The Huron Expositor, 1876-03-31, Page 57 YIARCII 31 1876 her eountri todep theirpropnctaty interest h seelires for them. , awe and a comfortable poia. general prosperity depe otervance of the natn iommeree and &vision air abrogation,- or the Sew member from the great body st lead to disastrous mese. d sap the very foundation* of principles upon which thee, a are based, and, therefor*, at the Grangers, in stepping rsue a mere selfish .polley 'established princtplea, are r a grave, and possibly an rror„ totally at variancewith e of political economy-. Tao a new restraint on the eene his young country, already om long contieued depreesion and undue competition—the ition being in favor of the far. lead, to a general, disorganize. inaugurating this ill-advised the Grangers will create an. in the combination of the and manufacturers, as a means -acombination of class against ideous canker worm that de. prosperity' of any country, bit o antaeonism thus gener. , pretudieially affect all classes it and milted action may he in (leafing with matters out. ae of this vexed question af. ir common interests, and will color the relations' between )ppositig clesses, to the pre- -Jur social. and „political statui. leave of this subject, I main. lepular opinion is strongly op- hz agitation, and I contend* ass of the community has te tack the established principle. mutual barter, exchange and ' labor, the fabric- on. whtch so. sed,—unless they can impeach , Ae proof and reasons the con- amediately deducible front the nd honesty of our commercial Leeking at the present position retrient, I entertain but little : the Grangers will see that it rt of prudence, as well as of to confess that their favorite -worn argument against the aerchant and manufactuter ; upon an elementary blunder 5, If they centinue to persist nistaken crusade against the which coustitate the country' easy to foresee that by step - f their legitimate sphere their ,re will speedily fallow, in un - r obstacles, expenses and iti- icussions, - ONE WHO Tains. , March 28, 1876. 1ovenlook's Runaway. War of the Rum% Expositor. FIR The cause of my runaway was cordwood lying on the sides a, arid unless this practice, of iod on the road side is put a there will be some one killed :re are sometimes nearly 50 lite wood lying on the road sides istanceof two and a half miles. I , tg oat to Seaforth, and whennear fa,etory there was a team stand - middle of the road loading on d- that had been laid down on if the road, and there was a pile bout two feet high on the other 7ed with snow. Dity horses were )ing this pile when 1 saw it. u. -t of the cutter to keep it frone s when 1 was pulled, over Ole my face, getting my knee badly I held on to the lines until Mr. Lapslie got a hold of them, but s had got to such a speed that not stop them before getting forth, when Mr. John Curry LO of the herses by the head and ntil they were stopped,at great is own life. None of the occu- the cutter were hurt. Yours, ROBERT GOVENLOCK. p, March 29, Intl, issesmememmoserinnamme MiSOSUS11601113. 'le 131h illetee AO Mr. T. A. W. 1 -of Fergue, was driving towards tillage'accompanied by Milli f Arthur, ur the axle broke, Mr. being thrown heavily to the One of the wheels passed over nkle, severely bruising it t his as also considerably bflused. eirig compelled to- be in bed for ye he sustained no more serious Miss Whitewas not thrown following gentlemen passed the- ry examination in the Medifail t McGill University, Montreal, ay, March 21 Alex. Fraser, J. e. Cotton, G. E. Armstrong, G. G, Cannon, D. H. Cameron, J. 11. C. Greaves, T. S. Senellie, son, J. Brodie, F. L. Minor Dr er, D. W. Oakley, W. K. fiaw, Melt, A. Boyle, A. Fortier, R. and S. Burland. ortune teller, named Madam has been doing a flourishing 111 Wingham for some weeks. Pritchard, pastor of the Pro - church of that village, on Sun - ed to the affair in his sermons sincerely regretted that any a egation should have so far fore eir duty as to have patronized, eked Jezebel wife had been stops' the Queen's ;" they might sal le't believe anything she tolf at they only called on her for t, nevertheless, they were dig - God, and committing a grevioue ronee It was his duty, at an dor of Christ, to warn than he. -wickedness of such an evil, ire wag known to no one except elf, not even to the angels in • tie .eansidereil that it was the the authorities to have paid her 'ingston. 1108 of petitions addresed to the •General, the house of Conte d the Senate, praying for an Act etter observance of the Lord'e IOW being extensively eignect by U8 congregations througnout the the Dom4iion generally, The after painting out that the sae- -ance of the Lord's Day, high- eive to the morality, religion, end prosperity of a country, and the duty of a Christian Govern - protect each class of society, leir% required to sacrifice botn privileges atid conscience for erdence or supposed advantage her class in the community, on , prays that in Act may be acing the following provisionOr t. That except in case of neces- railway ear or engine shall- Y d to run from Saturday at =Id', 1 Sunday at midnight. Secende locks on all the canals remain - a Awn 31 1$76. closed from Saturday at rnidnight Until Sunday at midnight. Third. That-- nb- letter delivery Eta, be made at any Post office on the librirs Dy; and 'forth. That no mail shallbe made -up or dis- patched from any Post o co on the Lord's Day. —An inquest was held in the town- ship of East Wawanosh County of Hu- ron, about seven !idles from Wi ...ham, on Friday last, by Coroner C -Tait ; on the body of James, McCourt. De- emed was a respectable; well-off farmer, but had been for some time past wrong in his mind. He on several occasions threatened to putan end to his exist- ence, but his family paid no attention to him. On Thursday morning last he rose early and ran down to the River Mait- land, and evidently deliberately jumped in, for be was tracked to the water's edge, and his remains were found a short distance from where his last tracks were wen. The jury returned a verdict of suicide committed while laboring under a temporary fit of insanity. ' - IT is astonishing howicheep Monnisox las hie Grocer's'. Eleven pounds extra bright anger for $1. Good tea It 66 cents per panne. Call and see. 484. • Swine Shows. Spring Shows for the exhibition of Entire Stock will be held is follows : _ Booth Ellf011, st Brucelield,'Wednesday, April 19. West Huron, at Smith'a 11111, Thursday. April 18. East Huron, st Brussels,Friday, April 21. Seaforth, at Seaforth, Thursday, April 20.am Steend Ueborne, at Exeter, Thursday, Ap- ria 18. Morrie, at Blyth, Friday, April 14. Mullett, at Clinton, Tuesday, April 18. Bibbed, at Staffs, Tuesday, April 18. Auction Sales. Tuesday, April 4, 'or Lot 10, Con. 10, Hullett, Farm Stock and Implements. George Stewart, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Thursday, April 6, on Lot 24, Con. 1, Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements. Thomas Pearen, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. anctchoio,stt.$14 65, gin good maid atil- 50 -to $1A hoiee a $1 5 to $1 68. Pea' are now selling at $1 08 to 8110.' Oata_at 84c Barley a $1. to $1 30,, and ,t1 40 for 'isextrii. Ot dressed hogs at $8 ; general price $8 to $8 p.i. Clover seed very scarce; selling at 86 50 to $7 per bushel. But- teri 20c to' 30c per pound. Eggs ,13 cents to 15 cents. ' . I 1 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MA-KKE t, a very Mall SU this market duri demand not be' h firm, have n ts were 150 hen revious week, a The qualit wama, e *ere few, if any, 61, reser ed for extra eeond BEEvzs.—There vs- ply of battle offered at the past week, but th preesing, prices,. thou advanced. The recei against 399 bend the 405 the Week before. good average, but the really mime, these the Easitern m1,arkets. e quo $4 75 to $5; first-class, $4 50; class, $4 to $4 25, and third-cl $350. -• SBEEP.—Two cars Were sold a equal to $5 75 per 100 pounds,live and one ear at $5 r)o. Prices ran $4 50 to $6, „ i LAMBS. —Spring Iambs are just ning to arrive. The.first offered $6 each. Prices rane from $3 to quality. BIRTHS. DUNCAN, In Seaforth on the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr. Jphn Duncan of a Leraoteree-In Grey, On the 25th inst., the wife of Mr. Hugh Lamont, 9th Concession of a daughter. STANLEY.—In Exeter on Sunday 19th inst., the wife of T. D. Stanley, Mer- chant, of a son. MeGnEoan.--In Seaforth on 29th inst the wife of Mr. Edward McGregor, of a daughter. 1 CLA.RX . —In Tuckersmith, on March 29, the wife of Mr. Robt. Clark, of aeon. MoGneeoR.—In Seaforth, on March 29, the wife of Mr. 0.,S. McGregor, -of a daughter. • ig MARRIED. SNOWDEN—MATHESON.— -By the --Rely. Mr. Owner= of Kippen, at the reg. , deuce of the bride's sister on the 22nd inst., Mr. Newton Snowdon, to 1V1iss Annie Matheson, both of Tuckersmith. Bisserr—ARTER. —At St. Mary's on the 7th inst., by the Rev- Mr. -Wakefield, Mr. Richard Bissett to Mary Ann Art- er, both of Exeter, EICKMEYER—LYNN. —On the 15th inst„ at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. G. Bodle, Mr. William Eickmeyer, to Miss. Mary Jane Lynn, both of Grey. JAOKSON--OORBEX. —In Beussels on the 17th inst., by Rev. S. Jones dr. J. Jackson,to Miss Rebecea-Corb:3x, both of Morris. Dovices—Joimosa—At- Stretton's Ho- tel Brussels on the 21st inst., by Rev. C. E. Stafford, Mr, jarnes Doukes, to Miss Elizabeth Jane Johnson, all of McKillop. WRIGHT—WELSH. —On the 22nd inst., by the,Rev C. E. Stafford at the resi- dence of the bride's mother.Grey. Mr. William Henry Wright, of the town- ship of Pell Ont. to Miss Eliza, Welsh. MODONALD-e-CAMPBELL. Oa Wednes- day, 9th inst. at the residenceof the bride's father, the Rev'. J. W. Bell, M. A., Mr. Donald McDonnell, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Campbell all of Grey. HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S , HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HI LL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HIL'S HILL'S HILL'S $10 1 $3 abo eigh e fro beg u rou 86, t. IL IL IL HILL HILL' HILL' HILL'S AND BUY ONE OF TH1SE AND BUY ONE T111 'E AND BUY ONE OF Til SE AND BUY ONE OF THOSE $10 $10 TWEED SUITS. TWEED TWEED SUITS. TWEED TWEED SUITS. TWEE TWEED SUITS. TWEE TWEED -SUITS. TWEED SUITS. TWEED SUITS. TWEED SUITS. TWEED SUITS. TWEE TWEED SITITS. TWEE TWEED SUITS. H TWEE TWEED SUITS. TWEE 8UIT SUIT S1JIT STJIT 'SU SU SU SU TS. T. S. 1,1\T.A.1%el.141 CHEAP-PAssA *1NMAN LINE of Steamships, saili SATURDAY from DEATHS. BOWERMAN. —In Usborne on the 18th ult., Adam Henry, son Ichabod Bow- erman Esq. aged 26 yeors. Wiereeeis.—In Brussels on the 18th inst., Samuel M. Williams, aged 14 years. 8 months. CLENNAN. —In Morris. on the 22nd inst , John Clennan aged 46 years. BAXTER,—In iernberey, on the 19th inst., John Baxter, aged 51 years 6 months. Ceesen.--In Ashfield, on the 8th inst., after a protracted illness of neatly six years, Mr. James Ceasar, father of Mr. John Ceasar, of St. Helens, Herr. McKillop on the 26th inst, Mr. Edward Hart, aged 36 years. H4Y8.—In McKillop on the 27th inst., Ellen, Relict of the Late Robert Hays, aged 76 years. g E • ERY NEW YORK FOR:QUEENS iON AIM LIVE POOL. As the most eoutherl routes ado Led bythe steamere of the line, thns lessening t e dangcIby icebergs and fogs. Pellsone centemp ating a TRIP TO THE OLD, CO NTRY ' would consult their Own filtered by taking passage by thie favorite line. Tick s sold knd inll information given by 1 J. S. , WIESER Sp AGENT, SE FORTH. N. B.—Tickets for New York, via 1 lie ReilWay, in connection with above line of St amshipe, is- sue482tjeat reduced rates. • ALTON. THE MARICETS. .SEAFORTH, March 80, 1876. Fall Wheat. ... . : . ......... 0 98 to 1 00 Spring \Vilest, per bushel 0 90 to 1 00 Oats per bushel. ....... . . 0 80 to • 0 80 Peas per bushel. ...... 0 6B -4o 0 64 Barley per bushel. 0 45 to 0 52 Butter,No. 1, Loos 0 18 to 0 19 Eggs 0 00 t o 012i1 lrlour, per hand 5 60 to 0 00 Hay ......... Hides.... 8 00 to 8 60 Sheep skim .. 0 80 to 1 00 Salt (retail) per baerel, . ... .. 0 80 Salt (wholeeele) pet barrel, 0 70 Potatoee, new, per buehel 0 26 to 0 80 °states -1r hrl . 000 to 5 50 2 00 Beef o 2 50 4 00 to 6 00 Wood Pork 7 60 to 800 Lard 0 10 to 012 Tallow 0 00 to 0 06i Clover Seed 6 00 to a, 25 • OreneTou, March 80, /876, Fall Wheat, per bushel 0 95 t 1 00 Spring Wheat, per bughel... 0 05 0 0 08 080 a 081 °ate, per 5 Barley, per build 0 4 0 06 POSH, per bushel 0 68 („0- 0 65 Butter 010 0 020 0 26 @ 0 82 Potatoee. Eggs 0 18 @ 0 14 9 Hay, per ton, 00 @ 10 00 Beat 4 50 0 6 00 Pork • • 675 300 TORONTO, March, 30, 1876. Goon o - HEATER TITIAN EVER AT DU -NON & DUNCAN 0, -1 POST OFFICE STORE, CARD OF THA K!. . , BEG most respectfiilly to thank y numerous customers for their kind patrons e: for the last eleven years which I have been do ng business among them'and solicit a continua cc of their favors in thee future. I have reee ved a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes, Dry Goo 5, Groce es' , Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, H rdware oal oil, Paint Oils and Patenft Medicine of alldes- criptions. Farm PrOduce taken ie exe nge. I would also raost reepectfully intim to to t ose who have not paid up their account, duo n. 2, 1876, to call and do so at once, eithe by CSE41 or note, as I must have a settlement Plesee call without any further notice. MONEY TO LOA . If you want to borrow money o Real Etate you would do well to call on me bef • re going else- where, OH I am valuatior for the best Loan Socie- ties in the Dominion. Terms Easy. LIFE INSURANC re ei yon want your life insured give lam Agent for the San Mutual L Com pany, of Montreal, one of the pros porous Insurancaomponies i ion and conducted on the most ec ciplee. I am Atways A.ttentive to Give Ilfe a Call. 1 484 R. PATTISON, Po t Office WE There were in to -day about 500 bush- els of wheat, at $1 07 to $1 10 for white, $1 06 to $1 07 for treadwell, and $1 08 for sprieg ; 100 bushels of peas, at 74c to 74c; and 400 bushels of barley at 60e to 79c. Hay sold at $14 to $19. Pork sold at $8 50 to t: 75. Butter, 23c to Sac, pound rolls. Egga, 16c to 18c. LONDON, March 30, 1876. Deihl fall wheat sells at $1 65 to $1 70 per cental; choice, $1 78. Treadwell iu good demand at $1 60 to $1 70; choice at $1 75. Red fall at $1 50 to $1 00, • me I a ea 1, as fe Ins nee oft and tuost the Don1n- nomical rin- U8k/U48. DECLINE'AND FA L OF 1 MEJ WA. THE FREE TRADE RE SATIllg. ILLUSTRATED BY S. W. 1 KINBURN . , MOTICE DISSOLUTION of .1-1 —The partnerehhe existing bet een IIOJIFRT THOMPSON and-304ES STANLEY, in !the Vile logo of Kinburn, bite this day been dieeOlved by mutual coneent. The business noW is being car- ried on by .JAMES STANLEY, of the laee Arra. lllr, Stanley takes eat pleaeur in returning 5 thanke to the public or their liber 1 patrimage in the pant. I ane rece ving a large d well *sort- ed stock of Dry Good , Hats and aps, B obi and Shoos, Groceries,. ardwaro and Crockery. All 00riff of merehantab o produce tu en in xebienge for Goods. Cash foi any qua ntity of go oth I fr Egge. Don't forget he old etand, hero you will be waited on with plo,stire. 483 jAME STANLEY. SKIN BENe00170-H. RTNER HIP. SEAFORTH. ARK, NOW .11.WEIVING OUR RI -NG STOCK OF; STAPLE AND FANCY DRY COOIS, tore. U. WHICH WERE BOUGHT UNDER; 111111111MMISRPLIFISSESsimillumNSIRMseeems . . , . -- - , , IPO TOR...---- r. spie si4k, V ARTICLES. , R SALE:—A" new 7 -shot Smith & Weston Besolver—nicol plated. Cost *P. will !)e *IX $7. Apply of THE EXPOSITOR Egt100. , . q ED BARLEY 'FOR SALE.—The undersigned Amon hand at his farm, Lot No. 20, Con. 0, Ai Killop, a gmtneity of good clean 4 -rowed Ber- le for seed. The glen is warranted perfectly ft 0 from salient Seeds; JAMES NICHOL. 48404 EED GRAIN FOR SALE. ---The undersi has on baud and for sale a quantity of Sccd t , sin of the following varieties: Club Wheat, Fix R wed Barley, Whit...hie' Oats, Small Pees and N rway Oats, all warranted free from foul seeds. G M. CHESNEYAHuronlioad,Tnekeremith. 481-4 ., • es Instrument GLUM, .. e IANO FOR SALE.—For Sale, a seeond-band Piano, in good order, will be sold cheap and on sy terms as the owner la leaving town,. The can be seen at the residence of Mr. near the Baptist/Church, where all infor• ation required can be had. Also a selection of oice green lions c Plants will be sold. ' 428 • EED OATS.—Mr. Robert Scott, Roxboro, Me- Killop, has on hand about 200 buabels of Com - on Oats, suitable for seed. These oats weigh 8* pounds to the bushel, and took the first prize a the late Heed show at) Seaforth. Price,400e1115 p r bushel. Parties wantingto purchase should s Ad in their orders at once as they are goinstri).04 f st. ROBERT SCOTT. . . USUAL CIRCUMSTANC:NS, And We are in a Position to Sell al Stocks at ott 5 BED OATO.—The nudcrsigne4 bas on liana ta' and for sale, on Lot 21, Con. 1, Huron Road, Tackersmitb, a quantity of Black Tartar Oats for Seed. These0ate were imported from Seotland by John A. Bruce, of Hamilton, and last year yielded over 100 bushels per acre. One bushel of thew NAN yielded last year over 45 bushels 6n the farm of Mr. Thomas Carter, 'JOHN B. HEN- DERSON. 448-2 SEED WHEAT.—Mr. Wm. Rehill, of Seaforth, has on hand a quantity of Fife Eked Wheat, grown in the Township of Whitby. This wheat .is the best of the kind ever offeeed in this sec- tion, It is. perfectly clean and free from foul us& of ever kind. This wheat has bean grown ery succeesfully in former year by Mr. James en', of McKillop. Parties desirous of parches - g are requested to inspect the wheat, as83;;;Ith; an refer to any of the following gentlemen, ' lenf:Itilillelror a° Lavlre=le3lre'l'ulet; John Kerr, MeKillop. Orders left at 140. 7 Store- ouse, Seaforth, will be promptly attended to WILLIAM REHILL. di 484-2 OWER PRIOgS AND BETTER VALUES 'Ilhan at any Time Before or Since American War. "1. NOTICE OF CUARDI NSH 1), VOTIOE is hereby given that at the expiration -1-1 of twenty days rom the date hereof the 'un- dereigned will apply to the Judge f the Sutrogate Court of the Count of Huron t be appointed guardian to Edward antes Barrow Daricer4 intent child of the Rev. Ja31C8 Duncan,1 te of he town- ' ehip of Stanley in the County of aron • Dated this flOth d of Mareh, 1.76, 484-4 OHN THOM El DUNCAN. TO OWNERS SEAFORTII F HEAVY RAUGIIT 44L10143. PRIN SOW whav: decided Heav, Draught T, Se retary. THE Committee of the above S to give two additienal prizes fo Imported Stallions,' viz.; 8d,104. U4 434-1 ID. MoNA TH CE(APT -' Royal Arch Masers vocation at the MA.S0 forth, on FRIDAY, 7:CP.M, H. W. C. Seafortb; Ifarch 80, 1876. R, b' 66, of . Begu1ir Con - IC EAT4L, Sea- pril 7 878, at EYE leribeE. 429-1 ?ALL AND EXAMI he FULL ADVERTISEMENT • NEXT WEEK. QEWING MACHINE NEEDLES at Wholeffilfe Prices tor Thirty Days. The best quality of Sewing Machine Needles, suitable for any kind of Machine. will be furnished by the undersigned at the following prices: Florence and other curved needles, 40 cents per dozen; Singer, all kinds, Howe, Osborn, Raymond, Wanzer, A., Gardner, Hespeler, Lockman, Webster, Champion, and all other kinds only 85 cents per dozen, Enclose the money and needlewill be Sent post free or otherwise, as desired. Address ALEX. W. WEB- STER, Box. 28, feeaforth, Ont., or apply at W. CampbelPs Tailoring Establishinent. N. B.—A complete stock of shuttles and attachments for any kind of Sewing Machine always on nand. 424 WANTED. GREAT RED OTION IN PRICE , LUMBER, FLOUR AND 13,, DRY GOODS, GROCERIE READY- MADE CLONING, OOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND J.APS, &c. _L THE Undersigned vronid tele attention of J.' the publics to the fact that he is dealing in the above branches of business, and siallingst UNUSUALLY LOW RICES. HAVING ON HAND A VERY LARGE STOCK OF. APPRENTICE WANTED. -8 good active boy about 17 years old wanted to learn the black- s mithing business. D. McNAUGHT. 484 SERVANT GIRLS WANTED Immediately, at the British Hotel, Cook, firet-class, Chamber - 1 maid and Dining Room Carle. Apply at once to STEPHENS & McKINNEY, Proprietors. 982 'plum HAND WANTED.—Wanted, a steady, sae active young man for a year, to whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to JOHN CUTHILL, Lot 80, Con. 10, McKillop, Winthrop P. 0. 488*4 HEMLOCK, BASWOOD, TENDERS WANTED.—Sealed Tenders will be received by JAMES STANLEY up to Noon on SATURDAY, April 1, for bailding a Temperance Hall in leinburn. All material will be furnished. Specifications can be seen at Mr. &irate; Stanley's store. The Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. J. STANLEY, H. A. CAMERON, J. WILLIAM El, Trustees. 482-8 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—Sealed Ten - dere will be received for the erection of a Methoeist-Ohnrch on Lot 20, Cole. 9, McKillop, up to 4 o'clock P. M., on TUESDAY, April 11. Plans and epecilleations can be,seen at the resi- dence of John 0. Morrison, Winthrop. The Com- mittee do not bind themselves to accept the low- est or any tender. All tenders to be addressed to JOHN C. MORRISON, Secretary Leading Com- mittee, Winthrop P. 0. 484*2 Millinery and Mantle SHOW ROOlVi OPEN IN THE COURSE OF DAYS. OAK, cod T MIE3 PINE, MAPLE, CIIERI?Y Whiell will be sold at Prices Searee1y Covering the Cost of Production. 11.IEETINGS. TIOUBLIO NOTICE.—A meeting of thd•Farmers -1.• of the Townehips of Hibbert and Usborne will be held at the Thames Road leheese Factory, 'Us- boene, on SATURDAY, April 22, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of organizing a Farmers Mu- tual Fire Insurance Company, in accordance with the net. ATMX, DUNCAN, ROBERT GAB DINER. « 484-8 lefecKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE" /INSURANCE COMPANY.—A meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company and others interested will be held in the TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH, on MONDAY, April 8, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., for tha election of Diree. tors and the transactiou of othei business. Signed—G. E. Cresswell, Robert Govenloek, John McMillan, Thomas E. Hays, Jemes Kerr, George Habkirk, Robert McMillan, Jenne Scott, John Thompson and Roderick Gray, Meleillop, March 18,1876. 483-2 FEW DUNCAN & DOINCAN. CHAN CUR,/ NOTICE. FIRST-CLASS HFMLOCK At from $6 to $6 50 per Th amend Feet. • HE ALSO KEEPS C ON HAN FLOUR- AND Whieh are sold at the Lowes Custom Work Receivee Special At I have just opened out for the mer Trade a Large and 0 NSTANTLY FEED, Possible Prices. Gristing ention. pring and &m- ice Stook of DRY, GOODS, 4E20E1:J4DE C OTHING, BOOTS AND 5 HATS AND C OES, PS, &C., And a Fine Stock of GROCERIES, BY-LAW NO: 5. FOR- ISM, FOR THE VILLAGE of WROXETER. A By-Lawto raise thesum of One Thous- and Five Hundred.Dollars, to be grant- ed to NATHANIEL ALLAN, of the Village of Wroxeter, Cabinetmaker, by way of loan, to be repaid at the nd of ten years', with interest at tbe rate of seven per centum per SWUM. 1VEDEREAS, by the provisions of the Municipal v Institutions Act, 67 Vie., Chap. 48, and the several sub-mections of Seaton 24.8 of -geld Act, the.Municipal Council of every Incorperste4 VII - lege has power to raise money hY Way 01 loan for anypurpose. And Whereas,in accordance with a resolution passed at a public meethig of the ratepayers of the Village of Wroxeter,„ and in accordance with petition signed by a majority of said' ratepayers, and presented to said Council, 'twee resOlved that ripen the fulfilment of certain conditions embodi- ed in the above mentioned xesolution, lk BaaLaw should be submitted for the approval of them* payers forthe purpose of raising thesurnof $1,500 t,o be used in giving the said Nathaniel Allan a loan to sestet him in rebuildir g his Cabinet Fac- tory, destroyed by fire, nit the procuring of seat - able machinery eor tbouse of the saidfactory. And Whereas, it will require, a a•early special rate to be raised of 2 2-5 mills upon each and every dollar of real and personal estate seamed within the said municipality for the parries° of providing a sufficient sum yearly to form a Hitt.. ing fund for the repayment of tbe *aid principal sum at the end of ten years from the first day of April A. D. 1876, andalso a sufficient warn _yearly to pay the interest on the abovegneutioned SUII2 daring the _said term of ten years. And Whereinethe total amount of the now ex- isting debt of the said municipality of the Village of Wroxeter is as follows, that is to say; That we are indebted in the earn of Two Thousand-111Iva ifundredDollars, being the amount of otgorploor- tion of the indebtedness of the Township bf How„- Ick at the time of our separation therefrom, add above-mentioned principal sam becoming due and payable on the first day of 7ebraary, A. D.1992, and a further annual payment of $150 as interest on the above reeked sum of $2,600, which said annual payment of interest becomes dire and pay- able on the first day of Februaryin each and every year during tbe said term above recited, and -a, 1 further stun or payment to the municipal Couneil 1 of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of ' Huron, on the Arst day of Jemmy. A, D. 1880,01 $109 88, as our proportion of thedebtef the said Township existing at the time of oux eeparation, and any annualpayment of six dollars end Atty. six cents as interest on the above recited sum yearly until the first day of January, AD. 1880. And Whereas, the total amount of the property both real and personal, assessed withiti the limits of the Village of Wroxeter oecording to the last Revised Assessraent Roll of the said Village is the Nam uf $88,556. And Whereas, according to the provisione of 89 Vie., Chap. 11, and Section 73, It is provided that the Council will, by thstIty-Law to be submitted, fix a time when, and a place where, the Clerk of the Council which proposed the By -Law shall sum up the number of votes given for and ,against the By -Law, and a time and. place for th °appointment of persons to attend at the various polling places, and at the Anal suming of the votes by the Clerk respectively on behrlf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passage of the By -Law respectively, Be it therefore enacted by the Domicil of the Corporation of the Village of Wroxeter, And it is hereby enacted ; 1. That it shall be lawful for the pmpose afore- said for the Reeve of said Village, meg he ishereby required to issue •Debentures to the extent of $1,600, in stuns of $100 each, with interest coup- ons bearing interest at the rate of '7 per centum per annum attached, and that the said Debentures shall be oealed with tbe seal of the said lidunieipal Council, and signed by the said Reeve. 2. And that such sum of emoo, or such propor- tion of it as shall he realized from the sale of the the Municipal Debentures issued for that parpose, shall be applied toward erecting a suitable bail& ing for a Cabinet Factory, and the -procuring of proper Machinery therefor to replace the building and machinery destroyed by fire andhelonging to the above mentioned Nathaniel 1.11ara A. That the total amount of said Debentures so issuedfor the above recited purpose Oa become due and payable on the unit_ day bf April, A. D. 1886, and that the said Debentures 81141114r a uniform rate of interest at tlusrate of '7 per cent= per annum, and thatthe said interest at the above rate shall become due and payable- on thet.firs days of Febraary and August in eath and every year during the sai4 term of ten years. The firet of such payments of interest shall become so due and payable upon the tint day of Snout, A. D. 1876, and the last of such payments on the day on which such prineipal sum or saeh portion of it OROCERY All of which will be sold at'Very Low Figures. TN OHANCERY.—Between MARY ANN RI- -1- LEY, Plaintiff, and JAMES HUSTON and Others, Defendants. The creditors of JOSEPH RILEY, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, who died in or about the MOUtil of May, 1875, are on or helot° the 29th day of April, 1876, to send by pest, pxepaid, to Messrs. McCaughey & Holmeeted, Of Seaforth, the Solicitore of the De- fendant William Riley, the Administrator of the deceased, their ohristian and surnames, ad- dresses, and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securitiee—if any—held by them, or in default thereof they will be peremp- torily excluded from the baefit of the decree made herein. Every creditor holding any secur- ity is to produce the same before me, atmy Cham- bers, at Osgood° Hall, in ehe City of Toronto, on the 271h day of April, 1876, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, being the time appointed for adjudica- tion on the claime. Dated this 28d day of March,' A. D. 1876. A. GRANT, Registrar. Moore. Mee CAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Seaforth. 484-4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ARM FOR SALE.—Eor Sale Cheap, Lot No 6, Con. 7,-Tuckersmith, 100 acres. Apply to the undersigned, Chiselhurst P. 0. MICHAVL KEEFE, 486 n calling attention to the foregoing advertise- Illput, the subseliber begs to thank his—friends a nd the public generally for the Liberal Patronage e xtended to him in she past, hoping, by strict ttention to business, to merit the same in the future. ARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot No.24, Con, 1, Stanley, oOntaining 97 scree, more or lesse 80 of which are cleared, well fenced, and fn a state of good cultivation, the balance is well tim- bered, There he a frame barn and stable, awl good new frame house with istone cellar, kitchen, w cod shed and all other conveniences. A never. failing well and a good bearing orchard. Is 2 miles from Brucefield Station and 4 miles trove Clinton, A gravel road leadieg to each place. A pply to the proprietor at Varna P.O. TFIOMAS PEAREN. 484 DRE SCRAM! NG. A. GOVENLOCK, WINTHROP. MISS BORLAND, Drool and Mantle Maker. 434' Rooms over the Bank, Seaforthp N. B.—An- Prentleee wanted, 4(18 "Le OR THE LADIES ONLY.—If you want yonr •ee Dresses viol' made you are regneeted to get them inade by MISS BEAM, Dresenaaker, late Of Brantford. Rooms over Johnston Brothers' h ardwa) o etc re , where orders will receive prom»t attention, Chargee moderate. Promises fait a 1 ally kept. Apprentices Wanted. 488-4* 11?"67,—J1.17e. 820 BE WARD. CHEAP SA BROWNELL'S' TAT 1 DOMINION PLOOK. ONLY 65 CENTS IR BARRE IN PRIME ORDER. Also a Fine Lot o Nice Cleo. TIMOTHY AN as shall then remain unpaid shallbeeorae payable, 9 and all such payments of either principal or inter- est shall be made at the office of the Treatharer of the Municipality of the Village of Wroxeter, 4. That the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Wroxeter shall yearly, and every year during the continuance of the said term of ten years, levy a special rate of 1 1-5 naille on each dollar of Assessed real and pervonal property as may appear upon the last 'Revised Asseeement Roll of each and every Tear to provide IL sufficient sum for a sinking fund for tbe payment of the principal burn of $1,500, so raised at the expira- tion of the saidrterm of ten years, and a farther special re,te of 11.5 mills on each dollar as above recited to proride for the payment es already pro- vided of the interest on the said debentures. 5. The Council of the Corporotion of lfflroxiter. do hereby fix upon the First day of April, -At D. 1876, and upon the Public Hall, in the silidTil-e lags, at the hour of six of the clock in the After- noon, as the time saidpla,ce when and where the clerk of the municipality shall su.m tip thenumber of votes given for and against the by-law, and they further fix upon the First Day of April, A. D. 1876, at the hour of 8;80 ef the clock., forenoon, at the same place'for the appointment of At and proper persons for or against the said bylaw res. pectively to be present at the taking of saah votes, aud,at the countingor summingupef such ballots on behalf of such persons as are interested for or against the said by-law respectively. 6. That thissby-law shall take effeet and CORIR into force on the Fifteenth day of April, A. D. 1876. 7. That the votes of the dectorsof this munici- pality shall to taken at the Public Hall, in the Village of Wroxeter, on the First Day of April, A. D.1876, beginning at the hour - of Nine of the clock, Forenoon, and ending at the hour of Five of the dock, Afternoon. 8. That William Small shall be Returning Offi- cer to take the votes of the said -electors at the above mentioned place and time. 9. That the voting on this By -Law &all be in accordance with 89 Vie., Chap. 11, and instituted an Act to provide for voting by ballot on munici- pal by-laws requiring the assent of the =tope). - era. Signed A. L. Ci-IBSON, Reeve. WILLIAM SMALL, Olerk. CLOVER GROWN ON SAY SOIL, And Will be Sold Cheap. GIVE ME A CALL. J. ,BROWNELL. AMERICAN PRINTS AMERICAN PRINTS AMERICAN PRINTS FINE FINE FINE IN 'IN IN IN Q 13-11.LITIES Q UALITIES Q U A.LITIES AT AT AT 75 CENTS 141I YAR 76 CENTS PR YARD 76 TITS PER YABD A.T AT AT AT $2n REWARD.—The above reward will be paid to any person or persons who will furnish such information as will lead to the legal conviction of the party or parties who publiehed the defamatory libel againet my personal charae- ter, in Fly Sheet Form, dated Nov.1, knowing the same to be s fabricated falsehood only to iujflro my character and serve their ownends. AEORGE ANDERSON, Stanley, Ian. 10,1819 LOST OR ;FOUND. p0011ET BOOK LOST. --Lost, on Wedneeday, March 27, either in Seaforth or on the road be- tween Seaforth and Brueefleld, a large black Pocket Book, containing a ,wam of money, mostly in Four Dollar Bills, and other papers. The find- er will be liberally reworded by leabing,the same at THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 484 NOTICE, TO DEBTORS. TAKE NOTICE.—All aceonnts owing us Mast be settled this month, or they will be &teed in court for collection. MeIbITYRE & LIS, Seaforth. 427 FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN Mrs. WHITN Y, Seaforth, Pain4NAriA4 1Y fAIIK CANS sa Le of every Lind on the Shortest Notice and at prices that will suit all who want a good' aniele. Call coid See 'What Site Cwa Do Be- fore Pwrehasing Elseioltere. THE PUREST AND BEST COAL OIL In the market Wholesale and Retail. Every Kind of Tin Wor1 constantly on Rand or Ma -de to Order. - Remember the Place—Ctinuer of John and Main Streets. 488 MRS. WHITNEY. .7-••••••••••••••••••---.7 NTOTICE.—Tsxn NoTion, that the above is a true eopy of a proposed By -Law which will be taken into nonsidi3ration by the Council of the Village of Wroxeter, County of Huron, after one month from the first publicatio0 thereof, and that the date of the said Shirt publication was the 10th day of March, A. D. 1876, and at the how, day and place appointed in said by-law for taking the votes of the electorof the said village on the said by-law. The poll Will take place in the _Palle Hall, in ' the Village Di Wroxeter, on the First day of April, A.D.1876. WILLIAM SMALL, Clerk. Dated this 71h day of March, A. D. 1878. 481 AUCTION SALES. FARM FOR SALE BY AUCTION.—There be *old by Auction, on TUESDAY, April 18, with immediate poeseesion, Lot 26, C..0n. 2, Uh- l) orne, si miles from Exeter, part of Mae property of the late Samuel Maiming, containing190 scree, 70 acres cleared maths remainder well timbered, 1 dwelling house with cellar. 25 acres plowed ready for seed and 25 in pasture, the remainder in grass for cutting next summer. I large barn with cow Stable underneath, good well of water, &e. The stook and implements on tho litanestead will be sold the same day. All persons having claims fig-4:4mA the late Samuel Manning are requested to send themin for payment to WAI/TER MADGE, THOMAS CORNISH, SAMUEL COB. ELDICK—Trustees. 468 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—A FAI1VI and Y two VILLAGE LOTS to be sold by Public; Auction. JAMES HOWSON will sell by Publie Auction, in the 'Village of LONDESBOROUGM, on MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1878, the Vann belong. ing to the estate of the late Thomas Hagyard, be- ing parkof Lot 26, Con. 11, Ilullett, consieting of 80 acres, more or less. Also, at the same tireesnd place, Lots No. 8 and 16, being quarter sere iota m the Village ef Londesborough, on which there is a house, shop and stable. Possession of the farm given inunediately. The farm is well water- ed, in a good state ' of cultivation, en the Wing - ham gravel road, and half et mile from the "Lon- don, Huron and Brace Railway. Sale st 1 ceekok P. M. TERMS will be made !Mown on day of sale, or on application to Thoinas lIsgreed or Mary E. Watson, Londesboroligh P. O., or to James Howson, Clinton. T. HAOYARD, AdMin- ietmtor ; J. HOWSON , Auctioneer. 484-8 STOCK FOR SALE. (IOW AND HELFER FOB, SALB,—The unden- sianedhas a milk cow and a &Tear ree issues for Fare. Troth animals sre hn calf. THOMAS PENFOUND, Lot 12, Con. 2, Stanley, 4304