily
maud attention ou the Sabbath ; for
the Divine la* has made provision. But
we fail to see the necessity of opening
poet offices or Canals, running steamboats
or railway trains. For such the Divine
law has made no provision.
—A young girl named Maggie Bond,
daughter of Mr. Wm. Bond, of Windsor,
was married on Monday evening of last
week to Mr. John Rice, of the same
place, who is employed as engineer on
the Great Western railroad. The follow-
ing Thursday* forenoon she started away
from home to 'visit the meat market, not
returning within a reasonable time, her
husband becaMe alarmed, and set out in
search of her. While making inquiries,
he accidentall found her muff and gloves
lyjng on the d k. This lead to a search
in the river. The body was found. and.
recognized by the husband next morning.
All the parties are highly respected, and.
when the newa of the suicide circulated
through Winclehr, the excitement was in-
—Mr. Thomas Ireland, of the &in of
Forsyth & Co' Dundee, was drowned in '
the creek, at iiat place, on the afternoon
of April 13. On the same day, while
two young 'es were driving over a
bridge on Stag, creek, a few miles above
Ottawa, their horse became frightened
by the noise of the falls and jumped
over. One of the women managed to
jump out, but a Miss Reid fell, with the
horse and sleigh, into the stream, and
was drowned. During the evening of
the same daya at St. John, al. 13., a young
woman named Isabella Butler, aged 22
years, whose
the incipient
caped from
night clothin
pear Charlet
strained to per
the Sabbath, c
common justi
Le -
been established in an extensive practice
in London, his partner being Mr. W. R.
Meredith, the itical member for Louden
in the Ontario Legislature. His !father,
Mr: John Scatcherele who died in 1838,
had represented the county of Middle-
sex for many years in the Upper Canada
---On Sunday, the 9th inst., a child of
Mr. Edwin Parsons, of Strathroy, aged
two years, died from tae effects of poison
from common matches. In playing about
the house, on the Friday afternoon before,
the child got hold of a box of matches,
and naturally enough, put them into her
mouth, sucking off some of the brimstone.
She afterwards went to sleep, and also
ate a hearty supper, soon after which she
was taken violently sick with vomiting.
Dr. Henderson was called in, but it was
too late. The poison had done its work,
and the child lived only until 4 o'clock
Sunday morning.
a person can
only used, wiah less injurious Of -
in a given titles, than any otaer
, not exceptiag water. For ii -
men have been known tol drink
lon of beer iaside of ten tainu
rmed, so that attributing poieono
ties to spirits if false and untenab
—Jacob Clemens, of Waterloo town-
ship, who came to Canada from Pennsyl-
vania when Waterloo county was a howl-
ing wildernewf, died on Saturday, the
8th inst., at his residence near Breslau.
Deceased was born in Pennsylvania on
Feb. 9, 1788; was married to Susannah
Derstine, Aug. 21, 1810; and eieovea to
Canada, with others, in 1825. His eft -
spring was not numerous—consisting of
two daughters and one son, two of whom
survive their, parents. But his liaeal
descendants of the third ani fourth gen-
*rations are much more numerous than
the firsanumbering 36 grand-childrene100
great -grand -children, and 1 great -great -
grand -child. r
--Another Grand Trunk ticket case is
attracting eorne attention at present.
One Mr. F. W. Allan, of , Perth, Qat.,
attempted to travel from ,Brockville to
Montreal on a ticket bearing a liner date„
but which had never been ;used. When
on the Grand Trunk Railway train,' be-
tween Brockville and Prescott, Mr. Allan
presented his ticket to the conductor,
which was duly accepted and punehed
by that official, without objection. Com-
ing around shortly afterwards, the con,-
ductor informed Mr. Allan that the ticket
because ante -dated would not carryhim
through, and finally, when near Iroetrois,
upon refusing to pay his passage again,
Mr. Allan was forcibly ejected from the
train by a posse of the officials. Before
this crisis was reached, hOwevenomehero
got the ticket in dispute initialled by
two friends, in order to prove its identity
when the proper time came. After being
ejected, Mr. Allan jumped on bond
again bought another ticket, had it en-
dorsed by the conductor with a short
statement of the circumstances attending
its purchase, and proceeded quietly to
the end of his journey: Believing him-
self *aggrieved, and III possession of a
strong case against the Company, he has
since written to the Grand -Trunk , Rail- Brown may
way Solicitor, at Belleville, claiming axe- cannot relish being turned outto grille in
fund of the ticket money paid at Iroquois, so summary a manner. Viae Payout>
mind had been affected by
softening of her brain, es-
er mother's custody in her
, and was found drowned.
street extension wharf.
—A shameful and malicious destruc-
tion of chureh property has taken place
recently in a hall on Chestnut street,
Toronto, which is used for divine wor-
shiptild by the uof St. Lawrence, and
is a,branch o the Holy Trinity. Church.
Theemiscrea ts tore up surplices and.
cassocks, and trampled them under foot.
All the book a belonging to the Sunday
and prayer books and Bi-
nd torn up and distributed
r. Besides these was, the
ilty of disgusting conduct,
baptismal font which- they
Conununion table. When
re opened the harmonium
school libra
hies were fo
over the floc
ruffians were
outraging th
placed on th
the doors w
was found td, be useless, the keys having
been all taken sway and the instrument
ces and filled with coal oil.
laughable instance of the
eat " occurred a few weeks
ool in Waterloo township,
aving taken the precaution
he trustees and parent to
unishment—three slaps on
the hand wi,th leathern taws. The fa-
ther and trustees being present, the for-
mer took a eeat on the bench between
two of the latter. The fun soon com-
menced,it the first blow of the strap
the father exclaimed, "Dat ish too
hard! Oha t ish too hard !" As the
arm again d‘scended, the tender father at-
tempted to rise from his seat, but was re-
strained by the two trustees, meanwhile
bitterly, "Oh,shulemeister,
hard !' At the third and
parent, frantic with ming -
rake, disengaging himself,
threw his aims around the neck of his
beaming lad, and exclaimed, "Oh, mine
dear Ludwig, give me a kish i You
sha'n't go to shule any more at ala"
Bounds of laughter by scholars, trustees
and teacher, greeted the pair, and now a
hint from t
the boy fly
--On Th
tain fell on
any that A
ed into real
nee. Miss
of the "coo
the humb
young ma
Brown ste
hacked to pi
—A rathe
"tender pa
Ago in a sc
the teacher
to summon
witness the
Miller, of Victoria County;
been angaged in the cep -
a newf kind of sewing-mji-
it ititended. to supply
It bed workers in leather.
bine that will sew a waited
he loc14-8titch, the nearest ap-
tret inaented being an imple-
1 se* waxed thread with
chaint-stiteh. The machine
t metpleted, and by teats
Mr. Miller is satisfied he
lly adcomplisheil the object
iew, and that his machine
to general use as soon as it
ufactared itt numbers. We
deeteish too
lalt slap, t
led grief an
villiagers is enough to make
wards home.
raday night, Apri113, the earl -
local romance, which equals
La Gray's genius has crystalliz-
ity during her visit in. Napa -
Jennie Marshall, the heirees
1 million" from 'ome, married
object of her affections, a
named Brown. Just fancy
into a million and a wife
at the sane l moment. By her marriage
this Lady ef Lyons forfeits $10,000 and. a
palatial hoinestead; he followed the die-
tates of her heart and, sacrificed lucre for
love. The boy Cupid thrown into the bal-
ance with elittering gold and broaclacres,
made the letter kick the beam. This rare
heroine left home and its comforts, and
lived here as a servant girl, rather
than be eoercecl into an hateful marriage.
When het million came to her, -she was
determin4 toinake things secure, and on
Thursday night last took,her Brown ti'y
St. May Wagdalen's church, and the
Bear. B,etor made the duality a unit.
Mrs. Bro n took the -midnight train en
route to ugland. Meanwhile though Mr.
be said to he in clover; he